I tried speedrunning Terraria but every drop is randomized

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today we're speedr running Terraria but every chest and every drop are completely randomized and of course I'm doing it with my friend purple hair guy so right away the very first thing we're looking for is either getting a good weapon or a good pickaxe and if we can get one of those we're in a very good position but of course I'm going to get some wood just so I have some building blocks we got tall trees which is always nice I got short ones over here that's not fair oh yeah that's what we like to see that's what you get for taking the left making me take the right way I found a pickaxe axe we got it we've got uh half a good run right now oh I have a f staff let let's go L that's all I can say what are you talking about that's not very good but I did I got a really good pickaxe I'm just looking down these big trees right now their slimes trying to murder me kill them back I mean but they're my friends oh aren't they trying to kill you yeah what kind of friend would want to kill you besides me okay wait what yeah I got a pretty good early game weapon I don't think it'll scale for too long but for right now I can destroy things give me something good chest give me some wings so I have a bouncy blow stick sticks that I'm using to light my way up when I'm digging and they just keep bouncing up and down okay that was an adequate chest not amazing please give me a good chest video game two chests right by each other we love to see it that's guaranteed good maybe oh I got Ambrosia which permanently increases your mining speed oh what a dub e a shell phone ooh that's really good I have flying boots now wait I just got repaired Life Crystals I don't think those do anything but yeah you can place them but not use them it's kind of sad e I'll go do the shell phone thing give me something good video game if you get a good weapon from there theall flesh what go I got the meow weapon y meow okay we have to kill the Wall of Flesh ASAP then and I got the mechanical worm that's pretty cool and the teror blade whoa can I have the ter blade yeah yeah all right I just got some insane stuff dude okay all right I like the heck let's go oh these count as Life Crystals actually okay so the repaired Life Crystals all you have to do is place them and then you can do them so I'm just going to place these all take some Life Crystals man dude I can't believe we got like the second best weapon in the game the ocean who would have guessed the shell phone would do that well the shell phone absolute carry item oh I got a good drill let's go dub what is it um it's a Vortex drill oh yeah that's like top tier literally we're gaming man do you have any extra wings I just got some harpy wings oh my gosh well I'm liking this run I'm liking it a lot oh wait where's which sign is Skeletron oh wait I can just use my uh if I use my phone and then just go backwards because I should kill Skeletron while you do that then I can go get the bones and then we should be in a really good position yep I'm at Skeletron I might as well I'm also buy the Crimson so I'm going to try to go and see if I can get any verteb dude the meow is so crazy and it goes meow okay I got all the vertebrae we need I Believe In You purple hair guy are you destroying him right now I am but also I don't have wings still so I'm scared oh but no the the things count as wings or at least they can fly for you they can fly for a little but the lava is scary oh I'm hitting all three of the eyes at once yep he's dead let's go and oh my gosh I just destroyed Skeletron that wasn't even a fight dude I I kind of feel bad about that one I won't even like like that was insane what I just did to Skeletron dude ew magic weapons gross okay uh what now you should get eyeballs right now while I get the bones I wish my guy was a little faster but I guess I also have wings so it's not that oh I got a Vortex pickaxe is that better than my drill no but it's better than mine okay I can give that to you later oh golden gold fish I don't think I've ever seen somebody excited about one of those dude that's so much money what are you talking about and golden frogs well how many did you get how literally thousand okay okay okay I just got a mount a slime Mount L it's so cool what are you talking about yeah I'm so jealous dude it's so much fun I'm riding it all right I have essentially wings now so I'm just going to go try to Farm Souls of Night and what do we have remind me again for like the 900th time mechanical worm okay we only need three Souls of Night which I have and I'm going to go get fills of light now meanwhile the cat is just meowing all over the place all right I got my 30 let's go I have all the lenses we need okay nice that's actually really good please let me find my Souls of light I also just got a meow oh wait you got one too I got one because I got a moonl lord loot bag and then opened it and got a meow Meir from it dude