Had to Get a New Plane

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oh my god something in the back slight right crosswind everything's looking good and seven hotel pop we'd like to return to the airport um so i'm just chilling here at gillespie at high performance while they're working on the plane and look who rolls up what's up sam's hat i think i lost my hat on the runway i think when i opened the door rolling out it flew off my lap so this is like honestly some of the best ice cream i've ever had all right dude it's awesome good to see you man nice surprise see you norino in a couple days sounds good peace out see you later [Music] they basically redid all the wiring between the alternator and the voltage regulator of the bus so hopefully that's the end of it now we're gonna get some fuel and head up to the reno air races hey grand banana seven hotel pop is ready to taxi at circle while you're working on that squawk now steven hotel pop rock runway two sunrise taxidermy charlie two seven right here charlie seven on top of the seventh hotel papa remain outside the class bravo expect the right diamond departure departure frequency is one two five point three squawk zero two one six okay we'll remain outside the bravo expect the right downwind one two five point three zero two one six bonanza three six seven hotel papa this hotel papa reback is correct notified how you are vfr flight falling on pop kidding lesbian bonanza three six seven hotel papa radio two seven array of vfr flight following financial three six seven hundreds of papa goes better make right down the departure runway two seven right clear for takeoff right downwind two seven right clearly take off bonanza three six minutes okay that guy's going for the parallel so we're clear and uh that's fun last time i took off here in this airplane was right after i finished flying around the world [Music] got a slight right crosswind everything's looking good traffic two o'clock same altitude zero miles they're gonna say so far so good but there goes the alternator again so who knows how many other seminars help we'd actually like to come back for a full stop we'd like to return to the airport hotel papa roger right traffic for my chase and right cleared to land right traffic two seven right clear for the land cleared the land so no kill so i'm just gonna put this on the ground back here let them figure it out and i'll find another way to reno contact hour one two three funny same thing [Music] two problems the alternator quit on take off and the standby looks like it does exactly the same thing as the last stamp i did okay so yesterday got all ready to go the plane was supposed to be working they replaced all the wiring had taken it for test flight alternator worked they put on a new standby alternator because they thought the other one wasn't working and then i took off this standby was doing the same thing that the other one was doing and the alternator failed on takeoff so it turns out both standbys were actually working there was just a broken fuse that made them think the first one wasn't working but it might be time to replace that anyway but the alternator didn't work so now they're working on that they think they might have found the problem but i'm not taking any chances so david and austin rolled up in the g36 we're gonna head up to san jose pick up owen and then head to reno to the romeo hotel victory airport on departure generate heading 320 radar vectors ocean side dior as fab maintain a 3 000 expect one zero thousand one terminator departure departure frequency one two five point three twelve centimeters good back there awesome rachel tower bonanza niner four hundred bravo papa's fifteen miles to the southeast imbalance information bravo six thousand straight in runway so we made it to uh san jose you grab this guy and that is that's how you get fuel in san jose let's go to reno baby okay guys so there's so many airplanes here that we just stop right on the taxiway and they're just parking people everywhere it's pretty cool [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we're here at the 55th reno air races the national championship air race is just like this awesome event where people from all over the country all over the world come to nevada to race airplanes [Music] it's a pretty complex event and so cool basically there are six classes of aircraft the formula ones the sports the biplanes t6s the jets and the unlimited so they're like different classes of aircraft so that you know you can compete in everything from like tiny home builds all the way up to like some pretty cool jets there's really nothing else like this anywhere else in the world um it was like head-to-head racing going 400 miles an hour 50 feet above the desert it's just incredible and i'd really like to do it next year [Music] [Music] so everybody paul downing over here is racing a lantern 360. and he can tell you a little bit about that [Music] there's nothing like it it's hard to really describe you know it's formation flying it's uncooperative formation so you still when you're coming around pylons things like that and you're trying to pass somebody you're flying formation off of them but unlike normal formation they're not trying to make it easy for you it's a [Music] race it's just the biggest adrenaline rush um and the cool part is you know racing we're out here um you know pushing the planes having a you know trying to beat each other much better but when we're done you know everyone's shaking hands high-fiving and just having a good time yeah so we had a cool time at the races a lot of fun and now we're ready to head out huge shout out to uh david and austin for uh picking us up and now we're taking rory home too but uh just doing some performance calculations make sure we can get out of here at the high density altitude up here in reno [Music] it's pretty cool views out here over like lake tahoe and the surrounding area open center one hundred give you the whole tour but uh yeah nice little flight back to san diego i wish it was doing it in my place this is a little more comfortable anyway of course go check out austin's channel we've got some awesome helicopter flying videos oh yeah there's some guy called sjc spotter that always wants me to mention him in my video always asking for shout outs yeah we made it to uh we made it to san jose i'm gonna lose this guy jc spotter on instagram if you don't follow him but he's watercolor spotter turn pilot yeah it's a whole thing and then we're gonna go on to san diego and they're gonna go to yuma [Music] [Music] room we made it back it's been it was a fun weekend got a lot done got to see a lot hopefully my plane is in one of these hangars about to be completely fixed
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 153,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, flight vlog, airplane, landing, airport, pilot, Beechcraft, Beechcraft bonanza, pilot vlog, takeoff, matt guthmiller, inflight failure, reno air races, air race, air racing, alternator failure, aircraft problems, cross country flight, aircraft maintenance, jet race, air race pilot, pilot life, private pilot, general aviation, airplane take off, pilot life vlog
Id: 1j-ve1SJHgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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