Let's Play Diablo 2 - Sorceress HELL Difficulty Guided Playthrough

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what's up YouTube mr. llama see here welcome back to the sorceress let's play we are going to be jumping into hell with our sorceress so at this point your character should be somewhere between level 45 and 75 basically right you can kind of really pick anywhere in that range obviously for you down at the 45 50 that sort of area it's gonna be very difficult you're gonna die more all of that I would recommend spending some time in nightmare leveling doing Mephisto runs all the stuff that we did at the end of Nightmare Before jumping over into it so the goal through today is going to be finishing the game or the goal for today and something that'll be really important with that is we want to make sure that we're recognizing now is when we're going to be coming into the real difficulties of dual spec or dual immunes and and having to have different sources of damage and all of that right so be aware that for a little bit we are not going to kill cold immunes or fire moons or light immunes whatever spec you are just don't don't kill them just go past them avoid it like we're not going to do the den of evil because the den of evil is filled with cold immunes right if you're lightning you can go in there if your fire there's a lot of immunes again so once again kind of make your choice make up your mind of what you want to do with it and yeah so with that being said let's go ahead and start you'll see I'm 57 right here a slight recap is I'm maxed in cold for frozen orb and cold mastery if I wanted more cold points I could put them into ice bolt but I'm just gonna start specking my way into fire wall so I can have some fire damage for later you can go fireball fireball meteor those are generally the three that get picked one of those three is the dual and sometimes people go hydro but yeah let's let's get started and my timer apparently reset so we're just gonna deal with that so the first thing you'll notice is there's a lot more like boss groups he'll just floods the game with boss groups so this is really good from an experience standpoint but it's going to be kind of rough from like dangerous stand points additionally bosses now have three skills extra strong magic resist and Stoneskin so that's actually like super easy for us but obviously there can be way worse combinations so be careful as you're gonna start running into a lot of nasty combinations all I want for Christmas is Lama cold flames is gonna be a lot of cold enchants so we're just gonna kind of jump past that thank you laura thin thank you control there is a lot of good stuff to kill in the sonne field so each area has like you know bosses that it'll tend to drop or tend to have by the way my Reds are not great but they're okay at this point but they're definitely suffering a little bit so you know I am running with like magic fine stuff at the moment I'll probably swap that off here and he's called me in as well you're gonna find a lot of monsters end up being called mean what's the worst combo to face for a grunt boss group I mean like extra fast extra strong cold enchant light enchant fire enchant conviction or a might or you know like those sorts of things are gonna be the worst things that you'll really run into ok so that'll boost us up a tiny bit my res underground passage is very dangerous be careful I like to just get through here and not fight anything really just about unless it's a pretty open area for sure conviction or is very very nasty yes and once again there's more just duel and chant stuff I know we missed a charm it's okay it happens but like I say when you want to kill some things you can having a little more open space as nice core ads are also pretty dangerous so be careful around them I don't like to fight them too often especially if they roll some bad months but a lot of this is especially Act one I just like to kind of move through and then kill in open areas there's conviction aura it didn't actually trigger on me sometimes it's it's weird how it actually works oh god there's another one so conviction aura propagates out kind of like a frost Nova wood or something and there you can see there's a mite or a one shot pretty nasty and so now you can see my res are just absolutely garbage right so be really careful whenever you get there and because of that also as soon as you kill a monster it doesn't mean it's immediately done and we're not going to be running down here either for runes on this character so really just depends your builds kind of what is accessible in hell and some people don't like that right some people get really upset about it because they're like oh I know I won't be able to do all content but the sorceress really just isn't one of those characters to be honest she's like just not a good character she's cold and Fire mewn so that's why we're not doing it we're cold and Fire right the penalty on hell is negative a hundred resistances it's really brutal so we're just gonna continue through here once again take it somewhat slow if you need but whenever you get caught in an area with a lot of cold immunes or if your whatever then just totally fine to just go forward and skip them and just kind of go on a teleport rampage that's what this character is good at right and that's why we have the FCR as well so we can do that back when games didn't baby you it's true wow so cool things about telekinesis is you can do a lot of stuff through walls if you can see it so we just knocked the malleus off right there so now we can grab it saves us a tiny bit of time and safety and we'll just keep pumping firewall so all the rest of my points at this point are just gonna go into firewall also that's a secret room right there you can click this and it's a door it's a fun little fact obviously we can just teleport in but for those who can't the fun room wall hacks subs ember fun facts it's no September so yeah so especially being level 58 at this point I feel like pretty comfortable I've got good damage I can just kind of teleport around and kill a lot of stuff and then really be moving forward but I'm not immune that's definitely a thing like a nightmare you're really not gonna die that often in hell your chance of death is just like oh you slightly teleported into the wrong thing you're dead like it's absolutely crazy how easy it is to die everything alike to shot you one shot you to be so I mean it's it's nasty so do be careful and like I said if you want to take it slow and not be blindly teleporting everywhere by all means go for that but there you go like you can just open a door into a tainted pack and if you like step out there you can just die it's like good try and that's it okay so we want to find the waypoint right that's gonna be very important for us and we know that right of the Waypoint is the exit to level three and you can see that's facing this way so we want to go this way because this is gonna be technically right of the Waypoint so we will just continue moving in this direction and it should be right up here there we go at the Waypoint and this is definitely a waypoint that you want right like 1,000% a waypoint that you want I kind of wish I had a better belt but at the same time I have a gold rap so we can up it technically to make a higher-level belt what does that take towel P topaz is that right I don't see how that was right so the Waypoint is facing towards the bottom left this means this is your straight direction okay cuz whichever way that this is facing here you can see this tile is facing towards bottom-left so what is right of this direction well it's that way and here you can see this tile is facing that way so this tile could be here it could be up here it could be back behind we don't know where it is location wise we just know the way it's facing and that gives you a general idea of directions Oh God I was nasty they just map hacking in your brain exactly so that'll be really useful because and Arielle is definitely one of those bosses that you'll want to fight also if your curse like this totally feel free to just go back to town and remove the curse it lasts for a really long time and is miserable it's a great way to die cuz once again it is 100 percent more physical damage so where do I typically store my map at Kyle's in my mind [Music] and then with bolts always just kind of be aware of how the bolts are coming out of a dude and then try to avoid those basically right I always just try and watch her like how the pattern is rolling out of him and then stand in the path that it's not and sometimes there are invisible charged bolts that's a glitch with this game so you're not always gonna see all of them and they can kill you and that's a horrible way to lose a hardcore character trust me I know but yeah so we're gonna just be killing in Dario here same sort of thing just get your ball inside of her as best you can that's where your main damage comes so you want it to explode right inside and there you can see we got a really nice shot on her and that helped a lot and not great drops overall but whatever cool and before you could even blink your eyes look at how fast you just completed act 1 that was insane give yourselves the clap oh my goodness that was that was amazing you guys a really good job not even 11 minutes with talk time added ooh look at that ring all res 12 that's nice so obviously we can't use it right now because we have the FC ours but if we find better FC our stuff that's a really nice ring to have so we will keep that over another thal room we don't really need all these dolls excuse me as well you can also start looking at like belts and things here a lot of times you can find belts if you have that 60 strength or whatever that are like +9 ooh clap clap clap so okay only took 11 minutes Thank You mr. kitty so act 2 is gonna be a place that you can definitely come out to farm a little more we are not gonna farm in this area as everything is basically cold immune beetles aren't but a lot of stuff is called me in here so we're gonna be skipping through most of this content and just moving into the dry hills where there's gonna be those same monsters but they're gonna be fire moons and light immunes and things like that so only these guys are cold but we don't need to kill stuff here so really where we love group it does have fanaticism goes to be careful really where we want to go and what we love fighting is the like far away sis-in-law city far away sis isn't gonna have cold immunes in it lost city will if they spun the one dude type whatever his name is or the like the big Walker guys demon hide boots could be really nice and then yeah that's the only buster that potentially will be careful here because beetles do a lot of damage with their lightning but otherwise this is gonna be one of my favorite farming spots and somewhere that I'll come back quite often whenever I need some experience [Music] just because you can always get your beetle burs you can get champion beetle group like it can just be so nice here so highly recommended and with an experience shine as well that just makes this even juicier for us we're just loving all of this that we can get right now soak it all up boys yeah ancient tunnels are also really nice and we can go down there and do like one little run in it the problem with ancient towns is it's a level 85 area so it's going to be quite difficult for us at this level basically we want