Gulfstream G-IV Full Flight Engine Start to Shutdown KFXE-KPBI - Pilot VLOG 53

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Kind of the opposite of Jerry...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/joejoejoey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gonna miss these two in the cockpit together...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mikesznn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pristine crew coordination, need to show parts of this to my students.

Edit: grammar, cause I talk good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/capt9859 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lane_Meyers_Camaro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ah man, makes me miss John lol


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/canadianbroncos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My nutcracker is always tested

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lane_Meyers_Camaro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was neat to watch, thanks for posting!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Megaphyte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

two things: What is up with pulling back the yoke until it shakes during startup, and what are the "bings/dongs" you hear.....just random alert tones, or something specific?

edit: also, the black wheel with white bits between the seats and the center counsel? I'd expect maybe AP trim, but when he was landing, it still moved randomly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CarbonGod πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey what's up guys sean and john here living the corporate pilot life we're about to fire up the engines here in just a couple minutes we're sitting in Fort Lauderdale executive heading up to West Palm Beach International quick flight so I know a lot of you guys have been wanting to see like the whole flight everything that we do from engines start the engine shut down that's all we're gonna do today so before we start the engines I'm gonna get all the cameras run it and I'm gonna show you guys the whole thing unedited as long as John doesn't drop some that bombs over here okay so here we go we're gonna start the engines alright Sean you ready let's do it clean all right it's clear on the right two lights HP's Turner Eastern it a piece positive all the pressures coming up [Music] you shouldn't shut up roll back [Music] it's a good stable engine okay it's clear the last two lights HP's turnin helped Eastern Prussia take it around hunter five six three hours ago everyone three god Carter five six three alpha taxi via Bravo Nova person Archer five six 3 alpha executive ground taxi via Bravo November the ramp [Music] I'll leave it in landing zip line six nine executive ground which snacks we coming out of Robert's ready predicative gravitation eight eight six high Papa's off of nine on the vember for Banyan 6 Charlie Papa executive ground thank you via alpha hold short runway 1 3 at alpha 1 3 off with a stick type up good afternoon ground layer 4 or 5 5 echo alpha over Banyan ready to taxi I'm up I'm up 6 9 runway Niner TAC tevia Bravo echo Niner Fiat Bravo at curved lines exercise shuffle any other graphic over all the way up yes it Lear no over one five five echo off we're currently over Bandung ready to Texas number four five five echo alpha to ground you coming out Bravo two that's from capture starts with runway Niner TAC to the upper classroom Oh Electric Master left not here air is audience if you [Applause] clothes lights up I'm sorry controller is landing auto booster pumps cross-flow all on and closed as well steering is on now pedal straight disconnect it is normal aux hydraulic pump is armed brake test checked after engine starts are complete you ready to taxi mama knows we've been really busy here let's see with you someone secular ground presidential 69 Bravo 4 ready to taxi residence of 69 executive ground runway liner taxi via Bravo echo Bravo echo runway nine presidential 16 November on Bravo 4 off the directional traffic ok hold short of November on Bravo presidential season clear the laps 20 taxi checklist go for Wonder limo Rumia taxi via alpha hold short of taxiway Bravo spot Bravo [Applause] November 8 8 6 charlie papa detective you left turn on runway 1 3 right on November 2 Banyan less than 1/3 right on the banjo citation number 4 words earlier Romeo hold short 6 lights for exiting aircraft off runway Niner holy for a Bob over Lima Romeo tears are checked all right November was coming in or out of November is what I want to know all right exterior lights are good as we need them cow lowing Eddie ice assuming it's gonna be the citation not needed for a day 6 Charlie Papa make the right turn November 2 Banyan the Gulf Stream will shorten November November and go through the whole process a sorry papa [Music] taxi via straight ahead number have a right turn access position of the ramp to 6 is the comm meter 30 