Bruce Lipton: Listen to THIS EVERYDAY (Powerful Manifestation Technique!)

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money is the equivalent of energy so you can buy energy with your cash and the significance about that is if you're frugal and take care of your money and keep a balance then you always have this energy in your bank account energy in which you can live however obviously if you waste this energy then you actually interfere with your own survival so you don't really want to go out and just throw away your money and so basically i really want to show you that this is an important insight into the nature of our own health and our biology in the world we create in this regard that our biological system the cells rely on energy without energy there's no life so fundamentally you have an energy budget that gives you life and in fact in the body energy is in coins called atp molecules that represent units of energy so in fact biologists refer to atp as the coin of the realm the significance of atp is this is that atp molecules are like units of gasoline like gallon of gas that are used to fuel our biological processes so to stay alive we have to have all this atp so there's an atp account in your body right now but the question is how do you use this atp and now here's an important fact that 25 of the total energy in your whole body is used to operate your brain so all of a sudden you start to recognize that the brain uses energy at the rate of muscles of a marathon runner so a brain and muscle activity are pretty much the same and so why is this important because as you're using your brain as you're using your thinking you are actually using energy now why is this relevant the answer is very simply this because the way we've been using our thoughts are not necessarily productive a matter of fact sometimes our investments of our thoughts are actually counterproductive because our thoughts create a reality that we then have to overcome so basically it says that we must start to become aware of our thoughts and why is this important because thoughts represent units of energy every time you have a thought you use energy why this becomes relevant is if i give you a checkbook for your bank account you don't go down the street and just write checks to people like oh hey you're a nice looking guy here's 10 bucks for you and oh here little girl go out and buy yourself a little car here's a thousand dollars for you and you don't give away your money why because giving away your money is giving away your life so basically you become very frugal when you have a checkbook in your hand now what i'm trying to tell you is this you have an energy budget in your body the energy is what keeps you alive when you start using energy and writing checks where you get no return from your energy then it's exactly the same as writing checks out of your bank checkbook and giving away your cash so why this becomes important is the biology of belief reveals how our thoughts create our reality and if you start investing in thoughts that are counterproductive thoughts like fear or what am i going to do and how am i going to escape this problem or how is this going to go wrong and all these other kinds of thoughts that are negative kinds of thoughts then realize this you are actually not just using your energy for having these thoughts but these thoughts are also what come into your reality what you focus on with your thoughts your brain will manifest as reality everything you do in your life you put out energy for therefore start to review what you're doing in your life because if you're putting your energy into things you cannot change in this world that is exactly the same as writing a check and just throwing away your money to the outside because you get nothing back from it so think about this very interesting reality that you have this energy checkbook and every time you use energy you have to say is the use of this energy going to enhance my life or is it just wasted energy am i getting involved in a in a political argument with people where i'm going to use up all my energy and will i have changed the world no am i going to use up all my energy to try to convince other people to change their life or change their way of living to make them even healthier and they're not ready to do that i'd be wasting my energy so here's an interesting thought if i gave you an energy checkbook and asked you to write a check every time you had to have a thought you would have to then ask yourself is is this thought going to enhance my life or is this thought going to take away from my life and then when you start to realize that you start to direct your actions where you put your energy into things that enhance your life and give you an opportunity to survive and to go beyond survival and really into thriving so the point is this we are facing some rough times the more thoughts you put into the negative aspect the more thought you put into the fear not only are you just wasting your energy but as in the biology belief these negative thoughts these negative stresses actually impair your immune system and bring on disease itself and in 1925 physicists said that our vision of a universe split into an invisible energy realm and a material physical realm was a total illusion that everything is energy the whole thing there is no matter in this world and to summarize what the meaning was a famous physicist in 1930 by the name of sir james jeans said we have been led to believe that the universe is a great machine when in fact it is more a great thought and the reality about that was quantum physicists have established since 1925 that consciousness is the primary mechanism of creativity of the world that we experience in fact a more recent article in the journal nature which is like a scientific mainstream journal was an article by a quantum physicist at johns hopkins university by the name of richard conhenry and his article was entitled the mental universe i i know the