to find a waypoint because we have a beetle burst there which is nice so remember where your beetle bursts spawn is because if you do decide to come back and farm this area you're going to be all over beetle bursts and we also have the lost city over there as well perfect okay that's actually a really nice fun so now we can just reset as often as we want right since I've especially killed a few bosses here it totally would make sense to just come back in and in you know a matter of no time at all we're back in the Far oasis but we've reset the groups so now I can get the spawns again we can get beetle burst again just like that how easy was that it's like I said you can do this once again as much as you would like fantastic experience and that's just a regular mass there that can be you know not it's not great we aren't gonna need it and one thing to also notice that a lot of times bosses have a tendency to kind of spawn in similar spots not always but there is a general proclivity do so so look in similar spots when you are kind of looking for stuff and unfortunately this earth Theory oh but they also don't have one Rock and where's the hole at do we find it already don't think so has to be right here right no okay oh wow it's right next to the Waypoint okay so let's check these gloves those are really nice Wow 21 fire is with 23 M F that's super sick these are 16 light res with less MF so these are an improvement on gloves the only issue right now is I want the light res more than the fire is especially while I still have this helmet so I'm gonna save these gloves because those are super dope still and we'll just put those on later yeah oh we didn't get to talk about one of the most important things which was make sure that you bug and Dario right so remember like we talked about before killing Dario then you go through to just go east travel east before you leave the game and with that and Dario is going to be bugged and that means she is going to have better drops every single time and she is a fantastic place to farm just like we talked about before and if you want to change the player count on her just make sure you do so right here before you go down but she is a fantastic place to spawn and when she is quest bug dropped which she is right now because we did that it means she is going to have some of the best items like best drop rates for a lot of items if you're looking for your shake go and looking for you know all those sorts of items she is the place to go probably wore traps I imagine she has the best drops as well like so many good items the spot and she also has a very good drop chance oh if only this world unique that have been really nice she also has a really good drop chance for what do you call it jewelry so dang man I just cannot roll one of these to save my life and there's 5% faster run walk if we want to keep it we can just be a little faster if we don't I think at this point it would be okay to get rid of the frw stuff if you have extra method it does help yes the purple in the stash is rattle cage tent Dan before you go down and make your ball explode inside of her make sure there are multiple players in the game oh crap I'm some players three so make sure you turn off players when you don't want to have it and then here is generally a place that I just say don't even bother trying to be the hero just like get through it if you want to go bit by bit you totally can but it's just danger man straight up it's just danger so generally I just teleport through grab the staff and call it good and format directions that goes right in level one right in level two and straight and level three how much to play a player's eight necro normal guy that would take so long oh man how long would that take I have to think about it corpse explosion would be bad - which would be awful so again here's where I could totally and we have a boss grips I'll kill that but after this here's where I can totally recent or reset the maps again anytime that you get stuff it's totally find it it's like reset the map because then you can come back in and retail stuff over again which is always really nice so I love doing that it's just a great way to pick up some extra experience it's nice and easy I don't have to be a summoner right five minutes saying could after done of evil because it's impossible it would be long but you know you get the experience quickly I'm guessing it would take a few hours summon wait is it summoner only or no summoner which are you saying here nice sabore so there you can see the Marauders that was the name I couldn't think of Marauders are gonna be cold immune so that part kind of stinks but if you find your dark elder he can be a great person to go and farm as well so if you just keep resetting the game through that can be a solid way to do it got our Waypoint and I don't think we found Dark Eldar yet he always spawns at the base of maybe we did base of a specific formation the one that has the fire things in the middle these things so there we go he's gonna be always at the bottom of that [Music] have it no reset and go get some more potions did somebody verify its towel Pete Oh passed up this as well for the belt I think it just is any armor right no there's something else yeah we can this towel shale plus PD Oh a diamond oh I have the diamond so that's how Paul and again down here these guys are cold immune so this is probably gonna be the hardest area and you just got to pray you get a map like this but now you want to go left first and then try down left and up left as your areas this is not an area that you're gonna want to be killing anything you just want to jump in get the amulet and get out that is it so we got a really good map there so that was helpful so good and morph that and once again like I talked about before this is the fastest way through act 2 is going through act 1 whenever you want to get to a waypoint yeah that's a beautiful world record map right there I love it so much imagine that source not having teleport she would be absolutely a trash character without teleport people always complain about the sorceress because she has teleport but if you made the sorceress not have teleport she would actually be a horrible character like yeah she still has some cool things like static and whatever but like she's so fragile and has so few skills that have like good CC or do whatever I mean that you're just gonna you're just gonna die straight up on resurgence they can't teleport yeah but I'm sure that they've changed it in some other way that so they can do something else like she's one of the few characters that really plays a single element and so you have to be able to like skip past stuff only on a playthrough I'm pretty sure I first weighed every single way on this character which is like the most upsetting thing that's ever happened to me never done that on a speedrun that's horrible you guys absolutely horrible be careful in here as well ghosts are really nasty to teleport so we have the moon and again nothing I really am gonna be focusing too much on killing in these areas unless I find like a boss that are a group of monsters that aren't bad but there's definitely some cold music an spawn so be careful but like that's conviction aura groups of skellies and stuff I don't want to fight that at all I just want to get in here I missed the hit so I'm just gonna kill some stuff first and you can once again use telekinesis to your disposal easy as that make sure to get some thawing potions for Dario remember 30 seconds of 50 cold res each one you drink so that'll bring us up to 43 right there we can telekinesis that as well static field when it comes in for a swipe try and just get out of the way I think it ain't healing potions so same sort of deal as before right teleport up and down this will keep your ball inside him for as long as possible best way to kill them and then Durio has some of the best drops in the game so that's the beautiful part Jesus Christ how many times is this gonna happen to me and that is like nobody farm astareal that literally happened on my Amazon playthrough as well like we just had that happen a week ago or whatever good lord that is darriel yeah dirt Hill Sam pack it up go home dumb man that's just the dumbest thing ever what a drop all right so out here things get a little bit tricky as well I mean all of Hell is really tricky you can do some stuff usually in the early areas there's a ton of lightning immunes here so if you're a lightning character you're gonna have a miserable time just a heads up but if you are cold you can kind of survive it for a little bit but once you get to whatever area it's it's gonna get worse again what do you call that and everything hits for like it's kind of damage especially when they get like my doors and stuff once you get the flare jungle you won't always but sometimes you'll roll cold immunes and we have a great marsh here I'm gonna hopefully try and not have the great Marsh so you'll either roll colder moons or light immunes in the flare jungle so you're gonna pray that you rolled the lights for this character a spider cavern once again remember there are three areas jungles are probably the place that most people get lost because it's really hard to say what the maps are like I have a video on my youtube called like how to redact three Maps even that still basically shows that like yeah you might not there's so many hard things about it and there's no just like set rules you just have to play it a ton and then kind of get a feel for it but essentially no you're looking for three of those areas like we had right there with a spider cavern was that you saw looking for three of those so just note that [Music] a lot of people like to change this out to like throw or something that way it doesn't affect you because there's no move only skill in this game so always check first to see if you can teleport in another direction in these areas make sure your armor is on and I'm just gonna check over here really fast to see if this is going anyway which once again it's very difficult it looks like we just have to go through the great marks on this map it's pretty pretty safe to say that we do unfortunately the splits are irrelevant I'm just using its like a generic timer at the moment so one thing I will say right now is if you do have to go through the area please be careful of souls if you have Souls feel free to just reset to be honest like it's not even worth it especially if your lightning resists is sixteen or twenty or thirty if you have 75 light res go for it otherwise you're gonna go in there and then you're just gonna die like there's no good way to say it there's no they just can catch you off-guard so easily it's such a terrible so it looks like we're probably good here yeah so now you can go ahead and kill some things because you can slow down and spend a little more time yeah souls are miserable absolutely miserable and you will do yourselves a ton of favours to just not play against them literally just skip it and say alright I'll just roll until I don't get them because especially with 16 light race like I say if I'm like running 40 plus I might consider it otherwise it's not worth it see if this will roll us through looks like it probably will there we go so always like I said check for connectors and here you can see that we got cold immunes and often it's going to be cold immune so you're not gonna be able to do anything and we'll go back and get some potions