I ALMOST made it.....

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we've had a mayday call welcome to our life life O'Reilly this is gonna be a good one now [Music] let's taking off to Arizona for what sunburn sunburn and flip-flopped tan lionsault mom she's gonna get burned too oh gosh so yeah we decided what an opportunity to get some free shipping so we're gonna send these to EMS I don't know you don't want to tone them they're in Nebraska so on their way to Arizona they're throw all of these in their trunk of their car these are for the tracks in the combine actually the rubber came off these are for the cat tractor that's for 84 30 T so they're gonna repay some right DMS tires Inc incorporated they got multiple locations you think they'll unload them for Grandma or is she gonna have to do it all herself oh she's raised hogs she can do it put some cardboard down I hate to give this vehicle dirty [Music] [Music] well there they go crazy train I hope hey everyone last video I mentioned that I was going to tell you how I am gonna help your farm be more profitable give you more options more tools in your toolbox is what we say another place to source chemical cheaper we've done business with this company for the last 10 years and they've really helped us they'll ship anywhere in the u.s. probably not to Alaska or Hawaii but anywhere in the States go check out a camp Solutions their link is in the description don't be scared I know it's scary dealing with some someone new but trust me he will treat you right they sell to 16,000 farmers currently I'm not going to hook up with a company that I don't believe is best for us as farmers if you are a farmer or your dad's farm or your husband's a farmer or if your wife's a farmer and you're looking for chemicals and a cheaper way to source some check out our sponsor egg chem solutions I promise I'm not gonna get wild and lengthy like this video is gonna be but keep watching check out the semi in the ditch because that is about to start shortly back to the good days 2019 type of stuff gonna experience at least we can capture it and remember it for lifetime right and he might not want it captured for a lifetime man back into the trucks off the ground [Music] I didn't do this not a good day unbelievable [Music] is it trailer rack because I don't look so good trailers never gonna be the same I'll guarantee you that it's hard to not get upset about stuff like this but it's an accident there's no doubt about it things happen it's just a deal with it now it's gonna be a process everyone screws up things happen I just hope that treilery ruin so I'm taking the Bobcat down there now to force some snow by in the trailer supposedly we're going to try to hook to the axle hyper nightmares of pulling backwards from the axle we're gonna try I don't have nothing else plugged in and we got another semi on the road and he gonna be able to get back into the yard but this is on our driveway and it's look for main road so we addressed the situation quickly fog track to the rescue this should rekt something there's no doubt in my mind that three are gonna ruin something now so he got the chain hooked up to the big eye beam that the fifth-wheel blade goes on [Music] [Music] keep her coming I think it's working keep coming brandy baby turn into the driveway keep coming you comment I would agree so it didn't back out like it went he intended slippery that SOI life works but the field is very shallow here so I'm portion snow so we can back the truck kite out in the field and the frozen lumps hopefully that works but I think we got it all and thank as long as the trailers and Bruin yeah you're looking good keeper coming I think it's going good these and a half below to the right okay guys I think we got her I actually went better than I thought it was going to he's gonna make her now I think see that flag there can you see the flag the edge of the road cleared there he goes he's back on the road ready to go crying hurt a little bit but it's good to be humbled every once in a while right right I think I like to touch a little bad days like this situations like this is why I started a YouTube channel why I started a Facebook barb page and Instagram page farming ain't all happy roses and nice equipment please don't go great there's no book there's no guidelines to farming and how it should go because that's pretty much everything that had no wrong will go wrong it's just a part of it and I'm here to show the embarrassing the bad the things that shouldn't happen but you have the moments you know I'd like to share the good moments do but this is a prime example of you know and he's a guy that strove for us a lot he strove for other farmers around the area a lot knows what he's doing in a semi he is in an unsafe driver he is a good driver but between the snow not wanting to swing the front end out into the ditch her own long ways because it's slippery in the hunks of ice and no one just like the push in slippery conditions got it short things happen left the late today no one got hurt nothing bad happened it was on our driveway it wasn't on a state road or highway but yeah I'd just like to say that that's what this channel is all about surely good the bad the SAP all of farming you know it's not as great and fun that's everyone thinks it could be areas don't get me wrong I love what I do situations like this this is nut cur throughout it and it's part of part of it you know like if I stir up to mess up in the kanaky Dan trips planner partners often combine steering wheels off everyone that's out so he's a rabbit trail back again thanks for watching this video no we're not perfect we're never gonna be perfect perfection is something that you could never achieve although we like to see it and like that do our best be the best that we can with that either but thanks for watching this guy's Network super tracker Clinton says get it wide and keep it wide feet your corners wide send you off with a good day hope it's better than 9 do you have anything to add to this whole experience well he learnt a little we learned where to tie a big chain around the upper portion of the pardon me my nose is running from the frigid cold temperatures we all learned a little I thought I knew it all we all learned a little right the struggle is real struggle through 2020 isn't starting off so good don't say that that's the first time this has ever happened to us anyways yeah never had a semi in the ditch before I hope that trend stops first you know it's hope so maybe they should subscribe and give it a thumbs up and we'll do it more often all right we got to get to work why couldn't we live down south where the roads are exposed all the time that's half the problem I know that for a fact
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 203,917
Rating: 4.9455209 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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