Gun Gripes Episode 27: What should be your first firearm?

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welcome back everyone Barry and Erica ghin with another gun gripe and today's episode is about poor and proper choices that the first-time gun buyer makes basically somebody comes in they want to pick up a big hen cannon or a big powerful rifle and buy it is their first gun just to impress the ladies or likewise somebody makes informed decisions and comes in gets a you know nice solid first rifle like a 1022 we're going to lay out some of our thought processes for that and hopefully you guys have leaned a little knowledge from this video most people that come in the shop nowadays are looking for a defensive handgun and they go on the advice of the police officer friend or a husband or uncle or whatever and I would say I've been here about 12 years and I would say that about 4 out of 10 people probably make the wrong choice on their first gun something for the for everybody a 500 Magnum is a really good gun these things are powerful they're very shootable in the right hands it's a good hand loaders tool because you can really get a lot of economy out of it with the hand load but for a first-time gun buyer gun owner this is not the good choice this is something that really you want to get some experience with guns namely with revolvers because these things carry a lot of power and they have a lot of recoil and they can't hurt you if you don't shoot them properly so I definitely wouldn't recommend a 500 is a first gun no for a civilian what most civilian carry gun a lot of people buy the little air weight 38 which is fine the new Smith & Wesson's are rated for plus P ammunition you know what we're about shoot your gun loose this is easy to carry a great civilian weapon and we're just going to you have to practice a lot with this gun another good first handgun if you're wanting to get into an automatic Glock 19 or anything you know similar to this the Sigma's aren't bad for the money if you want to get in like a Ruger p94 an 89 or something like that some people prefer manual safety and some people prefer D cocking mechanism and all those bells and whistles me personally I'm block guy I do carry on a regular basis a season 82 I am a Makarov fan so what we'll do in a future video if y'all are interested stay tuned for it we're going to do a Makarov shootout we're going to shoot every Makarov that I know of that's in existence I collect them and I've got several of them and we will be shooting many of those and I am a fan of the Makarov p.m. let me know lot 19 is definitely not a bad choice for first-time gun buyer this is a gun that you'll only get better with the hi-cap mag no joke to actually run it's a good cheap gun to shoot in terms of ammo price and everything these guns can be had for generally around 479 to five and a quarter and that ballpark right Airways what about four and a quarter for twenty nine on there for twenty nine on the new air weights which is definitely not a bad price for that little gun so how about another impractical yeah an impractical first gun would also be this Desert Eagle even though it's oh it's a magnificent gun this gun belongs to our friend Chad and you can watch only on Eric's web page he shot a two-and-a-half-inch group at a hundred yards with that gun and from a bench and that gun by the way is for sale come to the hardcase nikon scope and it is $12.99 which is a steal and you can watch him shoot it on the internet you can see how the gun perform you guys better buy it or I will so good it's a damn good gun right again god again not the the perfect first gun but definitely a good gun in general but for a first-time gun buyer this is a little much especially for defensive purposes another impractical handgun now definitely I think the PLR 16 is a great gun I love this gun but it isn't practical for a first-time gun buyer especially for home defense stuff like that oh no I'm kind of on the fence with this a little bit because I think these are great guns they're definitely reliable the learning curve for using them is definitely real easy they're easy to take apart easy to clean and they work if you use that gun for home defense so you fill up you advise the frangible bullet that go shoot a rifle round that's right two to three there's a lot of firepower you got a 30 round mag you can put a hundred shot beta mag in it oh it's versatile as far as that goes but it's a first-time gun it's not not the one to pick look elsewhere there people these little derringers a lot of people want to buy one of these on the excuse what I'll never need it I'll never use it anyway but these are very dangerous weapons to load this gun you have to put the safety bar to block the hammer and then you load it and close it now to fire this gun you have to [ __ ] the hammer and push the safety bar out of the way so you fire once conspire twice then you go to reloading you open it up you knock out the empties you put two loaded rounds and then when you close it up you shoot your hand off firing pins protruding hammers all the way down you have to reset the safety bar before you reload this gun if you don't when you close it there's a chance that that round can fire this gun is literally this gun is literally made to fall out of your hand literally I've seen guys draw this out of their pocket and sling it clear across the room very very difficult to handle very difficult to shoot you have to be at point-blank range I'm talking about inches now the only real you know one of the things that to me makes this