Sunset over the Rockies...Beautiful views from the cockpit.

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[Music] well greetings be coleman aviation gary indiana i just dropped my son and his family off and our grandson and now i've got an empty plane headed back to eagle colorado this should be a really nice flight it's uh 6 p.m there at eagle it's about a two and a half hour flight back sun's going to be setting the mountains are absolutely absolutely beautiful at that time which is why i chose to live there so right seats empty why don't you join let's go i'm a former air force pilot with over 1 000 hours in the f-16 today i run a medical equipment business and use my private jet to visit customers or travel with my family and friends i video some of those flights and share them here my name is greg and this is my youtube channel [Applause] all righty here we go [Music] so i've already loaded my flight plan for the flight out it is in the info section in case you're wondering gotta run through my bit checks on the overhead panel here a lot of you asked me to dialog these as i do them and it's a little bit tough to do so but basically a roll and spoiler flap check here one two visibility one zero sky clear below one two thousand tips two six two point one six altimeter three zero one one r nav approach and use slanting and parting runway two so damson advisories ils dmv out of service 5g no tam in effect ground control is for vehicles only contact tower 125.6 for all aircraft services bird deer coyote activity honorable airport mike detroit waterfowl threats class delta advice initial contact you have information romeo okay checklists are on the center screen there as well as in a book but the normal checklist is this easier to do right here i set the landing field elevation and that takes care of the pressurization for me gary premier 390 golf mike romeo and i'd like to pick up an eyebrow clearance to eagle ege premier 39 the eagle county regional airport via radar vector's pq that is filed maintain three thousand expect flight level four zero zero ones radar vectors pq then s5 3000 initially flight level four zero zero as a final one twenty eight two three one two one squad premier zero gulf sniper 390 golf mike we're ready to taxi with romeo premiere zero golf microwave 3-0 taxi the album pretty early alpha three nine all right so get to the end of the runway i just need to turn on my i need to clear this stuff off and get two ignition lights there i do that by turning on my stall heat my pedo heat and my engine ignition to on everything else is ready to go i've got all my trim set gonna turn my overhead i got on my overhead panel i have some exterior lights i need to turn on and we will be on our way 125.6 is tower that's frequency we were on we got 128.2 which is our backup which is our departure frequency okay 3121 is my squawk 3000 feet radar vectors to pq uh the fms is showing 2 hours 13 minutes to eagle that's probably not going to be accurate it'll update as we get going but i'd say it's going to be more like 2 hours and 30 minutes turn left heading two seven zero maintain three thousand five premiere three nine zero golf mic clear protect off runway three zero left turn two seven zero three thousand feet okay heat's on ignition's on lights on it's time to get this party started v110 rotate 113 v2 124. rotate geez there's a lot of birds around climbing away beers coming up departure one two eight point two to play sir golf mike we'll see you okay chicago premiere three nine zero golf mike 1300 climbing to three thousand zero mike chicago departure rate of contact i'm gonna maintain six thousand six thousand zero five oh there's a nice view of chicago to the north there i don't think the cameras will pick it up yet except for julia raider contacts any sagari airport midwest twitter three zero zero niner uh what's your destination uh we're going up to dupage airport where a cessna one fifty three six seven four three seven four julia all right the cameras might be able to pick up uh chicago way out there in the distance shouldn't say way it's not that far out there six thousand feet i'm gonna throttle back to keep my speed below 250. this flight is going to be into the sun all day november four or five julia turn left getting zero four zero zero four zero box julia stuck at four five juliet county departure on one two zero point five five twenty four fifty five bucks julia bear zero golf might up we go remember zero golf might come and maintain one three thousand and maintain two five zero subsides one three thousand two hundred fifty knots three hundred golf bike so i can do flight level change 250 airplane will climb at 250. gosh darn folks that is bright [Applause] okay so let's look at direct pq remember zero golf mike contact chicago point center 134.82 thirty four eighty two zero off my good day okay let's do this okay direct pq execute gonna come up here and hit nav now the airplane will make a turn that direction chicago premiere three nine zero golf mic ten five climbing one three thousand see senator john 3 800 heavy is 6900 climbing 1 2 000. giant 38 hundred chicago center welcome common mainstream level two three zero climate maintenance level two three zero john 1300 everything so i just did this flight in reverse from eagle to gary i didn't film it i had uh family on board they are not and you can see now it's kind of moved out to the uh east a little bit so we'll be in good shape uh some of this might come into play so we'll have to work our way around that but uh for the most part it seems to be uh dissipating and moving to the east which is advantageous to us i can