A Tail of Love 2024 - New Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romance 2024 - Romantic Holiday 2024

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this program is rated G and is suitable for General audiences [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good morning Bella morning Nana how did you sleep just great thank you good there's tea for you thank you and I am going to go check on the new recruits and give them some food okay mean a bit sounds [Music] good okay where vinan come over here this one's for you Bella would you like to say goodbye to Cupcake she's going home with her new family today yes of course I would oh cupcake we are going to miss you good luck guys just give us a call if you need anything okay got to run madd's back okay sure here's your little cupcake hey Daddy what do we have here hey Bella special delivery oh look at you girl what's your name Indie as an independence a hi Indie I'm Bella it's very nice to meet you is she police dog military just came in from candar oh well then you have training okay come on out hey sit good girl do you want a cookie all right let's go have some fun huh [Music] wow she's got a lot of energy yeah you think so did she ever see combat yes but her files gone a wall still tracking it down okay there we go will you get her settled I just have to organize everything for the uh lunch in yeah okay bye Andy nice to meet you okay you stay here ready a sorry we're late that's okay smoothie emergency at the juice bar oh no is everything okay did the machine breakdown ran out of strawberries oh well everyone is absolutely loving your juices except for this little guy right here well sir just so you know the dog refreshment center is right over there than yeah sounds [Music] good hello hi I don't believe we've met I'm Jr Bella hi it's nice to meet you me too are you here for an adoption no I think I'm a little old for that I meant a dog ah uh well we're just about to start the lunch in and talk about sponsorships and adoptions if you would like to stay sure yeah why not okay well help yourself to some food fresh juices hi everyone thank you so much for coming as most of you know this rescue center was started 25 years ago by my grandmother Lily oh and it appears our newest guest has arrived this is Indie she just arrived this morning from kahar and we are so happy to have her and thanks to all of you we're going to be able to give Indie a new life I also wanted to extend a very special thank you to stalker Pet Foods they have continued their generous support and have been with us since the beginning so thank you stard all right well enjoyed the afternoon let me know if you need anything and thank you again for coming hey so sorry about about that we're just walking past I don't know why she decided to crash the party that's okay looks like she made a new friend though who was that I didn't recognize him oh uh yeah I don't know he said his name was Jr did you scare him away okay I'll take her back to the kennel okay come [Music] on it's open welcome back Dale it's good to see you you as well how long has it been almost 10 years does it feel good to be back feels good not to have to shave for a while how long are you staying my next tour is in 45 days so I've got to leave until then well that's great I spoke with Rachel Montgomery earlier how are things going with the closing good what's next for you Rachel asked me to stay on to continue running the company well after 20 years you know the business better than anyone else I better get back to work good to have you back wish your good night cookie night night are you ever going to stop tucking them in for the night no cuz they deserve all the love I can give them nothing makes me happier than when they go to their forever homes getting all the love and care they need you're a doll you know that I love you honey I love you sweetie see you in the morning okay good night kids sleep [Music] you're not feeling this are you all right you can come hang out with me what do you think all right who all [Music] righty [Music] okay what's wrong girl you don't seem very happy you want to Bunk with me [Music] tonight okay let's [Music] go good morning morning your tea just give me two seconds muffins and I will take her for you oh my gosh you need a suitcase for all of those How's Indy doing uh she's a little uneasy have you had any luck finding her file no but I've requested it okay yeah I think it will be helpful if we can find out a bit more about her past well meanwhile she'll be just fine here with us won't she yes just don't get too attached Nana you know the rules you made them I know I know she love Maddie do you mind if I give you this little munchkin hey Miss Cindy you want to go for a walk does that sound fun come on let's go this [Music] way all right let's go we regret to inform you that stalker pet food will not renew its annual support of Bella's rescue center as of the date of this letter what this is unbelievable and it's so abrupt it doesn't make any sense and Dorothy was your best friend she would be appalled that this is happening yeah she would she loved this place but she died 2 years ago Nana and no one has so much as mentioned stopping the funding they could have at least given us a little bit of notice you know what I'm going to go over there and see if I can figure this out all right good okay you want to take this with you yeah thanks I'll be back in a bit okay okay Howard taes coming along lots of people are stalking up before the change good good in fact I have a big customer coming in in about 5 so um I should get back to my office sure I need to get back to the house anyway good to see you again stay here Jr it is Jr right Bella yes hi do you work here no no I don't it's uh it was my parents company oh so you're a Jr stalker of stalker Pet Foods yes I am well now I know why you ran off so quickly and didn't fully introduce yourself why did you come in the first place Lily was my mom's best friend I wanted to say hi really yes I haven't been back here in 10 years and since I just sold the company I thought it would be nice to drop in say hello you thought it would be nice were you planning on Breaking the bad news to my grandmother in person I'm sorry but I don't have any idea what you're talking about then why did you run off so quickly because you thank stalker I don't own the company anymore or at least I won't in a few weeks I didn't know what to say well you could have said that you're leaving us high and dry with no notice high and dry I don't know anything about this well surely your parents would have told you something my mom loved the center she loved dogs more than she loved people that's all I know you can't expect us to just pick up the pieces in 5 minutes Jr that's unreasonable I'll look into it I'll call my lawyer I just don't know that there's that much I can do this is going to be devastating for my Mana hello Jr who's this hi Rachel Montgomery Bella Channing I run the dog rescue center next store Rachel owns a line of pet food stores and she's bought stalker oh would you excuse me I'm very sorry I have to get back to the house will you tell Lily that I'll come by thanks Rachel oh Rachel um I don't know if this is a good time but maybe we could talk I I got