Bora Bora Is AMAZING!! - Pilot VLOG 084

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hey what's going on guys Shawny are live in the corporate pilot life we are in Bora Bora right now cutting leaked last night and it is absolutely beautiful out here check out the the surroundings and the bungalows were staying in these are the little bungalows on top of the water absolutely amazing water out here there's Jon's little bungalow over here next door butternut Francine on this trip we got another girl her name is Andrea who you guys would probably meet her here in a little while say hello to her her bungalows over there somewhere but we're gonna go get some scooters gonna explore the island it's a tiny little island it's only like 2 or 3 miles wide something like that so I think we can ride the scooters all the way around it in like an hour or maybe so we're gonna go find some scooters go check this place out see what kind of fun we can have I think we may rent a boat maybe tomorrow and go squid snorkeling it's fishing we don't know we're gonna see what we can find so come along have some have some fun with us [Music] alright guys I told you we had a new girl with us this is Andrea we're out here hanging out there's some kind of a yuca competition or something we're not really sure what this is but but it's some kind of a local event that we've stumbled on so hang out a little bit and go keep ridin scooters [Music] so there's only one landmark that we were able to find on this island some world war two gun that I guess is still up here somewhere we didn't realize we were gonna be climbing like a 30% grade in flip-flops to get up to it but when in Rome do as the Romans do right yeah don't fall down so we climbed up all this Hill about died getting up here and this is what we get the remains of the gun just the little turret left that's it but there's a nice view out here quite beautiful there's another one another one another one up turret let's go see what the other one is okay this one at least has a barrel attached to it still good thing John was paying attention that thing could send some artillery John's in the back of the boat he's driving we're enjoying Bora Bora right now lines out trolling for something to bite it we'll see what happens fish [Music] [Music] [Music] the pliers I got a beautiful little guy yeah cause it's maxed up with Oh all right buddy thank you catching fish in the South Pacific well we just had lunch at this cooler restaurant supposedly like the first restaurant ever on the island or something like that called Bloody Mary's here in Bora Bora it was pretty good food it's probably the best food that we found so far there's a little board they're a huge board there with dollar bills on it so we put it up put a dollar bill corporate pilot life anybody that can find that I'll send you a t-shirt if you're able to get there take a picture of it send it to me I want to see if anybody can find it we're gonna walk around a little bit enjoy the day it's a beautiful day a little windy here today but walk around make our way back to the hotel find something else to do so rather than call a cab to take us back to the hotel someone decided we should walk back to the hotel it's like 30 minutes down this road like the only Road on the entire island goes all the way around I don't know whose idea this was it may have been but we get a wonderful view of the ocean so we got off the road taking the beach path how amazing is this absolutely beautiful all right guys we decided to go night fishing I'm sorry for the crappy footage the best thing I got on me is an iPhone well we hooked up to something we believed to be a good-sized shark we've hooked up to it several times I got broke off but I think John might have a chance of getting this one in so oh no let them go into there there he is maybe that beautiful shark let's get down there now watch me drop my phone in the water huh see this bad boy look at that beautiful Wow beautiful black tip all right let's cut him loose all right unfortunately it's time to get out of this paradise called Bora Bora we got to get on our boat shuttle back over to the airport and go with the airplane ready I think we got about two and a half hours till departure still it was about 30 45 minute boat ride to the airport so we will say goodbye to Bora Bora for now we may be back soon so see you guys over at the airport 100 remaining now the lineups here bleeds are on if you is shut down isolation valve is closed lights are good for lining up spoilers just let me know when you're gonna stay up I'm up numbers are boxed and transponders on the cast is up Casas clear air start has not needed on runway one 100 remaining you get to go I'm good if you're good residential 69 ready at 169 runway one one cleared for takeoff win one three zero degrees my mother good take our family one one presidential six tonight brings alright airplane is vamonos part our set feet alive both sides 60 there's a hold 80 with the cross-checked I got it v1 rotate either they're a trip to plus 20 flaps up appears up the flatter it is sick sure submitters will stamp my maybe us off quite checks are completed of cruncher good little