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wonderful was as much exuberance as you can got it how do you feel that is perfect welcome to Los Angeles we are excited to have you here bob has worked on this program for the past couple of months solid totally rewrote it took time out of his schedule just to do that and he is so jazzed this weekend is about you it's about what you want it's about getting a head start in the new year and regardless of whether you think you can or you can't you can and as you go through the weekend things are gonna start to pop and you're gonna say wow I never thought of that before how many of you been here before cool how many first-timers nice nice well first timers welcome how many of you were streaming and came to us okay not that many okay we have got a great video that we're gonna play for you right now so Tommy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen Sandi Gallagher a Bob Proctor [Music] [Music] [Music] breathing [Music] Wow are you guys ready for this yeah now how many first-timers here first time at one of our events stand up I can't see you oh my gosh turn around look look at this this is amazing and I'm so excited about this I'm also wondering how many streamers this is the first time this is the camera that talks to the streamers I want everybody to stand up we with this room and the streamers we have over 4,000 people tuning in from a hundred and eleven countries so let's stand up and say hello to the streamers welcome streamers that is so cool you know I always get super excited when I see people say this is the first time at one of our events because it was in 2006 that I went to my first Bob Proctor event and I bet you there's some people in here you don't know what you're getting in for it's like someone invited you and here you are and you're like what's to come well that was me I didn't even know it was a Bob Proctor event and you know it's said in the video and this is so true it was just minutes before I felt like he chopped my head off and shook it all around and put it back on and I'm sitting there going what's up what's down what's right what's left and he got me to reevaluate my life in such a big way and so I'm so excited what I really want for you is to think of this not as a seminar but as one of the most special experiences you're gonna have in your life and I want you to really invite the idea of this being a magical three and a half days together because it has the ability to completely transform your life if you take this information and you apply it and you suspend disbelief at times and you just say to yourself I'm gonna play full out I'm gonna give this everything I got and your whole life can totally be transformed in one seminar one event and it's extremely powerful so just give that to yourself that you're gonna play full out I'm particularly enthused about this seminar because as Jeana said bob has spent months and the truth is he spent over 50 years creating this program it's a brand-new program and it's extremely powerful and we're so proud of it and I just know you're gonna love it so just tighten your seat belts and get ready for an amazing experience you know a lot of what what we're going to be doing in here sandy has done just according to the way we're going to teach it over the past 10 15 years it's it's a program that covers material now I don't I've never been to another program where you're going to get the material that we've got all put together as most of you know I started to study this a long time ago and I've been to many many programs and I've read an enormous number of books I have a wonderful library and you'll find real good information in one place but then there's something missing there's something really good in another place there's something missing there and I have found what we've done is put together information here that I think you're going to start to understand why there's such a very small percentage of the population that really make it you know over the past 50 years entrepreneurial that opportunities are all over the place and we find a lot of people taking advantage of them but then they don't get to where they want to go network marketing companies offer an individual the the opportunity to become very very wealthy but not that many do some do though any one that starts in one of those companies you go from the bottom right to the top yet a relatively short period of time if they really understood the rules now some do it I found years ago that a lot of very successful people were unconscious competence they did not know why they were doing what they were doing therefore they couldn't transfer it they couldn't give it to somebody else it was not transferable they had all this wandering wonderful information but they didn't know how to share it companies would be puzzled they would have somebody that's an absolute star I did a lot of work with the Prudential with Metropolitan Life with Great Eastern / nation the big insurance companies they would hire people and some of them go just like a rocket right to the top others they just get off the ground and then they stay there in everybody's puzzled why don't they go where they want the path is there and it's very clear now we've done a number of seminars on paradigms and a paradigm of course slows us down and it'll bring us to an abrupt halt if we don't do anything with it but you flip the screen on here first please there we go you're going to learn some ideas are you going to get involved in some ideas today and tomorrow mostly tomorrow that I think will open your mind it'll open your eyes and you'll start to see why people take off and really make things happen in a big way but they're in the minority I was living in England I was earning a lot of money and I had absolutely no idea why I was I was cleaning offices I was cleaning a lot of offices in a lot of different places but I couldn't tell you why I was doing well I thought it was in the cleaning business I wasn't in the cleaning business at all I was in this business I was helping cleaners set goals figure out how to get a better car bigger nicer home and one day I asked how did this how did I start winning like this and I couldn't answer it I couldn't even find anybody who could tell me see I was doing well and I didn't know why I fell into the category that most successful people fall into I was an unconscious confident and so I made it my mind I was going to try and figure it out and I started to study and I couldn't find anyone that could really explain it properly but I found a team of people over the number of years it took me nine and a half years and there was probably four or five people that were involved different teachers that helped me get the dots to connect and when I did all I wanted to do was share this and I think you're gonna find you're gonna want to do the same thing as you start to understand this all you want to do is share it with other people it's so simple it's so obvious and yet it's missed by almost everyone if you're very successful now and I know some of you are you'll start to see why you are yep you're giving it everything you've got you know you're pretty sharp and it's not going anywhere you're gonna understand why it's not now when I look at this quote of Albert Einstein was writing the first page in your book I when I look at it first I and in the thinking of this seminar I got thinking of of you of sandy sandy came to our company she was you could say another the Box kind of person to come into this business she was a securities attorney working with numbers with regulations government regulations working with banks merging banks turning them public all that kind of work and it was all very left brain work of course lawyers are left brain people and here she was getting into something where we were working with the other side of our brain how did you find it at first I have to laugh because I remember still in the seminar and Bob quoted Albert Einstein look at what he said when I examined myself and my methods of thought I came to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge and so when I came to the seminar you know I had a Juris Doctorate I I had all come Masters Degree in a bachelor's degree and I was