this notice from stalker Pet Foods this morning do you know anything about it of course I practically own the place now just a couple more weeks and a few documents away well maybe maybe you could come by I could show you around convince you to reconsider I'm so sorry Bella it's just not part of the business plan in fact I'm planning to knock the entire place down what you can't do that well why not I own it at least I will soon uh no my grandmother owns it and she would never sell it to you or anyone I'm so sorry to disappoint you but your shelter and the house are on stalker property I'm sure your grandmother must be aware of this and soon as I get possession I'm going to have to get you to move oh that reminds me I have something for you um here you [Music] [Music] go oh how'd it go we have 60 days to get out what come on well this is nonsense we bought this land from George and Dorothy 25 years ago they severed off 10 acres we spent our life savings buying this land and then we built the house and the shelter we own it outright then why are they saying that stalker owns it oh I don't know if the land was legally severed and you paid for it then it's yours so you would have to have a sales agreement and a proof of the severance right well yes i' I've seen the document do you have any idea where it might be no but it has to be in this house because your grandfather saved everything he never threw anything away okay then then we'll just have to look for [Music] it maybe we should call Edward culvin he's a very nice man he's a stalker's lawyer I'm sure he has a copy yeah that's a very good idea Nana very good idea let's go how could stalker on the rescue center it it just it doesn't make any sense well clear as day it was built on stalker property so your parents owned it yes but it has to be a mistake my parents never said that they owned it in fact they always referred to it specifically as Lily's Place well I guess it was Lily's place if she ran the shelter but for all we know your parents built it Lily has no claim to something that was never hers so what happens now you've already cut off their sponsorship and now they find out they don't even own the place I'm not a heartless woman I gave them 60 days notice to vacate that should be enough time 60 days you realize it's a dog rescue center right that's R that's completely unreasonable look Jr I love dogs as much as anyone but stalker owns it and I've purchased stalker [Music] yeah thank you for seeing me on such short notice Mr culin oh anything for your grandmother she tells me that you represent the stalker family I do uh unfortunately I wasn't their lawyer when this transaction occurred but after your call I I did a search at the land registry and oddly enough there are no records whatsoever of any Severance or sale of the property how is that possible I have no answer for you Bella does that mean there's nothing we can do well unless we can find Lily's copy of the document not much of course you could always take it to court that would cost a lot of money wouldn't it possibly and I have a feeling Rachel Montgomery would fight us every step of the way well I guess the best bet is just to search through my grandfather's old storage boxes then I'm very sorry that you have to deal with this and please give my very best regards to your grandmother I'll come by the cender someday soon and say hello I'm sure she'd really love that well thank you again for seeing me quite welcome oh I have no interest in going to court and it would cost a fortune anyway I know we'll just focus on sponsorships and we will get through this Y and PES in the park is coming up and that's always a big success right yeah we'll just have to make it a little extra this year yeah are you still looking for Birds yes I was I remember when you built that bird house she likes you how are you yeah hi a honey good to see you good to see you too oh how long has it been far too long I miss your mom every day so do I and I'm really really sorry to hear about what's happening with the center she never would have let something like this happen and Lily if I had known oh it's not your fault Jr honestly well if there's anything I can do please just let me know uh well as a matter of fact um there might be oh I'll tell you what I'll walk Indie and I'll let you two talk okay come on sweetie don't be a stranger Jr I promise I won't do you think maybe we could start over I think that would be nice uh you hungry get something to eat or some coffee yeah I know a really nice place really close by okay okay it's funny how I grew up right next to the center but I never really understood his value to me it was just a park with lots of cute dogs puppies did you ever come over to see it yeah I was there practically every day my parents worked a lot so the the grounds became my playground and the dogs were my best friends your grandmother became like a second mother to me yeah she's amazing I used to come out here every summer growing up I couldn't wait for school to be out you know I'm surprised we never met well I would go stay with my grandparents in Cambridge during the Summers and then after high school I left did you not like it here small town life no it wasn't that my dad died 10 years ago and my mom didn't really want to stay here any longer so we packed up and moved back to Cambridge and she handed management of the company over to Dale I think she held on to the business though hoping that one day I might come back and run it and you didn't want to do that I wanted to see the world so I went to Military College join the Army oh are you still with the military yeah I'm stationed in Belgium I came back here with an extended leave to deal with the sale wow is it hard selling I mean I always knew this day would come but it does feel different now that it's actually here but how about you where are you from uh I grew up in Vancouver big city grw no not really I'm a country Bumpkin at heart and I lived for coming out here as a kid who wouldn't want to play with puppies all day I agree and then uh after I graduated from high school I went to University to study dance do you still dance no uh shortly after I graduated I got injured so I had to stop dancing sorry to hear that that's okay I thought about my life long and hard after that and uh I decided that this was where I needed to be so packed up all my stuff said goodbye to my parents here I am 4 years later any regrets uh- not one even despite the current situation it's a it's a minor setback I'll sort it out I owe it to my nana what can I do to help well uh Nana said that she and my Grandpa bought the property from your parents 25 years ago it was legally severed and there was a document to prove it but they can't find any record of it or the sale is there any way your parents would have kept a copy of it I don't know but I'll definitely look I'll see if I can find it thank you well how did your talk with Jr go oh yeah it went well um it was actually really nice he said he's going to see if he can find a copy of the severance for us well you know I am sure that his parents or somebody at the company must have had a copy yeah well in the meantime we have a lot of boxes to go through and we'll get through it I know we will and thank you but right now I'm more