[GUIDE] WHAT IS MY STUFF WORTH?! - Jewelry, Bases, Pgems, Armors and Helms

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[Music] is what's up youtube youtube welcome back we are going to be diving back into the uh trade video right here what is it worth um what is the value of my items i want to make sure that you guys uh know all of this stuff because you guys asked so much about it and it's just helpful youtube you know the that's the new streaming service i leaked it accidentally um i want to make sure you guys have the right values and everything going forward and the right idea of what to keep so in the last video we talked about runes and what a hiring value kind of roughly is and where the runes kind of relate to each other we talked about jewels we talked about charms and really kind of focused on all those varieties there now i want to get into the uniques and kind of blitz through the uniques because this is going to be a little bit easier since you have more standardized stuff here instead of like is my 35 ed 15 is joule worth something like yeah it is okay is the 15 is by itself or something probably not you know like hard to really gauge with all of that so getting into um these items will be a lot easier and once again i am going to be on the old legacy diablo 2 and this is because i have all the items already over here and pluggy allows me to see them all rather than if i go to the new uh you know d2 resurrected and have that statue it'll just be a little bit more difficult so we'll start out with some jewelry right here what to actually keep and has value cosine doesn't have value rising sun maybe like lambda pole not a ton of value but somebody might want it some fire source or something could use it or somebody who just wants to get some fire absorb mahim oak doesn't have value crescent moon doesn't really have value once again you can maybe trade it for like a foul or something like that somebody wants big man of steel might want it but whatever high lords has value this is going to be a best and slot amulet for a lot of the characters a lot of melee characters love it um so this could be worth istroon this could be worth hyrune golrun somewhere in there i'm not exactly sure what the value is right now um but definitely something that you want to check out um i have etlich doesn't really have value once again you might be able to trade this to somebody um early on who is you know plus one skills maybe get like a lem or a co for it not much beyond that metal grid doesn't really have a lot of value um it's okay somebody might trade for it if they do you might be able to get like a pole or something around there would be my guess somebody might be saying oh no metal grid does have more value um and so you know check it out but generally it's not a super sought after amulet very high level requirements and a lot of people are just gonna replace with you know something else uh for it right mars or high lords kind of goes in the place generally of a lot of the times but metal good could still be worth a little bit serifs not a lot of value um but again if it's if it's a you know got the plus two skills here uh i mean it's still nice you can probably get like pole to um maybe something like that uh and therefore it would be my guess just for the plus of skills it'll lose value over time as more mars get on the market atmas doesn't really have a lot of value some people might use it for the amp damage bonus attack rating but once again uh highlords is really going to be kind of the standard that people are using for for that sort of character so generally you're not going to see a lot of value from an atmos there and then sarakin's chance doesn't really have value again these could be worth lemroon paul rune right a lot of items you'll find are worth lemer pole um you know um lempole co whatever in that range because it's not worth a ton but it's something that you can work around trade a little bit with and you know it's still like better than an l rune or something you know so there's still uh something and then mars has a lot of value and of course it ranges from 20 all res to 30 all reds uh so mars is going to go for probably higher end plus at all points would be my assumption a perfect mara is obviously worth more a 20 mara is obviously worth a little less but any mara should still be worth a lot as this is going to be best in slot for a large portion of characters now moving into rings nagel rings um not really a lot of value early on they'll have a little more because the magic find and if you do get a 30 mf nagel ring that could be worth a little bit maybe once again pull um something around there and then it'll drop obviously the lower the mf goes on it so not super crazy but they're still okay they're still nice manuals no value raven frost has value and if you can get a perfect raven frost at 250 20 it's worth even more um if you're just rocking you know like these low ones or anti-perfect or whatever not a lot um these again you know if you get like a perfect one or a near perfect one that's going to go for a little bit more once again i'd guess in like malist whatever a perfect might go in the hyrun range um but if you're just down in like a whatever 175 15 things like that it's not going to be worth a ton maybe like a poll ruiner number or something along those lines dwarf stars not really worth a lot anybody can get a dwarf star you might be able to trade it for a lam or something but it won't have a ton of value there soj is going to have a lot of value these are worth probably around like vex um and so that's going to be a good right there this is the most valuable ring um so vex or is odd or whatever it is almost about a higher in value for these or not quite a hiring but half plus nature's piece doesn't have value it's useful for nil effect and that's pretty much about it bull cathodes um is gonna have value this is worth less than an soj uh maybe like half the price of an soj i would say so you know you might be able to get like ist gold somewhere around there for it carrying wind doesn't have