Jamie Dornan Gets Punched in the Face by Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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that is good yeah yeah we're partying now hello milk my my dear dear friend hey what's going on everybody for first we Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Jamie Dornan he's a Golden Globe award nominated actor you know from movies like Belfast the 50 Shades franchise and TV shows like the fall he also stars in the tourist one of my favorite shows of the last year so good news for me is season 2 is now streaming on Netflix Jamie Doran welcome to the show thanks Sean happy to be here I know that you've developed a love spicy food in recent years what's going through your head as you prepare to take on the hot ones Gauntlet I'm not like a crazy chili head or anything and you might find that out really quickly here but um I definitely um appreciate it I and enjoy it much more than I did well you ready to take on an adventure yep [Music] I should be more yes yeah let's [Music] go that's a good time I'm also aware like how how honest should I be throughout the whole process of like where where I'm actually how I'm actually as a talk show host I say bear your soul today your soul let's do it okay so the Australian Outback and Irish Coast are both iconic Landscapes how big a role would you say location plays in the first two seasons of The Tourist huge like really huge and and and they couldn't be more different you know you gone from that sort of like orangey red dust of the Australian back to The Rolling Green Hills of like County wicko like the elements being so different and you've gone from like everyone except the actors wearing like fly Nets in the Australian night back and that was a real thing I mean I consumed I know like the impressive heat and sandstorms like I know that filming in the outback has its own challenges like what are the memories that you have of like really enduring the conditions during that shoe well one day was it was it was actually my birthday and there was a sand like a sandstorm so we had to wait and wait and wait and I ended up finally getting on set we had like 30 minutes to shoot this really big scene and after the sandstorm the Flies were like I don't know they're like it's clear guys let's go and it was absolutely insane and as I was doing it with Danielle who's my uh co-star and the tourist I was just watching her and I trying not to react as flies were like going into her eye up her nose in her mou and then I was like consuming them when then the camera came around onto me and I could see her face just been like like trying to like tell me that this is happening they spent so much money painting the FES the post production was awful and then of course I you know I I would didn't rap until late I didn't get a birthday dinner my wife just went back to Adela it was pretty pretty rubish time to be honest nobody asked you to do a line of sauces they must have oh yeah no we make a couple of these actually yeah yeah two steps ahead of you we make some of these are they here though no yeah yeah yeah but I'm not going to tell you which ones because I just want an honest review you know what I mean I don't want to leave the witness at all I feel like you're biging up that one you might be Smokey Jay maybe the Myster is out yeah I'm actually going to have another bite of smokey J I really did like it so I read that director Kenneth BR sometimes secretly record rehearsals and then use those rehearsals in the final film I'm curious what stands out in your memory as some of the unique tactics he's used to capture an authentic reaction on camera Ken's a genius like he's so smart and obviously such a had such a ridiculously remarkable brilliant career and he's got lots of clever ways of getting interesting stuff caught on camera is it true that he would do things like on the set of a haunting in Venice right the lights go out suddenly and doors are slamming as like a way to keep actors like a little bit on edge yeah he was doing he he he he was messing with us a lot on that on that film that set was crazy it was very like um we really did feel it was an entire set but that house W did feel like we were in this like house together and yeah there'd often be times like like a window would just slam shot and no no one would see it coming and you know you get like Michelle yo and Tina F like screaming LLY and then so um yeah he did a lot of stuff like that and you know I think it's clever when you're when it's just a movie like that that is about fear and and scaring and so so anything that you can Aid to get a real reaction in that world is is a good [Music] thing mhm mhm M oh hello oh it feels like um someone starting the party a little bit mhm mhm it's like someone doing a shot you know that someone's like yeah let's go shop yeah we've uh We've greased the wheels on this evening you know mhm yeah exactly yeah that's the first need of milk what's the most Soul crushing memory you have of auditioning during pilot week in life oh Christ the life I remember getting in my car and I had like a pile in the whole sort of foot well of the passenger side was just like tons of like audition sides and scripts like this height and I was just seeing that pile and knowing that every one of those was a failure it was just like the embodiment of my failure from that pilot seon just making a mess in your car AB exactly and I was like no this is this sucks and I drove to uh a beach you took Sunset the whole way down and sort of end up just on sort of edge of Malibu there and I parked my car and I sat on the beach and I like sort of like scream cried for like a good 20 minutes and when why am I putting myself in this position uh every year and I was feeling like life couldn't get any worse and I came back and I had a parking ticket and I really was a l it was a low it was a low for me yeah I'm going again for that bad idea oh I really like that one here we go I tell you what at this stage I feel better than I thought I would I feel stronger than I thought I