gun really neat it's just the fact that it's small and handy and if somebody's on top of you're trying to murder you with a knife or something like that then yeah you put this right in there damn sternum we let them have it two times if you can even get you know fire drives this type of gun is a good last result or last resort I should say this gun is good last resort type firearm but not something that would buy solely for just the purpose of protection by itself well for two and a half times what this cost you can get a North American Army revolver and 22 Magnum you got a fine gun yeah that's so you got five shots 22 Magnum sure oh these two shots are going to go mighty fast that's right okay on the first up if you're going to buy a rifle one of the best choices in the world for your first rifle would be a 1022 absolutely that one has a built-in laser from the factory and a stainless steel construction polymer stock very nice little weapons the laser is in it right here and the activation button is on the left side you push it with your thumb and you got it you got a laser like that see it people yep that would be impressed if you're going to buy any 22 rifle whether you're first or last 22 rifle the 1022 can't be beat I don't even know if it come down at 22 caliber Barry I think if for the first gun period if somebody wants a good little rifle they can use for just about anything they can shoot cheap the accessories and parts are everywhere and inexpensive the guns themselves are quite inexpensive this model probably represents among the top tier of cost in 10 22s this is a limited edition dealer exclusive and these run anywhere from around as low as about 375 to as much as about four and a quarter so there's a little more expensive some of the cheaper walnut stopped standard carbines from Ruger and the 1022 model can be had for around two and a quarter two hundred bucks in that ballpark especially like about the 1022 this gun is modular construction anybody can read the instruction manual take the take the trigger module I'll take the gun apart and give it a thorough cleaning whereas now this holds this model 60 used to be the standard 22 when I was a kid before the 1022 came out this was what everybody bought but if you go to detail field-strip this gun you can run into some trouble you may have a problem putting it back together whether Ruger is more serviceable yeah absolutely but yes this is still a fine little gun every time I clean a Ruger 10/22 I remove the barrel from action every time because it's easy enough to clean it's real easy to clean the barrel disassembled from it the model 60 was one of the first 22s that I ever have growing up as a kid my grandpa passed down first one to me I ever had and I can't say how many squirrels that I've killed with the model 60 this is a great gun they're reliable not quite as easy to clean like Barry said the tubular magazine for some folks might be a little bit difficult to get used to it's definitely hard to load under stress if you had to the Matt the Ruger with vx 2525 around magazines is definitely a better choice if you're looking for a gun that's not only cheap to shoot and easy to take hunting but also something that might potentially serve you as a defensive fire all right if you get in a situation where you have to use the 22 rifle for defense the 1022 leaves them all behind that gun I think holds 12 rounds in the magazine and when that's over with you got to basically reload that like a muzzle loader yet take 3 about loading the Ruger you can you can stay behind cover or whatever you need to do and put a new mag in this rifle here is a winchester Model 70 and 300 Winchester Magnum this is a very nice rifle I've got one of these myself I actually have one of the Ruger m77 mark two all weathers and 300 Win Mag that I put in a nice lightweight boyd's laminate stock it's a great gun but for the first time gun buyer again this is something that's very impractical 300 Win bags definitely not a weakling when it comes to recoil it's got a lot of recoil it's a very powerful cartridge it's got a hell of a lot of kick to it if you're a lighter frame person you definitely want to get some experience shooting rifles before you get into something like this 300 Winchester Magnum ammo is definitely not cheap you're going to spend about $2 a shot for factory stuff even when you're hand loading you're still going to spend about 80 cents a shot these things hold like around 70 grains of powder in terms of your powder charge so this is another example of how I mean while when winchester model 70 is a wonderful gun it's not near as practical for first-time rifle buyer I mean this is just one of those things it's a real specific type use for this gun and that's not something I'd recommend for first-time rifle buyer and you have to think too that the choice of the hunting rifle depends on where you are and I'm hearing George you do you don't need anything more than a 270 or 30 out six to do anything you need to do 13:06 is really it's powerful you need to go for deer hunting in Georgia and it's probably the most versatile calibers with now if you want to have a high-powered semi-automatic rifle and you want to get into a really good one as a first gun and your content or you've decided that you've got to have that type of gun to start out with I'd recommend a nice Smith & Wesson M&P 15 in a flattop you can get in camo and black they come in a few different calibers this particular one is a 300 blackout caliber which is a wonderful setup if you're starting a gun collection from the ground