We Bare Bears Origin Stories: Part 2 | Cartoon Network

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[Music] looking for a place where i can go these guys are high moles got their hole looking for a place for me to go my paws are breaking cause i've been walking i've seen one million trees well trees belong in the forest but where's the place for me ow huh i said ow oh what whoa look at you you look just like me [Music] finally i found my size but with stripes come on come on let's hang whoa wait a minute why are you just laying here in the middle of the train tracks well it's walking along the tracks because i thought they'd lived somewhere cool whoa cool that's what i was looking for ah but then i tripped and fell on my foot got stuck ah not cool this is my life now oh don't be a sad bear besides i'm great i'm stuck in things now off we go [Music] i'm not strong enough come on [Music] whoa that's what i'm talking about oh without me come on i'm trying come on i got you guys thanks for catching us we totally would have died like really died here's nothing oh i'm grizz by the way nice to meet you i'm panda whoa i can't believe you survived that you were amazing man the way you came in like whoosh bam and and you were like pow and then then like oh yeah yeah and i was like and i was like uh uh hey i was not like that wow we make a great team wait a second something something's coming to me hold on wait up thinking okay i just got a crazy idea what if we kept this team thing going what do you mean you know like we stick together have each other's backs and take care of each other like a family yeah exactly and that would make us brothers but we don't even look alike i know that's like the best part yeah yeah i guess it is cool i now have brothers yes let's promise that the three of us are brothers for life no matter what happens we'll always be there for each other yeah and support each other all right push for life on three one two three where's your life three bears three bears here bears over here please we gotta please huh hey what's going on here this is our turf buddy it's free country man well you're using freedom poorly yeah this is our spot we were here first cool your jets i ain't hurting no one oh we'll cool your jets you've got until a counter tend to go bye-bye make it five one two three go for the kneecap four wait what is that granola bar you guys want some thanks for letting me stay with you guys tonight it's no problem our box is the best box panda panda what's wrong our box it's gone what what what what happened where did it go i don't understand good old guy oh betrayal we should have known that granola bar didn't even have any chocolate bits in it how could you granola guy we love that box okay let's go we need to find a new box it's not a box little [Music] boxes hey panda check out how red my house is you think that's good i've got an elevator what you got hot tub microwave oh drawbridge observatory beautiful library paris flat tree launches wall firewalls hey what's happening [Music] hmm should i buy it i do want to look cool hmm okay [Music] ah i'm blind whoa you look pretty cool [Music] where are we going [Music] oh we just got a good box man yeah we're next guys to paris okay man there okay guys settle in it's gonna be a long flight to sweden ah i'm hungry we shouldn't eat him beforehand no worries pan fan it's gonna be worth it no more potatoes for us just look at that food i can see it now [Music] [Applause] all right here we go [Music] we have no treats to give you this place is really dark i don't want to be here the whole flight [Music] oh wow wow y'all doing in here keeping an eye on the sky i hope yes ma'am here's your pancakes ooh pancakes wait i have the best maple syrup in my bag it would totally make these pancakes amazing i'll be right back don't start without me what's taking here so long i guess one bite without them won't hurt right i won't tell if you won't um [Music] morning warning pilot input required losing altitude rapidly does something look off about that plane to you guys yeah probably okay where am i wait wait wait we landed did did you gosh kid you saved my butt out there is there anything i can do to repay you oh so good this tastes like heaven hey save some for me guys don't worry we can always get more this is sweden after all uh kid this ain't sweden this is boise huh why does no one like us we're never welcome anywhere chin up pan pan it's all part of being an adult [Music] huh um excuse me where are you guys going we're going to school oh no i'm going to be late hey are you coming wait what are you inviting us nobody ever wants us anywhere oh yeah you're invited come on well wait up guys oh hi my name is chris i like to eat food hi i'm panda and i'm shy oh you must have the butterflies adorable it's all right honey i like him the bestest all right bears take a seat everyone look over here [Music] that is it young man you are going to the principal's office oh gosh panda be careful the principle just stepped out for a minute [Music] [Music] dance [Music] thanks for life of a kid would watching so hard yeah i don't think school is the place for us well let's keep moving i guess i bet there's some place that'll have us like a circus oh maybe like at a police academy or football team or a single [Music] i just don't get it i thought it was coming to this adoption store would help us find a home for sure huh all right guys time to call tonight bedtime stack just like we practice okay bros let's suit up all we gotta do is wait that's strange or the last ones huh what [Music] is [Music] it's you that's totally them all right oh i was sure someone would have bought them by now there they are oh man i can't believe it oh my gosh it's even cuter in person guys they love good luck brothers bye guys see ya [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] all right new buddy welcome to your new home what a new buddy [Music] wow i don't know man maybe japan you can walk there right i think so [Music] hmm um um we're not raccoons eh a little bear please don't kill us ah three little bears it's okay come on out i won't talk to you guys manny what was that can we give some water please [Music] thanks for saving us from the heat man don't call me ma'am i'm kazumi i'm grizz panda and this is wait wait don't tell me your name must be shirocha oh you guys are just adorable oh you poor bears must be hungry well i'm making ramen would you like some what's a ramen i'll literally eat anything yeah we'll have some [Music] okay here we go hmm oh no my bad hmm so do you like it huh well it's uh soupy and uh noodles food ready father sorry for the weight what it's not kokugori but it's not ramen either there's no broth what's happening it's my own creation this is new special summer i'm in perfect for a hot summer day [Music] [Music] hmm he's never finished a bowl of my ramen before uh because of me [Music] folks step right up come see the adorable bears for sale just 25 cents for free even whatever fits into your budget all right bros time to step up our game do you pose pan pam [Music] adorable now you little bro oh so adorable i'll make you a deal you can stay if you help bring in customers well just until someone wins us right we're trying to get adopted huh adopted oh yeah sure right okay louis you got a mic and some fresh beets you know let's show these nice people what real fun looks like [Music] kick it pan kick it kick it [Music] this is rigged come on bros let's go elsewhere i can't allow that you're staying whether you like it or not no let us [Music] [Music] dang nice shot grizz that was smart you know i was actually in for the bottles oh wait what am i saying i got you rose there you go now let's blow this popsicle stamp goodbye lewis you flood the freedom listen sorry about it earlier my dude please tell something good the road ahead will be tough but as long as you stick together your future will be happy and good also you will live in a cave whoa this is from forever ago back when we first came to the city hey i remember this well here it is the penthouse whoa this is massive oh this is crazy ice bear has never seen a larger play pen we just moved here to the city that's wonderful where were you guys living before the cardboard box what's funny and here we have the deluxe industrial refrigerator i'll get started on the paperwork you'll be able to move in as soon as we get first month's rent actually we can pay right now uh looks like i have about 11 i have 76 cents ice bear has recyclable bottle i fixed that door okay i kick your cat if you don't like so you like i don't know about this cool man this is like the only place we could afford what's wrong ice bear will wait outside oh hey little friend you must be homeless too you went in on our dreams here just dream about it hey where you going you can't have that get back here with our dreams no come back we gotta find some shelter huh quick in [Music] there iceberg does not approve it's just for one night oh huh guys wake up you got to see this oh where are we nice morning yeah i slept really well this place isn't so bad ice bear not entirely opposed yeah this place is great [Applause] new window i spare his maid front door [Music] you
Channel: Cartoon Network
Views: 10,972,482
Rating: 4.6334677 out of 5
Keywords: We Bare Bears
Id: C5kR-exHmr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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