Did Polyphia Out-GOAT Steve Vai?

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the moment I started streaming today on Twitch you guys been asking have I seen the new polyphia video have I seen it have I seen a new political video have I seen it have you seen the new polyphia Steve Vai is the new polyphia have you seen it we gotta watch it together that's what we're gonna do and I'll tell you what I think about it I'll give you my opinion I don't want to turn this channel into a polyphia reaction Channel but I think this is something important at the moment in the music scene especially for guitar players New Generation older generation young beginner intermediate Advanced Pro listener musician you name it this is actually a big thing right now because is guitar going to be cool again it's polyphia really bringing it and taking it to another level because playing guitar instrumental music is not highly recommended by anyone's parents including Tim's parents I'm sure Tim's mum who is Chinese rather wish became a lawyer and accountant or a doctor this is what my parents wish you know my parents didn't care about what I wanted to do they only care about you know I have a normal job or do something that is safe and normal so I can totally relate to it because my parents they're from Hong Kong and I can guess Tim's mom with Chinese must be going oh man what's going on here times are tough he's a guitar player he's gonna go pursue music what a nightmare for for her but anyway obviously I changed my parents mind able to kind of you know turn it around and this is really Tim's turn now Tim's gonna prove it or is he let's look at this new video polyphia ego death featuring Steve Vai and again I really didn't want to turn you know my twitch channel YouTube Challenger polyphia reaction video but we gotta analyzed this as an important thing in the world of guitar music [Music] [Music] thank you thank you so dump it at the beginning you see how it just cut off and there's a little change there in the sun I think that's kind of a statement to say look you're not getting the same you get all the time they're able to put that in it's like this is the not a normal move you do in a song to just change it at the beginning when you're just trying to help people in so I think this kind of a statement to say look we're up to something it's not the same stuff we'll throw stuff in We're not gonna go and do what your normal things are right I like this J custom he's playing here this looks like an IBN SJ custom maybe a seven yeah I'm saying yeah that's seven string here so he's obviously not playing signature model because um he hasn't got seven strings sick um he's sitting on that chair on that I like I like the vibe like look I like the kicks he's got actually [Music] you see how the whole thing comes together beginning already really tight really polyphia really polyphia I think one of the best thing you can say to an artist is you you're really you you sound like you one of the hardest things to do in music and maybe it's the hardest thing to do I don't know is to have your own sound and your own own voice out of millions and millions of guitar players out there professional musicians they've been doing it for many many years coming out with your own sound where the first thing you hear if you're just like sitting in the car you hear on the radio you know well you know what this is this polyphia you're gonna ask you're gonna ask that question immediately is that polyphia and you know immediate this is polyphia look is no doubt and and I'll tell you now sooner or later they're going to get so much hate to say they all sound the same oh my God this sounds the same just like the other song oh just random notes just sound as typical to polyphia the same that's when the tough stuff start happening like are you gonna be able to maintain your true artistic view or you're gonna succumb to the pressure out there to change into something you're not that's my opinion of course but having your own sound I think is more important to be able to than be able to do a bunch of covers being doing covers doing covers playing the other people's song it's great it's great fun but this is it being yourself not everyone can be themselves [Music] so looking at this video right now and I'll tell you what I think they did right that toasting Abasi did wrong and I hate to say this obviously tosin is my friend but I'm going to get view my take it's just my music opinion in music and bands and everything the visual part is Tim is showing you how to play it the techniques the uniqueness he's breaking down in in a way his personality his music in there in the video to show you and I feel like even though the new animals leaders music video is extremely cool very artistic I love the vision they're doing of animals as leaders but there was no playing they are not showing toasty is not playing he's not showing his video he's not showing in the video how he's playing the songs and people want to see that and that's a way in terms of marketing your band right now showing people how you play a song because we can go back and watch it again I will go back and watch this again and see how Tim and how Scott how the whole band is approaching this music how they put it together while Tolson went for the totally artistic I love how he did it with the dancing and all this wacky stuff in his music video I don't want to watch it again I don't care about Dance I'm a guitar guy I want to see how tosin play those songs I've no interest to see a bunch of people going like this and dancing and stuff I don't give a about it I think that's what killed his views on the videos I'll post this people gonna go back and watch it again and again and it's going to make it bigger bigger and bigger so keep that in mind when you're doing your videos guitar instrumental music you appeal to guitar player a lot people want to see it again and I remember when I was playing the guitar you know early on I want to see the fingers I want to see the technicality I want to see everything out there it's still it's those things that turns me on seeing fingers moving on the fretboard and this is turning me on I have to say it's like seeing someone play this I you never thought something would play this way the tone the technique everything is outstanding foreign [Music] are you also looking at their shoes I like what they're wearing I like the aesthetic of the shoes maybe I have a thing for shoes but I'm also looking at those so there's a bit more to that the defining the style in the looks and everything the shoes