How To Reprogram Your Mind & Become A Conscious Creator - Dr Joe Dispenza

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the moment you feel miserable the moment you feel victimized the moment you feel suffering the the moment you feel pain and you can't think greater than how you feel the brain's checking in with the body and saying you're really miserable and it generates more corresponding thoughts equal to that feeling so if your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel if you keep thinking the same way you keep acting the same way you keep feeling the same way your life is going to stay the same because you're the same if you're not being defined by a vision of the future then you're left with the old memories of the past and you will be predictable in your life you sit down and you say what would it be like to be super healthy super wealthy super in love super mystical and you know transcendental whatever it is like you ask that question and your brain get get really creative it starts combining circuits in new ways and you start getting this vision of the future this possibility that you actually put yourself in this future reality it becomes so real that you start to feel the emotion as if you were actually there hey it's EV car Michael and I watch these videos every day because I need them for motivation being around successful entrepreneurs every morning helps me believe that I can do great things too it's like your morning coffee but for your goals kickstarting your day with a blast of positivity so here is a challenge for you try watching One video every morning for the next 30 days and let's find out together if they help you do great things too if you're in leave a # believe in the comments below so I can celebrate with you so today let's learn how to reprogram our minds and become a conscious creator with Joe despenza believe a lot of times people wait for that crisis or the diagnosis or the Betrayal to go oh my God I I I got to really change because I'm really unhappy or I can't blame that person or my past or my circumstance because I nothing's working here I I got to really start making those changes so so when they see themselves separate from their program they're becoming conscious of their unconscious self um that is the first step to change now I say you can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering which most people like to do or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration right so could you be defined by the VIS a vision of the future and could you get up from your your mour practice actually believing in your future more than you're believing in your past so from that elevated state where you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion from an elevated State instead of self-limiting State you can be conscious of that old self as well and so I think I think God what a great time in history to be alive because this is a time in history where it's not enough to know this is really a time in history to know how and I I've been at this long enough Chris to know that 20 years ago people didn't hear it like they hear it now the information is readily available and people are realizing kind of I if I have this dream if I have this goal how bad do I want it and if they really want it um and we've all done this you sit down and you say what would it be like to be super healthy super wealthy super in love super mystical and you know transcendental whatever it is like you ask that question and your brain get gets really creative it starts combining circuits in new ways and you start getting this vision of the future this possibility that you actually put yourself in this future reality it becomes so real that you start to feel the emotion as if you were actually there and so that moment when you come out of your resting state the stronger the emotion you feel when you hold that Vision the more you'll remember that Vision that's that's creating a memory so the person comes out with a resting state and they make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that causes their body to respond to their mind that their choice that they're making in that moment becomes a moment in time that they would never forget they'll say to you I remember the moment I made up my mind to change I was in this place I was with these people I was this this particular time that that the event is a long-term memory and they've come out of the resting state and we could say then they're giving their body a taste of the future emotionally and somehow they begin to embody whatever that future is and now they begin to move in a different direction and so they start trusting in their future more because they feel like like they're connected to it so then the person who's really interested in making a change would have to come to that same state again in order to produce the same effect if they say I don't feel like it or I'm I want to be nicer or whatever and it's there's nothing really at stake you know intention is really meaning you got to have you got to have a meaning behind what you're doing so people who who now say I want a better life I can't have a better life unless I change uh and when I change my life will change now you're not so interested in what's happening out there you're more interested in what's going on inside of you rule number two is keep practicing so if your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel if you keep thinking the same way you keep acting the same way you keep feeling the same way your life is going to stay the same because you're the same so the experiment is okay let me begin to think differently so I got remind myself how I do want to think and I have to remind myself of how I no longer want to think so I don't default and go unconscious let me remind myself how I'm going to behave so that I could actually get my behaviors to match my intentions and let me remind myself of how I'm going to feel if I'm able to succeed in that day then there should be some change in my life this the experiment that and and and if it doesn't change that doesn't mean the law doesn't work for you it's just you're not that good yet it just you just got to keep practicing right so the act of disconnecting from your life long enough to remind yourself of who you do want to be and who you no longer want to be that experiment then is the experiment called life now it's not that you react the question is how long are you going to react that's the real question because I mean I react all the time I everybody does but if you're going to stay there and you're going to live in that emotional state you will see life through that lens of that emotion right so now it gets complicated because the stronger the emotion you feel towards certain people or problems in your life the more you pay attention to them and where you place your attention is where you place your energy so from a purely biological as well as Quantum State we could say then you're using that person or that circumstance to reaffirm your dependence on feeling that emotion so you have to hate your enemy and if your enemy dies you'll find another person to hate because that is that is the response right so the body is is the animal it's been conditioned a certain way and it's and if it's been doing something and feeling something for an