Good News with Bob Proctor | Self Image

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hi everyone and welcome to good news with Bob  Proctor its Good Friday to millions around the   globe and we're thrilled to be spending it with  you so thank you for joining us from wherever   you are in the world I had I have the great  fortune of speaking to Bob very regularly and   something he said to me over the past several  weeks has really stuck with me he said you or   I each of us is the great equalizer in our lives  with this virus with adversity with opportunity   with everything that's something you can really  chew on sit with think about and I and I jest I   know it's something that Bob will be talking  about on today's call as he really gets into   self-image in this lesson to start the call  today and what a powerful lesson for us all   in creating an image worthy of us an image  that will serve us and an image that will   bring us closer to the life we dream about so  without further ado the man of the hour will   deliver a powerful lesson on self-image and then  we'll open up for questions here's Bob Proctor hello there and welcome good Friday it's also  R ammidon I believe yes it is well I want to   welcome you all here this is going to be I think  it's gonna be a very special program for you I   really do you know I was watching well first of  all Scott if you bring that slide back up again   yeah okay now that goes back 59 years that I  started this let it go then Scott okay now I   was watching a video yesterday that I received  from a good friend of mine Liz I'd like down in   the Bahamas and she wanted to introduce me to  a friend of hers coach Morley coach Morley is   a physical trainer in the Bahamas and I guess  he's Lisette Lakes physical trainer and they   were talking and she was introducing coach Morley  to me on the on the video and we're talking about   she was teaching him that you can have whatever  you want in fact I had made a coach program which   was one time says the to have whatever you want  and you do have the power to have whatever you   want but as Coach Morley was talking to me  I was trying to figure out where where is he   at mentally nice guy I loved his energy it was  good energy lizz obviously likes working with   him or he wouldn't have been there talking to  me and he said that she was teaching him about   whatever you hold in your mind you can have he's  been watching some of the videos that we put on   YouTube well coach Morley said that he had a dream  someday of having a yacht and I'm thinking here he   is a physical instructor physical trainer some  of the yachts down there the Bahamas are just   absolutely incredible I coached a man on one used  to be down in the Caribbean and then over in the   Mediterranean and it was a hundred and twenty foot  yacht it was a magnificent thing I'd go and spend   3-4 days with him coaching him and coach Morley  was saying he wanted one of these now it would   be like a dream in his mind well what I want you  to understand that what I'm doing right now was   nothing but a dream in my mind coach Morley when  I started out bring that slide back up again now   if you will alive it's gone now no bring it up  fullscreen thank you now sandy Gallagher has   told on many occasions how she came to a seminar  about 15 years ago and she took her pen and she   wrote in very small words on the workbook that  she was doing that she'd like to be my closest   advisor now sandy Gallagher was a securities  attorney at a very successful a full partner in   a big company so she was earning a lot more money  than I would imagine coach Marley was earning but   she was a long way from being where she right now  sandy Gallagher is not only a closest advisor she   owns half of this company she is my full partner  and thank God she is cuz she's done a phenomenal   job okay come back now it's got and what we're  talking about now is you haven't whatever you   dream about but you've got to see yourself with  it you see we're going to be working here today   on the mental image of yourself the mental image  of yourself now this goes a little further it's   the mental image that you have of yourself okay  the mental image that you have of yourself I'm   going to come over here and work but I want you  to think I want you to really begin thinking   because you see you're capable of having doing  or being whatever you want there is no limits to   what you're capable of doing or being absolutely  none now take this now fullscreen if you will   sky what we're really talking about here now  is your life and so far as we know we get one   bite at the Apple to start thinking about your  life coach Morley once a yacht probably in the   Bahamas since that's where he is and that's where  he's from well what we want to talk about possibly   is lifestyle your lifestyle or we may want to  switch gears it may be about your contribution   your contribution is going to determine  what kind of relational you have very likely we want to talk about how you spend your  days how you spend your days you see your life it's all dependent and how we see  ourselves self-image thanks God now I think   what we want everyone wants is freedom that's  what you want that's what I want and what we   really want is time and money freedom we want  time and money freedom you see if we have the   time we don't have any money we're gonna be  sort of stuck there's a lot of people right   now have time but don't get any money there's  a lot of people have a lot of money but they   don't have the time we want to have both we want  to have the time to do the things we want to do   live the way we want to live but we also want  to have the money now if we'll take this up   full screen for a second Scott because there's  three essential questions here that are very   important that we're going to cover and then  we're going to open it up for some questions   and answers the first one is how does self image  impact my life I want you to ask yourself that   question how does self image impact my life  now the second question is how does the self   image formed I mean where'd it come from how  was it formed and a third one how is the self   image changed and that's exactly when I want  to talk to you about because you see I had to   change my self image I want you to look at this  for a moment and I want you to think you see me   here in my studio first of all there wouldn't be  any studio if sandy yellow your hadn't been my   partner because she and I used to sit behind my  house and I'd talk about I would love to have a   studio just a place it was a rather special place  I would have a camera though and I could maybe   shoot some film in there what we've really got  here right now is the television station we can   broadcast all over the world multiple cameras  absolutely incredible he said let's do it and   I was serious I was let's do it now I wanted to  take you back to the results that I was getting when I first picked up this book when I first  picked up this book I was a very unhappy   introverted I was a bit of a sad case from a  dollar and cent point of view I owed everybody   in his brother money and I was earning $4,000  a year and that was actually twice as much as   I'd been earning in my previous job so do you see  when I picked this out I was not in a good place   but I need to tell you something within a year I  was at about a hundred and seventy five thousand   dollars a year now what had to happen I had to  start seeing me totally different so my entire   career over the past fifty nine years has been  shift to self any shift of self image shift of   self image this isn't just something I'm talking  to you about this is something I work on and I   work on it every day and that's just not some  part of a story for this seminar I work at this   every day you see where I came from no formal  education no business experience and today I   am paid just ridiculous sums of money to coach  different executives Multi multi millionaires   show them how to do things that they don't know  how to do how did I become who I am well the   truth was everything I'm expressing now in my  life has always been here this isn't something   that's just happened it's something that I have  brought to the surface and it's something you can   bring to the surface so let's go back and let's  take a look here you are we're talking about you   were talking about the image that you've got  you are a massive energy and you function on   frequencies that's important that you know that  your phone is a massive energy not the same shoe   but it's a massive energy and this functions on  frequencies see there's similarities to you on   your phone and it's because you're working  with a non-physical energy now if we could   take a photograph of you in a completely dark  room on an infrared television camera you'd see   yourself as a glistening radiating gleaming form  that's actually what you would look like it's it's   rather interesting as we start to study ourselves  really start to understand ourselves now one of   the biggest breakthroughs I made was when I I went  to work at the nightingale Conant corporation in   Chicago I've been in the office kaneen business  and we did very well in it we opened in different   cities different parts of the world and I was  doing very well but I got so hooked into study   in this that I thought this is what I've got to  spend my life that I want to spend my life with   this material and so I left that business I went  