26 centipedes are over there hold short of continue your attacking hold short of taxiway echo for an hour ok continue Tashia Bravo hold short of echo for the islander presidential 69 that goes the next one I wonder turning right onto echo kitchen a via Bravo echo four Niner ok we give away to the Islander Bravo echo runway now presidential 6990 Lapierre continue straight ahead if you remember hours of its fuel tips all white three zero zero and three on the hydraulics I see APU is shut down and secured zero Lima Romeo thief that guns being Bravo I'll go behind the go through to the really Borromeo good we can continue just we can surely don't think your breath away Romeo Romeo presidential six nine sixty nine brother dizzy over here today oh yeah hey seven five Charlie Delta executive ground favorite briefing you're driving rights to take off standard stuff on the runway off runway nine anything happens prior to eighty we're gonna stop for everything eighty-two v1 will stop for the big stuff fire failure TR deployment loss of directional control after v1 we're taking it to the air questions no questions keep it slow and keep it 200 knots you know till we get at least north of Pompano they're just for any kind of traffic coming out of it sounds the departure is on we set that one for ya I got to switch to the tower first nineteen seven right that's it gets good it is all right you got tower and departure set I think that's Julio's g3 go stream zipline 59:2 a lesson in three three zero runway Niner clear for takeoff three three zero runway Niner clear for takeoff the plane six nine rolling tonight to zero as soon as people beginning let's turn to the northwest a Gulfstream is departing behind you taking left the third night for our conservative lens you must depart in jet from when an external approach after low approach turn left off with maintain VFR yellow over you guys clear low approach runway 9 and then a left turn or was what they departed for go right November 7th a pervert traffic on a three mile final say and Tesla remain an aquiline when I die further I say my dear smoking is he yeah overnight a few traffic LEM o'clock and to mouth off Manchester 900 hot Sun is get the traffic and I have zero tough today however the service activity of our topic in sight Papa Roger Lea four five five echo are for cosmic surplus departing Gulfstream to left it in three three zero Eric my Niner still for takeoff winds view then as you and Nana turn left heading a330 clever take off from went under 455 across the playa I think use the one that said hey departure by Katrina Turkey 96 0 figure details of food for their pack ago it's a good-looking Lear this presidential 69 XD I saw a within a far relief with Miami Department Roger we will wait we will wait and wait yeah it's busy out there look good yeah a couple airplanes going executive tower two five seven twenty to the southeast with Romeo I don't like seven empty right now throwing on a report of a pentagram e departure overdue partner father karma hello fight severe the novel water island just run home and I don't ever write the verify room you we do have helped me out to five seven going down to twelve other people Oakley we're only burning two hundred and twenty gallons an hour sitting here yeah right glad we took extra fuel yeah Saturnalia conformation see record with you is 0 1 0 s ability 0 2 4 24:59 turn left it in 3 3 0 runway and on it off what around three-30 clear takeoff runway not presidential except alright let's see here if your bleeds are on APU shut down isolation valves closed exterior lights you got him I got him ground spoilers you stand up I'm up numbers are boxed transponder is on 30 heading 2,000 feet okay I'll keep it rolling yeah I I did full power so a little heavy that's fine arson all right air speeds alive both side 60 hold 80 with the cross-check you know your neck but I kind of stay outside for a second Oh departure presidential 69 it's good frequency in there Miami a person worth three zero two three radar contact below Oh departure presidential sixty nine thirteen or deployment of two thousand three thousand presidential 69 i clear two three yeah there's three thousand see three thousand here we go still it we're gonna have I'd you want to go to four three all right straight ahead we're clear but I I give you auto speed okay that's right you ready out there here's up self-guidance panel secured exterior lights won't be here today it is bumpy I just think we're not gonna use oscillators or if we use off all right climb checks are completed okay maintain 4000 presidential 1606 what's on your clear visual peripheral - okay well they said this little cleared the approach with my heads down for Central Executive area and you insane Julia Julia point nine are you - three Julia Mike presidential six iron contact zombies the first one to five point two twenty five two presidential six it ends here November zero ceremony ensues is 0.66 Charlie Bravo public your first official robbers