Minecraft Hacker VS 100 Players

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now you're probably used to seeing minecraft look something like this it's pretty normal right but what if it looked like this and it was just infested with hacks and everything was in the wrong place and it just why do i sound like a crazy idiot right now anyway today i did something that i installed some hacks and in today's video i am going to be hacking against 100 players what i did was i set up a private event server where i asked 100 people to join and team up against me whilst i was hacking everyone can do whatever they want they can get whatever they need but as i said i'm hacking so i figured the only way to give people a motive to actually try was to say that if anyone kills me i will give them 100 so the question is whether i can be the last man standing whilst using a ridiculous amount of hacks but i have to say do not hack it'll get you banned the only reason i'm doing this is for scientific purposes but apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so definitely be sure to subscribe because it really does help me out and i promise you will not regret it and you can always unsubscribe later it's also super important to know that tomorrow afternoon at 2pm est my server will be opening for the public i'm going to be playing it so come join it'll be a laugh let's also go for 30 000 likes if you guys want to see me do something like this again now enjoy the video it's strange seeing minecraft look like this it literally says exploiting minecraft with style but just in case you guys don't know what hacks are i'm gonna show you obviously as you guys know you spawn into a world and walking around and punching trees is very very normal but with hacks you can do stuff like this you can literally speed up your game so everything is done quicker breaking stuff is quicker running and jumping is quicker and that's not even the half of it because if you open up the menu there are all these things there's one called jesus look at that you click jesus and apparently jesus could walk on water so so can you it's ridiculous but it's hacks you know that's just some people find this fun and if you're doing it for science it probably is fun but when it comes to combat hacking there are very few things that are actually useful the best thing of all of this is this kill aura i am now not touching my mouse whatsoever and i as you can see i'm just swinging at that chicken without even looking at it and it's dead this works the same with players as well so i just you know i can look this way and that squid is just getting destroyed he's gone and then i'm hitting both of them at the same time you know i stand in the middle of these guys and it'll swing at them both look at this the poor guy squidward just wants to be left alone i don't even what are they doing but the point is we've got unlimited options and it is now time to find out if a team of 100 players can beat me whilst i am hacking in minecraft this is gonna be fun all right the game is starting and as you can see we have got a hundred and one players it's me versus a hundred that's ridiculous but it's time to sort out the hacks what i never thought i'd say that hello cow we want auto sprint for sure extended reach yes please no fall oh my goodness we're not gonna be taking any full damage killora is b to enable that's good flight oh what tracers oh x-ray okay these are all things we can use this is gonna be good oh we've seen a player wait let's hey buddy you ready for this check this out buddy check this out oh my goodness and if we turn on b we just oh my god we're automatically hitting him this is ridiculous look at this oh my i can't even aim properly we can hit both them at the same time if i stand in between them yeah i'm just constantly swinging i'm hitting them both at the same time oh i love it okay let's just uh let's grab some cane we've got five minutes i've got to be quick if i want to get my stuff come on give me one yes we got the leather we're gone i need to get stuff in this five minutes otherwise people will be able to kill me and that is definitely not a good idea okay we can turn off the speed now or we can also use this thing called timer which just speeds up the game for me oh wow right there we are there's my pickaxe down we go oh we're really near zero zero pickaxe axe and shovel wait why am i is too good it's too easy we're going to be full diamond in no time you know actually let's just focus on that let's just focus on the full diamond part oh wow we're just digging straight on these i love this this is gonna be the easiest oh i fell in the cave that doesn't even matter because i've got no fall so we can just x-ray everywhere and not worry about taking damage because we just won't fall into holes let's go right here thank you okay we're gonna have at least one golden apple oh i suppose if we kill someone a golden head and there are diamonds right here there's loads of diamonds here okay look these are all diamonds that i would have missed if i had not been hacking and i said this at the beginning of the video but guys don't hack the only reason i'm doing this is for educational purposes we're testing things out we're making sure that a hundred people can't beat one single hacker it's we're literally doing it for science okay i should not be enjoying myself so much i think it's the fact that i know i'm gonna be fighting a hundred people that's what's making me okay with hacking pvp in one minute oh my goodness let's make our sword our chess play and our helmet right we're already doing better than most people well actually probably better than everyone let's be realistic thank you how are people dying they're just giving up guys don't give up you got this let's make those boots and we're gonna make leggings for now just in case we get jumped not that it'll matter wait a minute i want to check something out there's a hat called nuka where is that is that in here nuker what what oh no okay okay i can't do that i can't do that oh what the heck what oh my what what oh no it's admins it's okay i i've got what the heck this is so weird i was so confused for a second let's turn killer off that's just really really distracting oh i tell you what let's find some people they we just see some random guy poor fella all right so it's good to know that some hacks are just too big to