Hallmark Movies 2024 - New Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 - Romantic Movies 2024 - Best Holiday

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[Music] Charming might just be disguised as a [Music] frog I we done in just a set girls okay done finished fenito last page you work for this year and the Crowd Goes Wild let's go to the market and get some junk food Dad I really think you should be going out tonight you had to some awesome party no way dudets I'm spending my New Year's Eve with my two favorite girls that's very flattering but you need adult company interpersonal attachments are key to healthy psyche you are such a freak sweetheart you run one of the most successful online dating services and you can't use your matchmaking skills to get yourself a date I'm not a Matchmaker I'm simply a guy that knows how to work with computers and no I do not need a date because I have the both of you two so come on let's go get some party hats and chip [Music] dip this is delicious you have outdone yourself sister Marine thank you I should have made more though your guests had very healthy appetites Must Be Love the flowers look where you go thanks to you she's the best isn't she oh we never found each other before from this flowers oh you're much too kind I'm just doing my job come on darling we have to get ready for midnight so another pair satisfied customers one more happy couple Jennifer hurry dad hurry up it's almost midnight hey hey com stay something to the camera happy New Year not yet we'll do another tick when the ball drops whatever you say Miss Spiel girl it's time for the countown and every take it away Rich here we go 10 98 7 5 4 I have a resolution 1 what is it what I'll tell you later hang [Applause] on me we're going for breakfast up here yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] happy New Year happy New Year Dad happy New Year we'll go see those fireworks next year too I've never seen a party clear out so fast oh my couples couldn't wait to leave and celebrate privately you are very good at what you do true so what's that New Year's resolution oh nothing it was silly I'm so glad you could make it tonight you sounded desperate for help on the phone sister Emma was free to take my shift so it all worked out I feel a little guilty about taking you away from the hospital you really think you got away with it don't you with what changing the subject your little diversion I wasn't born yesterday my friend come on out with it what's your New Year's resolution H it's nothing it's just something I've been thinking about yeah yeah know seeing all my couples here together and turning 40 this year come on spit it out I can't I wrote it down hand it over there we go bye next New Year's Eve I Susan flowers will have found the perfect man and will kiss at [Music] midnight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why are you guys still up we could ask you the same thing you when scorpions rule the Earth it is so lame Dad no quite exciting she's not referring to the movie although I would have chosen a better word pathetic might fit the bill what are you guys talking about you sitting here all by yourself on the most amazing party night of the year trust me it is overrated I bet you and Mom used to go out to celebrate at stupendous New Year's Eve parties that was a long time ago I remember one time I snuck out a bed to watch you guys leave Mom was wearing this silver glittery dress I know what you guys are up to and you're not going to fool me you're looking for an excuse so you can stay on late and you can't find one Dad Dad come on back to bed Happ tomor happy New Year Jennifer I love you Happy New Year Cassie I love you too now get lost go on off to bed go okay good night Dad night night thanks for helping me clean up m a I love you drive carefully right sleep [Music] tight it's okay just me bedroom I thought it was Dad no he fell asleep downstairs with the TV on like he does every night so what are we going to do about him you have to be more specific he has no social life you have a point so he'll never meet me one a logical conclusion I'd like for Dad to be happy again the way he was when Mom was alive I didn't remember back that far and I wouldn't mind having a woman to talk to personally I can get along quite well without female input that's because even though you use all those ginormous words you're still a child you haven't got issues that you need to discuss with the female but I do so what you're saying is that we have to find dad an appropriate female companion someone who will be a good partner for him and a suitable Mentor for you it's exactly what I'm saying only in English I'll go online and research the subject in the morning now go back to bed can I stay here F SE don't SN it's not fair what's not fair that you have memories of mom and I don't go to sleep Aly my assistant Carlo will be sending your invoice in the mail but remember my services are not completed until I find your perfect match oh I think you already have I'll call you the minute I've spoken with Miss Moon Miss moon what a beautiful name Dorene is just like she sounds nurturing sweet and kind I need a new suit and shirts bright colors and maybe a haircut one of those $30 jobs okay Frank hold on just be yourself okay cuz when I look at you as you are you are the right man just the person I've been looking for to introduced this amazing woman me the right man I've been watching you do it for years and I'm still impressed are you giving me a compliment oh I do anything to keep my job oh look at the time I spent too long with Mr om Ali supposed to be meeting my mom for lunch oh she's back from her Caribbean cruise yeah late last night she was feeling a little down before she left I hope this Cruise lifted her spirits a bit well go find out right now go ahead leave okay what time is my next client cancelled and the went after her so you can take a long lunch that's the fourth cancellation this week what is going on well now that I have a few hours to spare I'm going to find out good see you at 3:00 bye-bye my 3:00 is coming right so far so [Music] good all right now turn around and face me oh oh stunning like a magazine cover doesn't she look stunning listen I've owned the