Half in the Bag: CHAPPiE

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Are there movies where a robot becomes sentient and it isn't about it basically becoming human or some robot apocalypse?

Something like a Nietzschean ubermensch or a robot who learns to understand that he isn't human and must find his own way outside of defining himself in relation to humanity, either opposed to humanity or as just a wooden puppet trying to become a real boy.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/cousous 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Hilarious as always. I definitely think Chappie was better than Elysium, but its flaws are symptomatic of a much larger issue. I wrote this article about how Blomkamp's films similarities are problematic. He needs to keep directing sci-fi but explore completely new territory.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/bashothebanana 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Fuck movies

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2015 🗫︎ replies

i wish los locos were in more movies

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/alphabetpet 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Mike: You remember when people used to say 'that movie had great special effects?'

Jay: Yeah, that's pretty much irrelevant now.

Mike: It is irrelevant now. So every movie has great special effects, but nobody makes a movie anymore. It's like a noise factory.

👍︎︎ 116 👤︎︎ u/reddit_no_likey 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

I saw CHAPPiE last night, and I really enjoyed it. Then again, I'm a fan of Die Antwoord.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Spiel88 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

I considered rewatching Chappie to see if it's a grower but I realized that would be like making someone take a shit in my yard at gun point and hoping an apple tree grows out of it in the off chance that a: there's a seed there in the first place and b: it successfully fertilizes.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/autodidact89 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

it seems to me that one big problem people have with the movie is how die antwoord are unsympathetic, irresponsible, totally dickheaded characters that we are meant to feel bad for at the end of the film. And i understand the criticism, but i think its a parallel to any human parents. What i mean is that most people will probably have shitty parents. Parents that will pass on their ideals that can very well be negative (racism, extremism, hardcore capitalism, etc). For this reason i have no problem with ninja's and Yo-landi's characters. To chappie, these are his parents. He loves them unconditionally, and will do most anything for them. We are shown how chappie mourns the collapse of his family.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/redapplesmokes 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

