HER FIRST Trick OR Treat!!

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welcome to the vlog guys hope you're feeling good hope you are having a wonderful day we are kind of just getting something had to go yesterday during my how to make pumpkin pie how to carve pumpkins video I hope you got to see that I lost my glasses like legit that's my second pair of already lost only had glasses for what two months three months yeah not long and I bought super cheap glasses just because I knew I'm not responsible enough to have a nice glass yeah I've been super glue I was like maybe to get there I lost them but I was legit upset last night can't find my glasses so today new pair 89 bucks no there we go there's my new glasses guys I got them and it feels amazing and tomorrow probably as you're watching this I have an appointment to see if I can get the eye surgery like legit eye surgery and hopefully I could film that and yeah I would never have to wear glasses so huge huge so we'll see what happens with that today's vlog I really really wanted to we really want it to be about our trick-or-treat experience this vlog is all about trick-or-treat so we're headed home right now to kind of start getting ready for that taking the family the kids and we're going trick-or-treating so we really wanted our memories today to be about that so let's go do some trick-or-treating it just got so lucky glass just ran straight into the screen door one of the reasons I don't know if you guys remember I know we were daily blogging at the time but my brother's son Dale you act like you've never been alone okay I didn't catch it on the blog but my brother's son ran I'm not kidding through the screen door like straight through it ripped it off so anyway we've just put a new one on which I'm sure will be taken out by him very soon hey what's going on yeah little Dale ran straight through this dude look you can see the cats are already climbing on it back here you ready for some trick or treat huh good thing I just moved the screen how's my little girls all right comfy girl give me five boom let's see it lets see it oh they're getting so much better we can show all right well we gotta get ready soon oh wait you're doing that first yeah all ruined my makeup no I mean makeup on all right fair enough you don't have face paint you're gonna be a ninja some real-life flaw you know oh my god no yeah get you broken eggs man do that egg egg gag so bad let's not do right now we gotta we gotta get ready Kings all about it a couple blogs ago I explained the egg idea and it's gonna happen soon huh it's almost trick-or-treat so is Britney's learning how'd she get that oh yeah oh they don't look good on me whiskers that you got your whiskey's your whiskey's I tried to put them on they don't look right on me Chuck here's all the boogers off huh yeah busted I play smart I bought a mask you slip it on you're done like I don't have like a costume though I don't have anything that I can put that's it won't wait let me see those this is what you're wearing yeah I gotta go up to my answer I feel like I should watch it another video about contacts it's such a feat I've never put them in ever and supposed to chew on them this is no beast that's the name dude so much props to you contact wearers that is that is something you really have to get used to yo that's I can't honestly say I've ever given a real effort to putting on ice but I've never put a man I never had contacts in my eyes but it's one I'm a couple times just watching her try so energy here we go no no it just folded hit it seven ninja back here seven where is he don't there's a ninja this is gonna be awesome you got your like candy bag candy box can debug it okay all right you know what I use when I was a kid a pillowcase that's all I use there's a kid a pillowcase is ripped off the pillow run around trick or treat did you get a man both of them no no dude that is scary what if they go crooked while we're out there you're not gonna know mommy getting her makeup done huh look at mommy's eyes get mommy's eyes she hasn't even looked at you show you notice well that's good like my eyes you can't be fierce oh you could drone oh you guys are so cool these are the moments I like catching right here when they just naturally playing hanging out I have my camera and boom got him he bailed on you already he bailed on you oh oh yeah animal parking spots up here that was so big I like your tail wow that's awesome Cory she has no interest she's she's been doing it you gonna be a cat kenja Nyanja I know yeah see if tux can talk to you Steve eh speak tux show me your poles he's got to recognize the poles Oh always threatened by your your you giant cat features your like a cucumber Butlin up get warm all I have is my mask I don't have like a full costume for it hoping I getting aware at the altar because I can't see very well out of it so what's it Oh what's up well you can't think that oh my bit my been my bed Cory ready get your suit on it's like 10 minutes yeah Cora Cora you won't go bye-bye no do you want go yeah do you want to go bye-bye [Laughter] let's go I'm so comfy here yeah here we go we have been trick-or-treating for a while neither one even when Noah was a kid he was never into it now when I was kid we that was like the time of year man we spent all night trick-or-treat was longer and it took place at night now it's like it starts when it's the light out it's like way shorter it's different but we gonna have fun meowww brought me out I'm a dog she's a cat I chased you across the street oh my gosh she had the mass that I tried on what's up guys what's up oh jeez hey does your dad have anything to wear I knew it he's stuck with this about a mask bro don't worry I got you might get hard to vlog in this oh boy oh boy we got all the family here now dude that's the best you don't know how funny that is until you core would have only been three four months old last trick or treat so this is our first time everything's gonna be scary you ready have some fun okay so canes and ninja who are you Conrad my bad my bad Liza you look like a real princess that's what I meant you look just like a mermaid oh boy it's my brother's kids they're in for the win ah oh it's gotta be Dale it's gotta be Dale he's the only one would stick me with a sword immediately Christine like thunder I'm gonna like I can't hardly see crap but hey guys let's go trick-or-treating I'm looking for key cats in a million kitty cats been spotted kitty cats been spotted I feel we're gonna run over kids I know I can actually see better out of the mouth the ideas are really difficult okay guys that's a real cat that is not a costume I need you to step back do not do not touch that dude all right the tricker