Had to pay $3,000 to BUY BACK MY LOCKER at the abandoned storage unit auction. Storage Wars cost me!

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this is my old unit guys let's go you ready i looked that up it's 130 bucks online that's an rc car i think oh did we see this right here guess how much the rent is right now i just asked him [Music] all right what's up blocker nuts i'm so excited i bought a unit online for okay are you ready are you sitting down it's crazy it's nuts i spent three grand okay three thousand ten exactly three thousand ten well actually plus the ten percent buyers premium that storage treasures puts on so that puts me at what three thousand three hundred and dollar or some crazy number like that nuts nuts nuts nuts to spend that much on a storage unit okay this story's getting crazy are you ready you may not recognize where i am but i just want to show you around this is my old unit guys this is the unit that i had here for a long time i think like a year it's right by my house we've done many unboxings right here in this very unit that's a bizarre i didn't know that when i bought it i just knew it was here by this facility which is by my house and that made me want it even more and that's honestly that's one of the reasons i spent so much money because it is close to my house and i spend more for that i spend more that for that convenience i'm being honest with you if i have to drive an hour away i'm paying less if it's close to home i'm gonna pay a little bit more all right but um all right the manager just came down um and opened this for me i just peeked in here close it back up but you guys are gonna see it for the first time first time all right you ready below if you're ready no i'm not gonna make you do that but just comment below if you want comment below if you want if you have something to say about this right here let's go you ready look at that this one's pretty this one's pretty pretty it cost me a pretty penny and it looks pretty good all right let me switch this around i'll turn the light on i'll switch this camera around let me give you a tour of what i saw in the photos show you what i like all right look at this guys it looks pretty good pretty pretty good but does it look three thousand dollars good i don't know i don't know i'll be honest with you i don't know i always get so nervous after i buy these things um when i spend that much money yeah the nervousness is on a little bit different level a little bit higher but um i saw stuff i liked skateboards love them okay bikes all right got two bikes that's a giant mountain bike that actually looks like a really decent bike i saw that thule right there that thule uh what do you call it like a bike rack is that the kind of slips into a trailer hitch i think i hope um did we see this right here that's a safe that's a safe and yes they showed that in the photo very nice and clear and that's definitely one of the things i bought this for there's a couple tools on the edge there um saw this power washer saw this pinata thing which i think is a game i think that's part of a game oh what's that back there i didn't see that see that that's an rc car i think yeah saw those little shoe boxes right there but honestly i thought those are full-sized instead it looks like those are little kids sizes but still they sell there's some money there don't discount it okay but what i really really liked about this thing was this item right here that is a marvel what is it called game reverse legends it's the punisher it's some kind of collectible helmet i looked that up it's 130 bucks online all right this thing right here is an airsoft gun or at least it's a box for one 60 bucks brand new it's not like a major uh major item but the the mask or whatever that is helmet that definitely got me interested because 130 bucks a little bit more money the fact that collected marvel stuff makes me very very interested all right um up there is some sort of a helmet i'm not sure what it is maybe it's a bike helmet maybe it's skateboard helmet maybe it's the helmet from the marvel thing i don't know but uh yeah guys this is exciting i'm really excited i'm sure you could tell from my voice i i really am very excited got a couple pieces of furniture here this dresser looks a little beat up on top but i could probably clean that up easy enough um if it's a decent shape it's a hundred bucks this thing right here i didn't know what to make of this in the photo uh it does look like some kind of a tv cabinet or something no no nothing big uh what i've got back here i do i mean i saw on the photo couch i saw the mattresses it looks like a little bit more furniture than i was hoping for back there couldn't see real clearly in the photos but uh huh i don't know right there candy necklaces i don't really like the way that sounds i like gold necklaces personally okay i don't know guys this is going to be fun this is going to be fun are you ready to go on this adventure with me i hope you are because we're going to be taking this one very very soon you know what let me let me climb up here and get a better look back there i want to see i want to see when i spend that much money you know i really want to get some a little bit an extra layer like seeing the rc car that's one extra you know something that gets me excited and gets me feeling a little confident so you know that i i'm gonna make my money back and make some profit all right i'll also get that safe out we're gonna take that home and secure it i'll probably take the uh the skateboard home because camille's