The Royal Bake Off 2024 - Best Hallmark Movies 2024 - Great Hallmark Romance - New Romantic Movies

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[Music] come on that can't be the best idea we have it is the 200th anniversary of Morton Illinois the town that my family founded and where the Morton pumpkin company started we need to do something special it's the pumpkin capital of the world for crying out loud actually I'm from Half Moon Bay California and we're the pumpkin capital of the world so what did you just say it's no big deal a lot of cities call themselves The Pumpkin capital of the world I just know that Hing Bay is the best place for pumpkins how long have you been here miss Amin like 3 months that's long enough you're firing me over pumpkins pumpkins are a life blood here at the Morton pumpkin company Morton is the pumpkin capital of the world and if you don't respect that you don't respect me or my company they're just pumpkins I rest my [Music] case pumpkins are incredibly important to me and my business I get it my aunt and uncle are from Circleville Ohio get [Music] out leave the donut [Music] what about a jackal Lantern Festival a jackal Lantern contest to celebrate Morton's 200th anniversary people can come from all over the world and compete in the contest and see who makes the best Jackal Lantern Jackal lanterns aren't made all over the world they aren't no as a matter of fact Halloween isn't even celebrated all over the [Music] world what is wrong with you people this is about pumpkins not Halloween not jack' [Music] lanterns K people what pumpkins you really should learn your history of pumpkins and pumpkin related holidays if you wish to continue working here Mr Peno sorry [Music] sir next oh miss Patel you have an idea what about a spice off spice off sure we can see who can make the best pumpkin spice latte big cliche but I think we're getting closer to what we're looking for the Great Pumpkin Bake Off excuse me the Great Pumpkin bake off that's what we will call it your great grandmother used to enter her pumpkin pies into contest and they were the best pumpkin pies there I remember the story now there are so many pumpkin dishes pumpkin pies pumpkin bread pumpkin cookies pumpkin ravioli pumpkin spice cake so why don't we have a cooking contest where people can enter any recipe they want as long as pumpkin is the star ingredient I love this you can hold it in conjunction with the Morton Pumpkin Festival nice of you to join us Mr Coburn I didn't think you were paying attention I was doing some history on Morton it appears as though this year is the 55th annual Morton Pumpkin Festival and that's already an established event I want something new over 75,000 people coming from all over the world to attend a pumpkin Festival it lasts for 4 days I see where you're going with this Mike you do sure there's a ton of marketing done for the Pumpkin Festival we can just piggyback off of that with for the 200th celebration yeah we can get the Morton Chamber of Commerce to to help out I mean they run the Pumpkin Festival and there won't be any extra work all the work is already being done for the 4-day festival right it's just adding an extra event or several if if we have smaller bake offs within each category we can move it to the finals on the final day oh and we can finish the whole thing with a ball a ball sure Cinderella's coach was made from a [Music] pumpkin all those in favor of the Great Pumpkin Bake Off I all those are pose let's get on this people meeting a [Music] journ hi Mrs de hi Len here you go fresh baked this morning thank you so much you know you really do make the best pumpkin pies in the county you're too kind you should enter that bake off that everybody's talking about Bake Off where What's Happening Here in Morton during Pumpkin Fest where did you hear that in the morning talk show the one with that handsome host he had Madison Bell on during the food segment Madison Bell I love Madison Bell I love that handsome host you got to see this well hello Peter hi Mr def I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt no you're fine you must have seen the news this morning about the Great Pumpkin bake off yes so this is really a thing oh it's not just a thing Lynn the top prize is a million dollar a million dollar I told you you should enter you didn't say the prize was a million dollars it's more than that every category has a priz of 50 grand 50 Grand well you two have a lot to discuss here so I'm just going to take my Pie and uh head home maybe check the news again and here you go Mrs de what's up for your kids you are too kind Lyn thank you and you enter that Bake Off nobody deserves to win it more than you [Music] do let me see that you could totally win it Lynn I don't know they're opening up entries to people all over the world you're the best baker in the world hardly I'm serious there's no one out there that can bake like you you never even left Morton doesn't matter I know the best when I see it and I'm seeing it thank you for calling The Confectionary how may I help you I was just looking over the details I will thank you bye who was that Mr langenbach asking if I'd heard about the contest see he was probably just being nice okay I need to pick up the phone there thank you for calling The Confectionary how may I help you hi Grandma I'm thinking about it I will okay okay I will I love you bye told you she's my grandma of course she's going to want me to enter oh come on Lyn you should enter there's a huge prize and no fee what have you got to lose I'll think about it Lynn don't you have to go to work or something I'm not going anywhere until you say you'll enter thank you for calling The Confectionary how may I help you mayor Kaufman what a pleasant surprise what can I do for you I was just telling people I was planning on entering tonight okay what time sure okay well see you then bye that was the mayor yeah and he wants you to enter yeah which you will yeah and you're freaking out because he wants us to come to dinner tonight and bring two pumpkin pies tonight yeah you can come right yeah absolutely what time um 7:00 p.m. at his house okay well you better get to bacon those PES aren't going to make themselves right I'll pick up your house at 6:30 okay later bye Pete [Music] I'm sorry but more closed oh your door was open but the science has closed well I was uh I was walking outside and I smelled something wonderful baking so I gave it a push it opened again we're closed it smells as if you're baking I am this is a bakery after all a closed Bakery when closed early so you're not going to sell me anything sure what would you [Music] like well I don't know um nothing interests you nothing in the case so what are you baking pumpkin pie sounds good I'll take one I'm sorry they're not for sale this is a bakery right yes a closed Bakery and you just baked a pumpkin pie I baked too but you won't sell me one right because I'm