thunderstorm right there in front of us yeah yeah we're about to make the right turn here push it into a 69 compact I hate to control on one three four this is my seventh good bike what three four decimal seven presidential six tonight so long the control good afternoon presidential six nine were with the out of 5,500 climbing to flight level one seven zero presidential is declining board who identified at times I leave our wellness seven zero one one seven zero presidential 69 can you zoom your range out jump thank you yeah we got nothing after separation 9 or with a direct to a gallon you know a whole new lavender oil I direct cargo for presidential 69 that Court where would Cardo be that way receive direct cargo at this time though there's some stuff here alright the tops are they are no must be on one of the approaches or something over there my head's down for a second on the line yeah or that for shot or the four cardinal activate let's go straight to that one whether it looks good yeah alright well top of it you say wait are stepping up step but I want to go or deny go [Music] I'm walking on the 8's I'm number 2 ok if she comes back just yeah I got no morning I understand it better in French and I do it in English yeah yeah but you're starting winter 180 at six multiple layers okay 32 for the rest the multiple layers the lowest one is broken 1500 feet okay okay so we are going to plan on doing this island or this are now we're gonna go miss is straight ahead 1500 feet okay yeah I'll go right this terrain to the right yep well I start getting ahead of ourselves a little bit let's do it d checks ready good the crew brief I'll talked about the approach we've got karna when there's the initial I think it's at 3,000 yeah yep three we stay there alpha alpha for ten 3-degree glide slope down to 640 or fort where you go for 12 first then for 10 oh yeah yeah for 12 then for 10 right at 410 we start down 3° to 640 right stay at $3,000 gotta go mrs. straight ahead fifty another left turn direct to alfalfa for four they're pulling six and Verde maintain five yeah talked about the terrain all right my FMS is done what's done flight instruments are done nav aids course selection decision height marker beacon all that is done cow mooing any ice the press field breakers in on the right kill goosebumps turning those well steering is on and clear the parking brake is off the accumulator is up I see it all right that's the D checks the approaching ranges are a text residential 6950 yes sir go ahead let's contact HQ approach one-to-one this is not trigger this after one two invisible three I confirm one to one decimal three four presidential 69 thank you thank you bye lady approached good afternoon presidential six nine we're with you probable one seven zero presidential six Niner eight eighty approach g'day maintain flight level one seven zero directed car no expect Arnav zero for approach report fit ahead okay we're proceeding direct car no or maintain seventeen that wasn't already put aside and we'll set up for the are type zero for all right do that there's a couple of rain showers between us of them yeah you see up there yeah I see it there forty miles out don't have to start down by that yeah let's go right around both of them over here yeah that's probably the easiest thing to do as well just tell them when I go that way it approaches presidential 69 presidential 16 go ahead a few rain showers here about 30 miles in front of us our plan is to deviate south of that weather would that be a proof or we need about 15 degrees to the right no problem presidential 16 honor deviation at your convenience and your description and report back on the route director now thank you sir right deviations approval let you know presidential 69 probably right there you see a little and it looks like a little Bowl yeah I think kind of work our way through there yeah I think I'm we're gonna the same point you are it's almost straight off the road right yeah I don't have much time before we got stuck down here whatever you're ready yeah as well tell them we'll just start down seems to be another one right there use it yeah I'm not planning on got us always our way through here exactly in that city birch presidential 69 is ready for lower presidential 69 Fagan yes and we're ready for descent presidential 69 defend altitude 3,000 feet to h101 to 3,000 feet 1 0 1 to presidential 69 first 200 feet you like ya pitched into it throttles are going crazy yeah alright ready for the approaching wrench let's do it altimeters 3 0 1 sorry 1 0 1 2 yep 1/2 second sink do it the flaps get to me shortly all right we rep go around 132 it's all set up alright hydraulic pressure 3 3 0 0 3 exterior lights I'll get him on in a sec yeah aux hydraulic pump so on perching rangers own ready the flaps all right so we're clear for the are now for you are cleared she's obscured today yeah not a very pretty day residential six Niner call the tower under 1 1 8 2 1 hour 1 a 1 over R presidential 69 I see the island I gotta go through a little no well we may turn on it right before we get to it target afternoon presidential 69 with your natural for at card oh but palmitic 69 that the rebels