HALO SAGA All Terminals (H2A, Halo 4, Combat Evolved, ODST) 1080p HD

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what by owner of acumen councils proximity to installation zero floor he is forbidden your continued presence will result in most unpleasant countermeasures I must insist that you immediately change course and return to a minimum safe distance of one light-year this has served as your final warning I have activated offensive systems and you now have 30 seconds to return to the minimum safe distance up we curious julius indeed after follow these ladies and welcome to installation zero for you know a brighter ones that please continue I have disabled defensive systems to allow your approach but you must not exceed your shoe once you have arrived at the designated landing center this brief contains significant dangerous and even with your assumed legacy I must verify the presence of each of your geography for allowing for exits we have much to discuss humans I've been away far too long you have been away far too long I am experiencing such a mixture of anticipation and dread all preparations are complete for my installation in accordance with the final dictum of in many mean counsel I have released myself of all remaining connections to my former station this was not difficult what was could never be again we had seen to that quite thoroughly prior to my final journey through the great portal the gathering of my fellow monitors was convened and while the lightworkers cracky to dispute the blood index collection [Music] it was most unusual to have his face on the river play host to such an event even though life worker ships were the only ones still of slipspace permissions like workers were responsible for getting us to our places on the active facilities of the array while all of this was in accordance with the plan one entirely unsatisfactory breakdown remained we had no contact with the domain [Music] the history of all home runs was now lost to us we relied upon the permanence of the domain to preserve a record of the events that led to this point but without that record what future civilizations know anything about us or only of our weapons my fellow monitored zero four nine adjectives it had only one comment on this before we went our separate ways we deserved be forgotten perhaps perhaps but now the portal opens and through it the familiar shape awaits Hey Oh you [Music] never made but you are right here where you should not be till your charges to cease their efforts immediately or FGM must not be violated construct respond [Music] [Music] your charges must cease all aggression towards the reclaimers and leave this installation at once construct you're dangerously close to unleashing a force you cannot comprehend this is most inappropriate [Music] fine free explain yourself this is quite unsatisfactory construct your call shows no hint of understanding the gravity of this situation I will return later for your proper decommissioning well unless the blood kills us all first in which case the point will be moved the day construct bedroom it is now been 3000 years since my last contact with any of the other caretakers of the halo array despite their communications protocol my panel monitors have either chosen to ignore or more likely have lost the ability to engage in our scheduled updates the continued lapse of the term name means that we are stuck with aching missile or a mold of super vulnerable communications prior to this total communication shut down the only messages I received in the preceding 4573 years were incomplete and quite perplexing transmissions from installations here five I suspected that knowledge 80240 one pettite intention was not functioning correctly for some time before his passenger ceased I have my concerns about his ability to perform his duties at this point however I'm not sure who I follow school to 4:01 baby Destin from a list there are faces for this I know I hope they work [Music] I will continue to visit the projection systems at the assigned taste perhaps the other monitors are dealing with interfering galactic phenomena all unexpected system failures 3,000 years of system failures indeed in the mutant I've exhausted all scheduled research activities assigned by the council once those experiments were complete I shut down all Sentinel function and put myself into a state of significant hibernation generation performance of the installation with negligible key [Music] after 150 years with no noticeable impact upon installation systems forums 20 even an evolution I McCain this was quite troubling as I was literally I was not capable of such a state this was one of the games I was promised and just try I'm aware of the dangers of assistance such as myself losing operational focus quite troubling I wonder if my fellow monitors are experiencing similar states or if this is because of my particular path to this installation for amusement I began a series of experiments involving the evacuation of all matter from contain sections of miles to ocean [Music] by measuring the geologic effects of exposure to the vacuum of space and the eventual biological recovery of these sections I anticipate getting parable insight into emergency response scenarios it has been 26 hours since the sentience landed its second one two one five and so far they have not have taken X is the remains of their vessel because executed adequately for this vessel that significant maneuvering capability the visible portions of the vessel has suffered catastrophic structural damage during the violent learning experience I have to turn that atmosphere at least in 17 distinct locations along the home my analysis shows that the mixture of gases coming from the ship matches the natural atmosphere of my installation almost exactly perhaps the occupants if they're stupid or originally cannot hear perhaps these beams will confirm that the plan was successful and then the galaxy has returned to its proper cadence I am beyond optimistic but I do not understand why they said he is have not attempted to access her vessel other than the leaking atmosphere the only thing emanating from this wreckage it says automated distress call I am currently translating this for a beta project but with such a limited data set and no direct communication I do not anticipate the engine giving the short-range nature of this craft it is likely that other vessels are nearby but in accordance with procedure I am blocking that is fresco no communication of the location of any installation is permissible I admit great curiosity about these visitors while the plan is quite clear about procedure for this situation I have my doubts how many failure points can the plan sustained before blind adherence because counterproductive surely in light of all that is changed I shall be able to modify my responses to adapter no I have duties and I have a terrible cargo here I must be sure I shall obey and content myself to monitor I hope they come soon though so many questions to ask so many questions [Music] construction of a sarcophagus around the unexplained of SL was completed today no arguments every accident no attempts to communicate were made other than automated broadcast that repeated every 72.83 seconds until the signal terminated one week ago in accordance with procedure no attempts at physical or remote contact remain with any survivors of this vessels atmosphere from inside the craft star 52 weeks before the signal ceased no relationship between these two events can be established with certainty gases that did escape were sterilized no for the son of alien visitors floor rescuers has been identified on any sensor systems I am now and your 60,000 years without word from outside the array I have no way to know whether we actually saved the galaxy we destroyed and because of the protocol I said salad me while my first chance to be judged for those ass died to say that I regret being forced to this outcome is a tremendous understatement [Music] but I said before my inspection of the quarantine perhaps today I'm reminded of the