extended period of time there's a modification of its receptor sites it's it's needing those emotional states so in the process of change just be ready because you're going to feel uncomfortable a lot of the time now the question is do you want to stay there so then most people think they they don't have any control over their emotional State they think I'm just this way and I feel this way well we we actually can show people that that's not the truth that when it's the hardest it matters the most and if you're able to really work and train your body like you're training an animal to stop feeling one way and start feeling another way if you believe that you're an eternal being let's just say that I mean just most religions talk about we're Eternal most sects of thought only a few that don't whether you're going to Heaven or Hell or Nirvana or on the wheel you're pretty much going to be around for a long time that that moment matters so much in the light of Eternity because that's the moment you make up your mind to no longer be defined by your past why are you being defined by your past because emotions are a record of the past and so then if you're feeling that emotion your body is believing it's back in that same experience of the past so the more knowledge that we have and understanding that justified valid or not those emotions are hurting no other person but you because the long-term effects of living by those emotional states those survival states are actually downregulating genes and creating diseases sooner or later you're going to have to ask yourself is this loving to myself and forgiveness is just when you overcome the emotion you take your attention off that person or that problem and you're you're freeing yourself and you're freeing them so so people do the best with what they think is available that's my belief and if you're unaware that you can control your emotional states you'll rely on something outside of you to do that whether it's a computer game whether it's a Netflix show whether it's a drug whatever whatever it is that you need to make that feeling Go away You're dependent on your outer world and I think that's a hypnosis that's a conditioning teach people that you can actually regulate and change your emotional states you give them the tools to literally step into a new future so that process of course is extremely uncomfortable and the question is how long are you going to stay in that emotional state and 50% of the story that most people tell about that past experience isn't even the truth cuz they're making things up and they're doing that so that they can justify why they haven't changed since some past event most people reach a point in their life where they reach crisis or disease or diagnosis or loss or betrayal where they finally go gosh I it's time to change I think change is an ongoing process and the more we change the more we should see evidence in our life that makes it exciting also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight our favorite lessons from the video that will inspire you to remember what you learned today and actually apply them the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number three is get conscious if you're not being defined by a vision of the future then you're left with the old memories of the past and you will be predictable in your life and if you wake up in the morning and you're not being defined by a vision in the future as you see the same people and you go to the same places and you do the exact same thing at the exact same time it's no longer that your personality is creating your personal reality now your personal reality is affecting or creating your personality your environment is really controlling how you think and feel unconsciously because every person everything every place every experience has a neurological Network in your brain every experience that you have with every person produces an emotion so some people will use their boss to reaffirm their addiction to judgment they'll use their enemy to reaffirm their addiction to hatred they'll use their friends to reaffirm their addiction to suffering so now they need the outer world to feel something so to change then is to be greater than your environment to be greater than the conditions in your world and the environment is that seductive so then why is meditation the tool well let's sit down let's close our eyes let's disconnect from your outer environment so if you're seeing less things there's less stimulation going to your brain if you're playing soft music or you have ear plugs in less sensory information coming to your brain so you're disconnecting from your environment we have a huge frontal lobe and it's 40% of our entire brain and most people uh when they have a thought they just think that that's the truth and I think one of my greatest realizations in my own Journey was just because you have a thought doesn't necessarily I mean it's true so if you think 60 to 70,000 thoughts in one day and we do and 90% of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before and you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny your life's not going to change very much because the same thought leads to the same Choice the same Choice leads to the same behavior the same behavior creates the same experience and the same experience produces the same emotion and so then the act of becoming conscious of this process to to begin to become more aware of how you think how you act and how you feel it's called metacognition and so then why is that important because the more conscious you become of those unconscious states of Mind and Body the less likely you're going to go unconscious during the day and that thought is not going to slip by your awareness unchecked because you're it means to know thyself the word meditation means to become familiar with so as you become familiar with the thoughts the behaviors And the emotions of the old self you're retiring that old self as you fire and wire new thoughts and condition the body into a new emotional state if you do that enough times it'll begin to become familiar to you so it's so important uh just like a garden if you're planting a garden you got to get rid of the weeds you got to take the plants from the past year and you got to pull them out the rocks that sift to the top that are like our emotional blocks they have to be removed it soil has to be tender and broken down we have to we have to make room to plant a new Garden so primarily we learn the most about ourselves and others when we're uncomfortable because the moment you move into that uncomfortable State normally a program jumps in when that program jumps in is because person doesn't want to be in the present moment and engage it consciously so when you teach people how to do that with a meditative process turns out that when they're in their life they're less likely to emotionally react they're less likely to be so rigid and believe the thoughts they were thinking they're more aware of when they go unconscious back into a habit and that is what starts the process of change and so we have to unlearn before we relearn we have to break the habit of the old self before we reinvent the new self we have to prune synaptic connections and Sprout new connections we have to unfire and unwire and refire and rewire we have to [Music] that's the act and it's a two-step process rule number four is recondition your body every time you have a thought you make a chemical and if you have a a happy thought or think of something happy you turn on a set of neurological networks in your brain that fire in a sequence a pattern a combination that signals another part of the brain the brain makes another chemical that's a a chemical messenger that makes you feel a certain way as you secrete a certain hormone okay the moment you start to feel happy the moment you start to feel joyful your your brain is checking in with your body saying Chris you're feeling pretty joyful and so then the chemistry influences you to think more wonderful thoughts and so the cycle of thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking creates what we call a state of being okay but you could have thoughts that make you feel guilty and you can turn on a different set of circuits in your brain that signal a different batch of neuropeptides that signal a different hor mon Al Center to make you feel differently the moment you feel miserable the moment you feel victimized the moment you feel suffering the the moment you feel pain and you can think greater than how you feel the brain's checking in with the body and saying you're really miserable and it generates more corresponding thoughts equal to that feeling so it's thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking this Loop of thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking creates a state of being and again the thought and the feeling the image and the emotion the stimulus and response is making the body become conditioned subconsciously into the past and so now the person has to feel that same motion to reaffirm their identity so that becomes their state of being and now they behave as if they're in their past and they think as if they're in their past and number five the last one before some very special bonus Clips is practice meditation I like to just get my myself in my think box organizing what am I not going to think about what am I going to stay away from what am I not going to do in my meditation me review that what am what am I going to do when I get that all worked out then I get in my playbox in my playbox there's no thinking I've got all the thinking done in my think box my play box it's really about me changing my state and so um I allow for two hours every morning doesn't mean I always take it or need it let me say that but I allow for two hours sometimes I like to just get my mind straight and then uh I do the work I do the work and and uh I like to get to that point where when I'm done I feel like something changed do the work yeah what does the work look like it's meditation yeah it's finding the present moment it's getting into the unknown it's getting Beyond Myself disconnecting from my body getting Beyond any thought of anyone or anything getting Beyond Time moving beyond space and time turns out when you focus on nothing there are so many amazing things that happen to your brain I've seen this scans over and over again what have you seen in the scans well there's this thing in the brain called modularity and when we're living uh by the hormones of stress and stress is when you can't predict something when you can't control something or you have the perception that something's going to get worse you switch on that fight ORF flight nervous system and the rush of those chemicals causes us to become alert to become aroused and we narrow our focus on the material world and so when you're not able to control everything in your life and you can't predict everything in your life you start shifting your attention to everyone and everything every person every object every place we've all had that experience when we're under stress and every one of those people those objects those things those places has a neurological Network in the brain so like a lightning storm in the clouds the brain begins to fire out of order very incoherent it becomes modulated or compartmentalized It's A house divided against itself and those individual compartments don't talk to the rest of the brain and we tend to get overfocused you never notice when you're under stress you're obsessing about something you're over focusing about something you're overthinking something you're overanalyzing you're driving your brain higher and higher into higher states of arousal High beta brain wave patterns we discovered that if you teach a person to go from a narrow focus on something physical something material and broaden their focus open their awareness and put their attention on space on nothing and create what's called a diverg and focus the act of sensing and no longer analyzing thinking begins to slow the brain waves down from that beta brain wave state to a low-level beta and then all of a sudden to Alpha if they keep doing it sensing space tends to cause those different compartments that were modulated or divided to begin to synchronize and what sinks in the brain actually links in the brain so the brain starts firing in a more holistic state in other words every single area of the brain is resonating at the same frequency and now the brain is functioning as one neurological network instead of individuals that kind of holism that kind of order feels really good it feels really good and so people practice slowing their brain waves down not only to get beyond the analytical mind but to cause the brain to f in a more coherent way and if we're going to have a clear intention about what we want the more coherent the brain the clearer the intention so we've seen in seven days even in four days these dramatic changes in the levels of coherence and order that take place in the brain the brain's firing in a more holistic State that's when the person notices a change in their anxiety and the depression and their PS PTSD whatever it is there's more order in the brain and and uh the act of focusing on nothing and opening your awareness to space creates that kind of amazing change if you can turn on the stress response just by thought Alone by thinking about your problems and that's the truth you can become addicted to your own thoughts and if the long-term effects of the hormones of stress push the genetic buttons that create disease your thoughts can make you sick and then the question is if your thoughts could make you sick can your thoughts make you well and we're actually discovering that that absolutely possible so then teaching people then a little bit about how to manage their emotional state and self-regulate I think is a great gift for people because when they begin to break an addiction to any emotion or the conditioning of any emotion there's going to be Cravings that go on just like uh just like any addict there you know and and you've many people overdose and many people have bad trips and and so when they start changing and the body's craving uh those familiar emotions the body starts signaling the brain you know of memories or to think certain ways and to make certain choices do certain things crave certain experiences just to feel of that same emotion and people say well this feels right no that feels familiar that really feels familiar and and many people will tell the story of why they feel that way based on some past experience and it's usually not in the