Overtime: Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Rep. Adam Kinzinger | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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all right here we are with the former three-term governor of the state of New York Andrew cromo and the former congressman from Illinois and founder of the country first pack Adam kiner okay Governor Cuomo direct question first one off the bat for you are you planning to run for mayor of New York or launch another campaign for governor oh that is a much more direct than that and there will be no direct answer it just went to uh come on you two coaches I know you're waiting you get out of the broad you know you know no no we're not going to get anything there uh I have no current plans to make plans uh what are the what are the panel's thoughts on climate activists spray painting Stonehenge I saw this Stonehenge I thought now I visited Stonehenge way back like in the '90s when you go right up to it yeah uh and I then I see they I don't know how they got up to it because you're not supposed to I know they roped it off is this a counterproductive tactic or a smart way to direct attention to their cause come on this is the stupidest thing say you can do I just like it almost makes me like want to be on the other side of the climate change debate when they do that like you know like and it makes some people maybe you guys can go away if it actually does happen then right I don't I don't even I don't even get the connection and you know I I the group was called just stop oil do you know what spray paint is made from really nuts and oil is also what makes plastic right is isn't that a petroleum product I mean the idea that now look I'm all for I would be the first one on line to you know give up the plastic because I think plastic is one of the worst environmental things we do but I don't know I mean like we're so far gone it's like asking people to give up the remote like like if somebody said to most people if if you went back to like having to walk up to the TV like when we were kids you're probably too young when we were kids really and you actually would you if that solved CL I bet you nobody do it I bet you get 5% of people who do it but no I'll die younger I'll children used as remotes back then in my house my father said go change the CH oh I was the remote exactly yes um how will the new pact between Russia and North Korea disrup disrupt the balance of power in the world I think it shows I think it shows that Russia is increasingly desperate the front lines have stabilized in Ukraine the weapons Gap is shortening and he has to go to North Korea to beg for weapons and what we find out today is South Korea is thinking about opening up their Arsenal of5 which is artillery rounds uh so this is really a bad look for Vladimir Putin and I think it just goes to prove he is simply trying to buy time to see if Donald Trump wins in November and he's doing it at the cost of his people's lives well I think that's a pretty charitable way to look at it from our point of view from his point of view uh he's getting the we thought we could cut him off and it turned out that there were plenty of people in the world who said no we'll take your business he's getting his weapons from China and North Korea and Iran and all the people who don't like us for various reasons seem to be getting together I know George Bush used to love that phrase axis of Evil when he just made it up it didn't really make sense back then this kind of really does make sense now it does it does and it is and you could see that you could see it happening you could see them joining for is against this but that's what happens see that's the difference between when you do have a president love him or or don't love him Biden at least is doing some pushing back against this axis and so they are driven into each other's arms out of desperation Russia has to go because he has had economic impacts Donald Trump was lit this is what drives me nuts is when the GOP say he didn't invade under Donald Trump it's Ronald Reagan that said we can have peace and we can have it tomorrow surrender and that's what Donald Trump basically did was giving these people everything they wanted he went to North Korea and wrote about love letters with Kim jung-un right so yeah they're coming together but that's at a result of a stronger US foreign policy okay what what uh what explains the delay in the Supreme Court issuing a ruling on Trump's immunity claim all right well let's have one of you experts first of all explain what is the immunity claim this is one of his four trials that he was supposed to have before uh the election took place place you know don't get me started on that cuz I get go off on that every week they should have done this they had all the time in the world Merrick Garland another useless appara from the Democratic party who couldn't get it done the immunity claim this is the one where Trump is claiming that you can't put me on trial for anything because as president I can basically do anything including kill people right I had imun and they it's 114 days I read said that that the Supreme Court has had this is there any reason they needed 14 days to think about this no no I mean look I think there obviously somebody's stalling it's one thing when you put out a big Landmark decision like Row versus weade and you do it at the end of a term because you know abortion has been a certain policy for 50 years this is a time of thef essence and somebody is trying to delay that said even if it comes out next week there is still judge chucking gave 88 days until the trial started I could see her still starting the trial in September Donald Trump will say it's too close to the election and she'll say you're the one that appealed I was ready to go at the beginning of the year so I still think it's possible that this goes yeah but you know what's scary about this from my point of view the uh the trials in New York you had Florida uh Georgia and two in New York the two trials in New York New Yorkers said 66% said the justice system is politicized and there's nobody in New York who likes Trump and still 66% said uh the justice system is politicized that's why I think he's not paying the same price for these verdicts because they believe it is political and you want to talk about a threat to democracy when you have this country believing you're playing politics with the justice system and you're trying to put people in jail or convict them for political reasons then we have a real problem well and I I I saw two stories in the paper today about the election one is that Biden is slightly pulled ahead although not in the states where it going to matter but nationally which was news to me and then the second one was fundraising the tri the trial in New York the one he got convicted for was the greatest fundraising Bonanza ever he is now he was lagging behind Biden and now he's pulled quite a bit ahead that trial was the greatest reason people had to to send their checks for five 10 20 five whatever dollars to Donald Trump yeah so I mean look it's it's a it's a Hobson's choice always with him because he's always guilty yeah it's not like he's not guilty of any of these crimes but the the repercussions might be worse I mean this is something politicians always had to face remember when Obama came to office they were like how can you not put those people in jail those Wall Street people and Obama was like yeah that would feel good and it is the right thing to do but it's also more the wrong thing to do it'll tank the whole economy those are the kind of tough decisions that you have to make so I I and I was always with you on on the one in New York the hush money trial I don't think they should have brought that one it was just always going to look like a sex case and people were always just going to look at it that way so anyway that case the Attorney General's case in New York frankly should have never been brought and if his name was not Donald Trump and he if he wasn't running for president I'm the former AG in New York I'm telling you that case would have never been brought and that's what is offensive to people and it should be because if there's anything left it's belief in the Justice Just just heard the one about trying to overthrow the government of the United States that's the main thing he tried to overthrow the government of the United States that's right but the and we're now we're going to we're not going to hear that that's right the good for you for January 6 thanks I didn't PA it but I was there no I think that the weird thing is though Hunter Biden I would also say was put in jail or was convicted of course because of politics and unfortunately that never gets out all right guys thank you very much I got to run to Las Vegas you're great I appreciate it thank you very much
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 126,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eHp4DmCtjRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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