Hacking in Minecraft the Right Way

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i'm going to be hacking in minecraft but not in the traditional sense no no no i'm going to be hacking by the book you see there is a physical guide that teaches you how to cheat in minecraft kind of the official guide to minecraft hacks and me being 10 when i found this book at a bookstore i thought it was going to be a book all about hacking in minecraft and what hack clients to use and the guests who bought the book for 13 before even opening up the first page but hey now i know how to hack better than anyone else for example get a load of this hack bedrock at the bottom of the world is actually the gateway between the overworld and the nether that you didn't know that one but with that aside let's hack minecraft with this incredibly scuffed guide [Music] alright let's generate up a world and just see where we spawn all right nothing oh no thank you i'll see you later so this guy is only for the most elite minecrafter so tools in a base are pretty much a given your first home was probably a square on the side of a mountain well they're not wrong let's see how the guy does oh oh yeah i think i'll stick with my square to make sure we don't get lost while exploring the guide recommends we piss everyone off by cutting holes in trees they also recommend we build these kind of markers but i'm getting some mixed feelings about them build a giant massive beacon on top of your base but how do i get down and whatever totally worth it become a us president and build a three block tall perimeter on your base to protect it from monsters okay you're the boss perfect home sweet home alright we finished the base now it's finally time to go mining the guide recommends we always bring the essentials a stack of torches a crafting table several pickaxes a stack of wood blocks and plenty of food alright this ravine will have to do to get down the guide recommends we make sand fall and make a pillar and then dig all the way down it and this seems alright until you realize we can just dig down the side of the ravine why didn't i just do that a sweet iron place a torch on the wall every three blocks ah so this is why i brought a stack of torches diamonds but how do i get to them hey yolo oh my god there's so many creepers what the hell according to the guide you can't take damage from monsters while in a boat [Music] okay so that was a complete lie stuff acquired and diamonds acquired two oh wait but there's more there sweet yes sir diamond sword diamond pickaxe and a diamond chest plate we are looking good now i think it's time though we paid our little neighbors a visit we gotta be sneaky so they can't see us nah screw it charge clicking fast and blocking your sword will hunger creepy tremendously a guide you're about six years too late oh no things are not looking good luckily the guy told me not to stress oh [Music] things are looking real hairy oh god that's too much for me need a bit of a breather admittedly that didn't go so but luckily the guy does a ton of tutorials on how to get better at pvp it recommends opening up a creative world giving yourself a kit of armor weapons and food and fighting the mobs around you wait this is surprisingly easy oh i have to change the game mode to survival yeah that makes sense ugh finally killed them all all right pillagers time for a round two [Music] let's go whoa we did it finally that wasn't even that bad and just one more thing before i say goodbye burn tower burn did you know you can place a pig in a minecraft i named him gerard alright i think it's finally time we try and beat the game wait what what's that in the distance ah sig it's a village ooh i'll be yoinking this thank you you have a popularity score with each village it starts at 0 and increases to a high of 10. well if popularity was anything like high school to return for my sins i think i'm going to protect this village the guy tests to remove all the cacti build a perimeter around the village and light everything up to seal the deal it also says to cover the bottom of the well in case a villager hops in oh that was a close one could have drowned you're welcome bud huh what kind of vlogger oh no no no looking heart attack jesus beast stay back stay back i don't want her to stay back bees stay back you didn't see what i did to your friends back there now did you where were chill right yeah we're chill good what a lovely sight to behold in the distance the carnage of my enemy oh a dog i'll get some bones for your little buddy you seem like you're in danger ungrateful little alright it's finally nether time the guide says we can make a 10 block portal but they also recommend a 23x23 go big or go home i guess all right the guide also gives the checklist for the nether we need a full set of armor okay i have you know one getting there as well as potions how am i supposed to get potions if i haven't gone into the nether huh i'll also need enchanted weapons and tools swords bows pickaxes plenty of cobblestone gravel and a shovel and ladders to help me climb as well as chests wood and iron oh what there's more bring golden apples an enchanted golden apples yeah that's not happening since your chances of dying in the nether are high leave very valuable items at home in a chest oh perfect hey let's go we're finally in the nether we should secure our portal with cobblestone according to the guide and even better create a roofed base of operations around our nether portal heck yeah that is what i'm talking about this is the best part of the day alright let's go looking for a fortress but where to gotta be careful can't die oh oh jesus that almost wow hey a fortress let's go blaze farming time while we're here i might as well farm surrender man too don't use the bed in the nether what do they think i am was i born yesterday now back at our roof base of operations it is good to be back and back in the overworld too oh thank god hey gerard okay there is a lot we have to take to the end full enchanted diamond armor and tools oh no all right what next that was painful two stacks of arrows 32 take it or leave it tons of ladders gravel for pillaring because that totally went well last time a pickaxe and a stack of obsidian okay then yeah no i also don't have pumpkins but hopefully i'll find those along the way food check all right let's go i'll be taking these beds thank you very much hey pumpkins oh it's down here sweet there we go there it is now where is the actual portal room [Music] ah finally found it take care of the silverfish and light this baby up you'll probably die so set your spawn yada yada someone say base of operations craft those put those in there let's do this i'm ready i hope good hit get a few more come on come on come on [Music] ah yes finally let's freaking go whoa we did it but what now multiplayer huh sounds like it could be a fun time whoa what this is so epic what the heck hello everyone how's it going this is so cool dang i can't wait to play more here
Channel: Wifies
Views: 3,310,455
Rating: 4.9141488 out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, minecraft hack, hacking in minecraft, hacking minecraft, minecraft hacking, hack, hacker, hacking in minecraft the right way, the right way to hack minecraft, mysteryore, minecraft hacked client, minecraft hacks
Id: 84N55jsSBWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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