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today we're gonna trade in a turbo prop for an afterburner you guessed it we're gonna be flying with the united states thunderbirds let's get this started [Music] [Music] [Music] the day has finally arrived it's 6 30 a.m and we're about to start a four-hour briefing to go fly with the united states thunderbirds for a 10 30 a.m departure here we go the first part is the most important it's also the easiest but you just don't really comprehend it because it's something you haven't learned before so the first part all you do is tighten your lower legs the way you do that tighten up your calves pull back on your heels squeeze your knees in like you're squeezing on a beach ball and then sit up on your glutes really tight you feel tight that is oh yeah yeah you can relax yep exactly but it has to be fast so like if he says here comes the g's if you do that after he says geez it's too late it's way too late you have to here come hit it yeah really tight yep it's all about preloading and getting ready for the g because once you're under the g it's too late ready to pull some juice ready to pull some jeans all right cool tighten up your legs quick ninety percent breath i'm gonna count to three every three seconds take that quick out and breath cool sound like blend good all right great pull geez all right here's come the g's thousand one thousand two thousand three thousand one thousand two thousand three thousand one thousand two thousand three and gentle relax yeah that's it right there yep yeah yeah exactly and the reason you don't do that more than three seconds you actually start to air stack so you can actually give yourself yeah we do it we have to wait three seconds yep three seconds give everybody time to process the oxygen so the next portion is going to be your sling adjustment so your sling is this back portion right here this area right here so with your sling what i recommend doing is taking your thumb tucking the sling up under yourself under like a squatting motion so you're practically sitting in it and you just want to ensure that those hooks fix your body all right so what you're going to do is in a squatting motion now you're going to tighten those guys down nice and even you're going to tighten them pretty tight it should be very difficult for you to stand up right after you finish tightening this oh yeah oh yeah uh go ahead and try to stand up straight uh this should be about perfect i think we'll go ahead go ahead and yes okay so to release these all you do is yeah pull on this little lever right there and i just release it like so perfect you can go ahead and take the harness off all right so you'll notice that when i'm putting this uh oxygen mask into the bayonet receivers of your helmet it makes a clicking sound right so it'll click you want to make sure that when you click it clicks three times when you put it in okay so i'll go ahead and if you would one two three perfect just like that okay you can go ahead and just keep putting pressure on the front of the mask for me and i'll tighten it up just a little bit make sure we stay nice and snug this is just to ensure that you have a good firm seal on your mask okay all right if you would sir take a deep breath in and hold for me go ahead give me a nice forced exhale perfect all right and then before i let you go here we're going to type your communications and make sure those work as well make sure it's not setting okay can you give me a check check can you hear yourself in your headset fantastic all right you can go ahead and take your mask down so when you take it down ensure you take it down for your right hand side yep there's a little bayonet plunger right here go ahead and depress on that guy press down on it perfect that takes that down and then yep just take it away and then pull it away from your face what you don't want to do is disconnect from this side because it has all your communication systems and everything over here and that's when your parachute canopy will open that happens automatically correct it does happen automatically however there is also a manual release so if you eject and you're in the seat you feel like you're falling in an altitude you're at a fairly low altitude you notice you're still in your injection seat when it comes to picking trees if you have to land in a tree make sure you pick a good sized tree you don't want to pick a small tree that won't be able to bear your body weight and then you land in the tree and then it collapses and you fall out of the tree when it comes to power lines instead of being ready to brace them you're going to want to make sure you think skinny arms up think skinny and pass through because you're looking to pass through you don't want to get caught up and then once you've passed through the power lines make sure you get back in that tight position you're ready to plf because you're going to hit that ground very quickly i went to pilot training at shepard air force base did the whole rotc thing uh before commission went out shepherd got f-16s with the luke and then i spent most of my time in pacquiao so i went through yeah i went to korea for a year and a half uh osana grump and then just flipped it this way uh so if around this way for the samurai wood went to misawa for four years not there was the pack f-16 single ship guy and so doing the demos around the pack out that's awesome it was so fun about 29 000 pounds of thrust in the maximum afterburner you'll feel that on takeoff this is your comp panel down here uh your landing gear landing gear handle so there's uh one of the front one the back so just be mindful where that is this is your ejection seat arm lever uh this is your ejection handle uh don't pull that uh but you can touch that and we'll talk about when and how to do that uh this is your one little vent right here the stick like i talked about is pressure sensitive so any kind of input it's going to put a flight control input in there which is no big deal just be mindful of uh just be mindful that sticking especially the throttle you know throttle moves in this whole quarter and i'll be uh i'll be seeing them going back and forth i'll be modulating that a bunch today uh so again be mindful of kind of uh where your