shop for over 30 years anyone will tell you I am not a gusher but today I'm gushing Now ladies I'm going to leave you with Rachel she will take excellent care of you all right just don't go and break my heart and pick another gwn because you look stunning hi baby welcome home mom so uh should we take my car or yours I made the reservation that the rose block is only 10 blocks away away we walk 10 blocks exercise baby it's good for the mind and the body oh honey can you Jo me a a teeny favor sure what well while I was on the cruise I was thinking you and I are really more like friends in mother and daughter friends exactly girlfriends buddies so uh how about from now on you call me K instead of Mom you met a man that's what it is isn't it no [Music] yes okay a i hope you're not upset upset no I'm ecstatic oh good I'm so relieved I can hardly wait to meet him oh that's good because he's waiting for us at the restaurant what oh no I don't even how do I look you look Divine oh his name is arur Arthur Wright you met Mr Wright it's spelled with a W but he is my Mr Wright oh good and remember I know k k it is I hope you like him I'll love him that's good so she says no wonder he can't wear glasses it's not only has one eye he only has one [Laughter] ear you're a bad boy Ary your mother tells me you're a Matchmaker well I I own hearts and flowers it's a small matchmaking business hearts and flow flowers like like your last name that oh that's that's brilliant oh you didn't tell me she was smart too you all right sweetie no no I'm fine I'm fine never felt better okay did you ever hear the one about the guy goes into a bar with a duck on his head he they better not tell that one mix company you see what I mean never met anyone who's so considerate have I told you lately that you're gorgeous so where are you from Arthur Buffalo beautiful Buffalo New York I'm in supermarkets I was in supermarkets started with one ended with 16 I sold out to the big boys let them worry oh you don't have enough to drink sweetie over this way uh more wine please thank you can't get help can't get help that's why I sold out sorry I'm late don't start I just had the worst lunch of my life no problem it's my 3:00 waiting she canceled what I know exactly why while you were out I was poking around the internet take a seat Read It and Weep romance for you.com why leave the biggest decision of your life to chance our scientifically based compatibility formula will match you with the perfect date and potential life partner scientifically based what are they bringing together robots or something some huge corporation out of Asia this is their first American franchise and they've opened up right here in the valley so that's why my clients have been disappearing that's it that's your reaction take it easy I'll come up with something just have to take a little time to think about it well don't take long I'm too old to go find a new [Music] job [Music] Miss Bernstein Mr matsie Josh Sherman speaking well why don't I outline the romance for you.com business plan Susan's heart hints as Shakespeare said love looks not with the eyes but with the mind sometimes however it's a good idea to wipe your glasses and take a second look Carla what I need you better be important I was on the last chapter of my Danielle Steel novel take my picture I don't put this in the important category well it is because because it's going along with my online profile to romance for you.com the only way to take on the competition is to show that we're better yeah and the way to show that hearts and flowers Personal Touch works is to prove that romance for.com computer touch doesn't all right me the newest client you sneaky little devil you I learned it all from you now come on take my picture so we can upload it and get this show on the road big smile okay Lean Forward give me big smile o that's a good [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mom I'm in the kitchen baby what's the emergency what emergency there's no emergency look I made some lovely canopies you can calm down I don't know you you left five voicemails you said you needed to see me right away oh sweetie I'm so S I didn't mean to alarm you I just I I I have something to share with you that's all okay sure sure well how about something to eat I've got some lovely lemonade Mom I'm good just tell me what's going on uh Arthur sold his house in Buffalo okay and I need to know this because because he's moving to California okay into the house with me Arthur here with you I was afraid you were going to have this kind of reaction so Arthur isn't the way he appears on the surface oh I'm so relieved I thought he was loud and UNC and told really bad jokes I'm so glad I was wrong well not exactly okay so he is loud enough I don't need the whole list again I mean some people can be those things and still be exceptional human beings which Arthur is I see no you don't see Susan you don't see at all already gave me back a feeling of Joy about my life I need that I need it so badly please try to understand that Mom I'm trying but my dad was an exceptional human being inside and out he's a really hard act to follow I know and I'm not trying to replace him sweetie and I'm not trying to have you replace him I'm asking you to give Arthur a chance I'm I I I just want you to see him the way I see him he makes me happy y I know and I want you to be happy thank you [Music] baby this is pretty lame so far dad I find the database driven applications very interesting a chip off the old block huh Elizabeth could the girls help you with something preferably something wildly exciting I've got just the job how about you ladies do some copying for me whatever we'd love to assist I got a couple of calls to make and then I will take my two new assistants out for lunch and when the new profiles come in we make two copies of the pronouns one for accounting one for records got it great here you go I've sorted them into two piles male and female you keep them sorted that way I'll be back in a few minutes to check in on you come and get me if you run into any problems thank you sounds pretty Elementary so two copies for no make three copies of the female pile but she specifically said and I'm specifically saying three why for someone