last two lines in the article because they were like so powerful and here's what the conclusion of the article was the universe is immaterial it's mental and spiritual live and enjoy and this is so exciting because science is coming out saying it's mental and spiritual it's like oh my god but that's the quantum physics part and the reality about why is that and so important as uh sad vijay had just mentioned it's our thoughts that are manifesting this world now you could say that's a spiritual thing and now i say not only is it spiritual now it is fundamental basic science of the universe and it says then the thoughts are creative well if the thoughts are created then who is having the thought and you start to realize i'm having the thought well then the truth is simple as richard cohn henry said you are creating this world with your mental activity and your spirituality combined and then all of a sudden it says well then if i'm creating the world then my original belief that when things didn't go right i was a victim the universe wasn't supporting me you know it's like oh i try so hard and the universe is not giving me things it turns 180 degrees around and it basically says this we are creating this world and then i say your mind is creating this world and then i give you the science that says there are two minds that are operating at the same time one is called the conscious mind and one is called the subconscious mind i say what's the difference the conscious mind is where you are as a spirit an entity a unique identity you are in that conscious mind and perceiving the world i say what about the subconscious mind it's not a creative mind the subconscious mind is habits things that you've learned and you experienced in your life and they become habits so uh the subconscious mind is not thinking creating a subconscious mind push the button play the behavior so here's the point when we are in our conscious mind we are connecting our spirituality to the biology and the physical planet that we're in and that is a creative mind that's the one you wake up in the morning and say oh i wish i had this and i desire that and these are the things i want and then you go out and start the day and then guess what 95 of the day you are not operating from the conscious mind science has recognized 95 percent of the day because we are thinking 95 percent of the day our behavior is now controlled by the subconscious mind i go okay so what's the difference in the final conclusion of this is the conscious mind with your creativity has your wishes and your desires the subconscious mind was programmed by other people your mother your father your siblings and your community so what is the difference you wake up with a wish and a desire of what you want and then the rest of the day you play the programs that you got from other people that don't answer your wishes and don't support your desires and all you see is the consequence of it and go oh my god why is it not working the answer is because you don't see because remember the name is subconscious below conscious so when that behavior is playing psychologists will tell us 70 percent or more of the programs in the subconscious are disempowering self-sabotaging and limiting behaviors so the simple reality is this we have great wishes and desires and yet our life is not controlled by that our life is controlled by the programming and that programming is the disempowering program so all you see is the consequence of the invisible subconscious which will sabotage all the desires and wishes you have and then to conclude that what if you just didn't default to the subconscious what if you just stayed in the conscious mind that's called being mindful and why is it relevant because when you stay conscious keep your mind present you are the creator of your life and when people are in mindfulness they manifest their wishes their desires and their happiness so for all of us it's sort of a wake-up call you think you're running your life with your wishes and desires it's an illusion you're really running your life with your programs acquired from other people when you're putting in a wish and a desire put it in as if you already have it i am healthy uh i am a good relationship person uh you know i have a great job what's that i say it's like i already have it and yet most people don't have it so they'll say i want a great job i want a great relationship i want to be healthy and i go make a recording of those words we just said that i want to be healthy today right now tuesday we're going to make a recording i say now come back in one year and let's push the button on that recording and we come back a year later and it says i want to be healthy i go it's a whole year and you still want to be healthy still don't have it right you're going to say i am healthy all you're emphasizing i have a desire to be healthy i want to be healthy i have a desire to be healthy i go you can have that desire the rest of your life you're not going to get healthy you want to be healthy say i am healthy but then you look and say yeah but in reality i'm sick and i go no no the function of the mind is to take the program and turn it into reality so if i am sick but i put a program in i am healthy the mind looks you know like well wait a second the program is i am healthy but the body is not healthy so what's the function of the mind create health in the body it doesn't change the program it changes the body and so the idea is this every time we put a program in it has to be as if you already have it in spite of the fact you could be dying of cancer i go i am healthy it sounds kind of weird and i go don't worry about it just put it on i am healthy because once it is a program the function of the mind is to manifest it as reality that's the part and so my little caveat you brought it up i'm emphasizing it and that was simply this that whatever you're downloading you have to say it as if you already have it because if you put a future tense on it i will i