practicing law and I remember Bob asked me how much in deals had I done during my career and I said well I stopped counting at a hundred billion and he said he looks at me and he said you mean a hundred million right and I said no my first deal was eight hundred ninety-three million dollars I mean I just I've worked in big numbers and you know the last time I fantasized was maybe in kindergarten and Bob was up on stage and he had this quote you know in a talent of fantasy I thought what and then he started talking about how we have to tap into our imagination we have to let our mind just fly and don't worry about how it's gonna happen just let your imagination fly and I started to kind of entertain this idea and then all of a sudden I flashed to my law colleagues and to my dad who was a client and I'm like oh my god what are they gonna think about this concept now you've been working at this for a while quite a while and she saw a host she wanted to buy it was out of her budget it was out of the box and they said I'll tell you what I want you to do get the agent to take you to the house and then when you get in the house ask them if they'd leave you alone just say just leave me in the house now I said I want you to go and sit in every room did fantasize that you're living in this house this is your room these lights yourself going to bed villages that revise yourself cooking and she thought I was right out of my mind I said you go do it because I'm gonna tell you something everything you require to own that house is already here you're just not in harmony with it however yep you do exactly what I'm telling you you're gonna find all kinds of crazy stuff will start happening and of course now you're in the house I don't know explain know the reason of what we're going through this some of you are very left brain some of you are going to your paradigms gonna try and get you to stop doing some of the things you were suggesting yep you do then you're gonna find they'll work but they're silly they're not what you're used to doing now when you started doing what happened when we're not in your mind you must have thought you were crazy I knew I was now everything started to change but I remember and I want you to think about this bob says the house is out of my budget well I never work with budgets I don't even like budgets but it was way beyond what I thought was reasonable in my mind I mean it was like at least a zero - beyond reason and but it was a beautiful home and you know I never seriously entertained the idea of buying it once I figured out how much it cost because I never even look at prices anymore how many of you go to the store and you look at the price to see if you're gonna like the shirt you know you look at the price if it's in the price range you're gonna look at it well I would do that with houses I'd look within a certain range and that's all I'd look at and then I started to just expand and not look at the price at all and I googled I was going to visit Cynthia Kersey on Whidbey Island and I googled luxury waterfront homes Whidbey Island and this listing popped up - at me and it and I just fell in love with it and so you know I tell Bob about it he tells me go make an appointment go see the house so I did and I saw it and then I called him and and he said well what do you think and I said I oh my god I loved it it was it was like it was built for me and so he says well now you need to go back and look at it and that's when he told me go live in each of the rooms and now I had been experimenting with the fantasy in the imagination and I had had some really good successes but this was like really stretching me and so I did it anyway because he kept saying do you believe what we teach you know and he's like you've got to do this so I go there and I go into each room well first off the realtor's are following me around trying to sell the house and so I'm like okay fine and I still remember standing in the kitchen and I turn and I look at him and I said would you mind just leaving me with the house just leave me to be with the house and they're looking at me like okay lady and so I went and I in each room like I went in the bedroom and I and I want you to think about this how silly this would seem to do but it's so powerful I went in the bedroom and I sat in the chair and I looked out at the water I imagined the fireplace going and having a book in my hand and reading and what that would feel like and then I went and I looked in the bathroom and I imagined taking a jacuzzi tub looking out at the water and then I went and used the restroom just pretending like experimenting I'm using my fantasy my talent of fantasy to feel that this is a real experience and then I go into the great room in the kitchen and I imagine my family there and we're having Christmas dinner and I can hear the conversations were having and the more I start doing this the more vivid it becomes and the more I really start to feel it and it became so real and so I saw the whole house and then called Baba what did you think I said oh my god I just I loved it I could really imagine living there and he's like okay now here's what you have to do now keep in mind I didn't have an offer down on this house at all no contract he says now you need to create a invitation to your family to come to Christmas dinner at your new home on Whidbey Island and I'm how I start chuckling like that's really funny and he said no I'm serious if you believe what we teach this is what you're gonna do and I'm like this is like really pushing some buttons but I created the invite and I sent it and they all RSVP yeah but what's this new house I'm Whidbey Island you know like we'll talk about that later and now see he's so smart now I'm in a corner I've got to make this happen I've got to do this and so I got the virtual tour running on my computer I had it on my iPhone I had a color book of the house I kept looking at it and visualizing imagining myself in that house I'm not using my positive specialized knowledge I'm using my imagination and fantasy and feeling it and what am I doing when I'm doing that I'm changing the whole vibration I'm in and all of a sudden I start attracting ideas and resources and ways to do this what women what you're really doing is you're following direction no that's what you're doing now we're gonna cover this a couple of different ways tonight I know if somebody else come up here later on and we're going to show you how things can happen where they're not supposed to happen they're not supposed to but they do happen now you have to ask yourself why is it that there's such a very small select group of people that really win how come why are there very brilliant people that lose ask yourself these questions now do you see some of you well I've mentioned before some of these are already very successful and you may think you know you've got there well we haven't got there doesn't matter how much you're earning doesn't matter how well you're doing there's still another level way beyond where ever you are yet every one of us can win by following exactly the same rules now we're will give you examples this evening the real purpose tonight of the program is just to get your mind loosened up a bit it would be like working with clay and you want to get the clay loose so you can start to work with it properly you don't want it too hard because it's only on a rare occasion that you're gonna be an environment like this this is not a common or a normal environment you've got people that have come from all different walks of life they've come from various different parts of the world and now of all come for the same reason there's something in here that's attracting them there's something there in harmony with there's something they want to get that's here and they're not sure what it is so you're in a magnificent environment here you can say things to people that if you're sitting on the street they'd look at you they think you're crazy if you said it to your family they'd say what are you talking about who the hell do you think you are you can't do that come on get real and how often you hear you got to be realistic you know well you see the idea we would normally do this just Friday Saturday Sunday but I said no let's do it