Guess The High School Superlative (GAME)

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-<i> ( rooster crows ) </i> -<i> ( lion roars )</i> Oh! Look at that! ( laughter ) I'm in the giving spirit today. - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - "Gifticality." That means we're donating $1000 to Us Against Alzheimer's to aid in their mission of advocating for greater urgency from government, industry, and the scientific community in order to reach their goal of ending Alzheimer's by 2020. Please join us in giving at Thank you for being your Mythical Best. - Whoo! - Okay, so let's bring in some Mythical crew members... - Woman: Yeah. - ...who are recipients of high school graduation superlatives. Josh doesn't understand the game. - That's fine, neither do we. - ( laughter ) - Okay, Josh, here's how this is gonna work. - Yeah. Please. - In high school-- - Yes. I've heard of it. - Right. - Yeah. You got voted as-- aw, man, I can't explain this. - See? It's not me. - It's tough. - There are things called "high school superlatives." - Superlatives. And that is a way to describe what you think will happen to someone, or some aspect about their personality that is especially notable-- It's a prediction of recognition. And not just a prediction. But I guess it is a prediction. - Of recognition. - It's usually, "Most Likely To..." But sometimes it's also like, "Best Personality," - or "Meanest." It's what I got. - "Most Likely To Murder Somebody." And we're going to try to match these superlatives - with these individuals. - Right. And if you don't get one, we'll give you one. - Thank you. - Don't worry. Okay. I still don't understand, but we can still just do it. Okay, the first one is "Most Likely"-- Just go in there. Let's do the thing where we lay them all out because a lot of times, we get locked into things. So we got "Most Likely To Be a Comedian." We've got "Best All Around." We've got "Best Car Runner-up." Somebody had the second best car, which goodness gracious, they were getting desperate throwing out them superlatives, weren't they? And "Most Likely To Be In A Pantene Commercial." - ( sputters ) - Oh, really? - Oh... - Go ahead and hold that. Oh, you know what? Nope. ( sing-song ) Kevin had long hair. Ooh... The "Kev-ster," with his volleyball outfit. I bet I had longer hair. - You also had long hair. - You had long hair, too. - Real long hair. - Yep, I did. - Oh! Curve ball! - Were you on the volleyball team? I was in the marching band. - I am right about the volleyball, right? - Yes. - Right, because we saw the-- - Yeah. - And you were wearing it, and it was baggy. - Yep. Mm-hmm. - And your hair. - Yep. - Pantene. - Yep. He said "Yep." - You have to have everything else. - Wow, this is-- - Wow! - I think John is the "Best All Around." - He's just like-- everybody loves John. - Wow! Okay. - I agree, he's better than all of us. - All right. You don't know how the game works. - I'm sorry, Ellie, you're "Best All Around." - Thank you. - I think that-- - Now. But in high school... - it was John. - I'm gonna cry. - Uh, Ellie-- - This is not us - saying anything about-- - It's fine. - I guess it kinda does. - Uh, Ellie-- Ellie is very effortlessly funny. Shut up. Stop. And I could definitely see people, "Oh, she's definitely gonna be a comedian." I mean--don't you think that? - Don't you think that? - Yes, she's effortlessly funny. - But she's also-- - She's "Best All Around Funny." But she's--I'm sure she could've been in a Pantene commercial. And you know, she ain't got the second best car. No way. - So, I-- - Or the third or the fourth. She's way down there in cars. Rhett doesn't want me to cry. Take the "Most Likely To Be A Comedian" for now. But I'm a girl. Right. But you know what I'm saying about John? Has John ever made an enemy? Has John ever gotten in a fist fight? Has John ever teed anybody off? Has John ever made a mistake? - No, but when I think about John-- - Socially? I think of a guy having, like, almost a great car. He seems like the kind of guy that would drive around a pretty awesome, but, not great car. Who had the frickin' best car? I mean, they must have wrote that. - Let's give this to Kevin, right? - Yeah, I think so, - because we know he had long hair. - Right. Right. These could be switched. Definitely. - 'Cause I could see-- - I think all of yours at your high school were funny, and this was one of many. So they were - just having lots of fun. - You know what high school I went to? - What? - I went to Lancaster High School. - You think they're having fun there? - Oh! - Do you know where Lancaster is? - Yeah, yeah, north of here. - Mmm. - It's in "Funland" County. That's not untrue. Funland County. Josh, you're a good-- you're decent all around. I don't--you said it with so much more enthusiasm for everybody else. Like, "John, you're the perfect person," like, "Ellie you're" and then it's just, "You do nothing, right?" - You probably have a car that-- - I don't own a car. - I drive my girlfriend's car. - But this is high school we're talking about. The car that you had in high school broke down and you never got another one. - I'm not gonna-- - "Best Car Runner-up." - Why do they even put that-- - What do you have to say for yourself? I'm just enjoying listening. I've dug a