recent past past it's usually many years ago like a toxic relationship or whatever that is and so they're basically saying I had an event in my life and since that event I'm still living by the same emotion and I haven't been able to change and they'll tell the story of that past and in Psychology the latest research on memory shows that 50% of that story isn't even the truth they're they're they're making it up because they don't have the same brain as they had then and so then people people are reliving a miserable life they never even had just to excuse themselves from changing and they embellish the stories so that it sounds really hard to change so what is it what is that point then for a person when they say the only person that this emotion of hatred or anger or frustration or resentment the only person that this is hurting is me because those those chemicals are downregulating genes and creating disease and a person finally really realizes that and they really decide to change when they overcome the emotion the memory without the emotion is called wisdom and that's the name of the game in three-dimensional reality now they're ready for a new experience it's not it's not reliving the past you don't need to you don't need to talk about all you need to do is overcome the emotion when you overcome the emotion you're free from the past you can see it from a greater level of Consciousness and that's when a person so many times when they truly change they'll say this we've seen it over and over again they reach that point where they finally break through and they and some of them have had some really difficult past they'll say I would not want to change one thing in my past because it brought me to this moment that's the moment the past no longer exists and they can look at their betrayers and see it what all had to happen for that moment and now they're they're free they they no longer belong to the past they belong to the Future the threedimensional reality is really just about your body in an environment in linear time so the hormones of stress cause us then to be become very local in space and time and when you turn on that response you're drawing from this invisible field of energy of light and information that's surrounding your body this vital life force and you're turning it into chemistry and when you do that the field around your body shrinks a little bit you become more matter less energy more particle less wave and now you start trying as matter trying to change matter to force outcomes do that for an extended period of time then you don't have any energy to heal you don't have any energy to create a new future you you've you've actually tapped your body's life force its reserves so then what's the solution what have we found that a part of the formula is shifting from what we call a convergent focus a narrow focus on something material to begin to broaden your focus close your eyes and instead of narrow your focus open your focus or broaden your focus or what's called a Divergent focus is opening your focus out convergent Focus focusing in so as you begin to open your focus uh you start going against that habit and people do it for a few seconds and then they go back to the habit but if you keep teaching them how to do that uh and they keep opening their awareness to space to nothing material the act of s s Ing and tuning into frequency causes them to stop analyzing and thinking when you're sensing you're not analyzing you're sensing you're feeling and when you do that if you're thinking less you start slowing down your brain waves and you stop kicking that analytical mind into gear so the whole purpose of meditation is to get beyond the analytical mind and what separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is the analytical mind and if you can't change your brain waves and get beyond that analytical mind you're separate from the operating system where all those subconscious programs exist so then as you begin to open your awareness and you're thinking less as you shift your brain waves from beta as it slows down you start moving into what's called Alpha Brain Wave patterns and now your inner World tends to be more real than your outer world and you're not thinking as much and there's no critic in your head no voice in your head talking to you instead you're brain is creating in pictures and images and it's slowing down the emotions that people primarily hold on to are the emotions of stress the the anger and the aggression and the fear and the anxiety and the pain and suffering the hopelessness the powerlessness those are all driven by the hormones of stress and what most people don't know is that when we have the stress response and we're reacting to something there's a rush of energy because from a from a adaptive standpoint that's how we survive we would see a threat in our environment we get a burst of energy and then we would mobilize all this energy to protect ourselves the HBA reaction system exactly so then what what was once highly adaptive has now become very maladaptive get rid of the program because the maladaptive program means that if you're sitting on your the the porch of your house and you're fretting over which employee to Fire and you know one really deserves the job but the boss likes the other one and you have to go deliver the bad news and that person doesn't uh has two kids and his wife is has cancer and you have to make that choice now you're turning on the stress response just by thought alone there's no longer a lion chasing you you're thinking about some worst case scenario and you're making thought more real than anything else and when that happens the body does not know the difference between the experience of being chased by a lion that produces the emotions of stress and the emotions you're fabricating by thought alone to the body it's being knocked out of balance just by thought alone now here's the kicker we can turn on a stress response just by thought alone and the absolute biological fact is the hormones of stress begin to push the genetic buttons that create disease then by pure reason we could say our thoughts make us sick well then the question is if our thoughts make us sick and our thoughts make us well we have three types of stress that we we process in the physical body we have physical stress that's like trauma accidents injuries Falls and then you have chemical stress like toxins or pesticides or pollutants or viruses or bacteria or hangovers or nutritional deficiencies and and then you have emotional stress right and emotional stress could be family tragedies car accidents second mortgages single parenting 401ks you know whatever that is uh but each one of those things physical chemical or emotional U knock the body out of homeostasis out of Regulation out of balance the innate capacity of the body when it's not overstressed is that it wants to always return back and regulate it wants to return back to homeostasis it wants to return back to order and that's kind of inate in us that's an automatic process that's running through the autonomic nervous system so we could say the job of the autonomic nervous system is to create balance and Regulation and homeostasis and it's automatic right and that part of the brain sits under the thinking Neo cortex and it's called the chemical brain or the emotional