Gwyneth Paltrow Is Full of Regret While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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this is going to be spicier than the last one I I might throw [Music] up hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Gwyneth paltro she's an Oscar Golden Globe and Emmy award-winning actor best Ling cookbook author and the founder and CEO of the Lifestyle brand goop which offers everything from Beauty and wellness products a fashion line Media Ventures retail stores and even the take salads that Susan loves so much Gwyneth palro welcome to the show thanks for having me how are you around hot sauce and are you having any last second reservations before we kick things off here I am full of regret I can't believe I'm here I'm here because my son loves hot sauce and loves this show apparently I am not I do like hot sauce I like spicy but I don't think I'm equipped to be [Music] here okay here we go [Music] okay that's very nice [Music] that's spicy I thought you were going to start real plain and like sort of Groom me into the experience out of the frying pan and Into the Fire show but you got it okay is there a tension between growth and preciousness of vision when you're building a company like goop especially like in today's entrepreneurial environment where everything is about scaling all the time it's a really good question there is a pressure there's a there's like a natural sort of tensegrity um which I think can be difficult when you start a business just all from like heart and wanting to curate beautiful things and share the best of everything with people and sometimes the more commercial choice is not the right choice I never want to let our reader or our customer down in any way never want to offer something or recommend something that I don't 100% believe in use love I'm obsessed with so I it has I think made growth slower very smoky [Music] smelling sort of like have this a jerky esque thing happening yeah right right and maybe even a little bit less hot than the last one know I think we kind of Jar are you here in the beginning and you panic a little bit yeah but then settling into the game here yeah have your SE still have a I still have a warm tingly sensation that's the show it'll persist all right I'm just trying to set expectations for you know why are you so passionate about hot sauce you know what I I wasn't naturally okay like the hot sauce just came because we wanted to disrupt the pr driven flight pattern of our guests right yes so hot sauce does that or at least we thought it might and then we've been doing this for 23 Seasons so we might be right on some level you know what I'm saying so hot sauce was never like it's not like I would loved hot sauce and built a whole show around it I kind of had to like become a lover of hot sauce to keep it going you know what I'm saying okay now do you put hot sauce on everything I kind of do are you sick of it wings I never want to see again in my life like when I'm done with this I've eaten over 3,000 chicken wings for the internet's Amusement over the years like I'm over those like you'll never see me eat another Wing when this is done right but I think my appreciation for hot sauce is only grown because I've seen the way that it transforms food and talking to all these different Growers and all these different craft makers so I think it's actually strengthened the appreciation I have for hot sauce Wings dead to me all right are you ready to move on here to Sauce number three I guess so funky Hot Sauce Funky hot sauce Stellar fuzz yeah it's getting fun is it that's pretty good so in 2017 a study was commissioned ranking American actors British accents in leading roles for films that grossed over $100 million really yes okay and your performance in Shakespeare and love actually finished second behind only Merill streets Margaret that oh I'll go Toe to Toe with with you got to take that I'll take it during your acting Heyday how would you describe your approach to mastering a character's dialect okay this bug is not part of my tasting menu right um so it was interesting because I didn't know I had kind of I have like a relatively good ear for that kind of thing so I had grown up you know making prank calls doing accents that kind of thing and like making my friends laugh but it turns out that to actually do it properly you have to relearn how to speak so the English accent is so different and the muscles are so different like where you place the tongue on the teeth and the mouth is so different like certain muscles are more relaxed and certain are more tense so when you're in the country you get that I think you got it die [ __ ] um so I think you really get the opportunity to use the language and really hear because it's so different when you're in like an academic setting trying to learn but you know as opposed to being in conversation oh green chili mhm right I can see the face you know a little bit of a cumulative effect that we have going on you know what I'm saying is that is that what happens so they all kind of uh will affect you physically in different ways so you do have a walls closing in situation going on right and I feel that way no I get it I get it so there are certain goop products that have a larger than life mythology in pop culture okay what do you see is the role of provocations in building a brander movement um another great question um so it's funny we never really set out to be provocative we just wanted to talk about things that people weren't talking about and things that we think should be um should not like be shrouded in shame and I think you can only change Culture by being provocative whether you mean to or not we always say you know we we believe that we're a provocator in the cause for good um so it's not for its own sake but really to bring like more agency and you know individuality [Music] forward oh queso queso okay okay and this is kind of a step mhm up but I can see in your eyes determination I feel determined I also feel like I might pass