Thursday night Friday Saturday Sunday and tonight what we really want to do is get you to stop and really think get rid of some of the jazz that's been going on your mind for the past few days and really start thinking because I've watched this happen now it happened with Sandy she ended up to our benefit as partner in the company and but there's other people here that similar results some even beyond what Sandy's accomplished but she complex that they accomplished it by following many of these rules you see when I started the man had given me this book thinking Grow Rich he said if you do exactly what I tell you you give anything Wow well I really didn't believe that and even if I had I had never done exactly what I was told in fact I did the exact opposite usually add what I was told but I didn't believe it but I had the idea that I thought he believes it and I started to do what he said and you don't like that things started to happen now I went a long time and it was while I was in England I really started to think how is this all happening and I didn't have any trouble getting into fantasy because that's where I was spending my time anyway I always lived in a fantasy world I never lived in the real world and that caused a lot of problems for me everywhere I went because they tell me to wake up you're stupid quit thinking that way you can't do that you say then you know what Einstein saying here I mean he was one of the brightest guys that ever walked on the planet I think it's pretty good advice for us to follow and that's pretty well along the line this program goes now we get into the next part here why is gold creation inert now we had that flashed in the film but we'll take another look at it because it does get interesting you know this is really interesting think of it this way the art of goal creation is truly a creative process the definition of creation is the manipulation of energy you're causing one type of energy to move to another type of energy how many of you thought of goals in that way before this moment I before that seminar I never would have thought of as goal creation as a creative process you know in the in the thought of manipulation of energy what does that mean to manipulate energy and how do we move energy from one form to another how many of you have boiled a kettle of water everybody in the room so you have manipulated energy you have moved energy from one form to another you have the water in the kettle you place the heat underneath it it turns into steam and if you keep it going it turns into ether and you have a burnt kettle it disappears into no thing and you can't even see it well what we want to do is the reverse of that we want to take the know thing and turn it into something physical in our world the truth is everybody's already doing it you're already doing this you usually do it on a scale that is very understandable and you don't really think of it the way you're doing it but you see we start with no thing and we create something this hotel was nothing but an idea in somebody's mind at one time the decor in the hotel it was nothing but an idea and someone's mind at one time the suit that you're wearing or the ring on your hand nothing but an idea in somebody's mind how did it become a suit or a ring how about your house how about everything that's in the house everything the house itself was nothing but an idea what you see the beautiful truth is you can't think and you can take ideas and you can turn them into physical form you know you're causing one type of energy to move to another type of energy if nothing's created or destroyed that's the only way it could happen there is no other way all science all theology make that very clear nothing's created or destroyed and here's an important point as this energy may never have moved into that direction until you came along it might never have moved in that direction think about that when I was in that seminar I came up with a goal cuz Bob kept saying what do you want what do you really want and you know at this point my imaginations running wild and I'm sitting there physically but I'm mentally in boardrooms and executive offices that I'd been in for the last two decades at that time and I I just was like I want to package this information and I want this in the boardrooms in the executive offices and I want to create a program with him and I could have left that idea in that seminar room but I I fell in love with that idea and then I manipulated the energies use the creative process to create it what idea do you have that you want to bring into form that's what you want to really get in touch with here when like sandy told me later on when she was there thinking that now there was a quick switch here you go from the very analytical legal individual you start fantasizing you see somebody doing something you think I want to do what he's doing this is way out of the box for a securities attorney there must have been something inside her that started moving she must have been in harmony with that concept or she wouldn't have felt that way about it however when you went to write it out what did you do well we had this little workbook and and I opened the workbook and you know Bob kept saying what do you want what do you really want because when this idea first came to my mind I just let it go I did not grab on to it and Bob kept talking and he said you know most people tiptoe through life hoping to make it safely to death he was quoting Earl Nightingale and I thought well that's kind of interesting and then he said for most people when their heart stops beating it'll be a mere formality and I thought hmm and then he quoted bill gold and Bill Gove was like the Frank Sinatra of public speakers and he quoted bill Gove saying if I want to be free I gotta be me not to me you think I should be not to me I think my spouse thinks I should be not to me I think my kids think I should be if I want to be free I gotta be me and I better know who me is and it was like this bucket of ice got dumped on my head and I was just like oh my gosh there's something more that I want to do and I started to fall in love with this idea something inside of me was really jazzed and coming alive and and so I opened the book and I wrote down in teeny tiny print I want to be in the inner circle of this company No hold on minutes she wrote it in little tiny print what would customers and do that that's a self-image see the image she was holding wouldn't permit her to see herself doing this and when she did there was an enormous conflict in her mind she sees herself as a securities attorney and here she is now who's going to do what I'm doing which was a long way to remove from what she was doing so she wrote it but in very very small writing in the corner of a page she really didn't believe it could happen now the paradigms trying to stop her but the desire is trying to push the paradigm out that's gonna happen to people here in this room I guarantee it'll happen may be happening somebody now but it will definitely happen because something is in you wants to express itself in a greater way and you're not letting it out there's some of you see yourself in positions where you can earn all kinds of money and you may be broke and the paradigm saying you can't do that and so you're gonna have this argument going inside just like sandy had to cause her to write it very small so that nobody could see it and then covered up a little matter shape I'm going to give you a couple of more examples before the evenings over what we want to do as they say tonight I want to get your mind to a point where you think well maybe this isn't too crazy maybe this guy has got it figured out the process well I have I really have you see I sat down with one of these one day and I said I'm gonna build a company that operates all over the world well we're talking to you and you're all over the world see you or the streamer you're the one that's permitting us to bring this ready into your home in your office onto your laptop maybe in your car from 111 different countries just before we started so do you see I had no idea how that was going to happen I only knew it was going to happen and that's where it works you won't know how it's going to happen Hilary did not