Halo 3: ODST All Cutscenes in 4K 60FPS

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[Music] [Music] the Navy put up a good fight of course they did it's earth better late than never how about you show some respect Romeo just saying Dutch they missed one no they left it for us you know the music time to dance alone beautiful pots now replacements as many years under the war who wasn't at least they listen to me and they're not gonna like what they hear orders are orders come on Veronica what could be more important than that here my orders and Buck call me captain I'll pass on that dance but you can't show me where to sit now what the hell kind of armor was she wearing done all Mickey I wasn't looking at her gear seriously gotta be close quarters exactly [Music] second-to-last right next to mine cozy you're gonna tell us her name Gunny MS Naval Intelligence our new boss so check your mouths find your chairs and get set for a combat drop the hell am I supposed to do with this inside a covenant ship wake up buttercup relax rookie you don't mean nothing besides now is one of those times pays to be the strong silent type [Music] latest Intel reports coming into the massing to pick areas the polar back why find out way up [Music] I take it back baby got it [ __ ] Nick hey Romeo remember what your mouth captain could stop the deck trajectory on my exactly where I go [Music] you're gonna tell us are they gonna be gunning Miz Naval Intelligence alleges our new boss so check your mouth find your chairs and get set for a combat role [Applause] [ __ ] yeah give me a sec works great around help did I do something wrong because the only thing I regret about you and me not knowing you're a spook when we first met it would have been a lot less charming that was years ago Veronica I'm a little fuzzy on it details mr. met a lot of other saps since then why pick me for this Safari I remember not getting back like I said stay put I'm on my way I appreciate the concern [Music] oh I'll be right there late they spotted me no Veronica talk to me don't move I'm coming here I'm here I got you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the heck was that never seen one before hey Romeo you got your ears on oh I get it permission to speak smartass no I don't know what it was but it was gonna grease your ass good I just like it did the captain huh yeah maybe you have a Mickey Dutch negative the rookie we need to get above this crap link with the B net one of our drones must have seen where they hit so we're popping smoke in the ladies mission she ever tell you what you wanted no never doesn't matter all I care about now is getting my men out of this city even more [Music] you have a Mickey negative we need to get above the scrap link with the beam in one of our drones must have seen where they hit [Applause] good holic boys I'm keeping my boots on the ground [Music] ah Lord I didn't train to be a pilot tell me I don't have anymore flying to do today so was that a yes or a No amen [Music] scattered dead I don't know [Music] Hey where's the fighter take a guess genius son-of-a-gun one lift get your ass out of the street wait for me [Music] you heard from Gunny no Romeo neither I'll guess it's just you and me my vote hold up wait for backup [Music] thank god there's one of you know how to use explosives your hote just got overruled [Music] [Music] [Music] hurry up but you want to do this be my guest but this ain't a job you want to rush that do it come on tough guy we got to blow this bridge Dutch arm the other charges what about those rapes forget about him we got explosives to set follow me arm the target that's the last one come on super unlock the feedback you know let us trigger those charges in about five minutes your data center is gonna be crawling with Covenant bridge is always a pleasant trip hey man check those charges wait what for explosives yeah what gives I thought we were supposed to protect this building I have orders to deny enemy access to all classified data housed in this vicinity you don't like it jump your butts back into orbit inside this facility everyone on the elevator I put enough charges in the shaft to blow this building twice all right that's it transfer the detonation codes to my comm if anyone's taking this place out it's gonna be me hey you fellas know a gunnery sergeant buck sure do patching him through likewise Gunny you need to pick up you take us there affirmative all right what [Music] this day and turning out so bad after all [Music] [Music] did you take us there affirmative all right [Music] [Music] clear yeah we're good hey rookie you out there a spawn that's an order give it up Gunny even if he ain't dead he's lost in that soup our comms can't cut through that I'll give up huh what if it were you down there I'm just sayin I ain't dead fool you're a piece of work Romeo welcome aboard ladies then she's on your six in project well dinner watch out Nikki touch status elaborative we're pulling them out you hear me make some noise I kissed your back back inside let's find that Pelican what about all those covenant we sidestepped on the way up now we get to kill them thanks for picking such a tall building I'm really digging all these stairs do you ever get tired of bitching Romeo you ever get tired of busting my balls [Music] bad cheese let's get the hell off this thing Oh what's our situation first wasted lost the pilot on impact rest of us are okay not for long phantoms and bound why am I not surprised take that scatter that let's hang out how bad could we're gonna get you out of here not by air we're not that's alright I know another way [Music] about doctors we're gonna get you out of here [Music] we're almost there okay now go right home for a second Dutch medkit what's wrong with them it's got a punch alarm Jeffrey better no trains ran underground up to the old city we're gonna find one of the tunnels walk on that here you gotta carry me all the way sweetheart I was planning on it but now that you're feeling better in the door [Music] you're gonna wanna [Music] [Music] this means we're screwed right not yet [Music] wait here we're gonna steal that right it's landing now's our chance McCain you know with me Gunny I can fly a pelican but a phantom it's been years since I even ran a simulation well let's see what you remember Cooper move go Miki off the lid kill the pilots here goes nothing cabin secure and flight controls reading green across the board well purple but she's good to go keep her steady Mickey you doing ok just glad we didn't go with your first plan look at those tunnels ones