Harvest Rain Scramble

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a little bit gloomier today i'm gonna see if this will help i think these pieces are so wore out that it won't stay up to keep this snout out of the dirt yesterday we dug into some of our bad corn the corn that's laying flat and it's every bit if not worse than what we actually thought within about 100 feet i wrecked one of the snouts on this head so i replaced that snout with a new one here i did put the snoot boots they call them and the snout savers underneath there from may west we've got the stuff to go through and add the rest i just didn't want to take the time in the moment but here's the wrecked one right here and for now we've got an air pipe plugged up back there that's the reason the dryer's not running we're going to go yank that apart dump the corn out of the elbow and hopefully get things cleared up again it's got corn in it way back there doesn't it oh it doesn't did you check here well not with a hammer but i did with my hand didn't sound like it that's got check the very elbow maybe it's not actually pushed i can change the changer and see what happens i took that off yesterday and the belts obviously aren't burned through but it was lugging down pretty good i could smell them that's what i wonder if it's the motor so we're going to switch the exchanger to that open hole there and then turn the air system on just to make sure everything's moving that way we can rule out if it may or may not be just the motor itself maybe things aren't actually plugged up here you okay you all right not doing good oh that didn't sound good well fired up but it clunked did it kick out on its own it started to push the button again and it didn't go so it should have been should have kept going i had it in manual that seems to be moving okay you think it might be in that electrical it box amps there that was pegged out and then i'd assume something tripped inside here after that was pegged for a few seconds could it get equipped by itself then it quit by itself so something had to go in here i would i assumed time to get the pipe empty i had i definitely had the dryer the first thing i did was stop the unload because i didn't want to stop this with the pipe yeah so i was hoping i stopped the unload it would blow itself clear and it never stopped lugging you know maybe it probably wasn't a pack that full of blew it clear but it just gonna switch it back to the bin that we were going in at the time and see if it blows through there i'm a little bit confused here so i guess we'll figure out how to make sense of it okay should we start the unload at five or ten percent we gotta hold this as a trouble oh you gotta hold that button it doesn't go the button it shuts off that's why i'm thinking there's something in here that's i see well that makes it easier that we don't have to dig a pipe out and take a pipe apart but easier for us yeah easier for us the air system which we probably couldn't get any if it was right hopefully this we can get should i get a hammer but i i say call luke instead of a hammer oh kind of we don't we can't we can't find anything that's not reset i mean we did the old push every button you can find jim says it's a doodad in there morning it's the doodad yeah kind of like the new dad they put in my heart they get that in there just fine yeah he said everything went good brand new do dad i'm sending him up the leg in 10 minutes to see if it's good let's not do that if he's gonna tip over don't do it here there's a pretty high chance of rain uh this afternoon and it's already raining everywhere around us so rather than kind of tinkering around here we're just gonna get things going we've still got about seven eight thousand bushels of room up in the wet bin plus we could fill the trucks the grain cart the pits we could well we got a second wet bin we got plenty of room the dryer is not really our pinch point this year because we don't have the bushels and the volume coming in the dryer's keeping up it's drying every bit as fast as what we can harvest right now also to fill you guys in jim had a little heart surgery yesterday so he wasn't working yesterday we didn't ask him to work today he just doesn't like sitting at home so he's fine i don't even know exactly what was done but we didn't do it here in our own shop he actually went into a mechanic to have that done probably do that i also just talked to jp he's gonna run up and grab that other truck but he was he was shocked that we wanted him he said it's raining pretty good at his place he's only five or six miles straight south well dad wants me to wait until he makes a half round because he said the stalks are pretty wet up there so i'm gonna wait jim and i are gonna snap some of these yellow uh snoot boots from maywest onto here that just snaps on an lfm oh that one that i have up there is untarped too so okay it's suddenly starting to come down pretty good here so i'll call jp and stop them it's a little early to go to the bar too but i was gonna let you know you could you could probably turn around you're just in time jp right looks that way it's a scramble but it looks like everything's out of the field because that's good because these empty trucks they do not like to get going on the grease guy parks down at the end of the driveway and doesn't even ask for a ride it's like the walk of shame first it rains now we got to deal with todd it's terrible somebody had to rescue your old man yeah i guess everybody left me now a little too wet to go harvesting at the moment if it dries up enough maybe we'll go this afternoon but it sounds like there's a bigger chance of rain this afternoon than there just was so we finished up these snow boots got the dryer moving again i'm gonna go take becky to lunch all right 48 hours later here it's uh just about noon two days later we ended up with about an inch and a half of rain so that kept us out of the fields