[GUIDE] WHAT IS MY STUFF WORTH?! - The rest of the Uniques

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[Music] what's up youtube welcome back to what has been uh one video split up into multiple videos partly due to just the complication and the large sum of items that we're going over and partly due to my internet issues and having to deal with uh the techs and all of that along the way so i do apologize for all of that um but hopefully you're so at least getting the value from it and ultimately i think breaking it up into into smaller videos does end up being a better choice that people can get more of exactly what they're going for rather than trying to go to one video and search all the way through it even with chapters it feels like a lot so let's continue this is valuing your gear what you should keep what you should get rid of um and what sort of has value and doesn't so let's dive into it now uh we will go right into the gloves so hand of the brock no value blood fist nice but not really any value someone might give you like a foul rune or something they just might want them but doesn't really have a lot of value magefist good value these are one of only two 20 fcr gloves they're not the best one in my opinion but a lot of people still like them regardless they're going to be worth maybe like a coat a lamb somewhere in there chances are are going to always have a little bit of value due to the magic find so once again probably like co to lem in terms of value right there i'd say more towards a lem frost burns not really going to have value um maybe i mean less than the lem for sure they can be nice but you know maybe foul or whatever right venom grips not really grave palms not really ghoul hides not really lava gout somebody might like give a little bit again maybe like a ko roon or a limb i mean not a lot though and hell mouths not really so none of the exceptional gloves really have value even though they're not bad gloves and your hell gloves drax are gonna have value these are probably worth like an um to a male would be my guess maybe a little bit more um so dracules are definitely like a nice glove that a lot of people like uh and and can be definitely decent for sure soul drainers don't really have a ton of value they do have dual leech so somebody might like them for that purpose but i mean maybe a lamb or something like that um and then steel wrens aren't really utilized very often if you get high e.d on them somebody might buy these off of you for a little something um they're a rare glove for sure but they're not like crazy expensive i think it's fun to keep with them and maybe like i say maybe someone will give you like polar um or something for steel rinse maybe like a perfect pair goes for more i mean i'm sure it does but uh you know overall they're not used by too many builds a lot of builds use different different gloves there and any gloves ethereal are worthless into the belts lenimo is worth pretty much nothing snake cord nothing night smoke nothing gold wrap has a tiny bit of value once again maybe that like uh lem value something like that blade buckle is pointless string of ears has a little bit of value if you get a perfect dr that 15 damage reduced it'll increase it a little bit more it's hard to say exactly what it'll be worth but i would guess it's in like the pole range something around there razor tail has a little bit of value but again pretty common so lem pole somewhere in there gloom has no value snow clash doesn't really have a lot of value but especially earlier people will want it because they like the little plus to damage so you can maybe get like a limb to a pole on it and t gods has a little bit of value i think paul um um for t gods is uh not too crazy not too out of the way for it arachne mesh is the number one belt this is gonna be your best in slot belt for a lot of characters um iraq is gonna generally keep pretty high value i would say this is worth like vex roon and it usually sticks around up up in that area in my opinion uh nosferatu's doesn't really have much value at all somebody might want it on a build but lem maybe something around there and then for dungos if you get really good rolls on your dungos um this can definitely be worth also i don't know if it quite goes as much as chansey's but or i mean as arachnid but i mean maybe you're finding you know at least a mal is somewhere in there it has value though for sure and ethereal belts also worth nothing um boots hot spurs not really worth anything gore foots no treads no goblin toes will have a little bit not a ton but uh you know maybe once again you get like a lemeron or something for some goblin toes and tear haunts you get nothing infernos nothing water walks have some value especially if you can get 65 to life on them and and that'll be uh really nice so people like the max life and with water walks i mean i'd try and trade them for a poll or an um or something silk waves no value really and war traps will have value these will definitely be worth especially if you get a 50 mf roll um you can ask for like probably a high room for those honestly if they're 50s but even some high ones are going to be worth east or mal or something like that and be decently nice marowaks don't have a ton of value but i think some people still like them honestly uh i'm not exactly certain of all the people that really want to use marowaks i mean salmon necro might put them or something um but yeah generally marowaks i i would say it's worth keeping and uh you might have it somewhere right um sandstorms are gonna be worth a lot people also like them ethereal as well so your tracks are definitely going to have some value for sure a lot of people like marowaks i'm just not sure if like the value that they really have overall um they're i mean they're not going to be worth a ton uh tracks are definitely gonna be worth at least you know poll mal once again it depends the roles that you get on them if they're ethereal you could probably get a little more um shadow dancers don't really have a lot of value and just high strength and you just don't don't sell them very much they're they're really cool but not worth a lot and gore riders will have some good value because everybody wants scores for all of their different melee characters and all the different you know physical damage characters um so gore is again trading that like pull um mal whatever