[GUIDE] How to get RICH - Diablo 2 Resurrected

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what is up youtube mr lyman c here and today we're talking about how to get rich that's right this is the juicy one this is where it's like oh yeah i got diablo 2 resurrected i'm ready to make that cash money in game because we're not doing pay to win stuff right we're not getting on that garbage train over there so let's jump in and talk about a few different ways so you want to get rich you want to have the hodos and the shaco's and your 35 spirits and your characters all decked out right you want to have the high runes to trade and be feeling dolla dolla bill roon money cash all right i'm gonna stop with all that um there's a few different ways number one make sure to increase your contribution to your 401k at least be getting your company match number two invest in an ira number three we're going to start talking about diablo tips um the first way that you can do it is you're gonna have to level your character up in some capacity okay you're not gonna get rich with a level 25 character so whether it's being good at the game and just playing through the game having somebody rush you through the game and then joining in some chaos runs playing with a team or just leveling with random groups doing your tryst runs doing your tomb runs cows bales everything to get up you're gonna have to get some levels because when you get leveled and you get to the higher areas that's when you can find the gear and get to the places that you need to make that money right so now that you've got your character leveled up they don't need to have all of this this juicy stuff you can have a spirit sword very easy to get uh i have a spirit video i can link it in the description below for how to make yourself a spirit sword things like this a smoke armor a stealth armor a lore helm i've got that right there once again all of these budget items this is going to be the stuff that you're going to farm up with just these sorts of basic things oh i got a one to cold skills amy cool a random 10 fcr ring oh some sanders boots right like this stuff isn't crazy these things you can get and they're they don't they aren't super expensive and they're easy to make and you can be good to go right people might even give you free like runes of these levels i mean it's it's very basic normal nightmare count is run that stuff you will be fine now how about moving a little bit forward from there right now that i've got some of that basic gear where do i want to go and what do i want to do well there's a few things number one if you have a smiter you can actually go and start working some ubers right so you can do uber tristrum you can get torches and you can sell torches off people will literally pay you to run their ubers you don't even need to have the keys you can literally do an uber service where you say you bring me all of the key sets you give me a rune to go with it estrone whatever it is you know you can charge more or less depending whatever the market is and then i will kill it get the torch and give you back the torch and this is what a torch looks like right i will get it maybe they might want it unit a lot of times you don't identify it and you give it back to them unidentified so they can then have the torch and you just profit the rune piece and you can do this over and over and over again that's a nice easy way the only thing that i would say is make sure that you're good enough that you don't brick it because if you keep ruining all of your stuff and like not being able to get the torch then people are going to be pretty pissed and it's not going to go well for you so if you're a decent torch runner this is what you want to do is just go get the character get them geared up it doesn't take a lot to get a smider in a decent way it also helps if you have a couple other characters to help you a sorceress to teleport around and set teepees next to the bosses and things like that somebody to cast life tap for you from a wand whatever stuff if you can get a couple people to help out it can be even better and you can get the ubers done really early and get these um torches now that's probably the hardest way because once again that requires a lot of experience with how to farm ubers what are some simpler ways mr leima well number two is farming right and there's a couple of places in ways that you can farm and this is going to depend on what kind of character you have if you have a character that does for instance lightning damage you want to look at things like farming the hell countess farming the pits right and i can show you guys if you go to the outer cloister and you teleport back and follow the path it'll split and then you can go to the pit level one right here right in here this is an area level 85 which is the highest level area in the game and you can just go and farm the boss groups in here lightning does super well in here especially if you can break some of the immunities and you just kill these bosses right you just go around find those boss packs kill those boss packs and then move on to the next group you don't have to kill all the monsters you're just looking for these ones that have the unique boss right these ones that have this unique boss you kill that you get one good item drop from them and then you move on and if you kill those these are gonna be the places where you're gonna find griffins where you're gonna find literally any item in the game can drop in those areas so it's amazing this is going to be your pit your chaos sanctuary your ancient tunnels your mausoleum your world stone keep all of that stuff so like i say for characters that do lightning damage you can do the tower which doesn't drop everything but the countess can drop nice runes you'll get ums and mouths and ist and poles and limbs and all that on top of terror keys which can be nice to be used for people who want to do ubers so you can sell those off you can also farm and dario and we'll get to boss farming a little bit later but that's just another place in act 