want i say if you record that that means you will always will you know want to have it you know i will do this you won't get there so i just wanted to bring that in because if we're making a program then you must make sure it says as if you already have it in spite of the fact you don't you as an identity are in your conscious mind you actually are in there that's where your personal identity is and we have a tendency to say if i talk to myself i'm going to give myself a good talking to and i'm going to change that subconscious i say to myself bruce don't do that again do this don't do that again and and then i say it's very frustrating why you can talk until you're blue in the face and nothing will change i say why and the answer is and this is the most important part there is nobody in the subconscious there's nothing there it's a machine it's a record playback device so you can talk to the machine as much as you want if you don't know how to push the record button nothing's going to happen so then i say how do you change the program i said how did you get the program the first seven years your brain was in theta hypnosis so i say you want to change a program every night when you go to bed just as your mind disconnects just as you fall into sleep your brain is now operating in theta so if you put earphones on your head and you play a tape a program a cd of what you want as your your conscious mind disconnected your subconscious is downloading so you just play that tape as you go to bed and after a number of playings your subconscious will learn the new program without even your conscience being involved that's number one after age seven how do we put a program in repetition how did you do anything you repeated it over and over again how long did it take you to learn the alphabet how many times did you have to go from a to zed before you could remember the whole alphabet when you drove a car you didn't know how to drive a car until you did what you practiced you repeated so if you want to change a program you put into your mind a repetition and it's not it recognize this what you want to change doesn't exist so when you put in the new program it'll sound strange so let's say you are sick you have a disease and i say what program do i want i am healthy i go it doesn't sound right i know i'm sick i say i don't care there's a saying in english fake it until you make it what that means is if you want to be happy just keep in your mind i am happy i smile even if you have to force a smile i am happy i'm smiling i say repeat this and repeat this and guess what after a short time it becomes a habit and when you're in that habit you don't even have to think i am happy the new habit will keep you happy all the time because that's the new program in today's world i love the phrase because it it's funny but it's true fake it until you make it mean you want to be happy but you have to habituate happy you have to say every day no matter if you don't if you're not happy i don't really care you have to tell yourself i am happy i am happy you have to repeat it ah habituation repetition why i'm consciously repeating it every day and looking at my life my life really sucks oh bruce i am happy i am i'm saying that i go well why are you saying it because repetition is how the subconscious mind learns i say why is this relevant and here's the fun part because after i've repeated it a number of times the subconscious says okay i'm happy i've learned this i go why is it relevant that 95 of the day the subconscious function is to make that program real if my program is i am happy the function of the mind is to make sure i'm happy if the if the program says i'm going to get cancer because i heard that from somebody else then the function of the mind is to make sure i get cancer because that's the belief i'm working with and if if it says i am a victim and i can't get out of this then the function of the mind is yep look you see you i'm showing you you're a victim and you can't get out of it because i'm running a show you're a victim okay i have a spiritual part and i have this physical part and i asked a simple question i said why have a body why not just be the spirit and then this is when i found out i had jewish comedian cells i go i i asked a question of myself why have a body why not just be a spirit and 50 trillion cells in my body welled up with an answer and i said answer what was i said i asked a question the answer came back in the form of a question that's where the jewish comedian guy came in again i asked why have both a spirit in a body and the cells answered with this quote bruce if you're just a spirit what does chocolate taste like and all of a sudden i said oh my god that was the most profound thing in the entire world i said why because this is like a virtual reality suit i can see with these eyes i could smell i can taste i can hear and i go so why is it relevant well as i said the question came out if you're spirit only and sad vijay and i are in the spirit world and we're saying love is such a beautiful thing it's the harmony and the connection and everything i said yeah but what does love feel like you know as a spirit how the heck do i know it's i say oh you have to have the chemistry of the body and a nervous system that translates the chemistry into sensation sensation is not chemistry it's electromagnetic vibration it's a broadcast and i say so why is it relevant so we had one little part i go what we think our thoughts are in our head and so we put wires on our head called the electroencephalograph and i can read your brain activity i go yeah inside your head you've got all this consciousness going on and then i go you know there's a new technology reads brain activity as well it's not electro encephalograph eeg it's called magneto encephalograph m-e-g and i go so what's the difference they both read consciousness i go yeah what's the difference magneto encephalograph the probe is out here it doesn't even touch your head stop i say why