I thought the movie's message was obvious. It's about child soldiers. A young impressionable robot gets corrupted and turned into a tool for horrible things.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/karsonkiller 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2015 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag [ __ ] movies oh thank God we're finally out of that plotline I mean out of the bottom of Lake Michigan that's right Jay and I hope we get to land real soon I'm dying to find out who wanted this year's Oscars that's right Mike I can't wait to congratulate Richard Linklater on winning Best Director that's right I have no doubt that boyhood took home every award it was nominated for how could it not it took 12 years to make how's that so oh my god holy [ __ ] my phones blowing up emails tax Twitter's you name it yeah we were so far down underwater we must not have been getting reception but now that we've cleared the surface it looks like we could start getting data on our phones again [ __ ] yeah I have 54,000 vines to watch you know what this means yeah it means I can check my Grindr app again hey looks like there's two guys DTF within 5 feet of my current location hey speaking of ABS I have an illegal app on my phone the downloads Hollywood films directly from their servers it's called trash picker whoa hey you know I saw trailer a couple months ago it's for a heartwarming robot film called chappie do you think you could download that film I'd like to watch it and then talk about how bad it was yeah they have it here I'll download it and we can watch it on my phone oh great great you know I'm just gonna shut my phone off might as well save some battery here huh one of those two guys just dropped off my Grindr app oh well I'm gonna go outside and take a walk okay yeah it's downloading huh what's going pretty fast oh you know a good Wi-Fi connection it goes pretty quick maybe it's cuz we're up in the sky you know the deployment of the planets first robotic police units became the focus of the world in 2016 Vincent Moore is a former soldier problem without official intelligence is is way too unpredictable the scouts creator Deon Wilson sees a rich future what interest me is a machine that can think and feel caffee is the latest film from Neill Blomkamp the director of district 9 his previous film was Elysium from the director of district 9 his next film is alien 5 from the director of district 9 do you remember district 9 you remember how good that movie was district 9 chappie follows The Adventures of a lovable robotic police officer that's implanted with artificial intelligence he learns what it means to be human by watching cartoons and violently pummeling people within an inch of their life Hugh Jackman plays a bad guy that builds a bigger bulkier robot because the movie needs a climax Sigourney Weaver is also in the film to deliver lines Mike what did you think of chappie is this headache medicine no I think it's heart medicine well that'll work look look what did I think of what Mike what did you think of district 9 I like district 9 I liked it before it was called chappie ah I'm so sick of movies thanks for watching you remember when people used to say that movie had great special effects yeah that's pretty much irrelevant now it is irrelevant so every movie has great special effects but nobody makes a movie anymore it's like a noise factory it's a series of images it's a series of storyboards put to put in motion yeah I mean okay Chompy chappie is a robot this is Robocop meets a short circuit a police for it with force of robots like all these like boring tired old sci-fi concepts like that seem this feels like so rehashed at this point short-circuits a comedy right essentially it's uh suppose this is a realistic science fiction film that somehow brings up the the moral possibilities or debate of artificial intelligence and what it could mean to our society which means like horrific gang members get robot bodies at the end yeah you mentioned the the moral dilemma what what side of the issue does this movie fall on um I think it's Pro you okay Hugh Jackman is in the movie and he has a mullet for some reason yes and he's an Army soldier whose religious is a religious nut he saw his because he's religious he's a nut and he wants he's building ed-209 yeah and ed-209 is is connected to the wolverine via cerebro which is a helmet that wolverine puts on that traces his brainwaves and he's able to control it with the helmet although he also needs joysticks well that's it couldn't he just use the joysticks well that's an interesting aspect of the movie in that you imagine ed-209 this thing looks just like at 2:09 but it's almost the inverse of Robocop where there's this dilemma of a robot that's controlled by human or has you know some sort of information being fed to it by a human versus completely Auto artificial life ed-209 is the bad villain in Robocop and that's the artificial light with no humanity to whatsoever this movie seems to be Pro that Pro at 2:09 because that's chappie well unless you have a religious nut with a mullet in control of EDS well sure and apparently that's the only people that will be in control Sigourney Weaver said use your robot Wolverine use it to go get chappie yeah I'm smash them to dust and then you can sit there all by yourself and no one will stand near you what were you going yeah I thought there was not such like isn't that there okay and so why we're gonna oversee this process we should probably explain you had to climb their lawyers the climax of the movie is yeah chappies on the loose chappie has been controlled by these thugs so they can help him steal money because they other thugs money so they steal chappie sort of they kidnapped they didn't mean to steal check that's necessarily they kidnap any men because they assume that he has an on/off switch for all of the robotic police obvious so they kidnap him they find out that he has this robot that he's going to put artificial intelligence into the first one and they use that artificial intelligence robot to teach it to be a thug and and and rob people so at the end of the movie is robbing people a huge Ackman has shut off all the other robots in the city because he wants to push his robot the ed-209 robot and he's willing to sacrifice the safety of the entire city to do this so bad he goes to church because he goes to church um so he does that and then they say all right we need your robot hugh jackman cuz all the all the robotic police officers are dead now they don't know that he's the one responsible for that and and so he puts on this helmet plays with the joysticks and just goes right after chappie and there's nobody else around just go after chappie and nobody else will pay any attention to what you're doing because chappie robbed an armored truck yes yes I I guess it's bad PR for the robot division but what also was bad PR was the fact that all