worried about getting more sponsorships for the dogs so we can keep going well we could always start a company selling your uh dog treats all the dogs love them you know what I am not a standing in the kitchen baking cookies kind of a gal Bella says the woman who does it almost every single day well that's because I love my puppies last I checked you were the puppy they smell so good oh I talked to Jill today who Jill from the TV station yeah she loves the rescue program and she's going to give us some coverage for the fundraiser oh never a do here okay we'll take them back okay ooh I'm going to miss this place hey don't say that we're going to find this document and we're going to sort this out okay hello hey wow someone is happy to see you how are you nice to see you she's a special one yes well I have some good news I spoke to Dale and he was able to release some funds for your upcoming pooches in the Park oh wow thanks Jr we weren't expecting that whoa $10,000 JR this is way more than usual it was the full amount left in the sponsorship account for the year hopefully it helps oh it helps more than I can say thank you you're welcome I'm also going to talk to Rachel cuz I think I can get her to agree to a six-month extension for you wow that would be amazing I mean nothing else it would give us time to get all of the dogs housed and relocate if we need to well I'll talk to my contacts and I'll see if I can drum up some sponsorship support take it you have had any luck finding that Severance document yet no not yet but I'm working on it hey do you want to help me get these little munchkins back to the kennels yes yes of course I very much do for me hello come on hello say goodbye to Nana all right [Music] bye okay say you're goodbye bye Li goodbye let's go wow this is has changed quite a bit since the last time I saw it it's nicer than most of the places I've lived lately you have a lot of military dogs yeah military and police but we'll take any dog but especially the working ones a lot of them are traumatized so we try to make this as much like home as possible there you go well these dogs work hard that's all they know you seem familiar with them yeah some of my assignments I've worked alongside canine units then you understand them a lot of them are lost when they get here well they're lucky to have someone like you that's why keeping the shelter open is so important closing it's not an option I'm going to do whatever I have to to keep it open they even watch TV cat videos no baseball oh yet hey Jen can you keep an eye on the puppies sure some thanks bye cutie I think it's even nicer here now than I remember yeah well my Nana and Grandpa put every penny they had into building this place Nana still does well good news we just got a check from Solomon construction and Mr Solomon is bringing his rescue pup to Pooch Us in the Park oh that's great and what about Mr Doshi he's in too oh amazing sounds like you're off to a good start mhm yeah well we need as many sponsorships as we can get oh it's Mr Kelly well I'm going to head out go for a quick run and when I get back I'll see if I can get a few more too thank you if you want I can take it with me sure she could use a run too uh well I actually had a family coming by today that I was thinking of introducing her to oh but there's uh there's a lot of other dogs they can meet great I'll come by and pick her up later sounds good Indie let's go bye Indie bye [Music] pickles is really sweet but we have a dog named Willow we're going to bring her in see how he responds she's so calm isn't she beautiful oh yeah she is I want to make sure we find a dog that Ethan can feel comfortable with oh of course I completely understand we do have a lot of dogs that are well trained but there's one military dog who might be perfect she's really sweet is she available to see today unfortunately no but she'll be back tomorrow in the meantime let's see how he and Willow do they seem to like each other yes Bell's rescue center that's great how's tomorrow say 11:00 a.m. excellent we'll see you then thank you hey Andy oh my goodness I thought you would have wanted to send her back by now know she was great on our run and then since we got back I've been talking on the phone and she's mostly been sleeping on my boots I think she might like them more than she likes me well as long as she's not chewing them we're fine I've made some appointments for tomorrow seems to be a lot of support and sponsorships oh that's perfect yeah I was going to head back and make some calls too do you want to stay and have a quick glass of iced tea I just made a fresh batch oh sure yeah I would love that come on Indie let's go [Music] hey girl it's beautiful here I didn't appreciate it when I was a kid then coming back I realized just how lucky I was can I ask why did it take you so long to come back well I think after my father died I was a little lost and everything here reminded me of it so I just didn't want accept the fact that he was gone can't even imagine but joining the military is one of the best things that ever happened to me at first I was probably running away but in the end I really found a purpose it's all you can hope for isn't it finding your purpose in life how about you have you found yours yeah I think I have I wasn't sure about it at first but when I came back after my injury and started working with the dogs just realized how much I love it I admire what you do thank you well should we get going H got some phone calls to make and few hundred boxes to go through yeah yeah I have a few to go through as well and I I really hope that we can find those documents me too well maybe we can do this again sometime I'll be here for a little while longer I love that all right Indy come on bye bye come on Indie yeah hello uh Bella right from the the dog place next door uh yes Rachel from the rescue center next door right well I'll let you get on your way I have some business to do with Jr right excuse me [Music] hey I was hungry I thought you might like to join me wasn't expecting you today Rachel was in the area I thought I'd dropped by is there something important that you'd like to discuss you could have called uh yeah and there's one small matter we need to discuss okay there's a certain check that was written earlier Rachel that was already noted in the sale agreement and you should know I intend to honor any commitments that were made it's really no concern of yours I didn't have to give it I absolutely did I just don't want any hiccups with the closing well I think if you would consider giving them a 6-month extension Goodwill would go a long way I'll think about it she's okay oh how did the adoptions go today oh well um Maddie made two placements and I talked to the Veterans Affairs and there's an injur Soldier just recently returned from Afghanistan and she's coming tomorrow with her family oh that might be a good fit for Indie oh you're going to miss her aren't you yeah I am she's a sweet one we got a lot of sweet dogs here don't we yes I know sweetheart it's going to be really tough letting them all go oh well it's always hard saying goodbye to them but we can't give up on the center you own this place fair and square all we have to do is prove it well it might be best if we don't take any more