2 you'll see people go to the lost city and they search for the little hole in the ground basically in the lost city you just need to find it next to one of these buildings right there this trap door and here's another area level 85 this area is great for cold uh immune or for cold damage characters right and i go and i kill the champions and the uniques and once again i'm just looking for nice items while i'm down here and anything can drop in this area okay so you can just rinse and repeat with this and farm these sorts of areas if you go and are in act three um the travencoal is a farmable area that a lot of people like and you can go and kill some of the trav members all the trav members just depends how your character is doing this one is usually requires a little bit of a stronger character i would say uh to fight them as a lot of times they can be very dangerous you can see he's also got like conviction orange stuff but here you can get a lot of jewelry you can get a lot of runes you can see right there an amulet just dropped you will have some cold immunes some fire immune so you know you'll just want to note that but this is another area that people like to farm a lot and it's another place to get a lot of gold which is also kind of nice if you want to do some gambling a little bit later on additionally of course mephisto is a very common boss farm spot we'll talk about that in a second in act 4 people do chaos runs this is another great place to get runes bases everything this is a difficult area uh this is probably one of the hardest areas in the game it does have good payout good experience everything about it's lovely but if you aren't ready to fight in the chaos i would say avoid this area and then in act 5 you'll see people sometimes do a little bit of farming just to like eldritch right here he is called immune but this is an easy place to farm and get a little bit of experience additionally people like to go and do maybe some thresh socket and then of course people like doing pindle so you go here once you've saved or once you've saved anya you go over here and you just kill pindle and he actually drops two items which is really nice and that's it that's like the quickest run ever and you can find almost any item in the game from pindle which is super super nice then of course world stone keep people like farming there um and some people like farming like the icy cellar or uh you know any of those areas which are within um these and they can be decent so you can go to like the ancient sway and you can actually go and farm over uh it's not gonna be what we want and define the map turn around map it looks like yeah so they go like to the icy cellar and here you can go and farm and once again you'll see this is not a good place for cold a lot of act 5 areas are not good for cold monsters or cold uh heroes but you can go and kill there and they've got a little sparkly chest and some things in there for farming so all of those areas are really nice and you can throw them into your rotation as you want depending on what character you have and you can try and feel them out as well does your character struggle a lot in the chaos but do really well in the ancient tunnels but really poorly in the pits and really well in the icy seller okay cool then do ancient tunnels and icy cellar and pindle you know you can literally go bang bang bang bang do three for those areas do the next game and keep going and like i say this is where you're gonna get these big items your shacos but you're also gonna get you know lots of things like trains you're gonna get nice nice uh charm drops your jeans are gonna drop from there all of that stuff okay these are very solid through these five acts now beyond the five acts or within act one you can also go and do cows right so you come over here you go to the tristrum [Music] so you have to have saved kane of course you get where it's laid go back to town takes a few seconds to get through that whole scenario and you come back here you get a tomatown portal and you have the cows up cows are fantastic for farming not the top top end gear because it's not you're not going to be able to find some of those best items will not drop here but you can find a lot of the good items still and of course this is a great place for just mass bodies so if you're looking to get runes rune word bases charms jewels gems all of that stuff the cow level is a fantastic place for it because there's just so many mobs to kill in here that you're just gonna get a lot of stuff to drop and there you can see we've got a bill we've got a partisan those are already some like bases that i could use maybe for like a nightmare for you know my mercenary and stuff there's a white phase blade that can get six open sockets or we can roll it for other sockets to make a grief or last wishing or whatever right i mean it's very fast this is where people farm for those monarch shields and all of that stuff and that's going to help you get rich because people love those early things like the monarch shields and all of that so cows is a great place for that sort of farming now let's say that you want to do more boss farming and maybe you mix it in i like to mix it up and this is hell i'm talking about not nightmare okay you you can go and do of course your endario right you're just going to go there go find indario real fast and just kill in dario and you want to do this with magic find as well so you can see that i've got some magic find here i've got a 100 magic find which is not a lot but before i actually kill a monster i will do this and weapon swap and now i have 209 magic find because i've actually weapon swapped over to an alibaba and a rhyme shield for more mf so this is something and i've even got more magic find in my stash i'm not even set up with my mf build so i probably have about 300 magic find right now um you know i've got my jeeds and all this stuff so when a monster dies is when your magic find is applied to the kill so i can go in and i can fight in dario i'm fighting her on my strong right there and then before