just checking in currently at Bhima CI heading southbound on the shoreline know everything - six Charlie Brown s is a pipeline charger yeah hello Beach presidential 69 Oh with you at five thousand president as the 69 Palm Beach approach information Romeo Starnet cemetery freezer up to three expect actors are no one's your left leg fractures ones are left presidential system take our 226 baggage perch all right I'm back Romeo variable at six ten miles scattered at 4500 feet 26 1026 1630 25 and they're using ten last one 38 still rapping at 10,000 feet 4880 required okay I'll run through the crews check real quick power set the Prez it's set for landing at this point no panel sweep is good in the FMS fuel clarity that's fine right ready into the discrete presidential so you sit up all right for all right crew brief planning on visual for my one zero left I saw you had the ILS in there to back it up I like that I can see the airport right here alright F Abbas is initialized the flight instruments navigates course selection decision height marker briefing in the area BL any ice preservation again it's still set for landing circuit breakers and on the right in on the left kill goosebumps 66 Charlie Brown the trails are staring on it clear in o'clock two miles he thought up indicates 500 parking brake is off traffic exhale you take you laters up the next six nine where these feet of one Niner zero now one-niners are our presidential 69 she's taking a sweet time to lose his speed here yeah we got a +4 inside of five miles right here at 11:30 11 o'clock rotor wash progress in a mile 600 feet if you don't survive a climb immediately turn left hitting zero another zero six six re probably have the traffic here right off our one o'clock here looks like he's heading outbound he found we're approaching range you ready do it altimeter 's I got three zero two three four eight and our chat is 25 of the fields 25 at the field is off the flaps good - all right he's down at plus 200 left 18.4 to be ref go around 138 the ref go around powers all set up okay patrolling pressure it is three three zero zero all right Xterra lights as required a pulse light on oxide Rollins coaching ranges are done the point line is you're gonna turn right heading three six zero maintain 4,500 probably right almost in those clouds to be honest with you right here - seven zero they don't so close those plums three six zero three six residential 16 November 2 Niner two - a230385 [Applause] president change his mind yeah presidents of six iron contact I'll be cheaper 24.6 24 six presidential 69 first excel file so let me go to say what's out there charlie astray contact our low and i know if i want to certified to clear you for your mother sally victor looking for lower and everything astray traffic ten o'clock and two miles 1600 the pipe is unknown if you don't think that way it's gonna go we have cross over the top no problem good thing I read you think you have I see Airport inside the airport five major thing icicle official first my ones are left maintain one seven zero not Susilo five-mile finally in contact our one minor point one to the final like that we're clear for the personnel policy retailers essential 69 turn right heading of zero seven zero two seven nineteen mm somebody having 2000 presidential 1600 maintain 5,000 wearing the workload I see two thousand per second you got it definitely might think they're really see the q10 let's beat the lens data right now James want to do one for us 11 o'clock six miles northbound 3000 security stuff with 1555 side in order to give a few percent I maintain 4,000 you did we're doing at 50 is because my enemies or an energy respect that there's the final system maintained side no one home at Atlantic zero five thousand three months ago problem first one to eight point three where to that colossal apply heading up zero six two zero zero six zero zero six zero four three one shouldn't separate out the early ones I saw me to first one to eight point three percent of maintain 4,000 a sexy Alice one very less oppose Senate a 4050 rs10 left jump with 1943 no I'm gonna go a tree to see that u10 blowing t10 someone's heading over one Niner zero Southwest 1555 ready to see the two one zero to just be 1555 right so that's a while so reduce speed to one eight zero 151 turn left heading 180 0 then descend maintain 2000 another let me go introduce either one eight zero she doesn't want me to do it president still 69 TURN RIGHT 30 degrees and Johanna localizers iZombie since I got it runways in sight presidential 69 presidential 69 so visual approach runway ones are left off at 130 heavy x-ray alpha don't something I think you're ready to see two one eight zero one I said what up everybody stuff I definitely think there is one five miles in size amazing two thousand twelve hours on the localizer for the iOS ones are less approach to maintain 179 contact our one minor point 1 1901 will see a presidential 69 beach tower good afternoon presidential 69 