brain or the lyic brain or the mamelon brain and it has all of those functions that make blood sugar Balan hormone levels digestive enzymes it's it's it's it's doing what it can to take the body and constantly repair it and regenerate it move it back into balance all of those stress knock the brain and body out of balance and the innate mechanism the stress response brings it back to balance well it just makes sense if you keep knocking it out of balance over and over again uh and you keep moving it out of homeostasis that inbalance is going to become the new balance and now you're headed for disease because that autonomic automatic system can't regulate order in the body so a system then is compromised the system breaks down and so if it's um physical trauma you know your body can heal if you rest it if it's chemical imbalance you take your uh Pharmaceuticals or you take your nutriceuticals your vitamins your minerals your herbs you intermittent fast you you eat a vegan diet you do anything you can to get the body back so that it's using more energy for growth and repair so for some people digestion consumes more energy than it act the process makes right so really they're in a state of constant um diminishing returns right so uh when the when the autonomic nervous system is out of balance and the digestive system is perceiving that there's a threat and danger all the time in the outer world the person's living in fear it's not a time to digest right so that system is compromised right so so then so then they become very sensitized to the foods they consume because the response constantly from the environment is weakening the organism right so they're victim to the environment so they're more sucess they'll have food allergies or whatever it is so then the person then goes to a diet where they consume less foods that require more energy to break down so it's like taking a a camel in a desert that's fallen and lifting all the packs off it getting it back up and then slowly adding the packs back on right so so people do things to get the body back into chemical balance and sometimes the refining or changing their diet in some way and there's you know thousands of options for that you got feel good about it and you got to believe in it um but the big factor is emotional stress and that's really for the most part 75 to 90% of every person that walks into a health care facility in the Western World walks in because of psychological or emotional stress that's pretty much four out of five people what's really causing their health condition is that they're emotionally stressed and emotionally out of balance okay so what are the emot tions that are connected to the stress hormones it's anger it's hatred it's violence it's frustration it's competition it's control it's judgment it's Envy it's jealousy it's insecurity it's fear it's anxiety it's worry it's angst it's uh hopelessness it's powerlessness it's guilt it's shame its unworthiness you know and psychology calls these normal human States Of Consciousness these are Altered States Of Consciousness so our response to someone or something in in our environment or our response to our own thought an image of what could happen in the future memory of the past could actually cause chemicals to be secreted from the brain it's crazy that causes the body to actually believe it's living in that same environment of fear or danger this is The Telltale moment if human beings have what it takes to truly be able to solve the problems that we've created from a limited level of Consciousness from a greater level of Consciousness the answers are all around us we just got to wake up whatever it is from global warming to politics monetary uh systems it's all there just we just have to emerge as a collective that's connected by the energy of Love of gratitude itude of freedom and to not shrink in fear or hostility or suffering as these changes take place because now we're at the same vibrational energy that's created them and so we have to change our attitude and invite these changes and believe that something Greater is Coming you see we are the people that we're waiting for that's it we're the people we're waiting for so why not just wake up so if I can and contribute to that evolution in some way if me personally it's not about Joe dispens I have no interest in that I've given that up a long time ago what I do have a fundamental interest in is what's possible for human beings and it should never be about me it should be about them because they I want them to experience their own empowerment and you can't tell me you're too old you can't tell me you're too sick you can't tell me you're too overweight or underweight or uh had too tough of a past or your life is too Fallen you can't tell me any of those things any longer can't even tell me you don't even meditate never meditated before I've seen all of every one of those excuses in every different genre experience transformation which means then nobody is so special to be excluded from this phenomenon and so I hope that I leave a mark uh in some way that Empower people to no longer believe that they're limited it's so easy to believe we're limited once they realize that they're empowered and they're unlimited get out of the way and if they're tempering those emotions and they're overcoming those addictions to those emotions they'll see the hidden meaning behind all things and they'll they they won't necessarily believe everything they're seeing on the news they'll see the way it really is because they're no longer controlled by those emotions they're at a greater level of energy and emotions are energy and nobody changes until they change their energy and when you change your energy you change something in your life it's the law so people are people are doing it we're at the point where they're doing it and some of them are becoming it and when you become it no one can take it away from you it's yours I think uh it to heal by thought alone uh we have to demystify the process so let's answer the question on two levels okay um let's answer it in terms of the placebo and then let's answer it in terms of what we can teach people in order to do that okay so if you think about the placebo how is it that you can give someone a sugar pill a saline injection or perform some false surgery or treatment and a certain percentage of those people will accept believe and surrender to the thought that they're getting the real substance or treatment without any analysis they begin to program their autonomic nervous system to make their own Pharmacy of chemicals that matches the exact chemical or treatment they think they're getting now was it the inert substance the placebo that was doing the healing or was it the thought that was doing the healing so there are numerous cases in science that show that between 10% and 100% of certain studies that are Placebo based triple blind studies people heal by thought alone all the time so here's the question do you need the inert substance to do the healing or if you understand the science and mechanics of how the placebo Works can you teach people instead of putting their faith and belief in some exogenous substance something outside of them like a pill something a known can you begin to put your faith and belief in yourself and begin to select an unknown in the quantum field