she dies i swapped to my offhand i was a little late there but whatever and then you can get stuff and hey look we got a gold strike that's a really nice bow right also we got a crown which is actually super nice if it's not mila bregas and it's i wrath this because that'd be nice um so super easy throw those in and this is where you can pick stuff up and you know a boson might want a gold strike maybe i could get like a lem rune or a pole rune for that that could be nice and easy you know and then you can go and do mephisto and some people just prefer to do endarl and mephisto and it is a little bit easier than doing some of those difficult areas especially over here because you can just drag mephisto down and just cheese him yeah you have to kill this guy but you can actually just chase mephisto and just drop blizzards or meteors or traps or whatever you want over there and not even have to deal with mephisto hurting you and then mephisto drops his stuff you pick it up and you can go to act four nice and easy once again uh you can just get quick drops quick drops and you're just gonna farm this over and over right you're just gonna go farm kill and dario kill mephisto kill the areas kill pindle drop out come back in rinse and repeat this is where you're gonna get a lot of these shacos this is where you're gonna get sojs and raven frost and all of the items uh towels belts and everything that people kind of want there besides the top top end stuff that'll be in those high level areas that we talked about you can get all of that right there on top of some of the just nice runes right so a lot of good things and you can take this and gear your character up but additionally and this gets into step number three you can trade it and trading is honestly one of the best ways to get rich and this is because you have this right here ranges you have ranges and you have a market right so here is kind of the length of time this is time of ladder just pretend that that is legible so you have time of ladder okay and here you have like value of stuff and the thing is you're gonna get different values of different pieces right so for instance this right here is going to be shaco's value and a lot of people are going to be like whoa what and this is going to be like paul rune and this is going to be like vex roon probably this is going to be the value of shaco over time right because it's going to start right there and then it's going to work its way down over time as more and more people get shaco it becomes less desired it's easy it's not too hard to find but in the very early stages of the ladder everybody wants it so the value is right there roughly additionally paul roon or um you could have something like this and i'll say this would be like a 320 i mean it's never worth of x uh we'll just do like this and pretend like that and this could be like a 3 20 20 small charm because at the start of the ladder nobody really cares about getting a 3 20 20. this is an optimization item so optimization items are going to gain value over the time of the ladder where eventually people get there and they're like now that i have all my gear set i want to get perfect small charms in every slot right so the longer the ladder goes in my opinion the higher the value that these things really get before they probably stabilize because at the beginning once again if i could buy this or i could buy shaco and hodo and all the other things i'm going to buy those because they're going to give me more value early because then i can go far more farm better be stronger and trade more stuff and find more stuff okay so this is very good because the best thing that you can note about all of this is that there's no set time this isn't like one day three days five days that's not how it goes all of this is pretty fluid and so the time of the ladder is going to be pretty fluid and these values are not going to be exactly right here it's more like this and then it's gonna be more like this so this is more how the value of a shaco is going to look and this is because at the very start of the game for some people a shaco is going to be not worth as much they got a shaco they're not interested in trading they just want to dump it off and get a rune or get an item or something that they need and that's it right let's say a barbarian finds a shaco and he really doesn't care because he wants an um rune so he can make a crescent moon for himself he might say shaco for umroon and just be happy with it and you're not ripping the guy off by giving him an um rune because that's what he wants he is valuing it right here and saying i don't care about the extra stuff you could offer the guy an isrune and he'd say no i'm looking for an umroon the dude doesn't want to trade he doesn't want to get an ester of vex and then have to break it down and do all this stuff he just wants his um rune for his crescent moon or his raven frost ring or whatever it is and that is it and so the value of these items really has a lot of flow to them because you're going to have people that value it very high and that will trade very high for it there's also people that will come in and you can have a shaco and they'll say i will give you a sir rune for your shaco right now and you're like whoa all right sure and you don't have to say no pay me less blah blah blah whatever because you know there's going to be 50 people that'll give you a vex rune for it but this guy doesn't want to go through the time he doesn't want you to consider other offers he doesn't want any of this stuff he just wants to get the stupid shaco and he doesn't care about the sir roon value once again so everything with values in the start is going to be similar to this right you're going to have other items that'll have values that maybe go like this or something right and kind of even flatten out more over the time let me see if i can fill in there we go right you'll have other items that go like that maybe this is uh oh geez i don't know what would be available something around there uh we'll say wind force i don't know doesn't