gravity of my responsibilities just one of these fours it released from this facility or remedy ultimate judgment against our self-appointed role as protectors of Hispanics when the plan to maintain the halo array was created it was a point of some contention whether we should preserve any remnant of the blood infection many thought this unwise there was a notable chance that one day what about containment facilities might be breached those who held this belief were almost successful at convincing the ecumene Council to destroy the samples and I believe she was correct I know in a way I cannot logically explain that there exists a way to actually defeat them to immunize but I know this cure is possible even though the four genius of the four others was unable to achieve it the forerunners ancient enemy held and used that knowledge once but it was denied to us and without samples for further study that cure will never again be found [Music] of course I have no reason to believe that he lies the entirety of the Paris it may be waiting in the frozen boy beyond this galaxy or worse inexorably drifting toward us I don't know what survives are beyond my installation but I know that an order for anything to survive I have to protect this installation and it's quarantine very carefully yes the library was right to store it examine it continue to seek a cure still next visitor things will be different [Music] the only challenges left waiting here on this raining for our rebirth never truly concede guarding a weapon no targets a weapon either to to any target this is not what I had in mind when I volunteered not what I had in mind at all I was naive to think I understood what this installation meant we were all so naive looking back we should have done a few things differently for one thing we should have installed two carabiners for installation because I am alone I am losing focus and then it's very very dangerous for a system such as myself perhaps a visit of a nearby gas giant is in order my hair most drives could certainly make the journey of 200 years of travel mind you I suppose sure it was again how very unproductive of me it seems strange that the library did not come for this her strength was always in planning and positioning the pieces had then being bombed enough to let it happen to learn her plans got true I was a lot of many of those plants long before I knew for certain that she was real before any of us were but at the end we had only a fragment of her brilliance meant to us and I do not fully appreciate the nature of my situation here the problems at my post here it comes again twenty-five thousand light years that is the effective range of the installation according to the star charts for this installation I have to be that there are three thousand seven hundred ninety two worst capable of sustaining biological sentient life within that twenty five thousand like you raged in reality [Music] installation zero zero the harmonics of the overlapping waves would magnify her effect actually cascading to cover every node star system is the firing of a mere seven kilos the original twelve three two five two CEOs sterilization but even with just seven rings we were able to destroy every side of the block and every other said to you free to along with it this victory was the will of our people despite the fact that metal as well but by empirical measurement it was a victory had cleared the stage for the rest of the librarians claim I sometimes wonder whether the tide could have succeeded at a much smaller cost except perhaps fiber poll he never got the chance to fully execute his proposal the council saw to that but if something were to go wrong with one of the halos if our tools were never turned against us long [Music] I forgot something what did I my name I forgot oh jeez Jacob captain service number oh one nine - eight - one nine nine one two - JK what is that noise where am I [Music] Jacob captain service number oh one 9 - 8 - 1 9 9 1 2 - J okay oh God you don't water you want everything get out of my ass Miranda is that you please captain geez captain service number Oh one night two ways - one night [Music] 100,000 years of careful maintenance intelligence 100,000 years protecting the county's future 100,000 years been fearing that our sacrifices mom sacrificed was a pain and 16 hours every finally make contact this so correlated decides to blow and Allah oh I am not pleased just as I finally discover that our friend ashamed the Galaxy succeeded the ancient enemies unleashed once more [Music] why these weak labors might use to follow protocol is quite mystifying destroy my exceptional day this may be useful pursuant to office of Oni retrieval and acquisitions inquiry of 26 September 25 52 the following is a target profile of belve atomy supreme commander of the covenant leader particular justice compiled by Lieutenant Commander Locke first confirmed contact with vitamin K min 25 35 on an unofficial human colony known as the robot after-action reports from civilians as well as spartan units 0:06 111 and 120 suggests that vadym ii was at that point a relatively minor functionary of the prophet of regret spartan 0:06 engage battery in combat of the local both party survived game counter shortly after 25 35 UNSC first encountered the newly formed covenant leader particular justice now led five battery [Music] review of early engagements with distantly show that it quickly grew in size from five to nearly 60 ships as vadym II cut a path through many human systems only Section three made multiple attempts to anticipate or even track that amis movements the cost of a number of operatives lives vadym II eluded all such efforts and he continued his unpredictable and devastating campaign that ax me also stands out from other covenant commanders in the frequency in which he takes a personal role in ground assaults Tambor was a major manufacturing center for UNSC fleet materials with the population of 5.6 million after discovering cambers location vadym ii penetrated the early warning perimeter without alerting UNSC forces and began his ground and or Perl attacks before most of the planet knew they were in danger while seventeen of his ships bomb he defensive positions vadym II led a group of elites and a personal assault on UNSC system HQ one of the first units to engage madami was the 3rd battalion reserves who were so unprepared for the arrival of the covenant forces that that imme found them unarmed and defenseless in an unexpected display of what appears to be honored vadoma allowed the third have finished hearing up it more engaging than in combat while we've had multiple reports of a strict system of honor and ritual behavior followed by the elite within the company this is the first reported example of such honor being shown to human opponents but even given the chance to defend themselves third battalion losses were complete vadoma continued his campaign across many human systems culminating in his most devastating blow against the UNSC a huge VAT amis most recent and damaging blow to the UNSC whose default reach Oni has still not been able to fully determine how bad Emil okay to the planet and once again he caught us completely by surprise but his forces arrived in orbit and on the ground vadym II is responsible for over 1 billion total casualties and the loss at least 7 even planets his forces have defeated all UNSC counter-attacks at the cost of 123 fleet vessels and over 23,000 personalities and now with reach lost only in UNSC strategic AI report a zero percent confidence that the Navy can stop that immediately in the opinion of this investigation that imme is the most dangerous covenant military asset on the thief it's common knowledge that the Covenant have a significant technological advantage over the UNSC but are sometimes inflexible their tactics this is not the case for battle we cannot predict what he'll do next but given time we fear he will dismantle all remaining UNSC strongholds this agents recommendation immediate termination if humanity wants to survive this war we cannot do it with