not for sale I think you're missing the point of what a bakery is and I think you don't know how to take no for an answer is that so wrong look I'm happy to sell you anything in the case or refrigerator even though my bakery is closed the pumpkin pies not for sale so why'd you bake them I'm bringing them to a dinner tonight well just so happens I need to take something to a dinner I'm attending as well if you prefer there's a lovely prco at the liquor store down the [Music] street are you kicking me out of your bakery not yet prco it is and um remind me to buy you a glass if we ever meet up again we won't enjoy your dinner you [Music] too and you've never seen him before no and I hope I never do again maybe he's a reporter covering Morton for for the bake off already I doubt it just announced yesterday yeah you're right he most definitely was not from around here why' you say that the way he was dressed well what's wrong with the way people in Morton dress nothing it's just he was tripping with money you tell by his clothes huh and his hair what his hair it was all done up I don't follow so he's not from around here because of his hair right and his clothes yeah and he's dripping with money well don't make it sound like that Peter you said it not me I'm just trying to follow just never mind forget it okay Lynn you're too nervous of course I'm nervous when's the last time you went to dinner at the mayor's house never mind don't answer that your dad is the president of the Chamber of Commerce it's just dinner it's not like they're judging your pies for the Great Pumpkin bake off everybody wants me to enter my pies do you know how many people called me today a lot a lot and they were all asking if I was entering so so it's a lot to carry on my shoulders Morton is the pumpkin capital of the world people are going to be looking at me then don't enter I don't have that choice Lynn you always have that choice if you don't want to enter then don't really really you're being too hard on yourself Lyn you're the best baker that I know I know that you're going to win your family knows you're going to win the whole town knows you're going to win I think everyone's just excited for you and they're excited that Morton is finally going to be put on the map maybe you're right can you say that again no I I uh no I I really need to record that um come on we're going to be late no come on just one more time please and like a little louder let's go then Peter I'm so glad you could make it hi May nice to see you Mrs caufman please call me may there's no need to be so formal in okay may you you have a lovely home let me take those I can help you nonsense I'll just put them in the kitchen we're having everything cater tonight anyway catered what's the occasion the CEO of Morton pumpkin company is here for a visit oh wow isn't he a descendant and one of the founders of Morton yes and he also came up with the idea of B off I can't wait to meet him he also happens to be one of the most eligible bachelors in Chicago Lynn I don't think Lynn's looking for romance tonight May well why not you never know when you're going to meet the person you want to spend the rest of your life with please don't set me up with him I won't I'll just introduce you to and let the fire ignite itself May he's really handsome is she always like yep come on let's go find Mar cman May Kaufman nice to see you you remember Lyn Travis from The Confectionary of course so glad you can make it thank you so much for inviting me Mr Mayor well dinner wouldn't be complete without your pumpkin pie for dessert so that's why you wouldn't sell me those pies youo so you already know each other yeah uh no not exactly Pier Peter menold this is Lynn Travis Lynn's the best baker in town oh is that so the best in Illinois I wouldn't go that far nonsense I'd say you're the best pumpkin pie baker in the entire USA the whole world oh please continue I'm enjoying the very shades of red you're turning Lyn is just being modest I'll tell you something I'm sure she is going to win our entire Bake Off a caufman no I agree no one can out bake Lynn especially with pumpkin pies well I wouldn't know she wouldn't sell me any you could have purchased anything in that case and I told you that dinner is Serv well say by the Bell this is great just [Music] great if uh everyone's okay with it I'd love to offer up grace before dinner Mr Morton this is Pastor Mark of Grace Church he's a prominent figure in Morton as well as a good family friend you don't mind if he says Grace do you oh of course not by all means please do let's all join hands heavenly father thank you for the food we're about to eat thank you for our wonderful town Our Kind citizens and our great mayor thank you for bestowing upon us the the opportunity to show the whole world just how special Morton is through the Great Pumpkin bake off we ask that you continue to watch over us and guide us along your path in your name we pray amen amen amen is this how it always is if you mean being grateful for what we have and the opportunities we've been given then yes I'd like to offer a toast to pierce Morton the great great grandson of the founder of Morton as well as the entire Morton family thank you for putting Morton on the map literally Che I think that is of in Lyn have you had a chance to talk with Mr Morton tonight or is Jeff chewing his ear off it's fine I'm sure they have a lot to talk about nonsense Jeff Jeffrey dear Yes dear why don't you let Lynn and Mr Morton have a chance to speak please just call me Pierce well Pierce Lynn owns The Confectionary you should check it out sometime it used to be the town's police station and it even still has jail cells in the back H I went there today but I had no idea the history do the jail sales work yes it's where I keep my grumpy customers well maybe you can show me some time M's actually pretty busy with the bake off and all so well the Bake Off isn't until September at Pumpkin Fest I do need time to prepare I haven't even read the rules yet tell you what I'll uh drop a coffee off tomorrow I'm improving them tonight isn't that nice of himlin yeah sure real nice yeah I'll swing by before I head back to Chicago you're leaving tomorrow Sunday I just came into town to kind of check things out haven't been here in quite some time actually he's staying at his parents house your parents still live here no they uh they retired to uh Arizona but uh we kept the house in the family my great grandparents actually built it sounds quite Charming yeah it is hey come and see it I couldn't oh of course you could no I'm really busy come before breakfast matter of fact come before breakfast come by I'll give you a copy of the rules and I'll show you my home thought you said it was your parents' home and that you uh lived in Chicago yes to both here but I own the house now and I take care of it just I haven't been there in a while as [Music] all go on Lynn you never know where