value um and let's put that up there and then wisp does have value and especially if you can get a 20 20 or 20 lightning absorb these can have a lot of value as these can be um really really solid right here so you get those lightning absorbed people like wisp they're not worth quite as much as like an soj or something but you can still trade a wisp uh probably for like uh it's hard to say exactly maybe like estrone somewhere around there would be my guess maybe a little less maybe a little more hard to gauge exactly it depends on the stats um but those are gonna be your rings uh jumping into perfect gems uh 40 perfect gems i i think generally traded for like pull to um that's a pretty standard like trade right there and that's because people want to craft with the gems so they'll trade you a polar um rune and you get the uh gems and then can use that and it would be good right um so that's uh the standard trade right there but if you've got like five perfect gems don't go try and trade that for like polaron you could trade that for like am or soul or shale or something along those lines um but don't try and trade that for like hyruns that's kind of like an insulting offer and nobody cares for you to sprinkle in like three perfect gems with your trade or something generally right like it just doesn't do a lot also perfect amethyst perfect skulls and perfect rubies are going to be worth a little bit more probably as they are going to be crafting um so that's going to be kind of the crafting piece now our perfect gems is that trade gonna be a little bit different in its pricing maybe maybe it's worth a little bit more or a little bit less um so once again look around and see what people are trading for like 40 perfect gems and see if it like oh maybe you're getting east or mal right now or something right you can you can just check and see the values because once again that's the biggest thing and the easiest way if you do run into questions like that just browse the trades look through and just watch the games as they make and see what trades are coming up often to kind of get a gauge of value um but yes the rubies and amethysts are going to be worth like twice as much because people like those for crafting the most um in terms of bases any white monarch that's just white or four open socket is gonna have value people love these because these are gonna be making your spirits and your four open socket rune words um so people will want these these are going to be used by a lot of characters uh in terms of uh for like paladin shields people really want the 45 all red shields if you can get a 45 all res ethereal vortex shield that's very specific to a smiter who wants an f exile um and otherwise this is really gonna be like just aim for this white or four open sockets um and yeah and the reason people want monarchs is because this is the lowest strength shield that can get four open sockets okay so a lot of people think like what if i got a kite shield maximum it can get us through open sockets so the lowest strength required shield that's not a paladin shield is a monarch which is why everybody wants monarchs [Music] other bases people want flails crystal swords and people want these and phase blades people want these to be five open sockets six open sockets four open sockets depending their needs because you have spirits you have uh you know crescent moons you've got griefs you've got last wish you have ctas hodos uh right all of these things and even just like six isted phase blade for an offhand for a berserk barbarian or something right um so all of these are gonna be desired and these bases and these monarchs and these things are generally gonna go into like pole um sort of range right any base like that is generally going to be there if you get a really nice base uh like it's you know a 15ed phase blade or whatever then people will pay a little bit more you can ask like ist plus probably or hiring for that or something like that um so it just really depends a little bit on that um people also love berserker axes so once again getting those four five six getting your ethereal ones like this will be perfect for an f breath of the dying right here if this had 15ed on it it'd be worth even more right um and so you know all of these kind of have their uses looking just for right there right a berserker axe with 14ed on it 1482 attack rating these things people really like because they can make the griefs and they can make whatever items in these sorts of things so you can just see with my collection of items here what sorts of stuff really get desired getting into two handeds you're looking for cryptic axes and and you're looking for a lot of two-handed ethereal colossus vulges giant thresher that one rolled through open sockets um there's a thresher base right so these are kind of your like bases that you're gonna have for this and the reason you want the material is because you want them for your mercenary a lot of these are gonna be going for probably around like uh mal to a high room depending how good the base is um or you know maybe like a vex or something like that i've definitely seen like a four open socket ethereal thresher with ed go for a lot you know because that's like the perfect infinity base for somebody and stuff so just collecting these sorts of uh elite bases that have um their you know ethereal nature and have their uh cryptic acts whatever it is these are great because then people can socket stuff and make um yeah so he says i traded an f4 socket thresher for a vex today and that seems perfectly fine with what it is right like that's what i would believe that value to go for right there and like i say these are because people want to make infinities and want to make all their nice bases for their mercenary and since it's ethereal it's a little bit harder um f thresher insight worth anything yeah for sure so in terms of the bases that's what that can be worth um and then same thing with like your ethereal armors people want to get nice ethereal armors so once again you're looking for elite bases dusk shrouds you're looking