so smart you can be pretty dumb the third copy's for us why would we want to these are all the ladies looking for men to date what are we looking for a lady for Dad to [Music] date romance for you.com Bailey I have treats come here come here good boy hey hey came straight from work so that I'd have time to cook before class and I found the perfect doctor to set you up with attractive but totally the wrong outfit for cooking a kosher meal Bailey's going to have to be your Sue chef I won't be here for the cooking card only the eating now come I have a date oh thank you Lord I don't think he had anything to do with it it's a romance for you.com date my first scientifically compatible match scientifically compatible what a website match to up it's a new Venture in the valley apparently they've been slowly stealing my clients for the last few months this is totally not what I had in mind when I wanted to plan a dating program for you why are you letting them set you up on a date it's the 21st century they're very high-tech and claim their computers can do my job better no way you brought together more couples than Noah don't worry I'm going to prove that they can't and when I do I'm going to print it for the whole world to see on my he hens blog I love [Music] [Music] it he's [Music] [Applause] perfect he my cab here he's waiting out front thank you de I'll be in touch Mrs mosquit but you're going to have to be patient it might take some time to find a suitable gentleman you know in your age group I'm not very picky he just needs to have a driver's license and most of his hearing okay thanks Miss MTZ bye-bye if I ever divorce Mac he fits the bill okay stop that you were never going to divorce Mac you were my first and best match well let's make sure you get to do more of your magic go in there and write up your bad date on the blog not yet come on see let's see if anything news coming H here you go lonely legal beagle 42-year-old criminal lawyer offices in Century City his own home in Beverly Hills there's nothing wrong with that what are the qualities of your ideal partner nice personality tiny feet that look great and open toe shoes what is your idea of a perfect date walking along the Santa Monica Pier with my lady wearing open toad shoes with red polish on her nails oh I have one question if you go out with them who foots the [Laughter] bill how about this one auburn hair green eyes outgoing smart and not afraid of what tomorrow brings she runs marathons has traveled the world and she loves animals really loves them she has 14 cats oh I missed that hey this one sounds excellent her hares are theater music and literature and look at her profession a makeup artist she's awesome not quite what now not willing to relocate from Fairbanks Alaska I give up wait here's a possibility let me see what are your best qualities a good sense of humor loyalty to my friends cool what qualities do you value most in a partner intelligence humor and he has to like my dog dad loves dogs what is your idea of the perfect dat horse back riding through the Hol Hills at Sunset she rides and she's a self-employed businesswoman who lives here what do we do now we respond of course and then she writes back why would she write back to a couple of kids she wouldn't she right back to delightful dad a handsome widower with two exceptional daughters sick that's a compliment your vac right for sure you're romantic at heart dear romantic at heart H read your profile with interest I'm a widower with two darling daughters looking for the right woman to come into our lives and here comes number three dear delightful Dad Dad thank you for responding to my profile you sound like kind of person I would love to meet let's set up something looking forward to meeting you Susan Susan a good name feminine yet strong I think Dad's going to like her one problem how do we get them to meet we set up a date Dad is not going to go out on a date especially when he finds out how he got it how we got it he won't find out even for you this is crazy how won't he know he's on a date watch and learn dear Susan I'm thrilled that you would like to meet no thrill sounds like he's desperate I'm very pleased that you would like to me come in it's very quiet in here how's the homework coming Dad I'll keep at it up we'll be ready in half an [Music] hour you sound like an exceptional person and I think we would make a good match however I have an unusual request which I hope you will consider uh-oh my two daughters come first in my life that's good and I haven't dated since their mother passed away 6 years ago so sad okay stick to the latas I'm not sure how they will react to their dad starting to date again he has a thoughtful man so here's what I'd like to suggest every Saturday my daughter Cassie goes writing St she gets through around noon and we go to a nearby place for lunch how would it be if we accidentally bumped into you at the Stables perhaps by asking you to suggest a restaurant I hope you will decide to come sincerely sincerely Josh I like the way this Josh thinks okay deviously no he's mindful of his children's feelings so this all sounds legit to you yeah but I'm one of those zany Believers in the basic decency of people so you think I should go to the tumble weed stables and meet with this guy absolutely it's a win-win situation how so well if he is who he says he is you meet a candidate for kissing at midnight next New Year's Eve if he isn't well got another dating Fiasco to write about for your blog you forgot the third possibility who's that what if he's the Tumbleweed stable Strangler a yeah well I'll be at work have your cell phone handy with me on [Music] speed ah stunning like a magazine thing cover yeah I it looked better in the you like it must be quite an adjustment for you leaving Buffalo moving here I would move to the moon for your mother oh that's nice I know what you're thinking Susan you do I am not an insensitive man fine I never said you were you're thinking I'm not doing the right thing by your mother The Honorable thing moving in with her and all of that Arthur it's not my place and you're absolutely right that is not the way for a gentleman to behave my two favorite [Music] people okay hi sweetheart I am so ready for lunch let's