We Bare Bears - Season 1 Marathon | Cartoon Network | Cartoons for Kids

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ah oh man snake you are a riot one more knock knock come on just one more lay it on me that is a good one buddy ah it's getting a little chilly you cold here wait right here all right here you are ah you're going to look so handsome hey man I don't want you to take this the wrong way but I didn't really know what to make of you at first but I'm really glad you decided to tag along oh that must be the pizza hey uh snake I kind of like to keep a low profile you mind Pizza I got pizz here for Mr snakon is uh is that you oh yes of course his his yes it was me do you like my scarf a good friend gave it to me I'll take the pizza now hiss his uh that'll be $20 of course you wait right there I'm going to get my snake wallet now there's bound to be 20-ish bucks here somewhere he hey thanks for helping me out back there by the way you did a really good job I've actually never been able to get a pizza delivered like that before Oh you tired all right you just take a rest here oh you like my statues yeah I'll make one of you next time we hang out man those took ages to make aha perfect change no what are you doing stop spit those out ah man I told you how hard I worked on these the Bears really loved them why'd you do that well where you going now what that's it no apology you really hurt my feelings man huh man I thought you liked your scarf you're just going to leave it here man you're a horrible friend don't look at me hello did you find your snake wallet mean snake can't trust new friends these days huh whoa what did you see that come on I bet we can get this on the [Music] news there he is get [Music] [Music] him man his feet really are big now smile and say CH slay Larry help me Larry you came back for me I'm so sorry we fought buddy can we be friends again I'll take that as a yes oh the party we got to get these pieces of the bear stat the grubers arrived got the pizzas right here fellas where' everybody go oh got late went home had fun thanks oh they had a good time huh and I couldn't have done it without you this was such a fun day maybe we [Music] can oh is that your family oh they're beautiful I guess you got to go then we can hang out again some other time go be with your [Music] family hey you're back what's that you're doing there is this a scarf hey I love it hey you want to slice a pizza for the road all righty then thank you friend skulling through the Wilderness like a phantom creeping stealthily through the underbrush it's possible that the true nature of this hairy creature will never be known but perhaps just perhaps there is something beautiful something Majestic in his solitude [Music] oh look at his little DRS sorry boys that's a resounding no wait what yes get out thank you wait wait hold on I have questions wait wait I'm going back in wait Griz come on man we know now for sure that we're not cut out for this and that's okay can we please just go home now ice bear been sleeping for 15 minutes don't you get it this is it this is our chance to make more friends than we've ever had come on G we've had enough you're being kind of a a dingo whoa no need to roll out the dword don't sweat it I'm going sort this all out with Nom Nom oh my gosh that's him there he goes now's our chance R stop come back where are you going don't leave I got him get to the front thanks man you all right sir yeah I think somebody bit me by mistake but it doesn't really hurt gross get out of here you Bear's got Moxy what can I do for you buddy ah awesome I knew you were a chill guy oh sorry it's just I've been a really big fan since like this morning and there's just so much I want to ask you ask away yes okay well so my brothers and I made this video and we did a bunch of stuff there was a baby and dancing wow pretty cool right they just give them to you when you're internet famous you like chocolate oh yeah why what oh man being internet famous is crazy cool so anyway we pull it up on the internet and waited forever but why don't you just pull it up for me oh yeah sure oh yeah yep yep yep here it is oh oh where am I really nice [Music] yeah oh interesting staging baby that's cool stuff man exactly oh I'm so glad you're into it dude you're so cool you must have tons of friends too right right buddy I've got the maximum amount of friends on all social media sites so you guys must have brunch together all the time and stuff wait how do you fit that many people into a cafe you need at least 12 pictures of juice no no no no no are you kidding me I'm famous man I really don't have time time for that sort of thing what hanging out in person is a thing of the past buddy get with it also friends are usually too loud or have Schmutz all over their faces and I have servants really yummy food the internet I think you can agree I don't need anything else and that being the case hilarious see you later friend why is this working oh it's open oh uh Hey guys so sorry I took so long to get home I got juice pul free I thought maybe we could drink it together and also I just wanted to say uh it's okay okay Grizz no big a I didn't know you cared some don't ditch ice bear fair enough actually we have a surprise for you Grizz really rad oh wait I can't move okay open it's just our video look closer ooh check the comments o a real comment guys this is great we got to celebrate cheers [Music] well this is the place evil number where do you see our stuff oh he has our stuff all right let's [Music] [Music] move 911 what's your emergency right now Jones inbounds the ball shot clock at 18 waves the