divisional pennilyn tonight Bobby sour ones are left in Phoenix have all the position everyone's are left presidential six you know flap Stephanie's speed checks been selected well POTUS way 10 is indicated tribe agrees I'm just gonna be a right turn off ya got 1141 contactor partner toddler 41 good day today somebody right underneath this here spine is this - how's a helicopter down there yeah speech x20 selected I don't see him twenties indicated just south of us he's way down there yeah alright stooop you're down before landing checks colony 187 probably experts on like five of my only I will cross down the deal one is there a lamp on a point went up for a look pretty great no Reds Nutcracker is tested ground spoilers our arm casts is clear warnings inhibited air start ignition we don't aid ending full flaps its do full flaps speed checks full selective is your thanks right turn right on the runway one form is awesome just continue a little that we are still not clear lamp correct flaps full indicator stay in the parking problem okay down the runway than a right turn at Foxtrot to contact ground point nine for Atlantic at Foxtrot to just the landing clearance call any one eighty seven one zero left flavor take huh let's roll of clear for takeoff colony one eight seven presidential sick you know anyone's there like clear to land but why don't turn left presidential 69 I would cuddle and I see that they're playing on the runway he's rolling already approaching one zero left that's Ted left three green the flaps are folders are cleared to land five hundred 400 - ten were synced a 300 200 carne 187 contact departure call anyone you saw him Hawker for thing a probe up on these heroines are left planet Chevy's on a five-mile bottle gentle a flying open way for example 40 light slope 2010 order out you got six lights 188 dots 70 knots left right down field in front of you burned a presidential 16 idle hard old hotel here all right sir hotel ground point nine four Atlantic what nine for Atlanta Koza dental sealant thanks grandpa Delta Lima Victor Tommy Sarah continued traffic is holding a position I'm steering points for 151 expect landing clearance final position for November echo through your help Trump is an interest 69 10 left hotel to Atlantic presidential 69th Activia Lima November wrong it to a line across from the way one for Lima November Romeo to Atlantic presidential 69 cross runway 3 certified 61 complete across one four three two and leave a Juliet to aviation is that jet 561 number four five four zero Romeo might pull up and hold short of echo for me please alright here's an active runway it's clear the last night Sarang it's clear on the right there's nobody over there at all take it 1:06 micro me like a doctor these victims my 1:06 micro me a Palm Beach County customs run away Mattia Clarence already pick up after landing checks upstairs Kowloon wing is off any ice heaters are off whose pumps are off three to the ocean okay to the left echo fox Lima clear across I'm sorry the etsu is up everyone Joe fix microvia hotel Lima Keela figured for a hotel yep that across Weber I'm Kiel or another vice I'm gonna take Micro me or femoris buddy make sure you make a left turn onto Fox they go Fox shot right down the hotel and then cross run only on for taxi lights off all right we gonna make girl hanging right right here that are on my mistakes micro me from Anna Freud town next actually that's hotel takes if you a hotel Lee my cute little signature cross runway one for all right I'll leave a kilo some girls fairway 151 so East 151 palm beach girl taxi via Charlie I just Charlie turned or going to one all right 15 minutes 13,000 pounds alright guys so we made it to Palm Beach obviously I've already changed into my uniform getting the passengers to show up pretty smooth flight procedure wise but bumpy flight air wise so it's hard to see the turbulence through the end of the camera but if you look at the european time time's itself we're here all is good if you guys want to see the continuation and the the trip you have to come back to the next episode we are loading them up heading up to New Jersey here in just a few minutes so come back for the next one keep living the corporate pilot life see you guys
Channel: Corporate Pilot Life
Views: 783,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Airplane, Plane, Gulfstream, G-IV, G4, GIV, Fly, Flying, Pilot, Pilot Life, Cockpit, Approach, Landing, Jet, Touchdown, Takeoff, Departure, Depart, Arrive, Arrival, Cockpit View, ATC, Air Traffic Control, Aircraft, Airport, Flight Attendant, Private, Private Jet, Corporate, GoPro, Dash, Radio, Communication, Fun, Adventure, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, KFXE, FXE, KPBI, PBI, Start, Engine, Startup, Taxi, Land, Autopilot, Swamp, Cloud, IFR, VFR, IMC, VMC, Ramp, Shutdown, Fuel, Thrust, Fast, Rich, Famous, Sexy, Travel
Id: K-0VC4-Xa4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
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