know how to get to the top of the mountain until after he got there Ford didn't know how to build a v8 engine till after they built it yet you're not going to know how to execute your dream until after you execute it so do you see you gotta go where you've never been now that's sort of scary and exciting all at the same time but we're using examples that are real here goal creation involves certain progressive steps in the energetic process some of the steps require the use of your higher mental faculties so there's certain steps that you have to take in order to manipulate the energy to create what you want and you if you miss a step nothing's gonna happen so think about that think about what it is that you want what did you come here to the seminar for but get out a pad of paper if you will and write down what you think you came here for what you think it is that you want to create if you have to leave they're gonna give these over later and streamers make sure you do this to write down what you think you want to create here and as you're writing this down start to get emotionally involved with the idea how would you feel that this has already happened imagine something that could only happen after this has happened and how would you feel and what we're going to do is come back throughout the weekend and keep looking at this and expanding on it but I want you to think about that and then think about the fact that we're talking about progressive steps in the energetic process and that we have to tap into our mental faculties so what I mean there what are our mental faculties perception we'll the reason imagination intuition memory we've talked about imagination in that seminar Bob had my imagination going like crazy and that's why I came up with these goals be in the inner circle of this company be Bob Proctor's closest advisor create a program with him to bring into these companies and and then I write it in teeny tiny print because it was so far removed from what I thought I could do but if you listen to this if you follow the progressive steps if you understand how to manipulate the energetic process you know you can create anything you want so I slam the book shut I didn't want anybody at my table to see it I definitely didn't share it with anybody at the table and it was a smaller print than I've ever written cuz I didn't even want to see it and then what happened when I slammed the book shut my mind is telling me all the reasons I can't do it how ridiculous it is me who are you you're this corporate attorney Bob Proctor I mean he's been in this industry for 57 years now and he has an incredible team how am I gonna be in the inner circle this team and your mind just starts going and going but I kept coming back to falling in love with the idea and to opening my mind to understanding how to work with the creative process well if you're gonna work with the creative process you have to understand yourself so you're gonna see this program is broken into different parts and we are part of the animal world but there's no one on the planet so far as we know like us we have been gifted with higher faculties now you can go about what you see hear smell taste touch that gets you in touch with your material world and as long as you live in a physical body and correspond with the material world you're gonna be using those sensory factors yep you're going to execute the talents that you've been gifted with at Birth you're gonna have to get in and understand the higher side of your own personality we have young man Scott Edwards that works in the studio with me he's from Manchester in England fact he's in the back of the room here running this tonight the streaming and when I told him that we were writing this he said his perception going to be a part of it I thought about I thought the whole thing is based on perception see perception is one of our higher faculties perception is our point of view it's how we see things our perception is going to dictate what we see now that's one of the faculties imagination is another one intuitions one you see when you ask a question the answer is always there whatever you ask you get it problem is we don't understand that we really don't understand it if none that's created or destroyed and you've got a question you'd have to have an answer now that's based on the law of polarity that's the law of opposites there's a you couldn't have a question without an answer when you ask the question the answer is there it's a flipside coin it's like inside outside up down hot cold yes the opposite side the same thing so when you ask the question understand the answers there you got to be receptive or you won't hear it you hear it with your intuitive factor that's a higher faculty it's like memory or the will or reason so you've got little pets at home they don't have these faculties but we have them well these faculties when properly employed they have the potential to bring us into harmony with the law bring this physical instrument we're living in into harmony with the law when we do that then everything starts to flow I don't think I heard sandy tell you that her family was there for Christmas in her home it was her home by Christmas this was what was before Thanksgiving that she was wandering around playing make-believe you got to believe you got to make-believe and it was all fantasy but through the proper use of her faculties which she was beginning to learn about she brought herself into harmony with that house and when she was harmony with the house and the house was in harmony with her that's where she was living you're only having your life which are in harmony with if you don't like what you've got you better change the vibration you're in because you have attracted it into your life and if you don't like it I don't love you anymore the way you go you can't stay where you don't belong but you can't go where you don't belong either some of you want a lot of money but it's not welcome at your place it's not welcome so it doesn't come when it's welcome it'll come it goes RIT's invited you invited but then is not welcome the doors closed gets there you think with some of these things it's life changing now think about it well it says if you miss a step nothing happens that's where 97% of the people live 97% and I remember first hearing that and thinking that's just crazy that 97% of the people are not really making it happen and in fact when Larry King when I was interviewed by Larry King and he's interviewed people that you know famous people all over the world and I asked him I said of all the people you've interviewed how many do you think are really living the life that they want to live and he looked at me he looked me right in the eye and he said not many very very small percent now why is that why is that I remember when I first started fantasizing and imagining and I was keeping a journal of all these things that I wanted and we went to a family it's like a reunion we did every year at Lake curlew in Washington State and the whole family was there and I'm in the cabin and I'm writing all these things out doing what I was told to do at the seminar and then I go out and the whole family's by the campfire and I walk out and I'm like guess what I'm gonna do and I start telling them these things that I had come up with that are so far removed from where I had been where I was in my physical world I think with Sandy didn't elaborate on her father was her model he was a banking attorney and he was at Lake curlew in fact my mom told me when I was three I decided I wanted to be a bank an attorney just like my dad and I used fantasy and imagination to imagine myself being I didn't know what I was doing but to imagine myself being a banking attorney just like my dad and that was the whole path I was on dad and my brothers and cousins and they're all sitting there looking at me like what has happened to Sandy they really thought I had lost my mind I was just doing what I was taught in the seminar you gotta think about that when you leave this room you talked to people about this they're gonna think you are cuckoo I found out years after that first seminar that my family was thinking about doing a family intervention like what happened to Sandy and you know now hold