Guitar Teacher REACTS: BUCKETHEAD - Soothsayer Live @ Gothic 9-28-2012

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oh yes yes yes yes [Music] i don't know ladies and gentlemen michael pabasano here hope you're doing well and uh guys buckethead elton elton from oklahoma city has requested buckethead soothsayer on the website um if you don't know my students that take my lessons on generally get to pick the videos that come next so that's this page here right now he doesn't give me any text just blank but i know who buckethead is we all know who buckethead is i do not think i've watched a buckethead video in hell i don't know a very very very long time um i'm gonna give it a shot here obviously i can't do the legato craziness like he can but maybe we can get some of the broad strokes let's take a stab at it this is for you elton thanks for being a subscriber on the website uh let's bring it up in youtube [Music] you know for anybody that wasn't sure sticks totally work if you're an incredible player is this really how the song starts okay so he doesn't play with a band i guess so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so b minor [Music] something like that in there down to a major to a g major so six five four uh essentially um let's keep going [Music] [Applause] grabbing it like that huh huh huh now wait a second here [Music] i dig that [Music] so doing the b minor like this [Music] that's it that's it so b so root fifth root flat three then [Music] nine flat three nine root [Music] and then does this a major like that pattern one to g major like that but then sometimes you get in the top cluster like this a major g major but that's your basic move [Music] not the best audio [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay crazy tone um what's wild about this part is that purposeful or not he's in such control of the game that when he hits this harmonic again maybe it's on purpose maybe by accident when he goes to reach for this he also hits the harmonic he's totally in control of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you hear that [Applause] [Music] hey so he's doing this cool thing now so you got b [Music] going over to d so really hammering that flat three before going to g there kill switch [Music] i know he's gonna bring the heat come on baby come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so right there [Music] so he's going for this g up here he's all creating so flat three [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah okay so we're staying we're staying pretty squarely [Music] [Applause] pretty squarely in b minor right you're just starting this three note per string thing from g but you're still like if here's b [Music] right but this that g stretch i love that [Applause] he's got that super shaky vibrato [Music] [Applause] come on baby priming the pump just one right [Applause] there it is [Applause] [Applause] all right so he's shooting for that d which is the minor third of b minor but how the hell he gets there uh you know like [Music] [Applause] who knows [Music] [Music] this is cool [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] his vibrato is is wholly unlike what you typically see it's like this he's in like total control but there's an erratic nature to it um i'm trying to think of someone else that that plays like this um but it's escaping me it's it like you can't play like he's in such control of this game right this this this this environment of noise right and muting all the strings that don't need to be that aren't audible that aren't going to be played there's not much string noise you know it's like he's he's he's on it but his vibrato has that like frightening erratic thing um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and there it is [Applause] all right all right all right all right we gotta i mean i can't play this but we gotta see what we can do here [Music] [Applause] i love it a little bit that that of that nine [Music] all right so now we're in this [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was wild he seems to be [Applause] avoiding anything in the realm of six like one two flat three flat seven and no we used to hit one there [Music] yeah so it's like so it's so he's like favoring one three and four fingers right uh and get this that legato thing and then makes this jump and then does it here and then makes it jump here [Music] so you got one two flat three here right four five flat six here seven one two flat see he does that against the same basic crawl [Music] see i just wouldn't tackle it that way [Music] [Laughter] [Music] but i'm not buckethead it's fascinating and then over then over [Music] [Music] all right [Music] and then then now this is where it gets crazy he jumped into a three note per string coming from a look it looks like a major but this is flat seven one two flat three four five uh in b minor right so so we're still firmly in b minor um but he's choosing to go up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you know i teach all these three notes for strings in my course on guitar gate and when i used to be in metal world all the time i i i had this i had this down pretty good it's been a minute it's clearly been a minute but you don't have to start any scale especially a three note per string scale on the root or hell any chord tone in the chord right