Halloween (2018) Review, The Sequel to "Halloween" Called "Halloween" - Rental Reviews

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the one the only the classic cinemassacre video the most bizarre video rental store in america we've got comedy drama action horror movies for kids movies for mom and dad cinemas we've got the newest releases the hottest video games even laserdisc cinemassacre video having a problem making a selection the only thing scarier than our friendly staff is our state of the art database cinemassacre video located in the Voorhees Memorial shopping center next to Caldor [Applause] well we just saw another brand new movie and got it on VHS for everyone at the store oh you taped it right after Halloween 6 we did a save tape yes this is the same tape I used in 2001 to record Halloween 6 off cable so did you record and super long play yes yes Wow that double feature right so if you come to cinemassacre and roles you can get two movies for the price of one I know with all the money you're selling these these bootleg tapes for this eight thousand dollars state-of-the-art camcorder is gonna pay for itself yes we are so Halloween the sequel to Halloween which makes no [ __ ] sense yeah anyway and as I did a poll on Twitter they should have just called it Michael Myers here that was the winning one that I had of my suggestion mine was um Halloween written by Danny McBride yes this is a real movie oh I think Dana bright is known for like comedy acting in comedy well he was in the aliens the one before oh yeah coven if you seen alien covenant um Danny McBride did a really good job of learning how not to bring back a Hollywood monster well as Joe Bob would put it let's not dwell on that so I think this movie as far as Halloween sequels aren't concerned I think this is about as good as you can get yeah and I never realized until recently how much I missed this franchise yeah because I don't know how I went from being so burned out on Halloween and just thinking you know just uh I just want to see the men did I don't want to see them make any more and then all these years went by I'm like you know what I kind of miss it I want to see it again yeah I um I love Halloween as everyone knows listen man I got super excited I was getting excited for the Rob Zombie one because yeah Michael Myers had not been scary at that point in a long time yeah I finally he's gonna be scary again instead it was really stupid so I haven't been excited for Halloween movie in forever but this one kind of got my interest this Jamie Lee Curtis comeback it's a new timeline which will make oh okay and like I said Danny McBride and then another director who's known for comedy I'm like well that's like interesting yeah dude lead to Pineapple Express I'm like I want to uninterested in this this one actually did have some good comedy bits in it to the kid clipping the toy every thing out of his mouth will do spoilers later yeah that's not he was a good actor like he seemed like a natural yeah wasn't he didn't see my kid yeah kid I wish she was a major carrier yeah he was pretty funny like he's just out of the story Michael Myers is stalking people a lot younger it's even this one no no you know what that is I decided in the original they were older act yeah this one I mean he also you see that he kind of like doesn't go after kids there's a part where the kids just bump into him well definitely killed one kid in the beginning but it doesn't look like that was semen we're out of like necessity yeah it's like Michaels thing I think she wants to kill like you know girls in their houses I think anyone else like you know the mechanic in the original that's just like I'm like the baby there's that part yeah he just walked past a baby and it doesn't do anything to it but he did kill that kid in the beginning xx I completely forgot about that part with the UH and then also I saw I was like ah jeez like really like he has no limits this time I feel like he has a preference for stalking and then yeah like the kid II had to kill Exedy to the car and that's the thing like so the the whole story with there's these these two investigative reporters they're on camera yep yeah YouTube they use the tactic that [Music] was working me so bad that tascam like when they're holding it and I'm just sitting there like in my mind I was just like they're getting off this yeah they're using a recorder with no Michael they're using the onboard mic yeah and they're standing behind Michael Myers but go around you're not gonna get it if you put your headphones in like wow I'm really doing this swear to God like we are a professional crew they probably got a bunch of subscribers what do you think of that easier though that he's like still in Smith's Grove in Smith robes looks like it's from the center you know so it looks like a big like chessboard basically yeah yeah you know honestly I think the whole thing about ignoring all the sequels while I understand why they did it yeah it's the same thing with h2o although h2o I think counted the second one is I think they kind of had to yeah I understand why this was the only way to go here let's just ignore everything because they can't follow on resurrection so I understand why but the gap kind of did bother me a little bit where I was kind of like you know he was there for this whole time he killed his sister when he's a kid and then he killed it you know the rest of people got one Halloween night and then ever since