Halloween (2007) - Nostalgia Critic

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic guy remember it so you don't have to Halloween is a creepy and subtle classic beloved by everyone which naturally means it should be remade by this guy because he really looks like a dude who understands subtlety in 2007 famous Rockstar Rob Zombie decided John Carpenter's horror Masterpiece of mass murderer Mike Meers wacky Shenanigans needed a retelling well disliked by many the Remake did surprisingly manage to get a little bit of love from fans some applauded the changes and updates to the horror staple While others saw it as gratuitously pointless but to his credit the fact that's being debated at all is a testament to the film which would normally be bludgeoned at the mere mention of the idea over the years the film has actually G some street cred and I'm here to ask is it warranted While most people agree the original is better did zombie actually tap into a different point of view that was unique enough to stand on its own did it create a version that actually does have a purpose for existing well I'm here to find out let's give this movie a stabbing chance with the remake of Halloween thankfully dashed the idea that this is a shot by shot Gus fan suckfest because the film immediately starts off different by showing not five minutes of Michael Myers's childhood but 40 minutes in a 2-hour movie no less now some say this ruins the mystery of what Myers was like as a kid hey look at that look at that no [ __ ] it's a freaking remake of a classic if it didn't do something this different what's the point of even doing it but showing more of his childhood isn't the issue here the issue is whether or not it's done well in the original it looked like a middle American family and Michael for the short time we saw him seemed like a normal kid wouldn't it make sense to really look at Myers as a kid and see where all of this came from [ __ ] I will crawl over there oh it's just redneck [ __ ] got it here that's all you do is C wait we're stuck in this environment for more than 40 minutes you just hammered in our head in the first two seconds why he's crazy why do more look if you told me someone went crazy hearing Jim Carrey do the annoying sound from Dumb and Dumber for over 10 years I believe you we surprisingly don't need to hear it for 40 minutes to get the idea we can kind of catch on but this falls under a genre that Rob Zombie is something of an expert on exploitation horror it's meant to be unpleasant exploitive and extreme in some respects what the original Halloween was seen as when it first came out so you could argue that the annoyance is part of the idea but Christ was an annoying [Music] idea guys guys guys so Michael spends most of his time hurting things screaming and getting in pointless fights which is surprising he doesn't get along with people seeing how every character in this movie is hurting things screaming and getting into pointless fights hey tough guy shut up what the hell is going on here [ __ ] you what did you say son [ __ ] you Mr principal his mother is called into what else scream and yell I cannot keep coming down here like this I do not enjoy calling you down here every 5 minutes it sure seems like you [ __ ] do can I have one day of being a stereotypical hooker while my stereotypical bad son gets beaten by a stereotypical drunk dad but groovy Dr Lumis played by Malcolm McDow is a child psychiatrist who notice Michael's furry friends don't like playing with him very much oh God typically the thrill of causing pain to smaller creatures it's often an early warning sign early warning sign for what lady what answer wouldn't be alarming and then this plays for some reason what do you mean problem what is this he a very disturbed young man I love the look on Meyer's face like why is that playing now do we do anything to queue it oh my God that must be in the wrong scene I better run to where the music makes sense nope doesn't make sense out here it's just a kid walking didn't this theme used to be a big deal like they played over major moments okay it's dying down now I guess it wasn't meant to be played over anything big rather before something big you go back and read your how to use Halloween theme manual he beats the crap out of one of the kids and made fun of him and he returns home to watch better horror movies sweetie look at me I know things have been bad but tomorrow we start to make everything better okay I'll start by taking one step away from the camera but not two one step at a time his sister doesn't take him trick-or-treating though because she's too busy making love to her boyfriend who ah where's William Shatner masks take that stupid thing off come on babe I want to do it with the mask on kid how old are you you're so bored with sex you need to spice it up already follow-up question this is spicing it up Myers decides he wants to spice things up too as he duct tapes his dad and kills him nothing particularly motivates him to do it he just decides eh why not now and for no additional motivation let's throw the sister in there too the mother comes home and finds that Michael is actually a pretty good babysitter just not a good father sister or boyfriend sitter maybe I'll give that Psychiatry thing a try you remember nothing about getting a knife I didn't do that oh okay I have to admit there is something funny about him killing his family and then lying about it exactly how a little kid lies but you were covered in blood whose blood was it don't believe the fake news both sides are to blame he seems to be in denial about killing everyone which again is an interesting mystery added on top of everything else how much does he know and how much is a put on oh just go home afraid you can't go home why because you've done terrible things come it's okay no no you're using your Malcolm McDow all wrong you're not supposed to let him act well don't you watch movies you don't let a great actor like that give a good performance put him in [ __ ] like Tank Girl or Mr mooo and then we'll talk it is interesting to see Lumis so sympathetic hugging Michael comforting him really trying to help I get why he was so one note in the original it was to build up the danger of Myers he's not a man he's a monster and all that stuff but here he does see him as a child first it's nice seeing what led up to that change of heart stuff like this probably had something to do with it what happened what happen Myers seems too dangerous and unpredictable even leading to his mother committing suicide so he's locked away for years and clearly has been eating his weedies don't look at me I'll be a [ __ ] storm in your worst nightmare [ __ ] you know it's not uncommon for a director to put himself in his own films but to wear stilts Lumis tells Michael that after him not talking for 15 years he has no choice but to move on at first he seems really sympathetic even calling him his best friend in a weird way you've become like like my best friend but boy I guess a crowd really brings out the worst in people Behind These Eyes one finds only Blackness yeah previous scene like my best friend next scene Blackness previous scene take care