this is going to go fine but it has to be early just so happens I'm an early riser should we St 7 5:30 works for me [Music] well this looks delicious Lynn thank you Lyn will make the best pumpkin pie you'll ever taste that's all I've heard you're too kind Pastor Mark I only speak the truth I'm sure Pierce has tasted his fair share of pumpkin pies he can be the judge that I will Jeff quite literally what do you mean I'm one of the judges for the bake off actually I was hoping you'd consider being a judge as well absolutely well who else do you have in mind well we're still working on that but it might be a conflict of interest since you already know what ly's pumpkin pie tastes like I would never choose ly's pie just because it's hers or just because she's from Mort well I'm sure you would at least not on purpose wait wait so what are you saying well I just don't think it'd be very fair for Lynn to enter her pumpkin pie into the bake off that's what that's what she's known for I was planning on entering it well could always enter another category tell you what we'll talk about it tomorrow too bad though this really is the best pumpkin pie I've ever tasted I can't believe he's not going to let me make my pumpkin pie I really don't like him well for what it's worth I don't like him either why not he didn't do anything to you exactly he barely spokes me in there he's rude and I saw the way he looked at you come on peep I'm serious he was like a wolf gawking at a lamb are you calling me a lamb not exactly what does that even mean it was like he wanted to pounce on you I can handle him you shouldn't have to come on I'm serious Lynn look I've want to tell you this for a long time Lynn Lynn hey is that your sister I think so what's she doing here I have no idea I come on what are you doing here I have been trying to call you all night I had dinner with the mayor and I left my phone at home what's wrong are blaz and Julie okay yes they're fine I just need to talk to you hey okay feting anything okay do you mind staying out here with Julie while I talk to Lynn Julie's here here she's in the car yeah sure no problem let's go inside she's just selfish and takes everything for granted I mean it doesn't help that you and blae don't say no to her Brooke I know I know it's just easier to give her what she wants than fight you don't have to fight you know you don't have kids believe me when I do they will have to earn everything they get well that's what blae has been saying she's 14 now and she needs to start taking on some responsibilities like doing chores around the house even making her bed when she wakes up in the morning okay so what's the problem I'm leaving to shoot a film in France tomorrow Julie was supposed to come with me our Nanny was going to take her and her best friend around while I'm on set and well Blaze was able to come home for the past 3 days and he walked into Julie's room and it was a total mess and he said you need to clean this up and she said that's what the M is for and he hit the roof not a good answer we realized she's just a spoiled brat and we don't want to reward her with a trip to France because she's just going to keep it up I mean I don't think you're wrong so blae canceled the trip what about your movie exactly I still to go and I'm filming until September oh no Brooke come on please I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't in a bind what about Mom and Dad I can't get her to them tonight my flight's at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow yes Lynn I'm begging you please I don't know you're her godmother she loves you I trust you with her life I know but what am I supposed to do do with her how am I supposed to keep her off of her phone and entertained oh she lost phone privileges no electronics all summer Brooke you're really putting me in a lousy position I know and I'm so sorry I'll pay you I don't want you to pay me besides money's not going to fix this it's so last minute and I've got this pumpkin Bake Off thing I've got to do teach her to bake what come on Lynn she can work at The Confectionary with you she needs to know what a traditional life is like rather than coming from a movie star mom and a pro baseball player dad there is nothing more traditional than Morton you can say that again and we grew up here she needs to know what her roots are Lynn please thanks for bringing our luggage up Pete I don't know what I'd do without you that's what I'm here for if you need anything else just give me a call you're leaving yeah I figured I'd give you and your sister a chance to talk a little more before she goes back to St Louis is everything all right up there I heard yelling oh yeah there was yelling and when that didn't work the tears started what have I got myself into hey it's all going to work out how can you be so sure God doesn't give us things we can't handle yeah but my sister sure does hey you got this and if you don't you got me to help thanks Pete good night night good morning Julie time to wake up uh come on Jewels rise and shine time to take the day by storm what time is it 5:30 5:30 yeah in the morning of course in the morning I didn't even know there was a 5:30 in the morning we got to be at the bakery by 6 so let's go wakey wakey eggs and bakey come on Anan let me sleep no we've got work to do work yes come on let's go I me your favorite cinnamon rolls that's what I saw come on sleeping pey let's go chop chop no if I were in France they' be treating me like royalty well if you play your cards right might get treated like royalty here yeah as if don't make me dump that glass of water water over there on your head fine I'm up I'm up great get dressed let's [Music] go oh there she is Jay kryy Morton Village bugle B if I ask you a few questions I don't know I really need to open up my shop oh no go ahead Lynn please we'll wait a celebrity now a celebrity you are in Morton okay sure go ahead will you be entering Great Pumpkin Bon oh well I don't of course she is what what category will you enter I don't even know what categories there are the bakery category no question and why is that The Confectionary is the Cornerstone of Morton it used to be the Morton Police Department there's even working jail cells still in the back there is no other Bakery like it so I suppose you could say going to lock up the competition huh you have to use that I just might I I really need to open up the bakery should I ask you one last question sure what are you going to make well she won't be able to make her pumpkin pie unfortunately she'll have to make something entirely different and why is that two of the judges were at dinner last night and Pierce Morton said that she won't be able to enter it because they'll already know what it tastes like wait you're disqualifying her pie because they already ate it that's not fair not Julie my aunt makes the best pumpkin pie in the world she wins all sorts of contests for it which