so once again this is always the part where people come to me and they say mister leymah mister leymah i'm my sorceress is stuck in hell I can't get past act insert act here right and a lot of times it's act 1 or something like that and it's because they're trying to just take it too slow where they try and like kill every single thing whatever it is but the problem is once when these monsters just walk in and they're extra fast conviction or extra strong cold enchanted light whatever stuff they just walk in really quick hit you and you're dead and you're like oh crap how do I get past it how do I beat it at some point with the sorceress you're either going super slow and leveling a ton to like 70 and nightmare doing bail runs with players you know ex and then getting a mercenary gearing him up getting good gear off Mephisto maybe Helen Dario gearing up really a ton having a shake oh and your Mara's and s OJ's or whatever stuff and then you can take those guys on straight up or and at that point you can also be going like fireball I think if you're gonna play more of that straight up you'll notice that I'm not doing that right I'm not like stopping to use firewall and all these guys so you can do it like that or you can just jump past them and then when you get to the zones that you like fighting in such as act too far away sis or something like that then you're good to go right so you can fight your way through this and it'll take a little bit of time for sure or you can just go past it really it is up to you I'm not saying either one is right or wrong like straight up also that's a fire enchants so I need to stay away a little bit there is no right or wrong answer with that at all it is purely how much you want to chance it kind of and now we're in the lower cross and this is an area we want to get that Waypoint and then we'll come back and talk more about that in a second so flare dungeons gonna be the same sort of thing right there might be some things that I could kill in here but for the most part I want to just get through it it's narrow it's dangerous there's dolls there's you know cold immunes be very careful and then here you can actually hit these minions so the nice thing is the boss's minions are lightning enchanted so that's helpful they're not lighting a chance of lightning in so you can kill them you can't kill the boss speak until the these guys and I would recommend killing those before moving up and going after the boss oh he's only firing chance at this time okay so he can't kill the box sometimes he sponges buzz but I like killing him cuz he has some good drops a lot of times grab the brain grab a ring maybe some gold call it good right so not bad how good darriel good almost as good cereal so the lure across this is going to be one of those spots that you might find yourself over and over and over and over again inside right and you're gonna just spend so much time here and the reason is because you can farm for two of the map I'm about to show you right here to of this map so you try and get it twice also you can change your players to eight before you push those chests you get you get keys as well and these are going to be super chests and what's so super about these chests is that they can drop up to a burr room they'll drop charms they'll drop jewelry they'll chop gems and then they will drop up to a burr rune as well so what a lot of people love to do is they will just set two players eight and they'll just players eight farm also you have an armor rack and a weapon rack right here that you can farm as well and so they just try and find a map that has two of that two of that exact thing right look for that fire pit in the middle it's this exact layout fire pit in the middle two chests will be right there and the one will be right there it's the only thing that'll have fire here that's like a pit it's always going to be that super chest spawn and a lot of people love to just go and farm that highly recommended I've done farming videos and stuff with it before as well so do recommend and then we're just gonna run clockwise in hopes of finding it and we get a great series as well it's been a really lovely act 3 miss charm piss chest yeah I mean I was just trying to show it like it's not a big deal yeah so berm Albertus is that infinity which is why that can be a great place for you to farm I think on average it takes 30 hours of farming it to get a burr room maybe that's for both burr wounds I wanted it to regardless a little bit much but irons are really hard to come by so so here I'm gonna try and get a drag on one dude away right Travon coal is gonna be a place you might have to reset a few times to be honest my own players ate still no I my players one okay he's doing no damage you might have to reset this area a few times because it's just tough right it's just a tough area oops especially if the spawns are really bad for the monsters so something about travandkel that you'll want to know is that you can actually change the sponge by resetting the mess it's like here you saw that everybody spawned inside except torque Isis right he was the only guy that spawned outside that's a pretty decent spawn unfortunately torque doesn't do me any good but there's also ones for like three guys spun outside there's once or all of them spun outside right so you'll want to get a map that doesn't have like all of them out there or all of them inside or whatever it is you want to get a map that's not crowded basically and when you do that things will be a lot better right that'll help you out a ton also pick up blue monarchs because they can be what's called a J mod a jeweler's monarch of deflecting and that is like the coolest item ever so it'll be for open sockets with some better block so yeah Travon coal might take you guys a few tries I'm not gonna lie and I got like the perfect drag on it I went I got him I dragged him away there weren't a lot of minions especially any cold immunes on the way there and so I was able to find a spot be safe and deal with him if you are unable to do that Chronicle is going to be a nightmare for you almost guaranteed and then same sort of thing you can telekinesis that that'll help you out of ton wait for it to open and then you can go up there and you're in the Durance look at that oh there's dolls all right I would love to fight stuff in there there's a lot of good stuff to fight I don't know if I want to fight the dolls though there's almost too many bosses plus the extra fast that's just like a little too much we're just gonna move past it so everyone gets a say point for sure Mr llama happy hey captain blue oh now I can see you there you are so left of the way you come in is going to be the waypoint and there it is your spots are rigged and more llama crowd left of that it's going to be tense level three so this is one of people's favorite farming spots as well and one of the big reasons is Oh God you can choose him so with frozen or if you're not gonna get as good of a cheese I don't really recommend it but with blizzard and meteor you can choose him really well and I can show it to you guys even with like just my firewall so you can either lock them here or lock them right here and then you just do this and you just cast blizzard or frozen or or not person or meteor or whatever right there and then you're good to go easy as that he just gets stuck super easy way to choose them just make sure you don't a grow any of the bad guys but if you get too close he'll still attack so you have to keep a distance on him for sure like I say it doesn't work with us present orbs mine just hiding him okay don't get hit by frosting over though and we found towels masks how cool is that that's pretty neat and also this is another super chest that can drop pirates so feel free to pop that and racks if you would like so towels mask is actually dope oh man I was really hoping to get some good boots Taos mask is actually really nice for us it would be okay 60 to life 30 to mana 15 all res that's definitely not bad but it's actually super nice for a mercenary because it has all of those stats but the ten life leech is huge life leech on a mercenary is like super super good and important so this is a great mercenary piece one of my favorite just like cheap ones that you can throw on to them without any concern really I'm just going to drop my wall I'm not going to use that so yeah also really good for a melee character in general but like that is also better than this because it has the life the mana the all res so I would lose a little bit of resistance but I would gain it across everything and then I would also have just a lot of really nice stuff so highly recommended to snag it oh if we got to reset up to him again and we're continuing just firewalling and doing this but give yourselves a nice clap what an act 3 look at this you were talking about how your sorceress is stuck in hell and now you're already in act 4 wow look at you go you're doing a great job so here if you get Souls be very careful we didn't get souls so we're pretty lucky actually I don't know if I've seen the third bus oh yeah I have we don't have souls here so that's nice if you get souls you can do the same thing where you just reset it right you just say nah fam I'm okay and then you're good that's it you know have to worry about anything else you just reset it you might have to reset it a couple times totally worth it though but I do like farming monsters in these outer areas a little bit if there's some good ones experienced here and we're going to look for Israel again plus two skill points right now is really nice for us where is he come on Betty I don't know how I didn't see him before but okay basement sources for on a lot don't kill everything underpass yes that is really what I'm saying look at how much stuff I don't kill on my path that is like how the sorceress almost has to be played she's just too fragile and immunes are too strong for her to not play like that kind of unfortunately so it's either that or it's spending a ton of time with a mercenary babysitting kind of like pick your poison and then here we're just gonna try and get this waypoint I really don't like killing too much stuff out in this area it gets pretty dangerous make sure your frozen armors on yeah it's really just like Waypoint hunting remember a waypoint is always a checkpoint for you and then you can just kind of go from there yeah and there's obviously great rune words to be made if you do find some decent runes like I said right now we have this Lum maroon we can totally make a smoke and that'll boost my res up 50 more I will drop my FC are a little bit so I would have to find some sort of help from that but that would be a huge help for me in gaining a little bit so in this case like let's say that we want to do that right let's just let's just be like hey mister llama this is a playthrough and you're moving kind of fast let's slow it down and let's go show some other things literally just go here just wondering when we turn off the game shark acts because it's the fourth run you have taught with it on just one to play the game normally for one oh sorry yeah so I mean it's easier to just explain it with all the hacks on of course thank you boy so again we're just gonna I'm in normal because normals gonna be that best drop chance for the nephron since I don't care about other things I can also go to nightmare because I want to get that like lore as well right like we talked about at