[GUIDE] Best Places to Farm for every Build!

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what's up youtube mr llama c here and today we're going to be talking about where your build can farm now i'm going to try and cover each type of build a little bit more than go through every very specific kind of build but i want to discuss the different elements and the farming and the capabilities and what kind of talk about like the builds that fall within all of those um so this is kind of an important thing obviously because for many of you guys you're like i play a lightning source i play a blizz source i play a poison necro i play a you know berserk bar whatever it is where can i go farm what's efficient um where am i going to have trouble all of that stuff so let's go ahead and kind of discuss uh here first i guess i actually kind of even want to go back to this page right here and i'd rather put some text up let's do it that way so this is going to be my um recommendations kind of for each one of them and i'll chapter this off so that we have each of those so for a physical character it's going to look like this and let me actually get all of it for a physical character you actually have a lot of places that you can farm and the reason for this is there's not really a lot of physical immunes right so generally yeah you know you have like your ghost right that's going to be like the main thing that you're going to run into that's kind of annoying and would deal with that but otherwise physical characters really have the options to farm in a variety of areas so you can see over here you can go to the mausoleum you can go to the pit you can go to the stoney tomb the ancient tunnels all of these really eight level 85 areas and 84s and 83s are all very far more farmable for these characters now the things that you're going to have to look out for are going to be places like the chaos sanctuary and stuff right bale running those are going to be difficult because you're going to have the decrepify it's gonna slow you down so any of those places where you're really kind of getting cursed a lot like that it's gonna be a little bit more difficult for the character maybe not as recommended even like worlds don't keep here i kind of tossed on but that's like a half and half plus you can have ghosts on the world stone keep on level three um and so you know it's not always gonna be like 100 perfect but the big thing to note is with physical characters you really have a variety of areas and then additionally you can go down here you can do the countess you can do in dario you can do travancol and mephisto you can be very good with bosses as well obviously you can kill like the ubers and stuff if you want torch farm killing eldritch and shank and all of that it's just going to be fantastic because like i said you just get so much good physical damage which is just going to be worth so much for these characters right here um and you you have the ability to really focus in on bosses and stuff right with crushing blow and all of that you're gonna be able to really focus in on those single monsters i put iffy next to cows and this is something you should also keep in mind for just kind of general areas because a lot of physical characters on a single or on a place that is surrounded by so many mobs and the cows is a great example because there's just like thousands of cows everywhere it can be a little difficult and you can get your character really put into fast or hit recovery a lot um and just kind of get hit a lot right it can be tough so if you're like a boson or something you're standing back that's going to be a little easier but if you are going to be you know a barbarian or a zealot or something getting into the middle of all that stuff with really good gear you'll probably be okay but if your gear is not amazing it's iffy it's not great i i wouldn't super recommend it all of the time um but that right there is kind of a good summation of places that i would consider if i was a physical character and really a physical melee character when i was running through and so i kind of pick and choose on these and whichever ones kind of feel good when i'm going through them then i keep those on the list if they're not feeling great then i don't and for instance one example could be like the mausoleum technically it's farmable but there's it's so big and there's just generally not enough bosses in there that personally i don't like doing the muslim very often um but it's somewhere that like you can add to that list if you would like so we can go ahead and move on now to magical characters so magical characters are going to be probably the strongest uh and this is going to be purely because oh why is this doing like this all right let's take that off for now um they are going to just have the fewest immunities really in the game there um pretty much the only mob that you're gonna have to worry about is the unravelers that's really going to be the only magic immune that you'll have to worry about you can also encounter the magic immune um in like the one of the like act 3 temples or something you can encounter like a magic man in there and stuff but really it's so minimal uh and the the zombies and act two as well um so you know maybe stay out of like the ancient tunnels right but other than that uh the biggest thing is gonna be magic characters are going to be um your bone necros oh what what was that like that was weird your bone necros uh are gonna be one and then your hammer didn't are gonna be another one right that's gonna be like the two main magic characters all right what is happening i'm not even dropping frames it's just like my uh whatever uh we'll just close d2 right there i think diablo ii is having some some sometimes anywho moving on so your bow necros and your hammertons are really going to be like the magic damage characters that you're generally going to see generally going to be play berserk barbarian is also going to be a decent one right and so really it opens up just such a variety here of places that you can farm now something to think about for instance is like if i'm a bone necro maggot layer isn't a terrible place to farm i can go i can shoot my bone spears down the hall i can corpse explode it i can do a lot if i'm a hammer then maggot layer is going to be a terrible place to farm because hammers don't have the you know you need that big like open space right so that's something that you should really think about when you're comparing um these things is not every build is going to be perfect just because of the elemental immunes but you have to also think about the architectural design of every area and what's kind of good around there and stuff so for instance at hammerton i love doing like the chaos sanctuary it's big it's open there's lots of monsters you can go in and just kill all sorts of stuff you can do you know uh the world's don't keep isn't bad for it you can do uh and dario and