incomings we just can't afford it and besides what are we going to do with all of them when we have to leave what are we going to do with us we have to have a place to live I know let's just get through pooches in the Park first we'll raise as much money as we can and then if we can't find the severance papers we'll just find the perfect place you keep me going you know with your positive attitude you never give up well I just don't want you to worry we've got this right cash [Music] [Applause] jump good morning oh hey come on in thank you you're dedicated to these dogs yeah well I love them all of them I see that have you ever had a dog yeah yeah I had a few when I was a kid and then every time a new dog came into the rescue center I wanted to adopt it do you miss having one you know I didn't think I did but coming back here how do you not fall in love yeah I know listen I'm about to head into town for my meetings and I was wondering if I could bring Indie along with me oh um yeah I don't know if that's the best idea she's just so new here and she hasn't been adequately socialized yet I think she'd be a great Ambassador for the center plus she'd really help with my pitch meetings and I think she really likes hanging out with me and you like hanging out with her she's okay we understand each other mhm just don't get too attached okay you're leaving in a month then what I won't get attached I promise what about her she needs to be adopted as soon as possible well I'm confident she'll find a home well I have a family coming back to meet her at 2:00 today and there's a soldier coming in as well she just got back from Afghanistan and Nana and I think that Indie might be the perfect fit for her I don't know if I'll be back by two I will certainly try I'll do my best you wouldn't be considering delaying getting back now would you me no never okay I will see you around too all right bye now Indie yes say bye she doesn't even miss [Music] me good girl come on R go find it hello well he's a beautiful dog yeah she a soldier like yourself retired but she's not mine she's tagging along today suitable Ambassador though I hope yeah good to see you J.R it's been a long time yeah it sure has I'm glad you can make it home in time for the closing you know a lot of winding down to do between the house and the business I'm sure you'll be relieved to have it all done you know I thought it would be but going through everything it's just starting to bring back a lot of memories and it's been really wonderful seeing Lily m have you met Bella yet yeah I've never met anyone quite like her she just has so much determination and that's her yeah tough time for her right now though she uh came by to see me a couple days ago about the severance yeah it's a bit of a disaster you didn't happen to find anything helpful in the closing documents nothing so is there anything I can do at this point oh you sold the place Jr without physical proof of that Severance rescue sander and the house belong to stalk nothing you or I or anyone can do about it all right well let me know if I need to come in and sign anything else sure will and listen if you need any help further down the line just shout all right well there is one thing actually Bella's annual fundraiser is coming up next week she's going to need to raise additional funds this year Pooch is in the park that's right you think you could be a sponsor it really would mean a lot oh absolutely of course yeah and I'll get the word out there's still a few people in this town who owe me a favor or two that's great perfect what's this one's name this is Indie Indie come and see me come here go come here sweet oh you're a beautiful girl here you go Ethan it's one of our Fell's rescue center t-shirts you're welcome I think Ethan has made his decision I think so too makes me so happy makes everything we do here worthwhile here you go and uh I'll get Maddie to set up the paperwork and that way you can head home with her today thanks Hi how are we doing let's take you want you want to take it back okay hey I'm so sorry we lost track of time I lost track of time it's okay I actually think your timing's perfect everyone's already made their choices well great okay I guess we keep Indie for another day then yeah but I did warn you not to get too attached and not getting tach I promise but are you free for a little while yeah why what's up I just want to talk to you about something okay and I got snacks so I hope you're hungry oh I like snacks so I spoke with my lawyer today Edward cven he mentioned that you came by uh yeah is there anything new with the sence no nothing sorry Bella I was really hoping that he'd have something for us not the case well I guess we'll just have to keep looking then I guess so isn't it funny how when you're looking for something it's always the last thing you find yes I found that yeah and it was always right in front of you well that happened to you you came back here and you found what you were looking for yeah I guess so and what I was really looking for was a picnic by the water and here we are how did you know just a lucky guess oh well we should cheers to uh to luck and finding what you're looking for well can I offer you a glass of bridal Fall's finest water oh well does it go well with cheese exquisitly oh I forgot to tell you I got a new sponsorship from victar champagne and the Guinness World Record holder for the most bottles of champagne sabered in a minute is going to come sa her some champagne for us well that is extremely impressive how did you manage that a well the holder of the Guinness World Record is a good friend of mine well we'll be able to Cheers with the real thing then yes we will and it definitely goes well with [Music] [Music] cheese okay well that's 24 boxes down and 200 more to go hey good news though we got four more sponsors today oh amazing no commitment of dollars yet but I'm working on it that's great yeah I'm going to head downtown to see Chad soon his partner Jeremy Works in real estate oh that's great yeah and uh what about Jr how are things going there no luck yet Bella I'm not talking about storage boxes and finding a certain document everything's fine uh-huh okay what is this aha about well you know just a certain very handsome young man who just happens to be available don't go there why not because you're right he is very handsome but he's definitely not available says who says me oh he's going to be leaving in a month we're never going to see him again okay I have to go so not used to seeing you with a boyfriend he's not my boyfriend he's not my [Music] boyfriend hey Chad hey Bella usual oh yeah thanks bronwin Berry Blaster oh and I uh brought some more posters oh great do you have a minute oh of course anything for you Bella so we need to make the fundraiser a huge success this year I don't know if you've heard the news yeah J.R dropped by yesterday he told me about the SS problem I didn't realize you knew J.R yeah friends from high school oh what was he like back then pretty much the same except then he couldn't wait to leave and now we can't get rid of [Music] him Lily Ed oh for goodness sake oh it's so good to see you oh it's been years look I apologize for dropping in unannounced but I was talking to Jr and Bella and they were telling me