Hairdresser Reacts To Insane Color Corrections

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hi beautiful today is basically hairdresser appreciation day we're watching some incredible hair transformations done by professionals and today's video is focused specifically on color corrections and i can't wait to be satisfied and to show you what kinds of things you can accomplish if you go to the right person and the reason why there are hair stylists in this world let's check them out [Music] up first we have a video by a guy tang so we have a hair disaster oh she's a natural blonde whoa i thought that was artificial color near her scalp that is insane what her natural blonde color so let's try to get this all blonde so we could do something fun oh god the only person who could fix this is mr gaijin this is scary because if you make any wrong move her hair is going to melt off her ends are already so compromised so i put a hair color remover it only removed a little bit it's still orange but it removed a lot of the excess darkness so most likely i'm going to go back in and use a bleach i just got done with the hair color removal process we got really far already this is exciting the fact that he's gotten this much color out with just a color remover and it looks better now than it did before that is so cool i'm going to have to remove this band here so i'm going to put lightener with 40 volume with a little bit of ovoplex in there so that way i can dissolve the old dyes so let's get started i probably want to use 30 but see there's all different ways you can get to the end result all just depends on if you're using foils if you're not using foils how much time you're leaving the liner on for how fast you work these are all things that might change what developer you might use i'm going to apply the lightener just on that band at first and then i'm going to swipe it through later okay i want to saturate just a little bit but i don't want to go up to a regrowth because it's already blonde so i'm just touching that band and my goal is to get it up to a level 9 at the most because i'm gonna put another color over it our goal is to turn her maybe like a bright red orange and yellow maybe pinks we don't know i hope they do pink zone two which is the mid shaft i use the lightener with olaplex 40 volume developer now on her end i kept her ends away i am going to apply 20 volume which acts like a 10 volume or even less because i'm going to use all applies to really soften the product because her ends are a little bit frazzled because she's been box coloring her hair so he mentioned that she's been box coloring her hair too oh god you really got into this didn't you i'm gonna decide whether i'm gonna go back and hit her regrowth her root area i'm not sure just to brighten it up a little bit but i kind of like the fact that it's a little darker so i may keep that shadow there so when i place the final color over we create a nice shadow root from her natural coming out to the brighter color so may just leave that alone and just brighten up the ends he's leaving the ends to last because he does not want to break anything off and he's putting a gentle formula on the ends in order to make sure that they stay because they're not healthy but i love that and that's it guys i just kind of let sit in for five minutes i'm gonna eyeball her to make sure everything kind of left out evenly and then we'll continue with our olapex number two treatment again and then i'm gonna put the final color on there he's getting an incredible lift so far he's gonna have such a beautiful power to do whatever she wants pretty cool huh just a little olaplex and some bleaching action and a little color removal and here we are whoa so i mixed a whole bunch of different colors different oh i love it things just to see what we can do and create nike's hair so far we put the foundation down and we're gonna put more color in and see where this is gonna take us i got done doing this amazing color melt there's so many different colors going on this is the most gorgeous color combo i've ever seen i'm excited shut up shut up shut up you were kind of surprised weren't you mikey what is this sorcery yeah did you see how i came in here today did you see that was today how is that even possible if that's that's her hair i know it's me i don't know it's all the time i don't know but it works and that's all that matters this feels amazing that was literally wild how did you accomplish that i would have literally been like i'm retiring like nothing's gonna top that that was so incredible up next we have a video by chuck edwards hair she is going to be going from this kind of golden color that she's got going on right now to something a little more natural maybe a little more towards the line of silver um she does have a lot of color in here from where we had previously colored wow it's gonna be so difficult to get all that color out and make it silver if you're not a hairstylist this probably looks like not a big deal but it's gonna be she has many different colors going on she has gray roots she has i think it's at level six or five mid section then she has like up kind of highlights on her ends things are a little more warm it's gonna be a whole project getting all this out you can see she's got quite a bit of silver at her root there's a little bit of dark left but not a lot we're going to try and lift out this dark color first she has beautiful silver hair like it is almost 100 gray and then i'm going to slowly move on to the blonde area to try and lift those out to as light as possible so he is going in there and we are starting with that lightener he's going almost up to the root but basically just focusing on