asking me for a skateboard i'll see if that one will work for her i'm excited about that mountain bike too that actually looks better than i thought it did in the photos maybe i didn't look close enough but um let me climb up here and look but real quick i wanted to mention that uh yeah so this is my old facility i don't rent here anymore um just because it got expensive i think i was originally paying 400 after six months it went up to 440 and after another six months went up to 480 and that's when we that's when we uh rented a new unit and got out of here because it just got to be too expensive guess how much the rent is right now i just asked him well i rented this for a month so we've got 30 days to clear this out in the first month's free so it cost me only 38 for basically insurance and paperwork uh if i go past that 30 days and rent it for another month 750 dollars yo it's a 10 by 20 um 10 by 20 drive up okay 750 it's all supply and demand right now and they say that demand has been really really high this isn't a higher income zip code i'm sure that has something to do with it but 750 dollars for a 10 by 20 oh my goodness that's so expensive so expensive so um uh yeah whatever uh i'm not paying that we're gonna we got to get this out in 30 days i could do that for sure christmas is in a few days so that's gonna that's the only reason i'm writing it back otherwise i'd take it on right now but um let's climb up and see what we got up here all right i'm up on top of this thing right here and it's it's actually kind of moving around a little bit on me makes me a little a little nervous um looking down in here what we got a little tool bag okay [Music] oh there's some pop heads that's good look at that that's like that mask right there is from movie v for vengeance right it's an air jordan little baby air jordans but yeah we see a lot of furniture here couches and such actually the couches look pretty decent microfiber but i do see back there see that there's more boxes back there that's what i was hoping for and there's another set of mattresses so i was not hoping for it's all right i love it anyways oh there's some more boxes back here it's good there's the sled couple sleds and what is this going on over here huh i don't know what this thing is right here i have some workout equipment or something uh what's back there huh i don't know oh a lot of boxes back there though huh good that's good i think it's good okay we got in here his legs to the couch right there the little base bases legs and a couple pop heads here we got stevie oh this is from uh stranger things that's cool stranger things brenner all right that's cool i see some nikes some adidas all right little crock pot and this is halloween video games bill yeah take with us okay i i will maybe not in this trip i gotta get home all right well as much as i love this i love climbing in i love exploring a new storage locker i love seeing what's defined in here um i got to get home last night we had our live auction if you guys don't already know every monday night we do a live auction starting at 5 pm pacific sometimes we go earlier sometimes we go a second night in the week but it's always monday we're always on at five all right so um if you haven't checked it out check it out it's a great time we take some of the best stuff that we find inside storage lockers put it up for a live auction so that you the viewers can purchase it some of this stuff out of here this locker right here will make the next auction i'm certain of it let's hope there's a lot of it all right i got to get out of here though last night was the auction i have a ton of stuff that i have to ship out and uh that's more important than this just because i got customers waiting on that nobody's waiting on this i got a month all right i am excited but first we're going to take that safe i'm going to take that safe home we got to take it home can't tell if it's got anything um oh man i think it's empty i think it's empty it is locked though all right well probably empty but we're gonna take it home we'll crack it open to make sure but that probably won't happen till the end we'd like to save the exciting stuff for the last episode um but yeah not got my hopes too high on this but that's okay guys it's okay they're almost always empty and there's plenty more things to explore and find surprises all right i'm gonna take the skateboard home for the kids see if they want to play with it um but ribeiro i'm not sure if that's a good brand i hope it is it looks pretty new there's a couple little scratches here but it hasn't been used much i don't know what the that is it's a little creepy maybe camille won't like it might be too creepy for but um uh i don't know it's pretty colorful him it's neat i like it oh that's cool yeah nice nice fun i got the skateboard and the safe in the car i kind of think yeah i don't want to leave i want to do something more what should we do should we go through something or should we throw a couple things in the car um kind of want to find some more stuff that's a nice looking helmet right there cali look at that it's a nice bike helmet i hope it's expensive it looks expensive oh look at this camille said she won't use a new basketball there's a basketball okay let me turn this around let's let's poke let's poke okay i got in here scrabble yeah well i think that's sealed i think that's a sealed scrabble electronic battleship i think it's electronic battleship okay dog pile all right you got games in here is that this is a big box of games that's cool you know i didn't