on before you go any further I want you to take you know that sounds sort of funny they're gonna have an intervention and but that was very real she's quitting the law practice her dad was one of her clients he got a letter along with a couple of thousand other people it's over they thought she was out of her mind well I'm gonna tell you when you go out of here on Sunday yet you start talking about doing some of the things we're gonna suggest you're gonna have people that are very close to you that are gonna think you've lost it now I'm done exaggerating the reason we're teaching this the way we are right now is we want to get your mind into a state where you will open up and if you do you'll start to see why this works you really know how but you're gonna understand why yet it becomes so obvious you'll wonder why you've ever missed it but you have that paradigm man is it strong it's that little sucker inside of you that's controlling you so just everything the family's telling you was in harmony with the paradigm so here she is she's got all these people in her outside world her family her loved ones they're telling her that she's crazy and her paradigm is telling her she's crazy too and I'm saying no you're not crazy I don't think some of her family would ever speak to me if they saw me some of them don't like me I know they don't like me now I really don't give a damn but that's their problem I'm a nice person you know and that's the way I look at it I don't let what somebody else's opinion bother me you're never gonna get everybody to like you and if you're gonna do things that are extraordinary there's gonna be a lot of people that will say things about your probably aren't very nice this is not for lightweights if it was there wouldn't just be three out of a hundred there'd be 97 out of a hundred women and misery would be losing how did you handle it well when they we're all looking at me like I was crazy I actually you know I came out there I'm like this is what I'm gonna do and I was like so enthused about it this is what you're gonna be like when you leave the seminar and when they gave me those looks and they're like you know I mean they literally looked at me like I was just totally off my rocker and so I just sort of started to slink back into the cabin in my mind I abandoned these ideas that I wanted I so quickly just gone and I felt so alone because I I had something that had really woken up in me and then I was like everyone's looking at me like this is just insanity and then I thought wait a minute wait a minute what did I learn and what do I want and then I started thinking why am i listening to what they're saying what about what Bob Proctor was saying what about the results that he gets and I thought he has some pretty amazing results with a background that he'll tell you about he didn't make it through first year of high school he said he was losing and gaining speed he said he lost to his two jobs in one day and this is what where he was when he got exposed to this information and then I look at I mean he was sought after all over the world when I first met him at that seminar and he had helped millions of people around the world and I thought shouldn't I listen to him and so I decided I was going to listen to him you know that can be a difficult question to answer sometimes it certainly was for me on a number of different occasions because I went through what we're talking about and anybody's accomplished anything has gone through this if we're going to take advice from someone we should go to someone if we're asking for advice that's already getting the results we want to get and then ask them for help odds are they're gonna give you the help they're gonna tell you but they may not be in harmony with all the people that are close to you with your loved ones now after the fact once it's obvious you're on the right track then they'll say I knew you're right all along you know just the way it works well I just made a decision that I was gonna do what Bob said and lesson until I found out he was lying or he didn't know what he was talking about and that was twelve and a half years ago and my life has completely completely changed it's expanded in such a big and beautiful way but it started with me being very skeptical that this could work for me and I just listened to what he said I did what he said I sent the Christmas invitation out before I even owned the house that's just one of many things that I did I'll leave you with this and I'm gonna hand it over to Bob I had CEO of the company for four and a half months and I was still practicing law full-time and working on the program that I came up with in that seminar and Bob came to me one day and he looks at me he says what are you doing and I said what do you mean what am i doing and he's just glaring at me when you get the Bob Proctor look it's very unnerving and he's glaring at me and he's like what are you doing and then he goes are you in or are you out and I'm like oh my god it's time I have to leave the law practice and I wrote a beautiful letter and it was explaining why I was gonna leave this career that I built my life around and why I was going into this new career and it was just really a great letter but I kept cueing it up in my email and I couldn't hit sin so finally after this encounter I had it there all cued up over 2,000 people clients and colleagues and I was I was gonna hit Send and I couldn't do it so I picked up the phone and I called Bob don't ever call Bob if you don't want to do what you really want to do but you don't want to do it and I called him and he's like I go the letter is okeydoke Mike and IANS a hits in he goes jump you'll develop wings along the way he had said and I hit the send button oh and I heard that noise but I was thinking maybe it didn't go out so I looked in the outbox and I'm praying it's hung up in the outbox why am I freaking out Kyle cease was at one of our events he's a comedian he's brilliant and he said you can you can always measure what you're letting go of but you can never measure what you're gonna gain what you're gonna get and I think about that and I think back on that moment of freezing and then praying it's in the outbox hung up because I didn't know what was gonna happen after that I knew what I was giving up but here's the point one really important point I really wasn't giving up anything I was taking everything I had learned up to that point everything out experience and parlaying it into the next phase but I didn't know what that next phase would look like so I couldn't hit Send and then Bob just booming in my and I hit Send good timing guys and I looked in the sent folder and it and it had gone over 2,000 people and I freaked out but 24 hours later I had I think it was 892 emails back and every one of them was gosh I wish that I could do something like that I wish I had the courage to do something I wish I was passionate about something like that and then there were three that I'll never ever forget they were older lawyers they've been practiced in a long time very successful and they all said essentially the same thing which was I would love to do something like that but I'm gonna sit here at this desk till the day I die and I knew they meant it and they I'm sure they did probably still sitting there but I look back on that day and I am so grateful that I did that that I hit Send it it completely changed everything after that you can understand what we're talking about to some degree maybe you've applied it but there's something much bigger and better awaiting you and you've got to be at that point sometimes where you hit Send where you jump before you're ready where you walk through the fear because everything you want is on the other side of fear and there's nobody better in the world in my opinion than Bob Proctor to help you understand to the great degree that you're willing to do that and able to do that so I want to actually have everybody stand up and give this man a big hand for fifty seven years of his great work Peggy sandy I'm gonna ask you to flip over to page three in your binder you know there's greatness all around you but you're gonna have to ask for help if you don't ask you're not gonna get it yesterday morning at seven o'clock I was