what had happened I I'm so sorry oh Ed you don't have to be sorry it's not your fault I was really kind of hoping that I'd be able to find something to help you I mean if we can't find it I guess we'll just have to make the best of it and move on time to retire perhaps who me oh good Heavens no oh no no no no anyway res you dogs don't care how old you are or what you look like they just like lots of care and lots of love so I'm good well look I I really should get going I've uh I've got a meeting later on with some people who might be interested in bringing in a sponsorship or two oh awesome thank you I really appreciate it thank you so much you're very welcome great seeing you you too oh uh Ed I'm just going to have a cup of coffee would you like to join me I mean if you have time of course oh well uh that would be great great yeah okay perfect in then well there you are how'd everything go today oh good I talked to Chad and he's going to ask Jeremy to look at some places in case we need to find one great great how was your day well um Ed dropped by today Ed Edward cvin and he is working on some really big sponsors for us oh wow that's amazing why do I get the feeling something's wrong oh no no I'm just uh just a little worried about Indie that's all well why she seems to be settling in very well I know I just think it might break her heart when Jr leaves Indy's heart or yours hi Lily oh hi hi hi how's it going good yeah good I uh I was just wondering if maybe you want to go grab dinner with me honestly I'm getting a little tired of going through all these boxes and then just ordering takeout um well maybe you could have dinner here with us oh no don't look at me I'm not cooking dinner for you guys I've got leftovers for one okay well uh I guess we're having dinner then great no complaint is here do you mind if I just take a couple of minutes and change cuz I'm covered in dog hair no no no take your time I've got someone to keep me company [Music] okay so rescuing military and police dogs that's it's pretty specific work it was inspired by my grandfather he served in Vietnam and he was in charge of a K9 unit there when he came home he was really lost Nana said he was a shell of the man that he'd been so the dog saved him yeah I guess so and originally it just started with him bringing home homeless dogs but Nana said they really calmed him and gave him a sense of purpose so they decided to start the rescue and named it after you well of course and when I was little I told everyone I owned it well now you do whatever is going to be left of it yeah oh you'll still own it might just look a little bit different I know I know I just I don't want to let my nana down it's SS in my grandpa's Legacy and yours eventually I hope so what else is out there for you besides the rescue center and work any other Big Dreams for your future just to be happy maybe start a family one day but for now my life is uh pretty full no boyfriend no love besides the dogs of course uh no no one I had a boyfriend in University and I thought we were going to have our happily ever after but when we graduated he decided he didn't want the same thing so we went our separate ways and what that was it you're just done with love what are you talking about I have puppies who needs men sometimes you need people you know that's special someone it's not that I'm against love I just I just want to be careful you know I I don't want to give my heart to someone unless I know they're the right [Music] person this is my favorite place to sit well it's very nice I can see [Music] why so what about you do you have anyone special in your life no no like you I uh I dated someone for a long time and I moved around a lot long distance relationships are difficult yeah I imagine it's uh complicated being in the Army I don't know where we would be without all of the sacrifices you make for our country I really admire that well I don't consider it a sacrifice I'm glad to do it what about your future do you want to settle down yeah I do I've thought about it a lot actually since coming back here realizing how much I miss my parents what about your parents where are they they're actually on a cruise right now it's the first trip they've ever taken together they didn't even have a honeymoon well well sounds like they're proof that fairy tale ending is possible I should probably say good night I have a TV interview tomorrow for pooches in the park and Jill the interviewer she wants to set up everything in the kennels so I kind of need to figure out what to do with that do you want any help with it if you don't mind moving furniture around and decorating with me then no I don't mind I don't mind at all okay I would love to help [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please join my interview yes I think this will work just fine welcome to Bella's Beach tell us about yourself hello my my name is J.R Stockard and I like [Music] dogs yeah you did [Music] great Jr here hi Edward Bella's rescue center has been here for over 25 years and to date they have rescued and successfully adopted a th000 dogs that's quite an impressive record thank you our mission has always been to provide a home for dogs that have been abandoned and over the last four years we've expanded our services to include police and military dogs that's admirable and who do we have here with you today uh this is Indie she recently served in Kandahar a soldier she available for adoption yes she is actually she's settling in at the moment we're hoping to get her in adoption as soon as we can but for now she's acting as our ambassador for pooches in the park our annual fundraiser okay thanks Maddie this will be demolished as soon as we can secure the permit so just take that away y our new building is going to sit right about here did you get the new drawings did I think you're going to want to see this what is it P is in the park is our annual Drive where we aim to find new sponsors and raise all of the finances that we need to keep the center open year round this year unfortunately we've experienced some unexpected challenges what is she trying to pull here in the meantime we need all the financial support that we can get in order to make sure that we can provide the basics for all of the dogs we have here including these two new puppies come on in baby on top of everything else unfortunately we have to move the company also owned the land that Bella's rescue center is on so we've been given notice to vacate listen to her she's trying to stir up trouble this is going to ruin me I want her stopped call the mayor get him on the phone now I want the permits to demolish this place if you want to help Bella's rescue center and these beautiful dogs then go to our website now hey you've reached Jr you know what to do J are hi it's Rachel I need to see you actually it's rather urgent um I'm at my office okay oh Indie was the perfect Ambassador I was so proud of her we already have over 16 adoption applications and our website's blowing up oh wow well what would be really great is if we can get some more sponsorships and I'm really hoping that Jr can convince Rachel to give us 6 months more mhm let's hope any finding a new place uh Chad and Jeremy are going to help but we'll worry about that after pooches