hands are as far as like i don't know what to do with my hands bobby there's uh yeah when the canopy comes down there'll be these two things that look like towel racks on the side it's pretty comfortable just put your hands there and you can uh brace yourself for any sort of rolling or if we do negative g's you can just rotate your hand and put yourself down in the seat that's pretty good spot to put your hands uh you kinda don't know where to put your hands this handle up ejection control is locked this means your seat is safe there is also a light right here that will say seat not armed that is the top right light so when this handle is up that should say seat not armed okay and anytime you're getting in or out of the jet it should look like this this is up this is a seat not hard and then when do we arm we arm it when i tell you to so as we're taking the runway and clear for takeoff i'll be like alright steve go ahead and arm your seat and you're gonna it's a it's on a spring so it'll be kind of sitting right here on uh on the seat itself right next to your knee just kind of there's no buttons but reach on each side and just gently lower it down it's spring loaded so if you lower it halfway and let go it's just going to slam down so we'll keep this switch all the way forward so that's you talking to me so if it's in hot mic you just talk and i can hear you uh if it's off and you're trying to talk i won't be able to hear it okay keep it hot mike unless you're getting queasy i'm getting sick you don't want to hear me yeah i don't want to hear you back there then we go to off yeah so if you are getting sick today uh or just not feeling well uh tell me first of all so tell me hey if you roll out or i'm not feeling well uh i will roll out last thing you want to do is puke on your g because it's just going to come out in a 9g shotgun do you not want to do that yeah uh gohan mike do whatever you got to do and then or go off do whatever you gotta do then go please go back to hot mike and tell me you're okay we're back back ready to go still alive back there yeah to the right pedals what you're trying to do is have zero gap between the bottom of your thighs and the bottom of the seat okay so just look at that so just make sure your thighs are flush with the seat extending your legs will help you do that for there why because this ejection seat is connected to four rockets and the seats gonna come out the whole sequence takes about 1.3 1.4 seconds so you can see how fast you're getting out of this airplane uh which means if there's a gap here so if you're injecting like this the seat's going to smack you in the bottom of the legs and your high likelihood you're going to break your femurs for there but if your seat if your legs are flat make sure you're perfect easy yeah no issues there so extend your legs down here and then think skinny so you don't want any flailing injuries into the wind stream so elbows in you can grasp the ejection handle with two hands is probably a good technique okay so i don't want to pull anything you know you're gonna be doing it all the sequence of the seats based on the ejection mode selector that we'll set in the backseat which i'll set that for you um you'll go first and then i'll go probably 0.3.4 and then the seat will eventually fall off by itself but if not then you pull it will the sequence but all the envelopes were in today we should get an immediate shoot you just uh you get uh [Music] all right after the jets get started if you want to just touch that push it in and you'll feel it inflate you know it's working ejection seat arm so you can go and grab that arm your seat so your seat is hot and you'll see the light go off yep and then you can save your seat just like that perfect uh g-meter right here hug toggle switch seat adjust right there right there um that's good engine stack panels left mfd right and we got that set to hud and then all the way in the back is your oxygen panel you can go and select 100 oxygen 100 yep normal and it's on p g yep perfect all right you can put your helmet on uh lower your [Music] on that side there you go cool now you can leave your mask down okay all right welcome aboard everybody this is going to be an exciting day we're going to be flying with primo this is called sign the number eight thunderbird and here we go he's doing his gang signs to thank his crew chief and the thunderbird crew it's pretty cool to see him do this each pilot's got their unique gang signs that they'll throw out here we go we're taxiing out to the runway we're following the number seven jet this is going to be really exciting we're going to go out to the lake placid moa today and we're going to do some maneuvers basically the whole routines of what the solos do and today's flight time will be about one hour this is going to be really awesome i've requested full after burner takeoff primo he said he will accommodate that for me so we're going to see what that feels like we are cleared for takeoff we're only two eight right here the number seven jet out there in front of us both gonna line up he's gonna line up on the left side of the runway we're going to line up on the right side so here we go lining up on only 2 8. all right number seven popping into smoke here he goes we're gonna be falling right along next with them this is exciting bucket list item for me my entire life this is it here we go guys primo's gonna set full afterburner takeoff here and we're rolling and i'm gonna tell you right now the g-forces are insane i've been fast cars fast airplanes i've never experienced anything like this we're gonna accelerate up to 400 500 miles per hour before we rotate right at the very end of this runway yeah this is awesome here we go here comes the g's man i'll tell you right now that was you've got three right in the back of your seat now i'm holding on for dear life we're gonna roll out now we're gonna go join up with number seven here we are we're now gonna warm up and fly some formation with the number seven thunderbird primo's looking over there flying formation with them we're gonna go to this slot position it is so awesome to see how these guys fly these airplanes so close to each other with such perfection there we are in the slot position great view up there at the