Michael next scene these are the eyes of a psychopath you sure you're not the one that needs [Applause] [Music] medicine [Applause] [Music] one of the caretakers brings Chester a bum in to have his way with one of the inmates and they have the brilliant idea of bringing her into a cell with a gigantic homicidal maniac this came out of nowhere but Myers realizes murder is like Pringles and he can't stop at just one he kills the one guard who treated him well playing to his unpredictability though honestly I think he just wanted to stop machete too he realizes his paper m should probably be put to rest so he goes to his old stabbing ground and grabs his Nostalgia goggles the theme actually makes sense in this scene witchcraft halfway through the film we're introduced to the main character of the original Lori I do like how when she and her friends see Myers for the first time she doesn't act scared she instead calls him out hey [ __ ] hey my daddy's the sheriff I wanted to go crawl back under your [ __ ] rock hey rock is my trigger word I'm going to go complain on a Blog about this the rest is kind of what you'd expect he follows her around they play the same music and Meer starts killing people on Halloween night I got to rock and stab brutally to death even when he sneaks into other people's houses I like the fact that he won't kill someone based on their taste in movies you know what it's a good film joh Carpenters is good too but you appreciate the classics live I do also like that Meer sneaks up so well that half the time you don't even notice him for such an over-the-top film little touches like that are pretty cool but don't worry it doesn't get too subtle Chucky from Child's Play shares a scene with Alex from A Clockwork Orange I've never seen two people not trying to be the monster still come across as the monsters you have created quite the Masterpiece of a monster off the blood of this town I know it's in my bones Sheriff then you must promise that you will play it Razer and I mean razor straight with me these two could do a Christmas show and it still be terrifying in a clever combination of Halloween 1 and two Lumis reveals that Myers is after his baby sister Lori who we don't want to see die because she's the closest thing to a decent human being in this film look at this Mom Lori I said almost but meer still has to get in some appetizers before the main course and we never know what happened to her or this happens to her we just like holding shots on doors but fear not there's even more confusing choices listen to Lor's very bizarre dare I say ridiculously forced backstory after her mom committed suicide and I see this beautiful innocent baby sitting in this this bloody mess I admit her from the report I drive her to another town and drop her off at the nearest emergency room as Sheriff's do Christ his manipulation of field and wasn't this crazy to serve and do whatever the hell you want I guess Myers finally comes face to face with her so probably best to have everything on closeup and shaking it's like I'm really there being shaken as a baby he knocks her out and takes her to his old house to show that he's her brother not entirely sure what what he had in mind but either way she says [ __ ] on that noise and tries to escape you know this is why men never show vulnerability around women he traps her in an empty swimming pool a unique spot for a climax but Luma shows up to end it all no really it's totally over you know the rules you kill the monster once he's never coming back oh man you did that so fast you didn't even give me time to finish my joke my favorite is when McDow just flat out screams what the hell what the hell yeah no stab him in the eye or Michael stop just what the hell as if to say really we're doing this [ __ ] I expected more out of something I already expected less from what the hell Lumis tries to sympathize but Michael helps him see eye to eye by literally trying to push his eyes together Lori hides inside the house and honestly does way too good a job because he literally searches for her for 5 minutes yeah 5 minutes of just silence and him looking around look I know you want to build suspense but you know the saying so boring I'd rather stare at a wall well Myers is literally staring at a wall for most of the time I think more could be done here but it's okay it's Then followed by 2 minutes of Myers's just stabbing the ceiling trying to get her is there such a thing as horror movies for plaster CU that's what I feel like I'm watching let me guess he's going to hit the ceiling I'm a Wizard and what's his great final plan to finish her off it just runs towards her she's like dumbass I got a gun she shoots him she screams and that's it Halloween so um this clearly isn't as good as the original but I will give it this it is the second best Michael Myers Halloween movie but that's coming from a series that has this trick or treat [ __ ] so take it for what it's worth I know it's different a little clumsy and arguably unnecessary but in a strange way I think it would work less if zombie didn't direct it the shock exploitation style has never been my thing but it is a style that can be done good or bad this does it good but not great it is a different direction and sometimes it does tie into the traditional Halloween callbacks it's kind of like Halloween in an alternate universe the best stuff is in the mental hospital and seeing him grow up did make me look at the killings in kind of a different way it made me wonder what was going on in his mind when he was murdering them while in the original you're more concerned about Lori surviving it's h Miss I suppose but honestly for a remake of one of the most famous horror films of all time hit Miss is pretty impressive it's strange and doesn't always work but the stuff that does is kind of interesting take a look and see for yourself I'm a Nostalgia gr guy remember it so you don't have [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to what the hell hello Doug Walker here doing the charity shout out and this week we are doing the American Kidney fund this is the nation's leading nonprofit working on behalf of the 30 million Americans with kidney disease their mission is to to help people fight kidney disease and live healthier lives and they fulfill that mission by providing a complete spectrum of programs and services including prevention activities toprated Health educational resources and direct financial assistance they invest in clinical research to improve outcomes for kidney patients and they fight tirelessly on Capitol Hill for legislation and policy supporting the issues that are important to the people they serve in 2006 they celebrate their 45th 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Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 2,154,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, halloween, rob zombie's halloween, halloween review, halloween 2007, movie review, film review, rob zombie, rob zombie movies, halloween movies, tyler mane, michael myers, malcolm mcdowell, nostalgiaween
Id: lxo869CrLuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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