you're reading my thoughts out here and all of a sudden it's like my thoughts are not contained in my head no they're broadcast back to the field i go i can read your thoughts from out here so whatever you're thinking positive or negative or i can do this i can't do that i it's not staying in here it's going out into the world in the universe around us and then i say so what's the relevance there's something called resonance when two things are in vibration if one vibrates the other one will vibrate okay and if they're not in harmony one vibrates and the other doesn't do anything so i say so what does it mean oh my god this is so changed life stuff i go my thoughts are vibration that go out into the energy field which is quantum physics i go so what i say my thought will only vibrate and resonate with something that matches the thought if i send out a thought of love only elements that are in love that vibrate within love will respond to my thought because our we're in harmony we're in resonance if i send out a thought of fear negative and scare and i can't do this and i'm afraid i said what do you think is going to vibrate i say love is not going to vibrate only things that you would be afraid of things you would be you know have fear over they'll vibrate and i say so put it all together oh my god we're creators and we come in to this body to create and that what we create and what we experience is not kept in us our mind translates it into electromagnetic vibrations that go back to the field and that integrates with our spiritual vibration because they're the two in resonance i'm in resonant with the spirit and the spirit is in resonance with the body why we're using the same vibration so our lives make a difference that we live here and i say what first of all we're creators we're very powerful i go until a creator is programmed not to be powerful and then that creator by programming will say okay i'm not powerful and give up our power and we have been systematically programmed to question who and what we are when the fact is we came here as creators i go why did we come here for the creation and i go because we get a feedback that goes back to the source that says what do you want and you come here and try and create it and when you find that love and when you find that harmony you start to realize you're glowing when you're glowing your energy vibration of love is going back to the universe to to resonate with you and make you a stronger love vibration this is a time in history where it's not enough to know there's a time in history to know how and if you rewind the tape 10 years ago you know information was the thing that stimulated thought stimulated new ideas and and as we learn new things we make new connections in our brains so as we begin to add new stitches into that three-dimensional tapestry in our mind we're beginning to cause our mind to function in new ways but the key then is to apply it to personalize it to do something with it in in 10 years ago when i went got in front of an audience and talked about the application it nobody wanted to step outside that philosophical theoretical intellectual realm right because doing something means you're going to have to change something about yourself yeah you're going to get uncomfortable right and um i think we're in an age of information and in an age of information ignorance is a choice and because of technology we have access to so much content and information creates awareness and awareness is consciousness and you can't have consciousness without energy there they work together so there's an energetic change i think that's taking place in the world right now where people are so informed that old models old paradigms are beginning to break down whether it's the medical model or the religious model the education model journalism the economy you know politics it's all beginning to come to the surface because something else has to come out and and i think that one of the things that uh people are realizing is that you don't have to be a buddhist monk to do this or a nun with 40 years of devotion you just got to understand the formula and just like any skill or anything you learn you got to go from thinking to doing to being you got to take knowledge you create the experience and if you keep doing it over and over again you start getting a skill or you start getting wise about how to do it and you you know that you know how to do it if you're sitting down and you start thinking about some future worst case scenario that you're conjuring up in your mind and you begin to feel the emotion of that event your body doesn't know the difference between the event that's taking place in your world our world and what you're creating by emotion or thought alone so most people then they're they're constantly reaffirming their emotional states so when it comes time to give up that emotion they can say i really want to do it but really the body is stronger than the mind because it's been conditioned that way so the servant now has become the master and the person all of a sudden once they step into that unknown they'd rather feel guilt in suffering because at least they can predict it being the unknown is a scary place for most people because the unknown is uncertain people say to me well i can't predict my future i'm in the unknown and i always say the best way to predict your future is to create it not from the known but from the unknown what thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain what behaviors do you want to demonstrate in one day the act of rehearsing them mentally closing your eyes and rehearsing the action they're rehearsing the reaction of what you want or the action of what you want by closing your eyes and mentally rehearsing some action if you're truly present the brain does not know the difference between what you're imaging and what you're experiencing in 3d world so then you begin to install the neurological hardware in your brain to look like the event that's already