that aren't flooded or probably packed with buggers hell I wouldn't go down there even if you ordered me to come on what could be more important than that you hear my orders and call me captain Mickey turn around find a safe place to set us down what why I lost something now I know where to find her [Music] did anyone hear me captain veronika down [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks trooper they almost had me been trying to get down to the next level checking my team but this stack is locked down tight what's wrong with you Virgil you're trying to get me killed you're going down to level nine too guess I could use some backup trooper hold up a sec I gotta check out a little personnel issue crises restricted entry shut up Virgil you hear me I see conditions change required freaking machine the whole city's gone to hell wait here watch for hostels I'll be back stupid I can teach you to stay outside step away from there they say none of your business not now true Kinsler gave me real specific instructions make sure the docs dead and make double sure no one knows about it caution traveler caution sorry friend you know way too much [Music] it's you I thought never mind what was your name again inside now [Music] this way and stay quiet some idiots blew the building at the top of the shaft woke the whole hive down there that's the superintendent the AI that runs every system in the city my mission our mission is to secure the superintendent's data problem is there's only one way in from here right through the hive [Music] it would have been suicide to go alone and I was hoping for more backup I guess you're it you've been solo since we dropped fighting on the surface unless you spent all night hiding in your pod you must know your stuff show me this is the hard part you ready [Music] [Music] we've seen them before on other offs but we've never gotten this close best we can tell they're prisoners or slaves either way they don't like the Covenant any more than we do the slipspace event fried most of the superintendent's circuits and I thought it might be trying to finish the job but now I see you aren't trying to hurt the superintendent you were trying to fix it onie calls them engineers believes there's some sort of biological supercomputers if I'm right taking the superintendent's data and combined it with its own everything we want to know about the Covenant what they're looking for into the city is right in here [Music] damn buggers must raise the alarm [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] data center but we're coming out great no time to explain but do not I repeat do not shoot anything pink those brutes are here for the engineer they'll kill it if they get the chance you stay behind me okay [Music] I've seen hundreds of these things today why is this one so important this engineer knows what the covenants after if I could safely capture more of them I would what they know could win the war oh you haven't killed any of them have you Wow well maybe one or two nice work was I supposed to know that these Thanks kind of reminds me of my father what was that for abandoning the mission what mission you dropped off the grid my squad was scattered and that for coming back thank you hmm you did good rookie no doubt we're not out of this yet I'll stay with the asset give it clothes cover [ __ ] that turret has a spin we can't advance presently Janet [Music] [Music] when did this happen they started showing up right before I went on the ground and you waited until now to tell me that oh I'm sorry I was a little busy making sure perfume over here didn't take around and blow us all up Eddy buck always thinking with his gun you haven't changed one bit me what about you oh so for a big only secrets couldn't even give a guy a yes-or-no answer that's not fair oh you got that right I never thought I'd see you again yeah well here I am we need to move now we're too busy to plan our exit I stole a phantom yes thank you I hid it in the shipyards down the highway but I only have room for two so that thing's gonna have to sail in your lap the engineer where did it go keep me covered and try to keep up okaybye advice rookie never fall for me I'm sure she's got boss [Music] hey captain pick away it in here so carrier then I caught her at the size of Italy it's charging its excavation beat but the dig sites on the other side of the city right no they're gonna burn this city and then class all planets Kermadec faster this is like great so over made it out of there you may get out of here okay scarab look out growing too fast I can't stop that's it it's alright [Music] and this garbage student outside of the highway wait for you back Mickey what's your ETA ad to rewrap gunning the whole damn city's on fire trooper I have a tier 1 asset and a whole bunch of covenant they want to dead step on it yes ma'am take the one on the left I gotta steady [Music] placements [Music] just nice to know they really do listen come on let's get out of this suit that thing's safe long as it don't get hit damnit Oh nuts [Music] what can I say was a hell of a night [Music] easy does it we went through hell for that give him some meds would you it's important it knows things cutting I wasn't talking about the alien Mickey I'm sending you a very special copilot you walk by and unlike you it knows what to tell those cruisers to keep them off our tail I think they're too busy to care looks like they found what they're looking for about you about us win this war then ask me that again [Music] [Music] you lord hood may have given you clearance but it was my op and it's my interrogation we only captured one it's very delicate don't worry I know what the aliens like it has access to the competent battlenet limited but yes we're not entirely sure how it manages a remote connection to the whoa whoa stand down stand down sergeant major please it's extremely flammable the roots the baskets will put bombs on your buddies and killed millions of my people they're digging a mighty big hole you're gonna tell me exactly what they're looking for and then you're gonna help me stop them [Music] kill me stop him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: CrespoFTW
Views: 275,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo 3 ODST, ODST, Halo MCC, Halo master chief collection, halo 3 odst 4k, halo 4k cutscenes, cutscenes, marty o'donnell, legendary ending cutscene, rookie, intro, xbox game pass, Halo MCC 4K Cutscenes
Id: j1OCmC2wrlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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