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[Music] what's up youtube mr lomesi here and today we're going to be talking about the deadliest most dangerous unique monster bonuses these are the little affixes or attributes whatever you want to call them listed beneath a unique monster so for instance cold enchanted stone skin lightning enchanted spectral hit all of those things that can spawn on a random unique mob boss pack whenever you go and fight them of course these can be very deadly with certain combinations and maybe at the end we'll talk a little bit about specific combinations of all of these but i want to take all 13 of the different bonuses and just kind of rank them from difficulty to give you guys a little bit of an idea of what to look out for when you're running around and what sorts of things are going to actually happen from each of these as i think some of them people aren't fully aware so let's go ahead and bring up our list and begin our ranking at number 13 we are going to have the least deadly the least dangerous it is dangerous it is teleportation um it just it adds nothing to the monster for damage whatsoever when the monster drops believe below 30 health i want to say uh they will begin to teleport and when they teleport they can heal themselves so it can be a little bit annoying if they teleport and heal and teleport and heal if it's like a mob that you're really trying to kill and you're doing very little damage to that can be annoying but once again it's not really adding that much danger the only time that this actually gets super dangerous is when you have teleportation on uh italic at the ancients and where he teleports onto you and then whirlwinds immediately um i've had that happen and i have died to a teleporting talic before so that one can be dangerous in that regard uh but that's that's pretty much it yeah you could maybe have like a death lord or something teleport onto you and things but it's just so rare it's just not really something that you're gonna find at all so for that reason teleport goes to the 13th and least dangerous the next one up is going to be stone skin uh stone skin can be annoying so what it does is it adds a 50 physical resistance to the monster um and so you're really gonna get just not a lot of damage and i think this gets even it's even higher in nightmare in hell um and so for physical characters that are only doing physical damage a lot of times this will make a monster physical immune they will be very tanky if you're trying to crush and blow a monster with stone skin it's just going to take a long time annoying yes dangerous not really it doesn't really add any danger it just adds a little bit of time to it for a lot of the characters this is where you bring out your berserk attack or you know your vengeance or whatever it is to just deal another type of damage um and honestly there's very few characters that are pure physical damage that really struggle against the stone skin modifier and if they do then they're usually good against a lot of the other ones that they'll be totally okay so overall stone skin not super scary but it is a little bit annoying and it goes in our number 12 slot in the number 11 slot we have magic resistant this is going to be similar right here this doesn't actually give resistances to magic type damage which i have a whole video about how the term magic is just the screwiest thing in the world this gives magic resistance so it gives fire lightning and cold resistance um and they'll get 40 more resistances to each of those uh so it's that but their actual magic damage doesn't get resisted or added resistance and neither does their poison damage um so once again this is going to just be something that is going to be annoying and it's something that like let's say you have it on your ancients and you do lightning damage and you need to be able to break the immunity of maddox right he's he's got high lightning immunes uh if he's magic resistant you won't be able to break him even with a lower resist wand so you're gonna probably want to re-roll the ancients until he's you know teleportation stone skin whatever stuff so that you don't have to worry about that um these are the things but yes it is basically an elemental resistance uh for the character for the monster once again just gonna make it a little bit more difficult to kill um but it won't even make it always immune to everything and so a lot of times it's just like a little bit more of a struggle once again not that dangerous overall in our number number 10 slot we start to get to things that start to get a little bit more dangerous i'm going to put spectral hit now spectral hit can be a little bit nasty it adds cold fire lightning poison or magic damage um and it can just be really annoying the the usual one is the cold one that's kind of the piece that you hate getting hit with because if you get hit with the cold damage um then it's just gonna be like ah dang it now i'm slowed or whatever it is so generally in like normal and nightmare before you have cannot be frozen and stuff this can be very annoying additionally this will also give plus 20 to fire cold and lightning resistance for the monster so they're a little bit tankier and it also increases their chance to hit um so it's it's times two for their chance to hit so they're going to get uh basically just increased damage for a random element added to their attack when they hit you and they're going to increase their chance to hit and have additional resistances it does get a little bit scarier it does get a little bit more annoying if you get hit with you know something that you have a low resistance in or like i say a cold hit when you're not expecting it it can do a little bit of damage and be annoying um but overall i would say it's not extremely deadly just kind of annoying more once again in our number nine slot we have multi shot multi shot is just going to increase the number uh of missiles to three the biggest reason that i have it here is because it's just going to be uh