occurred now your brain is no longer a record of the past now it's a map to the future and if you keep doing it priming it that way the hardware becomes a software program and who knows you just may start acting like a happy you know dr maxwell mulch wrote a book back around 1960 it was called self-image psychology psycho-cybernetics it's a phenomenal book he said it was the greatest discovery of his generation he was a cosmetic or a reconstructive surgeon and he found he would do work on people he might have done a nose job or removed a terrible scar and he noticed that when he did that there was a phenomenal change in their personality but he noticed with others he would make a phenomenal physical change and there was no change in their personality and that led him to postulate that we have two images we have the one that's coming back from the mirror but we've got an inner image and that inner self image is literally controlling our life you will find people that have a very poor self-image or low self-esteem they won't look you straight in the eye they're afraid to shake hands with you they're very shy and withdrawn they go through life hiding from life they don't like themselves they don't know themselves do you know when a person improves their self-image they change their entire life their income change their relationship change their health changes and you know how you do that start studying you start to find out more about you there's something phenomenal about you do you know when i began to study this material 57 years ago i had very poor self-image i had low self-esteem i took dumb jobs i never earned any money i never had fun i had poor relationships and as i started to study start to study real solid information everything in my life started to improve i've got friends all over the world today i earn millions of dollars i'm in my 80s and i get as much energy as a person in their 30s you see when you start to understand really who you are you're god's highest form of creation there's things about you that just about blow your mind as you start to study and really understand them you'll walk a little taller you'll stand a little straighter and you know something you'll enjoy a whole lot more of life see this line that's called the terror barrier yeah jumping at you isn't it and on the other side of the terror barrier is something we call freedom and you know very few people get through that terror barrier it's rather sad freedom is available to everyone there isn't anyone that cannot live the way they want to live see why don't they why don't they they don't know and they don't even know they don't know now i'm going to show you why people experience buyer's remorse when they buy something they really want and then they back away where they go to move and they don't they go to change jobs they don't they go to move to another city and they don't why fear causes them to stay where they are there's the individual the x represents the unknown factor the paradigm now there's a power flowing into this individual's mind and they can make anything out of what they want remember we said we have the ability to choose what do they choose they choose thoughts that are in harmony with the paradigm now here's an important point the paradigm controls the vibration of this thing we call our body our body is a molecular instrument that's really what it is it's a mass of molecules and a very high speed of vibration the vibration that the body's in on a conscious level we call feeling when a person says they feel this way or they feel that way what they're really doing is describing the vibration they're in now they choose thoughts that harmonize with the vibration they're in so they feel comfortable they may not like the results but they're comfortable now let's move ahead let's take a look here those people are getting x-type results and they don't like it do you know what the problem with them they're in bondage these people are locked up you know paradigm is like keeping a person in a prison only there's no locks on the door they can open the prison and walk out into freedom anytime they want and they don't they keep getting the same results over and over and over again they're in bondage now let's go ahead here's the same person x type conditioning x type vibration the power is flowing into them and for some strange reason from left field boom in comes a y type idea what is the y type idea the y type idea represents anything that you might want to do that you're not doing it might be moved to another city change jobs sell the house buy the farm whatever it may be ask the little girl for the date ask the guy to go to lunch go make the sale buy what you want go where you want to go that's the why idea but as long as the y idea is just in the conscious mind it's just going to be an intellectual exercise it's never going to happen so how do we make it happen well that's when everything goes haywire here we are here same person okay the power flows in and what do they do they got the y type idea now for some strange reason they know that they've got to get emotionally involved that they're going to act on that idea they don't understand what's going to happen but clearly understand this your central nervous system is the most complex electrical system in the universe the central nervous system is mind-boggling it would make the electrical system in a super computer look like a toy now the second you take the idea from your intellect and impress it upon the subject of mind that's when all hell breaks loose because the body moves in to an extra xy vibration it's not in the x vibration not the one that we're comfortable with may not like the results but we're comfortable no on a conscious level everything's going crazy on a conscious level we experience doubt that doubt turns into an emotion called fear and that fear is expressed through the body as anxiety see that person is getting emotionally involved to move ahead do you know what happens they