Guess the AI Generated Blox Fruits [FULL MOVIE]

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so I've turned every single fruit from Blox into Ai and I've challenged my friend to try guess them and then fight me using the AI fruits but can I win the most AI fruit videos grab some popcorn and let's start with we've had AI recreate the devil fruits from Blox fruits and we'll both be trying to guess what the AI generated fruit is from a tiny random section if we guess right we can use that fruit in a 1 V one Duel at the end I'm a pro at where as World though so this is going to be easy so what's the first fruit the first fruit is this or like the first section of the fruit is this I guess what the heck it looks like a meteor or chocolate it looks delicious like I would actually eat this fruit IRL yeah it kind of looks like good chocolate bar do you have any guesses s um I have a feeling I mean I'm trying to think of what fruits are like Rocky and I've just got one thing in mind oh you think this is Rocky or like metallic huh interesting those look like metal bumps on the side I got to say and then it looks like candy floss on the edge yeah I was going to say it looks like candy it just looks like chocolate I don't know what's going on I'm confused so you can guess first I'm ready I'm throwing it down it's the kilo fruit what I was going to say the kilo fruit what is it it is that oh my that's so cool it's actually the Kyo yeah but that's so cool it looks clean that handle looks shiny you know I could live that so we both get a kilo fruit for the final 1 V one that's pretty nice I'll destroy you with a kilo fruit uh fantastic I don't have any of its moves unlocked let's go I'd love to get something better than that though that's for sure oh blue it's like watery and like bubbly but that doesn't make sense because devil fruits and water don't mix I'm confused all right I'm trying to think of Blue Devil fruits we've got like I know what it is I know one this is light work whoever made this they failed because I've got it you ready no no no there's no way you've got it I've got it I've got it okay I'm going first again it's the ice fruit I was going to say it's the portal fruit surely cuz it's got like the gray bit now that I'm thinking about it isn't it just a spin fruit it actually is the spin fruit oh my God God it looks so good though it's so weird what is that even made out of why is it spinning the leaves I don't know but we weren't even close no extra fruit for us this time um swirly yeah swirly and like kind of brownie gold red doesn't look tasty I got to say like they're supposed to be fruits I feel like this would look good on like my bedside cabinet like it's a lamp shade yeah you know like a lamp you say wait a minute the brain's tick I'm kind of baffled flame maybe I'm going to phone a friend one sec you're phoning a friend one second one second the blocks fruit gader yep okay uh blocks fruit gader what we saying oh wait it actually could be the Falcon my bro's on something but yeah it's not the Falcon I think I know my my answer I have a good answer I can't even think of devil fruits right now L I'm ready I know exactly what this is I can feel it okay I'll go first I think it's the the magma fruit cuz that like fire thing on the side oh actually that's not a bad shout but I kind of think if it was the magma fruit it would look more magma that's definitely a word this is my answer it's the Buddha fruit 100% that looks Godly you became way smaller than I was expecting you to turn but oh you were right let's go that looks clean right all I'm saying is if devil fruits are real I'm not eating that I'm still putting it on my bedside cabinet for sure that's is a great lamp oh you've got a butter fruit butter versus kilo I'm not winning that a purple Leaf what the no that's not a leaf that's got to be a feather surely oh there's no purple feathered things right also feathers don't have like veins like leaf veins how do you know have you seen a feather up close didn't think so yeah actually no I haven't but it's purple so okay wait we can do this we can we can deduce this I've got an idea I'm going to go through the shop oh yeah the BL deal I'm going through the shop and I'm looking down now and I'm thinking I'm I'm envisioning it could be this that could be a shout oh what if it was this or it could be that I'm sharing this information with you this is confidential I don't think it's going to be Venom because on top of the Venom fruit is the three heads there's no way there'd be a leaf yeah I I was like wondering about that and I was also thinking like how accurate is the AI it's pretty accurate I think so that makes me question my life this one's a 50/50 between chop and gravity for me oh I was thinking love I think it's a bit too purple for love fruit I think that'd be pink I'm throwing in shadow shadow okay let's see it is the chop oh that's the chop fruit why is AI turn the chop fruit into Giga Chad oh my God buggies never look so cool that's just a door oh wait no I'm already locked in I'm locked in I know what this is already there's no way that's the portal fruit if you say that's the portal you're throwing it's got to be surely so is that your hands no wait okay now you made me question it there a black and red devil fruit I'm actually confused this one could be Shadow what if the AI just had a bit of a hiccup you know the dark fruit maybe oh I got it I know exactly what it is you do yep I know exactly what it is so you better tell tell me your answer right now I'm going to say bom that's exactly what I was going to say as well and it is oh my God it is that's just a house but yeah I think that it's a bomb devil fruit oh my God that's so cool it's got a background as well AI went crazy for this one it really likes B fruit but that's a very dangerous house to live in like you literally could just blow up at any point oh this next one wait a minute no that's just portal it's got LEDs on it no they're not LEDs they're a portal obviously what else can it be could that be Rumble no no there's no way I'm so confident that if it's not portal then I will also guess portal with you and we'll win this together right oh I was ready to like make a bit and make a wager but now we're just guessing the same okay it's portal 100% it is control no ai ai ai's done it that's it AI is cooked it's over it doesn't know what it's talking about AI is dumb you fumbled and you're blaming it on AI well it's not my fault the AI is stupid those look like fun water balloons to throw on the sides you know like that's a prime water balloon okay Luke let's go on to the next next one what even is that it's like fluffy looks like rice it does actually I would eat that I would eat that as well this look pretty tasty I've got an idea for this one same when you said rice you actually kind of gave me an idea it's not exactly rice but I think it's the dough fruit that's what I'm thinking I'm thinking dough as well it's got to be right I think so like what else could it be imagine it's the spike fruit oh it could actually couldn't it it is oh oh it actually is the D fruit oh that looks clean it's got like a pirate hat on the purple bit kind of looks like a pirate hat did you see it yeah looks sick that actually looks tasty i' take a bite but that means we both get a do fruit for the final One V one so that's kind of dangerous wait a minute is your do fruit awakened completely I'm in danger okay huh that's yellow it's a banana a banana devil fruit wait a minute I see Waldo in there I think you must be hallucinating I think this one could be the magma fruit that's not a bad idea but I'm going to go with the flame fruit really you're a flame I'm going to go magma then okay it is oh yeah that's the flame fruit ooh is it the flame yeah look it's got like a phoenix on the front how is AI built like this I pulled that out of the depth let's go I mean you saw yellow and red and you were like flame you didn't