for i mean for a lot of those you know you want to look for like higher ones that are going to be uh you know archon plates people like great haberx they can have a little bit higher strength because mercenaries can you know wear stuff with a little bit higher strength sacred armors can be a little bit too high of strength sometimes so some people don't like to use the 2-2-2 that's kind of like a little too much for it um but for the bases you know getting getting a nice dust shred getting a lacquered plate getting a great haberick whatever it is and the higher the defense the better it is uh you know a bone weave whatever it is additionally now that the eth bug is fixed and i don't know if they're changing it but as of this point in time when i'm making this ethereal bugging no longer works um getting a an armor that is ethereal with enhanced uh defense on it is actually going to be even better because before you couldn't socket it so you couldn't do uh the bugging of it if you don't know about that go look that up that's just how you would like get higher defense on armors was debugging it that can't happen anymore so now getting an ethereal armor with um enhance with more defense on it enhanced defense is going to be better and so you can once again trade these bases around and your trading poll uh mal is right whatever it is depending on how good the base is how high the defense is and if it's socketed already and stuff in terms of regular bases are con plates it's kind of the same thing but generally lower strength archon plates dust shrouds worm hides um see like nobody's gonna really want like a three open socket sacred armor even though it's got like high defense or whatever nobody wants to wear 232 strength great hobricks are decent mage plates are decent as well some people like to have a mage plate and you're looking these for white you're looking these for ed enhanced defense um and like that and you're looking for these things with four open sockets or three open sockets those are gonna be uh the desires like here's an a mageplate armor and you can see why would somebody want to wear this it has lower defense well it also has 55 strength required and so this is going to be very low strength this is for people who want to put nothing into strength on their characters just have an enigma that is functional and they don't care one bit about the defense really at all um as opposed to like an archon plate which is 103 strength which is still not a lot i mean you can still see these are not a lot right here but this is what you're going to really be looking for for these things and like i say three or four open sockets for those and then for your ethereal armors you generally want to get four open sockets for fortitude but even three open sockets for treachery and stuff can be nice um so people are gonna love those and yes there's no speed penalty on light armors so people like armors that are light you have light medium heavy go look up those i'll put a post link below with like armor weights because they will have a little speed uh deduction for you uh and then um that really covers bases that you want to aim for with that i guess i can go into uh you know maybe like there's a class blade for okay uh in terms of bows i guess plus three um four open socket grand matron bows are are pretty desired these can be used for faith so a lot of people like to have these um diamond bows can be used for a faith for a mercenary uh if you want to run an act one mercenary so people like these and then they can get four open sockets and do that um and then i've got the stag bow probably you know whatever using some low-level dual style or something um but generally you're going to be looking for a grand matron bows right here with plus three to bone crossbow skills and four open sockets that's going to be kind of your like desired base for the bose right there um other bases not really used that much i guess uh you could use a a great bow for a faith as well for a mercenary if you want yeah you could put like a harmony or something into this right like you know there's there's definitely things you can do with like this sort of bow right here it's a fun little like low level whatever but will it have a ton of um value beyond it no um and then like these bases right here are probably worth a decent amount right like just because finding a four open socket grand matron bow with plus three to bone crossbow skills is hard and so you can definitely probably get a nice hiring for that or something i would imagine because somebody who really wants that faith is gonna want the really nice bow for it uh perfect now let's go ahead and move into um some uniques and armors so starting out uh i don't think there's a single normal armor that's actually worth keeping in trading rattle cage would be the only one maybe and maybe you get like you know a co-rune or something for a rattle cage otherwise nothing worth keeping in here so any of these if you have one of these and you're trying to trade it off it's probably not worth anything next um viper magic is worth trading spirit shroud is maybe worth like again co-lem somewhere in that regard hugh hagans may be in that same regard like a lemroon scolders has value people want scolders for the magic find as they get get up and then additionally ethereal sculptors will be worth more this you you're probably getting into pull plus same with kind of shaft stop in that same range dario's shell maybe has that like lem value early on and uh guardian angel maybe has a little bit of value at some point maybe once again like a poll or something matches right now are going for like mal roon they'll probably drop down to like paul rune or something um right uh ormus is gonna have some value if it has a good skill on it so you're once again you're looking for lightning you're looking for you know fireball or meteor you're looking for blizzard if it has warmth or anything like that don't bother it's going to be worth nothing and then additionally you want it to have 15 percent and whatever it is that'll help add to the