Halloween (2007 Remake) CUT COMPARISON

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[Music] welcome to the cut comparison where we compare and contrast different versions of our favorite horror movies I'm James a Jenice and today we'll be looking at Rob Zombie's 2007 remake of Halloween which has a theatrical version and a director's cut as I mentioned in the kill count for the theatrical version unless you saw this movie in theaters when it was released you're probably more familiar with the director's cut that's because writer director Rob Zombie kind of pulled the George Lucas for the home video releases and made the theatrical cut all but completely unavailable I actually had to hunt down a Canadian blu-ray for the theatrical version since the box that I've been working from only has the director's cut the differences between the two cuts aren't crazy drastic like this isn't a curse of michael myers.slc punk infused by zombies decision to add back in a pointless shot of Loomis walking around the car why do that what does that shot do other than make your movie longer some of you may think that a director's cut automatically means more nudity and gore but for Halloween that's only half true you may be surprised to learn that the kills are all exactly the same between both versions no gore was cut out for the theatrical version nor added back in for the director's cut however there is a bit more nudity in the director's cut and unfortunately it accompanies what's probably the biggest difference between the two versions the scene surrounding Michael's escape from the sanitarium we'll get to that in a bit but for now let's rewind to the beginning of both versions and get to the cuts [Music] the first change we'll notice from the theatrical cut is that the director's cut adds in just a bit more Rob Zombie esque dialogue when Judith and Deborah Myers are having a family discussion about the importance of a balanced breakfast can't you see I'm making notes over here since when they're chicken abortions and they're [ __ ] gross they are not chicken abortions you know charming after that heartwarming family breakfast there are some needless shots added in of Michael walking up to and around the school prior to its rumble in the restroom with Judy Cortes and at the conclusion of that fight the principal played by the late Richard Lynch responds more aggressively to Michael's little sass back [ __ ] me forever after that there are a couple of minor changes that don't really affect the flow of the movie too much stuff like an extra shot of Loomis in the hallway and after the first batch of murders a reporter outside of Smith's Grove kicking off a news report that begins without that sound up in the theatrical version inside Smith's Grove we get to one of the more significant changes in the director's cut the inclusion of these black and white assessment videos that Loomis makes about Michael Myers one must remember not to be fooled by the stuff Loomis says in these black-and-white film segments isn't anything we couldn't figure out on our own he talks about Michael's calm exterior his growing fondness of masts his increasing reluctance to speak to anyone again nothing we didn't already know about the character I think Rob Zombie just likes these segments because they're sort of reminiscent of the black and white silent horror films he loves which he would occasionally mimic in music videos like with living dead girl which of course start his then-girlfriend Shari moon who would marry him and play Deborah Myers in these movies who is this irresistible creature eleven insatiable that's that's your future wife there Rob I don't hate these deleted scenes but I do find them entirely unnecessary except for the line we're in Loomis mentions Michael's nickname the child one positive change with the director's cut is that some of the additional scenes make Loomis a more sympathetic character in one added scene for instance Loomis gets permission for Michael to sit outside with him as he begs him to open up more I'm here to help you I feel an utter failure at the moment today I just can't get through to you he tells Michael that if he keeps refusing to make progress the hospital will remove Loomis from Michael's care showing that in this version the doctor is legitimately concerned about this potentiality it doesn't just happen all of a sudden here like it doesn't a theatrical cut and when Loomis is finally taken off the case he seems much more regretful in the director's cut as he leaves he Pat's Michael on the shoulder and tells him to take care take care take care and while walking away from the sanitarium he even looks back with regret at the patient he failed to properly help contrast that with the theatrical version where after Loomis tells Michael he's no longer going to be his doctor the scene immediately fades into his book to him making it almost seemed like Loomis was eager to get out of the hospital and away from Michael so he could sell a story and make some riches oh yeah