use at least i figured that out i had to do it the hard way but it's okay no what the heck oh my god okay i did not see that at all was not paying attention okay x-ray does not show lava i didn't realize that oh my i'm low dude what the heck what i'm on two and a half hearts what is happening that is not fair what oh no oh that's a player let's should i try no no they've got for lion nope never mind i'm going up right i tell you what actually just in case we get jumped let's turn on kill aura because now if anyone jumps me they're gonna get smacked while if i'm crafting or something then they're going to get smacked and i'm not even going to realize that i'm killing them that's exactly what you want in your sandwiches eh right we're good no hey chicken get out of here almost two and a half hearts i do not feel safe even though i'm hacking just give me one apple yes i'll meet this gap and i'm gonna kill him hey buddy how are you doing there you okay good night just didn't even see me going okay there we are boom a g head all right let's do this make our two more gaps and now we go kill people right you know what it's speeding time where is zero zero it is this way and i can't take full down no there is no way people can kill me i'm gonna turn off kill aura for now actually hello there what the heck i can't aim this is impossible without killora we got him we got him oh my goodness okay i'm gonna need a g head let's kill this guy as well hey buddy how you doing there how you doing there what the heck no ah i can't even aim right okay it's time to turn on kill aura what the heck oh what oh how on earth do people do this is it either an f5 oh he's a little bit what the heck i am so bad at this right let's turn on kill aura here we are now there's no chance oh we're hitting him through blocks he's dead oh we killed him with a pickaxe oh my i'm a terrible human being i feel like i shouldn't be enjoying myself so much oh wait a minute let's test something out turn off speed let's turn off tracers for a second because they're really distracting do i take any full damage no i literally don't take full damage that is great hello buddy you ready to go hello buddy let's turn extended reach oh my we get seven blocks of reach how how far can i hit something from oh oh my goodness look wait wait oh where was that guy i saw you i want to test out my reach hey buddy you can't run forever what the heck oh what the come on come here reach reach reach he can't even hit me oh no no come here oh dang it you have to turn on kill alright you made me oh dude i didn't want to have to do that where has he gone what the heck oh he's digging straight down oh i've got no fool though do i just do it that is so dumb oh my goodness wait can i fly dude please tell me i can fly flight i'm flying i'm sure wait straight up i'm just flying out oh my i'm just okay no that's too far even for me all right let's uh this looks so goofy oh my wait wait wait there's got to be wait yep we can do more damage with criticals anti-hunger oh my aimbot shows a window of what the arrow sees oh my goodness all right i'm sick of not finding people it's time to turn on traces again oh there's someone down here who's that oh we can see him just by x-raying of course we can he doesn't know i'm here hello ap whitey how you doing there bud oh hello oh oh he was a one hit and now we have enough gold to make a g head as well there we oh boom oh my wait is that people down there oh it's people teaming oh okay this is where it gets difficult oh hello okay i've gotta turn off killora it's just too mean tell you what let's just have a little speed around see oh yeah we found someone hello buddy hello hello there hello we got him hello oh taking out three team come on come here gotcha you as well you wanna you you as well you wanna tussle oh oh he wants oh he doesn't want a screen he wants to tussle and he does want to scream he wants to screen you i'll give it to him simply because i'm hacking no other reason fine yeah you can you can have a screeny buddy it's all yours go nuts you're gone easy oh what this guy's completely on what hey buddy you wanna you wanna get scared a little bit you wanna he doesn't even know what to do oh my goodness oh okay oh hello buddy cyan pug i'm gonna just quickly hello i'm gonna just you know hello hello buddy you can't run from me i i am inevitable can we just there's oh there's loads of people over here oh oh my goodness okay okay okay okay i actually got to be careful fighting all these people we're gonna turn off speed for this we're just gonna kill these guys we kill aura come on there's four of you you think you can take me you think you can do it let's do it then come on oh come on one's on one one's on one got one got two come on come on oh they're all running no no no i want to get you yes okay we'll turn down the reach it's too unfair look hey okay we got him oh my goodness we can make another g head wait what's that sword sharpness one thank you come on buddy there is there is zero point in trying i'm sorry to admit it to you but there is zero point i'm moving too quick to be able to tell what on earth is going on oh oh my god that's actually okay that's actually a huge team we are gonna make this somewhat a fair fight right we're gonna turn off b-hop turn off tracers but we will turn on kilaura keep sprint so we'll just carry on sprinting and spider so now we can climb up walls just like that okay guys you ready to fight it's time to tango come on guys come on oh my this guy's actually going for it i respect it it's not enough dude it's oh my oh come on come on no come on he's on four come on keep sprint is so broken i don't slow down ever come on got you as well and now you buddy come here come on oh yes okay oh buddy i see you i'm actually just gonna knock this guy we're gonna kill you with a shovel what what why would you do that there's no fun in that now i just have to you know casually fly out oh come on dude let me smack a sheep at least i killed something oh what no no no all right so we got kicked and lost everything because flying was not enabled so i just gave myself a bit less than what i had but to be honest it doesn't matter because i'm still gonna win let's uh let's smack this guy with my fist he just doesn't care i'm gonna kill him with my fist i'm going to turn on kill aura and kill him with my fist we can do it come here come here buddy