mephisto and cows are fantastic and all of these places the trav isn't bad um eldritch and shank but i'm avoiding that maggot lair i'm probably avoiding some of you know if i was gonna farm like the flare dungeon or something any of those tight narrow areas i'm probably gonna stay out of right um whereas like i say if i'm you know running a berserk barb or if i'm running that like you know the bone necro well then maybe those don't matter as much to me i feel more okay with it um and i can get into those tight narrow spaces a little bit easier so these are the suggestions that i have for a magical character like i say you really have pretty much all of the bosses um and you know you're only really farming uh andy and mephisto but you also get you know the countess you can also go to eldritch and shank um if you want you can go to nilothak as well with them uh you can do and and i know that's not in the list but i think the list was was cutting off i might even add a new list right here text waves minus two um and so bale wave number two is going to be the difficult one because that has the unravelers um and so that is the only one that you'll have to find some other way to kill them and this could be three or mercenary this could be through the corpse explosion this could be through holy bolt which is magic damage but it's also damage versus undead which the unravelers are so it can actually go through it um all of that stuff right so those are kind of a little difficult but otherwise or if you just have a partner running with you who can kill those um regardless though the the magic characters are definitely one of the strongest characters and that's why it opens up so many possibilities here for you to run and so many things to do for your rotation when you do join a game right there um also pindle is not on this list i just realized forget pendle as well but once again for like the hammerton maybe pindle's not as fun because he's in that like narrow corridor right so you know that's uh something to think about right there and pendle could probably also be with the physical but that's the charging's kind of annoying so maybe not as fun moving on let's go ahead and jump into a cold character now and this'll be right here so you can see once again our list has uh dropped substantially for a cold character and this is because cold characters or cold immunities are the most prevalent and difficult nor uh and sometimes impossible many times impossible to break so often with a cold character you're not going to be doing many areas because there's just going to be a lot of cold immunes so the ones that i do recommend will be as follows for your level 85 areas i would say and let me put cold at the top i would say mausoleum stoney tomb maggot lair which isn't a bad one it's not amazing um but it's actually an okay area city of the dengd and the ancient tunnels with ancient tunnels being my favorite place to farm uh because you're just gonna go in there it has like enough space easy killing all of that stuff but really all of these are gonna be decent options for your cold characters um right there and then of course additionally you have andrea you have the cows you have travancol you'll run into some you know like the cold immune uh the one guy um whatever his name is can't think of his name he'll be cold immune but you can kill the other ones and they'll be fine once again as well if you have yeah torch ice fist whatever torque ice fist um if you have a mercenary though of course that can do a little bit of damage or if you're dual spec and you're running cold fire or cold light or whatever you can often take a lot of them on mephisto is obviously fantastic as well you can also moat trick him to cheese him bail waves are really solid wave two you can't kill the little skellies so you need to have either fire damage for that or once again drag them a little bit further back have the mercenary kill them and then pindle is also very solid so all of those can be can be great and all of these up here aren't all area level 85 they can be area level like 81 two three four five i think stony tomb is actually area level 79 i'm trying to remember exactly but these are kind of like high level areas basically maggot layer is like 83 84 85 or something like that or 83 83 84 or something along those lines for each of the levels so just know that these are areas where a lot of the really good items can drop you're gonna find those griffins and you're gonna find those um you know those sorts of things and some of the main songs down here you might find a death fathom and some of them sony two and probably won't drop it but the other ones might um all that stuff um but yeah so this is where i'm farming for those kind of areas and these are kind of the like other areas and and more boss or these are like special areas or special bosses i'm kind of thinking more when i'm listing these some super uniques and some bosses and then cows is like a special area so this is my cold rotation for my fire rotation i'm looking at this mausoleum stoney tomb maggot lair city of the danger drifter cavern and the icy cellar is actually a great one both the drifter cavern and icy cellar i think are under farmed areas they've got those gold chests which can be nice and can drop some good things um and uh yeah and and and honestly it's also not terrible and smart areas i also like i really like a fire source in the maggot layer um with the fireball you can really just wreck a lot of stuff very quickly and um that's super nice and then additionally down below um you have these ones and again i can put pindle uh down here and dario cows and fisto eldritch shank pindle um a lot of act five you'll notice act five act five act five act five act five a lot of act five is actually kind of weak to fire there's a lot of like cold immunes and okay amount of like poison and light immunes but there's not really a ton of fire immunes in act five uh so you can actually get away with a lot of those like super neat bosses and if you wanted even to farm like thresh socket and stuff you could go do that i'm never someone who throws thresh shock it into my like farming mix so that's why he's not really listed here but he has a potential spot that you could do um and then once again the stronger that your mercenary is the easier it's going to be in certain areas that might have like one fire immune or something so for instance the drifter cavern i think might have one fire immune uh monster that can spawn in it um and i'll actually bring up that that zones sheet at the end of this uh to show you guys that um but it's just like a good thing to take note of so you can see that and then um bail waves can be nice but you will run into issues with uh the wave five that can be a little difficult so anyways though i think fire's actually kind of got a little bit of fun rotation and very good at quick killing bosses as well so i really like it for the boss kills now moving