The Ring - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by expressvpn the best vpn there is take back your online privacy today check us out this weekend at wizard world chicago booth 4403 and artist alley [Music] [Applause] [Music] trick or treat or trick-or-treat no style to weave when pumpkins push it i'm a cameo your little home turns green [Music] and all it takes is one itty-bitty mistake they'll haunt you too [Music] you better hope they won't we be on the wind hey you ready to shoot the ring review yep all costumed up i'm sorry but what do pirates have to do with the ring i don't know i'll figure it out later well at least we know you survived watching it yeah right last week when i put it on i wasn't sure wait a minute you watched it one week ago yeah what you didn't wait seven days oh come on we're doing this [ __ ] tell me you didn't watch it on tape i specifically watched it on tape to see if it would be any scarier cheese and crackers are you insane oh relax i didn't even get a call from [Music] hello seven days what's my favorite scary movie the call is coming from inside the house malcolm and tamara she eat my sweet butter retained i haven't extended my car warranty [ __ ] malcolm tamra these premium prices my refrigerator is running oh my god i better go catch it welcome to amber you're doing this what are you talking about i had this idea years ago oh hey what else is on shows how much hey is that wicker man [Music] hey this is fun [Music] [Laughter] i guess i never found the ring that scary with that said i have learned to appreciate other aspects of it scary children are not a new thing in horror films but the image of a little girl in a torn dress with hair covering her face has become an instant icon you see this visual everywhere now even in logos for other horror studios released in 2002 and based on the 98 japanese film ringu i'll admit i didn't like gore verbinski's film when it first came out scary movies were not exactly the most subtle back then and relied way too much on bad cg effects i wanted more quiet and subtle frightening films over the years though we have gotten more of that variety and looking back i actually see this as a good segue to them the ring is a little slower and quieter compared to your average blockbuster horror flick so i think it serves as a good transition from something like jason x to something like haunting of hill house but come on is there really nothing that got under my skin with this movie am i really saying a visual this iconic couldn't possibly creep me out even a little oh look she's in the movie karen now there she is slaving away in the kitchen let's take a closer look at the rich oh human centipede is on [Music] it opens with two girls wait this is gorf verbinski and early 2000s puke green everybody who are giving away part of the film's commentary before the film even starts i hate television all the molecules in our heads are all unstable all the companies know about it but they're not doing anything about it i remember when candyman opened up with hey i think racism is still a thing what am i talking about it does now to the film's cred there's not a ton of commentary being hammered in actually i think it's most subtle take is about a half hour in but we do get one small miracle two and a half hour running time gore verbinski getting straight to the point have you heard about this videotape that kills you when you watch it you start to play it and it's like somebody's nightmare it's called the star wars holiday special katie played by amber tamlin is told about the urban legend that when you watch the tape you get a phone call saying you'll die in seven days coincidentally katie happens to have seen this tape exactly seven days earlier again it's gore verbinski i'm just glad they didn't have to take an hour sailing to figure that out okay yeah i will okay okay yeah yeah i will okay two points for not having anything behind the fridge i think even the chun music was shocked by that oh sorry my bad there's always something there sure enough weird [ __ ] does start happening as the tv turns on her bedroom pisses itself and katie is killed via extreme close-up i love this movie knows the importance of few frame scares some of my favorite movies have few frame scares because while the image alone can be frightening showing only a glimpse barely allowing you to comprehend what you just saw leaves you even more uncomfortable same thing here that face is pretty creepy but show it for only a split second [Music] yikes i give credit too that this isn't just an unrelated kill a lot of horror films start off with a random person being axed off just to show what the killer is capable of but here the death kick starts the story as katie is the cousin of aiden who's the son of our lead a journalist named rachel played by naomi watts he's not adjusting well miss keller i'm bothered by these drawings i mean the composition the color scheme this is first grade material and he's a second grade boy he's not the talkative type that doesn't mean he has nothing to say don't make me give you my elizabeth home stare well to get ready for katie's funeral we discover the first big twist of the movie she's raising a culkin i don't have enough time i'm talking about time before we die good night rachel all right we already got one