speaking of which we have the meeting with the volunteers at 2 so we should probably head out [Music] soon here's a coffee Mr stalker thank you what do you think it's uh it's a different look I was hoping to take some time to talk about you and us pardon me not in a romantic way don't be silly talking business a partnership here we would work well together building my business integrating stalker employees with the new company creating more jobs for the locals first of all I'm not interested secondly I'm in the military oh out of here in a few weeks well long distance would be fine you could set me up with all the stalker contacts before you go the mayor local politicians I want my permits approved and I think you can help well Rachel I would be happy to help any way that I can but I'll need you to give Bella that extension in writing why are you so concerned about Bella we're doing her a favor how so well you just think about my offer please and I will consider that [Music] extension hello okay I'll see you guys later I've got to go hello [Music] Bella you do know know those are dog cookies right all natural healthy ingredients but uh they're dog cookies yes of course you do obviously if it's not delicious why would you give it to your dog you have any milk that's not going to help you know that's not my fault there should be a a warning on them Dangerously Delicious so good your people will steal them yes they will L hello hi hey Indie hello thank you listen I want to come by let you know that I had an interesting call with Ed coven today are these human cookies yes you're good to go Edward's been trying to track down the lawyers who represented my parents 25 years ago he finally found the firm unfortunately the lawyer that represented them passed away but they sold the practice to a new lawyer he's reached out to her got in touch and they have a meeting today oh Nana this could be really good news I mean if she has files that prove that the land was legally severed and you paid for for it well I know I did I know and I believe you but if we can't prove it we're kind of in trouble well all right well in the meantime while we're waiting we're just going to have to dig a little deeper into those storage boxes and hope that we can find it Well I still have a lot more to go through back at the house and I'm going to get back to it tonight well thank you thank you well you're very welcome ah I saw that as soon as I walked in the door I knew you were a dog cookie stealer guilty they're delicious bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you contacted the mayor yet yes and are the permits ready not yet but they're working on it working on it I don't pay you to work on it I pay you to get things done there's a woman here to see you from the TV station and there's protesters outside protesters what for to save Bella's rescue center I'm Jill from Bridal Falls TV yes yes I know who you are I'm a very busy woman but I do turn the TV on occasionally that's great because I wanted to get a comment from you our viewers were very upset seeing Bella on television Bella a lovely woman I understand that you have given her notice to vac and very little notice at that well that was a misunderstanding I mean you know how these things can happen all I can say is that we are here for Bella I mean we support the center and I will personally do everything in my power to help so you have the authority to fix this you will find that I'm a very reasonable and compassionate woman now if you'll excuse me I'm also very busy so thank you for dropping by could someone please help her out no problem Queen I know how I came in do you see why I need the those permits fast make it happen oh thank you for this of course so how is everything no luck yet but I still have a lot more boxes to go through oh I am I meant for you I've been taking up a lot of your time well I've enjoyed every minute of it yeah this is the most normal that my life has felt in a long time is it hard for you going through all of the storage boxes is I mean there must be a lot of memories yeah it is I thought I could come back here and just freeze through everything in a couple days never look back well the past has a way of getting to you yes it does I don't think I realized that until I came back is that a good thing or a bad thing it's a good thing definitely yeah if you think about it if you had never come back you never would have discovered the dog cookies and uh new diet a whole new perspective on life exactly soon I'm going to need one of those cozy little dog Peds settle right in so Ed called he's going to drop by just right about now actually so I'm going to get in there and make some tea Nana am I sensing some excitement maybe a little bit of a crush what don't be so silly I'm too old for a crush hey no one's ever too old for a crush besides it has been five years I suppose it has have you seen this no what people are protesting in front of Rachel's office they're Furious that we have to get out there appealing to the mayor okay this is what we need all right I'm going to go make some tea Ed's coming right not Edward Ed Ed she such a crush on him that's a lot of cookies are you planning on buttering him up I know do you think well I know that he has a sweet tooth oh really oh oh hello ladies hi hello oh are those for me oh these oh no I I brought these for Indie yeah and the other dogs oh sh don't want to make anybody jealous oh you are such a kider oh those are beautiful thank you oh my we made sandwiches I hope you're hungry oh this looks wonderful thank you good W so I uh got this from the lawyer I met with yesterday uh she found some stalker files but this was the only thing in there pertaining to the severance it's just a rough handdrawn plan for the severance so then there was an agreement or at least an intention yes well if she found this maybe there's other files well I did ask her to look and she will is there any chance we could do another search at City Hall they already did Bella unfortunately there was a fire at the land registry office around the same time this transaction occurred a lot of documents were lost so there's no hope of finding it well the lawyer is going to continue searching well and and we still have a lot to look through and Jr is looking so we'll find it yeah yep do you mind if I take that over to show J.R oh not at all yeah I've spoken to him it's fine yeah there you go okay I'll take this over to him now you two enjoy your lunch oh thank you yes thank you um well dig in [Music] well come [Music] on hey packing up already um just some additional files the lawyers need hi Bo I guess uh I should have called uh Edward just dropped by and I wanted to come over and show you the drawing yeah he uh he called me about this I guess it's just up to us now to find it is everything okay I can go no I got an email from my commanding officer I'm being recalled they're uh they're sending me to Iraq Iraq wow um when do you go soon possibly within the week I have a call tomorrow morning and I'll no more then I uh I knew you were leaving I guess I just forgot I thought we had more time I I think part of me kind of hoped you'd stay when I first got back here all I could think about was leaving the longer I've stayed the longer it's really felt like