go menu eagle so eagle right now is 240 at seven which is nice because it's runway two five uh ten miles and clear pretty warm 25 degrees although up where our house is it's generally quite a bit cooler climate through 18 000 feet there's a 18 000 foot climb check we'll do basically want to make sure the cabin is pressurizing ideally you don't want to find that out at 18 000 feet i'd like to find that out earlier a lot of you reach out to me and uh come here and uh indianapolis on a layover or something and and i'm no longer in indianapolis had some relatively significant uh professional uh changes contact chicago center on one two four point seven two twenty four seventy two zero golf mike good day chicago premiere 390 golf mike flight level one eight zero climbing flight level two trees arrow fairway six forty four she got started climbing about three two zero chicago premiere 390 golf mike 18-5 climbing flight level two three zero three nine zero mike your golf mike three two zero level three two zero 390 golf mine so anyway as i was saying i've had some uh relatively significant changes in my professional uh career and no longer in indianapolis my wife and i split time between naples florida where you've seen a lot of the videos out of and the eagle colorado area which is why you've seen a lot of flights in and out of eagle uh recently very little business flying anymore it's been a very very nice change center throwing 644 20.9 kilometers two three i would say a bit of a dream come true so uh i feel very fortunate senator throwing 644 21 3 climbing two three 644 chicago center climbing five three two zero and feel very fortunate to have all of you riding along with me so let's take a look at performance flight log so we've been airborne 11 minutes used 360 pounds of fuel covered 47 miles over the ground and let me see we can go back we've got a fuel management gives us a bunch of information basically again 360 pounds is what we've used 14.50 total is our fuel flow at the moment as we continue to climb that will decrease and the airplane becomes very fuel efficient up at altitude so right now this is saying we are going to land at 8 44 local time in 2 hours and 14 minutes uh as i said i don't know that's going to be 100 accurate i think that uh on the way out here we had um about 70 knot tail winds tail winds uh those are going to be headwinds on the way uh the return so i think we're going to be closer to excuse me southwest 936 contact chicago center one two five point five seven two hours twenty five fifty seven 855 maybe something like that we'll see i'd have a little bit of maneuvering around due to the weather that's uh over colorado and again we can look at that by going to our nexrad uh picture i can pull up the whole country see our little airplane there and i can zoom in on any area i also get quite a bit of information on my ipad as well so coming into eagle we will do we'll come over a kremling and do the lda runway 2-5 approach even went on a clear day like today i'll generally do that approach the lda runway 2-5 glide slope and the visual glide slope the vasi glide slope do not overlay each other so as you come in uh and transition to a visual approach at maybe a couple mile final uh you'll start to hear the glide slope warnings uh from the airplane indicating that we're below the ils glide slope but uh typically you'll see the vases on the side of the runway and they'll be indicating that you're on glide slope so there's a note on the um instrument approach plate that references that uh occasionally i'll get comments about people uh saying oh you're ducking below the glide slope so um anyway you can do with that information what you want nice long runway at uh eagle they actually have uh if you follow me on instagram you know i've kind of shown in the past some 757s coming in there which coming in in and out of there which is pretty impressive really tells me it's a pretty muscular airplane pretty impressed by that so july 3rd today these guys are a little quiet either that or i've lost my radio speaking of radios my headset that i absolutely love one of the uh cords has become frayed and it is intermittent so i've gotta they don't sell the thing in the u.s anymore but i gotta contact the manufacturer and see if they'll help me out with a repair because i really like the headset that hangs around your neck and has the molded earpieces custom made for your ears for my ears the most comfortable headset i've ever worn as a matter of fact it doesn't even do it justice to call it a headset i'm not sure what you'd call it necklace set i don't know but um it's really nice so as you can see nobody's back there just beautiful up here gonna see my camera set up here's a little um what the heck they call these cubes a little gopro there that i've got to film the dash more obviously the one i've got in my hand i actually use a handheld audio recorder actually it's not a handheld audio recorder it's a remote audio recorder i don't even know if it's a remote audio recorder hey here's what it is you guys can see it i'm at a loss for what you call it digital audio recorder how about that okay we're gonna uh continue our climb here shortly to flight level four zero zero turn things back on on our approach into eagle right after a long time i've been up to 60s which shows over here some places in the 50s all right so we have been uh cleared 40 thousand to thirty two thousand about two hours ago we're now down to thirty to five level three zero zero finish over four years in the 40s 50s and 60s so we've been heading that way everybody goes pretty much uh let's see about a good 15 heading at least