is exactly why we're here what do you mean since you can't enter your pumpkin pie we all here to buy one and try to replicate it for the amateurs category you can't copy her pie you're all here to buy pumpkin pie yes may called me as soon as you left last night and I said we needed to spread the word we can't risk having someone outside of our town locking up the pumpkin pie category that's not fair darling Morton is the pumpkin capital of the world we have to work together to keep our title I'll be opening up my shop in 5 minutes thank you for your time no thank you come on Julie that's cheating by the way it's for [Music] Lynn what in the world is going on out there the Great Pumpkin bake off so that's in September it's over two months away I know people are excited they want to steal her pumpkin pie what Des right you remember my niece Julie right of course what's up Jules she'll be spending the summer with me um and working here I hope I'm too young to work oh you're going to help out I don't even know how to bake you're going to learn especially since all of these people want pumpkin pie I'm sorry all of them a Lyn got disqualified from making her pie for the bake go and now everybody out there wants to replicate it that's cheating that's what I said it doesn't matter right now we need to open the bakery I'm not ready I need 30 minutes before we can open I know I have an idea yeah what's that I can go outside and take 10 orders at a time and bring them back to you yeah when did you get so smart I've seen mom's personal assistant to stuff like this all the time I think she calls it crisis management all right let's get to work I can't believe how many people are out there I can't believe it there's so many other bakeries in town yeah but you make the best pumpkin pie thank you no it's true it's too bad you can't enter into the pumpkin pie category you know about the categories yeah I read all about it how does it work there are 10 categories and each winner gets $50,000 50 Grand yep and then those 10 winners will go on to play for $1 million I can't even imagine that much money it's crazy but you know your sister you've seen that much money you know what I mean speaking of your sister what is Julie doing here it's a long story she's here for the entire summer do you think it's going to be a problem so far so [Music] good those people are crazy why what happened every single one of them ask me for your pumpkin pie recipe but you don't know it that's what I said the mayor's wife even offered me a hundred bucks if I gave it to her what did you say I told him not a sellout Julie out a girl I wish I just took the money and gave her something I found online ooh that's a good idea Desi come on fine fine what are the orders so we need 27 pumpkin pies 27 I thought you were just getting the first 10 people I did did 27 pies for 10 people yeah how many more people are out there a lot we better get [Music] baking did you ever feel like a fish out of water like a four-legged Beast you try to walk on land you adjust and try to fit in and alter but no matter how you try you just can't stand now when you get back to the water start flipping your fins You' forgotten how to swim you try to walk so long that your fins feel wrong and everything looks Grim you can never go back once you leave home Waters you better teach those fins to dance somewhere in between la la la la [Music] la la la la la la la la la la la la did you ever feel like the course was a bit misleading you never got where you thought youd get when you went to go and now you're feeling just like a ship without an anchor yeah better B those hatches down [Music] even la la la la la la la la la la you go last pumpkin pie of the night thanks Lenn I hope I can make mine taste just like yours if you come in tomorrow I'll teach you how to make it really sure I'll come right after I close can I come too I don't know Morgan why not if you're giving baking lessons I want to learn how to make your pumpkin pie it's sure to win the million dollars yeah but I asked her first so so I'm her best friend she has to teach me Morgan I'm her friend too I'm sorry Morgan I'm not giving baking lessons but you just said I know Mor going I just it's my pumpkin pie I'm not going to teach everyone how to make it please it has my secret [Music] ingredient fine good night ladies good night you're still going to teach me right absolutely and I am closing up early tomorrow yeah we have to we've been open 4 hours longer than normal and my feet are killing me what about during my lunch okay didn't get to eat lunch today Julie I saw you eat you can't still be hungry I'm not hungry I'm tired I'll come by your shop tomorrow after we close up that would be so great thanks lnn bye good night if I ever see a pumpkin pie again it'll be too soon same come on Julie let's go I'll clean up we already did really we sure did go home Dez all right I'll see yall in the morning all right you ready one more stop relax it'll be quick come on [Music] fine so this is the big stop a closed church it's not supposed to be closed who are you calling Pastor Mark Lynn you forgot about me tonight I didn't forget about you we were very busy at the bakery we're going crazy for the Bake Off well I'm up at the High School playing basketball with some of my youth group kids if you want to pop by I can't I have to get my niece home we're really tired niece are Brook and Blaze in town nope she spending the summer with me really I don't think you mentioned that before no I didn't it was all very sudden here let me put you on speaker Pastor Mark meet my niece Julie Remington Julie Pastor Mark hi it's very nice to meet you Julie are you a champion Baker like your aunt we're all pulling for her to win that million dooll prize you know no if I win that prize it's going straight to the church that would certainly be a blessing you already give so much to us ly it's the least I can do uh what do you want me to do with the breakfast for tomorrow that's a lot of food for one person a ly it's not for me then who's it for I'm on the coffee Team every Saturday after The Confectionary closes your aunt Linn donates whatever wasn't sold so then who's going to to pay for it we had no leftovers after tonight no one it's my service Julie when I don't have leftovers I donate what I can to the church I didn't know that it's fine Mark it's my pleasure really don't think anything of it thank you we do cherish you sounds like a waste to me Julie do you go to church with your parents Julie when they go yeah do you do anything with your church besides go to service what else is there to do so so much tell you what Lyn why don't you come the first service tomorrow and set up breakfast with your niece okay do we have to Julie go wait in the car fine good night Mark Pastor Mark Pastor Mark good night Julie God bless I'm so sorry she worked all day with me and she's never worked before her mom's strung it on both of