he's just been in the same place and now 40 years later all the shit's gonna happen for ya yeah and um I actually looked into if Michael would still be in the same asylum I consoled a lawyer before was really interested you guys can check I think that's up by the time this this lawyer broke down like yeah that's probably what would happen he would go back to a mental asylum instead of you know being arrested or anything so that's really interesting but yeah so the beginning they're sending him to a different asylum Wayne they're sending into like an actual prison really because the guy said like you're gonna get locked away and you know it's like a hellhole and all this stuff so I got the idea that it's like they're sendin him to like maximum secure and I think he just got too expensive for like a CD so they're like I need to go somewhere I like tributes like they're making some references like what it would seem like they're just repeating the same old [ __ ] which it is yeah but there was specifically okay howling to which is in the trailer it's when he kills the woman in the kitchen and gets the knife yes there's that then we have we have the masks from Halloween and then Halloween for has the mechanic a well yeah I mean there's mechanic in the first one but it's more like no but like before he goes to like a mirage yeah you do not want to be mechanic on Halloween no Seth Meyers so there's that that is the bathroom stalking which is from 6 million or each okay so we Michael Myers definitely has a big thing else there's so many other one oh I think the two cops with a comedic conversation oh yeah it's to five they're the really wacky cops in five City five references that's the only really yeah but if you go by that was that cop supposed to be was he the one that was a cause they say like oh no no the cop that like that's in the main cop that like helps them it gets killed by oh you know sorry spoilers no that cop they say he arrested like so Michael apparently at the end of the first one got up I had these movies tried to like finish him off in the front yard it's not like he disappeared he just couldn't get that okay he was shot six times and he fell out a window he got stabbed I mean I can I can excuse stabbed in the eye there's after after my impression the ending of the first movie is he's immortal holy [ __ ] yeah he's not you can't kill him yeah this one sorta goes back to where it's sort of like things they kinda are going with the path that he's like a real person and we're not gonna get into spoilers it's welcome back to this topic again but because I like that he's just a regular dude which will play on spoilers I get the impression that they are that not only are they ignoring the sequels but they're also ignoring the ending or the changing their retconning the ending of the first movie where they just say that they apprehended Michael Myers that they stopped Loomis from telling him which if he didn't kill him by shooting six times after after window I'm assuming that they actually they stopped him before he did that we know didn't happen we're going off the knowledge that he killed him cuz we know they shot him six times because of the sequels who's to say Loomis just missed a couple of them and he was just going like this to you out of the way in the majors do the realistic knock the wind out of him and then like that's why he was on the ground he was like and then you know they look away from and he's like oh [ __ ] I gotta get the hell out probably not gonna get far after dropping I don't think I've ever been more confused about the mortality of Michael Myers I don't understand what is the deal can he be killed Kenny not be killed yeah who will talk about the anything later Jason Jason is a zombie dude six but before that supernatural like yeah you know I guess that's the thing is like Michael Myers has to be somewhat of a superhuman in some sort of way he has like strength oh okay like doesn't feel pain like he does for a second but he just shakes it right all them is way strong yeah like the deaths in this movie are like waves a dread which is kind of what yeah which it but it's like okay like I don't think it's getting much away Michael Myers killed somebody by stepping on his head and the headaches so watermelon would have more resistance his was like a empty bag then exploded like so I think I think the deaths in this movie are more like like the classic series the Rob Zombie Despero burly angry deaths yeah this one kind of went back to like the silly like you know but anyway the point is he does have superhuman stories yeah because I know there's no way I have a theory for that and spoiler okay I circle back but um I want to talk real quick cuz he is older now yes 40 years later yeah I want to say I really loved the stuff with Jamie Lee Curtis Laurie and her family mm-hmm I think this movie which the first one does the first movie you get the idea of those girls are like really good friends and you spend a lot of time with them we kind of care about them you know so I it's sad when they eventually die you care about Laurie at least I'm like Andy I like but this one did a really good job with the family showing like you know the different dynamics Laurie really messed up her daughter and her daughter so yeah that was interesting see her daughter like just trying to be normal yeah I don't know what I expected a little more from Laurie because it was pretty much just like a one-track thing like