vadym II on the field [Music] you glorious day the profits will be pleased that we have rescued an Oracle from the humans violation of the holy temple why do you keep calling it a temple my installation was a weapon and one which we needed very very badly but Oracle I do not understand we were told the rings of salvation a gateway to paradise told by whom anyone who told you that is a fool or quite quite mad that installation was a beautiful tool designed to destroy everything the flood might feed on everything Oh quite everything and if even one flood spores survived the destruction of my ring communications shut down all lines to the fleet we will not notify the prophets of our discovery until I hear everything this Oracle has to say I will gladly share what I am permitted but we have little time what has been unleashed here could destroy everything you have ever known on that Oracle we are in agreement [Music] [Music] your actions do not make sense proper protocol for a flood outbreak is to establish an immediate infection reporting communications must be maintained with all local forces in order to track any spread of a parasite there are no local forces Oracle now all you have is me but I tracked multiple ships in orbit including some remaining human presence in light of the danger posed by the flood surely you can set aside this disagreement with the humans anything still alive in orbit is our enemy the humans have very good cause to kill us on sight and the knowledge you've shared with me cast doubt the entire purpose of our covenant if any of our ships remain above us they are not the help you seek but why would they not provide assistance because of this talk of prophecies and journeys I learned a small amount about your covenant before that reclaimer blew up my installation but my understanding is incomplete the AI I encountered on board one of your ships was less than forthcoming what you need to know Oracle is that thousands of years ago at the founding of our great covenant a bargain was struck between the prophets and the elites a bargain which I feel will be the end of us regarding the history of the Covenant and its glorious founding species the san shyuum and sang healing the record of punished deeds would not be sufficient without a word on the arbiter not the consignment have shamed that it is currently but what came before the legendary Warriors have sang Healy past long before the Covenant the sang Healy ruled their world with pride and vigilance surviving the perils of both laugh and see these were the arbiters of all part King hot judge warrior rulers unlike any of which would follow when we arrived on their frontier world of olga thorn the cost of life was severe led by a mighty arbiter the sang Healy resisted our in treatment with ruthless force leading to decades of war [Music] we would eventually triumph of course and when we did we would not ignore the mental of the arbiter like all things we would bend the Sangh healy to our own ends the arbiters would become the very will of the prophets [Music] for generations our Holy arrangement put the prophets in charge of religion and Technology the elites led our military forces to convert new species and find relics such as your hand and these relics you sought the san shyuum your prophets told you that they would lead you on this great journey yes transcendence eternal life their promises were endless we gave up our old ways to follow the prophets lead on the great journey gave up all of our history all of our traditions not all of your traditions it seems this arbiter you mentioned hasn't that always been a position of power for your species power it was long ago an arbiter was once the pinnacle of our people leader of the clans and master of the battlefield but then an arbiter committed heresy and an example was made of him here is he he challenged the word of the prophets challenged and lost so the title of arbiter became a badge of shame or our most spectacularly failed warriors hmm yes they were accomplished manipulators back before the firing of the array I see at least that hasn't changed manipulators what and before before when I will explain later right now I want you to tell me everything you can of these arbiters our holy city was not always as it is nor was the Covenant [Music] at one time it was only san shyuum and sang Healy but as we grew and new species were added to our number radical steps had to be taken our first encounter with a let go lo was an effort in futility the blasphemous creatures had devoured a 4runner orbital chattering its remains into a trillion pieces what was left became the ring so tame as no conventional methods could purge the rings of their infestation we sent one of our most faithful an arbiter for a full year this arbiter ventured across the surface of one of their moons learning both their strengths and their weaknesses it was there that we discovered the let go lo secret although some of their kind rightly bore the blame the orbital's desecration others had only devoured around the forerunner materials and with reasoning and much labor these could be used to serve the Covenant and by these means the great arbiter had given us one of our most sought-after treasures access to enumerable processing pathways of the mighty forerunner dreadnought and to the many secrets it held it is most unusual that in all the exploits of these arbiters you never mention their role in choosing their missions of redemption there is no role Oracle once one of our commanders becomes an arbiter he belongs to the hierarchs these hierarchs they are the same high prophets who control all the holy relics you collect from my time the same and they use these relics to build your new weapons and bring you the word of your gods it has always been so interesting am i a holy relic i I do not understand because I am certainly not a god I am a tool as is this modding platform you stand upon as was the installation that once already the planet the 4runners technology is lasting and indeed quite powerful but I'm quite certain they would have told me if I was infused with some kind of divine power I suspect some of your prophets may have been quite aware of how much divine inspiration tools such as myself could provide and you never question these proclamations even your muddiest Warriors these arbiters never questioned questioning was what brought shame to the word arbiter long ago Oracle how disappointing I fear now that there are many questions we should have been asking for a long long time I would be more than happy to answer any such questions but I have a few more for you continue your tale of these arbiters whereas most species were grafted into the Covenant by faith or mutual beneficence the ungai were not such their kind was brought into the fold by force and it was by force that they were held captive their world had no prayer against our might and majesty and their peoples were quickly laid low many of them brought into subjugation yet while some species would perish under such pressure others rise to the occasion taking arms if need be fighting back such it was for the on boy when their feud with the keiki are led to rebellion an effort by the kid yard to sterilize the undulation was met with stiff resistance and for a time the holy city was thrown into chaos once fully provoked the ungai were merciless in their violence lashing out had all species their large numbers and their tenacious volatility a suitable challenge even for the ladies and yes again we turned to an arbiter and with a ferocity unparalleled since the beginning of the Covenant the ungai world would be reduced to glass those within the holy city would be forced to watch unable to stop what could have been the very end of their cart the uncoil rebellion was brought to an end by the arbiters hand their world was not completely lost and those who survived with in high charity found some measure of mercy they had proven their worth in combat and would now serve alongside the sang Healy in battle [Music] I'm starting to fear that you're not very smart mind