go wait what did you forget something yes uh Susan yes I would like to ask you for the honor of your mother's hand in marriage you want you want to ask me you're the one she loves most in the world yes I want your permission your approval I well I'm uh sure you have my blessing Catherine flowers would you make me the proudest happiest man in the whole world by agreeing to become my wife how are you I I think she's trying to say [Music] yes dad you should throw away that shirt gold now shirt are you kidding this was the best concert I ever went to no way that was in the olden days yeah ' 80s right before dinosaurs died you made that concert so special anyway it's where I met your mom really yeah yeah she was there with uh a lot of her girlfriends from college it's fun was she just as pretty then oh yeah prettiest girl I'd ever seen you look more like her every day it's a little bit scary come on here she comes What a fine lady you're a snowflake I'm going to bring you some extra cheats next week Mr Sherman right man how are you Cassie hi Mr Wyatt I was old snowflake this morning she was a little stiff to the red at first but we worked it out didn't we girl better take her in and let her get rested see you next Saturday snowflake bye Mr Wyatt come on girls let's go she's not here maybe she's having trouble finding the place we have to stall Dad I think we should go somewhere else for lunch because because I haven't worked up a knat yet what you've been riding for 2 and 1/2 hours come on get in the car I'm starving Dad let's go someplace different today you want to break the Sherman family lunch tradition it's getting old we're in a rut I'm sure there are plenty of other cool places we could eat let's ask someone like her why would I ask a perfect stranger The Stranger is just a friend you haven't met I don't need D dad just ask go please come on come on just ask come out go excuse me excuse me excuse me EXC ex you first can you tell us where we can go around here for lunch somewhere close uh the best place in the city is right down the hill Miss Molly's Good Eats oh that's odd you been coming up here for years never heard of that before uh because it's a secret secret passed on only to chosen view well I'm honored what do you say girls awesome it sounds perfect can you give us directions I was actually headed there I which is why I stopped you do you have the time I watch she yeah it's uh 11:45 oh darn I missed my friend I was supposed to meet her you should join us for lunch yeah isn't that a good idea dad um [Music] sure do you want to join us for lunch I'd love to okay yes I'm Josh Josh Sherman Susan sus flowers hi Susan this is my eldest daughter Jennifer and Cassie hi hi hi nice to meet you so should we follow you yes follow me come on remember get there can't leave him alone even for a moment in case she mentions his email so you're um you come here a lot you oh on and off my dad and I used to come here every Sunday morning when I was a little girl just the two of us we would get up really early and then we'd go for hikes for like 2 hours along the trails in the park and then we come back here and have a huge breakfast sounds like a real treat yeah our little family tradition like you having lunch with for the girl how would you know about that every family has Traditions it's Universal yeah by the way I love your shirt I mean this all thing yeah I have one from their concert at the Forum in 88 you know about the owls it's only like my favorite band it's good to know there's still a few of us out there yeah just a few and then snowflake suddenly stopped and I fell straight into the bushes I hope all you hurt was your pride oh she was fine I was the one who shock dad's a warrior not in a bad way not at all he's a very solid person your girls certainly think a lot of you that's very sweet and surprising well I guess we better go yeah come on girls we should get together again oh what a nice idea what do you think Dad uh well yeah sure you should like exchange numbers or something that's our home number and Dad's cell thank you well I tell you what if Elizabeth ever quits I know who's going to replace her I always carry our numbers in case of emergency do you I'm not as efficient but I could probably write it down oh oh goodness we've got it let me get that thank you you have very polite children yes well this morning has been a revelation here you go there's my number all right come on girls in the car it's lovely to meet you you [Music] too hey Marine it's me Susan he was nothing like I thought he'd be are you running for your life seriously Susan you okay he's great give me some quick details I'm on duty okay he's funny smart kind of cute maybe the computer got it right okay don't remind me I won't tell me more his daughters were quirky and sweet he seems like a good dad and the whole accidental meeting thing totally worked like a charm well when are you seeing him again I don't know soon I hope no no hoping isn't good enough we got to come up with a plan of action I'll be over at 7:00 order a pizza with the works who wants salad me me me I saw her business card when her stuff fell out hearts and flowers with pictures of flowers all over it she must be a forest like her name cool here you go so Dad when are you going to call Susan flowers why would I call her because you liked her and she gave you her number the only reason she gave me your number is cuz it would have been rude not to you guys put her and me in a really awkward position but we've established that you liked her correct she's nice enough and she's the only other human being on the planet that's heard of the golden owls exactly you have things in common you have her number you should call her I arest my case impressive but Council left out one significant detail and what would that be she's probably got a boyfriend no she doesn't how would you know that because she doesn't look like she has significant other and how do people with significant others look not like her eat your [Music] pizza Susan for somebody who's great at giving dating advice you're really lousy at taking it no I went along with his plan to meet the girls his way the next move is up to him your knowledge of could fit on the head of a pin okay please enlighten me