Landing a Cessna C182 at PARADISE BEACH

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[Music] good morning from sunny plattenburg bay we have this beautiful 182 that we're flying around the area and yesterday we picked her up at stanley's island florida's a plot for some refueling and some touch and goes and now we're actually heading eastwards towards paradise beach that's near jeffrey's bay which is a surfer's valhalla where we'll go for some breakfast and some swimming for the rest we got fuel we got our bathing suits and uh we're all hungry so i have this old beaten up map of south africa with all the airstrips in the country we're here plentberg bay and as we fly eastwards we enter the eastern cape province and right over there that's where paradise beaches it's a west of port elizabeth airport this is bringing back sweet memories of sid martin with the 206 cover that was always so much effort to take on and off but it's it's a lot better for the plane so we had a little bit of rain last night you can still see that the plane is a bit damp here and there now the cessna 182 is a bit notorious for leaking fuel caps and so what you need to do after you had some rain you need to to rock the wings to make sure that if there's any water leak into the into the tanks that the water will be by rocking it we transport it to the lowest point so with the fuel strainer we can strain it out and i'm not saying that there is water in there but better be safe than sorry and that's why we rock it a bit and that's this should be enough now straight straighten the fuel and see if there's any drops of water in there so my mom always knows how to do these things and pack everything up in the plane years of experience flying uh with my dad in the 182 then you definitely know how to pack this workhorse up enough no signs of fuel all right no sir no signs of fuel and what you can see is the water is always the heaviest part so if there's any water in there it should be in the bottom uh it could be all water but the thing with the f gas is that it's blue so if you see a blue color and you smell then sure that's gas no water in here you struck by the twelve thank you [Music] quickly gonna put on my sunglasses people might wonder why i always change the glasses on the ground and my flying ones but i use flying eyes for flying and i'm very careful with them because i i really love using them as you can see the uh the little feet are incredibly thin and i can just pop them right under my headset and it won't affect my uh my active noise canceling but got these on platinum bay traffic papa julie bravo entering backtracking runway 3-0 and there's a run-up area at the beginning of the runway extra rich and 1700 rpm mag check drop is within limits okay the old temperature is in the green all pressure's good center temperature is really good as well everybody comfortable with that seat belts are fastened doors locked and latched closed everybody ready yeah no other traffic lights on plenty of everybody traffic popped your bravo lining up.300 [Music] temperature pressures are in the green air speed rising gonna keep the nose up a little 60 rotates [Music] okay bring the power back to the top of [Music] green all right so we just left the george um the george east special rules area and now we have to go from one to four decimal eights to cape town information one two seven uh five seven five [Music] so [Music] okay it's good [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] a caravan the camping sites wow that's a good one to remember traffic at the port elizabeth special rules area papa juliet bravo is 15 miles west of paradise beach routine inbound 1500 feet hello [Music] uh we are up two minutes uh to the airstrip sorry i'm in the plane but we're there in two minutes okay i'm so sorry for the delay okay bye-bye [Music] paradise beach traffic papa julie bravo approaching from the northern side joining on a right downwind runway to six [Music] paradise beach traffic papa julie bravo turning five landing hours on [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow that was so nice [Music] i'll park it there somewhere [Music] oh welcome to paradise beach radio off 1000 rpm so the taxis here we're gonna head to jeffrey's bay to a breakfast spot maybe go for a swim i'm not completely sure because we are in a bit of a time crunch um but it's so fun to go on these kind of breakfast outings [Music] breakfast time do you like the flight it was amazing so beautiful along the coast nice and low and uh and seeing that it was so cool you had on the right the sea and then below you got the cliffs and the waves crashing and then above that you had like fields and plantations and farms and then behind that you had the hills and the mountains so so many different types of scenery and all to be viewed it's really cool and the way back and the way back well we haven't been on the way back yet but uh the way back we're gonna go up high this time right and then go over the mountains and have a totally different view than on the way there so it's gonna be really cool [Music] we're gonna take the taxi back to the airplane and uh head back to the mountains i think because we're in a crunch so let's go [Music] [Music] so mom's sitting in the front for the way back yes and the seat is all the way up so she can at least see something and smurf songs yeah now i can see it properly woohoo [Music] paradise beach traffic palpation bravo lining up right away 2 6 to party [Applause] temperatures and pressures are in the green climb out at 80 miles per hour and we're going to bring the power back to top of green and if we keep climbing to 6 and 1 thousand feet it'll also be less bumpy that'll be very nice cape town information good afternoon so the share of papa julia bravo uh paradise beach currently six thousand feet climbing 6500 we're about five nautical miles southwest of chrysostein rooting planet bay [Music] uh puppet zero five two zero uh just again [Music] [Music] no reported traffic for the time to flight level six five report 3d for descent so we'll probably traffic click to climb level six five and we'll report ready for these at paw patrol bravo [Music] do you feel how stable it is yeah oh constant mom i think you should get your your pilot license as well i think you'd be very good at it [Music] cape town information papa julia bravo 20 miles east of plymouth bay request descent [Music] for the decent the toughest q age is george one zero one five cleared for the sun thank you very much [Music] okay i'm going to bring the power back a little okay some information papa julia bravo passing through 3 500 feet [Applause] [Music] so you could just fly straight overhead then we'll see where the wind is coming from and then i'll take over for the circuit okay well classic flats there's a crosswind uh from the seaside planetary way traffic pop julia bravo's in a left crosswind runway [Music] bravo training finally 3-0 that's the way to do it baby and there we are it's fun practicing a slight tailwheel uh tailwind landing again you see it's it doesn't want to light it wants to keep flying yeah but now you see the hoo it moves all the time man the wind is [Music] papa julia bravo runway vacated [Music] yeah perfect 1000 rpm cameras up [Music] so this is the first time ever that i've been flown by both of my girls it was really exciting that else took control and she flew like a pro of course thank you for flying mom oh it was brilliant you're welcome [Music] wow this was a great trip again jeffrey's bay really nice town where we went to beautiful flight along the coast flown at flight level 6'5 above cloud it was absolutely gorgeous yeah i loved it and i was so privileged because i was allowed to fly back and actually till approach plattenburg bay so yeah i really enjoyed it lovely and she flew like a pro of course you really did thank you but that was really cool if you enjoyed this flight make sure to like and subscribe and catch us on the next flight bye [Music] you
Channel: Pilot Bambi
Views: 36,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S18RSVUiwOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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