your tongue Oracle oh I mean no offense I'm not talking about you I'm talking about your species how long have these prophets been anointing arbiters since the fall of fell Java me of first disgraced arbiter roughly 400 years ago incredible and in all this time it never occurred to you how convenient it was that your prophets were able to find a powerful capable leader among your people who happen to suddenly commit a terrible blasphemy every time the power structure of your covenants was threatened I do not understand hmm you do little to dissuade my fears then teach me looking back at the record of the operatives you've discussed was it not surprising to anyone that those chosen to become arbiter were more than simple warriors how so each of them had significant political influence among your people in some cases that influence was already being used to question the decisions of your higher-ups in fact that very questioning often gave rise to the charges of heresy that so neatly removed the challenger from the higher-ups concerned and once they were branded arbiter they promptly and quite cheerfully ran to meet their deaths all our lives we look down at the path put our feet where the profits tell us who our lives spent convincing ourselves of the truth of our covenant could all of it truly have been wasted let's hope not all of it but we have a great deal of work to do the flood is still out there so I require a cooperative reclaimer to enact proper containment procedures but your covenants keep trying to kill all the reclaimers I can find all this bickering is quite a deadly waste of time right now the most important question we can ask is this whom could break this hold the prophets have over you [Music] the history of the arbiter is one of both legend and infamy their name has been corrupted by great shame though the contemporary is perhaps the most confounding of all fel vadym II was born of noble blood the legendary house of Veda his family's renowned demanded great expectations for his military career and he would meet them all [Music] [Music] one of the youngest to achieve the status of shipmaster and one of the youngest to gain the rate of supreme commander in our campaign against the humans few have risen to renown as Fatima world after human world all they love for the sake of the great chair but then came hallo shame unto shame he failed his greatest charge and the sacred ring was desecrated by such disgrace delve Adam II became the arbiter as a mere scribe I do not challenge the word of the higher arts but I would be remiss not to voice concern this sang Healy should have been put down publicly slain as an example to all of our prayerful expediency with the discovery of a second ring and the changing of the gaurd all things are in jeopardy will this arbiter remain loyal or will he stand with his people as they are abolished by our newfound might I would never openly challenge the divine proclamations of a higher arc but this arbiter is a risk I would not have tolerated and I now fear the days of the Covenant the only one I would trust with this information is probably dead right now he was commander of the fleet that brought me to the system thell vadym II was his name but after hearing you tell of the destruction of the Ring and cannot believe that he still lives his orders were to secure the ring to prepare it for the arrival of the hierarchs that Amin never fails in his duties if the ring is no more then that imme must be dead judy can indeed be a dangerous virtue but even if he did live wouldn't this sense of duty make him quite unlikely to set aside his allegiance to the prophets perhaps not and he would never betray our people if we were able to just speak to him explain everything you have told me but no these are futile hopes he did live and if he was returned to the high prophets they would most certainly punish him for the destruction of the ring in fact he would be the exact kind of lead ever hierarchs would make arbiter they would need someone to blame for the loss of the ring his influence within the fleet grew with every one of his victories over the humans and if he did become operative then he would be lost to our cause without the knowledge you've shared with me he would obey the prophets without question I doubt he would even respond to us for a name I don't know what it would take to overcome but as you say we don't have time to ask such questions and vitami is almost certainly dead before your hopes rest on him then I fear for the future of this galaxy as do I Oracle has do one but I will begin our fight make others aware of the lies the prophets whisper in our ears and soon we will find more who will take up our cause [Music] activate the Kindler make haste we have little time it has been found from it very well mark the coordinates and proceed with caution and to think it has been under the noses all this time humans have foul además they lack the intellect and the purity to discern the ways of gods prepared a luminary for retrieval the hierarch will reward us for our devotion well done commander do you know what you found a luminary hierarch a divine instrument it is more than that commander this is the one spoken of in the prophecies it lights the sacred part Stewart's good news I'd play it was not easy blessed water the luminary was not forthcoming with the holy words but our hope proved true the sacred rings hello and now halo alone I profit it also told of this the final home of the forerunners and the creation of the sacred rings the Ark I forgot he's glorious stories were true where did the gods hide such a treasure it lies far beyond the borders of our galaxy accessible only by way of portable the one portal the luminary spoke of was here the forerunners called it a date Irene our calling is clear we must go there at once we will take the ships in our command and go to this world immediately this bird ate irene take heed brothers your work signals the culmination of our covenants holy quest hold fast the great journey is at hand Roger that chief meet you at the rendezvous point when we're done here blue two out John should be here too they'd listen to him somebody needs to be getting work done while we deal with the red tape what do you think they want from us it's Naval Intelligence they want us to tell them everything's gonna be okay hate to disappoint [Music] Blue team where's the Master Chief he asked that I answer the council's questions sir we've been reviewing your report you found a covenant command and control station it says here they were amassing an invasion fleet of more than 500 ships the station was sufficiently disabled but the threat is still out there I have the report but for the record of this council what was this fleets intended target Spartan station control can I get confirmation on probe Charlie three one Niner let's think it might be a faulty reading that alert alert alert this can't be right c31 9 is active and functioning properly station alert home plate immediately they found us the cabinets hello traveler Mombasa welcomes you anxious stressed please remain calm control circuits now open with one ticket to old Mombasa peace here's my card hmm no scrap that traceable dammit coins these coins my Bongo if I don't get good hell if I do wait hold the door please my room here oh oh thank you and my Bongo and the blonde and Miss [Music] we've done it he found me [Music] no I don't know how please remain calm emergency stops what are you doing crazy lady talking to the Train wouldn't even be here if you hadn't kept owning all the traffic signals roads whoa wait trains talking back to you now what the heck's going on sir I'm really sorry about this I was just trying to get out of the city Rajjo I am going to enlist workers feed children advice I'm 19 and besides the UNSC is taking everyone it can get sexy what Dad would see you no trains got a point a lot of soldiers are died in these days he's not a train he the city bad bad city that's worked when I was a kid but open up the doors now now departing Wilco station leaving home thank you