Polyphia - Ego Death feat. Steve Vai (Pianist reacts to metal head’s suggestion)

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[Music] wake up man oh my bad you took forever I like that song what is that song it's called late at night by Buffalo Tom you ever seen the show my so-called life with CLA Danes long time ago had jar heard of it the '90s show that came on ABC I think okay I think that was her come upin okay CL that is okay and that song was on this big scene with her and Buffalo Tom they're out of Boston and and I know you'd know some of their music their '90s just a trio just great that song very moving and I love it very much and check it out Buffalo Toms on an album called big red letter day cool it's all got hey everybody welcome back to Great measures my name is Richard this is Buffalo Tom Judson come upin great measures did you like that come upin here yeah I did I did uh going to introduce you to a group today called poia no I don't know I I couldn't come up anything else to do I'm back all right we did uh a few videos ago we did Steve VI for the love of God So This is Love of God so this song has a feature of Steve V in it he plays on this tune mhm yep U I'm going to let you watch the video give you a little bit of a background on pfia um primarily instrumental progressive rock band based in Plano Texas formed in 2010 the group consists of guitarists Tim Henson and Scott leage uh basist clay Gober and drummer clay Aslan that's how I'm going to pronounce that uh pfia sound is noted for incorporating virtuosic guitar parts with other styles of music initially rooted virtuosic initially rooted in metal Focus tone and their early releases the band's music evolved to a more progressive rock sound in their later Productions combining electronic music and Hip-Hop Hip-Hop M yeah dog I'm with that can I finish reading this I don't know can you Bolivia has released four studio albums one live album two EPs and numerous singles their fourth album album Remember that you will die which this song is from released called album this fourth album is called remember that you will die oh you said fourth album album well I said album the first time I said it yeah I miss that Al in the CH on that one I missed that album in the Chipmunks album uh this album continue remember that you will die was released in 2022 uh and debuted at number 33 on the billboard 200 h that ain't nothing that ain't not nothing you ready proceed [Music] [Music] Richard [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Music] [Music] I [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] w [Music] I don't even want to play no more man I don't even want no Jello how you make me watch something like that it's pretty crazy right look the cords go like this first of all I I play all that are you ready [Music] yeah those were the chords but they didn't play any chords they played everything but chords uh what why we even why we even trying to play instruments I don't know you know between them and Danny Carrey on the drums like what's the point yeah why I even try let's both get out of here yeah let's go um no I I don't I don't have much to say that's the kid you showed me that had the guitar the the guitar he's got the signature it's uh he he found a version of it in Japan I believe it was Japan and like a pawn shop or a music store or something and he he's he's endorsed by ianz okay and seems like he's endorsed by God I it's ianz yeah and he got ivanz to replicate it as much as they could well anyway I didn't know I that just kind of happened when I saw him I was like oh do you I like that stuff yeah I dig the whole breaks and and the whole you know I feel bad for the bass players sometimes you know cuz they're just I mean they're doing all the ba slapping stuff yeah but but I mean the guitarists are they're they're slapping their baselines too that's what I'm saying oh okay I got you yeah the I got okay yeah I mean I understand it's low I mean and he came through I I misunderstood I thought you were saying that that's all the basis is doing no and there's no way that the bass player who didn't really get I mean he was doing some cool stuff yeah there's no way he's not a mad man yeah you don't get to play in a band with kids like that and just be not have chops yeah yeah I mean but I I dig the whole hip hip hoppy kind of thing yeah so I I need to refresh my my memory on this but the Tim Henson the the main I don't know I call him the main guy he's he's the black hair with his neck tattoos his name is Tim Henson uhhuh where's he from here okay well you know yeah he's got a look about him well I mean he's I've heard people refer to him as a real life anime character Yeah Yeah Yeah Tim hson one of he Rel the gym cuz you know I love the Muppet I love the muffets God here we go I mean they're the funniest comedy Trope on the face of the planet that's ever existed I think I hear you say this at least once a day I mean aren't they they're not they are though and just the fact that can we get back to just the fact that Tim Henson sounds like Jim Henson I'm in but I was in the music anyway go ahead whatever you saying I know that he takes a lot of his inspiration from uh hip-hop because there's even a video where he he does something with he uses a lot of computer programs and stuff as far as he I don't know I am not an engineer or anything like that just the breaks in there are he takes a Kanye song like one of his one of their songs was basically lifted from a Kane song and he takes it and he he moves different things and changes different chords and keys and transcribes it or or turns it into a guitar song and I don't know we'll have to look up that video that he he breaks it down it's wild like it's pfia mm man I'll listen to them in the in the car well don't listen to everything oh I got a couple more I got to show you all right I'll stay away from it for now but I dig the hell out of that okay well good I really know how you would feel about it I dig it I dig it and even Steve V which I normally I'm not a big Steve V yeah I thought it was cool they brought him into yeah at one point they're all kind sit on his throne as they're all kind of going on they're all kind of going together and you're kind of like what how can I even listen to this how can this is this is my head's going to explode if I really try to give it my undivided attention which there's an office reference for you you couldn't handle my undivided anyway oh that's my favorite line from that show anyway um I'm trying to listen to it and then right when you kind of really try to get into it it stops yeah and they get to that little they should have Incorporated the trumpet more that's cool yeah comes out of nowhere yeah but it's cool at the end like there that's that's that's fly as the kids when we were younger would say yeah well good I'm excited to show you more then yeah I've been delaying that one just because I didn't know I didn't know how you would take it honestly really mhm well that's how such is life sure I dig it well cool that was ego death by pfia to dead featuring Steve I thanks for watching everybody we are great measures my name is Richard this is Judson and I like the Muppets hope everybody has a wonderful have great [Music] measures
Channel: Great Measures
Views: 140,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uPrG8575v6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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