super super annoying with the um like archers and things like that quill rats archers any of those shooty dudes that it's hard to see the missiles and projectiles even like tainted and stuff if you're close on them you can get shotgunned by all of it um at the same time even if you're far away it makes it a lot harder to dodge because you're gonna have to be dodging three of their shots and so that's just really really annoying um additionally there's going to be sometimes you will have multi shot on birds in act 2 which doesn't do anything um so that's one that isn't bad you know and at the same time there's a lot of times where it's not like terrible if the monst if the monsters aren't doing a lot but if you stack multi-shot with some stuff that's doing a lot of damage then it's going to be really really annoying and so yeah so some a lot of people are asking about ghosts and things like that so multi-shot with lightning enchanted can be really really nasty um and this is because the charge bolts get re multiplied by three so they they shoot multiple of their charge bolts um and then you're it's very hard to uh to like run away and figure out that stuff so multi shot can be really annoying for a lightning enchant with the combination um i don't believe gloams have a multi-shot of lightning do they for souls i'd have to go double check that regardless um it it can be a little deadly for sure it's definitely one that starts to this is the first one that i feel like starts to get into that way of like uh if you have multi shot on the right monster you got to be a little bit careful there right in the number eight slot i'm gonna put cold enchanted now obviously for a melee character that does not have cannot be frozen yet this is going to be a much higher right because this is this kind of destroys the character for them completely um that being said as soon as you get canopy frozen it's not that bad um it's it's still annoying because you can still get hit by the cold nova and if you have low cold res it can do a lot of damage it can still slow your character freeze your character up i've definitely died to a corp to a to a cold uh enchant monster before um so you know it's not not impossible and not uh just like the safest easiest thing but like i say souls can't have multi okay i didn't think they could um but like i say cold and chant can still be annoying and if you mix cold enchant with some of the other enchants and stuff you can actually get some worse effects that can be a little bit nastier so that's another one of those that in the right combinations cold enchant definitely gets worse overall i would say cold enchant is medium and the biggest thing like i say is it hits uh you know a melee character a character with cannot be frozen and it really just kind of their character turns to garbage until they get that so that's definitely one of the main pieces right there now continuing on we have lightning enchanted so if we go to that um lightning enchanted is pretty dangerous and this like i said this is one that it's really dangerous when you get into a lot of the combinations which the problem is there's a lot of combinations that are terrible with it so if you have a lightning enchant and a fire enchant a lightning enchant and a cold enchant a lightning enchant and a multi-shot um you know the these sorts of things it can be really nasty uh it adds a bunch of lightning damage and um increases their lightning res as well and gives them the charge bolt so lightning damage is added chance to hit is increased lightning res is boosted um yeah it it adds a lot of damage overall and it is definitely uh pretty deadly and like i say this one comes in with the combinations and i'll talk about that a little bit later here now beyond that in the number six slot i'm going to put extra fast and this might be something that's confusing for a couple of people but the reason that i put extra fast here is extra fast mobs are insanely fast on the right mobs as well there's already certain mobs like dolls and infidels and things like this that are already pretty speedy on their own and you can barely dodge right they're flying at you and you can barely get out of the way with your extra fast unique mob it spreads to all of the minions as well and they will fly around and absolutely murder you in a tenth of a second they're gonna hit you so fast it is absolutely ridiculous i uh i i hate extra fast and it's it's just so scary now on top of being in faster they also have a faster attack speed and this is one of the deadliest parts about it they get a 25 increased attack speed as well which just makes them even deadlier because when you're trying to teleport through teleport past them all those things they're going to catch you really quick and they're going to hit you and if they put you in hit recovery you can be dead very easily so this is another one when you get the combination with a variety of different monsters you can get absolutely slaughtered but even without it it just takes you off guard a lot of times and especially with the darkness in diablo 2 by the time you see a doll that's extra fast charging at you he's already hit you um because he gets there faster and he attacks faster so extra fast goes in the number six slot for me i think you could even move it up a little bit if you wanted in the number five slot i have fire enchanted and some of you might be questioning this and saying wait why is fire enchanted bad and this is bad here for the buggy nature of it um which i'll talk i have a whole video that discusses it and all the different pieces of it but one of the main pieces to note is in nightmare um they forgot to set a flag that incr that changes the value of how much damage it does so fire enchanted does an explosion when the monster dies based on the monster's health and all of this was great and it's okay in normal ended hell but in nightmare they forgot to adjust it when they increased all of the minions hp in 1.10 i believe it was 109 110. they increased all of the hp of monsters a ton