creepy kid in this movie and unless you want to wear a blue dress we're keeping it that way i'm also glad the movie has a lot of quiet moments the original ringu was great at building up this atmosphere of dread and while i don't think this one does it quite as well remember most scary movies then had constant music and lame jump scares then so i appreciate they let an uncomfortable moment just be an uncomfortable moment speaking of which while aiden tries not to be coal from the sixth sense rachel comforts her sister but is interrupted by one of the few legit jump scares i've seen in a movie i saw her face [Music] you sure she didn't watch the holiday special they did the same shot in ringu but something i've discovered is while ringu had better build up the ring has better payoffs this isn't bad but this is a scary stories illustration for a film that's technically pg-13 they get away with some pretty disturbing imagery it's about the tape what tape the one that kills you when you watch it rachel finds out about the tape by talking to her friends and she decides to do a story on it whether her boss likes it or not i'm tilly's prick you're fired no i'm not i'm cooking too good a story what is it okay i'm gonna ask jeffrey lebowski for his rent she makes her way to where katie and her now deceased friends saw the video and oh i smell a shyamalan character pick a card art no damn uh do you like hot dogs or what's your name and occupation god i need a quirk this is your card right you don't work here do he shows her the only tapes they have on the grounds that katie might have watched we bought tape players for videos quite a selection hey nowadays that would be she steals the one unmarked tape goes to their cabin located by the six feet under tree and puts on the mysterious vhs [Music] i know this is supposed to be scary but honestly it just looks like a college student's thesis film if you don't get it you don't get me sure enough she gets a call telling her the bad news seven days your asshole's grasp she goes to noah played by martin henderson who is a video photographer something that clearly makes bank he's also aiden's father oh wait we're not supposed to know that yet it's a kind of pointless twist later don't worry you wouldn't have been that surprised anyway this is the same camera scan the rest oh she put on the system of a down setting she lets him watch the video and you know this film would be gorgeous if it wasn't shot through a listerine bottle okay i'll admit i tried to figure out more why the color green in horror films just doesn't scare me yes like i said before it's usually a relaxing color but it can also be associated with sickness mold and disgusting stuff but maybe that's it there's a lot of creepy green things but not that many creepy green places there's a lot of creepy rooms that are brown blue is very common for night even red and yellow connects with alarming or uncomfortably hot scenarios but unless you're in a medical environment or the woods during the day green just isn't commonly associated with scary places but i don't know maybe that's why it's supposed to work like you wouldn't see that sickly color everywhere so it throws you off i just don't hear that many people saying ooh it's pretty dark and green around here i know it's a personal preference i just never got into it what i do get into is this clever scene where she sees three generations all doing the same thing watching television you could already argue there's a hint of commentary with this idea you know tv killing you and all but just this moment when no dialogue of her noticing all these strangers of different ages are doing the exact same thing surprisingly says a lot more than the nail on the head conversation earlier if you're looking for a way to kill a lot of people having you watch something on tv that murders you sadly seems like a good way to do it speaking of which after noah watches the tape he doesn't seem as spooked as rachel four people are dead yeah but like a [ __ ] not for four people who watched it come on we watched you we're hanging it takes a weekend there's a lot of homicidal prep that goes into it making the call checking that you even have a tv even that video took months and months of production labor to film that's why every murder comes complete with closing credits he helps him make a copy of the video so they could each study it on their own time and man this movie really is about the dead because i haven't heard so much talk about vhs in my life the numbers of the control track they put on the tape whenever it's recorded jack's totally shot servos can't line them up the make up of the tracks is like a signature for whatever did the recording totally analog should lead to the very edge of your tape so the control track could tell us where it came from tracking your monitor your printers you sure this won't be a problem yeah it will last forever you sure this won't be a problem hey will last forever while looking closer at the tape she realizes one of the more realistic parts might look a little too realistic little does she know that insect went through his own fly version of stay tuned and by god i want to hear that story hey didn't you used to have a kid in this movie he learned the word conundrum really yeah and then he drew my picture yeah bundle up and