there's one quick change in between that Loomis stuff that happens after nurse Wayne comments on a picture of baby boo cute baby the director's cut adds a line for the nurse that makes her seem antagonistic towards Michael it couldn't be meaning to you personally I don't like the inclusion of it I'd rather have him killed a randomly like the psychopath he is then out of anger because of a snide comment she made now we're coming up on the most significant change in the director's cut and it involves the guard named Knowle who's only in a single scene in the theatrical version his added significance in the director's cut begins in that scene where he gets a couple extra lines both of which further established him as a shitty guy first a racially charged line towards Danny Trejo and then an antagonistic display of machoism towards Michael don't look at me I'll be a shitstorm in your worst nightmare [ __ ] I'll come in here and [ __ ] this place up one night you watch the problem comes when he fulfills that promise though it's in the scene that shows Michael escaping from the hospital and if you'll recall the theatrical cut has something pretty straightforward we see a bunch of guards sitting around waiting to transport to another facility and then when they do everything goes tits up because Michael breaks out of his chains and summarily kills the lot of them in a pretty decent escape sequence there's good violence some of your kills it's a perfectly adequate escape sequence right but for some reason in the director's cut Rob Zombie decided to have Michael escape not by sheer force but rather through the idiocy of Nolan his cousin Kendall a character who's missing from the theatrical version entirely i'ma go ahead and give a Content warning because the director's cut escape scene is particularly nasty and mean-spirited even just compared to the rest of this hell Billy Halloween saga I'll be conservative in what I show but just a heads up this shit's not pleasant that's because Nolan Kendall are two grade-a pieces of [ __ ] who are here late at night to abuse a new female inmate they sexually abuse her physically and verbally in the hallway for a while before getting the idea to go rape her inside of Michael's cell as a way to tease him or some [ __ ] again it's entirely unnecessary and the very explicit scene goes on for way too [ __ ] long as both men take turns with the inmate it's honestly upsetting for me to even talk about it and that's why I'm not gonna show any of the explicit footage in this video Michael only reacts after the men [ __ ] with his vas and he mercifully ends the scene by attacking Kendal and killing him in a real lame way pretty much just choking him and tossing him aside the old tries to get away but with his pants down around his ankles he's unable to get very far and Michael kills him in turn by smashing his head against the wall that kill gives way to the Michael head tilt that's in the theatrical version and then we segue into the stuff with Ismail arriving at the sanitarium he eventually finds the bodies of those two nameless guards that as I mentioned in the kill count are separate victims from before he killed in the theatrical escape sequence that means we've got a different number of kills between the Cubs since we never get to see Bill Mosely and code die in this version okay now that we're past that we can get to some more positive changes that are in the director Scott real quick the DC has an extra line from Joe grizzly that Ken Foree delivers with Glee what we got here hey to community but the other additional scenes that mean a lot more to me are all the ones with Laurie's parents there are significantly more lines of dialogue from Cynthia and mason strode in the director's cut and that's just fantastic because there's such good parent characters and B Wallace is amazing you think you could glue mr. bones his arms honestly have a good day baby top on my priority list ho also exclusive to the director Scott Laurie Strode finger Fox of bagel some insignificant additions to the director's cut include Michael being a big weirdo after Laurie drops off the key at the Meyers house I sniffing that envelope dog as well as an extra scene as Smith's Grove between Loomis and the people trying to blame him for Michael's escape including dr. Copeland's then who's played by Clint Howard Christ you can barely tell he's breathin half the time he's been like a comatose kitty for 15 years sorry some of your stuff got caught planned but if it means having a movie that's less than two hours so be it Oh also while the theatrical cut lets us surmise through editing where Loomis thinks Michael is headed you know damn well where he's going the director Scott hasn't spell it out and also reprises doctor winds line from the original about how far away Haddonfield is there's a little bit of extra dialogue between Laurie and her friends on their walk home from school where they talk about how a teacher might be in Delinda and then after her friends leave Laurie's walk home by