of the robots just started working five minutes before that I think your company's done but go take a very dangerous robot and have a robot fight that will further our PR cause yeah make sure it's there's there's lots of collateral damage at the city done begun shutting down we also point out with you Jackman there's a scene in the film where this is when we really know he's a bad guy they're in their office and there's all these cubicles and he just puts a gun to our main characters head and threatens his life at his cubicle surrounded by people and nobody cares well you see oh no it goes I'm joking it's a joke yeah there's no bullets in my gun and he's like put the gun to his eyes you could die you [ __ ] and also our main character Moises Naim early on in the film there's a no exciting opening where they show their world police robots in action it's like doo doo doo doo oh yeah yeah and then it's like okay the nerd computer nerd has to go home and play with his artificial intelligence program oh yes he's like he's like this is day 936 and then he's like Red Bull me dick did oh yeah like this intense action music like he's like he's trying to defuse a bomb or something but it's just him [ __ ] around on Peters uh whose call that way and it's like then they have they look really easy to read readouts oh yeah artificial and I'll okay with that type of stuff ninety-eight percent fail and then I gotta do one more time thank you for guys for nine hundred days yeah I don't know what the sudden sudden yeah but then then he so he creates artificial intelligence and he puts it on a computer chip or no there's a chip that unlocks other computer chips yes something everybody wants to put it in chappie or was he's not chappie then he's just a robot a robot they're gonna throw in the garbage right so he's like hey Sigourney Weaver you guys are gonna throw out this robot can I give it an artificial life and just now you know we're a greedy company that wants to sell police robots fine I completely agree with Sigourney Weaver you just go to the movie exactly oh well this is the actual dialogue in the film I sympathize the most with the company that wanted to make money selling police robots they've got a crime problem the police robots work and on them there's all this chap eNOS chappie and uh so he chappy comes alive but yeah like you said the criminal element what do they call the punks in Robocop 3 I was splattered by latter point there's splatter punks that live in a factory and they still chat because they they oh the factory that has drawings of dicks everywhere for summary there's a lot of dicks on the wall they owe a mobster money and the mobster speaks with such an accent that the producer said you better subtitle this even though I can understand it because fine some parts I couldn't ok some parts I looked away and I was like What did he say so subtitles help help you along but yeah I'm guessing that was someone note noted that in the test screening yeah one producer said what and suddenly all the other producers wrote down yeah no subtitle this man right subtitle um but so our splatter Punk's oh this guy money so their solution is to rob but they can't rob if all the robots are around police robots so they need chappie and then then chappie turns into a gangsta Oh before that happens though the man chappie creator man there's a scene these scenes are right back to back and this is where the morals get of the movie get confusing to me where they're saying we're going to train this robot to rob and know help us and sort our drugs and all this stuff and the guy says to chappie no you cannot do this you need to promise me I'm your Creator promise me you will not get involved in crimes all these things the very next scene is him saying to chappie don't don't let anyone tell you what you can't do the very best seed was he said don't let anyone tell you you can't be an artist well no he says don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do now paint a picture Cappy anything you want to do in your life you can do write poetry have permission alai Diaz Jimmy wants to be Wow did you like L soms yeah usually his movies tonight kind of beat you over the head modern day George Romero style with their social commentary yes um and that's fine if you want to infuse that stuff into a sci-fi story but it has to be in the background it has to be you know very subtle there's nothing subtle about the neill blomkamp but this movie just I don't know what he was going for because it's all over the place yeah there's a scene near the end where chappie is violently beating the [ __ ] out of Hugh Jackman and as he's doing it he's yelling no board violence and I was thinking of Miami connection because that movie ends with our heroes murdering people for 35 minutes and then a little title card comes up it says only through the elimination of violence can we achieve world peace chappie was a clean slate and a human's [ __ ] him up right and I think I don't know if that was the purpose but the humans that [ __ ] him up were these violent thugs who are manipulating him they're lying to him and then at the end I guess we'll get into spoilers a little bit then at the end we're supposed to feel sympathy for these thugs why nothing that's happened in the movie has made you give a [ __ ] about them may the girl thug maybe a little bit more but the guy thug was just like a horrible [ __ ] through the whole movie yeah yeah they were meant to be sympathetic or sympathized with because they it's not like they were just robbing for their own greed they were trying to pay back of drug lord who was gonna kill them but sure but in the opening that we're introduced to them like shooting at cops you know they're then the cops are never presented as being bad guys or anything it's not like no corrupt police force yeah see like yeah you could have had like criminal the criminal element in the movie be like you know trying to survive they have to do what they can to survive and the almost like OCP where that's just like this evil corporation that's yeah wants to control everyone but Sigourney Weaver and the company seemed very logical and logical yeah me so I don't know I didn't know where my sympathies lay in this film certainly not with chappie there's some scenes in the movie where you're like ah chappie chappies cute Debbie's cute he's but I don't know like I maybe it's just me but I have this problem with any movie that deals with artificial intelligence like the Spielberg AI like no matter what you do no matter how manipulative you try to be to tug at my heartstrings I just see it as it's still just a robot yeah and the Anitra I would manipulative is the word I would use with this movie because when they turn him on for the first time like he should be a clean slate that has to learn and develop but they turn him on and he immediately is like scared and he like powers behind you know stuff well he has