Gun Gripes Episode 66: The Caliber Debate

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welcome back everyone this is Eric and Barry from Moss pawn and Gunn and today we have another gun right for you and this is one that actually came to me the other night I was thinking about you know what would be a good idea for a gripe and we decided to do one about the caliber debate right how have we not thought about this until now I mean isn't this like the most universal gun right there is hmm I mean when you go on like you know forums and gun boards and all these different places what is like one of the most common arguments you see the caliber that you use for self defense or whatever which caliber is the best you know the caliber debate right I mean this is like the most awesome subject we got to talk about it so Barry you know when people debate about caliber what are they really debating about what's the most common thing we're they're debating about basically it boils down to stopping power what what cartridge has the most stopping power well there's all kind of factors that figure into that I've got guys customer to come here they were themselves sick I bought a 9-millimeter but I don't think it's enough so they trade it for a 40 oh I don't think that's enough and they get a 45 there was there was a 17 year study done about a decade or two ago that discussed stopping power about real shootings the 40 caliber Smith & Wesson and the 357 Magnum were tied for first place at 96% one shot stops now you tell uh you tell an old 45 man that he thinks you're lying but this is based on actual shootings not shooting playdough not shooting gel and not shooting mechanical men or anything like that this was based on seventeen years study of actual shootings speaking to men that have killed men in the line of duty police officers FBI you name it government types soldiers this study across the board was conducted for people that have been involved in shootings okay now the thing about it is so you have to figure other factors in maybe the man with the nine it's more accurate than the man with a 45 you don't know I carried a 45 every day for 10 years of 1911 I like Glock nine millimeters now the nine-millimeter would do anything you need to do I used to work with a guy who's retired from the Atlanta SWAT team he shot 17 people in 20 years and he carries a Glock nine-millimeter now he shot a lot of people over the years and most of them with a 357 magnum and he said the ones he shot with this it was like blowing out a birthday candle they didn't even remember that's right they're instant death with a 357 Magnum now that's just the way it is folks sure you can talk about 40 files all day long people say well how can this how can this be more effective than a 44 Magnum well this doesn't over penetrate if this goes through somebody and hits the wall behind them less wasted energy right just like they found out that tactical buckshot which is low velocity buckshot is more stopping power than high velocity boat shot right because it doesn't over penetrate the body well see that's one thing that I'm a really big fan of when it comes to pistol caliber I like the 45 ACP now to back up what my esteemed associate here just said it comes down to you know choosing the proper projectile that is designed to expand and stop and not over penetrate in the human body I've done a lot of research on what makes a bullet deadly what makes bullet design deadly and I've come to the conclusion with interior ballistics and things of that nature that what you're looking for is there's a few basic factors that determine if something is deadly or not okay and this across the board it doesn't matter all right as long as the projectile possesses enough energy to penetrate the body okay obviously that bullet has to be capable of piercing vital organs of breaking through the breast bone in your chest cavity to reach those vital organs you have to have a velocity and bullet design which lends itself quite well to expanding inside the body you need an effective bullet that will expand properly and retain its weight in order to cause the most damage and hydrostatic shot when entering the body there are a few cavities that are developed when a projectile pierces the human body you have a temporal cavity and then you have a permanent cavity temporal cavity is when the projectile expands it displaces meat and tissue and organs and that is what is known as a temporal cavity as in temporary cache on the organ it's a shock okay when the flesh shrinks back down then you have your permanent cavity of course that is the flesh that is directly sliced and cut by the bullet fragments or if it's a proper projectile one that is held together in one big piece all right now obviously the larger the temporal cavity the more displacement of organs and shock that it's causing those organs the more damaged so that argument can lend itself to okay yes a 9-millimeter is a smaller projectile less weight so obviously yes it will have less shock factor a smaller temporal cavity whereby let's just say when you're comparing apples to apples and Utah my FMJ versus FMJ 45 acp which traditional military ball 45 acp is ball ammunition 230 grain this projectile weighs more it's slower so it doesn't over penetrate and it has a very large temporal cavity so when it comes down to debating calibers what I will tell you is that you know and I've been involved in shooting at people and being shot at myself you know at the end of the day as long as the projectile and the cartridge combination falls into those basic elements what I've described earlier it's going to be capable of killing a human being I mean that's the bottom line I believe what me and Barry are getting at with this video in this gripe and what would be the gripe is that people think that you have to have some big scary round like this 500 Smith & Wesson in order to do the trick but the bottom line is that you're if you're a good shot and