Guitar Teacher REACTS: Polyphia "G.O.A.T" | STUDIO vs LIVE

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen when i was in germany this past year i guess it was a whole year ago probably right about now i went out for tgu 19. prs brought me out i was super thankful and all the brands brought artists out and uh there was this one guy there and he had this neck tattoo right and uh everybody was like there that dude is like changing changing guitar playing at all i had no idea who he was and unfortunately i don't even remember his name but unfortunately we never got to hang out um at all but i remember that vividly and then since this whole channel this whole thing started and i started doing these tuesday live requests the calls for politia goat have been have been i mean it's basically every tuesday every tuesday so i have listened to a minute or so of this a couple of times so this is not a completely ice cold reaction but i'm on my website and bernardo j braga says pulifia goat he goes you will not be disappointed trust me and as you know i like to pick a couple a week from people who pay to be on the website um and so i'm gonna do it i'm gonna i remember just being crazy but i'm gonna do two things i'm gonna do two things i'm gonna play this original one because he posted this but then i'm also going to in real time live this will be ice cold try to find a live version of it because i remember this being so unbelievably tight we gotta see if they can do it live my feeling is yes because the drummer was tremendous here we go this is goat polyfia let's bring it up in the thing here at this video this this video here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys see what i'm talking about it's like so unbelievably tight all the little parts and stuff it's just it might my gut feeling is that this has to be corrected in the studio that it has to be all right let's keep going let's keep going actually you know what let me go back let me establish the key here [Music] those little runs all right hold on let me let's make sure we got this [Music] oh there's so much going on your basic your basic harmonic structure b minor relative major to d [Music] there's your flat six major or your iv chord if you're thinking d is one g major [Music] and then you have your five but not minor we leave key here a goes to a sharp f sharp seven creates that leading tone a sharp back to b right [Music] just like that but there's also much more happening here um you hear in the beginning he goes to b goes to d and then g but then c sharp [Music] and he's got this weird like uh he's got like um [Music] but then the bass goes down to f sharp all i'm trying to say is it's perfectly arranged i really just want to see him do it live [Music] with [Music] [Applause] what was that run [Music] face amazing [Music] the base and the drums are just killer they're just they're just so killer they're they're they're really the standouts to me [Music] that drummer do it again do it again [Music] hold on we got to go back let me see what that [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] you need a slow downer for that that's that's that's [Music] but what's important here the harmony isn't changing right what's important is that you're seeing him rhythmically do licks in the same time and feels the drummer is doing like that drop he did before that that that's basically the same rhythmic line which is very cool because it is not what i would call guitar centric you know it's almost like they planned it out like on a on a grid not like they're using a grid like on pro tools or whatever but like planned it out and then arranged it not just harmonically to fit but rhythmically to have all those drops fit in the same place it's just it's just unlike what you typically see [Music] do you see what i'm talking about like all the re i mean would it take them a year to arrange this like this it's it's too it's too perfect listen to the bass and drums with [Music] every hi-hat and bass thing is identical identical not just the strike but the [Music] duration i mean this is danny carey level i gotta see you do it i gotta see you guys do it [Music] yes [Music] i know the drummer's gonna do it live that dude's a beast [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what was that [Music] i mean there's a reason there's a reason this this track is called goat right i'm just gonna leave it there and now look here's what we're gonna do we're gonna search for goat prolifia live doing this together ladies and gentlemen go live sound check from the band please don't block us all right so that's definitely a track all right so the question here is are they wearing in-ears are they going to be playing to a click does the track run all the way through do they all get those hits together look at the time stamp three thirty six now that's identical to the time stamp in the other video now of course they're going to reuse the same track but i'm just throwing it out there i'm just throwing it out there no in-ears [Music] yeah what are they in a church that rake i love that just set the tone it's the just to let people know they're live all right it's appreciated do it [Music] [Music] by the way that's what i was talking about before when he goes down to that where the tonality goes to f sharp he's going to c sharp he's he's choosing his voicing higher so that the rest of the band can work around it incredibly well arranged band for sure very tonally aware [Music] so [Music] that drop b is so good i w the mix obviously isn't nearly as good this isn't a recording but this sounds straight on the money i mean the drummer his his hi-hat work telling you this borderline danny kerry level [Music] [Music] yeah what's that what's that what's that that is so cool [Music] i mean he's getting all the thirds everywhere the band is the band the band is perfectly arranged frankly i mean there's some smart dudes this must have taken a year to play now if this if you guys write in the comments that this took them like a week and they were all high and it just came out i'm calling bs um it's too it's too perfectly arranged it's like there's a giant keyboard base is here one guitar players here one's there and as they intertwine no one double steps over the same key but rhythmically they're all exactly on the same page with the drummer who's clearly driving the tune it is very impressive [Music] [Applause] just just just watch watch all the different inversions the progression has not changed but choosing whether to put the root the fifth the third seventh something else in the bottom something else in the top and you hear it layered across the board with the other instruments and every time one gets pulled down someone else adds it i mean just watch real quick [Music] like that like that [Music] like look at look at that so you got an f sharp [Music] he's playing this like a piano player not like not like that a guitar player he's stacking root third root third and then then jumps up then jumps up into it now he's thinking he's abandoning the base right now he's thinking root uh root third just right here try it over here then jumps over and keeps bringing it over so it's low so so it's like you're a keyboard player and it goes bun don't don't and it goes across while the rest of the band is going the other way because you can hear the bass take over those lower notes i'm telling you it's not just f7 it's so much more [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah he's got it in his ears so look how comfortable he is look at that smile so look at the track on the on the imac right there so he's got it in his ears definitely i'm calling it not just the track also the click right and they are just impossibly well rehearsed just stupid people that give people that play with the click or with the track crap um it's a whole different skill set it's a whole different skill set to be able to do it right i've never wanted to be in a band that didn't push and pull rhythm um like a significant amount but being able to push and pull and play with dynamics and be totally comfortable right on a click and have the whole band do it this intricately i mean the time stamp is the same you know they're doing all the licks the same it's because of this dude it's because of that dude right there yeah there's a track plan you got that run and then he stands he sits there sticks up waiting for the queue in the track waiting he knows he's dead on the money but you still wait there's so much space and then bam everybody catches it together [Music] no [Music] look at the click the stick click you want to know what time it is it's right there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] incredible proficiency incredible arrangement but at the end of the day at the end of the day what makes the key takeaway for me for watching both those videos sorry about that is the darn cameras but the key takeaway for me is that is is is it's it's truer than it's ever been even in this new age of music this new age of recording doing things on computers people doing stuff to grids you know doing the tracks whatever at the end of the day i don't care how good your guitar player is i don't care how good your bass player is even your singer you're only as good as your drummer period
Channel: Michael Palmisano
Views: 2,877,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar lesson, prs guitars, paul reed smith, Guitargate, 4k guitar lesson, polyphia, polyphia goat, polyphia reaction, polyphia goat reaction, polyphia goat guitar lesson, polyphia g.o.a.t. guitar, polyphia goat live, polyphia goat studio, polyphia guitar teacher, tim henson, scott lepage, scott lepage guitar lesson, tim henson guitar lesson, tim henson polyphia, tim henson guitar reaction, scott lepage polyphia, tim henson live, scott lepage live, tim henson goat
Id: tuAc8Tihuto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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