the double meow Meir strats let's go we're about to go insane we're about to be meowing all over the place got a mechanical skull oh well then I didn't even have to do all that grinding that's so so now we just need the eye which I have the lens for wait so do I still need Souls of light yep we need six of them okay I'm in the right spot so tell me how many you got I have one so far how many Souls of light I have I have none screams Echo around you is that you man scaring me they're echoing around me not you why did you summon the brain of cthulu I'm going to bring the eyes into the um like underground Hollow and try to kill him for extra Souls of of Life see this is Big Brain maneuver right here oh that's some smart thinking man it might not work got the nurse that's actually really good die buddies ninja pants yes oh I really need some better armor I don't even have a like a shirt yeah our armor is not the best but we have overpowered weapons we'll be fine what did we want oh yeah an eye I'm not going to craft that yet let's go to sleep dude look at our collection of guys just chilling watching us sleep yeah this is kind of creepy the eyes are looking directly at us while Skeletron Prime is just like hanging out all right where is the worm we're about to meow you get me out oh my gosh that damage oh wow okay dude just got me out that was crazy all right he going to be probably a little harder cuz he can't get hit a thousand times by the cat oh there's just so many projectiles on my screen yeah that's the Terraria way man you got to be overwhelmed at all all points in time or you ain't playing this game correctly get him okay you said this would be a little bit harder it is not a little I was obviously lying to you just to make you feel a little better oh here it is it was just it was hiding in my inventory all right meow them dude this is Hil the cats are just going off man they have no idea what to do against this weapon absolutely demolished this is when the inventory management really starts getting difficult I yeah I hate this let's go let's get him come on planta give us a good spawn once she'll do it I'm a believer I'm not but you know remember go all the way down as far as you can what if we just found planta right away for once you know don't don't you think that'd be awesome that would be game wanted us to win which is not possible I found the temple okay that's not a bad thing to know where it is I would agree I'm also flooding the temple on accident okay well that's pretty rude I'm not going to lie what did they do to you I'll make a hole underneath it so it all drains out it's all good dude it's actually kind of terrifying when I'm in the dark seeing the eye eyes of Skeletron Prime my mini Skeletron Prime just looking like all you see are is red eyes it's kind of terrifying he's a little threatening not to call him a bad guy but I mean that's kind of what you were doing well he tries to kill me so you know what wrong with that what a jerk haven't found planta yet yeah me neither oh wait I found her like that was probably the fastest we have ever found planta oh yeah that was so quick let's go planta she's coming from below get your cat's bouncing a get out of here why is she chasing me get him no I don't want to dude the meowers are so good this is nuts we can't throw this one right right right it's impossible man we have to kill enough lizards to get a power cell which shouldn't take too long cuz we are murder machines but I'm clearing out all the traps we just kind of destroy things immediately I got to pet the Slime pet hey slime check this out I also have a slime ride this is kind of insane though we have a go we get amazing plantar lock and then this happens okay I have a farm going oh there's another meow here I got one I got one I got one I got one come here come here if you need an extra meow I have it for you purple hair guy I think I'm all good I don't think I need one but do I want one that's the real question all right let's do it destroy him die ruin his day this is what you get for taking so long for us to find your stuff man die oh that's a lot of cats on my screen jeez okay cool I can go to the ocean it's on the left side uh he's not here yet oh that's kind of awkward oh they're here hello all right let's go time to murder man all right this is definitely going to be an interesting fight it's going to be hard don't worry though I have my second meow so if my first meow doesn't work I'll use the second one I said it's going to be hard and you just dealt so much damage there yeah he's we how are you dealing this damage oh my gosh the two meowers oh it's cuz you're dual wielding them okay yeah exactly oh my gosh we are melting this man well which one is it doesn't matter he's going to it literally doesn't matter okay cool where are they going to be there's one over to the right we might as well do the one over to the right first oh this is the no fly zone one I mean honestly with what we have I don't think this is going to