hit that terror barrier and they bounce off it and right back into bondage and they're so relieved to get back there they're back where they're comfortable they've canceled the sale they've decided not to move they're going to stay in the job that they don't like at least they're comfortable now that's not a very good way to live and you know something that's something everybody experiences if they're going to grow you're going to hit that terror barrier see the terror barrier is going beyond where you're at going to a new level i'm going to tell you something when i set a goal if if if it doesn't scare and excite me at the same time i know i'm going in the wrong direction now i also understand that my paradigm is going to try and get me to bounce back to where i was it doesn't want me to move ahead i don't want to live there i lived there for the first 26 years of my life and for the last 50 i've had a phenomenal life and it just keeps getting better and i want you to do the same thing understand what i've just said i'm going to back this up they got emotionally involved in the y idea that moved their body into a different vibration on a conscious level they're experiencing some crazy stuff they start to doubt their ability will never be able to pay for it they experience fear the fear expresses itself as anxiety and bang you bounce off that terror barrier and you're right back oh i might not be earning much here but i know what it is i i would love to move there but i'm comfortable here i think i'll just stay here these people are acting like they have a contract to live forever and they don't do you know what to do say i'm going to get rid of all that i understand it's there but i don't want any part of it and i'm going to go crashing right through that terror barrier now does that get rid of the x energy no its energy is still there you see but at least you're over into freedom you made the move you did it and if you continue to feed the right information into your mind keep feeding that y idea keep getting emotionally involved in the y idea you're there you're on the road keep doing that you're going to find that the paradigm is going to change and it'll just all go away and you know where you're living in freedom you're living where you want to live buyer's remorse is when you cancel the sale buyer's remorse is when you stop just before you buy what you really want before you go for the thing that's going to change your life and you know it it's not moving to the other city it's not starting the business of your dreams it's not stepping out and betting on yourself that's a terror barrier that's causing that and if you don't learn to go through the terror barrier i'm going to tell you something you're going to stay right where you are for the rest of your days that's not a good place to be what did joseph campbell say so true they cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek how many times have you had somebody say to you hey have you got a minute bomb have you got a minute they don't want a minute i want you to think about that i read a poem one time i said i have only just a minute only 60 seconds in it it was forced upon me i can't refuse it i didn't seek it and i didn't choose it but it's up to me to use it i must suffer if i lose it give a count if i abuse it it's only a tiny little minute but eternity is in it well anyway i thought i'm going to put this on a video and i'm just going to share with everybody just this one little part of the seminar i'm making i want you to look at this sand timer and let this i want you to think about your life the sand in the top of the glass represents the future the sand in the bottom of the glass represents the past now do you know we know what's in the past and yet we can't do anything about it do you know what the trick is you don't know how much sands in the top of the glass you may think you have a lot you might only have a little then again you may think you have a little and you might have a lot when i was a little boy i was raised by my grandmother and i don't know when i was little gaffer she was probably 60 but as long as i could remember grandma would say and i'll soon be glenn dear i'll soon be gone well you know we loved her she was really an angel of god but we thought she was never going to go she lived to be 94 for 30 some years i'll soon be gone she didn't think she had much time left she had 34 years left now about the same time i had a buddy of mine bob yates he was just 16. and bang he run into the abutment of a bridge and his life was snuffed out if you had asked him a half hour before how much sandy had left he would have said at least a half a century he didn't have a half an hour see the trick is we don't know how much sand we have left the future we don't know the past it's gone now the only thing you can deal with is what's right here right now and if you look the sand is always moving now think of this you see i was working on that and then i was working on a graph i've got here on my computer and i'm thinking of the time somebody said have you got a minute well they don't really want a minute do you know if you're earning 50 000 a year in minutes 42 cents a half hour is 12.50 if we take that ahead of it if you're earning eighty thousand dollars a year a minute sixty seven cents half hours twenty dollars if you're earning a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year got a minute it cost you a dollar twenty five a minute a half hour's 37 dollars and 50 cents so if you see if somebody said you want to stop for a cup of coffee well if you're earning a quarter of a million dollars a year a minute is two dollars and eight cents half hours 62.50 and then of course you've got the coffee to pay for on top of that so you see the point is this this is all we've got right here right now we don't know how much we have left in the future but we do know what we've got now and i have found the people that win are the people who make up their mind they're not