really do much thinking there luk shut up a fruit spawn you going to use that as inspiration for the next one yeah that's exactly what I'm doing it's that another purple one wait wait wait but we've already guessed chop so this is literally just a 50/50 between like the other purple ones right where is this fruit I'll be right back it's going to be on skow Islands sends finding the fruit all I'm inspecting this oh could this be like Quake because it's got like a crack o Quake is bad but Quake it is definitely not that color yeah but what if AI just had like an oopsy an Oopsy Daisy it could happen I found it it well it's a chop fruit so it's definitely not the one we need oh that would have been useful like a few rounds ago you know it would have but there's a place that this Legendary Chop fruit needs to go we'll offer to the Sea Gods okay so this fruit 100% easiest guess of my life it's magma I'm going to go gravity but I'm baffled magma yep I'm calling it it is gravity ooh AI is so dumb stop flaming Ai and look at how cool it looks yeah it does look so cool next one next one oh this is just literally two there's two things that this one could be and I'm going to guess blizzard oh there's a blizzard fruit I cannot believe I'm playing this game mode with you right now I mean um of course there's a blizzard fruit I knew that what are you guessing for this ice fruit it's going to be ice the ice fruit okay let's see it is I don't know how I oh yeah that's literally the ice fruit I'm getting pretty op aren't I you're also getting really lucky with these fruits I told you where's Waldo yeah but can you guess this one because I can't like what is this the blizzard fruit it's a circle circle in block game doesn't make sense wait I need to see could this be like the spin again no it's definitely not the spin or could this be the portal like it's like the portal area I mean it's got potential to be portal are you thinking of anything else I don't know actually I was thinking Rumble and PAW for a second would it be paw cuz Paw's like pure white yeah I'm going to go Diamond I'll go Rumble it is oh my God it's the Le ey ball oh my God I wondered why it was a circle that looks so cool though it really does the next one is spiky and circle also kind of gold but also black but also yellow I think it's the life I'm locking in my answer wow you locked that in real quick okay I've got it it's the rumble fruit how are you coming to some of these conclusion it's yellow I can explain I can explain it's almost Thunderbolt shaped literally the Quake fruit might have made more sense no no no bro You' fallen off all right even the smoke fruit would have made more sense than Rumble that is definitely a star it's a starfish that's the light fruit though all I'm going to say is you're in danger because I have also awakened the light oh man I've got a feeling I'm going to win this one V one at the end you have any idea what this is that's magma yeah that's definitely the magma yeah easy that one was too easy it's like a lava block from Minecraft with a little weed on top oh wait I've Got a Theory on this one please tell have you played the game portal uh because this looks kind of portal esque to me so you're saying this is the portal fruit I'm saying this is the portal fruit I don't have a portal fruit to test that theory but I think you're right you know what I'm locking in the portal it is yep that's definitely the portal fruit that was easy what am I looking at locking it in right now I know I'm not going to say anything but I know viewers viewers look I'm going to show you what I think it is wait wait wait it's this one 100% it's that one could it be this oh that's kind of matching actually yeah I think it's that all right I'm ready to lock it in I've locked mine in come here with the fruit in your inventory and then we'll like pull it out oh wait wait I like that idea I like that idea it would be nice if we had every fruit in the game so we could do this with all of them but we are poor 3 2 1 whip it out oh yes it's 100% the Quake fruit if it's not then AI dumb okay AI oh that's the Quake fruit that's so cool the next fruit we're looking at is green blob I'm baffled oh I know what that is it just came to me it's like I'm looking in a mirror do you have this fruit in your inventory I think I know exactly what it is I don't have this fruit in my inventory but I can say what it is you say it and I'll pull it out it's the Rev revive fruit it's oh it is the reviv fruit look at that I knew a fellow skeleton when I saw one okay we're getting a lot of fruits to work with actually we're kind of on a roll that's a juicy looking fruit right there that looks juicy I think I actually know what this is realistically there's not many pink colored fruits I think there's literally just two right yeah I'm thinking love or rubber yeah and I think that's not loving enough so I'm going to lock in the rubber fruit for this one yeah I feel like it's got to be rubber but just because I don't want to copy you I'm going to say it's love I don't think that's the love fruit that's the rubber fruit so I get a rubber fruit you get nothing okay that is definitely not a fruit that I own that's a fruit that I own though for sure might be this you want to do the the little pull out thing yeah I can I can I've got my locked in answer not I'm not really doing much thinking for this one I'm just going with my guts and I think it's this oh really cuz I think it's this oh actually wait you might be right I see the lightning bow oh you're yeah that's definitely a lightning Bol let's go we have got a green bean no bro you're missing the pyramid in the back oh yeah there's a pyramid there I'm thinking Egypt that's the Egypt fruit yeah that's definitely the sand fruit it is yep that's the sand fruit right there that's high quality that that's some HD sand if I've ever seen it you see if there was a gas fruit I would believe it right now because that looks like some gas or some fire I'm really stumped by this one actually it's throwing me off because I don't know what part we're looking at and it's like really throwing me off and it's quite a big section we've been given for this one as well yeah and it's really hard to guess I think it's the smoke fruit you think that's smoke interesting I'm just going to how Mar this and we're get dragon oh that's the smoke fruit oh it's just like a different angle oh you got to try even harder for this last one is what you'd think but actually I think this one's probably the easiest one we've had to guess so far maybe do you have what this one I think I do I do I do you ready yep I think it's this yep the spike fruit that looks dangerous I definitely wouldn't want to eat that and now that we've actually guessed some fruits right and now we're going to n it down to three fruits to do three 1 V ons with and I'm going to win let's go the fated 1 V one I don't know what fruit you've picked but I feel sorry for you no bro you're going down I've got the best fruit on also just so I don't get hate comments I've matched my stats to be the exact same as s so it's going to be just a fruit diff that's all are you ready y we have the same fruit what are you doing to me I'm on zero HP I might snipe you out the air real quick I won't activate hcky to make it fair I'm here I'm a mink you're never going to catch me oh that's true I'm going I'm gone you don't want to Walk This Way s oh my God this is the danger zone no entry PE all right you're getting grabbed no my HP oh I won match over good game well that was expected all right moving on to the next 1 V one pick your next fruit you know what we need next we need some of this he's not going to expect this the best PVP fruit don't flame me in the comments I don't know what I'm talking about out of all the fruits that I guessed correctly I think this one's going to be the one that I'm going to go for next this was the beautiful one the beautiful one the one that you thought