from where you are now to go around it the eagle tower closes at 7 p.m so it's uh we're going to be landing uh hour and a half hour and 45 minutes after that so uh it'll be just like a uncontrolled field with respect to the radio calls the weather's good at uh eagle went straight down the runway five knots so there's no excuse for not having a nice landing people go right up to 110 heading from your position uh did you try to do it right uh and they're going to experience point airport again we are coming up on the front range of uh 130 440 miles upon you let that work out to 26 24 inflatable three zero 2624 i five still a pretty significant cell there to the south i guess okay i believe it was one three five one two three nine to go flank yeah thirty five twelve yeah see ya denver premiere three nine zero golf mike flight level three zero three nine zero five seven character and you give her the best sunsets out here three four zero yeah we lost it because the uh high uh blow over for the thunderstorms would be some reason these uh 320 was just losing in there 301 yeah and um you might get some chop and tell about um maybe meeker and then after that it seems like an improved taking so we will be landing right at about sunset although it'll still be pretty bright so i have to land taxi to my hanger and then i actually have to put the airplane away myself oh i know the struggle it's real right pretty easy process my two hanger mates are in there a uh phenom 100 and a citation mustang so we're all here at the moment it's not actually level two seven zero pilots discretion 390 gold mic we're heading there now okay starting to come over the mountains now i don't know if you can see them so the way the sun's kind of going through the clouds there makes it a little hard to see but they are there rocky mountain national park to the north of us cue the john denver music number zero golf mike that was a really sloppy i didn't realize what he was telling me that was sloppy denver center premiere 390 golf mike 28.2 down to flight level two seven zero best fitness zero golf mike camera center right here in one six thousand eagle outfitter is three zero one two advise the weather okay we're down to one six thousand thirty twelve we do out of the weather and just looking for the lda two five three ninety call back and uh november zero might kind of know them there about the uh happy high intensities out of service and the glidecast uh heading i'll have uh oh where are we going to go with you here i'll have um delta bravo sierra here shortly all right so that present heading for now you're 17.88 1788 direct delta bravo sierra direct delta bravo sierra united 1788. that's been a zero above mike bidders to quandary quandary three ninety five seven eighty eight contact them at center 135.12 35-12 united 1788. there's zero golf mike close quandary at above one four thousand cleared lda runway to be fine quandary at our above fourteen quarter of the lda two five three ninety golf mine thank up with you contact denver center on 135.12 3512 southwest 2369. so beautiful so down to this to the south i see uh dylan lake silverthorne breckenridge is around there keystone copper mountain raffle basin all nearby okay denver 390 golf mike we go and cancel fr and switch on over november 390 golf mike rugen observed traffic between you and eagle and i haven't released anybody out of the eagle and you go ahead and thank you have a good holiday happy fourth to you thank you for your help eagle traffic premier 390 golf mike just outside quandary on the lda25 so i have v nav set up and i have released the altitude to go down to the lowest altitude which is 83 30. okay i will start slowing so i can see the airport over there continue on the approach here okay they're just switched on over to the lda approach and i do not have a glide slope as advertised ah see where my house is okay okay just turn the lights on on the field eagle traffic premiere three nine zero golf mike washy inbound runway two five that is me turning off the autopilot 2500 all configured for landing see the right side of the runway there are four yellow lights i want two whites and two reds i'm a little bit high but i'm way out here and correcting it so we'll get it all straightened out not to worry minimums minimums a little high a little fast let's fix that one thousand okay i like where this is right here 500. so thank goodness we have 8 000 feet well i only needed 7 000 feet well welcome to eagle fun's not over yet as i mentioned i have to put the plane away two hours 30 you go to minutes traffic operations vehicle staff 10 on touchwiz alpha alpha 2 to alpha 1 any traffic please respond eagle yeah 390 golf mike were on alpha at alpha 5 taxi in uh to the east and we'll cross at uh alpha three over to the north hangers okay two hours 30 minutes 950 nautical miles 25 40 on the fuel 375 gallons [Music] used to be at gary i could get fuel for about i don't know 275 a gallon today it was 5.75 which is uh used to be near the upper ranges other than like boston logan and midway which are a ripoff artist [Music] but i paid 575 so [Music] not too distant past i remember paying a buck 70 something at centennial in denver at packaire look the other day they were still they were like 550. fuel is expensive so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right it's time for some dinner thanks for watching and we'll see you on the next flight you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 70,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xFp9eMeu2Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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