roll number wrong for and we here for reporter 5 my fail Oh high five our final presidential 69 it was fly over the point uh yes I think that's why the back speed yeah I want you to go flying out another under the little did it would be a fly over though they should have made that on the line there's the rough way I got inside already not sure there's 3,000 once it's captured all the way we can go all the way to the field wonders do be down to the bottom it is captured six forties max if we live it she flops Ted it speech extant selected that's indicated the term claps 20 speech X what is selected what is a beginner winds were 180 at 6:00 a little bit of talent a little bit the problem of addiction a little on what we go for with 180 or degree three not thank you circle manager for presidential succeed are 188 three now he says I like that a little better let's take your down speech X three green and no Reds nutcrackers are tested razbolo charm gases clear warnings inhibits it there start you don't need I'll pass away this go flaps fool all right full selected gears three green gas is clear flaps are selected and indicated full see it warnings a negative there's dirty all right while I check is completed your F in ten seconds seven thank you now we are cleared to land approaching zero for five hundred 400 three hundred two hundred correcting 100 50 40 30 20 10 or drought you guys six lights 110 100 got 17 aughts remain in hospital 69 180 degrees up the pad then expect this 10 number to happen okay 180 approved and left turn stand number two for presidential 69 there's a turn around yeah thank you we yeah taxiway CF thank you you ready yeah it's yours are still out okay I got it my airplane airplane that's a weird line yeah take it all the way to you do you get wet two thousand seven hundred remaining afters please it's not clear over on runway two to taxiway Sierra I think that's left her yeah so that term is it the first one no it's the second one yeah baby what you got missions off transponders still on flaps are up static Rees Callum wing is all off yes you to draw Blues pups are off setting lights are still on the tacks are the runway here spoilers are shut no overheat apu is coming up fox power will be on rate are you standing by over there i wants to play straight it alright guys quick turn here in Tahiti trying to get some gas gets flightplan by your ice and we go to Honolulu tonight it's gonna be sunsetted pretty soon so we're trying to get out of here Sun Goes Down get on our way so soon as we get the passports back from the customs gentleman we will go see you guys here as soon as we get this thing fired up about thirty leads are on a queue is shut down isolation valves closed the lights are good remaining damn box transponders on tech asses up Casas clear your shirts not needed on toes are armed there you go yeah I'm ready he'd eat our presidential 69 and is ready runways you're on right now so we'll fix your line cut back to it call you back soon 69 clear for takeoff runway zero four two four zero degrees for not let me take off runway 0 for presidential six nine man you ready all right let's pull up our set it's been alive two times this hold 80 my hunk you wanna rotate v2 baaz iterate Europe what's 20 pull-ups up at our presidential season and we just like us to turn left to intercept radio three four zero six two nine two firm had a radio please all the open world up Roger left turn now and we'll intercept the radial three four zero of tango alpha Foxtrot presidential six net price national fiction I've identified gold he approached one two under he'll play once more decimal three presidential six negative media purchase presidential 69 2604 5000 official six nine good evening climb high level one seven zero one flight level one seven zero presidential sixty nine one seven zero said I don't want some service it is residential it's nine times I never thought you were here that's my level 4 0 0 presidential 69 all the way up all the way up to 14 that's it I don't pilots coming home like I just panel and set lights set the ignitions off spoilers are shut no over the message pressurization is flight and it is climbing looks good or fast my little buddy here's coin power is set agents think you want it please doctors are still free sure her what do I want to pop at all the component is open I sure like that you can open because our service is not about me adios Tahiti yep I'll see you next time residential x9 hood direct to Gemma can go in India Michael huh - it's Yama presidential 69 hopefully we'll be back sooner than later yeah I'm just gonna let it go all right No time to go fast like Ricky Bobby huh I don't probably get 2 hours a day light now going north to so yeah as long as we go what's your participated in a while consider the November differently beautiful Bindu to do is relax and enjoy your little baby goose interpret we are definitely gonna have to cover up your windscreen here shortly give a sunburn right here I don't feel it you feel it baby skin yeah ii connect attorneys for the nurse be clear the finish mean do stuff that will be do the vicodin so weird how these islands just came out of nowhere yeah all