would and I know these words are going to come back to hunt me when you're shooting an especially intense scene like say for example A Murder By strangulation as a serial killer in the fall do you find it hard to turn that feeling off when the director says cut or can you separate yourself from it you if you're doing something like that you have to switch off from that immediately I believe you need levity in those moments because they are so extreme and a bit harrowing and you know there's you know a girl there that you know I've just like done some awful act to and you know ligatures around her neck and stuff and she's actually really nice and we've just been talking about the sushi places we like and I know I can't then suddenly just stay in some real darkness as if I don't want to talk further about sushi so you know I I do jump out of it out of it pretty quick yeah [Music] okay oh God I took a lot there this is another step like I think three is a step M and five is a step with every bite it feels like more of a [Laughter] mistake but you know what you're a hostage on hot ones you know what I mean there's nowhere to go no no that is good yeah yeah we're partying now hello milk my my dear dear friend in Oasis in this desert milk was a bad choice it's a good choice actually that's great did you have a biggest customer pep peeve working as a Barman at the uh tattersol T Tavern in uh nightsbridge yep yep I had this guy I just moved to London I was 20 I got that job before I was like if I move into London like I need a job cuz stuff's probably not going to happen that quickly for me so I worked in this Pub like basically full-time like any shifts they would give me I took and there's a guy who used to come in honestly like I can close my eyes and eye and I can picture this Pricks face and he had this floppy sort of Cur curtains do you call like the hairell curtains where I will everyone had curtains back in the day it was like you know hair where it looks like yeah like maybe like a middle something yeah yeah horrible floppy blonde curtains and uh he used to come in and click his fingers at me like yeah listen I'm about to admit something that I'm ashamed of but I a couple of times I I spot in his drink sounds like it was dessert sound I'd be I'd be like oh I just have to go back can get lime or something go back [ __ ] there you always order a gin tonic so you can sort of mix your spit in quite EAS yeah right right there a natural phone anyway and I mean that's what you get if you if you click your fingers at another human being sorry I don't care I just sat and Glee whilst I watched him drink my saliva and still to this day get a certain satisfaction I can see it in your eyes honestly I was kind of one of my proudest moments you know you say Reaper I'm already scared I like it um I'm going again on that here we go dude if someone had told me 10 years ago certainly 15 20 years ago that I'd be doing something like this uh you and me both all right Jamie oh really this is um this is yeah this was this was not in my future when I was younger um CU I'm not actually to choke and die good there we go B caty that one maybe in the back of the throat I think it the the way you called it like a walk in the park I think it might have heard you yeah that was a [Laughter] mistake oh is there an underappreciated role on a movie set like you know somebody who's maybe out of the view of the movie goinging audience but you think is most critical to a film success I think the focus pillar I think it's really hard that these guys here these guys talking it was like a probably Auto Focus right now they're like oh [ __ ] um I do think I think that's sort of an impossible job um are you love to swear on this show I'm really holding myself back and I'm like the swearest person in the world Let It Go yeah yeah Fu [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] um yeah I think I lived in fear of that for a while like with Focus pillars I like knowing if something was really tricky I would would be like really still but no I I'm not trying to [ __ ] them over but like I will you know I feel more free to move and knowing that I'm working with great people but I do think particularly if it's like something running or you know it's very long Lance or something it's it's such a talented part of the job that's a good time yeah no it's not I'm I'm switching between one more of it and thinking I'm going to die that's actually a good place to be with a spicy W you know like that's how you know actually that you're dealing with a good spicy meal sure yeah uncomfortable but always inviting the next bite you know why why is it the wings ended up being like the perfect vehicle for spice compared to other parts of animals well we've had that debate on this show right cuz we could have used whatever vehicle we wanted to but I think that the wing is familiar you know everybody knows Wings mhm and they're kind of fun funny you know wings are kind of funny like I think if we had chips on here they'd be kind of boring but like wings are kind of funny and then they translate well on camera and then it doesn't matter if they're fried or baked or whatever they soak in hot sauce well you know they're kind of like a blank pallet for a painter you know so the hot sauce just like really comes through yeah as is happening right now a little bit you know I actually went to speak there and just I just vocalized some sign that's never come out of my mouth before I realized that I might not be able to talk again maybe ever yeah actually when I was talking a lot right there it's almost like uh letting oxygen in on a fire or something you know it intensifies well good thing I got an interview question for you here all right yeah great so I know before your career in Hollywood took off that you had dreams of playing professional rugby what's the nastiest thing you've either done or experienced in the Bellows of a Rugby scrum I did um they used to do a thing that they they penalize you for it more more I but if you had the ball on the ground someone would Lally