screen off wait Griz what's the plan well I'm going to go in there and get our stuff back what if he's I don't know crazy I what if he works out he could hurt our faces and stuff ice bear wants to get moving okay okay okay we'll go in ninja style and here they come down the stretch looks like they're running a play for him in the right block with under a minute left he draws the second Defender he shattering the ball handler beautifully Oh What a Beautiful pass they get the defensive rebound all Oakland jerseys in the paint and what a slap yeah who are you guys ball is loose everyone scrambling for it who come up with it he throws a pass to the left side dangerous skip pass to cross he's got it th back he's out of bounds he's lost it it's Panda here help guys Panda be careful we're coming out you'll never get our stuff evil doer that was close fellas this is the police we have you surrounded give up now this is all a big mistake we were just getting back our stuff see wait what action buddies this isn't ours it's mine dummy I rented it an hour ago what the uh so innocent mistake not our stop no harm no foul right those guys have been running around the city destroying stuff they ruined my t-shirts Dan those guys came into my restaurant and ordered only ice water hey we tipped yeah with a TBL mat drawing jump now we will catch you and then put you in jail do the right thing okay Brothers group huddle I'm not going to lie it's not looking good looks like the real criminal might have been us and now we must face the consequences no please jump one at a time slowly hey guys if we go down we do it together I repeat do not jump all at once do not 1 2 3 G do not oh they all jump huh FBI is this your bag my phone my wallet I bear bought these legally you boy sure did us a huge favor stumbling upon those criminals pigeon cartel is one of the most elusive of criminal gangs ah so that pigeon of the park really was misleading us Oh you mean this guy he's actually been working undercover for us where's a wire and everything ain't that the cutest thing nobody's pressing charges but don't ever do that again thanks again good night you guys want to watch a [Music] movie I'd like to introduce to you all the topic of my report Bears I took the time to locate and study three bear specimens of the northern California region and have compiled my facts on them to share with you today let's start with the next slide you thought you knew about bears you don't nothing can recreate the Majesty of a bear overlooking his realm more often than not Bears can be found saving the human race from themselves bears are also the cleanest of this planet's creatures they bathe an astonishing three times a month Bears have evolutionized to be masters of all kinds of combat Bears have more than eight ABS with New Abs being discovered every day Bears have lots of feelings and that's a beautiful thing bears are smart congratulations bear in conclusion Majestic action Brazilian jiujitsu magic sity [Music] competence I um I promise that what it wasn't what Chloe I think it's very apparent to me and everyone else in this classroom that you put no actual Research into this project I really did do the research I nothing in your report was is based on any scientific fact why is she so angry that was all true pardon me student what did you think about that AB slide very cool and accurate right I have no choice but to issue you an incomplete I thought you were more mature than this please take your seat wait your honor please we have a confession to make we are not actually the handsome rap scallions you see before you we are in fact be Bears we're Chloe's friends and we excuse me are also sorry the ones who wrote that report she really did do research we just wanted to make it more exciting I'm really sorry I'm sorry too we were such fools ice bear feels shame pardon me um now that you guys are up there would you mind telling me whether it's true that bears have horrible dental hygiene I also wanted to know is there an evolutionary benefit for Bears having such big behinds are bears dogs um those are some very nice uh revealing questions you got there uh I don't know if we all right let's do this one we are not dogs B our butts look awesome and C my dentist says my teeth are getting better keep those questions coming we're answering all of them [Music] number good job in there yeah that was great hey Chloe we're going to watch this new TV show back at our place you want to come I don't know you guys I have another test to study for oh all right then yay also bring more gummies ice bear will share his secrets about other Bears [Music] [Laughter] mostly wait a minute Lucy we're late and the door's locked quick give me a coat hanger and some gum I know a way don't that works too is everything all right are you sure you're not sick too nope all good here no vomit on me are you twoo ready to order uh why don't you go first oh sure uh just give me a second um you know I've heard it's best to fully immerse yourself in your menu like this you guys need a minute um how long do we immerse ourselves that little sneak he's still playing the game and he's got Lucy in on it game [Music] on woohoo good menu sesh right I got really immersed there yeah anyway I'll have the Thai noodle salad please mhm and for you sir egg for Tata it is then oh no this restaurant is too happening we need another way [Music] in about time it's crazy in here phase one successful now all we need to do is get through this kitchen here we go follow my lead thank goodness you're here take this a table for this to 17 2 for 18 and water for 50 through 70 and come right