this point we're just teleporting through to kill the countess that's it everything is just countess towel towel okay we don't really care let's go try out nightmare hey dem are llama SC the SUP only December bring you all you dreamed it would be semi cool it's not a civil in December but you know December has so far been all that I could dream for it to be as a regular month November was also pretty cool share only January is gonna be I mean just January is gonna be great so grump a lot thank you for the sub where's my tower there it is so the map doesn't really matter too much here right like you're just gonna kind of be blitzing through at this point stuffing for sub December and remember this is just a nightmare countess really nice and easy kills kal-el not the ruins we were hoping for but now that we've got this map set out it just becomes really quick another FCR ring at this point I don't need it but would it be nice to have earlier so we're just saying okay right now let's pretend like I'm in act you know three hell to hell whatever it is and I'm just having trouble my resistances aren't up to snuff I'm just getting blown away by these dudes and I want to just make sure that I you know I need a little more damage whatever it is I can just come here and I can just farm for runes i can do Mephisto I can do Helen Daario I can do any of that stuff I just have one point in teleport all all additional points in teleport do is drop the mana cost which is pretty nice so I'm not saying just drop the mana cost cos like that's really helpful but it's not worth adding additional skill points for it ballroom don't need that so I'm looking for a soul I'm looking for let's see if I have a tear RAL here I have a tear I don't have a rouse so I could use a round as well it's awesome seeing you doing so well can still remember the 300 sub giveaway you did in 2016 you have come a long way GG that wasn't 2016 was it maybe was divers elet guide on YouTube I don't I have a generic paladin guide that starts out and tell it but then such as the Hammers about end of normal I talk a little bit about what it would be like though towering love these tyrants good spot for a for protect crystal sword you can run around a nightmare looking for it or you can just grab one in like the normal cow level and that'll get you there as well and then you just socket it using either socket quest for a 50% chance or lars a quest for a hundred percent chance yeah town mask is actually cool I actually really like that but it's level 66 required and that'll be a tiny bit of time whatever also only farm countess on players one the way her drops work if you increase the player count she dropped less rooms I know it sounds backwards just go with it but headphones is it this is the SteelSeries arctic Pro Wireless which like I actually love this headphone and then I I think it was having it had some weird issue I'm thinking it's because I was on Windows 8 that's my guess 81 or whatever so I think that was causing it issues because as soon as I upgrade to Windows 10 it started working again kal-el blu-ray rings nice though how you dropped less than one or two you can yeah you can drop 0 okay so now we have a rail room by means of that and we have a TRL so we can make a leap staff so we'll shop for that later and that'll be useful with our firewall later this is guide ignore the time on it this is just a guide enables stacking some errands together one slot what do you mean so rune all right oh we got it oh wait I still want an F room that's right okay well now well go Sh now we'll go to normal hey what the good spawn okay so now we can show some gear shifts and stuff that's been one thing that I like showing off we haven't really had the opportunity to do so give me that Neff why up to I'm showcasing the guide don't I have three tier no I had the one tier that drop but I dropped it because I forgot that I was going for that Wow 15 to MF on that ring that's actually totally worth keeping um yeah we've got some decent things in here I'm gonna sell this this is a really nice amulet but like I said I have second chance and that's just gonna be better okay oh wait we want potions that's right we're going to have chat over over for dinner what would I make you guys I would buy a bunch of pizzas you think I can cook for that many people also you think I can cook so rooms are honestly some of the best just like easy ways to improve your character with just some nice little rune words how am i Italian I don't know I didn't get that cooking oh no I went to nightmare you think we're some kind of cheap date what are you talking about cheap date it would take a lot of Pizza to feed check I know everybody in here likes pizza too there's not a single video gamer who doesn't eat pizza even the lactose-intolerant ones are like I'll just go ahead and peel some of the cheese off I'm not saying you're fat I'm saying you like pizza you don't have to be fat to like pizza you guys put those words in their own mouth I said nothing like that I'm eating pizza right now see there you go I'm saying you're fat though I mean that's potentially true why don't want a leaf Ren word because I want to use it for my off basically since I'm running firewall there's gonna be certain monsters that I'm gonna fight where I want to have it so that's what it's being used for I considered doing nightmare as werewolf you need cannot be frozen for it to be anything viable and bones snap is two-handed so hey there's our Neph all right cool some that that took longer than we really wanted but let's go ahead and do some things and show some things and make some things so the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to look for oh I do have this which is to to fire skills I could just use that probably but this is good to show to people who don't get that first thing that you're gonna do is you're gonna look for a staff you can look for to open sockets with some additional things to it don't get this this is mechanics this is a trick people will try and make rune roots in these and fail it's blue it's mechanics and the ethics of the blue item is that it adds sockets that is very different from this which is gray okay so we're gonna get that and we're just gonna come over here and we're gonna put tier rune and then put Rao rune in it and now we get +3 to fire skills just by having that [Music] I've done everybody's done it sometimes in your speedrun you don't look at it foldable all the way so obviously I have to to fire skills and some sto know whatever so but like this is still technically better for my fire so that's easy enough right and now that's a great this is the fantastic thing for all you fire sorcerers that were in Normal and going through nightmare with fire like this is great to have for just big big damage super helpful the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take our nephron we're gonna shove it in here then we're gonna take our lumber in and we're gonna shove it in here and we're gonna make ourselves a smoke now a smoke as you can see does drop the FCR and the frw gives us some defense first missile some energy our hit recovery kind of stays the same so that's nice but the big thing about it is 52 all resistances so now when I'm in Hell and I'm like oh my resistances are so bad right I can be like crying well now I don't have to cry anymore baby our resistances are fantastic and I remembered in these kinds of games resistances are very important I can also then start changing stuff out I need it to open Sukkot homes let's go get that normal Act one and two by the way you can always just shop for two open socket stuff like that three open sockets for you know breastplates if you want to refer large shields kite shields so now we're gonna go here and we're gonna go or soul and we're gonna make what's called a lore +12 all skills tend to energy again that's more energy for teleporting and casting stuff and then 30 light wrists also we get some mana per kill which is nice some damage or deuce which is nice not bad at all and it's a just a rattle cage and now we can look at our res and see even more stuff and we can start making all these swaps I can't use this yet 9 - strength from these gloves really bruh three strength short so anything with strength on it unfortunate alright well we can't make the swaps yet but we can very soon make the swaps that we would like to make and this is why I recommended having a little more strength so we can put these gloves on and you can see that by taking these off we still have 75 light wrists right we still have 75 light wrists so this is gonna just gonna be a straight buff over to that and so now I've got more damage more resistances more all that stuff the only thing I don't have at the moment is my FC are exactly where I want it to be which is why a lot of people will still use stealth because they want to have right you can see I'm a little bit slower now and it can be a little bit dangerous so just go ahead and get your river of flame waypoint go check out the Smiths see what he's doing we're gonna be very dangerous here by the way especially on the lower FCR and if Smith hit C you're probably dead this has a headset but we can kill law stuff you want check and see what kind of resistance is he ask is sometimes they'll spawn like immune so this could be a great area to just go in a little bit slower right nothing in there is really too concerned and we can kill most stuff on the way so we're just gonna take it nice and easy kill some dudes check out the shillelagh like this was hardcore I would never have jumped in that aggressively this is playthrough to showcase plans around [Music] but you can see we've got some really nice damage going now right we're doing really well we're able to survive a lot of hits that we are taking because we do have such good resistances so that helped a ton right there if I didn't have my res up I probably would have died there now you can just go hit best oh there's gonna be a little bit of a pain it's not too hard it just wouldn't be a good look on a play playthrough guide to be on hardcore and then die and it's like well that ends the playthrough this is my cold damage right now so at this point having like blizzard would probably have higher cold damage I guess I like frozen orb at this point though it just easy you're still la dudes in there and also I'm sure a lot of you guys that are playing at this point I've also found a better orb that hopefully has some plastic old skills or sword skills or something like that we have been pretty unlucky with all of our Anya's and imbues to not get anything like that but let's see if we can drop here we can drop up to an immune and hel rune is the gosh dang it they're up to a goal Rin I meant to say up to a go-around but you can get a hel room just pray you don't get a hell Rin yeah I'm his nightmare hello gosh dang it all right well hell rune for hell I guess something like that alright well great runes to drop there if you get a mal you can try and make like a prudence if you get a um you could make a Duras maybe for your mercenary um is also just great to have in general for resistances if you get an ester in you can save towards like a CTA or you can use it for magic find gold rune you can save it to make into a vex so that you can go for a hodo later yeah so there's definitely some just like decent runes and you can check stuff out shell nutshell lamb rune you can make a wealth with lots of stuff Halloran