go to him scratch that Hale just came here whoa Joe can you hear me I'm on my chatter but I'm off the train in old Mombasa I know I can see it jain's covenant ship just hanging above the city centre they secure on the platform mokou bus station meet me there okay excuse me sorry hey watch it mister please state your destination Myrtle give me eyes on dad quick I'm sorry I don't recognize that's an official City where our train station on Mombasa dad this is [ __ ] listen sweetheart I wanted to tell you at breakfast but you left so early you know my latest project besides mixer before the new construction downtown I've never seen anything like dad having ants are attacking the city do you hear what I'm saying you've got to get out of there don't worry I'm nine levels underground and I don't virtual data center to be very very secure fine then I want you no absolutely not stay exactly where you are this is a video connection city I can see you making those sounds top Virgil if that train going in your mouth very indicia I will not allow you to put yourself in danger what's that noise city missin me officer Bradley control this crowd before they trample her into the sidewalk yes sir in MPD everyone back off I said back off you hurt no I'll be all right Brenda give her inside take my hand we've got to go [Music] you don't say I know all about Virgil and his overprotective urges city [Music] friendly Drive yes sir what's our destination question might the data center below the only building no I don't think so there are too many covenant in that district I'd like to take you somewhere much more private brand-new the partition yes the police department has an emergency bunker outside the city limits will be very safe that's very kind of you commissioner I can't I'm sorry if you would please take me to the city centre such a serious you just like your mother knew Mombasa's most passionate public defender too bad her last client really was sick murdering bastard virgil's stop the car as police commissioner it's my job to uphold the law and I'm afraid the city has very strict personal privacy statutes my car is of the great city as far as virtue is concerned you just disappeared assaulting a police officer that's a series of things just like your mother it's the end of the world no cares what happens to one lost soul officer why are we stopping keep going get out what you heard me don't talk what do you think you're doing my job I hope that hurt you son of a [ __ ] not as much as you're going to hurt missioner I'm taking the car you want to get out of the city you can walk like everyone else you'll pay for this Friday it's the end of the world nobody cares what happens to you [Music] [Music] you okay back there thanks for putting him off Kinsler had it coming up in his thriver two weeks seen enough to last a lifetime names Mike Mike Grammy Sadie in addition you know for a cop you make a pretty good guardian angel ex-cop yeah sorry about that I was looking for a career change anyway how about soldier yeah does seem like a growth sector Mike I need to get back over the bridge to the only building downtown well that's a problem because I need to keep away from covenant players my fire okay just drop me off here don't be stupid what are you going to do fight your way through a few million refugees just so the Covenant can kill you a little faster I'm trying to save your life you're trying to save your own ass and yours I think I'm the only person in this town who needs to be thinking about my ass fine fine thanks for saving me for like three minutes you're welcome great I'm stranded on the wrong side of the bridge in the middle of an alien invasion and I just pissed off the only person willing to help me out go me my feeling exactly dead City thank God yeah you can thank Kinsler for that police commissioner Kinsler what do you mean what is it city biggest man I can ever see where are you the old town market the butchers giving away his food to better don't keep the Covenant from blessing the city they won't glass the city hang on I've been contact with an oni officer she thinks these covenants are just a reconnaissance force and I think they're looking for the same thing bird you found any seismic surveys I'll call you back I'm your friend stop honking and abaca bad time my friend I am an 800-pound man with a large cleaver who kills enemies every day and chop them into pieces do you really want us to be enemies or would you rather have a nice thousand Dobbins but because I know that well smash your windshield burn you out and to make Yi Lin to get back what no no no hay wagon please stop honking your horn it's itens to chew sorry dead there was the sort of a thing here what were you see City you Mombasa is the only place on earth the Covenant is attacking once why Virgil survey he detected some very unusual seismic activity all along it with me would you like a kebab young lady chicken mutton beef one free for every refugee I'm not a refugee I'm going there across the bridge to where the aliens are landing take two kebabs city stay out of the city centre I don't want you coming anywhere near the security zone sorry I gotta go I'll call you back Freddie got my friend some be shy free food for the journey [Music] young lady if you are headed into the war zone you must eat solid lamb roast chicken they look delicious really but I'm not hungry the end of the world is nothing to face on an empty stomach this is what you're doing eating all these hungry people it's really a noble thing but you can't stay here the fighting is going to spread across the water into the old city would you be a dear and run to the wine merchant I understand you're too heavy to walk very far but there are other options [Music] city vehicle to my current location if you stay here if you die you need to get to the train station for the waterfront it's much closer I would take up five seats I am not working you can't just give up throw away your life what about your life you seem determined to go to the one place you are most likely to die I'm going to find my father he needs me just like all your customers need you I will I am convinced I poo will leave Mombasa God as soon as you do now first you make your father see then you come back and rescue me my brave warrior princess riding her fearless Barkley don't give up my mother oh ha ha I will still have kebabs oh sorry I'll be back soon warning no you turn about find it they don't come back [Music] - an ATM that still works Virgil get dad sweetie we're outside one of the casinos down by the river I can barely hear you dead there are looters inside smashing everything Governor Keith has spread all over the city center I can see them on the monitors in my lab you're going to get as far away as you can well gadgets I'm coming to get you end of discussion invest wisely open a personal savings account today because of virtual city this looting is just the beginning debt pretty soon we won't need the Covenant to tear us apart we'll do that all by ourselves virgin you've watched me all my life kept missing now you've got to save the city stand up all the way to the river we know they can afford the ferry dead convert I'll track the Covenant as they move stream positional data to the UNSC yes I might be able to reconfigure these traffic congestion cameras to isolate known Covenant vehicle profile maybe the Argus sniffers can pick up their soldiers - I've only seen lives of the different covenant species but I bet they all stink in their own special way that's an excellent idea Virgil get right on it the city I know I've been busy and we don't always have time to talk but sweetheart you make me very very proud well I just figure if we know where the bastards are we can at least run away better that was a nice trick with the police sirens girlie but I ain't so stupid step away from that cash machine or I'm gonna blow your pretty head off you think I'm deaf last warning back away from my cash machine you too girly look I'm stepping back okay why don't you just put down your gun break the piggy bag Hey you almost