back when you're through we made it hey you know what I really like moving tables into dark Corners Panda wait so do you do this every time you eat out or your meal my good sir and may I just say excellent choice so where is that Panda know I saw him around here somewhere waiter panda is there a reason wow look at that table over there oh there you guys are thank you uh here mind if we squeeze in here oh is this a birthday congratulations Panda do you even know these people waa what's under here Panda oh hey Lucy what's up what's up what what do you mean we're hiding under a table what no we're not hiding it's just atmospheric down here atmospheric Panda you've been dragging me around all evening I'm not really hungry anymore maybe we should just call it a night no no no don't go we're having a great time everything's going perfectly it's only going to get more fun there you guys are I have your see more fun panda I think that was my order huh it had peanuts in it hey panda panda you there is my little Pam pan there there he is what what happened oh man it wasn't pretty you had a major allergic reaction you were flopping all over you flipped the table there was food everywhere am I missing anything vomit oh yeah lots of vomit oh no what about Lucy she was here earlier but she had to leave she left you something though she says you didn't get the chance to eat so she saved your dish for you are you doing okay there buddy kind of I mean I thought Lucy was um I I really liked um I'm so dumb wait did did you like her dude you should have just told us we would have totally gotten out of your way ice bear would have been less Charming it's cool you guys I'm just a little embarrassed I guess don't be we're always here for you man you probably didn't have a chance though huh this guy adopted a jar of pickles it just goes on and on they forget about their families and friends and sometimes just become total Hermits I think one thing is certain ice be sees where this is going we have to do something about that burrito burrito huh what the uh burrito hey come back here kidnappers don't hate us please oh it smells so bad oh my hand is Juiced as on [Music] it ow we're just trying to help you Grizz this burrito is driving you insane Griz needs burrito uh up the tower dudes why are you doing this I need to be with burito burito complet me Chris please it's wrong to be dependent on something so unnatural we are doing this for you let me cradle burit we're concerned because we love dude stop it not R you need to understand what a Chris I'm sorry I'm so I'm so sorry Chris are you okay oh oh my gosh we we didn't mean to we didn't think it would we could still fix it put this right there there see Griz it's not so bad we could just put it back together oh that was so [Laughter] unpleasant I'm sorry if I was acting weird you guys we were really worried there oh don't worry about it I feel good as new come on on let's head home ICE bear demands everyone showers hm I wonder why I was so obsessed with that burrito H I guess it doesn't [Music] [Music] matter affirmative we've secured the area and fire and rescues on the scene okay I need two men on that aerial ladder get the light in case the animal Falls [Music] it's okay little guy grab on you're safe [Music] now yeah not sure how this little fell got up there he's holding my arm so tight cute little guy I hope he doesn't get too attached I'm made us some coffee oops ah that'll wash out also I hope it's cool I invited a few friends over they wanted to check out the pad ah good morning sunshine would you mind whipping up some snacks for us more friends came than I [Music] thought you know what that's it out you go what's going on huh there's all these people outside hey is he there uh what do you want oh we're looking for a tall guy hariry really big feet we followed these Footprints here a really tall guy do you know him uh Charlie hey Charlie what's going on sorry sorry sorry sorry I didn't do anything I I don't know these guys I really don't people just follow me won't leave me alone they ruin everything I can't do anything to stop this I just hide wake up get a little more used to being alone then run to hide again I'm sorry for leading them here I should have moved on ages ago but I was having so much fun finally I made some friends and I screwed it up again oh get out of your hair soon won't have to see me again we'll take care of it man just stay right here excuse me can I have your attention my camera whoever you are looking for it's not here so you can all leave be gone what are these Footprints then and that distinctive smell and this hair everywhere we don't believe you we know he's in here somewhere oh well uh that is is Panda's girlfriend what her name is Princess yeah prove it we know he's in here somewhere prove prove please calm down everyone excuse me what's going on out here babe who are these people babe what me see no way that thing's anyone's girlfriend it's hideous thing how dare you talk to my princess that way this young lady is most definitely my girlfriend if she wasn't how come I know that she's self-conscious about the size of her head or that her fur is asymmetrical or that she dreams about being a telephone pole and doesn't know how to flush a toilet properly and she's always using my toothbrush even though she knows that hers is the blue handle actually she's just so inconsiderate sometimes I just hate her I didn't know you felt this way about me I'm sorry I'm sorry too um we're going to get out of your hair yeah maybe you should H forgive [Music] me here you go all set hey thanks for the gear I'm sorry I can't stay longer