even give this too much uh attention that's cool you know what i might i might actually stick this in our storage and bring that out next year you might see that appear on my doorstep next year because i kind of like it you can put uh lights inside each of these maybe some electronic flicker lights that'd be cool what's in here oh look at this that's youtube gold right there just kidding uh but we do use these for our live auctions sticky notes you probably heard me get excited about those before i do i get kind of excited oh there's some checks a big old checkbook and you know what's interesting about this not just a checkbook it's a huge checkbook usually used by like businesses so maybe the guy had a business and i'm assuming it's a guy maybe had a bit oh what's this oh okay geez all right it's a nice little charcoal set yeah that's actually really nice really really nice all right just like some stuff is on the desk probably not too there's a exciting old thing of pencils right oh look at what a cold pencil bag yeah oh yeah that's right i forgot look at this oh i thought that was actually much it looked much bigger than the photos it looked humongous in the photos it's a bose uh sound bar i believe oh sound bar that's actually pretty cool i'm gonna put that in the truck right now um that i'd say that's probably a hundred dollar bill just because bose is so expensive but um i'm not sure i'm gonna sell that actually i might hook that up and use it in my bedroom where we recently upgraded the tv to a hey surprise surprise a storage tv i love finding bows honestly like the bose was also part of the decision to go that high on this unit because uh somebody's spending money on bows might be spending money on other expensive stuff too okay i moved that chair base up there got the bike off so we can look in here and what does that say it looks like it says bedding oh man let me move this too let me move that too oh look at this thing spilled out the pen bag but what is that right here i got a whole bag of fidget spinners that's really funny i also got a bunch of pencils and stuff what's this easy peak i think this is a charger for rc cars that's good that's good okay we'll look through that a little bit more but i want to look in here okay oh man you guys this is the kind of box i wanted to find in here i like the way it looks already look at this this old looks old it's not an old foam it looks like an old phone cool piece i don't think it's an old phone no it's a push button um but look at this air jordan box oh spices i just realized that's what i can smell in these spices all right black pepper whole bunch of spices elf on the shelf for christmas tradition it feels pretty light and he's missing i have a feeling this can be a kitchen box oh look at this whoops don't look at that there's a credit card in there the number out that looks like some legos cover up the credit card there's some fire sticks so that's kind of an odd bag you got a credit card you got some legos i see the joker right there that's good and you got some camping stuff there's a knife blocked right here kind of nice we're looking at kitchenaid that ain't bad german steel kitchenaid is good oh nice little extension cord with usb on it nice okay okay i saw spider-man got excited for a second there but it's just some plastic plates it's like a little dishware plastic stuff down there yeah all right guys i got to stop i got to stop time's getting away from me i got to get home and pack i'll be back maybe tomorrow we'll see um i'll be back and uh we're gonna we'll do some digging here we'll do some digging we'll do some moving and uh see if we can uh i love finding that one item that pays us back for the whole unit i don't know if we're gonna find it when you spend three thousand the odds of that happening get uh much much smaller but even if i find one box to pay for all that'd be great i don't know if that's gonna happen but um i'm gonna be hoping it happens but if not let's double our money on this one i think we could i think we could i don't know i'm very optimistic and i like what i've seen so far it's the kind of it's definitely what i'm seeing fit the profile that i put which was probably a guy in his 30s had some money liked nerdy stuff maybe with a kid i see the kids stuff now i didn't actually see it in the photos but i thought maybe as a kid but it's a guy who likes his toys and he likes to spend anyone who spends 130 on that marvel helmet piece is somebody who likes to spend on the toys and i see tools it's the right stuff all right the right stuff maybe that's what i call this this locker series is the right stuff i like it all right and we'll be back for more digging maybe right after this maybe in the next episode i don't really know but next episode will be out soon until the hill i'm saying good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts [Music] this right here i just moved that box that was right here i moved that onto the truck sitting right behind it what's that right there that's a kitchenaid mixer we love finding these we love finding them because they're so easy to sell they're so easy to sell so what's just almost
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 18,777
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, mystery, adventure, asmr, how to make money, big profit, gold, Mercedes, Sprinter, selling items, making money, vault auction, found letters, reading diary, storagetreasures.com
Id: 49HD90skvio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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