was beautiful I'm ready to destroy you now though okay actually wait wait wait I've got cool Downs yeah that's good for me you fool can you even hurt me what do you mean can I hurt you take some of that gear second oh no I can do left clicks with this this is kind of crazy yeah you're already winning try and catch me wait I'm I'm World warping I pushed the wrong button come and try and hit me I'm out of here woohoo oh I went way too far I'm back turn on where did you go ha you'll never get me I'm in an endless loop I'm trying to time it so I can hit you out the there we go oh no you did I DEA in my transformation but I'm back bab oh this takes a while to do if I stand here I I could just like click where you are oh I can't click I just Ted but like on my face click oh that did damage oh that was smart you weren't expecting that I actually respect that was so smart my final trump card okay oh no I've got cool Downs now as well I'm ready you are not ready yes I am that won't hit me I don't need to when I've got moves like this take this oh I missed that's so anticlimactic see you later buddy pow ah dodg those I dodged those I haven't even hit you yet this is rough yeah I haven't hit you either I can't see you actually this fruit was a bad choice why do you have an umbrella are you Merry Poppins let's go I'm merry Poppins let's go there's no Escape there's always Escape oh wait wait wait I I refuse to lose to this this is my channel I don't lose I'm the protagonist bro you always lose that's the thing hya we just edit out no we don't stop telling them boom oh my I am surprised that didn't kill me float away float away is what you thought was going to happen but I'm from the sky I'm going for the final kill how low are you not low enough take that why did I bring the kilo fruit to a budha fight like what is wrong with me bro you got beamed in the face why can I never win on my own channel what am I looking at it's just a green stem isn't that just the revive fruit surely right what the heck is that no way we've had AI create realistic versions of the fruits from bloxs fruits and we'll both be trying to guess what the AI generated fruit is from a tiny random section if we guess right we can use that fruit in a 1 V one Duel at the end H that looks kind of spicy you feel what I'm putting down ah so you're saying ice fruit do you have like minus IQ that's obviously magma yeah that's definitely the magma fruit it's spiky though it could it be Phoenix no that's not Phoenix if that's Phoenix AI has gone too far this time what are you locking in magma lock in magma this could be a Hail Mary but I'm going to say dragon and it is yes oh my God that looks really sick AI has gone too far all I'm saying though is how's kaido eating them with immense difficulty let me tell you back to back Flames I'm confused I'm confused help send help I'm just blocking in the flame fruit right away right that's Phoenix this time no it's the flame fruit don't be ridiculous no Lo lock in Phoenix it's got to be surely it actually is I was convinced that was flame anyway the next fruit huh is that even what what are we looking at here it's just a bit of a blue glow you've said enough there's a blue glow at the bottom of my screen right now I'm ready to lock in an answer have you got the fruit like in your inventory as well I've got the fruit equipped uh I'm going to lock in Portal I think this could be Portal same that's my choice it is the most squashed Rumble fruit I think I've ever seen bro there's no way that looks really sick next up we have got the swrl SWR fruit clearly I don't know how we're meant to guess this but I've got a devious idea block fruit dealer what is it you're leaving it up to the luck of the drawer I actually like that it's definitely not this fruit I don't think I got lucky with the fruit either then I'm 50/50 between revive and barrier interesting because I was thinking the swirls you know maybe it's something like Godly like Buddha like AZ Tey Buddha the colors just don't make sense feel free to go Buddha I'm locking in barrier I'm going to go revive it is oh wait is that portal that's barrier and it's clean next fruit that's just clearly the light fruit right no mean no I think you're wrong I'm going to lock in an answer you know what it's 50/50 I'm going to go with this we don't know what shape it's going to be you ready to pull out the fruit I can't pull out the fruit but I'll use a move because I'm certain it's this fruit this is my answer this is my answer you think it's the Buddha fruit it's really hard to tell right let's see let's see is it going to be a star or is it going to be a cube it is a CU a oh you get a Buddha fruit for the final One V one I definitely need that that's cringe only losers will use a Buddha fruit in a one V one well that makes wait the next fruit is just an apple wait a minute though there's more information the apple is cold how do you know that's not smoke or like dust you saying that's a frosty Apple I'm thinking that's an icy Apple you feel me I can see that I can see that but the question is now Do's the ice fruit or the blizzard fruit wait there's a blizzard fruit I was so sure of my answer you know what since you're so sure of the ice I want to be different to you I want to be a sheep I don't want to follow you so I'm going to guess blizzard and you're going ice I didn't even know there was a blizzard fruit well that's tragic for you because that is definitely the blizzard fruit oh man the next one is why does that just look like a flame again it just looks like underwater scenery it looks like subnautica we're going outside of Roblox now I actually have no idea yes same what could this even be I'm locking in rubber I think it's kind of rubbery you know what I'll lock in Diamond for no reason other than I see blue diamond right let's see what it is Venom I mean that looks incredible it looks nothing like the Venom fruit though AI just Bamboozled does the next fruit this could definitely be a revived fruit it's like a skull it looks clean whatever it is do you have something locked in for this no wait wait wait revive is bait I think yeah I I agree it's kind of purple you know what I I've got an idea and I've got the fruit so I'm going to unstore it you know what I'm going to go for this I think this fruit could be it are you ready 3 2 1 draw oh oh we guess the same but is that correct low let's see are we gigabrain Chads I think we are we are oh wow oh that looks so clean I've got at least five Heads next up we have got wait isn't that just a Venom fruit we've already had that we need something purple another thing purple like gravity okay I have my answer do you actually yes I'll just go gravity cuz it's purple what do you think okay I'm going to say shadow just because the icon of Shadow has purple on it and it's like above Venom you're correct oh I don't have Shadow this is a useless win for me you got a free round just to rub it in that's all oh man next fruit it's very shiny I think that's literally just the diamond fruit right yeah I I was going to say it's this one the gacha man from before like he helps you out for this one all for this moment and yep it's the diamond yeah easy this one is it could be so many fruit because there are so many just pure white fruits in this game I think it's tried to make the smoke fruit but just massively failed no you know what I think AI is not that dumb it's going to take over the world eventually so I don't think it's done that I'm Looking In Smoke what do you think yeah I'm kind of lost wait I think I figured it out I think I know what ai's done I'm going to say poor because I think the little circles are meant to be like the PO pads I think you might be right let's see yeah you're correct there's no way another fruit that you don't have wow this is is tragic for me next up I I think I know exactly what this is okay yeah same way I think I have one in my inventory one sec here look I'll come up and show