Guard Your Mind | Bob Proctor Masterclass Exclusive Preview

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when you're driving your car you don't use a lot of conscious thought your subconscious mind drives a car you're carrying on a conversation with somebody behind you you could be reaching for something in your pocket you could be you know trying to dial a number on your phone god knows what you're doing but you're not consciously driving the car now let's suppose you're on a highway and you're driving along you know subconscious is driving the car but it's raining and it's raining pretty hard and you're going to try and go past a tractor trailer and there's a heavy overspray from it you will flip back onto conscious control you'll probably tighten your grip on the wheel and you move out and you're going to go past that truck now you may drop back and go back behind the truck because you see something coming but then you go out again you're consciously driving the car well i was thinking about that when scott was talking about this morning and i was thinking there's times when you're just living just normal every day working when you should flip back over onto conscious control when you get into an environment where people are bitching and griping and moaning and complaining or all they want to talk about is how many people have died or how many people have got this virus listen i'm not saying that we should ignore it but i don't think we should spend a lot of time talking about it we're not going to do ourselves a lot of good talking about something that's destructive or negative i think we should spend our time creating talking about how we can make things happen so there's some environments you're going to go into where they don't do any of this they don't study any of this material and they're controlled by the outside world and these may be people that you love they could be family members so you don't want to ignore them and you don't want to not see them i often say you just don't go as often or and you don't stay as long but when you go into that environment flip back over onto conscious control be consciously aware of what's going on don't leave your mind wide open for them to dump a lot of stuff into now i want you to think of how powerful your paradigm is with this one concept about being real concerned with what other people think now you may say well i'm really not concerned well you probably are you probably are and it started when we were little kids when we were just little kids what would the neighbors think i always say they don't so don't worry about it but the truth is we're concerned and if we're going to act like the person we want to become the people who are surrounded by aren't used to us acting that way and they're liable to say who are you who you what are you doing and for what are you asking like that for you think you're acting like a millionaire a billionaire we're concerned with what they think now in these three lessons um i could start with any one of them let's start with the one my mind now scott if you'll throw the screen up for a moment i want you to imagine that the white screen is everything it's everything that's all spirit we're spirit spirits everywhere now i don't care what religion you go to if you say where's god they'll tell you god's everywhere god's all-powerful all-knowing and all-powerful all-powerful all-knowing ever-present so let the white there represent that then we say now let this represent you or me there's the mind and will divide it now you are made out of this white energy you are made out of this spirit you are a spiritual being the essence of you is spiritual now everything spirit this television spirit my phone is spirit this pen that i'm writing with is spirit my suit is spirit you say no spirit's not your suit oh spirits everywhere except in bob's suit it's a hundred percent evenly present all places at the same time except bob's suit no spirit is in a garden rock you say well it's not in a garden rock oh well spirits are 100 evenly present all places at the same time except in a garden rock no the rock is vibrating the rock is vibrating it's vibrating at a different speed than my suit but it's vibrating everything vibrates the law of vibration decrees everything moves nothing rests you are vibrating and the vibration you're in is going to dictate what you attract into your life now do you see your mind is a center of divine operation is my mind a center yeah how could my mind be center in your mind be center because there's more than one center when you're dealing with let's say a basketball there's only one center in the basketball and that's determined by the outer measurements of the ball but we're not dealing with something without our measurements there are no outer measurements we're talking about being infinite that's why troward says my mind is a center of divine operation the divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression this means the production of something beyond what's gone before so we should be going after something if we're in harm in harmony with the essence of who we are with spirit we should always be working towards something bigger you may already know about bob proctor's ranks to rich's story this was one guy going nowhere until he made one decision that teleported his life the change was so enormous so lightspeed whips all crazy that he's devoted his entire life to teaching millions of people how to do the same for 60 years bob proctor has been dreaming of gigantic goals that initially even to him looked unattainable in a galaxy far far away but he always found a way to navigate to those points of twinkling light casting the darkness out of his life how has he always found his way i don't mean his paradigm shifting in a general sense taught from the front of the room i mean how did he find his way conquering old habits distancing from his old life moments of frustration moments of new direction goal achieving exaltation and what he did next practice steps missteps and jangled senses questioning analyzing changing course lousy times failure times and i can't even go on any more times because even a jedi master can have a bad day haven't you wondered how bob became bob just imagine what his personal lessons can do for the you you're becoming introducing the first ever master class with bob proctor study personally with bob from his book you were born rich chat with him ask the burning questions clear away the confusions conquer the bad days think like the master and go go go your light speed is just one decision away [Music] i hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new one up [Music] you
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 64,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, life coach, universal laws
Id: T55hqYjLNT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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