really matter the point is at the very start it will have a wider range because there is more need unless everybody has everything and it now has that economy established and the shaco is worth a poll rune and that's always the trade and you can go out and find it because finding it and the demand supply and demand once again is the big factor right here right when there is a very limited supply you're going to have this wide range because there's just i mean it's like am i gonna find another shaco from somebody who's gonna trade it i don't know i'm just gonna pay for it right now and overpay for it because i really want this shaco right now or i really want this um right now or whatever it is and so they just want to get rid of it very quickly so you this is a very good time where you can go and make a lot of money once again not by scamming everybody but by giving everybody exactly what they want and the more that you can get your hands on these things all in the middle the better that you can take advantage of this and have more uh more ability to fit into everybody's needs right so they can literally go and say i need a lem roon i need an um rune i need a raven frost i need whatever and you can have a lot of these things and then you can say i've got it and they'll be like sweet i'll overpay for it because i really want it right now and that's worth it it's worth it to them it's worth it to you you get a little extra for having it and being there and they get exactly what they want which is perfect because they don't want to sit and trade all of the time so this is a third and fantastic way to get rich in diablo 2 and a little study in economics and the last way that i really feel you can get rich or at least start your way to the riches and i've done trading from like very little up to lots of stuff by the way because you can just get basic things and then once again you find the person who really wants it gives you a better thing it's like the guy who traded a stape a staple or whatever it was for uh for a house right you trade your way up um but anyways the last thing is you can um rush for forge and this is going to be uh the it's not the fastest but if you're good at rushing people through the game you can literally get them from act one normal through to hell um and especially if you have bumpers and things you can get a lot of people through and then they give you your forge not guaranteed which is the light crappy part about it but if they do you can get east roon golrun mal um pole all that stuff for your time and really early on that can be a nice way to get a few of those medium high runes that you can then get some good value and trade it off with so all of that is really helpful and uh just one of those if you like rushing i think that's a nice way to get a few points there a bumper is somebody who can help you with a glitch rush that's a separate topic uh if you're a rusher you will understand that uh and then i guess lastly the thing i didn't talk about yet is doing lower cross runs this is kind of the most boring of options but something that you can easily throw into your combination of stuff when you're doing a lot of areas so you can teleport around and look for the fires look for the camps with fires you can have one or two and i'll show you what it looks like in a second let me get to it right here so you get a little campfire in the middle and you go up here and you push this chest you come here and you push this chest and this chest and you want to have keys for this there's also a rack right there and a rack right there that you can pop and maybe hey that could have been a rack or whatever right um so you can go and just do that like i say this isn't like the most exciting in terms of action but it's pretty easy it takes a few seconds to throw in and you can get yourself um bur up to burun from there additionally lots of charms gems jewels jewelry all of that will drop i actually really enjoy lower cross running it's very fun i have a guide on how to do lower course runs efficiently but that is another area that you can go and get some of those runes that you can then take and trade off or some skillers or whatever stuff to go and trade with so anyways this is the ways to really get rich in diablo 2. um there's truly a variety of ways here and a lot of it in my opinion does revolve around trading in some capacity understanding some values so really looking at the market going to the lobby and looking and seeing what people are offering and scouring those games a little bit right if you go and just sit in the lobby and just kind of see the games and go okay ist for towel armor you'll see a lot of games where somebody will be like sir rune for towel armor or whatever if you see tal armor is really popular a lot of people want it and you see it going for vex and om and all of that and then you have you say okay i'll go pick one up and then you find some someone who's willing to offer a sir or burr or something for it dump it off get your currency and trade from there and i'll literally take something that i am wearing if it's a good enough deal and trade it like i've got a hodo right here and i want a hodo for this character but if somebody puts up an offer like burroon for hodo you can bet your butt i'm joining that game and handing it right off my hand and saying screw it i'll just run with a spirit sword or something for a while because i can take this burr rune and double the value and get something else right so just looking through there refreshing obviously the games list stuff in the lobbies right now is a little iffy but uh that's a that's a great way to just go and find what people are looking for and go from there so anyways i hope that this was helpful good luck to you all would love to hear your thoughts down below don't forget to like and subscribe peace youtube
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 580,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: muEK9z58y1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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