and I got a job with 9tl Conant in Chicago and in   a very short period of time I got a job working  as a consultant with them we have consultants   now in 88 countries our own company the Procter  Gallagher Institute Nightingale Cohn out was   just starting this now this is in the 60s not  many people understood this information hardly   anybody understood it and no one knew how to sell  it pardon me and so I I got a job with them and   because I was working with him I met a man in  Western Canada Leland Melvin - Wow and he sat   down with me and he started to teach me things  about my mind and about me it just about blew my   mind so I'm working with Val then I'm working  with his mentor a doctor see Harry wrote her   and that worked with her all night you know all  at the same time I'm gonna tell you I was on a   crash course with gross I don't know as anybody  has grown as much as I did over the next couple   of years well Val sat down with me and he started  to talk to me about my mind and about paradigms I   knew nothing about paradigms but as she started to  talk to me I related to it very very quickly and I   started to understand that I was being controlled  by something inside of me I was literally being   controlled I was letting it control me I should  say that because you are letting it control you   so he said I want to talk to you about your mind  in your paradigm now he said Bob actually asked me   what's the mind look like well of course I had no  concept of other what the mind looks like neither   did anybody else and so he pointed out that how  his his mentor dr. Roeder was being mentored or   had been mentored by a doctor through man fleet  from San Antonio Texas and dr. fleet was very   involved in the healing arts in holistic health  and he stated he said the mind is not a thing the   minds an activity no one has ever seen the mind so  in order to gain clarity and eliminate confusion   he said I'm going to create an image of the mind  this doctor through him and frite said this and he   drew a picture and he said now let this represent  the mind well I'm gonna tell you when valve and   wall started to explain this to me it was like  everything I had been studying for years come   rushing altogether and what was happening I  was creating an awareness and understanding   in my mind I was starting to see why I was  struggling in certain areas and why I was   moving at a very fast clip in other areas now he  said I want you to let that big circle represent   your mind and the small circle to represent your  body I said personally Bob how I use it I let the   big circle represent my head so I can say my  mind is in my head no that's not the way it is   your mind is in your fingernail as much as that in  your brain and he said the body is the instrument   of the mind so when your imaging thinks about the  mind I would do it that way if I were you because   it works well for me now that's what he taught me  now I said the mind is divided into two parts and   he said we call a top part the conscious mind and  the bottom the subconscious mind now you may say   well Bob I've heard you explain this before but  you haven't heard me explain it as often as I've   heard me explain it now why am I saying that you  cannot hear this too often it's the repetition   of this information that's going to alter your  self-image and it's your self-image that's going   to manifest in results that's what's really going  to change your life now the body is the instrument   of the mind I have mentioned on every seminar that  I ever conduct this is one of the most valuable   ideas that I have ever learned bar none absolutely  no question about it so now let's take this and   stop and think about how it works here we are here  and we'll say the conscious mind is the thinking   mind it's also called the educated mind it's where  the intellect is resident now the subconscious   is totally different the subconscious is your  emotional night it operates quite different from   the conscious mind see because you can think that  gives you the ability to choose you can choose   whatever you want to think you know many people  have taught this down through the ages in fact   the one point they have all agreed on every great  leader that has ever lived they've all agreed in   the fact that we become what we think about and  we've got the ability to choose Viktor Frankl   was a an attorney from Vienna a Jewish attorney  and he was taken prisoner during the Second World   War I don't suppose anyone was treated with less  respect and probably in a worse way than a Jew   in a concentration camp during the Second World  War and was well was in there he said he realized   regardless of the intellectual or physical abuse  he was subjected to no one could cause him to   think something he didn't want to think so we have  the ability to choose that gives us the ability to   accept or reject everything we hear you can accept  or reject everything I'm telling you now you may   treat this as this sidebars are the notes that we  would keep on this but this isn't really the big   part no that is the big part that is really the  big part you see you can reject the image that   you're holding of you now and build the image you  want let me explain for a moment I was standing   in the back of the ballroom in the O'Hare Hyatt  Hotel a way back in the 60s I had studied quite   a bit of this I was the vice president sales for  the Engel corner corporation I had the strongest   desire to get up in the stage and teach it but  I was shy I was very quiet it was drawn to work   one-on-one with people but don't put me on a stage  and I was watching bill golf who was considered   the Frank Sinatra public speakers at the time  it was phenomenal I was watching him speak to   this audience and I was thinking oh [ __ ] let  me do that and then a record started to play in   my head it was a recording that I had listened to  thousands of times by Earl Nightingale and he said   now right here we come to a rather in fact we tend  to minimize the things we can do the goals we can   reach and for some really strange reason we think  other people can do things that we cannot you see   morally you can have the yacht just the same as  somebody else can have the yacht well Bob became   aware as he was watching Bill Gove that record  started to play in my head I had listened to   that record thousands of times thousands of times  but I never really understood what he meant what   he meant was if I could see Bill goat on something  I was quite capable of doing it and I made up my   mind sitting in the back of the room at the O'Hare  Hyatt I would not only get bill go I would learn   how to do what he was doing I was going to get  him to teach me now that was a thought that a   quiet shy person had in the back of a bell ring at  the O'Hare Hyatt that's an idea I chosen I accept   it and that was an idea that stuck in my mind and  today I'm doing what Bill Gogh did in fact I think   we're doing it on quite a bit larger scale than  Bill Grove did it but you see he was the model   when you see anyone do anything if you see anyone  that has anything understand this you too can do   it but you've got to get the image in your mind  that you can do it now all this stuff about the   conscious mind it's all there we just talked about  it you can think you can accept or reject that's   information coming from your own ID world into  your conscious mind your subconscious operates   quite different it must accept everything you give  to it it has absolutely no ability to reject and   really understand this your subconscious mind  cannot differentiate what you imagine and what's   real your imagination can play a huge role in  your life from this point on absolutely huge   it really can so now how did this all start well  let's look at is here now this is you right here   right now and there's information flying into  your consciousness today I'm giving it to him   it's coming in from radios from other people from  television newspapers and you have the ability to   reason that's one of your higher faculties in  other words you can think about what I'm saying   now you also have a lot of information coming at  you through your television on newspapers that is   very very negative information yes it real yes  it's real is real is very real it's also very   negative you see you have the ability to accept or  reject that now does that mean you deny it no you   don't deny it it's there it's real yes just that  you choose not to think that we don't do that see   we've got the ability to think whatever we want we  leave our mind wide open and let that information   dump right into our subconscious mind and that  is because we have a paradigm the paradigm is a   program that controls how we're utilizing our life  how we're utilizing our mind now you may want to   watch this over and over and over number times I  would imagine it's going to be posted somewhere   after you watch it today and wherever it's posted  Mikey maybe you could let them know this posted on   YouTube I'm not sure but in any rate it'll stay  up yeah on YouTube and Facebook okay YouTube and   Facebook can go back I don't suggest yeah I'm  suggesting this based on information that I've   been using now for 59 years watch it as often  as you can you can not hear this too often now   why would we do this well we would have to go  back and take a look at when we were children   because all this also where your self-image was  form so here you are here as a child this