you can accurately shoot and hit a vital organ a 9-millimeter will kill you just as dead as any of these others so well also the old-school about the ball the 45 is the only one that's big enough without expanding to have some kind of shock effect to it now that's the major but we're not restricted to using ball and load right we can use hollow-point there are 9 millimeter hollow points that are right up in an over 90 percentile on the stopping power scale they in the streets of America people don't believe this in the streets of America based on a 17 year study a 45-mile is 62% effective with one shot 62% now the federal Hydra Shok 45 is up 93% you load that sucker with a black talent when you go when you change the construction of the bullet you change the whole thing I was talking about you got a temper if you shoot a man with this and you shoot a man with a 357 the permanent cavities look the same but you can't you don't see the the temporary cavity when that 357 goes in your body your organs are jarred like that it's like somebody punching in the good it's the same principle of what makes a hand grenade kill you all right I mean I've thrown hand grenades I've never had any thrown at me luckily but I've been pretty close to some hand grenades going off and that's what makes hand grenades Dez I mean yes the shrapnel it will penetrate your body and physically injure you but it's the concussion from that hand grenade that kills you the shock it's the shock it's displacing those organs and you know the human body is a very resilient thing however once those organs are displaced it can cause internal bleeding it can cause you know basically stop your heart hemorrhaging hemorrhaging so there's a lot of things that that make a caliber deadly and I know that with the caliber debate that tends to be one of the things that we see a lot is people say well a 9 millimeters of wimp cartridge is not deadly you know I carry a 45 ACP some people get kind of macho about what's good and what's not another macho thing is people think that 22lr isn't deadly now we've proven that time and time again that 22lr is very deadly cartridge it constitutes for several deaths and injuries in the United States a lot of people are killed with 22lr around the world because it's so common 22lr is used to put down animals as a dispatching caliber I mean you shoot a hog or I don't know about something as big as say a cow but maybe a hog or a deer behind the ear in the right spot and they're going down what you also don't see is this round of 357 if it pierces somebody's ribs or solar plexus is sending off secondary missiles of bone it's like a shotgun blast not only does the bullet expand and jar the internal organs but all these bones are shattering and going everywhere and then the cavity closes back up and it looks the same as if you shot them with this but this is going to be a hell of a lot more effective that's right in you know across the board I guess the most important thing that I would be able to bring to the conversation with the caliber debate and what I determined a long time ago is that it's not necessarily the caliber you choose like I said as long as the caliber is is sufficient and energy to pierce the human body and pierce vital organs it's fine it comes down to shot placement the smaller caliber you carry the more spot on your shot placement needs to be now some people aren't nine millimeter guys I myself I'm a nine millimeter guy I like nine millimeter light recoil cheap to shoot well not right now but more rounds it holds more rounds I like nine millimeter I am confident defending myself with a nine millimeter now some people may not be as good of a shot with a nine millimeter I've seen some guys that you hand them a nine millimeter pistol they can't shoot it worth the damn you hand them a 45 acp and the punch bull's-eyes all day long some people are just 45 guys and that's the bottom line I love 45 ACP I grew up shooting it I'm still a good shot with a 45 but for carry I prefer a nine-millimeter nice light recoil more rounds I'll stake my chances with a 9 well in conclusion getting back to that 17 years study what Eric said the bottom line they said it doesn't matter what caliber you shot placement shot placement I do not advocate this for defense but I got a head shot without a put them down better believe it and a 1022 with a suppressor and a bx 25 is subsonic oh and you can ruin someone's day now here's the thing that gets me about the caliber debate as people you know you always hear people say all xxii ain't going to hurt you a 9-millimeter are 380 is a wimpy cartridge screw that you know you don't ever hear anybody volunteer and get shot whoo no and I'll tell you at the end of the day getting shot is getting shot ok now granted some caliber is going to do a little bit better job some people are better with with shot placement and other calibers than others but at the end of the day getting shot is not a pleasant experience ok and that's just something to remember and the caliber debate can go on for hours we could talk about this all day we're not going to however if you want leave your comments and suggestions below and we'll be happy to respond to them if tell us what your favorite caliber is and why and maybe we'll revisit this subject later ok thanks for watching and you guys have a good day and be sure to subscribe rate share with your buddies and we appreciate it thank you y'all come back and see us now yeah
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 668,694
Rating: 4.9197497 out of 5
Keywords: gun gripes, gun gripe, episode, moss pawn, gun ban, magazine ban, ar-15, ar15, ak47, ak-47, ammo availability, ship direct, guns, ammo, ammunition, .45, 9 mm, .357 magnum, 50 caliber, 50 cal, .40, glock, sturmgewehre, military arms channel, fateofdestinee, cory & erika, fps russia, colormesouthern
Id: Zgz7jTja9As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2013
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