you can meet up to anything you just use a ton soccer-mom teaching people frozen orb instead of melee sorg just wants to keep all the OP builds to himself so you can have an advantage on the ladder that's right subscribe to the channel for substitue get the real bill hey hey another Lum room look at that so I like having the nothing on the left skill I don't really like having frozen orb there personally just because sometimes accent click it and then it like sets it into a whole thing that I don't want to do with deal with so now we're gonna be at the point where we go okay mr. Lama we are in the cast thanks ray and this is probably gonna be one of the hardest parts of this run is the casting so feel free to take your time clear stuff out but stuff that you have to know we are running a cold fire build right now right so if we run into a cold fire boss we cannot kill it without a mercenary of some sort straight up that's just how it goes so you'll want to check first on the seis and there you can see he is cold immune and fire immune right so you're either killing all of this stuff getting a mercenary and having the mercenary come and deal with him or you're just resetting it basically one of the two all right take your pick which do you want to do do you want to reset it or do you want to get the mercenary and have the mercenary deal with them and I do have towels helm so that is nice I also have crushing blow from the rattle cage so that's really good so a mercenary could totally be viable right now you know but I can also die it's gonna teleport in I always recommend with the cast thanks ray first just kind of teleporting in it's not worth wasting all that time at the start if like the first thing you're gonna do is immediately reset once you spawn to say some he's cold fire but it all depends what you're running how fast you're going all that stuff so if you're running a cold fire build like this check this ace and then check infector who's gonna be down here on the right if you are not feel free to check if you're running like lightning you'll want to check the states to see if these lightning immune and then I usually like to check on the left Grand Vizier and see what he's kinda got going and see if you can lower resist him that'll be the biggest thing you'll want to check is can I lower red simmer okay he's cold fire me and again okay let's see if we can get a mercenary and make it work well play around with this and see what happens see how well it can go oh I would have been so pissed you guys oh my god I would have been so mad oh I was praying that that wasn't gonna happen I don't even like dropping the ark on staff I don't even like droppin the ark on staff this is like one of the few zones that this can actually drop right now I'm so scared in here oh my god don't do this to me game don't you do this just where to god all right so we're gonna go ahead and hire dude at this point defensive gives defiance because we're in hell defensive gives defiance offensive gives blessed Fame and combat gives prayer so it's not the ideal ones I'd rather normally go back to nightmare and get a hell offensive for might or I think I've entities right there or defensive for holy but we're just can't deal with what we are dealt so we'll give them blessed name you can do you can drop it we're talking about Geppetto so give them that no we can't use the towel Sam oh it's 66 that's right all right well in that case we'll give them fire rez that'll be really helpful it's ladder only that means nothing for item drops ladder only items can drop okay so we need to get him a weapon so let's see what she's got for sale here yeah it's not great only red words are restricted with laterally [Music] [Music] 27 to 116 with a lance David Brevik who are in Diablo 2 please give us this day our daily mang so that that we might yeah llama who invented sub cember what's the greedy llama I don't know about that also I didn't invent any sub cember chat invented it and I have not implemented any sub similar stuff I guess I could done the bar cheat give me something good it's just not great that was a Lansing feet we'd be good but it's a pike it's like the same thing but just worse whatever where's my stats thing yet we're gonna reset and try and find something dope just open a gold llama corn from your llama loop box [Applause] watching you play makes me realize why my characters never got anywhere when I was a kid sure alright let's see how this goes so you can telekinesis to help your mercenary out by the way okay he's and then heal them giving them potions big mercenary come on man also don't forget to static so you might just have to get him a weapon with poison or something al hazir is not quite getting it done right now and this is what happens when you don't farm up for your characters to make them useful yeah it's also Stoneskin so that makes it even worse back tack - we're having better odds - maybe I will just gamble for him they weren't that bad oh that's huge damage merciless nice all right let's see if that'll do it I know it's not poison damage but it is a really good bike for him do I have anything for poison damage that you could try and do some sort of weird socketing - all right let's see it get him buddy it's you versus ace straight up just enhance damage and a almo help himself come on al his ear man you're killing me buddy it took me two hundred golden Lama this boxes but I finally got the epic Lama label stream playing card all right killing it zap zap zap zap Al has they're killing me my dude just farm the mallet so we can get this over with yeah that's basically I just not find something that has poison damage on it come on maybe yeah we're looking forward to my 10 bonus llama loot boxes with my result oh my god stabbing with a pike over and over doing while a sorceress stands in the corner casting spells oh boy it's like prom night all over again swiftrage f alright sorry Jeff what is reset a Jeff because him being Stoneskin and having the regeneration there's a thing I need to tell you about Lord dis ace he has a spell that he can cast and it's called Oh what the heck is it called Lord to say regeneration it is called I want to get the name abracadabra that's it No thank you so much judging oh my god why can't I find the name somebody in chat knows the name of it fresh somebody knows the name of it a generation brah I cannot find it for the life of me spell okay well it's called something I forget the name and it's an infinite regeneration Thank You tank wolf as well it's literally an infinite regeneration so whoever he casted on no casting on himself becomes fully regeni for the rest of time bestow thank you it's called bestow it's not life tap it's not like they can get help back by you know take your time whatever it is literally just standing still they will gain life over and over again for eternity and so he cast that on himself there you could see so he was just regen alive over and over again so whenever you go to town he'll start doing that or if you sometimes doesn't do it anyways or if you somehow move slightly far away from him you'll sometimes cast it whatever but town seems to be almost guaranteed that he's gonna do it so we do the same thing again here and we just checked the seat is he cold and Fire immune and we also have been better off there if he wasn't Stoneskin cuz that made it hard for mercy to hit which meant he could out regen our hips if you're a higher level and have maybe kept better weapons you're gonna be in a much better spot so let's say that I'm here and I just don't want to deal with like these sorts of you know Oblivion night guys who are being really annoying right I can go ahead and static them down and then because they stand still I can swap over to my staff and start doing some firewall on these guys the first we're just gonna kill anything any baddies coming up at us and now I can just sit there and cast those and okay so he is not I mean so we're good okay we're good to go and now we're gonna put three points in strength so that we get what we needed there and we can do our glove swap finally so now our resistances are even more balanced okay so now that I have that I'm just gonna move away from him and the reason is because I want to come over here and I want to check to see if infector is called fire and there's a lot of things the only things that you can't really kill an ear or Oblivion nights so if you get tons of spawns of those in bad areas you can just reset them also same sort of thing like with travandkel if your map is just spawning like a million bosses everywhere and it's impossible and really tough map just reset your maps you can get a better spawn that has less bosses spawning in specific areas and stuff and it'll be easier okay so we're just gonna check this out right here that's gonna kill some dudes and just check to see remember these guys are on a leash here as well so if I want to spend my time dealing with the Oblivion Knights I totally can and I just stack up my firewalls and look how easy that was and now I can deal with these guys and I can either go in and kind of like dive into check or I can stay here and kill some dudes off first using cheap methods also if you have like Blizzard you can stand back oh no all right so we're old cold fireman Woodstock Wow I meant to press escape and exit the game not die so this is the like crappy part and this is why I having a mercenary can actually be really nice right because if you have a mercenary you can just say okay well I can feed them enough potions and do enough stunning to just make it work right and we could have maybe tried it in that instance if we really wanted so this is the unfortunate thing the sorceress really deal with and lore res unfortunately is not generally gonna be helpful here right because it's not going to be breaking that cold fire in any way if it even breaks one it would be the fire and it's not going to break it in like I'm a meaningful enough way where you'll be able to do enough damage feel comfortable so we'll come back here and do the same sort of thing clear out the areas [Music] [Music] do that uptime is very off maybe I'm just God of streaming or something did I was playing with giant waffle for those who weren't watching I was playing with giant waffle and Ezrin right before this and waffle just finished a 570 hour month as a lord the sheep's do you feel like casting the show over and over again alright he's called enchanted only so we're good there here's a little bit annoying because there's a lot of baddies here so I'm probably gonna come in here and try and drag him a little bit up see if I can get him away from those oblivion Knights and if I want that hurts a lot multi-shot is very painful why don't you equip the rattle cage for the crushing blow to spells you do know about the crushing blow to spells race not a thing this is a guided playthrough people will believe what you're saying he averaged literally over 19 hours per stream for an entire month what a terrible I mean like Oh God more power to him for doing it but that sounds like absolutely just the worst thing ever why he wanted to I mean that's you know dizzer ins done he did the 500 hours 510 I think 520 before so both of them have done a 500 hour month before all I can say is cuz they're crazy also there's a monarch shield right there which is super sick it is three open sockets so we can't make a spirit not that we could anyways for ourselves but if you had a