kind of range in there i would imagine and ethereal boots minus like tricks are going to be pretty worthless going to shields peltalunatas worthless umbral no storm guild no sword back no steel clash no wall of the islands beverage keep the ward all of these pointless you can trash them all biserent no mosers has a little bit of value not a lot but somebody might give you like a lemerin or paul rune or something for a mosers which can be nice storm chaser no lance guard no teammates rebuke not really uh lidless used to have more value but spirits really taken over it's still probably worth like foul to lem i'd imagine not much more gerkies uh not really radiments uh not really and then has does have value and ahaz is gonna go for uh probably anywhere from uh like it's probably worth around vex i would say uh something in that range that is nice um but yeah that's probably the only real one that i think is worth too much there black oak no storm shield has some value i i feel like the value of storm shield is a little hard to to tell it's not worth a ton but some characters will want it you you can definitely probably get like pull um mal somewhere in that range on it headhunters not really medusa's gays not really um spike thorne no spirit ward not really dark force has a little bit of value and can be nice and bone flame both of these can be okay necro helms and so you can probably trade these for a little bit not going to be crazy expensive but a little bit and dragon scale doesn't really have value almond negras may be like lem or less um and then yeah i don't have homunculus in here i think it's on the necromancer so homunculus is also worth um maybe a little bit right but once again not like a ton of value in all of those um let's dive into some of the uh weapons now so we'll start with just your one-handed axes nash or no death spade no blade bone skull split or rake scar none cold kill no butchers aisle strike pompeis and a guardian none of those have value um razor's edge rune master some people like an ethereal five open socket rune master and you can get like a little bit of value from it um other than that no no no and then death cleaver does have value and especially people also like having an f death cleaver so this can have value and this can get into like some high roon trades for your death cleavers for sure um and then two handed axes no no no no no no no no no no no no and no so two handers are pretty worthless and you're not really gonna trade them for anything or see them in trades daggers um gold dagger has some value because of the hundred magic find it's very nice really early on and you can always probably trade it off for like a lemon or something like that diggler no jade no spectral shard is nice early on but it loses its value very quickly because it gets kind of replaced by like suicide branch and stuff spine ripper no heart carver no black bugs no storm spike no uh flesh ripper no ghost flame no and whiz pike does have some value uh once again probably in the like pole to um range i would guess um not crazy valuable because you can find a lot of them but it is nice uh fellow no stout nail crush flange blood rise general iron stone nell striker rust hand on storm eye none of those a lot of normal weapons will not have any value no no no no no no no and no so again for your uh scepters here and clubs none nords no baroners no demon lim might have a tiny bit because some people like the enchant charges again maybe like lamb or something i'm not exactly sure the value stormlash will have a little bit of value for sure um you know some kixins might want it or some you know a few characters might like a storm lash i'm not actually sure the value of stormlash but i would keep it somebody will want that for sure horizons tornado no stun crusher no shavers hammer no astrians unfortunately doesn't really have uh much value it's still not terrible and like i would still say you could trade this off for something um pull um mao whatever because it's still okay like you get some added damage and you know bonus ar question blow whatever um and same with like these two i would keep them to trade for like small things but they're not gonna be worth a lot unfortunately so um you know these these can be worth a tiny bit uh maybe like pole zombs whatever for those things uh two handeds no no even though i love steel driver not really worth a lot blood tree no gavel of pain no wind hammer not really earth shifter and cranium basher with 256 strength requirements no um so somebody might like a wind hammer you might find a barb that like wants to pick this up or a druid or something maybe this one could be like a small value but nothing else really going to have any value in this section uh into poll arms demoxie no still good no surface no battle branch foestav and grim reaper all no uh meat scraper no black leech athenas pierre husseldahl and grimm's burning scythe all know though some of them can be nice bone hue does have value people like bone hues the spirit especially if you get ethereal and same with three birds toll if you can get an ethereal reaper's toll um both of those can be very nice and also with your tomb raver right if you can get these guys to be ethereal um they can be have some value reapers tall probably the most valuable i would say of the group and you can get into the hyrun range if you get the those ethereal right there bonus probably the cheapest easiest one then the reason you want them f is for a mercenary these are good mercenary weapons good damage good damage and then with the decryptify and storms fire is a no uh so like here i ha i have a reaper's toll so this is a this is pretty nice i would trade that for a decent sum and an f bone hue nice um getting into our spears no no no no no no some people like kelpie snare but it's generally not really going to trade for much no no no no no no and no and no and no so really there's not any spear that you're gonna see people trading for value stabs banash serpent lord uh spirit of lazarus salamander iron bang jang bong all knows razor switch is nice but ultimately just gets out class so no uh rip cracker actually does have value especially if you can get an ethereal rib cracker people love or a perfect rib cracker you can start to get into some real value chromatic ir warp sphere and skull collector all know but like this right here here's an ethereal perfect upgraded