Discovering True Success: Jane Horan on Happiness, Self-Worth, and Personal Growth

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what does success look like for you now and has that changed for you over the years and even in in the recent past happiness always happiness I think they said that on the first podcast success is happiness and I think you know success lies within you know within your own soul and your own happiness and I think there's been times over the year where I've thought I was happy um and looking back it was so destructive if that's the right word to use for example you know you think you're happy in one situation and then you experience a whole other and now obviously experiencing a relationship of complete companionship and happiness and love and actual respect and all of the beautiful things that lie within the all the elements of relationship including arguments and all of that jazz um I think looking back at experiences from a relationship perspective I think happiness success is Happiness and happiness is lies within the truth of of of your existence and sometimes we can be living not in our truth and be really really unhappy and have really unhappy and unhealthy relationships but still feel like they're a success because our selfworth is on the floor but actually when you experience and you go through that process of healing and you go through that the success of overcoming challenges and your own lack of self-belief lack of self-worth all of those things it gets you to a point of actually recognizing What happiness is and that is then obviously the success that lies within you is is is the happiness isn't it and if if success is happiness that means it's within everyone's grasp doesn't it of course it is yeah because it's not an external thing of no how much you earn or your car absolutely not no what what's inside your soul yeah it's what's in your soul and what you know what you have access to what we all have access to is there sometimes our selfworth is not in a place where it needs to be therefore we don't get to experience real happiness yeah and and I'm so thankful and so glad that I got to experience that and still do experience that every day with the life that I have and the support that I have and the relationships and obviously Colin you know um he is he has literally been my savior in in everything and to me that is what success looks like for sure yeah love that so what would young Jane say if you could see you now do you think oo it's a different way of putting it isn't it um um thank you for keeping me safe yeah that's it sure it short and sweet thank you for keeping me safe and loving me enough to grow and remember that I'm still there and you know nurture me when needed keep me small on your heart and whenever a trigger comes in you know just giving yourself a little rub and knowing you're all right yeah that's really beautiful well thank you for coming back on again thank you for having me it's been lovely yeah I think that was a really really good chat um yeah and I think everyone will find a lot of inspiration and comfort from I hope so because it's definitely it's definitely a um an open hearted chat yeah and I think people do relate to that don't they and they find inspiration within within being open in vulnerable I think that's the thing yeah if you see people's vulnerabilities it helps you understand that of course it everybody's even the people you think are Teflon and in armor have got vulnerabilities underneath and it just gives you a bit of inspiration to think well I can fight I can fight another day absolutely yeah thank you Mary
Channel: Building Bliss
Views: 1
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Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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