you this this is exactly what it is right here yep the love fruit yeah it's got to be right yeah it is ooh the background on that looks really cool next fruit that looks like something out of my nightmares are they worms could this be chop but like weird isn't there only one more pink fruit in Blox fruits we've had Venom already yeah do you have it in your inventory this fruit if it's this fruit AI is really messed up 3 2 1 reveal the squishy rubber fruit okay the grand reveal why is have an eyeball bro that is like horror material I have a pretty good idea for what this is it's very solid looking it looks like Stone oh you spitting facts I was going to say something else I have got this fruit in my inventory as well I got it I got it reveal oh wait you might be right it's it's got purple on it oh no I might have made a mistake big reveal ooh oh that looks clean those legs kind of scary actually probably tastes like crab you know I reckon they'd be pretty tasty next fruit this one's Rocky as well and it's like layered it looks kind of Cho fruity but maybe like wrong color no it's not Cho you're you're crazy for thinking that this is closer to kilo in my opinion but no kilo would be more metallic that's what I'm thinking I was thinking spring for a second but there's no way that's spring because if it was spring I'm going to go Spike I'm going to go quake because maybe that's all broken apart and that's like the Quake fruit it is the spring fruit there's no way it actually looks really cool it's like a garden on top the stem kind of looks like a snake as well did you notice that oh yeah and speaking of snakes we've got our next fruit isn't that just chocolate what has this got to do with snakes yeah I don't know that was just like a cool way to lead into the next fruit okay fine wait oh I've got information Brown fruit yeah there's not many it's got to be that one I mean it's either sand or Falcon but I don't think they'd make sand that color so I'm looking in Falcon same it's got to be Falcon surely it is yep that's the falcon it's budget Phoenix the next one I feel like there's one correct choice for this I'm not even going to think about it I'm just locking an answer in right now it's do how did you get dough from smokiness it's gray as well you okay in the head what you say to me I'm Looking In Smoke we'll see who's right yeah let's see who's right let's see neither of us that's the spirit fruit okay I'm sorry for what I said we're both stupid well we're now going to create the ultimate team of fruits and then we're going to battle I hope you're ready to lose the first one V one Mario versus Falcon here we go 3 2 1 the battle begin barrier Tower I'm not going easy mode I'm flying low to the ground where what what are you thinking oh I got you you're part of my domain now bird can't fly into this wall stop hitting me with everything you can't stop me ow where am I I'm going up my stairs I'm literally at the top of my stairs like do you not see me you I can't believe I fell for that why am I walking why am I walking why am I walking predicted oh so close I tried to predict the way you were going again and it didn't work tactical wall surprise attack gotch you oh no I'm solo I'm solo I'm solo this is my fight to win I just need to play Silly yeah but have you met wall why were you even aiming that I was trying to predict yes what I was throwing I just stood there like watching your silly prediction 1 n with the AI Falcon fruit let's go next round is Blizzard versus spider and you say you've never used this before right one sec I need to eat it let me let me just do that I'm n one Mastery I've got one move let's go I'm sorry for what I'm about to do goodbye ow ow ow what does this do what does my move do uh not enough just so you guys don't flame me in the comments I've lowered my stats to be like the same as s so it's an even match even that's what he says it's your fault for not playing blocks enough that's true I wish I played this game more so that I could beat you in this stupid One V one can I at least hit one move on you so I can see what it does go on then approach me and hit me once what does this do all right that's the last hit you'll ever get no oh you're outside my domain well played but you're done oh you're getting low you're getting very low but you've got observation on oh what me no okay I'll allow it I'll allow it I'll even let you put hcky on as well I forgot how to do that yeah you sto moving son I could finish you literally right now you better start moving then if you stay still predicted I'm dead anyway oh no I'm not I survived those somehow all right goodbye GG let's go next yeah gg gg one all the next round is going to be the crazy round though and that is because it's dragon versus Buddha I'm ready to take you down this time I'm actually kind of worried about this one let's go you can have HCK on oh okay because I can do this Heatwave beam take this then I dodged those Heatwave beams cuz I'm built like he's got a machine gun oh wait you actually like block damage these I hit you out the arena all right I'm going to fly up and then we're going to do another one of these I dodg those I grab you no I grabbed you I burning you ow ow ow it hurts yeah try and get close try and get close transformation well you're a bigger Target now at least maybe I've got a chance oh that was that was close how about this upgraded Heatwave beam ow it does zero damage okay right you Dragon CL oh my God I'm bouncing you around ow you know you can stay up there and think about what you've done you're not allowed back down okay you know what I have not used this new move yet this does a lot of damage I think if you stay on the floor I haven't even touched my health yet I'm going to beat you up with basic combat Dragon claw oh you see me just grab you I'm here Luke if I lose to basic combat I'm going to be flamed in the comments for the rest of time so I can't lose it Boom the hcky is coming on I have to full body Hy it's not full body it's just on my arms doesn't weave doesn't weave doesn't weave at least I did 100 damage he's never going to expect this he didn't expect it I mean you just got rid of all of your like things stopping me from hurting you yeah but it was all a bait why is this fight lasting so long can you just die you can't damage me and I can't get to you I've got no energy that's my time to shine if I could find you how are you over there no reason no reason no reason boom I'm drowning I'm drowning I'm drowning how are you drowning I don't know that water's too yes transform come here basic combat that's it just punch him get away from me no there's money here one second sorry no get over here I need that that was a bait to get you to come closer oh my God it's not working uhoh I pushed the wrong button oh perfect it was all a bait to get you to focus on one spot so I can damage you I'll give you that that was smart oh we both went for the grab we're just both on like different planes of thinking all right now I'm doing some damage that move really cool but it does like negative damage oh no oh no oh no oh no fly away fly away fly away come on oh I think I gave you a haircut with that yeah fresh trim how are you not dead how are you not dead oh you're low on stamina now as well I see how it did oh where are we I don't know but that was cool this is winnable this is winable n of your below me this is winnable oh I'm still hitting you sen I'm good I'm good I'm somehow surviving this please no G oh that was intense the stamina diff no that was just an Ali diff what am I looking at it's just a person how is that a sword that's a wooden sword maybe because of the hood I'm going to guess the dark blade because he's kind of spooky ooh what how were we meant to get that I have no idea but that looks cool it looks so clean we've had AI create realistic versions of the swords from Blox roots and we'll both be trying to guess what the AI generated sword is from a tiny