about men sister Marine they have trouble making up their own minds they appreciate a little push in the right direction it's all in the Bible starting with Adam and Eve maybe that wasn't exactly in the right direction but he got things rolling big time so should I offer him an apple no not exactly just send him a friendly email and tell him how much you enjoyed meeting him and his daughters and suggest a follow-up coffee what not expecting anyone maybe it's a dozen roses you are way too romantic for your own B I knew you'd be home hello my dear hi K what are you doing here well you didn't answer any of my emails nor any of my other messages so I didn't know what else to do are here congratulations are in order oh so you know I'm surprised Susan shared the news with you why would didn't I because you seem less than thrilled I gave my permission didn't I yes you did then you looked like you'd had a root canal anyway you probably could not have said no could you I can tell you two need to talk I should go no no please [Music] stay Susan I want you to try try what to have an open mind I am trying well then try harder what do you what do you want me to do Susan from the time I was a little girl I dreamed of the perfect wedding ah the perfect gown I made sketches I cut pictures out of magazines I had a whole scrapbook full of K wedding gowns then I met your dad he was being shipped out to Vietnam it was a whirlwind romance there wasn't time you know the story yeah yeah all you had time for was to take out a license and get down to city hall right so I forgot all about K's GS I mean all that really mattered was your dad but now suan all these years later I get another chance and I want you to help me pick out my gown do you want me to help you pick out your gown i' love to do that yes yes thank [Music] you it's hopeless he's never going to call her she's a modern woman maybe she'll call him no way she thinks that he made her do all the stupid pretend stuff to meet us if Dad doesn't call her then he'll seem like a jerk and why would Susan want to date a jerk your language is a little rude but the analysis is Flawless thanks I think hey how about we set up a meeting tomorrow at May Park maybe get a coffee and go for a straw and how do we get Dad to be there smarty we don't dear Josh what do you think too formal hi Josh so great meeting you and your daughters nah girls meeting you and the girls what who could be emailing me at this [Music] hour hi Susan thanks for coming today my girls just loved you how about coffee tomorrow at 2 at May Park h well what do you know what do you know Bailey should I answer by Josh sounds great see you [Music] then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Susan wait oh hi girl I thought I was meeting your dad he didn't come with us we told him we were going to a movie I'm not following this why don't we all sit down okay would you like a drink an ice cream a ret treat we pulled that out on once no thank you so tell me what's going on here well it's like this our dad has been on his own for quite a long time now 6 years I know and I'm sorry thank you my dad was really sad for a long time and the thing is we've decided the time has come for him to start dating again you decided we did quite a bit of research and you were the top candidate well I'm very flattered but how does your dad fit into all of this that note you got from delightful dad at romance for you.com we wrote it well mainly I wrote it so let me get this straight you two sent a profile to romance for you.com pretending to be your father and waited for responses is that it more or less you have to let him know what's going on right now no he liked you Susan but if he found out out about all of this that would be the end of it and he'd be alone forever well maybe you should just try to be patient let your dad do what he needs to do in his own time you don't know him he's very stubborn in a good way if you could call him so he knows you're free and just get a chance we promise to tell him everything okay look girls here's the deal I'll call your father I'll go on one date with him at the end of that date you have have to tell him the truth that's not time either that or I call him right now and tell him how about three dates please two two dates final offer you give a hard bargain Susan it's a deal deal [Music] deal we need to hurry cuz 's taking me to Vegas for the weekend okay are you ready as I'll ever be okay wow do you like it yes tear it down or up just like that just like that you look beautiful oh I feel beautiful I do I think it's because I'm so in love oh baby that's the way I want you to feel too maybe this nice wiw is the one that's going to make you feel like that we'll see baby don't be like that like what like cautious sometimes you just need to take a chance jump in with both feet look at me yeah you've certainly jumped in any gorgeous Brides In Here Arty you're not supposed to see me as bad luck don't you come in till I get out is it safe yet yeah she's in the dressing room hey I got a riddle for you why do brides always wear white why matches everything else in the kitchen hey bet you looks like a million bucks you'd win that bet Arthur hey call me aie better yet why don't you call me pups all my nephews and nieces call me Pops I think I'll stick with Arthur you you know what you should sit cuz she might take a while [Music] good morning I wouldn't jump to any conclusions what's that supposed to mean so how's that romance for you expose coming I'm working on [Music] it [Music] take a deep breath jump in with both feet take a deep breath jump in with both [Music] feet [Music] Joshua Sherman speaking hello hello Josh Josh Josh it's um Susan Susan flowers from the other day yes we met oh uh of course hi hi so um how are you Susan great and you great also good so anyway um I was calling to see if you'd like to get together this week sure uh let's see uh Thursday uh I have um a business dinner um Friday's good how about Friday no Friday's no good I got a parent teacher meeting at my youngest daughter's school C Cassy right yes oh you got a got a good memory well your daughters are very memorable let's see that takes care of all the week nights H um I have an idea uh nothing glamorous of course