getting that darkness out which is the biggest task of all and he's doing this beautiful lightning method where he is doing every little strand of hair do you see how small those slices are you need that to penetrate through all the layers of the hair or else you're going to get spotting and it's going to be a mess and it's going to be so ugly you need to get that lightener in there and you need to get plenty of lightener on that hair oh my god i can't wait to see how magical this is you guys can you see how freaking pretty this is we just need to get these ends lifted and boom that color lifted right out of her hair he definitely knows that he got lucky on that one it already looks incredible like i can already see with her complexion that this is going to be way better for her than what she was doing before so now he rinsed her hair and did the toner at the sink he did some conditioning treatments some shine treatments a couple of toners a purple shampoo it was a lot and you're gonna have to do a lot if you're trying to do something like this how long are you here oh my goodness uh i think i can do that oh so satisfying look at that color look at the shine it's like a pearly silver oh oh my god what i love about this is that she's gonna have such an easy time keeping up with it because her hair is already naturally silver popping a little purple shampoo in there once in a while and um she'll be good to go this looks so magical that transformation literally could not have come out better i love when people bring down their natural gray color and do it all over and get rid of that artificial color it's so satisfying to watch mom you look amazing that color correction was magical i loved it this video is by hippie hair painter oh my god i wanted to explain my process and kind of go more in detail about what i was doing so let's go so i decided to go in with a full platinum card technique which is basically where you just foil every single hair on the head for maximum lift holy sh right blonde af lightener throughout the whole head and i alternated with 10 volume and 20 volume for the entire back how did that happen obviously i use the twenty-four dark pieces oh my god okay can we just unpack this really quick she clearly has stripes she also looks like she has artificial color it could also be her natural color in between the highlights i hope it's a natural color she'll have an easier time lifting that out obviously but everything is so uneven and so crazy that it's going to be so difficult trying to lift out this darkness in between oh my god so she's going in there and she's picking out every single dark strand i don't want to be her i don't want to be doing this i mean but she is doing it she is going in there and she's doing her very best to avoid re-lightening those already light pieces but some of them do need more lightning because some of them are yellow this is the issue it's like even the highlights are not lifted to a pale yellow which it needs to be in order to go you know platinum blonde that's an issue because she's probably gonna have to use two different lighteners she's gonna have to section out every piece divide the yellow pieces from the black pieces use the different lighteners on both of them and then just have to go back and do all the roots as well and also leave out the over-processed pieces at the same time if that sounds like a headache too it is and at that point i decided to go ahead and rinse her so of course we rinse shampoo condition all that good stuff and then on damp hair so for the root i used um shades eq 5n in the front and foreign in the back oh my god it already looks so much better obviously some of you guys are probably looking at this and being like brad it looks like yellowy noodles that is the best case scenario and after she tones it hopefully it's a lot better but this is a good even lift for what she came in with and we're probably not gonna get perfection here the first time this is a huge project you can only expect good not great where she came from for the ends i used 7p 9t and just a dash of 8wg oh my god yes it looks luxurious a thousand times better is it perfect perfect no is it gonna keep getting better the more she goes back to the stylist yes thank god for that stylist they performed uh work is that even the same person like how is that even possible even the haircut what was going on with the haircut she fixed the haircut too this hairstyle was so laid incredible this video is by bobby hair studio this one's a little bit different today what it's about is how to do a color correction from start to finish so immediately we're starting off with a copper red if she's trying to get white blonde out of this it's gonna be hard because the plan is to bleach her head out entirely drop a root and re-tone her what you need to know before you start a process like this is that we did do a test strand the night before she's also been informed that the bottom four to five inches of her hair completely melted off in the test rant so she knows she's going to have a lot of heavy duty damage and a big cut but that's okay because she knows that and still consented to go forward with the process they said that they did a test strand which yes love a good test strand you want to know what you're getting yourself into before you get yourself into it and also they found out when doing the test strand two to four inches of her hair like melted off which sucks but like at least they know going into it that there's going to be some hair melting and she is willing to put up with it sometimes you're willing to do anything to get the look i've separated her hair into four quadrants and i'm starting with the back like i always do with my