are fire absolutely [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gotta say man one thing I really like here it sounds weird but I like how Scotty he's playing the Ibanez cyphos but he doesn't have a big white Ibanez logo sticking out the Headstart it actually look made way slicker where you got just like the blank headstock I think um aesthetically actually looks better if you ask me and he's not afraid to have it that way I think it looks cooler and I like how they put Scotty in the front here for the play to show you know what it's not just about Tim Henson you got a dual shred Gods here it's super cool um and I think sometimes it can look kind of tacky um having a huge logo on the guitars and your clothes you know massive logos I've never into is where people wear clothes with a huge logo and all that stuff is like oh man come on it looks good there actually that guitar the way it looked it was it's better than having a big white logo on the headstock [Music] thank you [Music] what can you say the goat Steve I in the house they really the direction of this video they're teaching I hate to say they teaching a few people a thing or two including Steve the cool look now they put together very chill I mean and they got Steve there perfectly on that chair coming out into shred he's teaching a lot of people a lot of the guitar players from the previous generation how to how to do it actually is insane it's absolutely insane this video this song the whole thing right now and it's only getting better [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] let's stop for one second because this is so amazing and what you need to think about here is this you can see obviously Steve Vai sounding like Steve absolutely amazing fitting in the music and still sounding like himself he hasn't turned into someone else Diva didn't try to play prolifia into polyphia he plays Steve Vine to Bolivia and what I'm impressed most right now in this section in this video is how let's put it for real here Steve vai's style of playing the Showmanship on stage totally different from the way the players are like in Bolivia much more laid back chill they're not going doing all this stuff you know like Steve does you know Steve is a real showman well I believe it's more kind of Kickback chill easy playing and I feel like Steve I here have influence these guys in a moving and moving and moving in a way that they they don't usually do there's this thing that they're working together it really fit into the video it's not like Steve going absolutely mental doing his thing and while the rest is just kind of chill just like taking back they're all like moving in concert together you can see the anime the animated spirits of the players working together is what makes this so beautiful this scene I think it's awesome [Music] and then Tim doing his thing again foreign [Music] [Music] the future is here if this doesn't win a Grammy I wouldn't be surprised but it should the future is here the future of guitar is here it's the world going to eat it up or are they just gonna not accept it I think this is one of the biggest collab in guitar music for a long long long time really this is outrageous I think the whole thing is amazing I can listen this song so many times again and again the video the song it is amazing it really is look everyone doing their parts put it together is absolutely amazing it's like they really kicked it out of the path I mean you couldn't even I couldn't imagine I knew that Steve our special guest I saw it when they were releasing without announcing the album I didn't even think it was going to be this good really they really kicked it off I'm a voting member of the Grammy so I will vote for this I'll vote for this for sure it this is they they stepped up the game so much here and now I think the whole Guitar World will be super disappointed if this doesn't kick off a new Evolution and the new trend in guitar playing and Inspire millions and millions of players to pick up the guitar it really is I think Steve did an awesome job on the recording the video the aesthetic the look is great so this is the question do you guys think polyphia can take it all the way to the next level or are they gonna get in that trouble when the band's so unique get suddenly so big they're gonna be really struggling on the next video I mean on the next song Sorry how do I phrase it sometimes when the band gets so big and they're so unique they instantly gonna get a bunch of haters are they gonna survive this one I mean I think to be a legend to be the goat themselves they will have to go through the tough times and come back out I hope they don't have to do that you can just taking it to another level look people gonna come up to polyphia and their main complaint is this it all sounds the same I can't tell the difference between this song and that song I heard it all before in DragonForce oh everything's so sound the same it all sound the same they do that they sound the same guess what this is what makes a band special is they do their style how do you think bands get recognized yeah you listen to DragonForce it sounds like Dragon Force what is it going to sound like hammer for no it doesn't does it sound like Saboteur no it doesn't does it sound like Bon Jovi no it doesn't sound like them it sounds like us we don't try to make a compilation album look I tell you these guys are super smart in polyphia they're not just great musicians they're smart they know what they're doing they have the thing they're going for and they're sticking to it put in the comments let me know what you think of my reaction to this amazing polyphia ego death music video with the amazing guitar God himself Steve Vai I think this is the biggest guitar collab for a long time let me know what you think make sure you follow And subscribe to the YouTube channel I'll see you on the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: DragonForce
Views: 612,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polyphia, ego death, steve vai, remember that you will die, polyphia ego death, ego death polyphia, polyphia steve vai, steve vai ego death, polyphia reaction, polyphia live, steve vai live, herman li, dragonforce, tim henson, polyphia ego death reaction, metal reaction, ibanez, thedooo, davie504, stevie t, rick beato, nik nocturnal, justin hawkins, reaction video, rocksmith, polyphia goat, music education, guitar tutorial, guitarist reacts to, rocksmithplus, vocal coach reacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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