and they didn't change in a nightmare so if you get something like the travinco members or lister or you know these big mobs with a lot of hp and you kill them and they blow up they will blow up for thousands of damage and even with good resistances cyclone armor good health pools all of this stuff your character can so easily get one shot by this it is absolutely insane um if you go and do nightmare ancients and they are fire enchanted and you stand next to them when they die they will kill you that's just like a guarantee they will blow up and they will kill you i lost a hardcore druid with cyclone armor on like 800 life and uh 75 fire res because he killed lister the tormentor who who is fire enchanted a nightmare and i was standing a little too close pop one shot complete game over um it is so so bad and they do so much damage because of that and for that reason fire enchanted goes on the number five slot now otherwise fire enchanted is definitely down a little bit it still is annoying it still adds the fire res and damage and all of that but the explosion is the piece um that really uh is is critical here on this character and truly awful um and it's a corpse explosion which means if it does physical and fire damage so if you also are amplified you have amp damage on you because you've been cursed then you're gonna get even more damage from it uh so it's it's bad it's pretty nasty anyways moving on in our number four slot we have the dreaded mana burn now uh mana burn is awful um because it burns so much mana uh and it actually burns a glitch amount of mana it burns 256 times the amount of mana that it is supposed to burn i believe this is for all of the um monsters that are melee it does this i think ranged doesn't have this on all the monster types but for many of them it burned it's a bug where they burn way too much mana so what this means is when you're teleporting through and you get hit by a single monster and it's part of a mana burn pack all of your mana is gone and of course if you're trying to teleport well you're out of mana so you can't teleport and then they hit you again and again and again and you you're stuck and you're trying to drink potions and every time they hit you you lose all your mana uh and it's terrible this can knock you out so many times and just be absolutely brutal even if it's not the glitch version from the melee and you're still getting hit with ranged ones and stuff um it still does a lot of damage it takes a lot of demand or not damage but it still takes a lot of the mana anyway uh so you even still it can just be super nasty if you have a bunch of souls with it and stuff like that because it's just another way that can prevent you from casting the spells you need teleporting whatever it is to get away so for that reason mana burn goes in the number four slot in the number three slot we have extra strong um extra strong is what it says it is the monster is extra strong and is going to do more damage uh and it is just absolutely brutal because when you pair this with so many of the other things right you pair this um with you know extra fast or anything like that the monsters just become incredibly dangerous they will do 2.5 times their damage and their minions do 1.75 times the damage um so it just is disgusting uh absolutely disgusting so what it is is it is the physical damage attack so it shouldn't have any effect on like magic damage and things like that um but once again pair this with extra fast pair this with cursed pair this with any of that stuff 50 extra damage on top i mean you just you're just gonna get absolutely obliterated um so for that reason the amount of damage increase extra strong takes my number three because it's absolutely disgusting and the number two slot and i only have it here in the two you could debate this as the one we have aura enchanted uh aura enchanted is going to give the mob one of the following auras might holy fire blessed aim holy shock conviction or fanaticism um it's a role some of them aren't that bad if you get like holy sh or holy freeze as well holy shock blessed aim holy fire they can still be annoying they're gonna add some extra damage they're gonna you know it's gonna be a little bit worse but holy freeze is unavoidable cold you cannot stop yourself from being slowed cannot be frozen doesn't do anything with it because holy freeze uh it does a slow on top of cold damage as well mitora is awful it just increases every monster in the ranges damage fanaticism is horrible because now everything's faster attacking fast right it's just um or what does finasterism do for the off let me let me let me make sure for the monster that has it it'll increase damage it'll increase uh the attack speed uh all that damage attack speed and attack rating and then increases damage for all party members so the main character is going to get all the main things but then everybody else is still going to get a massive damage boost as well which once again is horrifying and then of course lastly we have conviction which is going to lower your resistances by a crap ton uh and just murder your face so all three of those are truly the feared ones um if you walk into a room and there's a pack of souls with conviction you're dead that's it there's no like oh it's okay no you need to have like massive over stacked light res and lightning absorb uh or not get hit to not die to that and like i say it's the fact that it applies for like fanaticism and might that it applies to all of the monsters around that it really gets dirty because you'll be teleporting through and then you get into a room and there's like 50 monsters in the room and they're all ranged archers and things and then they have might aura and you're just like and then there's a couple melee dudes that are there to hit you really fast and you're dead that's it it's it's over um so you really have to be careful whenever you see fanaticism conviction might you need to be getting away from that finding yourself in a safe position uh preventing yourself from being surrounded or