us that she'd be spending the summer with me and here not in France Lynn it's fine just bring her tomorrow and I'll take her under my wing I don't want to be in trouble it's no trouble at all right see you tomorrow night [Music] Lynn [Music] tough day long day how was breakfast it was good I made her cinnamon rolls she was happy for a while what about Pierce who Pierce Morton you said you had breakfast with him or something oh no you forgot yes please make sure Julie gets to bed okay where you going to apologize to pierce [Music] Lynn [Music] hi a little late for breakfast aren't you I know I'm so sorry I didn't mean to stand you up my sister dropped off my knees last night out of a blue and then this morning yeah you had quite a line of people coming for pumpkin pie huh you saw I did yeah I actually tried to come in a few times but everybody started yelling at me to wait my turn so they must not have recognized you yeah you just close up for the night yeah about an hour ago well hey come on in I can't I don't bite you know it's not that it's my niece well I'm not going to be back until September after Pumpkin Fest I understand and I'm a judge so we can't go out or anything till after the Bake Off is over who said I would go out with you playing hard to get huh I like that I'm not playing hard to get Pierce I'm being honest all right fair enough you haven't had a chance to get to know me so just let me know when you want to make time I'm sure you're used to posing people around and getting what you want but can't do that with me you should enter the bakery category excuse me yeah it's going to be the most difficult category to win so why would I enter that one because I think you're just like me you like a [Music] challenge good night Lynn I'll See You in September good night oh hey Lynn yeah good luck thanks well you better decide today's the deadline I just wish there was more what time Lynn the Bake Off was announced 2 weeks ago I know I know I'm in the amateur Baker category yeah you told me you should enter Julie into the children and teen category she doesn't want to do it why not she doesn't think she's a good Baker but you're the one that's teaching her I know her confidence just isn't there well you're a great teacher I know from experience thanks obvious ly you can't enter the kids or seniors category what about the professional Baker category no I'm thinking about entering Bakery category Lynn that's going to be the most difficult one everyone who owns a bakery wants to see it in the finals just for the exposure alone let alone the million bucks I know but Madison Bell is in the professional Bakers category M so this is your chance to get closer to her Lulu don't be like that what I know you have pictures of her on your phone I have pictures of her baked goods on my phone whatever I know that I'm going to win the pumpkin pie category oo you're so sure huh it's your recipe and you taught me how to make it we need to work on your finals dish I'd stick to the pumpkin pumpkin pie if I was allowed you can nope you have to make something entirely different for the second round H interesting any ideas Lots we've got plenty of time to decide okay great is Peter entering Peter I don't think so he should enter the men's category why he doesn't know how to bake so teach him Lynn the more people that you have competing Because Of You the better chance you have of getting more exposure for The Confectionary I don't need more exposure we're making at least 100 pies every day ever since that article came out I can barely get through the line each day that's great for now what happens when Pumpkin Fest is over and everything returns to normal look I'll think about it do more than that at least talk to Peter fine I will so let's get you entered for the bakery category then great do you think Madison will still want to be your friend after you beat her Lulu don't be like that you are going to beat her though we'll [Music] [Music] see hey Emily hey no cutting oh I'm just picking up for you said no cutting oh no I I just wait it's your turn okay Coach good grief there's no reason to beat Peter up hey no one's beating me up but not that you couldn't because you totally could kick my I I'm I'm just picking up lunch for Lynn sorry Pete no problem so is Renee entering the bake off we both are you are but yeah you got a problem with that no not at all I'm I'm I I'm just surprised why I didn't know you baked I don't Rene is teaching me so Rene is coaching you coaching coaching no nobody coaches coach I coach coach coach doesn't need a coach because coach coaches coach there's only one coach I'm the coach I'm the coach I'm the coach nobody coaches coach because there's only one coach I coach coach yeah is entering coach coach yes in the professional category because she's a professional what category are you entering the men's are you entering nope nope not at all not yeah didn't even think about it all you coach good here you go Peter thanks yeah I got to go bye Peter hey hey Lynn I just dropped off lunch for you you're too good to me h no I'm not I like being good to you hey I'll walk with you I was actually just talking about you you were yeah oh all good things I hope of course Lulu brought you up actually Lulu yeah she thinks you should enter the Bake Off me I don't know how to bake anything I know I told her that yeah there's no way I'm going to enter even if I teach you Lynn I just told Coach Robinson I wasn't going to enter tell him you change your mind ly please he please for me for you yeah if you win the category you advance to the finals everyone will know I taught you so so it's more advertising for The Confectionary but what if I don't even win look I don't really have much time to learn and you don't have any time to teach well come over some nights after dinner all we can do is try I guess plus maybe this will give Julie a confidence boost what do you mean she's afraid under the kids category she doesn't think she's good enough what she's been baking with you for like 2 weeks and she's going to be with you all summer I know she's an angsty teenager I'm not going to force her to do something she doesn't want to do she already doesn't want to be here it's not getting any better it is she's spending more and more time with the kids at youth group and Pastor Mark so she's making friends well that's good at least please here okay fine but I'm only doing this for you thank you if coach Robinson gets angry I'm telling him it was your fault deal bye [Music] bye [Music] hello food fans I'm Shane Sanders and I'm Amy Price and we are coming to you live from the 55th annual Pumpkin Fest and the first ever Great Pumpkin Bake Off held in Morton Illinois Morton happens to be the pumpkin capital of the world world so it's appropriate that the Great Pumpkin Bake Off be held right here with us now is a direct descendant of the founder of Morton and the CEO of Morton pumpkin company in Chicago