random section if we guess right we can use that sword in a 1 V one Duel at the end all right s this is our first one huh whatever sword it is I have no idea I'm on the wiki because I don't have many swords I mean I'm scrolling through my swords I don't know I'm going to guess the legendary sword Shu I'll say Coco the other legendary sword all right let's see that is the base Katana I see a trend here it's just going to be like pure luck by the looks of things this is the next one and this is a bit of an evil snippet that's been taken because it's just a bit of a blade there some squiggles on it I kind of get the feeling that all going to be like this and it's not giving me much confidence okay no I'm I'm throwing this out of here I feel this I'm going to say it it's the gravity cane I am going to lock in cutless that is that sword is the long sword I don't know what's happened to AI but I don't know how it's managed to Fumble that sword out like this is what it's supposed to look like and it just doesn't this is sword number three s that's a weird looking it looks like a pole it does but it's like a like a jagged pole kind of spiky oh wait say less Chief I've got it I've got it I've got it as well this is obviously the shark saw it's the iron mace spiky oh wait you right sharur is spiky oh that is just a that just a ma guess I win that round it doesn't gradually get larger or anything it's just like okay no editor don't worry about that just put one point for me let's go this is the next one I don't know about you that's just a sniper rifle this is like Final Fantasy the gun blades are there any saws that like have that kind of shape yeah I'm like looking oh wait there is oh there is indeed I know what I'm loing in yes same I'm locking in the pipe yes same pipe all the way let's see fully revealed it is a sniper rifle I think that is meant to be the pipe though which means we both get that to using the 1 V one all right this next one is just like a column is it the whole first form or the PO second form this is the true test I think it's the first form that's what I'm looking in my final answer I'll be crazy let's say po second form please I need like a good legendary sword here please oh yes oh we take those for the next one we have got is kind of a cool looking sword you know what I've got an answer that I'm ready to lock in because you know AI is kind of dumb I'm going to say it I think that's S no no no no no no you're thinking too literally this is ring Goku they've just messed up the for some reason I mean there's the full sword and that's definitely ring Goku's sword so for this next sword we've got another red handle I'm going to lock in saber I think that could be a bit of a throw because it doesn't have like the handguard but AI so far made rang Goku look not like rokku so I think it's saber okay so I'm going to try saddi because if it's right then that's great if it actually is right I'm going to be so mad I mean like it does kind of look like that it is the saber yeah this is such a good sword to get AI is really fumbled today yeah what is that it looks really cool so far is that like the dark dagger but cursed no no no no it's not the budget dark blade it's got to be something better could be the Trident or the dragon Trident yeah that's what I'm thinking yeah but which one I'm going for it again it's got to be Dragon Trident okay then I'll go default Trident you know just in case on the off chance what is that yeah what what have we just witnessed here oh that's the Twin Hooks BR now we go next one that's kind of Frosty I already know what this is I'm already locking in an answer honestly isn't there any one answer to this it's the soul cane yep it is the soul cane 100% what's AI done with it it's like a frosty candy cane what's AI done bro did a whole background instead of the sword next round we have got oh it's kind of like watery okay I've got an answer I have also got an answer you ready yep I think this is the spiky Trident oh I forgot about that okay that's actually five head what what do you think it is whole second form second form okay here we goes it is yep that's the spiky Trident right there oh I think I'm in danger okay now I'm seeing a lot of swords there that's at least two all right it's either the triple Katana just the default one or it's the true triple Katana I feel like we're done if we don't say true triple Katana because if it is just triple Katana then there's nothing lost because it's a terrible sword I'll look in true triple Katana just so I also get one yeah same same it goes that's the true quadruple Katana what is that yeah that's the regular triple Katana so we were both wrong but at least neither of us got the true triple Katana yeah that's good that's good we got lucky there round a red sword this could just be S you know let's think about this logically right s they have picked a screenshot from the very center and also if you conveniently look at like the true triple Katana layout s's in the center I think have you just baited me into this I'm saying true triple Katana then because I don't want to miss out on it but if it's sad that's going to be so painful okay I can't say all of that and then not pick true triple Katana so I am also locking in true triple kutana it is yes oh that looks clean honestly well done you because I was going to guess something completely different we have got a pure white sword with bits of blue I've got my answer oh I've also got an answer toshita that's exactly what I thought as well T yeah it's got to be right oh look at that yeah that's it this next one we have got a handle oh I know what I'm guessing okay I've got my answer mine I'm guessing is the midnight blade okay I'm guessing dark dagger and it is what is that well it's definitely a sword it is the Buddy sword there is something very wrong with AI how are we ever meant to get that I think they're just playing with us next round why am I looking at Sun Wukong this is crazy Coco you're looking in Coco yeah that's my answer I feel like it's either Wando or Crystal Katana realistically which one would I want to have more and it's obviously the cural katana so un locking in I'm risking it all yes with the cool Sunset as well let's go unless you get another legendary sword you're actually finished next sword oh that's easy oh wait no it's not easy it could be poo I'm locking in yam you know on the off chance that it's shet I'm going to luck in sheu oh yeah that's just that's just totally ymer okay woo we're back in the game next round send you're going to need to get some good swords from this that's not filling me with confidence I'm going to be honest is this cutless I think it could be I'm going to look in gravity cane what oh no no I'm not locking in gravity I'm unlocking gravity Kane and I'm locking in can Vander oh that's smart it's basically cutless but like more fancy it is won why are you so good at guessing the common swords cuz I've seen a lot of them next round you know what I'm just going to say this and if I'm wrong I'm wrong I'm saying dark bagger you know what just to be unique I will go benter okay I couldn't recognize guys I spent so long grinding for this sword and I couldn't recognize the AI version that's so sad at least this one doesn't look budget it actually looks really cool the dark dagger all right the next sword this decides everything really yeah I'm taking away all your swords if you get this wrong okay I know what I'm saying I think this is the can Vander I think this is dark blade Oh you mean cuz the actual sword bit is yeah black oh wait hang on yeah let's go so now that we've guessed all of those AI swords we now get to pick the best ones that we guessed to then use in this next 1 V one fight F let the sword battles begin I've brought saber I don't know what you brought S I brought Yama and I'm ready to destroy you you little Beyblade attack that's that means nothing to me when I can do this triple slash bro really