be that much of a problem we can get the sub one hour if we hurry up dude there are so many cats on the screen that I can't even hear them anymore I know they just don't make sound there's too much death going on this is usually like the hardest fight in the game out of these pillars at least for me I think no this is generally I die like 20 times on this but nope yeah with all the cats what are you going to do against all these kitties give up duh I didn't even notice it was over well there you go solar filler good to see you man oh it's this one blue one literally the easiest one in the game every time you kill one of the star cells they explode in like a 100 different items it's hard to see good thing we have every single weapon we'd ever need uh which is one we have one weapon oh there a big laser beam that got me all right I can at least look at the stuff on the ground now there's nothing there that I want all right I'm going to let you finish that I'll go to the next one all right go go go come on come on kill them before I die yes all right number two trap the nurse in her house or like uh put up walls at least semi around it so she can't escape dude I got the Flying Dragon it's not better it's not better sadly yeah but like why are we getting all these amazing weapons now I know we couldn't well I guess you did literally start the game out with them but all right I killed the third pillar by the way what's the fourth one the pink pink one pink flavor okay I will trap nurse while you're doing that and then I'll come over and help you stay here nurse this is your home now oh no I'm going to die help me all right I'm coming I'm on my way can you hurry I'm I'm dying here man coming come on man you know what I have a sweet setup where they can't touch me cuz I'm just attacking and in like all right I'm going to go find the pillar it's almost open it's open it's open let's go destroyed oh my gosh okay I have to die to get back to spawn yeah I am going to um sell all of my stuff and then I'll give you some money for the nurse I have 700 Platinum I have a bunch of items to sell as well but I got this Platinum for you okay I'll come get it I work so hard man wow that's a lot of platinum sweet I have the coin gun all right I'm also summoning my fairy princess come on moon Lord we can do this man I'm actually a little scared for this fight I'm not going to lie uh okay I just absolutely demolished well just don't be scared of hitting the nurse we have a lot of money yeah yeah yeah I'm pretty much just going to go to her whenever I'm at all hurt yeah that's probably the plan oh this is actually hard I have to really hit attacks that's so cringe yeah you actually have to play the game man all right one of his hands is almost gone dude why is he only coming after me go after purple hair guy no don't do that I don't want that oh my gosh I might be dead okay um I'm dead I dropped 241 Platinum man that's so sad that's something that I've never seen before and I hope I never ever see in an actual G or an actual run all right I have to go to the nurse where is she no you're block you're body block of the NSE I'm sorry I almost died that's okay it's okay dude this guy's obsessed with you dude I don't know why maybe he likes my cats he's like wao this guy's so cool heill me nurse thank you it's so hard to hit the nurse's button fast man I know and I panic when I do it so I just like never hit it first try stop following me dude follow him he likes you maybe you smell good what what cologne did you use today oh nurse teleported okay she's just at the house I'm it's all right his head's gone what's your respawn time uh 10 seconds 6 5 4 okay there's no need for a countdown you're destroying this man oh he's all the way with you man you're you're so far away yeah I'm bringing him back I'm bringing him back I'm slapping his heart oh he loves you thank you I need to hit the stop attacking me I love that he doesn't attack me because you're here and he likes you I don't know if I'd really call this liking somebody cuz you have more defense than me for some somehow so he uh he AGR on you he's so close let's go that's a subone hour right that's the subone hour I can't believe we just got a subone hour that's crazy all right subscribe if you enjoyed bye bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 204,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, terraria, speedrun, speed run, world record, speedrunning, speedrunner, randomized, randomizer, terraria randomizer, terraria random drops, terraria random weapon, terraria speedrun, terraria speed run, terraria world record, terraria speedrun glitchless, terraria randomized speedrun, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy terraria, moon lord, moon lord speedrun, speedruns, speedrun terraria, terraria all bosses, meme speedrun, any%, terraria moon lord speedrun, games done quick
Id: MP0TSqM0tQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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