but glamorous I don't eat glamorous okay in that case how about joining me and the girls for dinner at our home on Sunday oh great U that sounds great uh can I bring anything bring yourself and a good appetite the girls always cook on Sunday how cute okay so uh uh what's the address that would be helpful wouldn't it uh it's uh 8746 Forest Lane the date I look forward to seeing you then me too Josh bye Susan bye yes yes yes yes you what Dad how could you what's wrong with asking her to come over here for dinner it's not in the least bit romantic well it was you two that wanted me to see her again take it or leave it we have to plan a special menu something French with candles yeah it's going to be ni no different to any other Sunday night girls we'll eat in the dining room of course using the Good China we don't have good China then we'll buy some and I'll put together a CD of appropriate classical dinner music and we need flowers she's a florist so her thing is flowers how do you know she's a florist I saw her business card she owns her own shop Forest that's nice and Dad you should really get some new clothes something from this Century guys here's a reality check okay all that's going to happen is a guest who happens to be a woman is coming over for dinner we're not going to pretend to we anything we're not you're right and don't tell her what you do did you hear a word I said under no circumstances should you discuss your profession just out of curiosity why not well if I was a woman which I will be someday soon and I heard A guy ran romance for you.com I think he had a lot of girlfriends so I wouldn't want to date him I see if it comes up just tell how are you're a businessman with diverse interest yeah diverse interest that sounds cool too bad I don't have time before Sunday to grow a go tea I would suit [Music] you what a lovely table oh this is nothing we always done like this on Sundays it's a Sherman family tradition usually the butler serves aperti but he took the night off well I'm very very impressed you like the floor arrangement we did it ourselves well you're very talented it's a work of art there you go girls there's a compliment coming from someone who knows all about flowers there's me and Snowflake and this is the moment I knew I loved horses you were very cute both you and snowflake look at this Susan this this is the dress I wore last year to the C Hawkins dance cool did you ask a boy no she wanted to ask Adam Stein shut up hey hey no it's okay do you like this Adam Stein sort of I guess but he's kind of mean to me okay ladies let me let you in on a little secret what well sometimes when a boy really likes you he pretends to be mean to you really it's the truth that explains a lot so Susan would you say boys prefer girls with or without glasses glasses are definitely a plus I mean sometimes I mean for one thing they make your eyes look bigger which is always attractive and they let a boy know that he's dealing with a young woman who's very secure with who she is [Music] well I feel like I need to apologize for what well I'm sure sitting around with a couple of kids all night wasn't your idea of a great date are you kidding I can't remember the last time I had this much fun it was wonderful seeing the girls with you and realized how much they needed well when their mom died I I swore to myself that I would be the best dad and mom in the world to them I'm sure you have them somehow I don't think it's enough now though you know well I should go oh um I don't suppose you're free tomorrow afternoon what did you have in mind well I kids get out early from school Cassie wants to go riding naturally and Jennifer wants to tag along she's breaking in a new pair of jeans good reason for a ride you got to figure it out well anyway I'm going to be uh alone in the park for a few hours and thought you might like to come for a hike I'd love to okay terrific meet you at the Tumbleweed stables at 3 sounds like a plan good night Josh good ni oh got it [Music] Susan what are you doing here I'm sorry I couldn't wait for you to get off duty my worst fear has been realized what happened the romance for you.com computer worked I just had the best date of my life well don't worry it was wasn't entirely the computer my prayers helped I can't wait for you to meet him his name's Josh I've never seen you like this I've never felt like this maybe your New Year's resolution is going to come true and you'll be kissing your perfect match at midnight on New Year's Eve okay don't get carried away well doesn't hurt to put it out there this Josh of yours do for a living I don't know we didn't discuss that diverse interest I don't know I'll check them out online oh I'm sorry work whatever it is I'm sure it's perfect okay bye Sherman maybe Joshua Sherman baby baby we're back from Vegas In the Flesh wow you do look like you hit the jackpot got married we got hitched you what we got married we did not that we we planned it or anything we we saw this couple walk out of the Elvis chapel and suddenly it hit us just like that I said Arty what are we waiting for let's go for it right now sure and your plans what about Kay's gown K's gown you know what on your big day should you want it you can have Kay's gown but this was supposed to be your dream wedding seeart it's not about a gown my dream is really about finding someone that I have a chance at happen with really oh congratulations I don't want you to feel left out oh no we're going to have a Divine reception next month party of the Year hey come on tap about a hug for old aie oh congratulations Arthur welcome to the family I'm going to make you proud come on let's celebrate come on baby what I got to no no no no no no here we go smile like a postcard looks like your date's here Dad we're going to have a long ride so enjoy yourselves yeah if you're L getting back we'll just wait here as long as it takes no problem hi girls hey hi going for a ride yeah okay have a good one bye bye ready yes sir okay so unbelievably beautiful yeah it's a really special place are you hungry I made um sandwiches you did mhm I have turkey and turkey oh I'll take um turkey okay either one so do you come hiking here with the girls a lot no not really I used to come here a lot well I'm happy you