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[Music] well hello there beautiful you're looking stunning today as always welcome back to my channel where we do things to hair that make no sense I guess they make a little bit of sense but to me they make no sense but today is another day and in another video I'm filming ah back in the day back in my day I made a video about drip color here's a little something from that video this is kind of what happened in the video sheathing was a look this would be the love oh my god I'm confused make it stop you want to see the real video it's linked down below I didn't really like it and that was kind of where I left it uh-huh and then I saw a bunch of acrylic pour videos that were quite mesmerizing to me I mean look at that color the color is gorgeous so I thought why not take it one step further because this is the youtubes so I am gonna do an acrylic pour on ahead also known as a drip color sort of but I'm gonna do the entire head the video that I watched a while back they just did like the top layer of the hair and it was just like not quite a look for me so I thought why not do an entire head of drip color and make it really just fun and fresh and fun so because I couldn't get anybody on my channel to actually let me do drip color on them I decided to hire the help of my friend do you know who it is do ya know who it is come on come on there she is this is my guest today you may have seen her in previous videos such as my most recent video which was Ariana Grande's hair transformation so she's back and she's ready for more ready for it No I'm sorry if you don't want your hair colored but we can't all we want in life I mean some of us have to get drip color done and no I've never done this before will it come up bad probably but listen you were made out of plastic okay so shut up so she's my client today and is that how I treat all my clients pretty much this yellow head of hair it's gonna get the most sickening drip color you've ever seen in your life and mainly because you've probably never seen it before so it has to be the sickest one because you never seen anything like it before so I'm gonna get a lot of colors I want to make this the most vibrant rainbow drip color and it's gonna be drippy and fun so if you want to see satisfying hair coloring here for you then let's do it let's acrylic poor but with the hair color instead of the acrylic all right let's do it BAM all right I got a lot of colors here I got yellow I got vibrant teal I got yellow purple I got green rose gold and I got pink oh I got multiple camera angles to have multiple camera angles that's like know you've made it okay I have a plastic bag that I'm gonna suffocate my mannequin with by I'm just playing I won't do that I'm gonna cut a hole stick her head through that way we don't get color everywhere I'm probably gonna anyways we got clips we'll get a comb with some big teeth on one side because that's important because we're gonna combing the color through we're gonna nice a pair of gloves that don't fit me because I am alright let's turn your face around nobody wants to see that face nobody okay let's do this section by section starting at the bottom I'm working where our way up and then dripping the color down and through the ends and all around and it's gonna be very satisfying and I hope you ready for it so separate this out comb her comb her I can't see the damn head lab and try and make it clean Clark go back here I'm gonna first take rose gold and just start pouring it on the hair oh this skills were really what I like it and that so after that first failed attempt I realized that I need to mix this color with a lot of water which is what I just did and now I think we're gonna get the real drip effect we're looking for so let's let's start trippin man with anything okay we have our first strip we're gonna now go in with a little bit of a teal let me just mix it up with some water okay ready blue time let's see what happens we can mix the blue and pink together - wow I love wasting color okay let's do maybe a little bit of green over here you like it needs a little bit of green let's do that X all right we're gonna go for green now I wish actually how colorist did hair because I would love my job even more because this is incredibly satisfying all right let's do green [Music] never seen something drippy for it okay I didn't I would take my comb and hopefully these colors will mix nicely and not ugly okay oh my god that's so pretty oh my god okay so like only to the surface but it's like kind of like tie-dye okay I don't think I'm gonna be able do the entire head like I said is going to because like if I keep working this into the hair it's not gonna look as cool as if I just let it sit on top wait this is kind of magical okay like one more I'm so mad I did this over here Oh wish I didn't get that oh the place I really wasn't expecting this to be this cool wait what do I do now I'm even no because now I didn't color the underneath layer but I can't go back now cuz I already I'm already here but we're gonna work with it she's gonna have a little bit of blond mixed into this like rainbow situation and maybe it'll look cool I doubt it but like maybe we're gonna get going though I'm gonna put some saran wrap over this just so that it stays perfect like this [Music] all right let's look done more hair and let's do to their lair this time I'm not gonna mess it up like this don't call me out for it it's not the greatest we're going to like every two inches up please do me like peekaboo highlight moments in between her hair of like a rainbow that just sounds like what she wants right all right all right Belle let's clean it up for me I hope it looks clean up for you let's came through drip and drip drip we're gonna start off with pink okay and we're gonna go with purple now okay a little green splash over here too and then we'll finish up with a little uh please thank you I want the satisfying drip moment oh shoot oh good okay and when I put a little a little bit of pink over here too because he's a little bit of light color on this side came through dripping Oh perfect wow this is actually so