is you   as an infant everything that's going on around  you is being dumped right into your subconscious   mind now what we say about the subconscious mind  we said it had no ability to reject you had to   accept whatever was plugged into it now you might  ask yourself what was my environment like when I   was a little child what were the people like were  around me now in my case I was born into the Great   Depression see I was born 1934 that was right into  the start of the heart of the Great Depression so   when I was five six years old just starting school  so was the war breaking out the whole world was   going to war so I was a depression till the whole  world of war now that was my formative years what   was dumped into my mind nothing but bad stuff a  lot of terrible stuff did I get some good stuff   yeah I didn't get some good but the most of it  was bad what were they talking about there were   touchdown but all the people that were dying the  terrible things that were going on during the war   they were talking about that there were everything  being rationed people not having anything people   going without it was it was lack of limitation  that was programmed into my mind now that's also   where the image that I had of me was built your  image is built at a very early age as a little   child you get an image of yourself how you see you  in this world now let's consider this for a moment   we're in an environment our subconscious mind  is wide open everything that's going on around   us goes right in now let me digress for a moment  Robert Heinlein said something very interesting   he was a not there back in the sixties II wrote  strangers in a strange land he said in absence of   clearly defined goals we become strangely loyal to  performing daily trivia until ultimately we become   enslaved by it well as a little child that's all  we heard was trivia and we became enslaved by it   and you see the self-image was only one idea  the paradigm is the multitude of ideas it's we   learned how to talk it's we learn the language  we learned it's the kind of food we like to eat   we are the product of that environment if you grow  up in one area you grow up in your program one way   you grow up in another way you're programmed in a  completely different way now I want you to really   think about this so here we are number of years  later and we're living the same as we did when we   were little kids why were programmed that's what a  paradigm is a paradigm is nothing but a multitude   of ideas and your subconscious mind it control  your life they literally control your life now   here's the baby here's the graphic illustration  of the baby okay just a subconscious mind you can   relate to it when you see the picture of the baby  that was you at one time that was me and we are   surrounded by people and whatever those people are  doing everything that's happening in the baby's   environment is going directly into that baby's  subconscious mind we become a product of our   environment as a little baby I'll keep thinking  that's where our self-image is formed do you know   your self-image is controlling your income it's  controlling it's not your brain that's controlling   your income do you take people coming out of  school they got degrees coming off the end of   their business card they come out they graduate as  doctors lawyers wait wait they go into that some   of them went into it because you thought you're  good money I know all kinds of doctors and lawyers   that are any very poor money they're not earning  much money at all they have very low self-esteem   very poor image high developed intellect lowly  developed self-esteem now why why this where   their programs that's where your program doesn't  program we've been programmed like this now at a   very early age we also develop our senses we  can see hear smell taste touch what we've not   taught though yes this is our intellectual mind  as well and we've got all these higher faculties   you've got perception the will imagination  memory intuition and reason these are the   higher faculties if you work at developing those  faculties I could make a prediction where you're   gonna go and what you're gonna do today I heard  millions of dollars I sat down a number of years   ago and I took a pen in my hand and I said I'm  gonna build a company and operates all over the   world I was sitting in a little den in a house  on Maplewood Lane in Glenview I said I'm gonna   build a company that operates all over the world  I was by myself I had no idea I was gonna do that   but I didn't have to know how I was gonna do it  our coach morally doesn't have to know how he's   going to get the yacht you don't have to know  how you're gonna build your company you don't   have to know how you're gonna become financially  in the better you don't know any of these things   you only have to know it can happen and it can  happen and you can make it happen and you start   using these higher faculties as you start doing  this everything in your life starts to change and   you see it a very early age we didn't learn about  those higher faculties but we went to school now   I want you to stop and think of what happened in  school school gave us valuable knowledge however   school never taught us how to alter paradigms or  even and about them we're therefore frequently   don't know or do not do what we already know how  to do you can know how to watch out put your hand   out and meet a stranger that doesn't mean you're  gonna do it you know how to stand up and speak   in front of a large group of people that doesn't  mean you can do it you go to do it and your whole   nervous system will be shattered why it's because  of the program well we've got to understand the   part of her mind that knows something and the cart  that controls what we do two totally different   parts so here we've got superior knowledge  inferior results that will cause confusion   let's put our drawing back up let's load up we  said that was the educated mind well there's all   the books from school everything so you can listen  to what I'm saying you can gather this information   and then not do it yet won't do you any good  there's all kinds of people have sat through   these seminars gathered all the information  and gone right back into their old way of life   I want to recommend you don't do that I want to  recommend you watch this program a thousand times   it's repetition that'll do it you see there's a  person with very poor results and yet they've got   trouble men this amount of knowledge they've got  degrees coming right off the end of their business   card but you would never know it by the results  they're getting you see it's the paradigm that   controls the results you have a paradigm you have  a program and part of it is your self-image in   your subconscious mind that's controlling your  life if you want to change your results you're   gonna have changed that paradigm you got to change  the self-image you got to build a new paradigm now   that is what I want to start talking to you about  but let's understand what the paradigm is it's a   mental program that has almost exclusive control  over your habitual behavior and almost all of   your behavior is a [ __ ] well almost all of it  let's look at this for a moment cybernetics and   paradigm they're both put the Sun flow screenplay  scott cyber noise and paradigms are both control   systems that operate essentially on the same  principle both maintain a definite course of   action will not deviate from that course that  has been established you must alter the paradigm   if you desire to achieve the improve results  both companies and individuals have operating   paradigms okay now come back here again I want  you to look at this in fact go fullscreen mr.   Scott I'm gonna come up here okay and I want you  to really pay attention here there is a thermostat   a thermostat operates on a cybernetic system and  you set the thermostat to control the temperature   of the room and let's say 70 degrees now I was  born and raised in the north so that would be   a normal temperature for somebody to set the room  temperature at and let's suppose you're sitting in   the room and you're quite comfortable but all of  a sudden you feel the room is getting cold you get   up and you go to take a look at the thermometer  and see the temperature has dropped from the 70   degrees gets dropped it's gone down to 65 degrees  get your look around and you're trying to figure   out what's wrong and you notice somebody's left  the front door open and the cold air is blowing   in you close the door and everything starts to  change automatically how does it change operate   automatically well the cybernetic mechanism in  the thermostat measures the deviation from the   set goal it sends a signal to the furnace for  the fire to turn on the fan to turn on and it   starts to blow hot air into the room until such  time as the temperature in that room gets back   up to 70 degrees when the room hits 70 degrees  the fire's automatically turned off and the fans   automatically turned off that's how a cybernetic  mechanism operates it all happens automatically   understand this your self-image operates on a  cybernetic mechanism so let's look at it from   another point of view there's an airplane the  airplane is going to leave Los Angeles let's say   and it's going to go to I don't know leave New  York go to Paris or something a flight patterns   programmed into the plane's computer when the  plane goes off course