brought me I'm happy you came me too [Music] really [Music] well they're late getting back that's a good sign an excellent sign you think she's really going to make us home everything today she's a decisive woman and the deal was we tell him after two dates this is the second date let's hope it went really well there they are hi hi how was your hike it's great nice so you're going to be doing it again seeing how you both seem to have enjoyed it so much these guys are better than a dating service we had a great time and yes we have plans to see each other again excellent and I think there's something you wanted to say to your dad there is oh Mr Sherman may I have a word with you sure Ben what's up uh snowflake what about her uh she's getting on an AG and gets tired real easy we decided to retire her no you can't do that cash has been writing her forever believe me Mr Sherman this has not been an easy decision we just can't afford to keep her do something I'm sorry Dad don't make glue out of her I read it in a book honey [Music] Cassie sorry snowflake I'm so [Music] sorry sorry [Music] girl morning could you get me the file on Miss mosit I need Miss moscowitz is no longer with us what that sweet old lady died worse she signed up with romance for you.com do we have to lose all our clients before you finally write that expose I'm sorry I've been a little distracted it's time to focus Boss look our friends at romance you.com have these new glossy brochures out use that for inspiration I'll take care of it [Music] [Music] hi hi did I catch at work nope just took a long lunch take care of some business the Shermans are now proud owners of a horse you bought snowflake how could I resist you saw Cassie's face did the girls know no no I thought I would tell them tonight at dinner come over oh it's it's a family occasion and I would like for you to be a part of it I'd love to yeah I'm focused don't worry I'm working I going to have to get back I was just anyway um Josh what um I wanted to ask you I forgot to ask you what what line of work did you say you were in uh I'm in business you know diverse interests yeah diverse interest right um I'll see you at 7:00 okay bye [Music] the road to love is littered with dashed hopes and trembl expectations you're not ready to be hurt better to stay out of the game [Music] I knew it was too good to be true is this your Josh Sherman no there must be some explanation there sure is Josh Sherman CEO of romance for you.com tricked me he lied to me and worst of all he got his daughters involved why business he wanted to get rid of the competition it's totally unethical but you were doing the same thing that's different I didn't know who he was maybe he didn't know that you you're you maybe it was a coincidence are you okay yeah I mean At first I felt like a truck fell on me I could barely breathe I can understand that oh I got to go I'm going to be late to Josh's for dinner you going to Josh's for dinner of course he invited me and and he doesn't know I'm on to him I'm going to play this game to The Bitter End I've got an expose to write Susan don't tonight I'm going to gather all the ammunition I need to blow romance for you.com right out of the [Music] water remember to save room for a very special dessert I'm not hungry dad oh you like this one I guarantee it here girls take your [Music] plates here it is voila is this new did you buy her that's right snowflake is the newest member of our [Music] family I have to get a new blanket in a saddle yes yeah and everything fortunate boarding I'm sure you can find the money somewhere among all your diverse interests we can keep her here somehow I don't think the neighbors are going to appreciate a horse in a garage and I need this space for my car in 4 years as long as I can write her anytime I want well that's the idea here you go take your cake you go watch TV thanks Dad MH don't worry about it enjoy yourselves okay man well that went well yes it did so do you need some help cleaning up nope fine are you sure yeah I'm responsible is some is everything okay you seem a little oh sure I'm tired long week I'm sure you have some insight on how difficult my work can be actually I have no idea about your line of work I think you do is it uh is it a busy time right now well not as busy as it could be competition you know yeah oh yeah well you have Valentine's Day coming up that'll be good sure a lot of people out there looking for love then and that's when business is best right yeah a lot of lonely people they can be good for business great for business yeah oh let's not talk about work you know what Josh I got to go I have to be at work early let me walk you out say goodbye to the girls will you be seeing them again sometime [Music] soon [Music] bed dream no I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about tonight it's Pleasant having her around here yeah she makes that happy do you think Mom M no I think she's glad she wants her dad to be be happy too Jen yeah you know how I don't have any memories of mom mhm well there is one I think about sometimes it's almost like a dream what is it I remember I was in my crib listening to this beautiful voice talking to me yeah Mom had a real pretty voice made you feel all warm and safe like nothing could ever hurt you she was telling me a story something about a princess when it was over she leaned on to kiss me T night and her hair touched my face it was soft like Silk that's a nice [Music] memory night good night I love I love [Music] to Susan's heart hints today's hint is about trying to make a match the romance for you.com way many singles desperate to connect have turned to this new company hoping that a computer will find a way to brighten their solitary lives my secret Research into the workings of romance for you.com has uncovered evidence to show that they are hoping in vain the three unsuitable matches set up for me by romance for you.com one with a college student the other with a foot fetishist and the third with a man who was not at all what he claimed to be provide ample proof that machines cannot replace the Personal Touch Martin look up a profile of a client by the name of Susan flowers print out the information and bring it to me immediately the sad truth is that companies