white monarch take that and get it socketed it's worth the strength almost in my opinion to get a spirit shield but we can to put a KOCO mal or something in there exactly we can do I mean there's there's some decent three open socket shields I don't know any that we would be able to really get right now but okay so it's gonna kill some baddies here okay and cool so here's killable as we can see he's getting hit by our cold damage so we're good to go there you go easy feel free to still kill these guys if you want some more experience otherwise you can just move on but we did it we finally on our way towards chaos we finally drew Nan Goldin fire man it usually isn't that bad I'm always really unlucky with that one time I had 12 chaos is in a row on a world record attempts that were all like that I gotta be careful of him with his try shot but at this point this is how we just do it static him down careful of his killing shots and then just drop the firewalls on him so you'll note that you're going to have to fight somebody with an immunity okay another helpful tip the best base for an enigma is a three OS quilted armor a key mechanic of teleport is that they lighter the armors the further you can teleport it's not if you try to teleport in full plate you can only go half the distance literally lifts listen to nothing listen to not a single word of his those boots are ok but at 70 strength not worth it also it doesn't really give me a lot and eight coal dress is all that's really good on that and a tiny bit of life fire wall damage does stack when when a minion is standing in it so yes it does okay make sure you have a safety teepee somewhere and then like I say feel free to clear as much or as little as you would like and chaos is always a good place to farm as well it's got good ruin drops good just drops in general good bases it's an area level 85 right so it's one of those high-end areas you can find an ark on staff in it even so ya go as slow or as fast as you would like here there's no rush but you can see just how like much putting on this smoke has helped me yes its lowered my FCR a little bit which has hurt but having my resistances be near max is making everything better like there's so many instances where I would have died but because I have such good resistances I'm able to stay alive omen Beck's LK runs are gonna be best but if you just want to not do L K runs travandkel cows here also good areas and then you can always lower reg Grand Vizier if you'd like and if your fire or lightning like I say check dis ace and check Grand Vizier all three of them can technically get lightning immune and I'm not sure you can break on all of them so unfortunately sometimes that's annoying but Wow and Diablo is pretty easy status lightning hose careful of inspire and stuff as a general though you don't want to have a lot of points in energy because that increases the critical chance of mana potions which results in less mana over time for person is extreme pieces it can result in running out of mana which is otherwise known as a mana drought I mean there is potion crits so that is technically true and just like that we are done with act 4 probably one of the hardest things that you will have to deal with thought about that made a drought info but Oh prevent monster heal that would have been nice for my mercenary huh and that helm is okay but we definitely have better so I'm not gonna keep this monarch because I'm not gonna make anything with it but I would recommend keeping that and looking for like cocoa mal or something like that whatever stuff and always whenever you're entering like a dangerous situation and you're near a level totally fine to just go back to you know faraway SACEUR somewhere here I like far away sis it's always a pretty good spot and just level up right like go to an easy-open area and just get my level up Knox wants to talk what's that Knox is he here is he saying on his famous detective dang that stinks anti Rush and so we'll just keep pumping our firewall he asked for my discord okay yeah give it to him what have I done anxious so now we're entering act 5 the final act our resistances look great thanks to our smoke when a troll nest be better for cocoa mal yeah so you can put it in a lowered strength shield for sure the best thing about a monarch shield is that it's the lowest for a for open sockets okay so a lot of people make stuff in it when it's for open sockets and three open sockets there are better oh yeah we can't kill that's right he's gonna be cold immune right so never mind that Thank You interpreter how's the gear widget work on mobile I don't know on mobile however extensions work all right it's that extension running right now video with the sub as well thank you thank you thank you fun fact about rune words if you have added fire damage on gear then all of your damage spells will convert some of their damage to fire damage and then leaf will be able to add levels tuned on fire spells feel free to kill once again as slowly as quickly as you'd like snakes are pretty dangerous as they can knock you out of your teleport and get you stunned so I like killing snakes for sure just gonna be careful if there's a lot of cold and moons and stuff in here of course you can just jump past them and just go straight for that Waypoint right but like that's a lot of good experience and good stuff to kill like over there like more snickies he's gotta be very careful and keep your distance on them snakes and ghosts yeah there's too many cold immunes though to help supplement them so now I'm just gonna run away and kind of move forward if you want to do Anya here that's another 10 all res but do remember that that's going to be it's gonna be very tough in there right there's a lot of things that can be immune that can do a lot of damage that can be whatever so we might give it a try and see how it goes and might just abort mission on it often we will I should say right let's talk about the itemization update oh yeah it looks sick okay do you want to talk when are you picking the kid up and going away and all that stuff okay it doesn't look like it's terrible in here yeah we got those cold means that stinks this might be some dying strategies try and drag and see what's what's in the beyond world over here yeah okay we're gonna die it's not great you guys it's not great and we can't slow our slowly work our way in with our firewall if we really want to that's not out of the picture at all no this siren is right on top of her I can't select her oh crap that's bad get off of Anya move your butts oh my gosh so in hardcore obviously I just reset it in softcore you can play around are you not gonna move for real you're the worst thing I've ever seen ever thank you huh so all you have to do is telekinesis her and then you can get yourself a 10 RS script which is worth a lot easy is that so obviously like I say it's very dangerous in there in hell I almost never do it unless it's like a character that I'm gonna be playing for a long time and even then I usually wait on it because it's just so difficult to do there's so many rough monsters that generally you wait a tiny bit especially hardcore and soft core you can kind of just do that stuff right there you accept the fact that you're probably gonna die a couple times and then here I'm generally not killing stuff in these areas I'm generally just pushing through to the ancients because there's just kind of better farming spots farming out here is not too bad to be honest the birds are like decent and not too bad and stuff I definitely like to get a waypoint for ancients as well in the event that I die and you can see that having 37 FCR is still working out for us okay right it's not terrible so now comes the ancients at this point I'm going to sell a couple frw charms they're just kind of taking up space and we're gonna go ahead and do this so if you are leveled up high enough at this point you're gonna be okay alright let's talk about ancients you've just got to chaos and all of these are the things this is kind of one of the last maybe not the last but I mean a throne room it's also hard but this is one of the areas that's really going to be kind of tough again and if you're a high enough level you don't have to worry as much about dropping potions and things cuz you're gonna have you know just more skills and more damage and stuff but if you're not a high enough level then you can come here and drop potions on the ground and that'll help you have more potions for the fight right so we're just gonna come over here this will do this will throw some potions on the ground also you can bring a mercenary into this if you bug him and that can be helpful as well right so I'll go ahead and grab a mercenary and I'll show you guys that let's go out here so to bug a mercenary what you do is you come here and you shut a door on him you just have to go anywhere where he can't walk to you and he's forced to teleport to you okay and there we go he teleported to me and now you can see these guys aren't targeting him it doesn't always work the first time you do it just as an FYI so now he basically loses target is the best way to say it so they won't focus him first so sometimes you have to do it a couple times it's fine but what that does is he can still die in there somebody going after him or me ends up going after him and I'm actually going to change out my belt to get an extra slot just cuz I want to have that extra slot there and Goldfine does nothing your magic magic find none of that does anything for me there so now we've got some potions if I want to drop more I can but here's essentially how this is gonna work the first thing I'm looking for is anybody cold and Fire immune if they are I have to immediately reset it because obviously I do cold and fire damage right second thing I'm looking for is is core liqu because he's cold me and that's my main damage I want to see if he is something like spectral hit or magic resistant which is going to increase his resistances and make it or cold enchanted right well I guess coaching it wouldn't matter but fire enchanted summon you know anything that's going to increase his fire resistance is gonna be really bad for me so I don't want him to have that I also don't really want to have like holy shock lightning and chant on anybody because that kind of stinks extra fast on talaq there's a lot of things so the stuff that we are looking for we're looking for stone skin is totally fine I don't really care about that teleports pretty fine auras can kind of be you know if it's like holy fire it's not terrible or whatever if there is like fire enchant on one of these two guys it's not end the world I just have to be a little careful with them or cold enchant on one of them I probably don't want because I'm going to be doing cold damage but maybe cold enchant here wouldn't be the worst thing extra fast on like one guy is totally fine spectral hit on mattock can be really tough so I don't really want that very often and yeah so we're just kind of like checking and running through and we're not gonna get everything perfect but we can get a lot of different you know okay setups so that spectral hit on him Andy's extra fast you have to also remember that they spawn with their own gear hugging mercenaries again llama this is what got you stripped of your gold medals in the last Diablo Olympic come on shame shame shame so mercenary shame also spun their own gear thanks camel and it's random gear so