on the phone with Mark Victor Hansen he Ian Jack wrote the chicken soup books and marks writing a new book on ask he and his wife and he was interviewing me I was talking to him a day before the day before it was his birthday he was 71 and I was saying how time flies I was at his 50th birthday party was a big birthday party I said that was 21 years ago it seemed like yesterday but at any rate that's what I was talking to him day before yesterday and he was telling me about doing this book he said I want to interview for an hour or so so I said okay so I said happy early so we started at 7 o'clock and what he was doing was asking me about ask and I said well you know it's a strange thing he and and Jack and somebody else I forgot the other guy's name had written a book one time and in it one of them said our problem is we don't ask for enough and I agree with that we don't and we got talking about it and I've been thinking about it since the day before you know what role does ask play and you started to teach you down some interesting paths and I thought when I was a young guy I didn't ask for help I and I started to analyze that I had such low self-esteem I didn't think you'd help me if I did ask probably and because I had low self-esteem I wouldn't ask well this is written by Bob Richards this page bump Richards was a great pole vaulter and he's got some interesting advice on this page yep we're going to go after what we want and this is gonna be interesting as we get into this later tonight and tomorrow and next couple of days we're gonna go into an interesting place we're gonna go where you've never been he said during many people who could be Olympic champions all Americans who have never tried he's I'd estimate five million people who could have beat me in the pole vault the year I want it at least five million men who were stronger bigger faster than I was could have done it but they never picked up a pole they never made the fetal feeble effort to pick their legs up off the ground trying to get over a bar they didn't try well of course there's a lot fall into that category a lot don't ask but a lot don't try they went on to point out there's greatness all around us there's greatness all around you do you know when I made a decision that I was gonna do what ray Stanford was the man told me everything in my life started changing I mean and the biggest thing I learned though in that first situation was to do exactly what they tell you that's not easy to do first of all it probably goes counter to your paradigm your paradigms trying to drive you one way and somebody else is saying I don't do that's where the other way all the evidence said you shouldn't do what they're telling you but you got to do it well I learned that with Ray I was 26 I remember back when I was probably around 30 I thought it was kind of old when I started to think actually I now I look back I realized how young I was well then I got other mentors role ain't Gil and white Conant and I mean they were giants they started this industry in the recorded fashion and they became my mentors I was working with them one on one I always did exactly what they said every one of them I would pick people who demonstrate by results they know what they're talking about and I don't argue what I'll do exactly what they say now a person that's been dead for a couple of thousand years could have a greater impact on your life than somebody that's sitting beside you today they don't have to be alive I follow a mentor now that's been gone for quite a number of years close to 100 years is he but I'm doing exactly what he says I may read the same page I don't know for a year every day I want to get into his energy I want to see the way he see I want my perception to be the same as his now Richard says greatness is all around us it's easy to be great because great people will help you I mean that's huge if you if you don't know that let that burn right into your mind that's easy to be great because great people are all around you and they will help you he says what's fantastic about all the conventions that I go to is that the greatness in the business will come out and they share their ideas their methods their techniques and everything else he said I've seen the greatest salespeople open up and show young salespeople exactly how they did it they don't hold back I've also found it true in the world of sports when I was reading that about the salespeople I remember being in Chicago with them above 450 district agents from the Prudential yet they give out a trophy to the number one anything the number one agent number one manager number one VP dead 20,000 agents the number one was Bob's or run semper training front semper train was number one out of 20,000 agents and he was in this seminar strongly found urgent seminar asked me if he'd stand up and they said could I see a couple of questions I said run how many people in the last year have called you and asked if they could take you up by your breakfast or lunch that had maybe a half a dozen well-prepared questions not one surprise me I've done some research on this and what Richards talking about there there but people don't ask if you want to get good at something go to the best then do exactly what they tell you he says I'll never forget the time that I was trying to break Dutch warm Adams record that was about a foot below his record so I called him on the phone I said Dutch can you help me I seem to have level off and I can't get any higher he said sure Bob come on up and visit and I'll give you all I've got he said I spent three days with Dutch the greatest pole vaulter in the world for three days Dutch gave me everything that he'd sing there were things that I was doing wrong and he corrected them to make a long story short I went up 8 inches 8 inches must seem like an enormous height he said this great guy gave me the best that he had I found that sports champions and heroes willingly do this just to help you because you're great a liquid John Wooden what we've got here about him he said that he's obligated to help somebody everyday who has no chance of ever reciprocating um well this waddles on the science of getting rich chapter 14 it was leave everyone with the impression of increase doesn't matter we have come in contact with contact with leaving with the impression of increase now let's think for a moment Emerson was a pretty sharp sharp guy Ralph Waldo Emerson he said the law of cause and effect is the law of laws what ever you put out is gonna come back so you don't have to get it back from them you're gonna do things for people they'll never have the opportunity to do isn't for you what do you care they're part of the universe you put it in the University University give it all back it's the law it has to come it's a law these laws aren't man-made so they can't be changed by man fell in love with the idea leaving everyone with impression of increase died said when in college working on his master's thesis on scouting and defensive football George Allen wrote wrote up a 30 page survey and sent it out to the great coaches in the country 85% answered it completely that's why they're great great people share that's what made George Allen one of the greatest football coaches in the world great people will tell you their secrets look for them call them on the phone buy their books go where they are get around them talk to them it's easy to be great when you're around great people Richards was a great pole vaulter he competed in three different Olympics last my dad was in Melbourne in 1956 I got a very dear friend he's gone now milk Campbell who won the decathlon in Melbourne in 1956 great stories attached to him and won't take the time out now but and I remember he was he knew exactly where he was going great people do that they don't wonder whether they're gonna reach the gold they've already know they're gonna reach the gold they're committed commitments part of this program and Ian Rainford Johnson were running through the Olympic Village down in Melbourne in Raiford system Milty said if Mill told me this once he told me a thousand times he said well what do you thinks gonna happen mill said Rayford you've wasted your time coming here this one's mine he didn't wonder whether is