right just pop that out of here no came across those Islands Cook was it cooked dish now these cook discovered them no there was nobody on them at that point called Katie control on one particular and to six decimal seven presidential sixty to eighty control presidential 69 5 level 1 5 5 4 4 0 0 residential 6/9 80 control climb level 4 zeros their workday rate to teamö and I you ap dear Theo 80 is the ecliptic where a DSC right a DSC but yeah or the internal negative CP DLC will continue climbing flight level four zero zero income a direct teamö presidential system a preaching on the VHF one tweet two decimal five report reaching one three two decimal five presidential 69 it's not even it's not even it's not even 5:00 o'clock you know we haven't had lunch yet what do you mean you had four granola bars no no that was a snack no bring mine first oh yeah that's fine yeah that's fine yeah all right we need something to cover that up over there where those envelopes alright guys we're in route just left the Headey about an hour and 15 minutes ago we are still showing four hours and 13 minutes to Honolulu it's a lot of water to cross I've showed you guys before the the plotting charts and whatnot for the North Atlantic so I figured I'd show you guys the the South Pacific ones as well check these out it looks pretty similar to the to the North Atlantic but but obviously it's a different part of the world we started out Tahiti over here now we're working our way up that's our plotted chart or plotted line all the way up here to Hawaii now just like doing the the North Atlantic stuff we have equal time points and point of no return and such on this particular leg we have three sets of equal time points have one set here one set here one set here our diversion point is Christmas islands right here in the middle so essentially this one is the equal time points in case Christmas is closed in which case we would have to continue all the way to Honolulu versus go back to Tahiti this one and this one splits up the difference between Christmas and Tahiti or Christmas and Honolulu so if we lose something down here we're gonna have to go back to Tahiti to lose it up here somewhere we're gonna go to Christmas if we lose it up here we continue all the way to Honolulu so that's the plan we get about four hours of sitting around and watching the sea sea go by so we'll hang out a little while have a little food and be in Honolulu after sunset unfortunately so you guys won't see a whole lot of it we'll shoot it anyway hopefully the cameras pick up some some runway lights so we'll see you guys here a little bit rather than 459 TURN RIGHT heading three one zero right you're three one zero presidential 69 Cottle's are back on okay president 69 six miles and please turn right heading there to zero 19 1500 until established on the localizer cleared ILS runway 4 right approach return zero to zero and 1500 until establish proof for the ILS for right Yankee presidential search net touches on Alaska 162 contact center one to four point one today 21 runs excuse me look captured other than 469 contact our one one eight point one here what what a point one presidential season I got it are you sure that's our runway yeah I think so LF such probably beat off no I did tire off it right top residential 69 ILS for right 298 convict forever to play whoops then please Johnny aircraft the final figure to corporate presidential 69 for right back for 69 on the kernel runs thank you so what is really just five Bromley for right there go ahead Goodell and for a presidential six unit go to Castle & Cooke just to verify that is a right turn off all right thanks all right flaps 20 please Chuck's want dot on slope let's look - sure get out before honey truck sucks three green no red back tears down nutcrackers check boilers are armed I'm Erica taking Betty freak I take apart to connect my parents are you gonna gas is clear flaps you got one to go Roger school I needed to check for landings complete spending the throttles one thousand the other runways were really dim yeah a little bet you don't want full bright lights over there yeah Oh on this yeah please like you know approaching zero or right looks like for right to me a shot I think so clear to thing three green the flaps are full and a spoiler on five hundred 400 300 Cottle's away run second minimums we are landing 100 50 40 30 20 10 nice six lights boards are up 80 tons seventy nuts four thousand remaining
Channel: Corporate Pilot Life
Views: 140,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Airplane, Plane, Gulfstream, G-IV, G4, GIV, Fly, Flying, Pilot, Pilot Life, Cockpit, Approach, Landing, Jet, Touchdown, Takeoff, Departure, Depart, Arrive, Arrival, Cockpit View, ATC, Air Traffic Control, Aircraft, Airport, Flight Attendant, Private, Private Jet, Corporate, Corporate Jet, GoPro, Dash, Radio, Communication, Fun, Adventure, Hawaii, Tahiti, Bora Bora, French, Polynesia, Mountain, Ocean, Island, Beach, Scooter, Ride, Oahu, Shark, Black Tip, Fishing, Fish, Snorkel, Hike, Gun, Cannon, Beautiful, Sexy, Hot, Travel, Rich
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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