rib cracker i would trade this for many hirings because this is a beautiful weapon needs to be socketed with the zod of course but beautiful weapon um oops and then ondles and mangsong's lesson unfortunately our nose uh most rib crackers aren't like super valuable if it's a good ed roll it can have some value um ricksod snow blood crescent skewer gleam scythe crystal it's help plague and colons all knows blood letter is nice but again not it's just gonna run out of value fast cold steel hex fire um alibaba does have value these are all no alibaba has some value people will want it lem de paul probably gentiles rift head striker plague and atlantean are all knows azurath unfortunately not really worth a lot maybe somebody gives you a limb pull for it blood moon no ginslayer no frostwindow and lightsaber again maybe get a lamb or something for it because somebody wants the lightsaber it's kind of a classic two-handers shadowfang knows hopefully no kimmel's no black tongue no rips on no patriarch no crane no bing no vile no cloud crack no toads no sword guard no uh flames villain no doom bringer no and grandfather will have a little bit of value some people still like to run the old school grandfather weapon um so this one might be worth a little bit i'm not sure the exact value i don't know if it touches like a vex or anything um but yeah maybe you can get malice goal something in there i'm not exactly sure on the full value but some people like the grandfather still so it's got a little bit torch no maelstrom no graven spine no suicide branch does have a tiny bit of value because some characters will end up running this um it's not worth a lot but maybe you get like a lamb something karen chard no i'm a king lyric uh some people like it for some summoning stuff so maybe you can get a little bit for this black hand no uma's lament no escudas if you have a 320 or close to that then it can be good it's like this is a 320 light if you have a 320 fire that's a little bit more desired because fire sorceresses would like that um if it's anything two skills or one skill it's worthless and if it's like 10 or whatever it's worthless right so it needs to be pretty high and again it's not worth a ton but um it's okay and aussie is good at the start so this is going to be worth some value it'll drop in its value over time but right now it's trading like goal plus gold of x between there uh eventually it'll drop down to like probably um or something maybe even less bone shade not really worth much desweb is worth an okay amount um this is probably gonna be worth between vex and ohm i would imagine uh and uh and it's pretty nice and the closer you get to you know 250 or whatever the the better it'll be right so you want it to have plus two to poison on bone skills and minus 50 enemy poison res would be best if it's ethereal as well it doesn't matter because casters don't lose durability excuse me and then death fathom is going to have um good value especially if you get high cold skill damage the closer you are to 30 the more value it's gonna have probably in the multiple higher end range um the lower it is the less value it will have but this is a best-in-slot uh weapon for cold sources so you'll see a lot want that death but no scalper no jimmer shred no lacerator maybe that's a tiny bit of value because some people will use the lacerator if they're a throwbarb war strikes as well could have a tiny bit of value because these two will be used if they're ethereal you're going to get more value from them wraith flight no gargoyles bite no titans are going to be worth a little bit for sure non-ethereal titans will be worth probably like pull uh to um and then ethereal titans will be worth probably like east goal yeah probably more than that probably like gold of x somewhere between there and of course the closer they are to perfect the better they will be um for value t strokes not worth a ton but still gonna be worth a little bit again you might be in like pulled um somewhere in that range and then if they're plus four you know whatever they can be nice right it depends what the roll is uh and demon's arch is not worth anything um so again like i say if you get these two ethereal this will be worth more um bose we'll have pluck i know wither string no ravenclaw no rogue storm strike wiz and draw hell clap and blast park are all no's sky strike rip hook cuckoo endless witch wild cliff killer mage wrath um are all nose gold strike and like handers i think you can trade these for maybe lambda pole probably in there i think that'll be what you can get for those guys and which wild could maybe go for like coat a limb something like that um those worth more ethereal because they replenished quantity for the throwing weapons widowmaker no eagle horn not really wind force is going to have value this is probably like uh ist to vex somewhere in between that range i'm not exactly sure but it definitely has some value some bosons like to use it and blood ravens doesn't have value no crossbows no no no and no for all the normal crossbows langer pus bitter burrisa and demon machine are all really nose somebody might give you code a lem for a barrisa and gut siphon and hell rack are also no people just don't really like crossbows that much don't really waste your time with all that space in terms of uh claws bartooks can have a little bit of value lem pole maybe um fire lizards no not really jade talon has a little bit of value not a ton again probably lempole and shadow killer doesn't really have a lot of value um so yeah i mean some people like barrisa it's not it's not a best-in-slot like i mean it can be fun for some things but there's definitely better weapons there um do i have anything else on that one nope perfect so that kind of covers uniques uh i'll cover sets in the next video we can go through all the different set pieces but hopefully that gives you some idea some of the value for what you should keep with a lot of those unique weapons right there um i hope that this was helpful i hope that you learned a little bit and you have some ideas of what you can just trash and what you kind of want to keep and maybe try and trade anyways peace youtube
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 174,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 37GoCeiK2Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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