the cybernetic system   measure eight measures the deviation from the set  goal and corrects the pattern so here it is here   there it is it's leaving Chicago and it's going  to go to Paris so it goes along and it'll hit   some turbulence and that turbulence will knock the  plane off course the second the plane leaves the   flight pattern the cybernetic system is activated  and the planes BOTS brought right back onto course   this all happens automatically the pilot had  nothing to do with changing that now think think let's look at this there is your mind you have  a conscious of subconscious in your body your   subconscious mind as a paradigm minute part of  it is the self image that self image controls   your actions it controls your results consciously  you know let's say it controls your results let's   suppose you're earning much less than you need to  live the way you want to live and you sit down and   say maybe on New Year's I don't know maybe your  birthday yes I gotta change this I'm not going   to live this way any longer I'm gonna multiply my  income but a year later the income hasn't changed   a bit you can make all kinds of decisions on a  conscious level if you don't alter that self-image   nothing changes now let's go fullscreen again for  a moment let's suppose here the self image is a   cybernetic instrument okay so you got yourself in  me junior subconscious mind all right it controls   the actions of the body and keep thinking here's  a person that's overweight they make a decision to   go on a diet they're gonna die okay and they  start taking weight on their dieting they're   taking weight on now let's think about this when a  person who is overweight goes on the diet without   altering the self-image any weight loss will  be temporary the self-image being a cybernetic   instrument measures the deviation from the set  goal immediately corrects the course and the   weight that was lost is found and they go right  back again it's exactly the same as the plane or   the thermostat it's a cybernetic mechanism that's  how your subconscious mind works just like at a   different way you want to read psycho-cybernetics  it's a phenomenal book by dr. Maxwell monks that's   what it's about okay here's another one self-image  we're talking about a child's mm self-image the   child's not doing well in school they're getting  poor grades in school okay and so a decisions made   the child is grounded and made to study no girls  no boys no TVs you stay in you study then teachers   giving them tests and they're sent home and the  kids marks are improving glory to God that kids   marks are improving okay and as these marks are  improving you're gonna find that something happens   and as we look when the person is receiving  poor grades in school it's an expression of the   self-image they hold the person believes they're  not very bright they of course receive a report   card that reflects therefore self-image the parent  makes the child give up recreational activities   study the grades improve but the improvement  is temporary the child has never changed their   self-image and what happens they come right back  and you're right back on course again you see   this is you hear now you've got senses I really  listen you've got what I've just given you that's   background stuff that's background stuff there  you are you can look at your side world you have   a paradigm and that paradigm is the self-image  it's really the self-image that's really what it   is that paradigm controls the vibration here  in which controls your behavior and controls   your results no your conscious mind you have  an imagination you can look around you can see   things that's like Coach Morley see in the yacht  that's what I'd like I'd like to own one of those   yachts where they see somebody can always looked  like her dead never gonna lose waiter I'm gonna   build a fortune I'm gonna build a company and  so you see this happens they build a beautiful   image with their imagination that image must be  impressed upon the subconscious mind it's got   to be impressed over and over and over again or it  not it will not take root in the subconscious mind   it takes a lot of programming a lot of programming  you've got to keep in programming you just got to   keep doing it and doing it doing it where it's  not going to happen now let's think for a moment Buckminster Fuller said something really  interesting he said you never change things   by fighting existing reality to change something  you've got to build a new model that makes the   existing model of sleep Cook's morally it's  got to see himself so successful that he can   go out and buy his own yacht there's no reason why  courts coach morally can't have a yacht there's no   reason why Bob Procter can not build a company  it operates all over the world and you want to   know something I didn't spend any time thinking  of why I couldn't all I did was keep studying   these books they told me how I could you get it  grow you want to grow going on the hunt coach   morally you want to multiply your income then  you've got to change you got to change ain't   gonna happen by accident don't think there  you are I want you to look around you look   at all the good there is out there look at all  the beauty there is understand what's going on   inside dictates what you're going to get outside  yet controls the vibration you're in it controls   your behavior and it controls your results if you  want to change you've got to build the picture of   what you want you've got to build the picture of  what you want with your imagination you start you   build a beautiful image you take your pen and you  actually write out I'm so happy and grateful and   describe how you want to see you write to the  letter then if you're wise don't tell someone   what you're gonna do you'll make a commitment to  that person and ask them to hold you accountable I   have seen people do that and I've watched their  life change like night and day this beautiful   image has to be impressed upon the subconscious  mind not once it has to be impressed over and   over and over and over and over again because it  takes a lot of impressing before that self image   changes when it does the results are automatic  they're just automatic HL hunt put it very well   he said decide what you want decide what you're  prepared to give up to get it set your mind to   it and then get on with the work I love a quote  that helps me really relate to this concept of   self image C self image is an idea and it's an  idea that will change your life forever it'll   change the results there's the quote it's BAE  Alfred Adler he said I am grateful to the idea   that has used me I am grateful to the idea that  has used me now come with me here for a moment for me to go from 4175 and then to millions did  not happen by accident I want you to let this   represent you now you take a look at the results  you're getting right now understand those results   are the expression of a paradigm an idea here in  your subconscious mind you know here how to do a   lot better than you're doing I'm asked continually  what I would do if I was to start all over I'd   probably be a network marketer what I have to do  I have to go out and find new people and stretch   them in the business I have to do that every day  and I know all kind of network marketers they know   that but they don't do that why program program  they've got an absolute ton of knowledge here   but they're not doing it you're not doing it what  do you want to do well stay with Q&A in a minute now you're operating on the premise that the  paradigm you have been here now that was built   when you were just a baby probably is not going  to give you the results you want you have to   use your imagination you may use other people as  models I've been changed I've changed my paradigm   so often and you build a not model you build a  picture here of how you want to see yourself now   let me explain when I when I first started study  this I I knew nothing absolutely nothing when I   first picked up this book I was a lost soul if you  can think of a bad example I would have fit that   example in almost every aspect of my life I wasn't  a nice person I had the ability to be honest but I   was not a nice person I was nice person because my  image was so shattered so screwed up yet wouldn't   permit me to do many of the things I wanted to  do he's rather sad that's the way it was and I   remember when I started cell I had one suit one  suit it was a heavy wool tweed suit that thing   and it was a hot summer and that they used to  scratch my legs I had to press it every night I read a book how showmanship sells he had 36  Elmer G Letterman he was one of the best-dressed   men in America and I made up my mind that I too  would have 30 suits I was also reading books on   sales and it says when you when you're reading I  just read the best books on sales I didn't really   bad books that's it of course people that read  books on sales don't put their bad ideas in and it   sales contests so I said I was working by myself I  was it going out selling getting cleaning contract   so I thought I'll have a kid sales contest for me  if I sell a certain amount I'll get myself a new   suit well I sold that amount but I had so many  other places for the money to go I didn't get   the suit so later on I'm thinking I should have a  sales contest and then my memory said Bob you've   already done that you don't keep your promises  to yourself you lied to yourself you