bleach i'm using blonde me with 20 vol and what i'm doing is i'm applying from a quarter inch away from her root where the red starts all the way to about the middle and in the middle is where she's had old bleach about a year and a half ago we're gonna see such great results i already know because this woman has fine hair and this stylist is doing a paper thin sections i'm avoiding those previously bleached ends right now but i will be going over them later and the reason is the middle of her hair has never been bleached so it's healthier but it's also had a lot more color on it so the cuticle of her hair is actually going to be a lot more closed up and more difficult to penetrate through with lightener so that's why we want more time on that middle area because it has virgin hair underneath do you hear all the science that goes into being a professional hairstylist she knows that the mids are gonna be a little bit more stubborn because they're healthier and that color is not gonna lift out as fast so she's waiting to now color the ends for later that way everything lifts the same level at the same time there's so many layers of red in this hair plus my client actually did three color remover services on herself this is important because it opens up the hair cuticle and allows the larger color molecules to drop out of the hair before we even do a bleaching service wow she even did color remover before even going to her appointment so her hair was darker red than this oh i really hope they get it to blonde after her mids have almost finished processing they're about a level eight right now i like to go through and pull the foil away slightly to tap onto the root she's waiting until the mids and the ends lift to a level eight before then pulling down the foils and retouching the root that way when the ends reach a level ten the roots do as well at the same exact time and everything comes out super even this avoids you having to do multiple processes and shampooing the hair coming back to the station drying it applying the roots going back shampooing it that's a lot of work you want to do everything all at once if you can time things correctly you can accomplish everything at once so my assistant just left in those foils on the side there until they were fully done processing then we checked the ends and now we're rinsing her out oh it's the rinsing process and i make sure that i've completely rinsed out all of my wow and i do two shampoos and then after that it's time to tone so because i was running short on time today we decided to do the cut first wow that's impressive the fact that they've gotten this light already that's pretty good with the right toner this is going to be magical so as you can see she still has orange about a quarter inch away down the rest of her uh hair shaft and that's from her old color still staining even though we did three color removers and a full bleaching over this color is so stubborn for better or for worse i mean you want to stain your hair but also when you try to lighten it it's like nah once i'm done cutting i make sure i measure everything and then we're going to be doing the layers in the back it's important to note that i do put on my root shadow before i might i put on my toner i feel like the root shadow needs a little bit longer to process and then i can smudge that softer lighter toner into the ends now i love that she's going with a rude shadow it always just makes things look a lot more even it's like a sort of weird kind of natural like you know this person's hair is not naturally this light but it gives you sort of that natural effect that just looks so beautiful and what i'm putting on her roots today is schwarzkopf i needed those warm colors to fill in her root and i need the cool colors to cancel out the warm tones oh yes oh yes these colors work together really beautifully this is our final result and because she has beautiful resilient spanish hair it dried up gorgeously that is a huge transformation i mean her hair was like copper and the end result she had the most beautiful platinum hair i want that color that was incredible and i'm so surprised that all happened in one session wow that was satisfying i just want to say also if you're a hairstylist watching please lift up your other hairstylist friends or hairstyles you see online i want to make this world of hair even more just positive there can be some drama in the hair world and you know a lot of like i could do that better or i could have done that differently instead of doing that let's lift each other up and be like you rock i love you hairstylist out there i love doing hair and i know you guys do too and you know it's just a wonderful world to be in to make people happy and to fix a horrible situation and make it a beautiful masterpiece it is so satisfying and so fulfilling make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here on my social media handles if you like to shop my hair care or my hair color line you can do so right down below and that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching and don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,431,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Insane Color Corrections, hair color correction, professional, corrective blonding, correct blonde hair, how to cut your own hair, hair stylist, blue hair, how to bleach hair at home, fall off, platinum blonde, salon, salon education, hair colorist, foils, bleach, 30 volume, guy tang, corrective color, hair dye, manic panic, silver hair, fix orange hair, bassy hair, black to blonde, reaction video, satisfying, funny
Id: pX0VvnkWLkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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