literally like rake you with their studs you know like feet try to clean it out try to get the ball if your hands on there your wrist whatever it was they just be like raking you with their their studded boot not fun yeah are we going for eight the moment we've been dreading yeah is upon us okay cool let's go I feel better than I thought I would I feel stronger than I thought I would and I know these words are going to come back to HT me no you know right [Music] away and we're done [ __ ] I know that's a bad time you're telling me it's that totally like street [Music] legal yeah FDA approved if you believe if you can believe it that is a violent leap off a a cliff yeah right we are in uh Uncharted Territory over here it's uh lingers and grows and when you think it's at its most intense moment it has another Peak to it which is what you're experiencing letting air into the mouth is not what we're after right cuz it scorches everything through the throat but somehow some way I'll try to get this interview question out what's the key to a perfect Pasta Pesca in your opinion I don't care I don't care I never want to eat again Christ on a gondola [ __ ] me I do [ __ ] [Music] off I do make a great PESA and I do add a bit of spice into [Music] it um I we were filming in can I only talk on out breaths we were filming in Vancouver I went to this place all the time called the nuke that was the first time I have puta and I basically copied their recipe and can't pretend this is a normal conversation and uh not too much um uh Anie are any of these things even in a putka I don't even know anymore yeah I don't know it's just it's good you can come Ryan and we'll make you I'll take I actually never want to see you again no I get that I get that I just just can't be hotter it can't be don't be [Music] hotter I think you'll find that it's not hotter but not fun I don't know I don't I got to say I don't know and maybe that's for the best yeah you know what I mean we'll just walk blindly to the Finish Line over here that has uh something going on too if I'm honest but not like the last one not like the last one and we're so close here to the finish line which of your films or TV projects would you say would be most likely to earn you a free pint at an Irish pub and which one do you think would be most likely to get you punched in the face in Ireland this might be the easiest answer of my life uh I did a film for Netflix called The Siege of jville which is a true story about um an Irish uh Army um in the Congo in 1961 but I think a lot of Irish people are happy that I I told that story I'm pretty certain that been someone's bought me a pint for bringing that story to late um and then I did a film with Emily Blunt called wild M time that kind of everyone hated so um like they addressed it with you they addressed it they've addressed it to me face to face Y and uh a lot of people address it in print um so uh yeah um I think that was probably the thing that would uh it wouldn't I don't think anything was going to punch me in the face I I really hope not well you know what Jamie if we've learned anything today is that you can take a punch in the face well there we go I take it good this is good I am amazed I'm at the Finish Line kind of looks like poop shoot first ask questions later you [Music] know Che run cheers sler kind of nice at first and then has that build I can see it in your face Jamie I can see it in your face but the good news is that's a wrap on our journey through the spicy wings and just one more pointed question before we get you out of here love that taking another fight I love it he's in he is in oh yeah it's a so after landing a roll Marie Antoinette in 2006 I understand that you had a number of failed auditions as you say I mean [ __ ] hundreds of them some of them totally humiliating experiences yeah reflecting on those times can you pinpoint a moment or a feeling when you were closest to quitting acting forever and then what do you attribute the strength to continue in your journey [ __ ] I think there's so many times you know that I feel felt like it wouldn't happen [Music] and I think it's a really important thing in whatever we do in life to to back yourself even even if sometimes it doesn't feel like where your head or your heart is at this is starting to like kick the [ __ ] out of me um I think I've always felt that I actually did have something to offer and I was in my back of my eyes like no [ __ ] back yourself that you have something to offer here but it's having someone uh take that risk betting on yourself believing in yourself backing yourself it served you well in your career and it has served you well well today taking on the wings of death Jamie Doran taken down the gauntlet and barely breaking a sweat now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life I have imminent death going on in my life that's what's going to happen after this and then the rest of my life is just being a dad of three unbelievable girls I love it thanks thanks man have you ever been tempted to [ __ ] people over and just like swap stuff around that could be our spin-off yeah the Russian Roulette hot one's yeah but they're having to do mad [ __ ] in the middle of it like soing drive like dude like a stunt driving course or some M oh [ __ ] actually the possibilities here are endless yeah thank you Jamie you did so good thanks guys appreciate it hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans thank you so much for watching today's episode and if you would like to get the taste of hot ones delivered right to your door well I have good news for you the season 23 hot ones 10 pack is available now heatness.com heatness.com that's heatness.com to get your hands on the season 23 hot ones lineup milk not included ice cream highly recommended and remember be careful around the eyes
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 801,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary
Id: HNJH1cqbhPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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