you know I want to kill Michael Myers and that's it but I wasn't really I didn't see a whole lot more in it I think she doesn't want to be afraid and paranoid anymore like she'll never rest knowing that down there so I think it's it's kind of like that she wears each shoe oh she just wants to run away until she bites him but it's at the end it's like the last yeah exits which were okay she was gonna fight him back then this movie she's already in fighting mode so I was like where does she get all the money to buy like 12 guns a pop panic room and all that yes all these like crazy things like because if you think about it like I'm guessing Laurie Strode you know she probably finished high school but you know she was probably messed up and that I don't think she went very many places here's my guess her dad was a business owner a realtor oh yeah so she probably makes money if she might be like the head of that company but doesn't do it all so maybe she yeah I was gonna say maybe she gets some sort of con I mean that's really reading into you know you know like stuff that it is never mentioned miss Grove in the beginning it looks like it has equipment straight out 70s maybe they had to pay her so much money their friend squares with the chain like that's horrible you guys they say a basic thing that I could have just got this earlier but like it it's it's it may seem like a really obvious thing but I am so glad they used the music and they used it properly yes the Rob Zombie movies made no sense how he used them the first Rob's ami movie you just used the music and he's like completely inappropriate places they're not totally inappropriate but just like why would you bring it out now yeah and they he used it more when Michael Myers was a kid and once he puts the mask on you stop hearing the music and you like what yeah and the second movie he was just like [ __ ] it didn't you can music at all this one they use the music and they use it well they use it in all the places where you'd want to hear it and they've used like different um the different variations on it like a really slow version when he first puts on the mask like that is exactly what I was talking about yeah thank you Dan oh thank you yeah it's John Carpenter doing the music with I believe his daughter and someone else there were three credits on there but I think John Carpenter like leading the music was a really great idea and he even there's even a new rendition on that music in one part where this is like a new way where it can go and I was like that is great and also opening credits yeah opening credits and I love the the credits like it's a pumpkin that's like deflated and like any plane and refers I think you're either seen the pumpkin rot yeah yeah I feel like we're supposed to be like saying like Halloween is rotten and lame now so we're bringing it back it's like the pumpkin goes from being rot to being real pumpkin again that's what I'm saying like Halloween reparation it's kind of like reparation over all the shitty see yeah but that that's the exact same mission statement as h2o h2o was yeah we're gonna get Jamie Lee Curtis back and we're gonna ignore all these sequels so it's that just another 20 years of yes yeah like this more than h2o I think yeah you know what I'm trying to put my finger on that I'm not really sure but and I know we could all have like mixed opinion different opinions on all the movies but like h2o I remember being satisfied after seeing that and I'm feeling that exact same satisfaction now and I don't know if I'm saying it just because we just saw it but I feel like this is better than h2o yeah but if we look at this movie again years from now I don't know how it's gonna hold up yeah it's probably gonna look just like another trophy you know trashy slash because it really is the same old [ __ ] done again yeah it was done well yeah like I like all the character stuff with like Jamie Lee Curtis stuff but you're right though Michael Myers stuff is like alright we kind of seen this before it's like I got it I was just warm focused on the family really like the Michael Meyer stuff is kind of second to me am I just seeing a family how they like deal with like you know their mother's trauma that pass it down yeah I like that like yeah that was good there was also a really good tracking shot which is in the one of the trailers where it's following Michael Myers going through the neighborhood yeah that was maybe the best shot in the entire Halloween franchise it was great it has its strengths are some really good moments is that when he goes to the shed gets yeah so it's in the trailer but in the actual movie it goes on even longer it's awesome was it distracting to you guys uh Laurie's daughter's husband was the Wiz from Seinfeld see I didn't know he told remember that I didn't think about that and I was like holy [ __ ] yeah I'm used to having comedic roles and stuff to see him and he's funny of this movie it's like he's not supposed to be at this movies feels so weird I it's final opinion is I think it's probably the the best of the sequels yeah and we'll yeah what do you guys think I liked it a lot and I watched the first one like right before to this so going from the first one to the new one I really enjoyed it I think it was a great follow up I think it's a good I guess like if you're if you're looking at it could be a really good conclusion because I don't know what they're gonna do with it yeah there's no where they could