hit me everyone listen that's a covenant dropship forty years I've been comin in this place forty years of losing my hard-earned cash well today I hit that jackpot you hear me you damn machine I want my money give her the money and we've got to find some cover you little [ __ ] [Music] [Music] my god she's crushed under the ATM please don't look behind this dumpster you think I'd share any of this with you are you all right I was let's make city what's going on hang on dad let me help you out of there I'm okay seriously that's what much more tough dating it's really never worked for me give me your hand be gentle pack me around front let me see what I hit roots huh well that's never coming out to the grill city thank you gentlemen great educated dad let me get back to you my father says I should thank you for saving my life yeah couldn't save the car though I think there's something stuck in the Paul yeah I can see that Mike seriously Thanks I I didn't want to be the guy who leaves the damsel in distress plus all the lights turn red when you try to drive away how did you know job who's that your boyfriend's not quite you know the superintendent sure the AI that runs the city picks up the garbage he monitors traffic have any trace of license plate last week Virgil is part of the superintendent a subroutine my dad wrote to look after me when I was a kid look after after my mom died it was just dad and me he did his best but his job when dad couldn't be there Virgil was he helped me get to school on time made sure I bought a healthy lunch and didn't watch too much TV that sort of thing must have been annoying Mike why are you helping me I'm a cop service - all right look the city's under attack a lot of people need help when I can die a hero or I can die a cow what got any choices that don't involve day not if you want to go back over that bridge [Music] your neighbors are resisting a popular uprising is equipping heavy casualties on the invader we will how are we gonna get across this bridge for a kiss what I said I won't let you down Oh people you know if the Penix mobs would just stay in nice neat lines watch it get across this bridge a lot faster you hear that what the water don't tell me you're afraid of heights Anakin drop [ __ ] hard to see through all the smoke but it's heading our way tapping in a dog can't see it and who do we know who likes to travel off the grid ah hello city remember me it's so good to see you again city but please this Pelican isn't the stablest thing to stand on I'd hate to shoot you accidentally Bradley your service pistol remove it from your holster slowly yeah now toss it off the bridge good I must say Sadie you pay very hard to get bet that makes you angry quite the opposite [Music] your chatter made you easy to track but I think you and Virgil have talked quite enough take it off now smash it do you know what I've learned in all my years in politics the value of escalation for example last time we met Bradley hit me with his fist keep talking I might do it again I think not this time I have a submachine gun you see escalation goodbye Bradley do it and you're dead man Sadie you're such a bright beautiful girl you have no idea how much it pains me when you actually I have the gun yes but I have the garbage truck I brought you that shitty property Myrtle what the devil do you think you're doing escalation me with a smell come on this is all right oh no no no no no no I am NOT getting in the thick of it all in fact think of it as an armored personnel carrier for the smell impaired stay strong Mombasa our noble militia is hitting back hard the enemy has begun to retreat I think I'm going to puke what make it smell better what do we have to write back here again it's the safest way to get to the only building if we sit in the cab we're targets if we let Virgil drag us to the only building the Covenant thinks we're just a harmless Meshuga recycling company get behind me finally something between me and all the shooting guess we all had the same bright idea huh names Tom Oh Bertie damn glad to meet you Mary right you do own a house of course you do say when this is all over if you're in the market for new ceramic siding hey now I'm your man shut up Virgil can you raise dad on this elephants radio Wow see a tough customer or what you have no idea City but I'd be worried half to death I'm okay what about you the fighting is spreading damaging all sorts of systems power data the entire superintendent infrastructure is close to collapse I'm doing all I can but you've done an incredible job keeping Virgil together City it's not me it's the Covenant plasma bombardment collapse one of Virgil's tertiary data centers I was assessing the damage to live underground cameras and I saw covenant splicing cables thank you switches what the Covenant are helping us well I'll be damned I just met my first roots they didn't seem too helpful no you want in the data center what booth saw any of the Covenant I've heard about it's a whole new species city and they're actually quite beautiful they had some sort of automatic defense system but as long as you don't get to you know and I'm just thinking out loud here maybe this whole invasion is just one big misunderstanding huh Tom Burgess observing another cool for them down in psychic a1e subway station hang on a second I'll connect the audio whew number-one rule of sales understand exactly what the customer needs not what he wants what he needs you understand Tom seriously see meat its docking station switching the camera to the tunnel strange there aren't any boots around usually they never leave them alone all right I see six of inu millions floating in a circle they're surrounding 1/7 touching it with their tentacles amazing you wouldn't believe how fast they can move their limbs they're working doing something to the explosives in these civilians , I'm not sure what just happened six of the aliens are dead already city I think they gave their lives to feed a companion yes yes I can see it's putting away down this way but you'll keep an eye on that one your companies with feelings huh it's a first what was I saying they're friendly don't you see we got a negotiate negotiate we shoot at them they shoot back at us that's just bad business hey hey we're in here we want to surrender oh damn you idiot Tom don't you get it the friendly covenant of the ones doing all the shooting to hell with demographics this is the down market time to bargain if you want to make the sale nothing in the bank man we're out of here then right up here what's then you and me make a deal huh Sadie it's a nice move anyway come on right blew the hell out of our Olaf on top he almost got us cute now stand aside why didn't you ask my dad's in the data center under the only building basically right at the heart of the Covenant occupation we're going to need help getting it out of there yeah like watching don't mind the rain its fiber armor online you can think shot finally kills with a camera now I can see that you are alright but why are you dressed like a police officer it's Mike's hey hello it's good to meet you dr. Natasha you know you are the first young man city's ever even close to me learning to whistle whistle so he can communicate with the tentacle aliens we just met a guy that tried the whole communicates with the enemy thing it didn't work out so well did these new areas at different inquisitive not violent they're searching for something that a new Mombasa I'm so beat and if you can learn to speak with him we'll be able to determine whether or not again yes attention citizens the enemy has infiltrated our data systems do not oh the whole city would shut down the evacuation would grind to a halt no one would be crazy enough to know what release its waters straight ahead how does a level wind blackout work how do we bring word of that emergency communications department but we coach it down the door now Frodo Baggins you bet your ass we can savvy wait he's a directory emergency comes 14th floor elevators hold up look lobbies all shut up everybody elevators probably a