into light light is where we actually have a bit of a a little more to talk about with it a lot more to talk about with it and really it comes down to do you have infinity or not because without infinity there's going to be a lot of light immunes all over the place and it's kind of difficult to find great places to farm that don't have any light immunes um literally almost every one of the good zones has light immune somewhere in it and so you just have to kind of like skip those or you know have your mercenary kill them or whatever it is but as soon as you get infinity nearly all of those are broken and then you can murder everything so it really opens up a ton of zones for the character so some of the main zones for this character are going to be ones that i have listed right here um and then of course down below you run into more of you're like shank eldritch all those are always going to be nice your bosses your cows these are kind of like more without infinity i would say all of this stuff though bail waves it's a little nice to have and then up here is a little bit more like having infinity will really help you um with that right so something like the chaos sanctuary for example a light source is the fastest chaos sanctuary killer but having that infinity is going to really help her through otherwise she's going to have to move around and skip and sometimes she'll run into bosses that she can't break and all of that right um so definitely a big benefit and a big boost to this character i have a video on how immunities work and how they break um on my youtube and i would recommend going and checking that out if you really want to see the power of infinity or even a lower resist wand on your swap um or your main hand can be really nice so for instance i like to run around with my traps in and i give her the lower res wand in her main hand when i'm speed running and then i can just cast it wherever lowers the resistances and that helps break a lot of immunes and kill a lot of stuff so can be very useful but light source actually has a decent amount of cool places to farm and i think this list even opens up even more with infinity i think you really can go to a lot of places once you get that but this is kind of the main places that i would be looking and then lastly we'll jump over to poison damage and this kind of changes up a little bit you can see i removed all of the bosses down below and that's generally because poison is a slow killer uh yes you can do in daryl you can do mephisto you can do diablo whatever but it just takes a while it's not really my most recommended thing to do for this character these these kinds of characters you know maybe like rabies druid or a poison javazon or obviously the poison necro is the main one i think of is going to be much better at hitting large sums of monsters in the cows killing you know travel killing eldridge and his minions and shank running around the worlds don't keep though there are there are a lot of poison means on on level two of uh the world stone keep so going to like level one and level three can be a little nicer to avoid um more of those um but city of the dang ruin all those temples and act three can be nice the pit can be a good place for him mausoleum can be a nice place for him as well so for instance if i'm doing like my poison necro my the way that i run is i go to eldritch and i kill eldritch then i go to shank and i kill shank i go to the world stone keep and i kill the world stone keep i go to the travancore and i do the travel and then i go to i go to the pit and i do the pit and then i finish off at the cows and that's my current route now if i wanted to i could add in maybe some of these temples in here maybe i go to the city and run around the city a little bit you know you can throw some of those in there if you would like but you kind of get to pick and choose what feels good and what you want your route to be for every game before you want to like make the next game and move on and keep doing stuff um so that covers each of the characters and now i want to specifically talk about um and i'll link this down below but kind of zones overall so this right here is a zone sheet that gives you good information on immunities that can spawn now you have to remember every time you you go into a level an immunity doesn't spawn or like all the monsters that can spawn in that area don't spawn right when you're in worlds don't keep level 2 you might get souls you might not get souls and so every zone has a list of monsters that it can spawn and it's going to spawn three of those monsters so this is the number of immunes that number of monsters that can spawn with certain immunities and here once again like i said if you look under lightning immunes every zone has the ability with the exception of the pit which i didn't even list because it's pretty empty to spawn lightning immunes but with infinity you're breaking everything whereas if we look like magic immunes and physical immunes there's very little and so you can really be in a lot of areas for all of this right and so yeah i'll have a link to this page down below and you can just kind of see and that's for all of those and then here you can also see the area levels of each of the areas so the higher the area level the more experience you're going to get when you're killing stuff in it but then additionally the better items that are going to be dropping in these areas so getting to those 85 areas can be really nice even 83s and 84s this is where you're going to find your death fathoms and your griffins and like i said all those kind of your see a ways all those big items are going to drop in those 80s really um but yeah this is this is very good stuff to know very good information to have and that link will be in the description so regardless um i hope that this helped you out a little bit like i said the big takeaway is going to be what your element is and what the play style is for your character i think that's the two things that you really need to note um because like i say a hammerton and the maggot lair is going to be miserable even if there's no immunities that you have to worry about right so note that and then what it looks like with infinity and without infinity and sometimes you're just in an area and you skip one pack because one of the three monsters types that spawned is fire immune so you skip the fire moons and you know you kill the rest of the fires then you reset and do it again right so sometimes not killing every single thing is okay but i hope that this was useful i hope this gave you a little bit of information about your characters where you want to farm what you want to be doing uh don't forget to like and subscribe everybody peace youtube
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 327,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: bVsr0e5Zho8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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