going to get to his target he didn't wonder Rayford obviously did because he's asking Mill what's gonna happen Meltzer you've wasted your time this one mine see he knew well when you set the goal you got to know you're gonna reach it now it's a great story there about Richard's asking that's warm under damn about helping them let's take a look you got to clip there of Richards look at this now watch him turn and lift himself in the air please that over again Kenya amazing now listen to this for Mama we're doing it again again there he goes he cleared it last time didn't he Warmerdam eclipsed the 15 foot mark on April the 13th 1940 when he was a 24 year 24 year old high school mathematics teacher yet in the next four years he broked the world outdoor record six more times and cleared 15 feet 43 times that was warmer done no one else made it 15 feet even once until Bob Richardson 1951 broke Warmerdam 's record he's the one that helped him to have one of his films give in and then wherever then I guess not we can't go back that far alright No this quote but wooden is is pretty powerful I'm supposed to help someone everyday who can never reciprocate W Clement stone in 1970 was the wealthiest man in the United States he built they combined insurance company W Clement stone read the Magnificent obsession one weekend and then made up his mind he would live by it the Magnificent obsession was written by a Christian minister and it's a marvelous book and the concept behind it is give but don't let anybody know you've given it to them he had stone had programs going in prisons all kinds of help all over the world he gave and gave and gave he became the wealthiest man in America now this is a pretty good concept it's one that we might all attempt to adopt do something for someone when you know they cannot return it just do it and let it go now let's flip over here whoops they do there if we turn over on page four think thoughts feelings and actions if you're sitting at home I truly hope you have downloaded your book and I want to say hello to Elma rushing so Alba I want to I want to thank you for pushing your trust in us and I want to welcome you to the proctor Gallagher Institute sandy and I are very happy you've joined us I was talking to Monica de marrón today and she was telling me that you have joined our company as a consultant Alma lives out here in Orange County and she is our newest consultant anywhere in the world open Orange County suami I want to welcome you and you're gonna have a wonderful time working with us we're good people to work with we work with great ideas and you're gonna help a lot of people you'll earn a lot of money and you'll have a lot of fun because you're gonna take control of your life we're gonna treat you we're gonna train you to do everything that you want to do and this is the area I work in so I'll be working with you quite a bit now that lady made a decision she was going to step out and be in her own business two things for herself Alma has there's people all over the world that are tuned into this and they want to do the same thing you want to do you want to do something extraordinary you want to tap into that mm a big part of you that you know is there yet you just don't feel you're utilizing it properly that's that god-given power within you you see our spiritual DNA is perfect there's perfection within us we've been taught that but I don't know as we really understand it now if you look on page four down to line eight when we look back at our lives honestly we can see there were a number of defining moments that determine the quality of our life I can and I'm sure you can you can look back and you'll see different points why why did you accept the idea why did you do what you did why did you believe them why did you step out and bet on you see I think it's important that we do reflect back every now and then the good part about looking into the past is we really just remember the good times I mean I could tell you some stories that would probably ruin the rest of the week for you of what happened in my life but I don't want to spend any time looking at those I don't remember them very often or very well but there's a lot of good times and man I've had some phenomenal things happen I had a bumper sticker for a long time I was talking to I was talking to somebody just the last day about it it said expect a miracle expect a miracle and a tree the way I sort of live I expect miracles how do you see I don't think there's miracles as we think about them I think miracle and luck and chance and those things the vault here said we invented those words to express known effects of unknown causes so a miracle is really something so big something so wonderful happening that you're at a loss to explain how it happened you know that's never like the secret that's where the secret was to me it was like a miracle thank god there's a half a billion people say that so my face and my teaching is in front of a half a billion people and I didn't even try for that they were looking for me and we say it's a well-known fact that a high percentage of the population in every part of the world miss out on much of the goodness that could be theirs why why is that why do people play it safe what percentages are we we raised with the idea it's better to be safe than sorry that's a bunch of jazz that's not better to be safe and sorry at all it's much better to be sorry if you're taking chances and getting out there and really finding out what you're capable of you know decision is a very big part of everything that our company teaches decision was a very big part of the thinking Grow Rich book Napoleon Hill had to had 60 seconds to make a decision but he didn't know that he didn't know he only had 60 seconds and Carnegie had asked him the question he had 60 seconds to answer it he answered it in about 25 seconds changed his life in the lives of millions of people because of the work it gave him well right here between 17 and 23 put a circle around that paragraph make a decision now that in six months a year five years from now when you look back at the time that you spent on this program that this too will be a significant and pinnacle moment in your life up to this point make up your mind that that's what this particular seminar is going to be okay now how can we do that we can do that by really paying attention I see they've printed up some little rules I guess let's take a look at them there's a card here everybody got that card it's two different colors it's the art of gold creation pact it's a pact they're saying they're calling it a pact well here it is anyway participate fully make a commitment right now you're gonna participate fully no half way listen and follow directions quickly listen listen and follow directions quickly three place books and belongings on chair before you leave the room at lunch and it breaks place your books and stuff on your chair before you go to break for leave the room immediately at the break or at lunch so he can clean up the space there seems to be always some people that want to hang around hang around it it's easier to work when the room is clear we've got people that are wanting to make sure it's tidy and the last one post on social media I guess that's hashtag is at Bob Proctor right now let's all try and follow this how would we look back five years six months two years and say boy this was really an important thing I'm so glad I went to that weekend now that'll happen if you really let yourself get into this you really let yourself get lost okay now you've probably a lot of seminars in the past and possibly have heard some of what you're going to hear here in this seminar but you probably never had it if you keep going here in the context that it's going to be presented over the next couple of days and it's like Scott Edwards there said talking about perception it's when you you you hear some information you some of it well I know that I heard that before but then when it's make for something else you put the two different pieces of information together and everything seems to change your perception about the situation changes completely this is why going to be open ready for the suggestions in the inner circles an interesting thing happened one