a new possibility that already exists and do the exact same thing you did with the placebo but believe in a future and allow your body to begin to respond to a new mind and the answer to the question is yes because we've measured it enough times in our studies with the brain so that's Point number one the second point that is important important to understand is that people only accept believe and surrender to the thoughts that are equal to their emotional state they'll never accept believe and surrender to any other thoughts that are not equal to their emotional state so if you get a diagnosis and the first emotion you feel after the diagnosis is fear or sadness you can think positively all you want with 5% now this is science 5% of your conscious mind but who you are by the time you're 35 years old is a subconscious program of beliefs perceptions attitudes emotional reactions unconscious habits and behaviors so then the person gets the diagnosis they're feeling fear thoughts are the language of the brain feelings are the language of the body they're thinking positively with the 5% of their conscious mind but they're feeling fear and they could do that all they want but it's never going to get beyond their analytical mind and begin to have an effect on the body so mind and body are working in opposition that means also then that if you can change a person's emotional state to gratitude uh to inspiration to hope uh to love that means that they'll accept believe and surrender to the thoughts equal to that emotional state and they'll begin to program their autonomic nervous system into a different Pharmacy of chemicals now let's just make this very clear now in Placebo studies 81% of people who have uh depression if they're in a placebo study and 81% of those people who are taking the placebo actually respond as well to the placebo as they would to an anti-depressant 81% that's a pretty high study with means is they're making their own Pharmacy of anti-depressants right within the nervous system is the greatest pharmacist in the world so what's the rence uh the significance of that the significance is really simple and people begin to change their emotional state they begin to alter who they are it may take more than one attempt at this because in that Placebo study they took the placebo for 6 to 8 weeks now the pill represents the possibility of them getting well their thought when they start looking forward to or anticipating getting better and they feel inspired when you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion you're moving into a new state of being now the brain and body are no longer living in the past the brain and body are living in the future in the present moment and they're beginning to produce substantial neurological biological and genetic changes in their body but the placebo study for depression that person took the pill for 6 to 8 weeks which means you may actually have to change your state of being for 6 to 8 weeks before you begin to see the change so I don't want this to be a Panacea where you do it once and you're better our students have healed themselves a very significant very very uh um most almost predestined genetic conditions that medical science had no solution for not just one student with one condition but other students with the same condition now we're seeing a trend but it took them some of those people two years to do it by thought alone so they wanted it more than their sleep they wanted it more than their pain they wanted it more than their social interactions or social engagements they wanted it more than breakfast to them it was the most important thing so every single day they took the placebo by thought alone and by doing that over time they were able to turn the battleship around so it takes uh developing the skill it takes the science of understanding how it works uh it takes changing a belief or perception that you have about yourself and your life and it's going to take you feeling a little bit uncomfortable in the process of doing it but to heal by thought alone means that you have to get to the point where you literally are thought alone that's when you begin to see the significant changes so in a sense then it's not the personality that chooses the body or the parents or it's the soul that chooses it does that make sense yes but if a person gets caught in routine and gets lost in the Quagmire of life then the ego takes over and the soul is diminished and now the person is doing their best to become a somebody a someone own something be somewhere in some time and of course if that's the journey and the person's not willing to find wisdom or look for truth then they can play on that level for as long as they want until they're tired of it and when they finally get bored with it and they'll they'll want to choose something else and Eternity is a long time wouldn't you agree so then the Soul then says okay here's the options probable lines of time there are probable lines of time that are the more probable than others and there is a probable line of time for living in the same body and raising your frequency to the point where you can go wherever you want with your body that's the ultimate yes or no and you can whip bread at of nothing and you can be in two places at once and you can be on the the an alternate universe and have a whole life there and you can be dimensional that's that's the freedom of when you've mastered yourself and you've mastered the conditions but most of us are headed in a certain timeline based on our genes and based on our own personal Evolution and that's what makes this time right now so powerful this time right now is the age of information and in an age of information ignorance is actually a choice and people are beginning to realize I don't need a doctor to find out what my disease is I don't need to go to the library or talk to my teacher I can just I can just find the information and people are starting to wake up to Greater understandings and that is starting to become the collective and that Collective energy in the field the collective Consciousness the collective awareness is changing the future of humanity yes or no and at the same time the past is crumbling there is economic collapse there's political collapse there's religious collapse there's environmental collapse there's there's all of that is breaking down journalistic collapse I who watches the news and expects to hear the truth I mean it's just all falling apart and it's becoming so obvious to people that all of a sudden they're realizing that the people that run the world or people that are in places of Power are actually really really worse off than you and I and the only thing that has to happen is that we have to collectively become one mind and when we collectively become one mind we no longer seduced by those things and we are now like a flock of birds all moving in the same direction and those fish all the sudden moving as a school nobody's leading everybody's leading we're just connected and what do you think we're doing when you tune in to the power of love in this room don't you know everybody dialing into that same frequency is causing that frequency to be in this room and if everybody's doing it it's getting more columnated more coherent more organized and if you put your attention on it there's more of