get on your winter hat for that rain i guess maybe i should have a scene with you and the other kid's more marketable oh god it's the ape from the ganomax commercials i've written bananas out of my diet what more do you want she wakes up to a shocking discovery though aidan is watching the video i'm sorry mom you know my natural attraction to watching videos marked copy no seriously why didn't you hide that he watched the tape who watched our son oh sorry i forgot that was supposed to be a twist uh do it again i guess the halfway point is not a bad time to have a surprise but i never got what it added to the story why was keeping that secret in the grand scheme of things important hell why is having him be the father important it doesn't come that much into play all it does is excuse bad awkward dialogue because i guess he's supposed to be a bad awkward dad you wish i was around more you want to be around more i don't think i make a good father i was in a britney spears video for god's sake though nowadays that might be a good thing what do you think by the way thank you both for being so quiet sure you have a review to do hey can that still work i'm bored let's see what's on did you get fries from across bob's burgers nice did you bring jimmy pesto's fries into my restaurant oh i love this scene keep an eye on teddy's reaction where's teddy uh just above her navel i know what i'm doing that was a good reaction i got my own process bob [Applause] [Music] going online without expressvpn is like leaving your kids with the nearest strange route using the restroom wow that's what they gave me to read that's actually what they told me to say okay most of the time it's probably fine but you never truly know who you're trusting i i i wouldn't recommend doing that what if they're a kidnapper or serial killer man they are not screwing around why does everyone need a vpn because every time you connect to an encrypted network in cafes hotels airports etc your online data is not secured any hacker on the same network can gain access and steal your personal data passwords financial details etc it doesn't take much technical know-how to hack someone just some cheap hardware is needed a smart 12 year old could do it a smart 12 year old who 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and you know don't leave a kid while going to the restroom that that's not good we don't endorse that we don't we don't who would do that go to to get three months free today [Applause] rachel discovers what the creator of the video might be so she travels via ferry but noah has something important to give her in the rain if you take it even slower even more water will get on it i guess you really don't like your son i don't okay but while on the ferry a horse gets loose i don't know why not trying to make a horse scary and seems to be chasing after rachel i'm gonna be the tristar logo oh [ __ ] and call me a sick bastard but i find this part really funny maybe that we're suddenly supposed to care about this animal that was trying to kill the lead or maybe it's that when this girl screams it almost sounds like the boat is screaming too for horsey wow or maybe it's that it cuts to the ring for a split second as if we're supposed to be like oh that's what caused it i thought he heard he was going to be in another spirit sequel or something excuse me mr morgan she approaches a man named mr morgan played by brian cox who may have some answers to what's going on what is it with reporters you take one person's tragedy and force the world to experience it i feel the same way when the green light or raja gosnell movie he doesn't give her much but thankfully aiden is a sort of psychic why did you draw that house she told me to a little girl so she's still she's just in a dark place now seriously just because you're a horror film doesn't mean you automatically need a kid who sees paranormal stuff she eventually finds out that the little girl was a mental patient named samara played by dave chase and she was the daughter of mr morgan your daddy loves you [Music] daddy loves the horses whoa now we know bojack's father really is speaking of which mr morgan sees her watching the video and devises a pretty inventive way of killing himself [Music] there's no tall buildings where these people live they go back to the cabin where the tape was watched and try searching for answers what's this aha an arrow it seems to be pointing towards or maybe it's what's under the arrow well well well oh god i should be aiden's father i'm already making dad jokes it looks like the rodent from mouse hunt is at it again oh my god wouldn't that be a furbinski twist crossover again i know this is supposed to be scary but rachel kane knocked down the well with the tv christ i can't even say that sentence without giggling [Applause] jesus is this the ring or scary movie three these scenes are hilarious [Music] rachel finds samara's body and discovers her mother tried to kill her but she was left alive to slowly starve and you guessed it seven days you're gonna bury her next week it's over i'm saying that in a horror film so you know it's legit sometimes children yeah or cry or draw pictures this one made a video from beyond the grave kids dead kids you know this whole searching for a dead child while ignoring our own has really brought us closer