didn't get   a suit damn that is so important so that I  get to sit I got out of 30-some shirts today if I promise me I'm gonna do something I'm  gonna tell you I do it if I promise me I'm   gonna go somewhere I go if I promise me that I'm  gonna learn something I learn it now I know that   there's a long ways for me to go and I don't have  a whole lot of time left so I want to move fast   now I stay very focused on what I want I will not  permit anyone to take me off track if they try I   won't permit it to happen I'll just let them go  what they're saying and I'll go about my business   I am continually building a new picture of me  and I'm continually planting that picture over   and over again here of me a new picture and that  picture causes me to keep improving and tell you   something my results continually improve and so  do the results of everyone around me because I   don't spend a lot of time with people and aren't  really growing I don't want to but I do know this   I don't care how dumb you may think you are I  don't care how much out of the game you think   you are I don't care what kind of a loser you  think you might be I would have been all those   things but I changed it I said no way I will do  exactly what this person says and I'll do it to   the best of my ability well that was way back  in 1961 and I'm still doing that I'm here in   my studio very early every morning there's the  odd exception but every morning and I'm going   through exercises I get radio up my ten things  I'm grateful for I practice writing with my left   hand that's exercise they come up with to change  paradigms I'm continually working on me but I'm   gonna tell you something I'm extremely grateful  for the idea it has used me Alfred Adler nailed   that and you can be to build a better picture of  yourself and say this is gonna happen come hell   or high water this is who I'm gonna be from now on  now Mikey if you got a few questions we will take   well we could take up to 40 minutes all right this  first question I have for you how can I let go of   the past that is hurting my current self image  well that's a hell of a good question I would   imagine that's a question almost everybody's we're  asking is it you got to know when you do this the paradigm or a multitude of ideas there a  multitude of habits actually their habits habit   is an idea that you act on without any thought  so if you consciously observe just consciously   observe your own behavior you'll see the results  you're getting you'll know why you're getting   because this is the way I do things there's a  pattern make up your mind you're gonna change   the image so you write out a picture taking write  it out make a written description of a new image   of yourself you're the weight you want to be  the wealth you want you're the kind of person   you want everything you write it out in detail  and then you keep reading that you keep reading   that now you're gonna read that ten thousand  hundred thousand times I don't know how often   but every time you read that you've got to get  emotionally involved in it got to be emotional   about it um there's a great book the art of  acting by Stella Adler I recommend everybody   get it we have friends Jamie's a an actress in  in LA she comes over our seminars and I keep   telling people go talk to her because she's a  great actress well you become a great actress   you you read you get a script you read it and then  you live that part well that's what we're doing we   write our own script in there do self image then  we're gonna live that part now you've got to do   this over and over and over a number of times  there's gonna be disappointments and you're not   gonna do it because the paradigm so damn strong  and you've got to keep doing it but you've got to   get emotion about every time you read it you got  to be emotionally involved you got to see yourself   as that person and then start working on one or  two habits at a time I get up early every day I   study I study the same stuff over and over and  over again so I don't know as you let this go I   think what you do is you grow this you grow this  you get emotionally involved in this new image you   plant that in your heart of hearts this is the  heart here not that physical pump in your chest   the heart of hearts is the part Solomon talked  about as a person think is in their heart so   are they okay so you keep doing this and you keep  doing this and and as you do this and keep doing   it over a period of time this starts to grow and  starts to become strong and this starts to die   for a lack of nourishment so I know knows you  really let the old one go I think you overpower   it with the new one and the old one dies for a  lack of nourishment every now and then I still   have flashes of that old Bob that guy that doesn't  keep his word that says he'll do something then   doesn't do it you see I'm learning from everybody  ideally you don't I keep talking about Phil gold   fine I think they'll go find one of them one of  the greatest didn't said that I've ever had I   mean the guys just absolutely incredible well he  and he's taught me something they didn't even know   he taught me if he says he's gonna do something  he does it right then right then I didn't notice   this right away but it's over a period of time he  says you'd assume he did he stopped Ritter right   then and he does it he doesn't leave it hanging  around leave it hanging around you might not do   it he does it right away I haven't formed that as  a habit yet but I'm starting to and I'm starting   to because I watched him do it now this guy's  multi-millionaire he's one of the most successful   producers in Hollywood and he started out with  nothing started with nothing twenty years ago   maybe you're a little more he started to study  this with me he is a phenomenal student so you   keep getting emotionally involved with the new  image of yourself to a point where the old one   starts to die for a lack of nourishment okay  there's a long ways answer question this next   question what is the emotion I need to build  in order to change my paradigm well it's not   so much an emotion that you need to build it's  the idea like I had to build a picture of myself   comfortable on a stage in front of hundreds or  thousands of people well mentally I can do that   right here I could do that laying in bed and so  I did I didn't when I was driving the car I'd be   at stoplights and I'd be going with my hands  I'd be putting on a talk on the stage people   beside me maybe if they're stopped behind me look  at me what the heck is he doing you know crazy so   you let yourself get emotionally involved in  it in other words you feel it close your eyes   really get into it see yourself be there well  it's pick one thing you really want to start   to do see yourself doing it and doing it well  you want to have them have a tremendous degree   of respect for yourself now respect to something  you earn you don't get it you earn it well if you   haven't got respect for yourself how's anybody  else gonna help I have a fair amount of respect   for me but I'm a good person I didn't used to  be but I am a good person and I do good work   and I'm not doing anything compared to what a  minute I'm gonna get much better we're gonna   reach more people all over the world we're gonna  have a hundred thousand consultants well train we   got great training programs fact we just spent  three days here training globally all over the   world consultants to teach this well I see myself  as that person Sandhya and I often talk about this   we'll get on the phone and we'll image this  together see ourselves running that kind of   a company we're already running big company we're  more bigger better more effective you let yourself   get emotionally involved okay the idea would  have more to do with the emotion that you're   getting into of what it is that you're doing next  this next question how do you overcome the mental   fatigue that arises from thinking and what I want  to be achieve or change in my life over and over   throughout the day every day yeah that's a heck  of a good question I laugh because it's something   that a lot of people don't see you doing then why  are you tired you're not even working thinking is   the hardest work there is which is the probable  reason so few people engage in it Henry Ford said   that thinking is the hardest work there is which  is the probable reasons so few people engage in   it you're activating energy in your body that  you never did in the past it does get tiring   but don't feel bad have a good sleep and get  up and get going again this next question if   if your goal includes crowds and intuitively you  want to adapt to the current environment could   you change your goal and adapt to the environment  condition of the time by continuing your goal but   adapting to conditions good I'm not really sure  if I understand that question read it again if   your goal includes crowd its and intuitively you  want to adapt to the current environment could you   change your goal and adapt to the environmental  condition of the time by continuing the goal but   adapting to conditions I don't think I understood  that question you want to adapt to the conditions   of the environment you can learn how to do  that because that would probably cause change you want the idea to start controlling you see  what you're doing is your originating a new idea   and you want to fix it in your subconscious mind  so that it's automatically working