you could spawn somebody that has you know enhanced damage 300% and then they just like one shot you and you don't know it so that's the stuff you can't deal with so remember dual enchants we don't like and we also don't want core look to be lightning immune either we want him to purely be cold so ideally we want them to all just be their singles mana burns totally fine on him it's fine magic resistance not my favorite there but whatever and he's lightning and chanted cursed which isn't my favorite by any means but we can maybe drag these guys over here and see see if we can get these guys away a little bit and just get one dragged okay here we go [Music] so no the Lightning enchanted I was hoping he would get in a good spot so my mercenary dies - the Lightning enchanted obviously if he wasn't lightning enchanted who had been fine so there's different ways to kind of bug each character out okay the first way to bug the character out is to have mattock will try and just hit you through walls so you can literally just stand like that and then you're totally fine like absolutely completely fine so that's the first one yeah pour one out for the homey second thing you can do so he has a lot of like walls that he'll just kind of stand behind and you're gonna be totally fine I can also bug him and use fire wall if I want as well right so if I wanted to I could just do this until I I mean it-it's better to black bug them where you can see him to be honest but I don't I'm not gonna really do it because it's he's such a fast kill but like I could do this right here that was blizzards anti-cheat too left for Merc just like this you just cast some firewalls and he's just gonna melt he's a pretty easy kill overall and he does have some good damage and he's cursed and stuff so I don't like that oops right well I mean I worked out and ended up working decently well so that might do as much well let's go kill them really fast and restock these now we can separate these guys again if we'd like or we can just kill one at a time you're not really gonna bug talaq in any great way you can stop him from spinning but he'll still be standing on top of you so that kind of stinks if you want to try static hemming static immune but it is dangerous because if he does get a spin on you it can be really nasty so generally with him and he is magic resistant which kind of stinks he'll take a little bit longer to kill generally with him though you just go around and frozen north him until he dies again if you have a lower res one and you're playing like let's say you're playing lightning right now then you just don't want lightning rez on any their lightning in on either of these two guys and then on Maddock you're just making sure once again he's not lightning enchanted he's not spectral hit he's not magic resistant those are the three things that you don't want him to be because then you're not gonna get a lower res off on him and even if you do he'll have such high light rise that won't even matter [Music] so generally like I say you're just running around in circles use your teleport when you need to especially if Gorelick flock to you because your character will get stuck on his landing path like I talked about before whenever core lick starts to jump the game actions if he's already landed so you actually run into his like body and get stuck really annoying okay and now the last one is gonna be Corley now you can either not choose him he has mana burn so I don't really want none choose him and I can just like stand in front of him and have him hit me and just have fire walls going but the easier way to do it is to do the same sort of idea where you're just gonna bug him in some sort of way so there's multiple ways to do this right the first one is to come over here and just go right here and then you go up here and a little bit higher I think I would I don't use this one so maybe I have to run back here a little there we go so you can do it like this is this an easy way to work him down a run back and forth in the fire and you can you can check him to make sure he's taking damage sometimes he'll be so stacked on fire rez gear that he takes like no damage and it just doesn't work at all right so this one is pretty decent and it's not too hard to set up okay the other one is a little bit harder to set up so essentially you want a teleport onto this little dot right here and you want teleport up into this area here oops we're on the inside of it and you get them stuck like this and you can just do some more firewalls here newscaster firewalls so this is one of the reasons firewall is great you can also just run around with fireballs and slowly chipping this is the Diablo 2 ethical play Commission we are here for a surprise inspection you monster this is going on your permanent to it no it was Chat Chat did it sure made me do it not my permanent record it's flawless there's no restraining orders on it at all so this is the easy way like I say if you're running fireball you can run around in kite um if you're running meteor you can use that other kind of strategy I showed before where you get them stuck then you drop meteors there and he burns in the meteor damage that also works it looks like you should call camel corp to have them help and you can also just stand in front of the guy now when these mana burning stuff you don't want to stand in front of the guy manna burns another mud that you're usually totally fine with by the way because you're planning on not getting hit so if he's not man to burn I can literally just stand right in front of him and he'll hit me and usually he doesn't have enough damage to like kill you now he has spectral hit so he does have some decent fire risks right now also I only have 12 points in firewall so it's not maxed out if you're a higher level you'll be killing him faster at this point is there anything behind playing firewall and not fireball this firewalls damage is actually amazing the only thing is you need them to stand in place because the firewalls stack and so they take the burn from all of the firewalls at the same time you're doin first Uber's I meant it's kind of abusing it no mr. Lama is a streamer do ever find yourself answering the same questions over and over again and over again thank you if it's in the game it's a feature that's right aren't immunity is kind of a bigger cheat making it so that I literally do zero damage isn't that kind of a cheat as well that the game is playing on me I'm just anti-cheating at this point like I say if he has spectral hit or magic resistant or cold enchant or fire chanted he might be kind of tough Thank You seabass I just really liked the other mods that the other ones had it wasn't too difficult so I said all right you know it all deal with it I'll just take a little extra time that's all that's all it did how neat was that look at that you just completed hell ancients not even a worry and at this point I don't really need any more but I can maybe still want a little more in it so our goal is waypoint at this point get to the Waypoint if you have souls whatever it is I don't care get to the this is hell mode not keep you I need training wheels on my bicycle so I could have gone slower like hard things so back up the wambulance mode sorry anyone learning to ride a bike and keep on keeping on not great in here that's for sure alright so we're gonna try this is gonna be a little tough in here we're gonna just try our best and just get the Waypoint that's it like I say if you're on softcore that's your goal if you're on hardcore take it slow go through reset if you need to all of the same stuff right but just get to the Waypoint and then you can do those resets you can get a better spawn of things we have Souls in here that's kind of scary but we make it through so not a big deal feel free to reset Souls as well and now we just gotta get to the throne and we've had really great maps there okay we have dolls and Marauders those are okay though dangerous let's see what our third group is that's a lot of dolls thank you very careful with dolls very careful also try to kill them up here if you can because bail will clear them out then if you kill them at the back then they'll stay alive and wave - I'll resurrect them so they're one of the groups that you don't really want to kill back there who's still here oh and I also might come out here oh god that's our third boss group that's really bad actually I'm gonna die so I'm not running reduce right now is a big mistake I'm gonna try and drag these guys a little further down because I want to leave myself some room to drag if I want all right we get it you're laughing so that's a cold and chance group right there it is not great so normally if there's any cold enchant and there we have a cold enchant let's see if our mercenary can do some work on them huh let's give them a shot a lazier I choose you [Music] all right well he got a shot in I can also give him cold thawing potions to help him out so you got to make sure that we like clear the way for him and stuff so now he has better res so we're going clear the way [Music] if I stand there he will attack me instead of my mercenary we can do that and see if that'll work at all come on buddy you can do this number oh my god get him get him out his air so now when I stand up here bail will actually he won't - crap him he'll just a crap me dang it all right we're just gonna reset it so once again having a better mercenary is helpful that prevent monster Hill where do we put it we got rid of it rip it's not very often that he spawns double immune like that also the road stone keep is a great place to farm by the way oh no that's cold a million dudes see if they're in here they are okay reset so a lot of times at this point you're also going to have to reset the throne-room just because it's not gonna have the right kinds of money she's heard a legend about being able to drag ball waves instead of fighting them is there any truth to this yes it's just gonna be kind of tough on like first wave especially when the outside had to call the means there what that meant we weren't gonna be able to do it all right so there are souls here which is scary but if we play around them it is a monster that we can kill technically those will get resurrected though so I need to be super careful so play around with like you can also have put the shadows or dim visions charges stuff whatever if you want yeah play around with it but this is a pretty good spun right and I also have 75 volt light Reds so that's why I don't care as much about souls 12 max stamina so good I always think that okay firewall is better for the like cheese place right up like that but meteor is also really good and totally fine so you can do honestly do either so here now we're gonna have this wave and he can also spun cold immune by the way but you can get a better drag on him so you can either just straight up go for the kill on these guys first and just dodge all the cold shots or you can do a drag on all of the Skelly's if you would like instead just make sure you don't drag all those other guys so you get the skellies you say come to me mr. and mrs. Kelly I need aspire wall it up burn them to the ground and I'm not switching to my fire staff because I'm afraid I'm gonna die if I do since they'll do a lot more damage when I don't have as much gold rest you can also keep dragging them as much as you would like really up to you how far and how much you want to drag first kill so