together and thus we get to let's face it the real reason you all remember this movie surprise endings in horror films are a dime a dozen but this one left a pretty big impact it's revealed that finding samara's body well didn't do [ __ ] you helped her what's wrong honey you weren't supposed to help her yeah it's not about the dead finding justice so they can sleep in peace like it was building up nope it's just an angry bitter [ __ ] who wants to spread her misery to as many people as possible and she does so in the most memorable effect of the movie i'll admit even though i wasn't finding this film that scary this got a big reaction out of me if you told me in a movie there was a scene where a ghost steps through on tv that wouldn't really scare me but the build up is what makes it work none of the other effects in the film were like this it was surprisingly pretty light on the cg scares so all it takes is a creative way to go a step further beyond what you're used to seeing even samara we haven't seen a ton of and we technically haven't seen her as a ghost there was that one moment in the dream but that's about it so there's a mystery to what's behind that creepy long hair and what exactly she can do also remember most of the scares are on the video the screen is the barrier that can't be crossed so when it's suddenly broken through and with really clever texture effects with her being low res and glitchy all over the place it's very jarring it's like crossing the bridge in sleepy hollow or when the tent is snapped open in sixth sense those are the areas that are supposed to be safe and suddenly they're obliterated so yeah despite most of the film just being okay it really knew how to stick the landing rachel puts together that the reason she survived is because she made a copy and showed it to her son so she has him do the same thing what about the person we show it to what happens to them yeah ruth insulted my shoes last week she can die and that was the ring not a great film but it's got some great stuff in it compared to a lot of scary movies of the past and present it does take its time to build up its scares in ways that are either effective enough or downright awesome there's also something uniquely retro that it's a vhs that curses everybody i'm not gonna lie i actually went out of my way to get a vhs of this movie and watch it on a vcr to see if it was creepier and you know what it kind of was i think that's a sign the film is clearly working while at times it can be dull and not always make sense its payoffs are memorable and the premise has the makings of a classic urban legend while i certainly wouldn't call it one of the scariest movies ever made there's definitely a reason it quickly became iconic and seeing how this image is still all over the place it looks like it's gonna stay that way for a long time [Music] now where did i put that remote oh [ __ ] she's got the remote what are we gonna do oh i now my refrigerator was running [Music] this is your card right hey doug walker here doing the charity shout out i'm at the studio because i just got done uh doing a shoe because uh i'm getting back from a con probably by the time you see this and anytime i go to a con we like to do a thing where we charge for selfies but the money goes to charities and it's always the charity i'm uh doing that week so i try to pick charities that i really really like and i think are just so good and filled with so many good people and uh a real real good one i've done this one a couple times is the center for victims of torture now if you're like me you just hear that and you're like god you just get like chills at that idea like god it's just such an awful thing to think about but there's good people that help people have gone through that and some information about them uh they are forging new ways to advance human rights and build a future free of torture through research training advocacy and healing services for survivors each initiative they undertake plays a role in building a larger vision for the torture rehabilitation movement they provide a bridge between torture victims the local community and social and society as a whole working to restore the dignity of the human spirit one survivor at a time with a four-star rating on charity navigator this really is an amazing charity like i said we we've done a shout out for him many many times uh i mean good guy whatever you're going through there's just always someone that's gone through something worse and this is a way to give back and help them out so please check out the site or again spread the word because this is such a good organization they do such wonderful work thank you so much
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 416,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, the ring, the ring review, nostalgiaween, halloween, halloween movies, best halloween movies, the ring reaction, the ring movie, movie, film, review, top scary movies, best scary movies, Gore Verbinski, horror movies, horror, nostalgia critic reaction, reaction, the ring movie explained, video essay, rings, nostalgiaween intro, explained, top horror movies, supernatural horror movies, scary movies, tamara chambers, malcolm ray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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