through you   like you don't have to I don't have to think  to tie a tie I got the first time I tied it   it was I don't have to think I can be carrying  on the conversation trying to do a very good   job of it my brain has been programmed I have  cells a recognition in my brain in fact sandy   Gallagher's doing something right now that's very  interesting all with their trainer Alison they're   doing because of the lot shutdown or the shutdown  they're not able to to train riding the horses and   so Alison is doing virtual lessons with cameras  I want you to imagine something let's suppose   Sandy's written the horse she knows all the modes  and everything so everything is programmed into   our brain there's such a recognition program  to enjoy brain now she gets a video of Ellison   riding this horse she's Ellison's got the  camera on her okay and since she sends that   to sandy sandy starts watching that watching  that what's that video doing as Ellison starts   to explain where they're at and riding and she's  riding the horse and you got the pictures she's   got the camera on it Sandy's that video that  Alison is wrote doing is activating those cells   of recognition and he already has in her brain  and they keep getting stronger and stronger and   stronger and that's how simulators work you  can learn how to fly a plane without leaving   the ground in a simulator and that's Rita what  we're doing simulation is imagined reality so the   bottom line whether I understand that question  or not as build the picture of how you want to   live what you want to happen and whatever image  you built that's what it'll happen you're God's   highest form of creation there's nothing on the  planet that'll even come close to you you're it   all things are possible doesn't matter how  many are against you I think it's written   in a pretty good book one person with God is a  majority doesn't matter how many organs you're   one person working with God that's where it  works next next question this next question   how can I stop getting bored of the same image if  the desire is not manifesting how can you write how can I stop getting bored of the same image  if the desire is not me why you're not isn't   wait a minute you're contradicting yourself  here first of all boredom and creativity   are polar opposites if the image is  not the desires not manifesting it's   not a desire you're you want something but  it's not something you want maybe something   somebody else wants first of all here's  what we got a grip got to get this right you've got to go after something you seriously  want not something I want you to want not   something your wife want you to want your husband  want you to want or your parent wants you to want   or your trainer want you to want you gotta  really want it that's the pre-record the only   three Records to decide a goal you gotta really  want it Hillary really wanted to get to the top   of Mount Everest nobody had ever done it nobody  could believe that he could even do it but he   believed it you've got to really want it don't  have to know how to do it you don't have to know   where the money's coming from you don't have  to know how it's gonna happen but you've got   to really want it as you take that want and turn  it over and plant it in your heart that becomes a   desire desire is the effort of the unexpressed  possibility within seeking expression without   through your action desire automatically  expresses itself so if you're talking about   boredom it's not something you really want it's  probably something that's maybe prestigious or   something other people think boy you did that  but you're not you don't have a desire for it   and you don't really want it you the want comes  first the desire comes from planting it in your   mind over and over and over again the desire is  the effort of the unexpressed possibility within   seeking expression without through your action I  have a desire to build this come much bigger level   sandy does everybody in our company does that's  why we all keep working at it never get bored   boredom boredom see absence of a creative idea you  want to write that down that's your problem you're   bored it's the absence of a creative idea that's  why Elford editor said I'm grateful to the idea   that has used me next one well this next question  is a little different but a nice follow-up how   do I motivate myself to get emotionally involved  with my idea goes back to one again again you'll   motivate yourself it's something you really want  you got to really want it though yep you don't   really want it you won't do it Kennedy President  Kennedy really wanted America to get to the moon   he really wanted it so he didn't have difficulty  doing what Wernher von Braun said the will to   do it he asked him what would I need doctor to  do that the good doctor said the will to do it   the will this is a very important point we talked  about having a will you have perception the will   memory imagination intuition and reason there  are all higher faculties this is what separates   you from all the rest of the animal kingdom they  don't have that they can see hear smell taste and   touch their sensory factors all the animals came  to have that they don't have this only you have   this this is what separates you from all the rest  of the animal kingdom now and when you build the   picture of the good that you desire this is your  want what was the question I don't often attract   her how do I motivate myself to get emotionally  involved well yeah when you're going after what   you really want you don't have to motivate  yourself it's what you want become like the   little child they want it they keep said daddy  mommy I want this I want it I want it want it   you can't discourage the kid when you really want  it you're going to continually get emotionally   involved and that is how the desire is formed that  desire then automatically moves you into action to   produce the result you got a strong desire for  something you see it's that desire that controls   the vibration you're in the vibration you're in  dictates what you attract if it's money you need   you'll attract it when Hillery decided to go to  the top at remote everest he didn't know how to   get there nobody had ever been there but he knew  he would attract whatever was required Wernher   von Braun knew when he told Kennedy the only thing  you need to build a rocket that will take you to   moon and bring her back safely to earth is their  will to do it the will is the mental faculty that   enables you to concentrate on the one idea on  the one and that's how the desire is built here   working with your waking with mental faculties  that most people don't really understand I I   mentioned in almost every call that we're the only  creature on the planet we are the only creature   you make we're the only creature on the planet  it's totally disoriented in our environment all   the rest of the creatures at home are completely  at home in their environment they blend in they   blend in we don't we're totally disoriented  because we've been given these higher faculties   we've been given the ability to create our own  environment so Bob sits and he says I want to   build a company operates all over the world well  there's no formal education he has no business   experience so was he need you need people that  have business experience that has formal education   he needs people that has the smarts man if you  met some of the people in our company they'll   blow you away they're so brilliant you attracted  a guy here not too long ago Tommy Collier he's a   he's a creative genius we get we get Awards in  here from television for the trailers for some   of our seminars you can imagine and blew my mind  I tried to send Gallagher 33 years ago I had a   woman who was sitting at our reception desk I  can walk it in my office they said she says hi   Bob and I'm gonna walk it in the option somebody  who's the girl is there oh that's new girl Mike   just hired Jeana okay I didn't have an assistant  or anybody in whenever I wanted and done this is   when it was all on typewriters you know I had to  get somebody to do it for me well she was one of   the people I'd get to do but she did such a good  job I got the [ __ ] was the only person I go back   to she became my personal assistant she's been  my assistant now for 34 years she's absolutely   brilliant she anticipates things she just gets  him done you know just phenomenal it's him you   attract what you need we'll build the company  am I gonna know how to do it all there's all   kinds of things I don't know how to do I got a  young guy here in the control room when he was   13 years old he built a goal he set a goal that  he was gonna work with me at 13 and he lived in   Manchester in England do you know something he's  getting his landed immigrant status and he is the   director of this studio he's absolutely brilliant  absolutely brilliant he's 26 today you'll attract   whatever you require you don't have to stay  focused if you really want it when you really   want it you'll never let go of the idea that's  why von Braun told him told Kennedy the will to   do it the ability just hold the idea in your mind  you will hold it Carnegie put it very well now   Carnegie Andrew Carnegie was Napoleon Hills mentor  he's the one that commissioned him to write this   book he said any idea that's held in the mind  that's emphasized that you keep thinking about   that's emphasized it's either feared a negative  idea or