it so then when you're leading with your heart that's enough that's enough so then when you have a collective mind and people are moving in that way and they're no longer reacting to politics or whatever and they no longer need those things you're catching somebody who's starting to awaken yes or no and if you're focusing on the Divine and that's where all of your attention is you won't see ethnicity you won't see skin color you won't see anything is separation you'll just be like wow nice costume to the masquerade I should have wore that it's crazy because then people go get their genetics found out and you know some of them you know just really have an intolerance to some culture and they're 40% of that culture so what makes this time for me so unique and I'm speaking personally is that there's such a quickening going on more things are happening in a shorter amount of time would you agree and if more things are happening in a shorter amount of time it becomes more difficult to predict the next moment this point we're reaching this noal point is the point of in unpredictability and the old is collapsing and the collapsing of the old should never be faced with fear with bigotry with with with anger with hostility with guilt sadness and shame cuz that's how we've been controlled all along and by the way I mean I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if you want to control people manipulate their tions so as we move closer and closer to that point the probability of US changing our life the length of our life not from low stress foods and not from vitamins all those things are good matter to matter but stress is going to downregulate the gene consume the body's energy and now that's going to begin to Signal the gene to produce the disease that the person has inherited in the first place are you with me so when you react to someone or something and you're living by the same emotional state you keep the same genes on the same genes off and that's your genetic Destiny and now the Awakening of this even if even if we change little timelines just this week we changed lines of time you change something about yourself you are going to walk into a different future that is your genetic timeline and now you're bumped off course you just got to be willing to stay in the unknown and be comfortable with it and that's when you're at your greatest if you're truly in the business of change or creating your life that's a big responsibility right I mean like we we we ran our event I said to the audience okay nobody nobody forced you to come here right you came here on your own you took the risk in coming here by coming here you also agree that you create your reality that you're responsible for yourself and your life so if something happens to you you can't blame anybody because of that it's your responsibility to take care of you right so then the fundamental question is and I ask myself this all the time at what point do I stop believing that I create my life at what point when things go bad then all of a sudden it's I didn't create that that person is doing it to me right so if we can if we can wire that in our brains right that our reaction and response to an environmental condition is causing us to go back to the past that's what the emotion is the familiar emotion is the past and I'm on the journey and I catch myself doing that if I'm truly in the practice every day and I can cultivate a feeling not not not on the spot then that you you you're not prepared your meditation is the preparation of mind and body for this so I don't get up from my meditation until I'm in love with life I don't I don't create anything that's going to be unlimited until I feel unlimited and in that space and if I'm practicing feeling unlimited every day I'll practice connecting to the emotions of my future I'm I'm out of the bleachers and I'm on the field if you're in the bleachers and you're trying to not react to people in in circumstances you don't have the practice or the skill set on how to create that emotion because you haven't been practicing creating it and why do we close our eyes and do it cu the environment is so seductive why do we sit still and not move because you're going to want to get up and pee and eat and have a cup of coffee and feel so so now you're telling your body hey stay I'm going to feed you yeah you're going to take a shower you're going to get coffee you can play with your cell phone you can text you can talk trash you can do anything you want but right now you're not the mind I'm the mind and you're going to sit and stay till I'm done and when I condition you to the emotions of the future and I get a very clear image of who I'm going to be this day and I'm not going to get up until I feel that way I guarantee you you're going to come up against all those unconscious thoughts they're going to come up right there I I want people to I want them to see it it I want them to become so familiar with it so conscious if they wouldn't go unconscious they wouldn't let that thought I can't ever slip by their awareness unchecked they've done the work in the beginning of the day they suppressed those circuits in the brain and nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together you're you're breaking down the old personality and so you say ah your body wants to get up I got to pee I want to have a couple I want to check and you you watch your body want to get up and you go hey hey hey hey hey hey get over here you you get back into this present moment and you every time you do that it's a victory you're executing a will that's greater than an unconscious program and most people lose their free will to a program because they do the same thing today as they did yesterday their body's on autopilot and it's dragging them into the same future habitually based on what they did in the past so now you're sitting there and it's just a little uncomfortable and you want to quit and your body and you go no you get over here and you bring it back now some people say I can't meditate but really they're actually doing it right that's a victory too yeah and then you do that and you start watching how you're training your body back into the present moment then it's your body says well you know Louis it's uh this it's 8 8:30 in the morning this is usually when you watch the news and throw a tiate and get angry and I'm and you're sitting here with your eyes closed and you're off schedule so why don't we just get agitated about anything so the body starts trying to create images in your mind so you remember your ex you remember your problems so you could feel that agitation what if you watched your body do that and you said no no no no no I'm not going to give my power away to the past or that person or that circumstance in my life you get that body back in the present moment you lower the volume to that emotion that's a victory you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind now that kind of work is tedious in the beginning but I watch people because when I have them do that it start stretching their boundaries the known self that little box starts to move into the unknown and they survive and all of a sudden they're more relaxed in the present moment the unknown and they start feeling more satisfied so now they're more ready to create so the preparation for the day is to