hole so deep, there's no way I'm getting out of this. I feel so uncomfortable. And it's your fault. Okay, um, I'm just gonna hand-- switch it any way you want. - I want this to be on you. - Do you want me to take it? You can't make them do it. What's the point of the game? Do you want to choose which one you were? - No, I'm talking to you. - Oh, you said "Let them do it." I thought you said "Let them" instead of "Let him do it." Let him do it. I think is what I-- I don't know what I said. I think-- I think we may be completely wrong on every one of these. That's what's hitting me right now. - What are you gonna switch it to? - I don't know. Well, the safe bet is to give her Pantene. - Okay, I feel like-- - I think Josh could be-- I feel like I'm having a weird psychic moment. - Will you just let me make the switches? - I already said you could. I don't believe it's psychic. I think that's Josh. Oh! John. John's the life of the party. You think I had a crappy car? - You still got the second best car. - That's cool. So in order to reveal these, instead of them speaking up, the reveal is gonna happen via a high school photo, not necessarily from the yearbook, of the person. So let's start with... - Let's start with "Best All Around." - Who is "Best All Around"? Who is "Best All Around"? - ( raucous cheering ) - Link:<i> I was right!</i> <i> John Warder and Skylar Hurley!</i> Rhett:<i> "Skylar"?</i> - Link:<i> Look at that huge tie! </i> - Ellie:<i> Wow.</i> Link:<i> Does that tie turn into a red carpet that Skylar walks on?</i> It was loose, you know, casual. You definitely would've gotten "Best Tie" if that was-- Longest tie. ( overlapping chatter ) - See? I was right! - You were right. You know what? 'Cause psychic moments are not a real thing. That's what we just learned. They don't exist. Let's go with "Most Likely To Be A Comedian." Who was that? - Rhett:<i> Ellie! </i> - Ellie:<i> It's me!</i> Rhett:<i> We were totally-- our first instincts were right, man.</i> -<i> Aagh! </i> - Ellie:<i> I don't have picture of the yearbook,</i> - but that's a picture of me as a boat. - ( laughter ) See? I'm so funny, I'm so quirky - Effortlessly funny as I mentioned. - Thank you. Yeah, it took no time at all to build a boat. We were completely right the first time, because-- - We? - Ah, no! - With this one. - Yeah, you said that. And "Most Likely To Be In A Pantene Commercial." Kevin, let's see it. - All:<i> Yes! </i> -<i> ( laughter )</i> - Link:<i> Lancaster. </i> - John:<i> Wow.</i> - Kevin:<i> Yes. </i> - Ellie:<i> Bleak!</i> <i> That's a cursed image.</i> Link:<i> Like a surfer-boy shot.</i> <i> There's a lot of room up there to be memed.</i> -<i> I'm just sayin'. </i> - Ellie:<i> Or a album title.</i> Kevin:<i> You can see how cool I think I am in that photo.</i> Rhett:<i> Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You never look like you know</i> -<i> that you're being photographed. </i> - All:<i> Oh, wow!</i> - Link:<i> Oh, gosh, she's happy. </i> -<i> ( laughter )</i> - Ellie:<i> Is she okay? </i> - Rhett:<i> Did you tell her to make that face?</i> - John:<i> She got runner up. </i> - Kevin:<i> No, but she is my ex-girlfriend.</i> - She still in Lancaster? - Okay, we won't talk about that. - I don't know where she's at. - Okay, and finally "Runner Up Best Car." - ( laughter ) - Ellie:<i> Yeah!</i> Josh:<i> It was a '95 Taurus. I bought it for a dollar from my friend's dad.</i> <i> I smashed the back windshield with a shot put accidentally</i> <i> and didn't replace it for two years.</i> <i> It didn't break down and I never got a new one.</i> I didn't renew the plates for four years, and then finally, a cop pulled me over and was like, "We gotta take your car." - ( laughter ) - I was like, "That's fine." And I just did. And it's sitting somewhere in a lot. This is the saddest story I've ever heard in Good Mythical More. - ( laughter ) - Right? - We had some great times-- - Who got "Best Car"? - Oh, Reef Benzworth. - ( laughter ) - Of course he did! - Was it a Benz? No, it wasn't. It was a BMW, yeah. - Benzworth drove a BMW? - Oh, Reef had the coolest BMW. I think I was an ironic vote. - ( laughter ) - We also-- we were gonna murder out the car 'cause that was the thing back in the day, where you'd, like, paint it matte black and all this. So we had sanded down, me and my friends, half the car. Got lazy 'cause we found out it was really hard. And so we had this half-sanded down car, no back windshield. When it would rain, I would have to shut, like, the back doors - with a blanket in it and stretch it across. - Getting sadder. And what's saddest, one day a weight-lifting chalk exploded and it was just, yeah. Well, the moral of the story is don't trust your psychic intuition. Okay? Don't change your answers. Always go with your first instinct. We've said that many times on this show, and we've violated the rule. Mm.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 535,610
Rating: 4.9484544 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, season 13, rhett, link, mythical, link guess that high school superlative, rhett guess the high school superlative, link guess the high school superlative
Id: knDEcS1y0Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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