out right like I feel it's a thin line yeah like my breathing is sort of an issue but I'm sure it'll pass fact or fiction kefir southernland babysat you as a kid fact Isn't that cool I was at Williamstown the Williamstown theater Festival where my mom was doing plays and he was an apprentice and he babysat me and my brother that's amazing he was awesome how about this one this is kind of a winding one I'm curious about this all right so though shown in the movie that there was a Gwyneth ptro prop head that was made for that closing scene in seven the Box scene in seven obviously not used then but is it true that it then sat in storage for 16 years to be Unearthed and then used in the autopsy scene in Contagion oh wow well there was definitely a head made for seven because I remember you know they incon you in silicone or whatever and I do think there's a single frame of it used but it's like imperceptible to the eye that's what I've been told um so you can freeze frame it some and see if I can find it yeah I think that's what I've heard and I'm not sure about the contagion one if they use that or not the same head the same head the jury's still out I mean that would be smart for saving on budget I guess is it true that uh Bill Clinton passed out of sleep during a white house screaming of Emma true he was snoring right in front of me I was like wow I guess this is going to be a real hit movie but it was so [ __ ] you Bill [Laughter] Clinton oh God I like the bourbon part right and then it kind of falls off a cliff with the ingredients yeah [Music] so during his acceptance speech at last night's Academy Awards American fiction director C Jefferson made a plea to Hollywood where he said instead of making one $200 million movie try making 20 $10 million movies is someone whose bread and butter was that mid-level budget film do you at all resonate with his frustrations in the way that the business of Hollywood is changed over the course of your career I absolutely understand where he's coming from it makes sense right you want to have the best chance of having a strong Roi people put a lot of money into these things and they want to they want them to be profitable but I think if I look at the industry as a whole this sort of big push into superhero movies I mean you can only make so many good ones that feel truly original and and yet there's still you know always trying to reach as many people as possible which sometimes hinders quality or specificity or real point of view so I I mean you're absolutely right I grew up doing those movies and I sometimes Lament The fact like I look back at some of the movies that I made in the '90s and think that just wouldn't get made now I do think that you get more diversity of art When there's less at stake and people can sort of Express their true voice and make a film the way they want to make it and then I think those are generally the more resonant ones [Music] if I pass out will you CPR me or yeah I'm you're in good hands you're in good hands over here I got you okay La what La La pment Tier mhm forbidden fruit wow okay I know I took too big of a bite I know I saw that [ __ ] a that is such a JV move no it's not why did I do that because you know you're immersing yourself in the experience not cheating The Experience over here right what's a buster palro cocktail and can you talk us through how to make one in as much detail as possible Absolutely I'll take notes okay a buster paltro is a whiskey based cocktail inspired by my grandfather Buster ptro who was a real like he loved like a whiskey sour and a bourbon sour that he ordered with no fruit very important so basically what I do it's 2 oz of your favorite Ry or whiskey or whatever you like an ounz of maple syrup and an oun of lemon juice and you can shake it or stir it and that's my go-to cocktail and what a lovely pairing that would be right now especially going into this neck sauce I thought we were going to be friends and now right there's a lot give and I get it I just don't know what's happening to our trust right now I'm so scared I'm literally shaking my my wing is shaking [ __ ] wow and then this be a kind of a unique experience this is incredibly painful but I will say despite the discomfort this is one of the calmest reactions I've ever seen to it in my life Wow right no I get it I get it right here with you the the violation is intense right it's a good tagline actually and on that topic is someone who's been a prolific actor for over 30 years you know you have dozens upon dozens upon dozens of movie credits you know some of them Oscar winners other of them box office mashes some of them you might even have forgotten that you made so to put that to the test I want to play a little game where I'll hit you with a Gwyneth paltro movie tag line and I want you through the spice fog to try to connect it to the Gwyneth palro movie does that sound good I I have no idea what you just said I don't speak English I don't know what's happening I'm talking to you underwater a little bit right now I totally get how that goes but how about this uh when good luck is a long shot you have to hedge your bets Hard Eight it is hard eight there you go one for one how about this one life was too small to contain her shallow hell no that's a good guess though wait that was a [ __ ] up guess yeah I know was funny Sylvia one for two how about this one it's better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody Talented Mr Ripley bang bang had that one no problem um nothing spreads like fear contagion there you go you're on a roll it doesn't matter where you've been as long as you come back strong Country Strong oh my gosh I don't I don't know if I'll be able to stop you there are two sides to every story sliding door this is incredible you are on a roll um I got one more for you okay rock and romance explode in a Texas town oh I just not flash wait shout yes shout I got it what do you remember about shout do you remember anything shout 1991 I was a kid and I have to say I'm so impressed with what you just