my fire wall is definitely a little bit weaker than normal so that's why it's taking a little bit longer for these kills so go in here now that all the Skelly's are out you can just man up on these guys he moved forward a step now he's gonna start Reds and stuff that's annoying still not as bad we can kill one or two of them on their own so at this point I could definitely go back and do the den of evil if I wanted to that would totally be acceptable it would take a you know 5-10 minutes to do but I could get another respect and then kind of make a decision if I want to spend it if I want to go into more points in firewall or media or fireball or whatever it is but I want to kind of leave everybody one respect so that they can do a respect of what they wanted to do so I felt like that would be the best going through this is leave everyone a respect so they have that option kind of yeah this takes a lot more points but it also is very powerful with it's a lot more points so then you can kill and drag the waves as you like as you've seen before it's possible to drag wave three four and five pretty easily but it's also not the worst thing to kill good experience we're level 65 you're probably gonna want to be a higher level than 65 at this point if you are 65 right now congratulations you're playing really well that's all I can say most people will be this level ending bail nightmare so which I promoted I recommend for double elements or anything that's just like what your skills Simon's thank you source goes 20 FCR call it a day but I have my leaf on swap so I get the +3 fire skills there and so he's cold and immune right there but he's an easy track right so we'll just kill all these guys and get him dragging on us and there you go last wave yeah I mean fathom eschewed uh oculus Hodor all those things are good generally you're still gonna be manning something so kind of pick what you want to main and he's also going to be cold fire immune so help me another guy that we're gonna end up dragging here Wow Abaddon means stop but we can kill as many as if we'd like they are worth a lot of experience and well if you're gonna continue playing the character at all this is great the window [Music] now stop it okay and we just dragged mister man out teleport back in and there you go as easy as one two three four five waves down you are now off yeah whatever to fight mr. bail final fight that's right make sure you have a safety teepee up get your statics off and then just do the same thing we've been doing with every boss so just try to get it to land inside of him [Music] [Music] that's all easy as that and I also stacked up some cold dreads because he does cold damage and if you don't want to deal with the clone remember you can always just run away drop it TP right let's say I don't want to deal with this clone just come over here to the other side of the map drop the TP come well whatever come back and the clone is now go easy as that better not be adding any cars on staff that's all I can say and bales behaving so we're getting a pretty nice kill and GG congratulations you have just beaten the lord of destruction how easy was that how easy was that my goodness [Music] Wow hey when does source kills 20 FCR but it's on a staff so yeah that is that is the sorceress through hell it's really uh you know not that bad would we get here 20 FCR again with nothing no source skills I'm dying I'm dying here cold as their series on a series on that and yes so let's kind of review really quickly just kind of where the character has left off and ended and everything so we have twenty FCR here I'm just running on the 37 breakpoints so I'm 37 47 and that's all right there 20 30 40 so we're at the 37 breakpoint that's it the reason is because I'm really enjoying the smoke this adds so much survivability yes I lose some of that faster run walk yes I lose some of that FCR but smoke is super helpful for just surviving I have a lore so I've got skills with energy and light res and all of that that's a great great helmet that I love taking to endgame tower ahsha's would also be a solid helmet with good res and life and mana on it by the way if I was 66 or if I was I am 66 if I had 55 strength I have sarakin chance this was a really nice fine that we got in Mephisto nightmare so once again farming and Fister nightmare super solid still just using ancients pledge it's straight it's good you know just straight up easy to make good resistances all of that fast run walk boots I could shop better boots than this honestly if I just go back to nightmare and like if you just reset nightmare a few times and let's go to act - I like active shopping it's a little better with eltechs goodnight right so I could just come here and like 30 fast run walk with six percent cold res look at that we've already found something that could be a little bit better this has half reiteration but like you might want that also we could find 40 faster on rock boots with resistances and you can get like a 40 fast run walk 40 resistance boot as well you can also find really sick belts like this so big life belts and I like to find these in hell if I have that 60 strength you just come here and you just get a plated belt and it's the 16 slots and I'll have you know 70 80 90 100 life on it so I like to find that so a little more shopping could do well there but you know really whatever and then well these are some really nice gloves good fire rez and some really nice magic find and our rings with those STRs and then like I said I have gold wrap on the side which I can upgrade later for 16 slot and that's super nice I have a 12 or is ring if I want to change up how I'm doing my FCR and a 30 light Rose ring as well so if I find like a suicide branch I could pop both of these rings on to really like maximize Reds I have you know this that I can take to go get imbued to two lightning skills 20 FCR with two to Blizzard find a stray thunderstorm life mana 39 light rez it's better than what I have the unfortunate thing is I'm cold huh and it's blizzard again so I found a to to fire skills 20 FCR and a tutu lightning skills 20 FCR with both with plus de blizzard so close but it still does add a point to fire mastery does have more life mana and light res so it is pretty nice and eight to energy that's still a really nice like orb to get and then yeah we've just got like you know 15 the magic find rings and I've got these topaz that I can upgrade the perfect topaz and just have little MF you know set going here so if you're ever looking if you're getting on to the latter which starts tomorrow by the way exclamation mark reset go join a team you know this would be a great like starting set up these gloves these boots this that ring two of these plus another one three perfect toe pads and a helm or four perfect toe peasant an armor maybe make a rhyme shield get that shell a Thrun from nightmare excuse me and yeah easy as that but for this playthrough that was all so GG congratulations you have beaten hell with a sorceress of course I have all the other characters being uploaded or already uploaded on my youtube so there's a lot of fun stuff there go check those out if you want to run a different character and thank you guys for watching peace out YouTube MA have a good one alright cool so easy as that and obviously the sorceress is like kind of tough in the way of she has a lot of like you got to skip things you got a you know tech a little bit she's not the easiest character at all people always say just play the sorcerer she's so easy but like if you have someone rushing you through the game sure then you just go to Mephisto and andariel and whatever and you're fine but if your solo playing through it's a little bit difficult so it's scary build viable yeah you can totally run Skelly's just run with corpse explode what's the easiest solo character so far the easiest has been the necromancer just because necro can take care of everything right like he can run with summons if he wants and that can be you know just delay everything he can bone prison the world so like here we go let's pretend him run out here and it's like oh no I'm getting surrounded by stuff right obviously this is a terrible example because there are those Jabba's ons right there or Java Spears spear den dudes so not many things are going to pierce that was a terrible example I was like one of the few areas where it's not gonna work out alright we're just gonna go glacial trail right oh no the bone Spears as well alright well whatever they're gonna at least focus so like you can just do this and then he just like blows stuff up and Moon Lords whatever right like it's really not bad at all you can take your time really easily you don't have to worry about stuff killing you and converging on you and uh even if it does you just loosen it up again that's all so really an easy character for that reason just having bone prison plus he also does magic damage and almost nothing is immune to magic damage so that helps a lot [Music] tell her to cut that one bit out yeah so thanks for getting me back into the splendid time sink that is Diablo 2 after thank you blood hunt all those years he's commented runs are excellent yeah also decent life what character would you recommend for a returning player what character would be good early in the ladder 4mf etc honestly there's so many like obviously a sorceress is good for it a paladin it's not bad for it but like I like javis on early as well to go farm for runes and cows and bases 91 so I like javis on necro isn't terrible if you run around and he can be decent for early I'm effing assassin is you know early on okay she kind of gets worse as it goes on later druid can actually not be a bad MF build he's got tornadoes as well so he can deal with a lot of areas you know it really just depends am I gonna do the speedrun guide on the fastest route gosh dang it yeah Hammerton is complete trash in small spaces but you just don't go into small spaces with him and then you're fine you see is that okay I am I am hungry that's why I'm yawning and tired cuz I'm actually really hungry so I'm gonna get some food thank you guys for watching I do appreciate it yeah kisses to you all I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day and I'll be back tomorrow with the latter reset so that'll be tomorrow night just as a reminder tomorrow night is going to be lighter reset so look for that otherwise let's go hang out with miss Kaylee go say hi at least drop her a little llama or something of that nature there you know the fun stuff but thank you for being here and watching I really do appreciate it hope you have a good night note you friendly stay on Friday no because the latter reset is that night so I might I'll stream a little bit before it if you want to hang out at your night time but then that'll be what that is all right it's going out sadly peace everybody have a good one good night
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 461,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Diablo 2, Guide, playthrough, help, how to, necromancer, bonemancer, bone spear, teeth, runthrough, game, gaming, videogame, fun, enjoy, sorceress, fire, light, cold, blizzard, meteor, fireball, frozen orb, nova, teleport, lightning, charged bolt, thunderstorm, meteorb, mixed
Id: fassuEegOQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 8sec (8708 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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