herself is a couple of shots longer and includes some fun editing that shows Michael Myers is following her around in broad daylight when Laurie gets home we get another extra scene with Dee Wallace trying to set up some Halloween decorations while Michael watches from afar again I just can't sing enough praises for her performance as Laurie's mom I'm still upset about the whole bagel thing this morning if you want to know the truth she's so good also there's yet another shot that shows how Michael is very comfortable with daytime stalking after Loomis and sid haig find a dead animal on Judith Meyers grave the DC has a weird title card saying trick-or-treat I really don't know what the purpose of it is or why Rob Zombie threw it in before an extra shot at Michael but there you go whatever makes the runtime longer right I knew like some of the extra character stuff that the DC adds back end though like a few more lines between Laurie and her parents as she waits for Annie to pick her up and an extra bit of conversation between Laurie and Tommy Doyle who I just want to stay again had a great kid after in the form of Skyler ghazan doe you know if you listen to me the first time you wouldn't animate it twice yeah Laurie bow to your nine-year-old master I also enjoy the sassy performance of Jenny Greg Stewart as Lindsay Wallace we'll get some additional dialogue in the director's cut in an extra scene featuring the kids okay bow down and worship Thanks go get your jacket besides that the only other changes aside from a few extra lines of dialogue between Loomis and sheriff Brackett about how evil Michael is are pretty minor but they do add up to make Loomis more sympathetic in the director Scott first there's an extra shot of him and Laurie after the empty swimming pool showdown where he drapes his jacket over her shoulders as beena then there's some additional dialogue when he's blaming himself for Michaels failure wherein he does an extra bit of begging for Laurie's life Michael it's my fault I failed you please that's okay and finally as Laurie takes refuge inside the Attic to hide from Michael the director Scott sees Loomis using his last bit of strength to grab Michael's leg and try to slow him down in his pursuit although it doesn't end up doing a whole lot sorry Louie but you know what man a for effort and after that everything's pretty much the same up to and including the end of the movie overall how did these two cuts compare let's use that same fun editing trick to find out because for this series I'm not gonna force myself to come up with a new transition every time sorry as far as runtime goes the director's cut is about a weapon minutes longer than the theatrical version since it adds in a lot of scenes and dialogue most of which I'd argue are unnecessary like I mentioned before there's a co count discrepancy here in the theatrical version you see four guards killed while in the director's cut you instead only see Nolan Kendall that means the theatrical version actually shows two more kills than the director's cut again however there's no difference in the gory violence for any of the kills that both cuts share the director's cut has a more sympathetic dr. Loomis and more Dee Wallace overall which I can appreciate but I think I'd still trade all that for the shorter runtime of the theatrical version two hours just feels like way too long for a slasher flick and finally the escape scene in the theatrical version is a thousand times better giving more agency to Michael Myers and not the horrendous rape scene that thing really annihilated by enjoyment of the director's cut in fact based on that scenes inclusion alone my final verdict is that the theatrical version is superior if you can find it watch that instead of the director's cut you'll save yourself some time and not have to watch that awful awful scene hope you enjoyed this comparison of the two different cuts of Rob Zombie's Halloween his sequel Halloween 2 also has two different versions and the differences between them are even greater so you can expect another cut comparison next week until then I'm James a Jenice and you can consider these cuts compare thanks a lot for watching my second cut comparison video I want to keep thanking patrons who have been with me for over a year people like call rougher Kayla Messerly lucky Loki Dominic McCarthy and Jamie Sorenson this comparison wasn't as crazy as the curse of michael myers.slc punk
Channel: Dead Meat Presents...
Views: 2,127,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, halloween, remake, reboot, rob zombie, sheri moon, zombie, 2007, michael myers, laurie strode, sam loomis, scout taylor-compton, malcolm mcdowell, tyler mane, danielle harris, brad dourif, dee wallace, daeg faerch, prequel, slasher, original, john carpenter, new, kill, murder, explicit, graphic, cut comparison, director's cut, uncensored, unrated, different, differences
Id: BX4eHdPohr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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