you can start it from anywhere to get a little bit of a different sound a different flow i think it's cool as [Music] to to be firmly planted in b minor like this [Music] and make your focus like that kind of spread i think that's super cool yeah so what you just saw him do there [Music] right flat three flat seven one two flat three four five uh flat six flat seven one again two flat three four five flat six flat seven one two flat three four it just keeps going and he just got that [Music] but i i i mean you can't can't do it like that but that's the framework we're operating in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i mean all right [Music] [Music] [Laughter] he leaves with his pinky in a way i never would that little one [Music] [Applause] [Music] i mean you're in it's i mean [Music] [Music] man when i used to practice scales all the time like this would this would it gets there's a fluidity to it but the way these legato players lead and pivot with certain fingers and like inflection points the way they pick that's like a really personal trait we all do it incredibly differently um especially now for me that i've kind of like become a permanent hybrid picker it just changes everything over here um but you know he's still just keeping fitting notes to this rhythmic thing you have the burst right the like a drum roll and you're fitting notes to that uh seems to favor sets of three um you know and and so making them fit that but squarely squarely in b aeolian or just be natural minor as far i haven't heard anything that really steps out from that yet there's a lot of cool things that he's doing like starting the scale on a for example and not just always resolving to b but like right there dude then squarely on b nothing wrong with that just saying it it's it's like a commitment to the to the pulse to the rhythmic pattern first and then you find notes to it and we all do that a little differently some people i mean like van halen used to favor like a set of five you know or sometimes like seven uh like it was it was different all the time you know and the way that you have to pick that and the way that you have to jump and visualize scales yeah like the theory is the same and the rhythm is the same but that's a that's a personal thing and it doesn't just impact the harmony in your note choices it's your attack it's your tone too it's all connected [Music] camera keeps focusing on that microphone [Applause] [Applause] so crazy how he favors the pinky so much um you can tell he's had an incredible amount of disciplined practice where you're not you know doing this right if it's supposed to be the pinky it's supposed to be the pinky and then leading and getting a bend with the pinky but then but then when he bends up you could you could clearly tell there's like a there's a disconnect there where where like the fury of notes doesn't quite uh equate to like this smooth vibrato that you would expect with a big bluesy bend like that and and that erratic thing remains that was that was that was uh that was in like the flurry of notes it's it's so different than what i'm used to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] unbelievable [Music] look at the mechanics of the right hand i said it a bunch on this channel i forget who said it first but you know your right hand your picking hand is who you are right like this is what you think you know like this this this is who you are he's just fitting everything into this look at the clutch he has on the pick just like like that's what he's doing he's figuring out stuff to to weave into this but this this is the game right here this that that whatever you want to call that we need troy radio on this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it must be impossibly fun to do that every night now i bet you probably wish you played with the band um maybe you do it shows you how little i know uh point is though you can't be a guitar player and not know who buckethead is um because like i said in the beginning of the video these sticks work if you can back it up and the dude can of course clearly back it up um that's it ladies and gentlemen thank you elton from oklahoma city for being a subscriber and a student on the website for all you interested it's the first link in the description it's called it's my life's work it's all my lessons all my courses it's a whole community built on sharing videos to make sure that you uh pick this thing up more than you don't so we share videos for reacts requests for you completing lessons your original music it's the whole community i'd love to have you over there and that's it that's my little pitch i'll see the next one have a great day cheers buckethead
Channel: Michael Palmisano
Views: 405,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, guitar lesson, prs guitars, paul reed smith, improvisation, music theory, guitar scales, Guitargate, reaction, guitar reaction, Buckethead - One of the best, most emotional versions of Soothsayer Live @ Gothic 9-28-2012, buckethead reaction, bucketheard guitar solo, buckethead soothsayer guitar lesson, buckethead soothsayer guitar tabs, buckethead soothsayer gothic reaction, how to play buckethead soothsayer, buckethead soothsayer guitar solo
Id: tQ4ItWGh4vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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