really go and I think this is a great like this this was the first horror movie I saw in a long time in theaters and I had a great time I got creeped out genuinely yeah I really enjoyed it I really liked it I think I'm wrong with you it's probably the best of the sequels at the same time there's not really much different than a lot of it it does feel like the conclusion I really hope it's the end but they're signed on for multiple in 40 years it's hard to like make it original well you know this felt like they're like look we need to at least do a good Halloween movie that we got a and and they did a lot of like homage as to the original the scene with the classroom where Laurie Strode my daughter's is like sitting and it's the exact same shot of from the first movie where Laurie Strode is looking out the window and sees the car Michael Myers driving but it said the duck the granddaughter looks outside and just sees Laurie Strode standing and then she disappears and I was like at first I was like oh wow this looks just like a shot and I was like oh no it is like they they really went into detail like trying to recreate certain things with it yeah and went a little step further there's a lot more blood and gore in this than there was yes some kills were real reserved than other ones were yeah I thought there was the breaking necks which happened in the first ones you like the first one never you didn't really see very much yeah like this one though there's like people with their heads completely twisted like that like that one guy yeah there was some crazy [ __ ] um well it's a very like I guess what we're saying like is it's a very um self-referencing movie it's yeah yeah it really copies all the sequels in certain ways it's it's really nothing new but it it's kind of like if this is just something that you missed it's satisfying I'm just I'm just happy to see another one I don't know I'm just so anyway we're going to spoilers here if you've already seen the movie then you can keep on watching and if not we'll see you in 20 more years for Halloween 20:38 okay so what did you think of the twist that Michaels doctor that the new Loomis was a bad guy just like it came out of nowhere and written oh you know what I kind of spoiled Tony like literally right before it happened said I think the doctor is the bad guy in this and then I was like because it didn't really go anywhere he got killed like it's just he was being real creepy before that and he's like he's kind of obsessive over it yeah and I think he's the one who left my GLAAD on the bus I think that was planned right from the beginning I like when he says when he's like no don't shoot in the kid shoots like that was pretty funny like yeah you know yeah I like that he was he was like a bad guy because it also we're talking about Michael is like inhumanly strong if he's the bad guy he's his doctor I have a theory he's been pumping him full of steroids for yeah I mean that's the classic trope too it's like Frankenstein movies like all the sequels there's all some doctor who wants to power up the monster and see him at his full power yeah I guess that's why I appreciated it yeah although he would have to put the Michael Myers mask on and then like when he stood up but he's he yeah you see he's got like the sheriff what I thought happened was Michael Myers murdered him and took his clothes real quick and then I was like all wait no it's that dude like I got a little used for soup I was real worried this could have been clever if it was any other care I was worried that Michael died there and the rest of movie was gonna be the doctor oh you know me too it was almost like they're gonna do a Halloween I know a Friday 13th part 5 thing yeah and there's the paramedic which is a good idea but not an elderly man with one arm that just got shot and where you see it happen and it's not a twist where like yeah it's not like at the end it's gonna be like oh you all wrong it's just it just happens and you witness it and it just ya know but if you if that guy went up against Laurie Strode she she'd murder him there's no after all so you know she's getting ready for Michael Myers and then here comes a gimpy dog yeah the neighbor Wilson where yeah they always hide his face in the yeah and as the series went on they kept finding all like more creative ways to hide yeah yeah well I felt like that's what they're doing with Michael Myers they never show this they never show it but they show it like just like a little bit like it's like he'll walk in front of something and there's always something hiding here it's a lot of Austin Powers when he's like yeah little details they put on him but he's got the eye wound he's got the net yeah you see that a second I kind of saw that is that what they're getting at yeah yeah the funny Wayne is I was like not a crunchy lookin yeah yeah I can't just saw like it looked like it was missing like the pupil like it was yeah she kinda like poked it out with a wire hanger yes you and you might even still have an eye it's just like almost gone so so yeah we have a 61 year old half blind man who is Nick castle right not all the time Nick castle only did a few it's kind of like how they do it with your pocket now we're okay what's-his-face will play Chewbacca in a few scenes but it's mostly knew he was unmasked that wasn't that I don't think that was the castle I think it was the new guy who's like a foot taller than the castle so the guy in the when he's mad