up or if you're starting to get into guns for the first time then caliber choice is not going to hugely be a big deal anyway because you're already going to have to stock up on a reloading dies ammo whatever you're going to use to support that gun from the ground up anyway the beauty of a 300 blackout rig is that you can buy two to three upper slap it on and then you got access to both calibers the 300 and the two to three and they all take the same magazine and this is a very proven set up most of your MP 15s are going to come in a standard direct gas impingement setup nothing wrong with that just make sure you keeping it clean and then run fine for you very proven setup again you can get this in camo and black a rig like this is going to start out around 13 and work up from there depending on where you get them and everything like that we do have these in stock ready to sell so definitely not the cheapest first option but if you want to go with a real nice setup and investment great setup from the ground up this is a nice thing to get into and only go up in value so for our potential AR Gunners on a budget we do have the Smith & Wesson M&P 15 sport rifle this is a very slick little rig and we have sold quite a few of these and people have been very pleased with them what this is is their basic M&P 15 setup but with a few things changed on it to make it a little bit cheaper for them to sell from one it lacks a forward assist like the military version it also likes a dust cover it also lacks a hinge floor plate on the where the trigger guard is some people might see that as a big deal or whatever but for me it doesn't really make a difference in fact I like that a one billet piece it seems like it's a lot sturdier other than that it's pretty much your your standard AR all the controls are the same disassembly procedures are the same standard a2 heavyweight barrel with a one and eight twist five five six chamber comes with a mag poem bus in the back so that way nice thing about this I think they realized that a lot of people hate buying a flat top and then having to buy optics but this gives you the option to go right to the range and play with it immediately having the backup site and I'm glad that Smith & Wesson realize that that was a good thing to do you need a backup site anybody need a backup site anyway I know optics on ARS are popular now they also shift with 130 round PMAG which is wonderful set up very nice setup for the first time gun buyer that wants an automatic if you like the a case system this is one of the better guns you can get us a washer 10 century oh it takes 75 round drum 40 shot box 30 shot box 20 shot box this is your basic ak-47 it's built over a Romanian receiver now we've had a little problem with with century in the past but they've always done good on the guns but most of the time these guns run very well and it's cost of under $600 for this gun right here if you like the a K system this is probably the way to start and for you first time a k buyers I did post about a 15 minute long primer on chopping for an 8 a and some of the stuff that you guys want to look forward just search for that on my youtube channel it's on there and that's a pretty detailed video that shows you guys some of the things to look for there are some good washers out there there's some good sensory guns out there but some of them kind of vary in terms of quality and fit and finish and all that sort of stuff but generally they've been getting a little better if it's going to run it runs oh yeah if it doesn't run it will show up right away and have century will make the ride my first a K was a Worcester and Tony I shot that thing to hell him back I bet I put about three or four thousand rounds through it without a single stoppage and it shot reasonably good what you got to remember to off the Graco pistol century drink open house another we have never had a profit break those things around like a scalded dog that little meanie that raised got that suckers never missed a link oh yeah never run off the bump stick and everything else I'm real pleased with the breakout pistols but hopefully this video when is you guys in the right direction if you're thinking about buying your first gun I know there's a lot of people that have generally been kind of on the fence about being a first-time gun owner and I know there's a lot of questions that kind of develop from it and that's why we made this video and hopefully some of you that are watching my channel for the first time maybe this is the first video you've seen of ours we invite you to stick around subscribe you know check out some of our other stuff I know sometimes the humour factor can kind of get a little crazy you know sometimes we post some stuff that's a little funny and a little little humorous but for the most part we're real serious people when we take the gun industry seriously we take our fellow gun owners seriously and ultimately the reason for having this YouTube page is to pass on what we hope is good credible information from people in the industry and people that do it every day and that's why we're here so you may see a little comic relief ever nanion but when we're talking about guns we're dead serious you so love we appreciate y'all watching and y'all well this is Eric and Barry signing off
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 1,164,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gun, gripes, 27, first, time, buyer
Id: YdTcBx5KXeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2012
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