said he can do oh he actually hit me though oh okay right beyblading around come here and fight me like a man okay you don't want to do this this is a saber never mind I do not want to do this I do want to do this come here my Beyblade move I know that hurt uh no it didn't I'm actually fully healthy this is really hard to hit when you're moving around like that deadly Rush Oh that was kind of cool oh that was also kind of cool big damage come here this is so much more difficult for me yes that was kind of big 5K damage you're in pain I am but so are you get of it ow yes big damage I know you're hurting I'm perfectly healthy yes that's huge oh no that is huge I'm actually in danger if I lose this fight people are going to laugh at me people are going to laugh at me if I die as well you know the saber is op I shouldn't be losing this this is saber V too ow oh big damage let's talk about this Mr Beyblade man yeah yeah come on I'm going to Beyblade again if you let me no I'm not letting you I'm not letting you stay away oh come on oh that hits no no no no no no no no no no no come on I'm definitely not low I'm full HP actually so am I are you no yeah I'm healthy in fact I just hit a chug jug no don't do it s don't do it don't do it don't do it let's talk about this Mr B man deadly Rush triple slash yes 1 n first of three wins I lost the easiest fight of my life round two I'm bringing the spiky trid well look if the armor didn't work last time it's time to try tush it that's all I'm saying that's pretty smart ow oh it's already a good start wait Hy that's what I needed let's go I hit those yes I get those I'm D stop with your little Dodges ow yes that's a big hit that's a big hit come on you can hold that oh now it's over for you what a hit oh wait no that was bad for me that was bad for me that was real bad good over here sen okay no wait this is a mistake will come here no uhoh that's actually big damage from you and I'm kind of scared now that's right you better be afraid I'm Relentless no how did you hit me use a skill no I just left clicked and I am bringing my strongest weapon this round you're finished so am I I've brought the pipe I brought the mace yours was like a better version of mine but mine's no the basic version surely yours is the better version I missed my smash is terrible now you've got like a special left click yes I have rage combo that's right I'm angry get over here I'm an Unstoppable ow you keep blocking my combos yes yes you're going down you're going down no no no no no no can I just keep jump attacking I should be good you can't hit me I don't even know what's happening I'm getting dizzy oh oh you're so low can I can I just win yeah sure yes the mace is just a better pipe like in every way let's go I'm not going easy on you anymore s I'm bringing the cdk I'm bringing the dark dagger so um shaming SL oh okay you know we're going in guns blazing oh my God that does damage what the heck yeah this is going to hurt this is going to hurt a lot in fact I'm not letting you win this I'm not letting you win this no Slayer of Goliath oh no that that that was cool okay yeah when that hits that hits Slayer of Goliath uhoh uhoh and I finish you with one of these you predicted my prediction I will give you that S I see you hiding around the friendly 1 V one thing okay and then the finisher boom boom Oh that was cold it's 22 match points and I'm not even revealing what my sword is to you yet you you shouldn't know I've got the two triple Katan and I'm not waiting around hak on and let's [Music] go oh yeah you laughed but are you laughing now I was looking at your terrible hurricane placement who's talking you just had good movement I wasn't even moving over here ow oh that hurt I know that hurts what are you talking about I'm full HP did I hit like a ghost or a spectator or something uhoh okay you hit me that time Jesus wol Fang Rush get over here no I won't I won't do it no that was genius from me honestly W Fang that's just not close enough hurricane prediction you did not even go anywhere near the no that's big for me honestly I refuse I refuse I need my cool Downs back before I try anything and Pirates I'm here no let me play inside my hurricane yeah yeah I got to place like a shark in and out that's a a burger chain I knew it was oh my God oh my God I don't Dodge those though no way oh what a Dodge from you there you're not dodging that though you're not dodging that though s I'm going to get you I'm full HP actually all right it's time to finish the job hurricane you're just not even there anymore I'm full HP actually please stay away oh I need to play a bit safer no yes I know you're low you have to be low no I'm full HP you can't use my trick against me wait where are you oh no yes I can't believe this I'm just the better swordsman even AI couldn't help me win that we've had AI recreate a combination of a devil fruit and a sword from Blox fruits and we'll both be trying to guess what the AI generated image is if we guess right we get that fruit and sword added to our inventory for a 1 V one Duel at the end what is that like shaving cream on a blade they've just put ice cream all over a knife and called it a day wait that gives me a genius idea you know what this is look I've got an idea but I maybe I'm wrong I don't know this is obviously the D fruit and a Swiss Army knut it was the do fruit and a regular Katana how was that possible let's go I got it right all right the first one we are looking at is incredibly obvious yeah yeah yeah wait I I think I see this it's Cheetos of course but more importantly what sword are we trying to guess here you know what I don't actually see the sword I mean even if we get the sword guess wrong we still get the combo so I'm locking in leopard easy peasy I'm locking in leopard as well it's got spots that was the dark Blade skewering the leopard where I didn't see any dark blade in there next up we've got o this could be a throw but this could be dark I mean I know it's like most likely going to be Dragon but what if it is I feel like it's either dragon or it's maybe Shadow but no the fire it's got to be Dragon right yeah AI kind of stupid I'm going to say dragon with long sword I'm going to say dragon with midnight blade it is that's what the reference image was it's just a gutless shoved into a dragon fruit looks tasty honestly next round that's got a whole background there's a whole civilization in this AI picture AI was like yeah let me create a story from this one fruit and sword I'm going to say soul cane with blizzard I'm going to guess po V2 and then I'm going to guess this could be a bit of a throw I'm going to guess control and the reason why I'm doing that is because why does this moon have like blue bits in there true you know what you might be spitting facts it is it's a control fruit stuck on top of is that L sword is that Coco yeah I think it is so that is added straight into my inventory next up we have got a very spiky slash I got this I'm putting my answer in right now revive and Twin Hooks I'm going to be different and I'll say barrier and Twin Hooks the grand reveal it's barrier and Sh I forgot about the shark saw we have got some oranges yeah I was going to say it's the orange orange fruit finally my favorite this could be a throw with those candles I'm going to guess that the fruit is a flame fruit and the sword is the saber okay I think that I'm going to just be different again I'm going to go smoke and ring Goku sword and what an AI got this you got the sword how did you guess the sword I thought the handle looked a bit fancy and I I couldn't think in my head about won the one in 35 chance but I got the flame through right so I think the candles were right so we both actually get this combo for different answers the next round we have ooh I'm I'm locking it in I'm throwing this out here cuz I think AI is dumb I think this is Dragon Trident with portal where is the P actually you might be cooking I think