going to waste the minutes they're going to be productive they're going to make it happen every minute you know the people you surround yourself with have a phenomenal impact on your life i think it was karl menninger from the medicare foundation one time said environment is more important than heredity the people we're surrounded by have a greater bearing on our life and our success in life than what's built into the genes at birth there's genetic conditioning there's environmental conditioning well this environmental conditioning goes on all the way through life you will find as you improve the quality of your life improve your thinking you're going to attract a different group of people into your life and they are going to add to your life [Music] see the people we're surrounded by their thinking is going right into our mind [Music] we want to mix with people who are really making it happen take a look at your five people that you're with most often and ask yourself if i have children would i want them to grow up be like them if the answer is no you better start looking for some new friends if the answer is yes you're already in the right circle of people think about what i'm saying the people we're surrounded with have a phenomenal impact on our life and help make us who we are select a person who is already doing something that you'd like to do get to know that person go to the experts for advice don't ask the person next door your mother father or brother or the guy that works beside you because they don't necessarily know there's no point in asking a person how to earn a lot of money if they're only earning 10 000 a year they don't know they knew they'd probably be earning a lot it's like don't go to a sick doctor if you want to get healthy okay so you find someone that you can go to for advice get a real good book and lock into that book and start to study it like i've had this one that looks like a bible you know but this is napoleon hill's book think and grow rich i've been reading this thing now for 23 years i'll probably read it for another 23 years i get another good book that i brought over here today it's called the power of your subconscious mind i'm not getting the commission for selling this the author's dead now he's been gone for a couple of years but dr joseph murphy wrote this book the power of your subconscious mind and that's probably one of the best books that you're ever going to find because you're going to learn something about your mind when you read this book okay now i read a lot of books i've got probably a thousand books sitting in my den at home in my library but the one that i care i carry it everywhere i go and i read it all the time is think and grow rich i never stop reading it where's the value for you to reread that and read it i mean you must you must know it well enough that uh i think i could probably recite it verbatim but the secret is i once read in the book where it said when you read a good book through the second time you don't see something in it that you didn't see before you see something in yourself that wasn't there before you see when i read this i created a greater awareness william james from harvard said believe and your belief will create the fact all things are possible if you believe well you know i studied for a long time i started to study this book think and grow rich and he talks about belief in here he says you're not ready for what you want until you believe you can get it i found that the only two sources of reference we could go to to find out anything about ourselves is science and religion they all say you've got to believe so i get figured out how do you how do you believe how do you change a belief interesting subject because i'm going to tell you something your results are nothing but the manifestation of your belief system well our belief system of listening carefully is based upon our evaluation of something and frequently when we re-evaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change let me repeat that our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something frequently if we re-evaluate a situation our belief about it will change i began reevaluating who i was i started to study i never stopped studying and i found as i reevaluated i had a much higher opinion of myself i found out things about me that i would have never believed if you had told me the power that's locked up within us the marvelous system we've got you know the blood circulates through your veins every 33 seconds through hundreds of miles of passageway bang just like that colors all the food in and all the garbage out stop and think of the central nervous system it's the most complex electrical system in the world and you've got it think of your brain an electronic switching station like that you can change the vibration of yourself and everything around you we have awesome powers and it's all based on what you believe about you you know many years ago i read a book by terry cole whitaker it was a classic what you think of me is none of my business think of the amount of time that is wasted on negative energy wondering what other people think of you what they think of you really doesn't make any difference it's what you think of you that makes a difference so as you go through the day don't worry about what other people think of you just say i'm all right i'm god's highest form of creation he said that success was the progressive realization of a worthy ideal anyone that has a goal and they're moving towards it they're successful most people think that you're successful if you have a lot of money quite often you have a lot of money if you're successful but it isn't i wouldn't say mother teresa has a lot of money okay but she's a pretty successful lady so it's um okay so that barrier to these well there's a couple of them okay i think there's two barriers one is our conditioning the conditioning that takes place in our subconscious mind from the time we're infants all we can do is