for a while i did run the dryer more yesterday and we did figure out exactly what was happening with that air system there's a flapper protector doohickey dealio that wore itself out and fallen off and jumped up behind the blower system and was blocking the pipe so it was in there we had to pull some stuff apart get that flapper out of there now she all runs beautifully but we do have just a couple hours worth of drying yet to go which is no big deal because we can't combine very fast this year but i'm gonna get it fired up and then we're gonna look at getting the combines ready you do have another one yep i believe they're the same anyways check out the other one now put the breaker out again huh we got a bin fan that went running on us blew the fuse out we changed the fuse and flew it out again so that means the motor they're both good breakers this time maybe it's popping the breaker right away it started to go and then the breaker popped again it flipped it immediately and then i flipped it again and it flipped back to red instantly sure the motor's bad yeah that bin's got a second fan on it so we'll just run it with one fan for the rest of today i don't like that because it's a big bin and we're dumping warm corn in there but you got to do what you got to do you feeling good pretty good good enough to run some truck all right you could grab a truck now either of those and head up to dale's you'll have to go around this way and then i'll grab onyx in the grain cart and i'll come get you with a pickup jim and i figured since we had a few minutes before we had to go catch dad because he's busy moving the combine that we would put the rest of these snout savers on i didn't put them on these ones because they're a little bit in the way or these sensors are in the way so i've got two snouts missing them that's actually the rose sense sensors that we're not using and as long as we own this head we never will use because it's a 20 inch header and we got 30 inch rows so we won't ever use that i might just pull those off of there when we get a chance and uh put those other two snout savers on but not today not now because we don't have time we're gonna go get some corn dryers probably got 30 minutes left of drying so we need to get a load back here to keep that moving we're gonna get onyx in the cart anna are you good you're all right okay she's good you ready to drive some cars yeah okay you can park this i'll meet you over there i'm gonna untarp it and then i'll show you where we're headed you can follow me in the pickup so this field here it's always a good field it's really good dirt but it got nailed by the same windstorm that a lot of our stuff did we've got to leave the semi trucks on the road because the fields are too soft after the rain luckily this feels we've got a nice spot where the ditch is pretty level we can leave the trucks on the low on the road and leave the machinery in the field so it works out pretty well unfortunately this is the problem we're gonna deal with a lot in this field so what we were having to do the other day before the rain was cut at a pretty steep angle crossways with the rose which is not how you want to combine corn yeah these big ass pickups would stand up in the sky cousins always has somebody right in his face what's the moisture saying in that field should i re adjust the dryer it's got to be real close to being out we can't hardly have anything left here in the wet bin before the dryer gets caught up i'm going to wait until jim gets back with that first load because they're only two miles away and i'm gonna see what that moisture tests out at here at the site versus the combine yeah it's better anyway the last step we were in was a lot later maturity hybrid it was 24 25 percent this stuff's at 19 we had some early stuff we took out that was grown 17 18 but it's not bad a couple tweaks to the dryer because we got drier corn going in there now and i'm off let's go get some stuff done i always enjoy listening to the vikings games in the combine just maybe not always well this is what we've got very very flat corn that we're doing our best to pick up the other day we were going at the exact angle that it's laying which was really crossways with the rope and we could only combine it one direction i'm going to try and go perpendicular to the direction it's laying which is still crossways with the row actually about third it is exactly 30 degrees crossways with the road but i'm hoping then i can turn around and combine back the other direction as well the danger is that we can't see the snouts at all and we won't know how close they're running to the ground and eventually they'll just dig in and fold under and we'll run over them which they're made out of plastic they flex a little they aren't going to destroy the combine but then we got to fix them and they come picking up it's it's just it's a problem i've gone just a few hundred feet here i'm gonna jump out and see what kind of a job it's doing because obviously we want to pick up as much as what we can so i'm going to try and figure out how to do that look at that disaster i've rarely had to do this before usually just in five acre pieces never on entire quarters quarter sections entire fields and oddly enough look at that it's it's clean we're getting it now the next test will be can i come back go that way on it and i think i can as well as it's working i just we'll find out it's just really it's weird you know i've never i've never had whole fields we have to do like this just different that's why we got this narrow row header because it cuts crossways better which is just such a strange is what it is it's working for me going both directions really down pretty bad but it sounds like dad he's got the wider header the 30-inch header um sounds like it's not working as well for him which is not surprising got onyx running grain cart today seems to be going good we're actually getting a few acres knocked out