come here we got him fist kill nice that's what i like to see that's good sportsmanship right there oh no oh no no this is where it actually gets bad now i wish i hadn't lost my stuff there's so many of them let's turn on kill aura what the heck no come on great oh my goodness the horse oh my there's so many people ah oh my no no no no oh someone's got fire no no no no i just get away need to get away oh my oh okay we're good we're good people have fire and good swords that is bad hello guys i'm just gonna you know casually freak you out a bit hello yep you're and i need your no come here yes gotcha any healing i need to heal i can't believe i lost all my stuff no as long as i don't come in as a massive group i'm fine oh come on come here no ah no no no no no no we're getting away we're getting away see you later bye i'm actually getting close to dying here this is bad okay let's quickly sharpness one thank you yeah i've got to be smart i actually have to be smart they could do this all these people up against me right now maybe what i could do could be extra smart make an anvil an extra diamond sword sharpness one and sharpness two all right we are now a hacker with sharpness two and some projectile protection why not oh hello buddy you're trying to go for me i see you i see you okay right you know what we're gonna run in we're gonna get a couple of them low come on this guy's said got him hello come on let's get oh oh oh we got another one yes i need that oh we've got so much gold okay i'm out i'm out i'm out okay let's make however many g heads three g heads lovely jobly let's enchant the helmet protection one enchanting the boots protection one and we've got a lava bucket as well just in case all right we're gonna pick people off come here the less of them the better come here see you later no no no no i'm out i'm out i'm out see you later boys you are not killing me my friend i'm killing you gotcha thank you that's good their swords do so much damage i didn't expect that at all i'm kind of getting cornered no no no no no no no no no no no see you later they get close then i just zoom away so i'm a terrible human being hey buddy hey buddy your time has come oh so is yours hey buddy oh oh my goodness we got a full diamond oh that was huge that was a big play okay we turned off the ultimate b-hop because otherwise it's impossible for people and i feel like i have to give them somewhat of a chance come here buddy i've already got my reach on seven i'm not even clicking i'm literally just letting my game do everything for me i'm just aiming just so you guys can see what's happening none of this is me it's so weird and we got the gold see you later yes it's my skin it's my old skin as well it has to go no what the heck i'm not even looking at people and i'm killing them come here i will not speed on you i will not no we're slowly just getting hit some people this one's dead surely surely yes we got him no ah that he's healed oh my goodness i'm climbing up the border oh oh no okay do not climb up the border too much it gets you kicked it's a bad idea it is a bad idea oh no i can see all the spectators this is bad come here come on guys gotcha you're dead get out of the way specially said this guy's on three we got him yoink oh hello buddy we're just we'll nab you oh my goodness i think we're good my i'm not getting absolutely ruined by random players now we've got the best of the best left oh board's about shrink hey am i good come here buddy your time what no server lag so my hacking just for some reason lagged out the entire server because i was sending so many packets so now i have to wait for all these zombies to join back alright guys if you kill me i will give you 100 and i will use an iron shovel let's make an iron shovel i'm not gonna lie to them right we're final healing everyone oh my goodness three two one go we're going we're going oh steko's coming in i'm not even using like ridiculous hacks right now stekko how you doing there bud oh oh oh we're hitting them before they're even in reaching distance for them that is so funny come on buddy come on i can't even get close come on guys you want tussle oh my oh my oh oh oh oh we got it we got it oh okay there you will take my g heads they're all yours i'll eat my gap and now i have no healing so it really is a battle to the death i'm gonna make a wood shovel i'm gonna do it with a wood shovel i'm actually gonna make a couple just in case mine breaks let's go come on guys it's time it's time it you fell in there that's perfect for me i i can single them out i can sing them out what no no no no ah no no no no oh come on oh yes here we are no no ah i don't want to get targeted by both of them here oh okay okay okay it's kill aura time baby oh he can't hit me at all he actually cannot hit me what the heck is this i don't even know what that is oh oh i see you there look ah oh my i'm low i'm like come here buddy we got you we got you we got you ah oh we got him i want hot pot i'm on half a heart i'm on half heart oh my goodness no no no no oh my this is the scar come on come on no he got me oh my goodness that's 100 i can't believe i lost oh okay my killer was just going nuts let's uh let's turn that off hello you did it man you killed me i'm guessing i'm guessing you have paypal yeah okay well if you uh we'll get that sorted i'll get that hundred dollar sent over to you congratulations man i'm not gonna lie i wasn't expecting that i uh i'm glad you're excited man that's good i may have thrown you a bone but it was worth it it's uh yeah now look you're here you've made it to the end of the video i mean look in these top four corners guys if you're not following me on my socials come on please you gotta follow me i'm so lonely without the follows i i just i crumble i need them please i i'm sorry i don't know what got into me i just oh
Channel: Wisp
Views: 1,924,878
Rating: 4.9211831 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but, minecraft uhc, uhc, minecraft speedrunner, speedrunner vs, minecraft uhc but, minecraft but challenge, wisp, wispexe, lucky, luck, hypixel, challenge, minecraft challenge, vs, skeppy, dream, netherite, hacker, cheater, hacking, cheating, i hacked, i cheated, minecraft hacker, 100 players, $100, wager, minecraft hacker vs 100 players
Id: aDlRZJlzRpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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