value um these can be a little harder to trade it's not very often used but some people will want them and so this can be nice gladiators bane is not gonna be worth a ton if it's ethereal it might have a little more value for a mercenary um again maybe you're looking to get like pull um something around there for it arcane's valor i don't really know anybody who super trades for it but it's not a terrible armor i imagine you can get a little something for it and same for leviathan both of these aren't going to be worth a ton but they will have a tiny bit of value um and then steel carapace and templars might don't have any real value right there all right one second hello perfect all right so perfect technician is coming so anyways uh there you can there we can get to the those and here you can see like i say i've collected the uh the ormus is right here so not a big deal um and you can just have those and uh you know all right a lot of them don't have value this is teleport this is chilling armor this is telekinesis right these are all pretty worthless um even though they can be fine and then templars might and tyrios might unfortunately don't really have any value i wish they did somebody might like use a templars might it's not the worst thing in the world it's not amazing though and the strength is way too high um but like okay regardless you're probably not getting much value at all for them yeah templars and tyrials uh unfortunately are just pretty lame somebody might give you like an um rune or a mall rune or something for it because uh you know why not it looks kind of cool so i i would i would be like hey just for the rarity of it i want to have at least like a vex or a goal and if they don't want to give that to you well you just keep it because it's solid right it's kind of like it's a rare item if you find that congrats otherwise you can see i keep at gladiator spain some arcane valor some guardian angels v magis scolders right that sort of stuff moving into helmets uh tarnhelm can have some value a very low value but it does it's like the very very poor man shaco plus the skills and mf so you can maybe get like a tiniest bit of value for that um nothing else here is gonna have any value and that's like even then like you know co-rune or something um peasant crown again in that like co-lem range rock stopper co-lem range gays is gonna have a little bit of value paul to um probably around there um valkwing is gonna have a little bit of value maybe like lem de paul crown of thieves might have a little bit of value again and that like maybe like a poll range for that um kira's especially if it's 70 all res can have a little bit of value once again you can try and get paul um something in there and then jalal's and ariats will also be in that like poll um maybe mal whatever sort of range and again if you get a perfect enhanced defense one it'll be worth a little bit more because people really like those they're not crazy uncommon but they're going to be desired and people are going to want them um and so they can be nice and you know you can get a little something for it when you get into the unique helms shaco obviously has value it will drop down in its value right now it's trading at like vex or something uh maybe a goal uh it'll drop down over time and that's just because eventually everybody gets a shaco and they're decently calm and dropped and so then it's like all right well we all got it now so they'll drop down probably i would guess be like pull um mal somewhere in there and whatever coa is going to be worth a lot if you get the right rolls on it so if you can get 15 damage reduction 30 allreds let me actually go back to my front page um so here's a 30 or a 29 15 to open socket so this is going to be worth multiple hirings um because it's just going to be super super nice but it'll take a little bit to get somebody to uh want it desire it because it's a little more niche in in its use cases and stuff you'll find some paladin who wants that probably giant skull not really a lot of value but you might be able to trade it for a little bit right again maybe pull the um range something like that you'll have to kind of check the market on it andy's head is going to be nice um this is a best in slot for mercenaries especially if it's ethereal so i feel like this will hold some more value i would imagine it's going malist goal somewhere in there vex especially if it's ethereal you're getting into the higher ranges for it and again these values change but nice helm night wings especially with a higher percent cold damage is going to be super nice so this is going to be something that you can focus on as well it's going to be decently solid and value hard to say exactly but um definitely good veil of steel not really utilized at all um so probably not worth uh a ton and then uh griffins is going to be worth a lot um obviously and if you get a 2015 this is where you get into the high runes still shade not worth a lot halliburt's not worth a lot woof how not worth a lot spirit keeper not worth a lot raven lore you might have a fire uh druid who wants to do a little something with it but you know not worth a ton so that covers helms right there and then of course like i say if you can get some of those good ones ethereal you kind of get into the good stuff and i'm going to cut it right here for this video because i believe the internet guy is here and we don't want him interrupting the rest of it so i feel like that covered a good amount of those items we'll continue with gloves and boots and shields and belts and all that stuff in the next video uh tg you guys thanks for watching i hope that this is helping and you're getting some ideas mwah don't forget like and subscribe peace youtube all right internet guy is gonna be like right around here oh there he is he's knocking all right bye guys i'll catch you later
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 215,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 2, gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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