home I guess I didn't take your advice got to attached yeah um but I didn't really listen to my own advice [Music] either I've got to go bill please please don't go J I don't want to make a fool of myself I'm not good at this listen I'm still here for a few days I mean I'm going to make sure that everyone who committed to a sponsorship follows through if that document is here I still have boxes to go through I'm going to find it thanks that means a lot come on [Music] oh there you are I was wondering where you were what's wrong sweetie nothing really and how long have I known you too long apparently look I know a sad face when I see one does this have something to do with JR no maybe look I know that you've been hurt before but you can't hang on to that forever sometimes I don't you just have to let go and trust somebody I know and I have but I can't just give my heart to someone who's leaving sorry sweetie I just have stronger feelings for him than I ever could have imagined I really didn't want that to happen yeah well that's what love does doesn't it sometimes the heart just chooses its own path yeah thanks for coming over on such short notice yeah no problem let's just hope we can find this I hope so it's the last thing I can do for Bella before I leave guess Iraq was a deal breaker that and I'm out of here before the end of the week you're going to crush your heart you know look I I've known her a long time and she's avoided relationships and you came [Music] along hey hi hi surprised to see you here especially without Indie it's been what a day and and I miss her already yeah I'm sure she misses you too yeah do you want to grab a coffee or something uh I was actually just going to head over to City Hall to check the land registry I want to make sure nothing was overlooked you know Chad came over last night we were up almost all night we went through all the rest of the boxes any luck I'm sorry well I I still have some of my grandpa stuff to go through so there's still a little glimmer of hope maybe I can uh maybe I can come over later help you um yeah I I I don't think that's the best idea it's just going to confuse Indie so right of course how are things going with her adoption good good um yeah we we had a lot of interest after the TV show so I should be able to get her placed in the next couple of days which will be the best thing for her especially with the move coming up yeah I suppose that's true do you want to ride City Hall I I'm just parked back there the city Hall's right there yes yes I knew that absolutely knew that it was um it's nice to see you Jr yeah [Music] you're right Nana Grandpa kept absolutely everything Yes except for the one thing we need apparently well at least all this purging will make moving easier thanks for staying so positive Maddie this came in this morning thought you might want to see it oh come on in Jr come on come on in hi hi hey hi girl Hello M do to help me put the dogs to bed yes it's time it's way past their bedtime come on sweetie good to see you me too we'll see you guys later good night L good night good night I know I know that it's a bad idea Nana called you didn't she perhaps she said you have a lot to do let me help I'd really appreciate that thank you [Music] [Music] well um now I know why she loves you so much [Music] do you want me to go no I'm really glad you're here stay we'll go through all of this okay [Music] oh more pictures [Music] very skinny and I had black hair it's not you know what they grew [Music] back this is a great shirt I see [Music] [Music] oh my have you been up all night well there's a there was a lot to search through and you didn't find anything now there's nothing here on the serence well if it's not not here and it's not at the lawyers there's just one more place to look and that's your house Jr and and you've looked through everything yeah if those papers were there I would have found them I'm so sorry Lily well then I guess we just have to face the facts that it's all over I'll make you guys some coffee okay [Music] you did everything you could Jr so what happens now what happens to Indie uh well I have some temporary foster homes for the dogs and uh Indie will stay with me until we can relocate unless she's adopted it's going to be really hard on her she's very attached to you yeah she's even more attached to you well I should get going I've got some personal stuff I have to pack up okay um what are you going to do with everything in the house there's a lot of stuff there yeah well I'll have the movers pack everything up and uh move it into storage until I figure out what I'm doing good good [Music] Bella can I see you again before I leave Jr I can't do this I promised myself that I would never let anyone break my heart again Bella I I hear you but please I've never felt like this before and just please tell me that we can talk about this there's got to be something we can do what's the point point I mean you said it yourself longdistance relationships are too hard so what we're just going to drag this out longer I think um I think maybe it's best of you [Music] go okay [Music] [Music] yeah yeah I know [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes Edward it's JR I'm really glad these are the Architects I I told you about excellent would you just give me a moment sure why don't you guys start in the kitchen okay listen I have found something that I think you really want to see yes I am I am and I'm very excited it's okay with you I'd love to come over right away and show it to you are you are you free yes great than okay all right okay bye uh sorry I didn't realize that we had a meeting today yeah we did um if you don't mind something important has popped up is it all right if I leave you here do your measuring no problem hey I will talk to you before you leave her tour yes you will okay [Music] bye d are want in thank you so you were on your way looks like it yeah these past few weeks have been a roller coaster ride changed my life really this is about Bella isn't it she's the most amazing woman I've ever met H well sometimes these things happen to us when we least expected yes they do and now I'm up against the wall on the one hand I've got the woman that I've completely fallen for and on the other the career that's been the main stay of my life now couldn't you have both not in this case Bella deserves somebody who's there for her present in her life and I guess I'm just not that man I'm sorry to hear that Jr I guess sometimes things don't work out the way we planned sometimes they do I found the severance papers that we've all been searching for I figured if I can't be here with Bella at least I can do something to save the Senate that is the best news I have heard in a long while Lily's going to be so relieved it's not here doesn't make any sense it was right on top oh are you sure yes it was Mark stalker copy but please don't tell me I've lost it after all this happened I have lost [Applause] [Music] it I don't believe it there is another copy it's Lily's take a look looks like the real deal you can make sure it gets the Bella well can't you deliver it yourself no I don't think that's a good idea when are you on your way today no sense sticking around Jr um one of the things I've learned in this life is that love