it's got to be like a stunt dive yeah yeah but there are a few shots with Nick Castle I'm assuming it's some of the shots where he's like standing or walking around but it's both okay and I think the new guy is fine too the castle I can't tell which ones which so it's not to be moral exhibit like three or more people I mean the first Halloween five people played Michael Myers I like that she actually did say to shape the original title yeah and that's I think they could have called this one the shape but I know that would be lost on a lot of people they won't know what the shape is no it could have called this Michael Myers and that would stand as like a rebooted title yeah and people know what Michael Myers is yeah but anyway I think it's about Mike Myers from where do you guys think the final come from confrontation of Laurium yeah so we can get back into the mortality of Michael Myers so yeah at the end they start to establish she's immortal again it just comes out of no yeah a little bit yeah because they do they do enough stuff well you could you can argue you know what you're saying like it's kind of like in the Rob Zombie one how it's like okay he's just so psychotic and [ __ ] up that he is gonna take a bullet and keep moving yeah but okay he gets hit by a car he gets all the classic things and yeah and then they pretty much just shoot him in the neck and there's just a spray of blood yeah okay they that that would have taken out anybody anybody would bleed to death after that yeah I mean they pretty much do everything you can to him yeah and she lights the whole thing on fire with you it's not as definitive as Halloween - we've seen them burn and then how do you actually see him like laying there burning this one they kind of just cut way you see the rest of the house burning they show the room you don't see his body but I assume you never really yeah I mean that's the thing I kind of was like if I I would like it if this movie just ended on that note there it's like is he live is he not alive but don't like like he's alive in next year I mean yeah 2019 I did like Swiss though where like the basement the whole time you think it's there to protect him is there to protect them she's got this basement she's got a kitchen island that I adore and I love the twist at the end they get Michael down there it turns out it wasn't a basement it's a trap mm-hmm it was like there for him along I love that her daughter is crying and saying I can't do it like you think she's gonna be weak and then he like shows up she's like I just kidding I really want him to be a regular guy because it's more satisfying to see Laurie kicked the [ __ ] out of him in this then an h2o it was where I was like he's just gonna come back h2o they cut his head off so when I walked out of the theater on that one after after you know that ended I was like yes they finally killed him for real it's over they're not gonna make any more yeah so I feel the same way on this one but this one I kind of feel even less satisfied than the h2o ending because the you are ending this one we've seen them burn twice I don't know I kind of feel like I would have like no fingers he's like and I like I like when the tables get turned we're like Laurie gets thrown off the building the house yeah Michael looks back she's gone yeah and then she's like stalking Michael actually like the kind is like looking around the house just like all right where is she yeah she seemed very formidable in this like she was no joke when she was down to destroy yeah and I I liked the one part that got me was when he tumbles down the stairs that actually was like he looked like that that had to hurt he tumbles down the stairs share-alike kicking him in the face and stuff like he got his ass kicked in this movie yes you don't see that very often yeah I feel like you know usually it's like there's a whole thing at the end of of every horror movie where the bad guy gets killed or whatever I mean this they kick this [ __ ] him with a car they beat him off like the Laurie Strode fights him like one-on-one a few times she was definitely pretty strong chick I it was pretty cool yeah they've been every 20 years they have to go out it's like yeah because I mean the h1 was a lot more slapstick when they're fighting yeah but yeah I enjoyed it I don't really have anything else I'm good - yeah yeah I I liked it a lot and I'm not you know I watched the first one today and I've seen season at the witch so I liked seeing the parts of that but it's good sequel out of these ones I'd say this one I I like this one a lot I'd say it's on par with the first one for me as someone who isn't like super duper but I really liked it I had a good time in the theater let's go sell this tape hey hey you wanna buy a tape hang out with James in the gang for some spooky movies followed by a marathon of every monster madness ever it all happens October 26th at 7 p.m. on the cinemassacre plays channel youtube.com slash 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Channel: Cinemassacre
Views: 502,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halloween, michael myers, jamie lee curtis, danny mcbride, john carpenter, halloween movie, halloween movie review, halloween 2018, halloween 2018 review, halloween 2018 movie review, halloween movie series, halloween sequel review, halloween 2018 movie
Id: 6M6Cr7xLJkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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