act and talk like the people around us that's why we learn the language we learned if there was 10 languages spoken in our home we'd learn 10 languages without any trouble there's usually one and that's the only one we ever learn and we grow older and we think well i couldn't learn another language we could learn a hundred if we wanted to you can do anything but i think we're conditioned we have a real strong conditioning usually with not some very good ideas and then that that's the the barrier that's inside is the one that's outside of us says our environment we have a tendency to act like everybody around us and if you think about this it doesn't make a lot of sense because if you study statistics 95 of the people live their entire life and never live the way they want to live you know that 95 percent of the population in this country let's say in north america okay the richest continent in the history of the world they'll work productively let's say for 40 of their 65 years okay and they'll end up with hardly any money well there's got to be something wrong so there's no five percent of the people end up financially comfortable or independent are you trying to depress this bob because that's uh no actually i think it's i think it's quite an exciting idea because you see the idea behind it is that anybody can win anyone at all but if we start studying these statistics i think we'll arrive at the conclusion geez i better start thinking for myself rather than follow everybody most people they get a job they look around they see how everybody else is doing their work and they start doing it the same way they should stop and think i wonder if any of these people know what they're doing is there a better way to do it but don't we have a need to fit in i mean we don't want it we don't want to stand out we don't want to get fired we don't make waves exactly exactly just fall into line you know take a number be like everybody around now that'd be great in the animal kingdom but human beings aren't supposed to live that way i think we should make a few waves we should maybe stand out be different not not for the sake of being different okay but because we are different we all think different thoughts and i believe we should start to think and build images in our mind of what we'd like to do and then set out and do it okay emerson did that edison did that marconi did that and samuel morris did that uh buck minister fuller did that we could go on and on and on okay they were different they stood out they made a few waves i don't think you determine what your purpose is i think you discover what your purpose is there's a difference determining indicates deciding um and i don't think you decide i think if you go about it the right way you discover it like there's some people that should be painting all day they're great artists i think michelangelo was obviously a great artist great sculptor i mean that was his purpose in his life well i believe my purpose is doing what i'm doing your purpose is why you get out of bed in the morning do you know why you get up well most people say well it's to go to work well that'd be a good reason to stay in bed you know you say well everybody's doing it that'd be another reason to stay in bed if you're ever doing what everybody's doing you're probably going in the wrong direction your purpose is your reason for living what you want to do is sit down and maybe take a pen and a pad and then ask yourself what do i really love doing now you may have to spend a while at this you might get up an hour early every morning and go sit under a tree somewhere if you're in a nice climate or pick a favorite chair someplace where you're not going to be disturbed and totally relax and say if i could spend my life doing something what do i really love doing now since you don't ask yourself that question every day it might take a while for this answer to come to the surface but it comes to your consciousness and it may take a while you may have to do this every morning for three months but it would be well invested you've got to wake up you see all we're ever going to get is awareness we've already got everything the only thing we lack is the awareness of what we've got we're god's highest form of creation there's nothing on the planet that will equal us well that's all we're that's all any of us are after all the problems in the world come from ignorance that's the purpose of life overcome ignorance develop awareness the only way to overcome their ignorance is through knowledge and the only way to get the knowledge is to study most people they finish school close the book saying that's over i'm never going to open another book as long as i live they're screwed it's all over because you made it this far in a video i want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you're special believe nation you made it here all the way to the end and i love you so as a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments below on this video i will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome if you want some incredible motivation from wayne dyer check the video right there next to me i think you'll love it continue to believe and i'll see you there have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing one of the central principles of my life is that no one knows enough
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 32,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, bruce lipton, entrepreneur life, dr bruce lipton reprogram, dr. bruce lipton, bruce lipton reprogramming subconscious, bruce lipton energy psychology modalities, bruce lipton subconscious mind, manifestation, manifest with energy, best daily practices, habits for success, reprogram your mind, reprogram your subconscious mind, dr bruce lipton, manifest yourself
Id: 51CyZp6KSvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 50sec (3110 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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