revered a positive idea well begin at   once to clothe itself in the most convenient  and appropriate for available it'll move into   form that's an absolute law the law is perpetual  transportation of energy energy is always moving   into form she were working with laws of the  universe we're part of the universe we're the   highest form of creation in the universe so it's  a matter of really understanding who we are what   we are where we're going thanks man err Mikey  this next question I heard you and a lot of the   things you're talking about makes sense I need  to know what do you mean by natural laws are the   laws you're talking about back twice with science  oh yeah that's how we got to the moon in fact the   laws are God's modus operandi you know at one  time it was believed that science and religion   were antagonistic Werner von Braun was considered  the greatest scientists that ever lived father of   the space program he said something interesting  he said after years of studying the spectacular   mysteries of the cosmos I've been leading to a  firm belief into the existence of God he said   the natural laws of this universe are so precise  that we don't have any difficulty now building   spaceships sending people to the moon and you can  time the landing with the precision of a fraction   of a second he said these laws must have been set  by somebody God's laws that's what they are and   you're not gonna learn them here in 15 minutes but  if you keep studying keep studying our material   see I believe we've got one of the most complete  programs you'll find anywhere in the world I don't   say that because my name is honours and your names  on it I don't say that for that at all I say it   because of some of the people I've studied with  they're absolutely brilliant I'm not in this for   em grand iseman I'm in this for helping you learn  what I learned so you can enjoy what I enjoy I'm   86 I've got as much energy as most people 36 or  56 I have no intentions of slowing down absolutely   none I just want to teach this to more people  and on a bigger scale that's what we're doing that's what I think you should do see that's God's  will we're doing we're doing God's will what is   God's will God's will is greater good expansion  fuller expression that's right God's all about   expansion and fuller expression do greater good so  that's what we're doing really good as everybody   in our company is doing our purpose is to live and  work in a prosperous environment that encourages   productivity and pleasure so that we can improve  the service we render to our family our company   next this next question how can I know what my  current self image is and is it helpful to know   it it's so that I will be able to change it  is it help it you know I was gonna say it's   essential you know it is not but it is helpful  well all you have to do is take a look at your   life and your life is an expression of what's  going on inside so you know it's this is not   rocket science it really not and you don't have  to get to articulate with it but think of this you have the ability to pay conscious attention  to what you're doing you can see hear smell taste   touch so that helps you deal with your outside  world so start paying attention to your own   behavior are you doing the things you really  want to do pay attention to your results are   you getting the results you want to get now if  you're not getting the results you want to get   it's probably because you're not doing some of  the things you want to do well here's what you   want to grasp you've got an image in here it's  called your self image and that self image is   controlling all this what you do and the results  you are getting and you ask yourself do I have to   know all aspects of this don't but this is what  you want to know if I sit and say this is the   kind of person I want to be I'll give you an idea  I wanted to be very effective at what I'm doing I   want to get better at it every day every seminar  I put on I want to be better than the last one   you know I spent a good part of yesterday just  playing with the ideas and what I was gonna do   on this program today it's been almost all day  yesterday I was up early this morning spent all   morning I don't want it I want to get I'm very  good at this but I'm nowhere near as good as I   can be if we are God's highest form of creation if  all things are possible then I quote walk across   a pool I could make myself weightless and walk on  top of the water and I have man I have not learned   how to do that now why do I say that I say that  just as an example there's always you can always   get better at what you're doing now I don't know  what other people in our industry are doing I   really don't understand any time thinking about  other people in our business I know they're not   doing what I'm doing because they're not me and  I want to get better at what I'm doing now how do   I do that well I do it by checking the results  forgetting if we're getting more results we're   getting through to more people then we got to be  doing it better if they're getting better results   you got to do it better so I want to keep building  an image of how to get better now do you have to   know your present one no you don't but you can get  a pretty good idea of what your present result is   if you just take a look at what you're doing  how you treat people and how you permit people   to treat you like I won't permit people to not be  nice to me if they're not next to me they're not   in my life very long okay I'm in you take a look  at the results you're getting that's an expression   of your L self-image means they know what I  love to do things different do I want better   results then build a picture of it here you build  the picture here then start to get emotionally   involved with that picture and you'll find pretty  soon this will start to change and so Liz that's   where it works yes I would recommend everybody buy  the book psycho cybernetics psycho cybernetics was   written by dr. Maxwell Maltz it was written around  1960 it was really the greatest psychological the   discoveries of his generation now let me explain  what happened mulch was a reconstructive surgeon   I have plastic surgeon and he would find he  would maybe remove a very distasteful scar from   person's face and he and it was very successful  you couldn't even tell the scar was there after a   while so there would be a definite change in their  physical appearance but no change psychologically   now in another situation they may remove a very  distasteful scar not only was there a change in   the person's physical a tremendous change in their  personal behavior in their psychological self they   thought different of themselves I talked to a  young lady not long ago had a little bump taken   off her nose and I said you feel different  well she says I feel so much better about me that's what most notice he said sometimes there  was a great change physically no change mentally   sometimes there a great change physically a great  change mentally that led him to postulate that   we have an inner self image when we look in the  mirror we see the image coming back from the man   far from the mirror that's a physical expression  that's the physical expression of herself but   we've got another image inside that nobody sees  but us the only see expressions of it that's how   we act how we live how do we feel about ourselves  how we think next time we had nine minutes this   next question oh how can we focus more on what is  important than on what it's urgent oh well you're   talking about priorities here and that's that's  different for each individual person you have to   you have to determine your own prior you've got  to create your own priorities what's important I   think it's important you move in the direction  you want to move in your life and you could   be accepting somebody else's order a priority  that's not always a good way to live you know   don't try and please somebody else please you  quit worrying about what other people think it's   what's important to you Carrie Whittaker wrote  a book one time Terry Cole Whittaker she wrote   a book called it's and the title of the book is  what you think of me is none of my business the   title of the book could teach you a lot don't  worry about what some of those things what's   important to you that's what you that's you  create your own priorities I think I've got   certain things that I've got to get done in  this company there's certain things that I'm   that I'm working on there's clients that that I  served them I it's a very important that I do the   best I can do for them and so I'm continually  thinking how can I improve my own performance thank you how do i oh wait how do  you read that one sorry self-image   is also impacted by environment how can  I make mine better well something means   to a large degree is impacted by your  environment because hold on a minute look care and we don't have time to get  into this and any any depth at all but the conscious mind reasons inductively and  deductively the subconscious is totally   deductive now what do we mean by that well you  remember I told you the subconscious mind has no   ability to reject it cannot differentiate  between what you imagine what's real what   Evers planted that's the way it is inductive  reasoning is when you take individual thoughts   and you pull them together and you build an idea  deductive reasoning is when you take the idea and   you just carry