number seven jet just holding in the slot position here with them there's primo all right we're gonna peel off over to the right of them here now we're gonna break off we're gonna go have some fun see you later number seven all right so our first maneuver is going to be the knight edge pass you'll see this maneuver at all the different air shows pretty cool to be able to experience it firsthand here we go we are going to now do a four point roll i'm holding dear life right now and now we're going to do an 8-point roll all right primo is actually checking his laptop here on this one because i think we are going to go inverted here and there we are hanging upside down i think that's why primo is checking his left though one last time before we do that because there's some negatives on that and we go right into a roll to invert it once again and with that paper we pulled i think negative 1g now primo is just showing us the max roll rate of the f-16d pretty impressive so and with this maneuver we're going straight up into the sky and we're going to throw a roll in there for added excitement and look at the g-forces that we just hit right there it's so cool to see the condensation come off the wings and now here we come back down towards earth simply amazing next we are going to do what is the hardest maneuver on the body we're gonna do a 9.2 g pull turn this is basically where you'll see most people pass out i've been taught the proper techniques for the hump breathing and also how to squeeze my legs i'll tell you right now i'm really nervous about this maneuver let's see how it goes oh yeah here we go squeezing and breathing 9.2 g's oh man i'll tell you right now i did not black out i stayed coherent but it was really tough on the body i'll tell you that much i'm not sure if i'd want to pull that maneuver too many times i give all these pilots a lot of credit because that maneuver is really hard on the body and be able to do that as many times as they do it they are truly an athlete all right primo is actually going to let me fly the airplane this is really awesome right now i'm just getting a feel for it to do some shallow banks and turns and here we go my first maneuver my controls i'm going to attempt a loop and i'm following my smoke we got smoke on there we go we're fully upside down right now now the nose is coming back towards us down towards the earth and i'm looking at that smoke trail and pointing right towards it because you should see i'm pulling some g's right there which is a lot of fun you can tell i'm barely pulling or pushing on that stick there we go my first loop and that was amazing thanks primo that was a blast the f-16 i was so surprised how sensitive the controls are with the stick it's a fly-by-wire system which is pressure sensitive hardly any movement and you're basically spinning and loosening at just a little bit of pressure on that stick primo up there run checklist and get the systems of the airplane configured my next maneuver that i'm going to attempt is going to be a roll and as you can see it was not ideal it was a little bit off i was a little bit glitchy with the controls so what primo told me to do here to get a better roll is to just basically pitch up a little bit and then go full left on the stick all the way as hard as i can and that'll give you a nice cleaner roll as you can see roll number two was a lot cleaner being able to just put full pressure on the stick to a nice clean roll eventually able to hand-fly the f-16 around 12 minutes which was a blast and it's something i'll never forget so primo contacted atc and he requested a high speed low pass of the moody air force base auxiliary field so here we are coming in we're going to be buzzing this airport at 100 feet at around 600 miles per hour there's the airport over there at 11 o'clock we're gonna be turning base the final here i can only imagine if you were on the ground at this auxiliary field out of nowhere we come buzzing in here at almost 600 miles per hour this is going to be exciting right now primo's looking at the airport out there getting lined up we're gonna turn the final here and he's increasing our speed this is awesome there we go we're turning final for the runway you can see it coming up in the view and we're gonna go smoke on as soon as we get to the end of this runway 600 miles per hour full after burner you can see our shadow down there how awesome is that and here we go pulling and pull afterburner and we do the roll out and there you go that was a high speed pass at 100 feet one of the coolest things i've ever experienced definitely i've never gone to 600 miles per hour at 100 feet above the ground all right time to form back up and we're going to return to summit fun so primo's got a certain spot that he matches up on that plane to hold the formation perfect he's looking at the wingtip and he puts it right at a certain point up there on the other part of the airplane giving the uh our hometown hero rider a thumbs up it was in the other airplane riding in the back but here we are getting a little bit closer to sun and fun it's so cool to hear the throttle up and down adjusting to stay in perfect formation and we're going to see something fun out there coming up in front of us as soon as we get a little closer we're going to turn spoke on here we go smoke on now what we've been approved to do is we're going to do an overhead break and the overhead break will be right to the right we're going to be waking up sun and fun as it is a friday and it's around 11 30 a.m see the runway coming up here in front of us but with this overhead break the number seven is going to go first you'll watch and see that and then after that we'll be doing our overhead break to the right hello here we go get ready here goes number seven yeah that is awesome and now it's our turn great view of sun and front back there all the people camping with their airplanes and all the spectators getting ready for the air show later today and now we're entering a right downwind for only two eight we'll be landing right behind the number seven jet we're following him in now you're going to see primo is going to put the gear down there's some fun right over there off our right wing now we're [Music] beautiful day to be flying [Music] now