you're cooking with no ingredients though I'm going to say pole V2 and Rumble it's the soul cane and Rumble wait I got that right oh you got Rumble right yeah all right oh that is clean wo look all the gold in there what's even going on is it just lighting maybe I've got I've locked this in it's in my brain I'm ready to answer let's reveal our answers at the exact same time are you ready three two one revive and Hollow oh Jinx touch wood oh we're so good ain't no way hey but we got a hello how' the skull get in there that's the kilo Mains what am I looking at it looks like the Sun exploded and then imploded unlimited blade works right there okay I think this is the bomb fruit with the triple Katana not true just triple Katana I mean there's a lot more than three there so trust me a i d can't count I'm going to say this is also the bum fruit but I think it's with the iron mace because it has like the spikes on the iron mace you know what you're kind of smart actually I'm cooking I'm cooking behold you were cooking but it's ratat all over again no ingredients oh this one's pretty but what does this got to do with blocks fruits can't you see there's like some fruits hanging from the lamp I'm going to guess lights and wooden sword okay I'm going to guess string because of like the vines and stuff I think maybe it might be spider sorry not string spider with the Trident two very different answers it is dark on a pole honestly from looking at that AI image I never would have guessed that wao this one's got a whole background yeah you know what this looks like a Dark Souls boss honestly I believe it I think I'm going to take one of your answers from before from before yeah I reckon this is Mace and what sand mace and sand okay I think Spike because it would make sense I mean look at the spikes and then also you know I'll just keep saying pole because it's just going to I feel like it'll just eventually work one day it's going to it's going to click in yeah it is Spike and sheu how did that get in there Zoros Lost Swords he's found it that's not good ooh o ooh wait oh I've got it you do yep I'm going to guess flame with Twin Hooks because I feel like the Twin Hooks are coming together to make a circle and the flame in the middle is the flameer I'm going to guess magma with Bento because that's what I'm just feeling no that makes sense also we did that of like a very rapid fire round we didn't really give it much thought we should have given it some thought I think AI is literally High okay this is crazy next one you ready Sam yep I'm ready boom We have got a rock I will guess ice I'll go diamond with uh I need to think of a sword I also need to think of a sword I think it's diamond with a long sword I'm bringing it back the long sword's going to work eventually eventually you know what I think this time it could be Warden sword so I'll guess Warden sword with ice it is there's no way that's Bento but I got the fruit let's go that is a very moist looking devil fruit like look at it it's kind of doughy again isn't it but would it be dough we've already had dough so surely would it be baiting us again unless it's like something like a desaturated rubber fruit or something I'll lock in Smoke okay I will lock in rubber because I'm crazy with dragon Trident it's going to work eventually you I'll do the same Dragon Trident it is the Pow fruit with a is that buddy sword on top that's body sword yeah yeah we weren't even close oh oh it looks delicious I'm going to lock in sand fruit this is gravity is that like your final answer for the fruit yeah I'm locking in gravity with the gravity cane I look in sand with the pole because that looks like a pole it's the sand with the gravity cake yes I still got it so we both get that combo added to the inventory ooh Why is this making like entire scenarios for us to guess I don't know but it it's not easy I'm just going to bet it all on Quake so I'm just going to say cutless because I don't know all right so I'm going to say quake and P V2 because you've been so adamant that it's going to be in here if it actually is this time I'm not going to be happy oh it's pipe it's quake and pipe oh that makes sense that's another one that we both get again wao that's the best looking mace I've ever seen oh you're definitely on to something that's 100% a mace yeah I see magma mace magma mace that sounds good to say I'm going to be a sheep and I'm following you I think it's a magma mace as well easy Victor oh hey I got this image and was like ah yes let we turned it into a magma mace what the heck how did it do that I mean I'm not complaining I'll take light fruit ooh this is spooky no I've got it I've got it all it's obviously revive and the Trident okay I think it's revive a midnight blade that sword actually looks like midnight blade it's like the spooky version it was not the spooky version it was yamama wait that's an upgrade though yam is so much better yeah but AI it's lost it Chief it's lost it straighten the inventory that one goes ooh kind of spiky kind of short and that makes me know exactly what this is right off the bat okay so I think it's the budget dark blade also known as the dark dagger with the smoke fruit my answer like through telepathy that was exactly what I was going to say yeah dark dagger and smoke 100% easy H it's an icicle are you ready to lock in an answer yeah I think blizzard would be a throw so I'm going to lock in ice pole V2 okay I'm saying ice dragon Trident come on it does actually look like pole V2 give it to me game give it to me yes I hate this I hate being here that's the sen Pirates Victory right there oh this is so easy yeah actually I think I know both of them Buddha with how many swords is he holding no look that's Buddha cursed Jewel katas I reckon they don't look cursed though in fact they do they definitely they don't even look like swords there is one more sword in the bottom right so I'll say Buddha and true triple Katana that one is all right I guess I'm the idiot never mind yeah look look who's actually smart it's me from this inventory of fruit sword things we've got we're going to pick the best ones that we want or the ones that we like and then we're going to have a best of three fights round one start are you going to transform or what because I'm I'm yeah yeah I'll Transform watch I'm frozen oh no he picked Coco and gravity no wait not gravity control I did indeed and I can do this Coco is buffed in my control room where you going I know how to beat this I stay here right I mean I can throw my Boulders outside the domain s wait you took the bridge that's cringe come and fight me be careful s the bridge is disappearing W oh no careful Luke oh no the bridge is disappearing I didn't need that bridge anyway oh you thought you could hit me with that you're wrong I he with that I he with those oh no that's big damage oh I'm in trouble d a rush what yep yep I reached you I reached you yes that's it that's GG oh man 1 n round two my combo is devious s is it as devious as this okay you picked an evil combo that's just like that's just mean bro I've got Katana what do you mean I picked an evil combo do is good enough fly away fly away yeah yeah yeah oh you're lucky that was so scary oh bro I feel bad for you honestly oh no oh that's just unfortunate he's got the combos get me away get me away oh you're lucky I'm bad but I'm not that bad take some of this yeah let's go I'm dead oh you're a skeleton okay this has never happened before cuz you've never killed me in this form bro the range on D is ridic I don't have oh I almost got you no no oh no oh no oh no oh no soul ruler freeze him no no no please you're actually messing me up get over here s pirate get over here I'm the spookiest skeleton no okay just you wait till you see my combo for the last round the final round this is it sen it all comes down to this let's go okay uhoh go my meteors I've got an idea I've got a genius idea in fact I need to go around here okay push