it out to its parts okay now  the conscious mind reasons both inductively   and deductively this is your thinking part here so  let's take a look at a person that's not thinking that's the way that person would be whatever  is going on in their outside world this is   shut down this is not working they're not  thinking the subconscious mind is wide open   their environment comes right in here that's the  way most people live in prison like that how do I   know that because they spent a lot of time going  into prisons I used to go into a maximum-security   once a month for about five years working with the  people getting to know them and I've seen a lot of   them really changed and changed dramatically which  is another story but they're in that environment   all they're talking about is crime there's  no rehabilitation system it's a penal system   they breed crime in those places so whatever's  going on goes right in here that is the reason   for the recidivism rate it's up around 85 or 90  percent when a person's leave prisons they go   back again in fact they're leaving the guards  will say I'll be back and they say don't hold   your breath growth they come back why they're  programmed you're a product of the environment   take welfare recipients almost third fourth  fifth generation people on welfare welfare   recipients it goes on to generation somebody's  got to break it somebody has to start to think close this off don't just let anything go in  there okay now that's another lesson all of   its own but certainly give you a room for  thoughts you got another four minutes what   you got there Mikey let me mention before we  go any further the lady that's on the call   here with me is in she's in Dallas Texas and  she is our chief operating officer she's also   the marketing director of our company and she's  one of the nicest people in our company she has   an absolutely incredible attitude everybody  talks about Mikey they refer to her attitude   she's got a great attitude and she started with  us she was a nanny for someone that came to do   some work for us she had no business experience  absolutely none now she's the chief operating   officer she's the senior people in our company  she's not marketing director she has changed   the image that she has of herself one hundredfold  he solved a lot of other people including me next   question there Mikey and thank you for your  help with that Bob you're quite welcome this   next question how do I not let my self-image be  affected by what other people think about me oh   that's you've got to say wait a minute do I want  to live the way I think they think I should live   or do I want to live the way I want to live  that is very important you get that straight   absolutely refuse to do things just to please  other people so that they'll be pleased with   you that's a bad trip at its very best you live  the way you want to live just make sure you do   it well help as many people as you can give as  much as you can givers gain the more you give   them where you're going to receive you don't  have to worry about getting I love the way   Ziegler used to Zig Ziglar he was a great teacher  he said you help enough people get what they want   they'll always give you what you want that's the  way it works good Mikey next question I'm having   a hard time looking for opportunities right now  how or what signs should I be looking for do you   know if you're having a hard time looking for  opportunity I know exactly what your problem is   you're trying to get something quit trying to  get think of how you can help people where can   you help people and listening you may not have  any money you may not have any talent forget   that you do have talent quit trying to get quit  looking how to get most people think about for   junior something you get no no it's something  you give there's more opportunity right now I   know a company that's growing at such a rapid  clip right now it's staggering because they're   trying to help people our company is growing  right now because we're trying to help people sit down and say what am I really good at how can   I help people with what I've got going  for me that's where the opportunity is it's that's what Think and Grow Rich no point  in Hills book is all about getting the point   in Hills both Think and Grow Rich my goodness  I've been there look I get elastic around this   because Bonaparte look at see pages are coming  out here there's a page you're gonna keep putting   them back in the pages are falling out of the  book literally I've been reading this every day   since October the 21st 1961 and just keep going it  okay now Pammy Iram Mikey and Scott are you there   hello Scott I'm here and Mikey Mikey I want you  to join with me and you and I are gonna sing happy   birthday to my niece who's 60 today I remember  when she was born she was so sad as a baby her   she couldn't open her eyes and she had black hair  she looked like an Eskimo baby it seemed really   right hair was sticking all over the place I  remember going over the hospital to see her   and I thought wow what a little love I hope take  her I'm gonna hug her and and she's just as much   a love today as she was then so come on happy  birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday   dear Pammy happy birthday to you oh yes she's 60  today some of you people know her that we're in   seminars because Pam comes to a lot of seminars  she's a great woman wonderful mother good wife   and a phenomenal entrepreneur Scott I want to  thank you for the great job you're doing here   in the control room Mikey you are the best you  are the best you get everything so goin so good   here and I'll we've got we got a phone you got  a lot of my keys in our company just absolutely   great people Mikey thank you okay thank you Bob  before we drop off um I don't want you to forget   to mention that people can opt in for a free  coaching session from this well yeah listen   some of you had questions there we've got we've  got some people that are very well educated in   this it can help you if you want if you want to  talk to somebody about your particular situation   leave your information leave your email your  phone number but leave your phone number tuned   so we can text you and let one of our coaches sit  down with you spend a half hour so it's not gonna   cost you a nickel and it can literally change your  life also you've got the ability share this share   this whole broadcast or somebody if you've got  a meeting let's send it out to them make people   aware of this make this a real good Friday for all  kinds of people but let us help you if you've got   something that stuck in your mind and you think  gosh I wish they could talk to them one on one   you can you can we've got just phenomenal staff  of people in this company and I love mom I just   you know I feel so fortunate Good Friday mine is  the best Friday I mean it's just my life is just   it's a bullet cherries it really is just keeps  getting better and it's because of you and you   and you and you all of you make it so good Mikey  thank you and listen don't you go struggling with   the problem give us a call one of us sit down with  you and we'll show you how to solve the problem   there's no end to what you can do you see we're an  opportunity company opportunity is how you can do   something for somebody that's all we want to do we  want to help you let us help you Thank You Mikey   and we will do another one of these in the very  near future within let's say within a week I'll   do one within a week what's the man's name out  in in California the greatness Louis house Louis   house full of greatness I'm going to do another  call with him on Monday I don't know if she play   out right away does he play alive or what's it  this guy he does a phenomenal job and what's the   name of his program it's the school of greatness  podcast the school of greatness podcast this guy   is incredible he does phenomenal research and he  shares it with millions of people well he and I   are going to sit down again I did a year ago with  him I found him a fascinating guy first of all it   took us about a year to get our schedules so he  could sit down with him and we got a set up I   understand for Monday I'm looking forward to it  so if you're listening Luce I'm looking forward   to being with my friend and I want to thank all  of you for tuning in have a good Friday but if   you're stuck let us help you you know just  leave your information somebody on the call   to you Thank You Mikey thank you Scott thank you  everybody I know I hope you enjoyed this video   we put a lot of good information up here and it  causes everything in your life to get better if   you'd like us to notify you every time you put  a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on   notifications check out all our videos and  we will notify you when we put a new one up
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 213,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Rules for life, Personal development, Change your life, How to manifest money, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Spirituality, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, universal laws, goals, new year, growth, subconscious mind, think and grow rich, Coronavirus, covid-19, fear, health, virus, healthy
Id: QlDHuoeuWLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 3sec (5583 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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