is precious and if you're lucky enough to find it my friend never let it [Music] [Music] go Rachel hi what a surprise F me always full of surprises uh can I give you a tour yeah I'm not so comfortable with dogs uh well I'd happily give you a tour of our indoor facilities most of the dogs are out for their walks right now no it's fine in a few weeks it will all be bulldozed so it doesn't really matter uh what about the extension the extension didn't J.R talk to you about it oh that Rachel if we could just have six months it would be so helpful yeah I was just talking to Jr about it as a matter of fact I just came from his house um we have a lot of big decisions to make now and we both decided that it's really not in the best interest for the business I'm so sorry you've both decided of course oh I've asked jar to come into business with me I think her'll make a fabulous team isn't he going to Iraq yeah but I don't mind a little challenge oh I have a little donation for you to help you with the move it's the least I can do and I can have my people arrange a truck I'm sorry is this a joke I'm just trying to be generous Bella do my part for the rescue center I don't want your money Rachel please get off my property and don't think that your little game with the protesters will save you it's too late for that good luck with the move oh would you mind just taking those over to the raffle Booth thanks hey I didn't see Jr around today I thought he would come over to help set up for tomorrow uh yeah he's not coming not coming why he got a new assignment he's leaving for Iraq Iraq oh my gosh how how are you doing I just feel like I should have known better but I still let myself fall in love [Music] Bella okay ready come on yes there we go go come here you me to do anything before I leave tonight uh no I think we're good okay see you first thing tomorrow sounds good have a good night good night Lily well good night honey tomorrow's our big day most exciting day of the year oh it's hard to think about leaving your grandfather built this place he really loved it here didn't he yeah you know we started very small and nothing made him happier than building more space to accommodate more dogs well you built a really beautiful place here we sure did and a pretty beautiful life together now it's time to say goodbye no not to just this place but to your grandfather I don't know if I'm ready to do that sweetie everything here is a piece of him he'll still be watching over you yeah I believe he [Music] will we're going to get through this you and me the Rachels of the world better are watch out yeah cuz we're a fierce team yep I love you I love you too kiddo thanks [Music] [Music] make sure you come out today to pooches in the park to support Bella's rescue [Music] center hi guys hi Ethan hi hi Willow how are you enjoying having her I'm very well Willow oh I'm so glad I'm so glad I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit I'm just going to do my rounds bye thank you guys so much for coming I'm so glad you guys are here well you two enjoy the day and run around a little bit but I'll catch up with you in a bit oh probably okay hey Bella hi are you all ready oh as ready as I'm going to be you absolutely I've done a few interviews already and the people are raving about the adoptions oh it makes me so happy to hear that especially your soldier she said when she returned from Afghanistan her world turned upside down her new little friend is helping her deal with her PTSD and keeps her calm oh well these dogs are miracle workers I got to go back to my camera I'll see you later of course thanks Jill Nana Oh Bella hi Look What You've achieved huh look at this it wasn't just me we're a team you me Maddie I could not have done this by myself well you worked really hard and you made this happen and I have some really good news what well I think maybe Ed would like to tell you himself well you uh remember that long lost document that we were all searching high and low [Music] for where did you find find this Jr found it he asked me to give it to you does this mean we don't have to move we don't have to move Bella oh honey oh get in here get in here dear oh listen to that music that just makes me want to kick up my heels okay what do you think I'm in oh what a day what a day Maddie I have the best news I know really told me but I was sworn to secrecy well it could not have been a better surprise I have something else to tell you but I have to go to the kennels yeah I'll come with you okay okay so what was the thing that you wanted to tell me I got an adoption application for Indie oh isn't that what you wanted yeah uh I guess yes but I'm I've just become really attached to her it's going to be hard to let her go I know I'm sorry it's okay I knew in my heart that this was going to happen I'm just never really prepared for it well they're in the military and they've been here a few times and they like Indie okay well i' I'd like to meet them before everything is finalized make sure and's happy too of course and I was really careful with the screening okay I'm just going to take a [Music] second hi hey wow today is uh full of surprises I just wanted to see you again well I'm I'm glad you're here here thank you for finding this for saving the center how's everything going with the fundraising uh good yeah sponsorships and donations are over the moon thanks in a weird way to your new partner Rachel what partner yeah she stopped by yesterday to tell me that you're going into business together wow okay that's not true actually When Rachel found out that the sale no longer included the center she threatened to back out she wanted me to destroy the servants papers I said no I wouldn't do that and she walked I'm keeping her company wow jar that's great I'm sure your parents would be really proud of you um listen uh good luck in Iraq I'm really glad I met you and who knows maybe one day we'll see each other again Ella A very wise man recently told me something that really opened my eyes he said that if you're ever lucky enough to find love don't ever let it [Music] go but I love you with all my heart Jr I can't say it back you're leaving and it's just going to make my heartbreak even more I'm not leaving you're you're not I requested a transferred to the local reserves the paperwork's being processed right now are you sure that's what you want I've never been more sure of anything my entire life because I'm in love with [Music] you I love you too [Music] there one more thing I adopted a dog [Music] oh hi thanks Maddie good girl I couldn't leave her either so I'm here to stay for you and for Indie for us if you'll have of course I'll have you yeah yeah [Music] [Music] raso [Music] muham [Music] muham Muhammad [Music] hello [Music] [Music] ill Muhammad love for hello hello hello ha [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] spee for [Music] fore speech speech [Music] ill Muhammad [Music] forell hello hello Abdullah [Music] [Music] abdd Muhammad [Music] muham [Music] [Music]
Channel: JV TEAM
Views: 102,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tEbg65Dz23c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 20sec (5540 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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