but I've been here too long already no worries we're glad you stayed you were the best first guest we could have asked for yeah thanks you guys hey take care big guy you too man uh it was nice to meet you yeah it was uh good leave us a good review on Cave share [Applause] [Music] okay too much power can really mess someone up yeah we don't need it I think I just B my taste bud off huh uh hi may I help you sir yeah I have the three extra large double meaty pizzas you ordered I didn't order pizza well I don't know they're free just take them what really gee thank you no problem oh hey I found something on your front lawn is this your jacket it's super cool here you go have a nice day um it came back you guys it's like it's drawn to us jean jacket is mean jacket whatever we do we can't give into chz what you can't eat that by eating that pizza you're accepting this evil thing's gift huh you're right we got to get rid of that [Music] thing it's a bunch of dance class coupons h enough of this be gone woo what huh stop it no stop it this jacket is haunting us guys it's clear we must return the jacket from when it came [Music] hey free cupcakes special onetime offer get completely free we have to resist the siren song to this evil jacket come on there it is all right guys on three 1 2 3 grab [Music] it chriis the jack it it CHS me I must protect it it wants me it's mine Griz no remember what it did to us you're right I I can't think clearly it's the jacket it won't release us there's nothing we can do no there is something I can do forgive me Brothers wait what are you doing I love you guys no Chris stop don't do [Music] it at least his music will live on I miss him so much huh Grizz Grizz we thought you were a gunner ice bear cried but just inside what happened in there doesn't matter that jacket will never bother us again let's go home I'm just glad things will finally be back to normal me too guys me too get out of my way we're the best of friends man nothing will ever come between us huh oh sweet jacket oh what's going on how do these guys get their money [Music] hey let's cook woohoo [Music] next next [Music] next keep them coming we got a ton of orders coming in thank you come again thank you sir oh [Music] [Music] yeah here you go sir come again oh man totally own those other food trucks hey what are you guys doing you're driving away all the customers [Music] oh you're just jealous cuz our Calon are legit hey you didn't pay for that whoa whoa whoa [Applause] whoa [Applause] [Music] fell food truckers on behalf of myself and my Bros we'd like to say our bad that food truck was all I had my food truck was passed out to me for three generations I've lost my family in the food truck I will never see them again oops never mind there they are one last picture ah wait that's it hey I'm not done posting it step off follow me food truckers to [Music] Freedom come on everyone get behind me Bros you guys up there be cool we got this under well that was kind of rude oh no better dead [Applause] [Music] run [Music] okay that's a fine for feeding the animals selling without a permit driving an unregistered truck and disturbing the pieace yeah it's not like this is the first ticket we've ever gotten thank you officer well at least we taste great what [Music] pleas don't you just you [Music] what what hey hey what's that oh what what no yes wait my Bros go I forgot all about them they must be starving by now yeah what's up hey you get away from our [Music] food I'm just trying to be a good brother I'm going to eat it all Every Flavor tropical bamboo blast hey no cuty back off oh so close pH so you guys hanging in there guys pan pan Bros sorry if I left you alone hello where are you guys H there you are I recognize that little tushy anywhere who man you don't look so hot you guys it's enough come on stop fighting uh get away get away uhhuh that's it Brothers to me and right behind her was a monstrous demon bear excuse me sorry huh that wasn't so bad no no no no hey no come on now guys be good be good ow stop that please this isn't our car ah no no no no hey no get off we're moving no no no guys guys please we keep going we're going to get off we're almost there hey no back seat driving keep [Music] going welcome to Burger boy may I take your order okay so I got one veggie Boy Burger one fish boy sandwich extra mayo and one double meaty Patty boy would that be all for you today 1634 at the second window thank you for the fast service ma' welcome to Burger boy man Burger boy always puts the perfect amount of salt in their sweet potato fries Hey so uh you guys feeling okay all good what are you talking about do you know what he's talking about Bros I'm sorry I tried to turn us into something that we're not now let's get back to our version of the wild where fish come and stick for and they froo cuffs as far as the eye can see ice bear is okay with this yeah I'm just going to have one fry P excuse me I love you guys
Channel: We Bare Bears
Views: 1,609,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: we bare bears, WBB, cartoon bears, cartoon network, CN Asia, cartoon network asia, animation, cartoons, cute cartoons, kids, kids animation, we, bare, bears, cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, funny cartoons, classic cartoons, we bare bears episodes, we bare bears charlie, we bare bears snake, we bare bears show, we bare bears funny, we bare bears cartoon, we bare bears season, we bare bear, kids cartoon, bear, bear cartoon, funny kids cartoon, chloe, teddy bear
Id: Dj6wviyMrjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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