you down no it didn't work where are you going don't walk around this corner s thanks for the advice what I'm going to be honest your spiky Trident is scarier than your fruit what the heck is that supposed to mean my bomb fruit is very scary okay your gravity cane is not scarier than your fruit that's for sure oh no oh explosive jump explosive jump explosive jump jump jump jump jum jump Dodge the meteors Dodge the meteor ow no boom what a combo no no no no no s where are you running to get over here B grab no come on come on come on come on come on come on come on W you've missed everything I keep missing oh whoops I activated my race skill my bad Chief it was reflex it was reflex bro really wanted to cheat against against me it's not cheating it's not cheating I can't believe I hit that honest yes that was clutch get over here boom yes I believed in the combo that was such a good final fight but my cursed AI inventory came out on top this is the decid S whoever wins this final round will have won everything AI related like this will be it oh so I can be the king of AI if you think you good enough I know I am but take a look at this the bounty board of AI oh wait I remember some of these yeah each of these has been in one of these previous rounds which happened a long time ago so it's kind of like I'm struggling for some of them like I know that that one there is the bomb fruit I remember that one that's iconic oh the bomb of the door yeah you're right you're right yeah and then chop is just below that but where are the good fruits I need something kind of crazy oh is that light in the top left wait a minute where's the sen Pirates brain at because I know that gets a bit crazy everywhere well I'm you know what I was like looking at the Buddha face and I was like that's clearly Buddha but then the one next to it to the right I think that's Dragon I don't remember what video that one was even from if I'm being honest it's got to be Dragon surely I see love as well I'm sure I see love yeah that's love I remember that cursed rubber fruit there with the eyeball yeah yeah I'm never picking that never you can't make me you couldn't pay me enough money honestly which do I pick are we just picking one is that how this works yep just one final thing all right I'm picking bottom right the the horn looking one the flamy one okay now we've both overlooked this one yeah but think I know what it is so you see that little I don't even know what it is but it's like a wooden board with like a a small little cup with a leaf in it oh yeah yeah I see it I see it if I remember correctly that's the D fruit I think oh please it is yes that's big and I've got oh I forgot no this is flame this isn't Dragon wait you actually thought that was Dragon yeah I remember it had like cool horns and stuff in the AI you just Bamboozled yourself br then the weather's set it's time let's do this missile jab wow I was trying to miss that on purpose okay good because you did that I was trying to miss it on purpose what can you get down from there are you still trying to miss on purpose I'm a bit confused Where Are You Luke boom okay how about this one all right this is actually all kinds of messed up now take that oh boom We trading hits you know what they call me the um I don't know what they call me I'm too interested in this fight right now sorry they call you chat GPT himself ouch I see you're just not Landing so you don't get hit by the piercing clothes line you know what I'll have to make you land that was so close skill isue easy Dodge easy Dodge Luke I'm landing uhoh no you're not Luke I'm actually Landing I'm actually Landing I Got You Luke I'm landing sure you are all right that was kind of bad if I actually lose to a guy who barely plays block shots I'm going to retire so I win these let's go we're going to retire Luke right oh what a shot I predicted exactly where you were where where was bro aiming oh yes did that I grabbed him midair okay I missed that one though this fight is going to last ages oh you didn't charge it up were you afraid oh I didn't want to charge it up CU I didn't need to you see you should not have done that you should not have done that you got the thing the super armor I wasn't ready for it all right I'm making a move what yes the shot of the Gods honestly okay this is not not okay this is really not okay this is oky dokie for me luk Luke how did that Miss where are you how did that Miss ohen you're mine [Applause] no well I caught you I caugh oh I sent you way too high oh that's really not good I've given you such an advantage here you thought I was going up the wall you're wrong oh this is so annoying come on that's fine that's fine no that's not fine that is not fine yes yes no oh I forgot I can left click with d oh I forget that no I've got this I've got this they call me Mr winner for a reason they don't nobody calls you that Mr AI nobody calls you that they're going to stop Sky camping yoink no come on come on yep what no I literally I never hit those for some reason you're so annoying you're so annoying just hiding in the sky this fight is lasting all night yeah I am I need it to be daylight so I can see what I'm doing this is for bragging rights to be fair yeah I don't want to lose you've got to be kidding all right I'll play your game I'll play your game hey Luke I'm on the floor really I was for a second isn't that nice look at you yeah try and hit me try and hit me oh it doesn't go that far look look where I am all the way on the floor now I just know as soon as I drop oh that was awfully close okay how about this then I missed I didn't miss that though you didn't miss that oh no but it dropped for some reason yeah I tried to end it to grab you it didn't work oh [Music] oh no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on you've got to admit that was a good play from me what sky camping the whole time oh no I'm lagging I'm lagging I'm actually lagging yes I'm taking advantage I'm taking advantage how's the how's the AI Pro going to lag let's be honest no I'm lagging so bad yes yes we take these we take these we take these we take these we take these oh no that's so bad for me him down I'm in the air I'm floating on my screen what bro's going to get kicked how are you doing that why am I lagging yes no what yeah this is where I was I don't understand what's going on wait your lag is affecting me as well now Luke I've shot a move I'm lagging so bad the AI has taken over legit all right it's time for me to finish this editor show my screen because this is crazy this is crazy this isn't even a fair end well you're teleporting out with my moves yeah because the lag it doesn't make any sense you should see my screen I'm flying Mr AI Prodigy supposed to be an himself no this isn't even fair L we should do this again when I'm not lagging but you're one shot now sen you're one shot you really think I'd let this chance go you really think uh I was winning that fight and now I'm just lagging we take okay wait hang on do we oh you actually fighting back oh that move I pushed that 5 minutes ago by the way that move yeah look I'm more foring I don't even want to play anymore yes we take those
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 1,675,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits AI, AI devil fruits, ai generation, blox fruits ai, blox fruits, blox fruits challenge, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits update, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits codes, blox fruit live, blox fruits #1, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits lined, blox fruits into an ai, fruta blox fruits, fruit roblox, blox fruits race, blox fruits troll, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits fruit ai, fruit, blox fruit spirit
Id: oUftEyWGL08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 55sec (3535 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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