emotion III can't tell you how an AI works oh yeah I really can't but that was another like kind of confusing part was Wolverine has cerebro and it reads your like your brainwaves and I'm like okay that makes sense and then chappy puts it on and then it doesn't work and then it doesn't work and then it does yeah and and it's like okay that's it then it becomes like a soul machine yes because chappie is a program and I'm sure about an expert in computers but I'm pretty sure that that Hugh Jackman's brain machine couldn't read the Indian guy's robot program but then it does but then it does I thought the whole point of that scene was going to be oh this is chappy realizing no matter what he's not human yeah I thought that was what they related but then it's like fail fail hope it works yeah oh yeah I thought he's gonna go I'm not human yeah I know that's what they were going for but it sucks his soul out and then it sucks the other guy's well spoiler ah the other guy's soul out it's champion so take him to a hospital for a minor gunshot wound says I must put your soul in a robot yes I'm not really sure if this will work one night on the Internet made him an expert in everything but and then then they oh another thing to another confusing point this is why this felt like a child wrote it because chappie plays with that he steals another one of the cerebro's yes brings it back to their their their secret base in a warehouse which has internet and plays with it on the girl character yeah and then takes it off and then stores her consciousness on a zip drive and then she's running around and she gets killed spoilers and and then they're like so it's not a transfer of consciousness it's a duplication again so they could just keep making more and more of her sure okay I guess I guess maybe our consciousness okay I thought it was with it with the the Indian guy I thought it was a transfer of yes well what that's the way it's established but then yeah then there's that like oh I just made a copy of your brain yeah so brain waves and brain patterns can be stored digitally perhaps so then like what's the what's the is that the question this movie poses at the are we all just a pattern of that can be broken down into ones and zeros and implanted anywhere maybe you know if it is that's pretty like morbid or or like disturbing it would be if I mean you could make that work to your advantage but with this movie I don't know what the [ __ ] it was trying to do it that concept and this movie like kind of sucked all the magic and mystery and all that stuff out of a movie I think it just doesn't know what it wants to be like it's all II like it's there's elements of it that are like short-circuit but then it turns into this violent Robocop movie at the end right short circuit doesn't mix with Robocop too well now given the robots a big problem for me a thinking robot could be the end of mankind destroy that robot burn it to ash something of great danger headed our way now every movie now has amazing special effects but in this particular case like chappie I never was like is it a CG in the shot or is it animatronic or it all seamless seamless it's a shame that they could do all these amazing things with movies and they don't work on the script the cheapest aspect of the movie is script I can't blame studio interference on this though because this is just Neill Blomkamp he wrote it he makes good movies he's a good filmmaker there's some great sequences in this side like I mentioned before the the whole sequence where they're teaching chappie to be a thug and then they say that guy stole my car get the car back and he violently beats the [ __ ] out of car that whole stretch of the movie is fun and but then it's just like dad turns into Hugh Jackman is bad man yeah and now there's people shooting at each other and everything's just violent craziness yeah yeah some of the ideas like the little story about police robot who becomes a gang member is cute yeah and works in its own context but then the bigger picture stuff the EE the avatar power suits and and cerebro helmets and I'm gonna put your soul in a robot and I just went a little too far a little too convoluted I don't want to die I want do this you wanna survive chappie you must fight and um have begun shutting down you think you're real we don't get away with this happy special J would you recommend chappie I know you don't like it that much it was just a mess it was frustrating because I never knew what it was trying to do and that that was annoying and frustrating because there were elements that I did like but ultimately I was just I was kind of bored just because it was so unsatisfying Mike would you recommend chappy no I'd say skip it yeah go out short-circuit - was the part where short-circuit steals cars mm-hmm and becomes a gangster just look let's kick your balls into outer space and it's like the same scene with like our friends oh no they say like they say short circuit we're part of them we're part of the they they make up some fake like thing and it's our job to open up all these cars see all those cars yeah we got to do all those cars how do we don't even get to go home to see our families and little babies and stuff oh like he's a completely naive yeah chappie ISM yeah why didn't they explain the situation and chappie like that no they did they did they talked to him like he was a baby that one scene in certain scenes but the one I was getting really angry and then the other guy the guy who gets cutting up my scissors no let me take over you okay yeah and then they started talking like like that's when they said chappie um cuz Trappist I don't want to shoot people with guns and he's they're like no he has stab wound with knives and makes them go to sleep oh yeah six lead we be like and so when that one guy the cop was like don't hurt me anymore like I thought you were going to sleep yeah chappie didn't understand so that happens during yeah the the violent chaotic action scene where you have chappie throwing ninja stars at people and saying go sleepy-weepy you're like what is happening yeah yep they exploited a very very violent baby essentially mm-hmm who could throw them grown men around it's like the like if the Flintstones use bamm-bamm to break into a bank bamm-bamm your toys are in the bank vault I'd rather watch that movie about a violent baby that robs banks yeah I am Jeffy ah crap what is it it looks like Hollywood is disabled the trash picker app Wow oh well it looks like we'll have to find another way to see new movies I wonder where our adventures will take us next hey you guys still need me to fart a lot I'm gonna go eat these beans we'll do that again
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 955,473
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, chappie, Chappie (Film)
Id: MMjo5kNS780
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2015
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