day on an inner circle it's a coaching program we have that I work with the people on and there's every now and then we'll have a Q&A with the inner circle and there's there's one person he was on the Q&A and he said you know Bob he said I've always got questions he said I think of these questions and I and I write them down because I want to remember them because I know you've got the answer for these questions that I'm thinking of and then when I'm on the call I could ask the question and I know the answer I smiled and I said that's really interesting you know what's happening you think that I'm gonna get the answer I'm the medium through which you get the answer and so when you go to ask the question when you're with me on the call then you're receptive to the answer you think I'm gonna give it because you've moved into a receptive state the answer is there it was always there you just weren't receptive it was an interesting point they come out well understand this when you ask the question the answer is already there I have so many people come and say you know they'll explain something to say what do you think I should do I'll look at them and I'll say you already know what you should do you already know what they're looking for is approval see the answers are always with us we've got the answers the trick is to act on them act on them now consider for a moment all the special instruments and things we have that only a short time ago weren't even fantasies I mean right movement had such a clip I was saying something somebody the other day I said I'd never been in an uber and you talk about opportunities and I heard a boat over when it first started dummy could have bought some nice stock there yeah any rate under been in one and somebody said how come I don't know I just never have well do you know there's all kinds of things around that are handy that we don't use there's the biggest taxi company in the world they don't own a car you know think of all the things we've got at our disposal today I mean we got a lot of things that are sitting that we can use to change our life like that are we aware of them do we know how to use them are we taking advantage of everything that we've got understand the potential has always been here to create all the wonder of all these wonderful tools it's always been here the way to build one of these microphones it'll pick up and amplify my voice even though those no wires attached to it the way to do this has always been here but it's only recently we've been able to do it book on demand printing on demand you don't need to have thousands of books printing you get have one printed somebody got smart and got a new idea going all the different things that we have the that we've got my god it's a computer you can stick in your shirt pocket all these things we've got have always been here where did they come from they came from the marvelous mind of an individual that was looking at improving the quality of their life and the quality of other people's lives so we want to get our mind into a very receptive state because we're gonna be talking about going somewhere where we've never been and to do that it's not an easy thing to do because there's a little person lives inside of you that we call our paradigm and it's gonna try and talk you out of it it doesn't want you to do it yet it's gonna hold you back well you know I don't really know I don't need to do that I know this stuff you know I know what the hell I've studied for a long time you know what you want to do is take a look at what you're doing I don't care how well you're doing take a look at it and say is this really the best I can do see the truth is we don't know about the best we can do it's so far beyond where we're living yet if we're going after it that's living and if we're not that's dying it's that simple yep you're going after something you already know how to get you're not growing and if you're not going after something you don't know how to get you're probably dying you're either going sideways you're going backwards now we come back we're gonna be talking about something where you're really going to investigate your potential and then I'm gonna a little later on I'm gonna get somebody come up we're gonna talk about goals that have been reached that are ridiculous odds from really nowhere to extraordinary success so I want you to to really open your mind and become receptive now at the end of this program we're gonna ask you to pick a couple of accountability partners we're gonna do this in threes so each one of you have to have two now if you're sitting next to your spouse or your business partner or something make sense I just pick you that's probably not the best person to pick you want to pick somebody that's not gonna let you off the hook you want somebody that if you say it you're gonna do it you pick somebody to be your accountability partner that you've got a lot of respect for and you wouldn't want them to think badly of you now don't be in a rush to pick somebody don't be in a rush you've got until Sunday afternoon don't feel obligated to pick anyone / in particular but we do want you to pick - then you're gonna sign a little pact and you're gonna communicate on a fairly regular basis not for a long time just for a very short time but just making sure you're staying on track when you are accountable to someone you have raised the odds of your success tremendously you've just moved it away up the scale and if you're going after something like we're gonna be recommending it's gonna scare you it'll scare you now you're tough you know you're not gonna tell anybody you're scared but you'll be scared and so you need help and the accountability partner makes a big difference see Peggy McCall here you've been into this for a long time makes difference doesn't it increase your income substantially yeah okay now we're gonna take a break is Jeana around there she is I want you to give this woman a hand she has worked no hold on hold on she has worked with me now for 33 years and I'm gonna tell you you couldn't find anyone that could equal her god she's just phenomenal she anticipates things I phone around say she's already I've already got it it's done you think give her a big hand [Applause] all right in the room right now they're gonna play a quick housekeeping video for those that are live with us but I wanted to come and talk to you guys we have about a thousand people who are watching this right now for free on Facebook and YouTube and the free preview is ending right now so first I want to really encourage you to join us for the entire weekend I want to join encourage you to share this on your social medias to your friends and family members can watch this too this was an incredible first 90 minutes now I know Bob and Sandy are just scratching the surface and I can't believe how deep this seminar has gotten in just the first 90 minutes I cannot wait for the rest of the seminar we're gonna go the rest of the night which is about 90 more minutes but I was talking about Phil bullvine who he's gonna bring up and talk about goals Phil is a goal master he's been listening to everything Bob and Sandy have said to do for the last 20 years I think and the things he's achieved are incredible so you don't want to miss that session and for those of you joining us for the free review when you sign up right now you're gonna get the workbook emailed to you right away so you can download it and join us over on our real live stream page where you can chat with everyone who is live streaming in for the weekend now for our live streamers we are so incredibly happy that you're here go ahead if you haven't already got your workbook in front of you get your pen out it's gonna be great rest of the evening 90 more minutes we'll go until 10 o'clock Pacific all day tomorrow Saturday and Sunday so take a quick break and we'll be right back in 20 minutes
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 93,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bob proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute
Id: G3kFQUSf42k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 46sec (5626 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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