fun victim more I say it's fun the more like you won't believe me it's actually fun but it actually is fun all right is that good give me a yeah okay puts her over here and let's see the fun part a little bit better no work and not the good kind the actual at work like why aren't you working uh you know this is so ugly I'm so mad right now what the hell uh who made me do this no I'm so upset oh my god the first layer was so pretty another's moves so ugly I'm so upset I mean I guess we'll see what I rinse it out like this is not like going at all according to plan I'm so sorry what I'm doing to your head right now okay I guess I'll move on from this layer perfect hideous I love it we're gonna keep working our way up the head I guess like just no purple because I think the purple just made it look poopy only grows weak this will be the last layer and she liked to do top moment where you can we actually port on their scalp and just like goes down the head and it's like the satisfying part let's do blue first pink I am overlap okay I'm gonna do part but purple next to pink is gonna be I think it's gonna be way better than what I did last time which I don't know what that was but it was ugly so I wanted truth again let's let's start combing it through okay okay see it looks better still can't comb through the hair but it looks better so every second of this is actually a color torture right now it's ugly and it's not even fun to do who made me do this I believe every single one of you none of you suggested it okay great hideous dawn as bad as the last layer I think this one came in a little better and there goes the plastic you know what we're just gonna leave it down there there goes the head there goes my dignity and there goes my career because this is disgusting okay great last layer can you stop having tangles in your hair it's rude it's honestly rude okay now that my entire house is covered in color I'm ready to get the last layer a shot I'm over it I hate this this is awful please don't ever do this at home or in a salon this is so bad with that said let's keep going to purple in the middle just you know myself over and then a little green on the side just to you know myself over and then a little pink on the other side to myself over Wow cool but also ugly as hell okay why don't you put a little over here and a little more pink over here and let's keep wasting color Wow ugly again a little more purple over here Wow ugly yeah okay I think that's enough waste of color on that head we're gonna comb this through it's still a little bit satisfying but still hideous who knows you guys maybe I'm being too critical right now maybe when we washed all out it's gonna be like the coolest thing ever I highly doubt it but I feel like something could happen you gotta just hope for the best sometimes but expect the worst wait this that looks kind of cool thing is this where it's gonna all come together like right on the top layer okay this is actually starting to look cool like we're on a roller coaster together right now and it's like a scary roller coaster and it's like horrifying for me um but I hope it's like sort of fun for you the more I work it through it's like kind of getting pretty except the ends are like way too purple okay okay and I think it might actually be kind of cool can we look at all these color variations going through I like didn't quite blend together in a cool way they're also very like visible that goes green there's purple there's pink all right let's wait 20 minutes rinses out a glow drive okay I just rinsed her hair do you want to see what it looks like we just end the video here so I can save my career I realized I got her face a little bit colored and I'm for that I'm so sorry and why don't we just get started blow-drying and see what happens it's actually not that bad bad bad bad oh I could definitely be way better so let's just start blow drying and see what we get out of it okay you never know could we get a cool or it could be terrible like it looks No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is so disgusting okay like some of it looks kind of cool close up like this section is the best of all this is terrible the back looks disgusting the green really was nice maybe if I didn't blend it as much as I did it would have looked cooler but like it's like really ugly ignore her face let's keep that hair on top of her face got a little bit of color on it that's okay that went just as bad as I thought it would go and even the people that were doing this on Instagram or whatever the videos that I watched before doing it like it didn't look good either I mean this concept just really doesn't make a lot of sense I wasted so much color to do this ugliness like five six bottles of whole bottles of color to do this and it looks bad really really bad on my entire house is covered in color there's drips everywhere and um I'm over it man what a fail a little bit worse than I thought it was gonna be and I will never ever drip color any real person's hair ever mark my words this is horrifying nobody should ever do this to their hair it's awful no bad no bueno ever never so um I hope you guys enjoyed watching me have a mental breakdown and yeah so I'll see you for the next video don't forget to give this video like if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you're not already yeah that is always and gents thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life I will see you all next time you know I need a nap [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 4,073,662
Rating: 4.8952484 out of 5
Keywords: I TRIED DRIP HAIR COLOR (IT WENT BAD), brad mondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresser reacts, drip color, acrylic pouring, acrylic painting, acrylic painting tutorial, tutorial, viral hair trend, trend, color, blue hair, pink hair, green hair, diy hair, hair fail, funny, how to, hair dye, hair color, hair fails, bleaching hair, gone wrong, hair stylist, at home, bleach fail, fall off, back to school, before and after, hairstylist reacts
Id: 6PsFvmmivLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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