like romance for you.com are all about business the best way to set up a match is still the old-fashioned way working with people who care the way we've been doing with unrivaled success for a decade and hearts and [Music] flowers thanks Elizabeth but shouldn't I [Music] [Music] please fo yes I know I'm late I take back every terrible thing I ever said about you thanks oh the phone's been ringing off the hook I'm into next month on appointments could you make me a cup of coffee anything you want black hearts and flowers may I help you [Music] [Music] dear Susan I've been writing and rewriting this all day long it finally comes down to one word I'm disappointed disappointed in you disappointed in you disappointed that the future I dared to dream about for the first time in 6 years was just that a [Music] dream I can't believe you have snowflake so lucky I can't believe it I know no I need to get a horse I know now that snli S I can visit her anytime right right Jen and I could even ride our bikes over on a weekday it's too far can we have a picnic in the park this weekend yeah Susan can bring her dog she says she has a very intelligent dog Bailey I've always wanted a dog maybe we'll have one soon so Dad why don't you call Susan yes see if Sunday's good for her guys I don't think that we're going to be seeing much of Susan again what do you mean things didn't work out but she's perfect for you what [Music] happened it's a grown-up thing dad come on we have a right to know I thought she was going to be our new mom what would give you an idea like that dinner's over take your PL to the kitchen brush your teeth go to [Music] bed hurts so much baby maybe you should call him there's nothing to say oh there's always something to say not this time no okay then you tell me what I can do to make you feel better just hold me sweetheart what are you doing up made some tea for my girls with cookies cookies are important ni thank you you going on up to bed I'll be up shortly take as long as you want thank you night good night good night [Music] pups you know what Mom H I don't think I could have found a better match for you in a million years [Music] Cassie I had a bad dream can I come in you [Music] asleep on 47 in progress officer need sir do you have any idea where your daughter might have had it I don't know I don't know where she would go to by herself in the middle of the night never done anything like this before now does she have any friends in the neighborhood or maybe a classmate Melissa's down there on the road no no dad I know where she [Music] is [Music] coming through than some room here some room let's go all right what we're going do [Music] hello Susan I'm sorry to wake you up but there's a little girl who's been brought in with a head injury her name is Cassandra Sherman dad is Josh Sherman oh okay I'll I'll be right there [Music] how is she she's stable but she's still in colleges she needs to be monitored closely what happened she decided to go for horse back ride in the middle of the night snowflake her dad and her sister back with [Music] her Susan what are you doing here I I came to see Cassie Susan you came are you okay yeah I think she went to see SN Lake because she was sad about you guys that's what happened isn't it you told Dad what we did and he got mad right what are you talking about Cassie C yes jie cie I'll never be me to you again I promise Jessie come back to a [Music] sweetheart [Music] there you are your prayers must have been heard Cassie just regained Consciousness she's going to be okay well she's going to have a nasty bump on her head for a couple weeks but she's going to be good as new thank you thank you thank you thank you Susan yeah I was watching Josh with his children that's a good man I know but you know it's it's over Susan you can fool a lot of people maybe even yourself but I've no you too long for you to be able to fool me hny you're not happy this is your chance for the family you should have this [Music] love you you you how do you [Music] know huh [Music] no and you're positive that snowfake is okay no she's in better shape than I am hospital food is awesome you simply have to find a new word she's back to normal she's back to normal I need you to clear something up for me you said something to Susan that I can't figure out fck this CLP you said to Susan that I must be mad about something that she told me that you did did what Susan didn't tell you anything about us about the profiles and the emails no she didn't tell me about profiles or emails what Dad you better sit down or maybe lie down on the bed one of you two done it was Cassie's idea no she's the one who put the thought in my head no I didn't enough one at a time you first well we decided that you should date again we need a woman around the house it's getting lonely so we went to romance you.com and made a profile that's how we met Susan oh girls but she's really nice right and [Music] [Music] pretty Susan's hard HS finding real love is hard these days maybe almost [Music] impossible hi hi Susan's heart hints finding real love is hard these days maybe almost impossible but watching my mother's unabashed Joy when she hugs the man who is totally wrong yet totally right for her or my best friend's eyes light up when she speaks about her love for God or the face of the man I love transformed when he looks at his two daughters I realize that it's everywhere around us so here's my last hint for this year be ready for anything in life don't close the door without seeing who's on the other side because love can appear where you least expect it and if you can try to marry the man of your dreams on New Year's Eve that way he'll never forget your [Music] anniversary and that's exactly what we did one year later on New Year's Eve when I finally got my kiss at midnight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] is [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh
Channel: Saifan Official TV
Views: 13,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palli gram tv, সফিক, sofik video, sofiker, sofiker video
Id: qs8qUilJueU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 31sec (5191 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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