he's looking at the number seven following him in we'll be starting now to turn our brake base to rolling to eight [Music] having the big bubble canopy makes flying in this airplane so unique and fun getting to see all the views [Music] your shadow down there really cool [Music] and here we are turning final for runway two eight and i couldn't imagine what it'd be like living in those houses right down there seeing us fly right over but when he lands here he's going to use a lot of aerodynamic braking he's going to hold the f-16 in a wheelie that'll help break the airplane and come to a stop [Music] looking good nice great landing primo there he is he's just holding the wheelie that's to help naturally slow the airplane down see this still in the wheelie now he's gonna bring the nose down real gently that was awesome welcome back to sun and fun 2022. we'll be exiting the runway up here to the right good job to all the volunteers that help out here at sun and fun really greatly appreciate it oh yeah all right so we're gonna follow number seven back into the ramp i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel big thank you to son of fun and to the united states air force thunderbirds for allowing me to have this opportunity with them i'll be able to link the air force recruiting down there in the description of this video if you guys think this would be something you'd like to do as a career flying jets or any type of aircraft around in the air force be sure to click down below and right here's the green dot so this is actually this tattoo is a runway during the air show where it'll tell you to land either on the green dot or the orange dot you'll see coming up here so thank you primo for taking us up this was an awesome ride in the f-16 getting to see an experience something like this was something i never thought i'd be able to do it was an experience i'll never forget i very greatly appreciate it and here we go there's the orange stuff go right over to the left there that's where the ramp is going to be that we're going to be going into be sure to click down below and follow along on all my other social medias you'll get to see all behind the scenes of this stuff when i'm not filming youtube videos all right so here we are the ramp is right here in front of us we're going to pass up the number seven on his right side so we'll go into the ramp first the number seven will follow us in primo is an awesome pilot great guy a lot of fun flying with it anyway thanks everybody for watching the video hope everybody's doing well and i will talk to you guys someday soon so [Music] do [Music] so best day you just go ahead but that's kind of tricky [Music] is still doing the fuel thanks for everybody for coming out here we really appreciate all the support you know i absolutely love doing these hometown hero flights and and media flights uh you know because it gets to show a bigger audience what we're all about and uh and what that is is service to excellence in service to something bigger than ourselves and and you know the folks that we fly in the back seat that we give the honor to show that in their communities too so it's it's an absolute honor for us to give back uh to the folks that that you all look up to to uh the folks that the community nominates so thank you guys both for coming out here and uh and one fly with us uh there was a little bit of anxiety going into it but um you know we had to talk him into flying on a beautiful day they really wanted to go yesterday but uh now we had an absolute blast thank you for your service to our country first of all first of all yeah so all i could with lincoln said this was an awesome experience so it's pretty rare uh to take two d models on the road whenever we travel and whatever we do it's an incredible opportunity to showcase a little more than just our single ship flying out there now we get to showcase what the actual airplanes get to do and fly a little formation so sling and i got to do that chad and steve got to see what that looks like from the back seat and man let me tell you we put them to the ringer so i'll talk about steve first uh so it all started for him at 6 30 bright and early this morning for all the training that we had to put them through and uh it's just information from a fire hose so you probably remember what like one thing check your parachute when it opens and then float down on the ground uh no but it was cool opportunity to showcase our mission showcase the pride precision and professionalism of not only the thunderbirds but you know the military in whole and the united states air force we put these guys through everything that our solo pilots do in the actual demonstration we went out to the uh avon park moa out there the lake placid and we went upside down we did loops we did rolls put steve through 9.2 g's it's more it's worse than you think and uh and he got a little stick time so you got to feel what the f-16 feels like so steve on behalf of myself and the thunderbirds really thank you so much thank you so much and now we got a little something for you so this is our uh 2022 lift though uh this is the delta flying over huntington beach california last year and this is a special show for us because it was a short joint show with the united states sorry the navy hello note from the back 9.2 g's dated awesome thank you so much [Music] [Applause] a big thank you to uh every armed forces branch i mean what you guys do to serve your country is like so important to give us the freedoms of what we do so i'm so grateful to be able to go with the thunderbirds today it hits you hard being able to be able to do something like this so just big thank you [Applause] god bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 1,672,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight vlog, Flying the F16, F16, Flying a fighter jet, First time flying a fighter jet, Full Afterburner, Pulling G's, Becoming a pilot, Pilot life, Cockpit, Stressful flight, High speed pass, Flying fast, Thunderbirds, USAF, Career in aviation, Pilot, Fighter Pilot, Sun N Fun, Aviation, Airplane, Landing an airplane, Taking off, BOSE Aviation, PIVOT Case, S1K
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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