did right there you know your uh your credits they just endlessly scroll you know what I mean but you were able to just kind of pick those taglines I think even through the the The Fog of War of hot ones over here I think the chili sort of Consolidated all my blood and brain cells like here so my cognition went up I I might throw [Music] up right now remember the last one immediately jarring immediately breaking containment yeah this one this is bad not fun either but not like the last one not like the last one finding that calm Place wow so last fall you did an interview with vog sat in the stunning Garden of your amance at home do you have a favorite herb at the moment I really did not think you were going to ask that that was so funny um I love all herbs except for dill which should be illegal oh why should Dill illegal cuz it's so gross it ruins everything and anything it touches with it's it's a dominant kind of flavor dominant and like just bad I don't understand why people like it I I'm I love cilantro and I know some people have that reaction to cilantro but I love herbs I love I know it's boring but basil is my favorite it's not boring just at all don't apologize for that fragrant and almost like it's so optimistic isn't it it smells like summer and tomatoes and I don't know I love it all right going with btro oh my God all right I'll do it you know what I'm going to do I'm going to put it on the cutting board and then I'm going to dip respect that's the smart way to do it I just want you to know that I'm not fully okay from the last two things ago well you know it's it's nine wings that you've knocked down okay you know gwenneth You' just sat here and casually eaten some of the hottest chicken wings on planet Earth and to close things out we're going to actually do something that we've never done before and I'm so excited it is going to be a post hot one show skin care routine that you're going to talk me through step by step I understand that you brought some product from the new Target line did good clean goop I am a blank canvas for you this is kind of my first time I'm very excited and I know I'm in good hands but first things first someone bring me my vanity whoa wow and we're here how did that happen through the through the magic and power of Colin the editor I think and uh look at we have a vanity set up I have like uh my Mison PL over here you do so you probably want to start with the green juice cleanser okay just a tiny bit okay wow you really don't wash your face do you no okay that's like let me see is this too much way too much way too you need like a dime size a dime size well tell me dime size sorry put a little there you go okay now if you were home you could really go crazy with it but you know for now this is good no I'm kind of home you know this is kind of my home what do you think it smells awesome it feels nice you don't wash your face after makeup and everything I have I'm going to leave you with a big thing of cleanser no I appreciate that you're going to change my life going forward all right I'm going to be a completely different man on the other side of this much more handsome than when I got here all right well you're not a self now I think see see say you weren't lying hot ones takes on a whole new meaning okay now we're going to take the I think you've got the exfoliator there I do it's a scrub it's a scrub so this is great for after makeup or if you're if you're feeling like your Skin's a little dull or tired pardon me I'm still to death of you okay great now we want to wash that off your face all right get some get some water here just dunk it in here all right thank you get some more there we go there we go there we go perfect oh heteros are so funny oh my gosh so you can take the healthy aging serum a little bit you know like just dip your sort of these couple fingers in just yeah there you go the other side too yeah you can do that and rub there you go okay and then apply there you go and definitely get like under your eyes that's important you know mhm this is this is a great serum it's one of our best sellers really okay perfect there you go you can stop perfect rof I want just one more oh my God perfect look at you wow I'm there it is kidding you look amazing do you even recognize me no I don't well gwenth thank you so much the new face feels great smells amazing and then to the touch I appreciate it it almost makes me feel bad for all that I put you through but you know what you stood in the face of that challenge and you won you conquered and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you gwth palro this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life yes oh my God I'm drunk on hot sauce um let's see what do I have going on in my life well we have our great new line which you tried good clean goop that's available at Target and Amazon and we have all of our regular stuff that we do all the time at which is pretty awesome so that's keeping me busy oh my god wow when my son was little cuz he loves loves spicy hot sauce we used to do with my godson this game called Mexican dare where we' get all these Mexican chilies lined up and he would like Russian roulette with it was so funny and they would by the end they'd be like you know snot pouring down their face crying like you know wow hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans thank you so much for watching today's episode and if you would like to get the taste of hot ones delivered right to your door well I have good news for you the season 23 hot ones 10 pack is available now that's to get your hands on the season 23 hot ones lineup milk not included ice cream highly recommended and remember be careful around the eyes
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,240,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, Gwyneth Paltrow, marvel, mcu, marvel phase 5, marvel phase 6, rescue, iron man, tony stark, Robert Downey Jr., RDJ
Id: Kkx_FiSzbII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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