you are going to be in a terrible terrible situation like i say there are the other ones that are not as bad but uh they're still they're still not great even like holy freeze is is pretty rough um so it's very easy to just die in those situations and the last one we've already talked about it a few times is our baby cursed uh cursed just is terrible because it gives amplified damage which will last longer and longer so normal to nightmare to hell the amount of time that it lasts um is awful and monsters are going to increase their physical damage against you um it's brutal for all characters melee characters trying to engage while you're cursed is awful ranged characters trying to engage while you're cursed is also awful because in the event that an arrow hits you or something comes up and touches you or whatever it is you're instantly in hit recovery the amount of damage is just absolutely brutal and it just it just kills it's just so deadly um and it's something that i always try to avoid the nice thing is you can go and drink from a well or talk to like mala or fara akara whatever to get rid of it and honestly this is one of the best the best things that you can do if you're like in the world some keep and you get cursed and you're trying to like teleport through maybe just go back to town and hear really fast before you do some teleports because you could teleport around a corner into a group of pike women extra fast and you're instantly dead there's no chance uh to survive on it so cursed i i would say the the delay and the length of it and just the brutalness of it is awful additionally you can take a shrine to get rid of it but a curse overwrites a shrine as well so anytime that you have a nice experian shrine or skill shrine or whatever it is and you're running through and a cursed monster's there your shrine is gone and now you're in just a terribly dangerous position um i absolutely hate it definitely one of the deadliest if not the deadliest and most dangerous unique monster attribute uh and so for that reason it gets the number one and in our number zero slot special bonus we have fire enchant plus lightning enchant um and the reason that this bonus piece goes right here is because of another bug in the game lightning enchanted is just kind of buggy with how it interacts with the other enchants and what happens here is if a mob is fire and lightning enchanted or if you just have a beetle that is already lightning enchanted right any of the scarabs because they already have the charged bolts every time that you put this monster into hit recovery it does a fire enchanted corpse explosion around the monster and i believe as well around the charged bolts there's still some like debate exactly on how it all works uh but basically it just murders you completely you will you can die so easily if you would normally take like five to ten damage from a charged bolt um in like nightmare or something if you have a fire enchanted lightning enchanted like beetle group or something or just a fire enchanted beetle group they'll do like 250 damage per charge bolt shot uh because once again every time you hit it to put it in hit recovery the charge volt there's there's all the corps explosions right all around uh and that the damage is so glitched and so bad um if you go and check it out you'll you'll notice it right the best thing i can say is look for beetles uh look for scarabs go hit them notice the damage you take from the charge bolts and then go hit it again when it's a fire enchant and notice the massive 10 times increase in damage um that you're taking right there so uh that is my little bonus one right there because of that interaction it is the deadliest i think in the game um now combinations of these things that can be super deadly as as i said fire and lightning enchanted are bugged lightning and cold enchanted is also bugged in that when a monster that's lightning enchanted dies it will actually i believe do two procs of the damage um or is it fire i think it's fire and cold enchanted when a firing cold enchanted monster dies the nova will like hit twice i believe again glitchy interactions with all of those so any of those combinations suck um cursed and extra strong extra fast those combinations are uh terrible right absolutely terrible mana burn mixing with something like extra fast is really horrible as well because they're going to attack faster and be able to hit you and you're going to be in a lot of trouble um you know and any of these things lightning or enchanted if you get conviction mixed with like dual enchants or something is really awful uh and then one of the worst thing that you can have is you can have something like a cursed extra strong extra fast mob standing right next to another boss group that has like might aura or you can have like might aura on one of them and fanaticism on the other one and then they also have like cursed extra fast extra strong right when you start getting these unique bosses standing next to each other they just can turn into absolute machines and just be absolutely disgusting so uh that is gonna be my list of the top 13 and the bonus 14th one right there um of the deadliest unique monster bonuses in the game remember in normal it will pick from one of these and nightmare it will pick from two of these and in hell it will pick from three of these and when you really start to get a lot of these additional things like i said stacked together you're gonna notice just a massive increase in the difficulty of the game so just be careful especially as you get to hell and always watch out for that fire enchant uh monster in nightmare with that being said let me know if you agree disagree how you would move any of these things around right here i appreciate you guys watching don't forget to like and subscribe peace youtube
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 116,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: dMB1qmhshXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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