Pierce Morton Pierce welcome Shane Amy it's great to be here so Pierce tell us about why you decided to host the Great Pumpkin bake off here in Morton and give away $1 million to the best baker well it's not just the best baker Amy it's the best pumpkin Baker see my family um they uh they have a lot of respect and pride for Morton my great great grandfather found it Morton and uh I just thought this was a terrific way to celebrate why not just keep it to the people in Morton well when I do things I like to do them big besides we want to show the world that Morton really does have the best pumpkins not to mention the best bakers that know how to use pumpkins as their main ingredient then it's no surprise that that heading into the competition the favorite Baker is none other than Morton's own Lynn Travis so I've heard Lynn owns The Confectionary here in Morton and has entered the bakery category what does that mean well the bakery category is our most difficult category we have 347 bakeries entering from all around the world wow that's a lot yeah it really is uh which is why we're kicking off the judging for that category this weekend so bakery's had from last night at 8:00 p.m. until 3:00 this afternoon to create their entry bring it to the gymnasium all the entries are numbered and then at that point it's just a blind taste test and so we'll be announcing the winner tonight at 8:00 you heard it here first folks be back tonight at 8 to see which Bakery will be going on to the finals bake a leg everyone that's really good you come up that yourself I did [Music] s excuse me are you L Travis I am I'm Madison Bell I own sinful Suites in New York City wow it's so nice to meet you I read about you in baker's monthly last November and I've been reading a lot about you as well people around here really seem to think you have this competition in the bag I don't know about that I mean there's so many people entering from all over the world especially in this category why did you enter your bakery I thought it'd be better for me if I got my bakery's name out there you know yeah I guess especially in a small town like this do you ship I'd like to start nice so I read an article that you have jail cells in your bakery I do get out no really there's two in the back do you use them for anything just stuff we you seasonally you should have puty Ki tastings back there give a taste of cake and a preview of married [Laughter] life you should come and see it while you're in town can I I'd love that sure I'm at 131 South Plum come by whenever you'd like and when there's a l I'll show you around what time do you close during Pumpkin Fest usually around 7:00 great I'll come by the end of the night this weekend can't wait I'm looking forward to it [Applause] [Music] name ly Travis Bakery The Confectionary location Morton Illinois name of your entry pumpkin pecan cinnamon rolls number 314 thank [Music] [Applause] you thank you who don't tell your Aunt Lynn you know she isn't going to like it on so where are we going the pumpkin petal is the kickoff event you're going to pick flowers huh pumpkin petal as in flowers no as in bike riding pumpkin paddle like paddling a bicycle oh it's a f mile bike ride around Morton five miles yeah it's fine it goes by fast I've never done five miles before ever well we'll take it slow I don't have a bicycle that's okay you can borrow one you just need a helmet I don't have that either okay well sure there's something we can do around here like is a cornhill tournament at noon followed by barbecue H you do know a Cornel right of course oh great we could be teammates I like the sound of that go on nice [Music] cheers [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen for those of you who don't know me I'm Jeff Kaufman the mayor of Morton Welcome to our town the pumpkin capital of the world now this is a special year because the 200th anniversary of morning to celebrate the great great grandson of our founder created the first ever Great Pumpkin bake off so please give a warm welcome to pierce [Music] Morton thank you thank you everybody today we had 3 47 bakeries from all around the world enter the bakery category of the first ever Great Pumpkin B off now the winner of this category will receive $50,000 and it just so happens I have a five finalist in this very envelope Jeff why don't you do the honors the five finalists are number 17 from Kil keny Ireland Aon May number 89 from n France Vin pan Chocolat number 151 from Edmonton Alberta Canada yummy yummy number 222 from Atlanta Georgia Black Swan Baker number 314 from Morton Illinois The [Music] [Applause] Confectionary and now the order of these five finalists now keep in mind that these are the top five out of 347 bakeries in fifth place we have Yummy Yummy in fourth place Black Swan Bakery in third place Aon May in second place for the bakery category of the Great Pumpkin Bake Off please please I can't watch I can't watch oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness Vin Pon shakala this makes the first finalist and the winner of $50,000 sponsored by the forge Steakhouse The [Applause] [Music] Confectionary well she's asleep out as soon as our head hit the pillow not surprised she had a long day we all did I should turn in too I'm exhausted can we trat for a minute yeah everything okay yeah no everything's fine I've just been wanting to talk to you and haven't had the time I know it's been so busy I'm sorry oh don't apologize I mean I get it but we have a minute now right are you nervous is it that obvious there's nothing to be nervous about there's plenty to be nervous about no there isn't don't worry about what people think I only care about what you think well I think you're great I think you're brave you always put yourself out there for me you do the same for me never really had the chance but you know I'm here for you always always always I was hoping you'd say something like that don't you think it's time we do something about it there's not much else we can do we could take the first step you're on step like five out of six wait what are you talking about you're bake off tomorrow right right what are you talking about no no right yeah the bake off of course it's you sure [Music] yeah I don't know what I'd do without you [Music] Pete same Glen mhm I uh I think you should go upstairs you're falling asleep good idea I let myself out good night pee [Music] good morning now it's time to announce the five finalists for the 18 and under category of the Great Pumpkin Bake Off please welcome to the stage number 12 from Brook Haven New York USA and sponsored by Sweet Baby James Bakery Jenny kungle number 18 sponsored by the cookery from Morton Illinois United States Lacy [Applause] Williams number 26 from Nashville Illinois and sponsored by Curry and Associates Engineers Incorporated Rebecca Curry and number 30 sponsored by her parents and from russels Belgium ingred V and finally number 37 from