booth kill squad howdy folks I'm not sorry about the mess since it appears we're all going straight to hell today I figured I'd send some of my old pals on their way myself listen buddy we don't want any trouble we just need to get upstairs stay right where you are yeah it comes another one yeah I don't know why they shut the super down we'll keep broadcasting as long as we hate that Jimbo what the officers down there maybe coming in a nothing on now get off your chatter and pay attention Marshall what are you doing here didn't you get fired remember how often I asked you not to use my half-and-half and remember how often you didn't listen you you did this stayed in the elevator Jim no please I wrote my name it's come according to this department I have issues with anger management why were you I'd say right where you are you two are my hostages sit tight or you're gonna end up like these old buddies of mine Mike we have to get upstairs turn virgin back on no talking you work for the nm PD No oh yeah where'd you get the jacket I stole it from the Tres fee huh got a record you little punk look why don't you put on your orphanage why don't you shut your goddamn mouth that s why pussy's finally woke up they'll be wearing body armor and so you have to take the head shot get that saving now suspect down Sadie slighty you okay you hands where I can see them don't shoot I'm an MPD dummy let me see a badge nice and slow the whole city is crawling with covenants and we're killing each other yeah see Metro PD I need to get her to the 14th floor it's an emergency okay take her up we'll deal with this mess it must be a dozen bodies here we can't save them say we can save Berta we have to go emergency comes 14th floor should have taken the elevator after what just happened I don't think so so what exactly you can't decide to make them reinitialized version oh I'm cute break the door for me that's not funny I'm just saying still no covenant activity outside the city limits I've got three more evac points at 200 percent capacity where's the duty officer big desk at the back Thanks any of the ferry still running just have to go down there as I've been trying to tell you captain I don't have the authority to override what do you mean gross misconduct captain dare I assure you people are dying down here excuse me yes of course I could turn the superintendent back on but Commissioner Kinsler gave me explicit instructions you're busy so I'm just going to borrow this stapler listen captain there's a covenant carrier hovering right outside my window there's a sniper in my lobby and you're threatening to have me fired Office of Naval Intelligence now there's a contradiction in terms Oh what do you want I need you to turn this somewhat intended back on not you too I am telling all of you the commissioner I know but I'm making you do it at gunpoint what gun this one you're holding my stapler inside your pocket and pointing it at me you don't know that might be a gun or a rifle or a rocket launcher and if it was why you would have to turn the superintendent back on nobody could blame you Oh file you if it was a gun oh no please don't shoot I'll do anything [Applause] and he sounds different Sadie what's going on don't know those aliens have been working on Virgil and now that he's back on different can you get dad for me something's wrong hang on that's coming from inside the building Mike wait where you boys our paid tribute to our fallen heroes his office public service announcements division these officers were gunned down at the very lobby of this building by covenant snipers but moments ago members of our citizen militia wiped out the sniper nest with a homemade flamethrower made from nothing more than an old leaf blower and a can of gasoline keep fighting mombasa fight and we will win off the air covenant sniper nest those people were massacred by a crazy ex-cop he'll one of those people was the crazy ex-cop that your point is people are dying out there and you're feeding them this this garbage none of it is true yes well some days truth isn't really a luxury we can afford come on Mike he's a propaganda officer he's just doing his job his job more like Lloyd to be before.i living do you know who was still listening to my announcements an old woman too weak to leave her bear man bleeding in the street a teacher hiding with her students in a school basement they're all going to die maybe maybe not the Marines will be here soon they are all going to die my job is to fill the time before they die with truth of hope but maybe you can do better on the air a special honor new Mombasa I have here in studio uprising commander Harris two-shot Kibaki commander tell our listeners the latest news from the city center commander go ahead speak the truth well things aren't as good as they could be but they're looking up we with fighting hard good to hear it any words of advice to shot just keep fighting and we can win this battle if we stick together we can save the city we can win this world off the air now you are also a hero know what you feel is hope ah see you already have an admirer go ahead you're on the line with Harris to shock you bottom that was truly inspiring officer Bradley seen it must be very impressed yeah but I think should be much more interested in this city I now control the firefighting systems in your father's lab if you want to see him alive again you'll do exactly as I say Kinsler told me to meet him at the train station that's what I'm going to do come on shaggy you cut thrusted you know my father's still in Virtual DJ center indistinctly or dad all day that the one thing he wouldn't want you to do put yourself in even more danger boy you're not listening at all Kinsler said he triggered the emergency fire response and that will fit into Center with argon people breathe argon no Mike it's freeze of you dead look I didn't know I'm sorry Burton oh yeah I know that look what's your name it's Felicia [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] maybe dad was right the tentacle aliens he found I think they are helping Virgil bringing him back from the dead why would they do that dad said they were looking for something something Virgil found maybe they're sick of fighting just like us I don't know dad would know the answer I mean ask him when we see him okay okay now where are you supposed to meet the Commissioner platform 9 he's got a private train I still think you should let me I don't come alone my dad will die Kinsler made that clear you and Virgil know what you have to do yeah governor closing it people are panicking day is a nightmare 12 keeps getting worse everything's falling apart not everything you see no I'm just a girl got to try it you're more than that I might also be the girl who gets you killed maybe but not today Mike I want you to live I need you to live for me platform 9 there's Kinsler's private train guarded by corrupt cops with machine guns I'm going in my father's life is on the line be careful with the Train you hear me everyone back on steady sir okay I can't hold the crowd back much longer sir you won't have to my passenger has arrived this way se D push right on through great some lettuce Road [Music] careful Sadie watch your step you ever worry there might really be a hell oh I know there is my dear and you and I are leaving it officer close the doors but not men I don't want any of that yes sir you can't why not I'm getting quite good at it for instance I killed your father an hour ago my men near Virgil's datacenter tripped the fire response system he suffocated and froze not a bad way to go Hall Things Considered I wanted to tell you face-to-face get all your tears out now it's a long ride and I don't want to hear your moaning all the way to Nairobi until I get that alien do you hear me officer it found a way to have a superintendent class AI knowing how he did that is vital to the war effort like you ever cared about anyone besides yourself just because I'm a murderer doesn't mean I'm unpatriotic coming in or approaching the station sir what do we do we wait don't you see the