remind yourself of who you no longer want to be to know thyself to become so familiar with the word meditation means to become familiar with so conscious of your unconscious programs you're not going to go unconscious why cuz you did you did battle today with that personality that's creating the same personal reality and if your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel and you want to create a new personal reality then you got to change your personality and that's going to mean then you're going to become so conscious of those unconscious programs that you're no longer the program you're the Consciousness observing the program disentangling from that is not easy that's why most people won't do it that's why they get on their cell phone and say let me just create a little dopamine by just seeing if I got a text from somebody I like know your phone's over there and you're no longer regulating something outside of you this is this is game time so then if you said what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain h both my attention and my intention I think we're reality producing machines I mean there's no there's no single individual on this planet who doesn't create reality unless they have a brain injury or something but for the most part most of us are engaged in reality you know and we do cause effects I think we reach a certain point in our life where we stop learning and we start feeling and when we use feelings as a barometer for the unknown it's a it's it's contraindicated because feelings are usually a record of a past experience so we try to predict how that future event is going to be based on a Feeling and we always return back to the old self again so I love the idea of how we can actually produce effects I love the idea that every human being is either lives in one of two states of mind we either live in creation which is growth and expansion and and it's um health and homeostasis the emotions of love and joy and Trust make us feel connected to something bigger than us or we live in a state of survival and a state of survival is living in stress and living in stress is when your body is knocked out of balance and the redundancy of that cycle over time that imbalance that keeps happening begins to break the body down and and I think the biggest problem for us because of the size of our brains is we can turn on the stress response just by thought alone and we do it all day long and that continuous redundant being out of balance over time that inbalance becomes the new balance and now we're headed for contraction and disease and feeling separate from the field and being selfish instead of selfless we begin to um live in a state of breakdown in a state of um uh um uh uh disease and and a lack of health and and so then those emotions then of those survival chemicals endorse the ego and then we become more self-indulgent and more self-important and more selfs serving uh because that's what those chemicals do so we live in one of those two states of mind now those chemicals tend to be highly addictive so this is really good dinner conversation we can talk about it right but actually breaking through that's I think when you free yourself from the chains of those emotions that that that we memorize when we actually break through and our when we remove that mind out of the body when we break the emotion that's trapped in physical flesh and the body's liberated that's true self-love that's true Joy it's the liberation of energy so the anger that once was in there the hatred that was once in there the Prejudice that was once in there is transformed it's transmuted into Joy and it's the same energy but it just has a different Spin and so no one can do that for you you know that that isn't something where someone you know waves a wand and then it happens you have to actually be willing to be uncomfortable as you break that addiction and be okay with it and then the moment the body's liberated and you feel that expansion that's the natural state of being now you say I love myself so much because I went further than I thought I could go I transcended some limitation about myself in the way I think in the way I act and the way I feel that's the personality that's the identity changing one of those things really changing it not just like changing your mind like I want vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate ice cream but truly changing something that changes your NE neurology or neuros circuitry changes the chemistry which is your emotions that signal Gene that begins to change your very expression of health and a very expression of life talking about when you make that emphatic you know declaration where you make that change and it's undeniable there's a biological neurological and Quantum effect as a result of it well I think I flirt primarily with the idea of how subjective mind has an effect on the objective world you know Newtonian physics is about about cause and effect it's about something outside of you fundamentally changing something inside of you you know we are an expression or or reflection of the environment so as long as the environment is influencing how we're thinking and feeling we can only be as great as the environment so and if we're thinking and feeling equal to the environment we could only create more of the same environment you know the idea that we can change something inside of us in our in our Consciousness in our thoughts and in our feelings and be able to memorize both neurologically and our brain and hardwire that information install hardware and condition the body emotionally to be a mind so mind and body are working together if we're able to maintain that modified state of being then there should be some evidence outside of us so instead of causeing effect I always love the idea of causing effects and to cause an effect so the quantum model says you can cause an effect and so I think where we get stuck with that is the idea that you know that it has to be predictable that we should be able to know how it's going to happen and and that is that is I think our biggest error because we can never control the outcome of the unpredictable that's the quantum model it has to be uncertain it has to come in a way that we least expect that surprises us that that leaves no doubt that what we did inside of us produced some effect outside of us and and when you begin to have those small synchronicities at first and then they turn into larger and larger events and you experience that that awe and that Wonder or that joy and appreciation for being alive I I think that's the natural state of being I think that's having that kind of sensibility coming from within us instead of needing something outside of us to change our state [Music] to learn how to reprogram your mind for wealth with Bruce Lipton check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there it is simply impossible to achieve long-term health and happiness if you hate yourself 100% this is so important because this is that was I have a memory of a point in my life where that changed just like boom just like Tom ready turned to switch
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 32,663
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Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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