tribe is headed out oh boy oh my god you're cut me once I'm just no healing stuff I have the best disguise ever the only problem is I can't see it very good at all hey if I trampled any kids tonight it's not me I can't see [Laughter] that's sweet I don't know why it's so cool just love it what'd you get in okay we got to step it up dude we got ahead of every door every house oh my god they would play baby shark I got baby shark plan it's not hot let's do it let's do it hit it hard they took your treat move baby we start going hard okay question question we're still the guys with chainsaws and oh I remember when I was trick-or-treating there's always these houses that you avoided because he knew the guy was under the porch with the chainsaw or you you just knew what houses to avoid when you're a kid seems like it's pretty mild here right now you see how we're doing okay okay we all right we got the bottom covered we got to go hard man let's go it's nice you dressed up as a small more employee you got a good costume here's one thing I want to say is it just me or are we as parents the problem because when I was a kid we ran and we rent there's it's all parents you know but I just remember at all ages you just ranch yeah that was probably rare though I don't know I don't know we just rained we just lived in a small town it was just safe is it different day it's a different day ahead now you got guys with big cheeks and big mustaches am i right it's the first scary thing I've seen all night keep mommy away let's jam in though man it's rockin it's fun fun fun fun fun fun [Music] it's got to come off for a minute dude yes he nothing in there guys I'm blind you got him and realize I'm like nobody knows me right could I put this mask in the wall so these kids are run up to me like we know it you just put it the one dang party over here look at this I swear they're zombies this guy's got the idea man this is cool house do some good stuff oh geez let's go now we're getting there a-hole come on let's go let's go nailed it all right come on this way no gotta teach these kids how to do it yeah Quorra got cold she's hanging out in the car all she wants to come back out I think she's ready to go baby it's dark Cora did this outfit all right let me see her let me see her not want to see you I can carry her yeah you got your basket let's go get some candy hey please don't be a speed bump for Halloween all right stay on the road stalks what are you doing here what are you doing stalks does that not look like tugs it looks just like Todd what if it was what yeah yeah with his here it's like oh yeah he's limping really bad you know why he's dressed as a zombie cat tonight he's in full character he's in full character dude he's a city cat man he's probably been through more than most cats have ever seen what is that korma she thinks it stucks sneezes cut that's a street kitty that's the most walking I've ever done trick-or-treating it was still fun we had a good time so fun we did a little running burned some calories bro just skip school man I said school a Gilroy never skips a good party she's like now staying right here come on come on little lamb come on little lamb oh all right we made it success successful mission yeah pretty good bucket look at all that right thumbnail family a flash could he cut up he literally could have we have that costume next year next year flush it's here it's your time shine family thumbnail costumes perfect not a Bing badda boom one is completely sorted it's chewing a wrappers off no you can't skittles either dude are you crazy both eyes would turn blue you are all over me you just want love what is this what is this oh all right well there you have it we're back home fireplaces kicked on we've only turn us on once this year and it's like one of them fake ones but so nice it sets the mood for like the winter and comfort look you just pile right into comfort kick that thing on plus it gets hot it actually heats this whole part of the house which is common mo hyped up on chocolate hip go get your jammies she looked at our pan go get jammies that's it walk your little butt in there and get some pants girl guys thank you for joining it this is kind of a weird like I'm gonna say it I'm just gonna say it's either where we went trick-or-treating our trick-or-treating is just really lame nowadays it is there's nothing exciting where's the guys chasing kids would change like where's the crazy I know but actors outside but that was like an event like that was like all prepared and like it's like I get the kids still have fun it was good but it is I'm telling you trick-or-treat when I was a kid was intense like when you came home you were covered in sweat you were exhausted it was awesome did you do that or was it just like no no okay well I may have had just a total different expert in a little tiny small town everybody knew everybody so yeah maybe it was just a different experience tell me your trick or treat like tell me how it is for you and what it was that's that's a pill I can cut holes in the bottom if you want she's like but I want to wear that are those core that's a pillowcase I mean maybe it would make you more comfortable when you're in my bed at 3 in the morning you want to wear it yeah she's my car there's no leg holes baby there's no come here let's put it on let's put your let's put your jammies on she actually thinks it's there you go there you go but you're the one in dumb piggies in there all right there you go these are horrible pants oh my gosh it's a mermaid good jammies go get jammie silly we love you guys uh thanks for being here I really wanted today's video just to be about trick-or-treating I don't know that was I mean I did just change her diaper maybe I put it on back no it's alright I don't know we love you guys we're gonna cut off breaths if she's not feeling it now which yeah and it probably have been hard to tell but I've been like you guys remember when I was sick the second daily vlog I legit like I feel great but I'm recovered from it like I wake up I'm like oh my god it's rough like mornings are rough nights are rough so I'm not even fully back so I'm hoping nobody in this house gets that love you guys you get these are to bed and we'll see you tomorrow I love you absolutely beautiful you are one of a kind smile [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 1,625,076
Rating: 4.9640379 out of 5
Keywords: Roman, Atwood, The Atwoods, Brittney, Family, Family Friendly, Vlog, vlogs, day, daily, everyday, upload, content, Halloween, trick or treat, Family Night, kids, noah, kane, core, costumes, dog, cat
Id: oQMB6IF0yjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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