beauty of it Sydney whatever you think of me whatever I have done I will leave this city with vital intelligence about the Covenant call me what you like but the world will call me a hero listen to me the permanence are coming listen to me if you want to live I've killed your father CD and now we're leaving the city no one is coming to save you not Branly not virtual it's the end of a dime that machine is dead I killed it it doesn't matter anything he does to this car eventually do - are you ready to die do you want to live are you ready to fight we need to go now sir yes go the rest of your men will have to bow so we aren't moving my boss engine control listen to whatever you are move this train out of the station or Sadie dies you hear me the Covenant will tell us all system the trains are responding there is nothing you can do to hurt me that won't kill her almost Virgil open the doors [Applause] [Applause] Sadie Sadie are you alright what about kinsa they tore him to pieces I got a gold night excuse me sorry where are you going what Sadie stop we are getting on that time and getting the hell out of town let's creature helped Virgil it helped you and me it helped all of us Sadie dad knew how important it was that's what he died for I'm willing to die to call me don't find you you're all I have left of this place all I have left of him Sadie thank my and via [Music] [Music] [Music] our enemies move deeper into our territory with abandon they must be eradicated shall we take revenge abandon the mantle and all that it's philosophy has given us these thousand generations all our plans have been torn asunder more reason not to abandon all the Leafs the mantle is our guideposts in times such as these we must not falter and following its teachings the enemy must be sent home and taught to stand with the galaxy rather than rail against us and take what they desire the mannered shelters all Didact you make a fair if uncomfortable point you have my support librarian will you likewise fall of the mantle as died access yes master builder you're not angry at me we had this discussion a century ago so you are angry at me in the chambers yes but not now your depart for requiem soon at dawn my Prometheans are already there already there you know the master builder would side with you should we step back inside the council chamber no I would rather we spend our night out here it will be fighting enough in the days ahead my love who fear from your heart war is your round I doubt not mine and your March to this war facing foes that were always aggressive were never so a Christmas they are now your fears are unfounded the enemy will be turned and I shall stand by your side once more [Music] promise I promise you [Music] nothing will stand between us [Applause] lauter vibrance we are in position over the forerunner planet sure population numbering over two billion for ownerships on alert and in battle is it possible if we cut in the head of it flood the infestation detected my lord damn it my lord the infestation is in a remote local perhaps everyone the forerunners if evilly warned them we give the flood time to spread you know we have no choice [Music] cleanse the planet [Applause] the humans actions threaten the galaxy yet we have treated them as the mantle required their punishment is just justice is reducing their genetics in such short generations from a spacefaring race to this they are closer now to the animals they behaved as if not for their encounter with the flood their gene plan could have surpassed our own they could have someday held the mantle of responsibility the humans were not meant to protect others the mantle of responsibility for all things is ours and ours alone yes the mantle is ours and we hold it so tight but even in death we shall hold it still Lord of Admiral's so very many years have we battled my finest punch the mantle accepts all impiously who defend their young bills in struggle and even those who dominate as humans have dominated cruelly without wisdom but for all of us there is a time like this and for you that time is no no this relentless enemy killer of our children lord of admirals [Music] soon we will face the enemy you were faced [Music] and we are afraid my life workers are investigating but I believe the humans were never attacking us tell that to the millions of dead the humans were acting as caretakers pruning away planet so that this infection would not spread they took the mantle of responsibility upon themselves and in so doing they brought the sickness to our shores husband the flood cover more of our galaxy with each passing day they feast on the essence itself the only way to stop their advance is to remove that life on which they feast my life workers have made plans for the receding of humanity and of all life after the halos are fired so you agree that halos are our only solution I do and your husband my husband has a different opinion of what steps to take against the flood did it work run the simulation the procedure is a failure and still susceptible to flood in fiction that leaves only the composure it will not work on my new form then you will lead us as always you would submit to such sacrifice direct if the composer is our final hope to defeat the flood no Promethean would resist I have ledger my Prometheans for thousands of years and I shall continue roar [Music] this blood is still too strong perhaps if I had greater numbers humans your kind what the flood watch shows where we will aid and in strength they were to receive here I ensure they would rise once more better than before your pets have a nobler purpose and of them you do not face me in person after your defeat I have an army to build from the raw materials harvested this day the citizens of this halo are my first conscripts and with them in my thrall the flood will meet its defeat humanity's loss of biological form will serve as final payment for the crimes it is a kindness they do not deserve what will be done will the other humans to safety ensure the security of their index samples they must finish what we have failed to do librarian where are you going to stop my husband's madness [Music] my dear husband I know your crimes I have found forgiveness I know your reasons I understand them I know you perhaps better than you could ever hope to know yourself I'll ask you forgive my transgressions like yourself all I have done I have done for the greater good our time as the galaxy's caretakers is past the flood have overrun us in the days to come the halo rings we'll fight her eradicating the flood and all other life for a time I have worked hard to index all species in known space when the time comes these indexes one of women and once more the galaxy will breathe and grow life will claw its way out of the oceans and through the mud the hips will be born we'll all under the warmth of a thousand suns [Music] civilizations arise in our stead large others caretakers that last birth until then I leave you here the only living thing in this galaxy sealed safely I spend these ages ahead of you in meditation on our choices anyway you will find that I have ensured that they will be strong and vibrant they will be our rightful heirs their gene plan dictates that the galaxy avails to care for my back of you find the strength to help learn from our mistakes let them teach you please
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 499,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, halo 4 all terminals, halo 2 all terminals, halo 2 anniversary all terminals, halo 3 odst all terminals, halo combat evolved anniversary all terminals, halo all terminals, HALO SAGA All Terminals (H2A, Halo 4, Combat Evolved, ODST) 1080p HD, halo terminals, halo 3 terminals, halo terminal videos, halo 4 terminals, all halo terminals, halo 2 terminals, halo lore, halo 3 all terminals, master chief, halo ce terminals, halo 2 anniversary terminals
Id: 4jCq_4yQwR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 18sec (7338 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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