Vienna Austria and sponsored by Goose B gretto Von ship and the winner of the 18 and under category of the Great Pumpkin bake off and receiving a check for $50,000 sponsored by Cool insurance is Lacy [Applause] Williams thank you everybody we'll see you back here in two hours for the men's category well guess I'm up good luck Pete I'm so proud of you just for entering it's the smallest category so odds are in my favor right I don't care if you win just getting up there is amazing thanks hey Mark hey one of the kids from our youth group just won congrats where's Julie she's inside celebrating Lacy's big victory I would have stayed behind myself but I'm in the next category you entered too I sure did I didn't know you baked well I'm not as good as you were Desiree but I try my wife encouraged me to enter and you know the church could sure use the money so now who am I going to root for hey I entered because of you well good luck to both of you I'll see you after the announcement I'm going to head into work for a little bit thanks for letting Julie hang out with you in the youth group kids of course she fits right in and she seems to be having a blast can't believe it's the same kid since the beginning of Summer yeah she's coming a long way in the last few months she sure has come on Pete we've got some baking to do all right good luck guys bye so you ready for this not one bit neither am I you two have nothing to worry about oh you think so I know so why is that because neither of you can beat me you're in my house now pastor e e pumpkin capital of the world I'm Shane Sanders and I'm Amy Price and we are live at the first ever Great Pumpkin Bake Off finals that's right Shane tonight someone will walk out of Morton High School auditorium with a check for $1 million that's a lot of dough the way it works is simple the judges have already been sequestered at Village Hall each of the 10 bakers will be assigned a number between 1 and 10 their workstations are set up on the stage for the crowds to watch them prepare their ingredients once completed they will take them to the home economics room where they will bake once finished the judges will head to the gymnasium to taste the finished baked goods and declare the winner the winner will be announced tonight at 10 p.m. which means the contestants only have 2 hours to bake now it's time to meet our Bakers and kids don't pie this at home boy that one really Takes the Cake I'm a legend in the baking Madison hi I was hoping you were still here where is everyone oh they all went to the finals Desi just left do you want to walk with me yeah sure let's see the jail El first I have a flight early tomorrow and I just have to see them okay come on H go around that way come on back [Music] here oh my goodness they're real of course they're real actually had to clean the one out cuz people read the article and they want to have pictures taken inside would you mind taking one with me thanks oh don't close it all the way why not it locks and I don't have the key good to know here fun right totally now let me get one of you I've got plenty we should probably head to the school oh come on just one I have to show everybody back in New York that I met the L Travis okay fine but we have to Madison what are you doing making sure I win you're the only Baker I was worried about Madison that's cheating it's for a million dollars who cares how I get it anyone from my bakery can compete there's no way your assistant can bake as well as you do I'll take my chances with her madison come on let me out you said it yourself there's no key so even if I wanted to let you out I couldn't Madison come on don't worry someone will find you in the morning toodles Madison Madison where is she I don't know her some went straight the voicemail I tried her four times already oh try this try the story line [Music] no answer okay you stay here I'll go check her house okay what about me what should I do hey don't worry okay just go inside and share on your friends don't worry she's my aunt and I'm sure she's just fine okay go have fun whatever how do you think you'll do in the finals Madison quite frankly I think I'm going to do great I don't want to jinx it but I have a feeling I'm going to beet a millionaire after this Well you certainly sound confident what can I say I have the competition all locked up really I know where she is where are you going ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages welcome to the 55th annual Pumpkin Fest and the first ever Great Pumpkin B have you seen Julie no she was supposed to be here by now you know where she is maybe she's with discovered Foody TV and is now host of feed my belly put your hands together for tonight's host the cupcake King himself Timothy [Applause] Flame thank you thank you wow thank you thank you so much wow it is so good to be back home it really is especially around Pumpkin Fest but I got to tell you I've really been looking forward to tonight's competition in the Great Pumpkin bake off and that said let's meet our finalist shall we he came he saw he baked some bread please welcome to the stage Sean Schmidt from the Schmidt Baking Company give it up for him come on Sean is making a Multi Grain pumped bread this evening with whipped honey butter sounds amazing I'm in here it's Madison she locked me in I knew it how do you get out only Peter knows or a locksmith I'll get Peter Julie no there's no time what do you mean the contest is about to start I need you to bake for me and represent The Confectionary me no way Julie please please The Confectionary cannot be a no-show it would ruin my reputation I'm not good enough of course you are what about Desiree where is she I don't know she was looking for you in your house please Julie there's no time I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't an emergency I don't even know what to bake think of the one thing you've baked over and over all summer you even said it's your favorite thing to make because people love it so much pumpkin bars that's what I was going to make desie doesn't know how I never shared the recipe with her just all the ingredients will be at your station bake them like you're baking here bake with love I don't know Julie please for me I have faith in you just have a little faith in yourself I love you anlin I love you too now go in the Bake Off she's known for her beauty and for her sweets please welcome to the stage Madison Bell from sinful suweet to New York City New York come on make her feel welcome everybody Madison Bell everybody Madison's preparing pumpkin macademia blondies for her we got it Madison Julie where's Lynn in jail what what'd she do in the back of the baker what are we going to do that was the seventh competitor they have Lynn going on last I'm going to bake you me and I'm going to win but you're just a kid Pete trust me I'll be fine are you sure if a Lin says I can do it I know I can't going through the [Music] backstage last but certainly not least Morton sweetheart please welcome Lynn Travis from The Confectionary Lynn Travis Lynn Travis representing The Confectionary from Morton Illinois are you here Lyn looks like she's a no-show the rules clearly state that I have to announce the contestants name at least three times before they're disqualified okay sorry sorry do we have a baker from The Confectionary me Julie Remington ly Travis's niece and I'm going to bake for The Confectionary this is going to be better than I expected do you really think you're going to beat the best no but I can beat you Julie would be Bing pumpkin bars for The Confectionary ladies and gentlemen start your [Music] big L are you okay you have to get me out of here I will did Julie make it in time yeah is she okay she's fine I promise how long will it take you to get me out less than 5 minutes then do it no no why not okay I've been trying to tell you something for weeks now and every time I try and tell you I get interrupted I know I've been so busy ever since that dinner at the mayor's house it's okay had more people in my shop this summer than ever before I know with Julie here I haven't even had a moment to think to myself I love you wait what I love you Lynn I've loved you ever since we went to senior prom together but we were just friends then that's all we've ever been but I want more more more than friends I mean I felt this in my heart for so long but I just never had the chance to tell you so you choose to tell me now there's no time like the present right and something tells me no one's going to interrupt me in here this isn't fair life isn't fair Lynn look when Pierce came back back in a town I thought for sure that you were going to end up with him so you're telling me because he's back in town I'm telling you because I love you and it is about time that I tell you aren't you going to say anything can can you just let me out yeah yeah [Music] okay well it appears that coach Robinson is the first to bring his entry to be baked he's made his wife signature Autumn scones and he'll be back to the stage later on to make the delicious pumpkin blaz coach Robinson everybody [Music] there free I love you too now let's [Music] go good news all the entries have been presented to the judges we'll have the results in 15 minutes Where Have You Been me you wouldn't believ me if I told you try me tomorrow tonight's Julie's night even if she doesn't win oh she'll win are you so sure she's doing it for Lynn she's filled by faith and she's driven by love my great grandmother would be very sad and I do hope to make this a tradition well it's my privilege and honor to announce to you that the winner of the first ever Great Pumpkin bacer and the recipient of one million is The Confectionary [Applause] [Music] and this year's Pumpkin Fest was an enormous success with over a 100,000 people in attendance from all over the world we shattered all of our previous records that's partially due to the first ever Great Pumpkin Bake Off and while we all expected Lynn Travis from The Confectionary to bring home the grand prize it was her niece Julie Remington who won the million dollars after baking Lynn's famous pumpkin bars Julie stand up so we can all see you so all in all Morton we really experienced some amazing things this year mark yes Julie I have something to say well come on up here [Music] darling when I got here in the beginning of June I felt like I had my entire summer taken from me you see I live in St Louis my parents are really famous and to be honest they make a lot of money I'm sure you know my mom is the actress B reming and my dad is a professional pitcher for the cards before I came to stay with my aunt Lin I planned to spend the summer in France with my nanny and best friend while Dad traveled for the season and Mom filmed a movie I expected a great summer I didn't care what it cost I wanted everything and I usually got it my parents finally had enough and saw me for what I was a spoiled brat that didn't appreciate anything she had and took everything for granted so mom brought me here to Morton so I can learn to be a better person you know be more like all of you over the past few months I saw what good people actually look like how good friends are supposed to treat each other why I need God in my heart and faith in my mind and what true love is I found myself I discovered the person that I was always meant to to be the person that I know my parents will be proud of for that I thank you all of you Pastor Mark you and the church have done so much not only for me and my family but for the entire community and Beyond I'd like to give you my million dooll prize Julie it's okay anlin what I learned here is worth way more than a million dollars thank you Pastor Mar thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Julie do you know long there this time may I cut in PR you did it I'm not after your woman Peter go dance with Julie give us fine [Music] Joy you're torturing him you know I know I saw what you did was surprise she's got a big heart imagine her donation to the church and I'm going to create a college fund for her here that's so generous I'm leaving the money with you all right I just I I just don't want her to know about it until she Sav me right thank you she won't may I have your attention please ladies and gentlemen it's what you all been waiting for it's time to Crown our pumpkin Queen now this young lady was born and raised in Morton and created a bakery that is a Cornerstone in our community it should be no surprise to any of you that this year's pumpkin Queen is Lynn Travis w this year we created a new title our committee got together and we all felt that we needed to acknowledge someone who is so selfless confident compassionate and a really great example of Morton so please give a big round of applause to our pumpkin princess our first ever pumpkin princess Julie Remington [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] w see I told you if you played your cards right you'd be treated like [Applause] [Music] royalty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] w
Channel: স্বপ্নচাকা
Views: 14,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর, মজার ধাঁধা, বাংলা ধাঁধা, বাংলা মজার ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন, নতুন ধাঁধা, গুগলি ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা উত্তর সহ, ধাঁধা বাংলা, বুদ্ধির ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর বাংলা, ধাধা বাংলা ধাঁধা, মজার ধাঁধা ও উত্তর, বাংলা ধাঁধা ও উত্তর, গুগলি ধাঁধা প্রশ্ন, ধাঁধা ও ধাঁধার উত্তর, নতুন মজার ধাঁধা ভিডিও, ধাঁধাঁ উত্তর সহ, কঠিন ধাঁধা ভিডিও., নতুন ধাঁধা 2022, নতুন কঠিন ধাঁধা, দুস্টু ধাঁধা, ৬টি নতুন কঠিন ধাঁধা., গোয়েন্দা ধাঁধা, ধাঁধা ২০২১, ইমরান ধাঁধাঁ, আজকের ধাঁধা
Id: 9LEjzBiSqlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 44sec (5624 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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