here i think we probably have about 30 acres knocked out it's been been a couple hours um but that's you know it's slow going but we're doing it it's just just different that right there is one of the joys of harvesting this stuff this stuff ends up just kind of breaking and laying crossways on the head and then nothing feeds in it just starts pushing everything after it i tried getting it off here and going different directions but it was just too full so you got to get out and push it on and it isn't a big deal unless you got to do it every three times around which we've had it that way before we actually do have a corn reel coming which is just like on a soybean header but the reel has paddles one on each row coming for that header over there but we haven't gotten it yet because when the wind came through they sold a lot of corn reels suddenly and they were over a month out so we're kind of still waiting on that but honestly we haven't really needed it it's been going okay three generations of the johnson farm working side by side right here and even though the circumstances are a little odd we're getting it done it's pretty cool beautiful sunset horrible corn well who do we have here little fan club i'm going to carry you yeah you can't make it through that tall grass what do you have there bacon wrapped filet mignon oh ham and cheese even better 10 000 sandwiches yeah i can only eat seven or eight thousand a day i made trail mix you made trail mix you should be a chef it's a best friend bracelet who are you going to get the other ones to then lydia are they all the same color or are they all different um they're all different do you want to turn the lights on the lights for the combine okay okay they're up here this one and that one flip them all the way to the top there we go good job i don't even believe that you know ever because your butt's too little um like when grandpa is talking to you he has to say hey what he's talking to jim sometimes see grandpa over there he is right there isn't he there's your brother you were twerking to that song well i had to turn that off due to copyright laws a lot of people think that it's easy to be a youtube farmer but they don't have the experience to understand what it's like to have to turn the radio off every time you need to take a clip with your camera sounds like something on the back end of the dryer whatever drives the air lock must be wrong because the air lock itself is not moving it's not paddling the cord out of the back of the dryer so the dryer kept pushing until it loaded the discharge chute full popped the cover open and tripped the sensor so that it shut down which is good that's what it's supposed to do so we don't have much of a mess but but we got a dryer that's been shut down for a couple hours now and um tripped out so something's going on back there we'll get back there and pull the cover off see what the deal is daddy just parted in here just the shadow all right i'll get out first okay thanks for visiting isla yeah we got about 70 acres knocked out in this field between the two machines here which is pretty good for not starting until probably one or 130 with the first combine and after two with the next one so not bad i'm gonna dump what i got in the truck here and we're gonna go home and see if we can diagnose our issues at the bin site good night harvesting machines hi there hi you taking a nap onyx so the issue is back here you can see we got a little bit of corn that's spilled out it came out of this cover got a sensor on it here that trips if something breaks down down here which something is so we got to pull this cover off and get into here which is not tight anyway so i won't need too many tools to lift a cover off that's not bolted down but i do need both hands yeah okay so the power runs to here this gear is running and turning and doing just fine this chain is supposed to have something to latch on to over on this end got to be a gear laying here somewhere well here's a here's a piece of one and i don't know which one it is but one of these two gears takes a very special machine down gear and this one's on the larger shaft so i'm quite certain it's this one i'm also pretty certain that last time this happened it was on a sunday and we had to drive a few hours to get one and have it machined so we had them make two of them because the thin one breaks because it's not thick enough stupid design that's that dang gear that's reamed out yeah i wonder why the chain was turning because it was turning on the back and the chain was still on the shaft so it was just spinning on that front shaft and the gear was gone up front do we have another gear i believe this is the reamed out one that we grabbed two of that time you had to drive down to wherever it was and get them i only got one the first time but then yes green oh they brought you going but i think we used one he's gonna message the bin guys and ask if they've got one around they're not an easy piece to find i swear we had one hanging on the pegboard in the shop but i can't guarantee that we haven't used that one already it might be in my hand the one that hung here for a while very well might be the two-piece one that i just carried in now i'm pretty confident that we don't have one we've probably broken more of those than i thought we have it broke right out where the key runs through i didn't find one this probably is the spare that's what i'm thinking we got some messages out for the people that need to know we'll uh figure something out in the morning see where we gotta go for now i guess i'll just kill the lights and go say goodnight to the kids and go to bed myself thanks for watching you gonna get her go get her go get her an evening wrestle session
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 386,456
Rating: 4.9789076 out of 5
Id: qpXvYC0WvPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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